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Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Verfahrens zur Datenspeicherung in Data-Warehouse-Systemen auf Basis des Information Lifecycle Managements (Forschung zur Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft | Advanced Studies in Business Digitization)

by Sebastian Büsch

In Data-Warehouse-Systemen (DWS) stehen verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, um Speicherkosten zu senken (wie Nearline-Storage oder Archivierung) oder Datenanalysezeiten zu verringern. Bisher fehlte allerdings ein geeignetes Verfahren, um zu bestimmen, welche Mittel für welche Zwecke und welche Daten eingesetzt werden sollten. Der Bereich der Klassifizierung von DWS-Daten unter der Berücksichtigung von Anwender- und Administratorenwissen, der Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems und auch des Informationslebenszyklus stellt einen offenen und notwendigen Forschungsbereich dar, der mit diesem Buch geschlossen wird. Diese Klassifizierung kann anhand des Lebenszyklus von Daten in Data-Warehouse-Systemen erfolgen. Die Daten durchlaufen verschiedene Phasen von ihrer Erstellung über Nutzung bis hin zur Archivierung und werden darin unterschiedlich häufig verwendet. Nur ein geringer und im Zeitverlauf abnehmender Anteil an Daten eines DWS wird aktiv verwendet. Um eine wirtschaftliche Datenspeicherung zu erreichen, müssen zu jeder Lebenszyklusphase passende Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Statt einer einheitlichen, phasen-unspezifischen Verwaltung aller DWS-Daten kann so eine lebenszyklusabhängige Speicherung erreicht werden.

Entwicklung von innovativen Strategieoptionen in gesättigten Märkten: Eine Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen basierend auf dem Mobilfunkmarkt in Deutschland (Business Analytics)

by Anett Gabriela Oldenburg

Ein effizientes strategisches Management stellt - besonders in Zeiten stagnierender Märkte - das wichtigste betriebliche Steuerungsinstrument dar. Prof. Dr. Anett Gabriela Oldenburg befasst sich mit dem bisher noch wenig erforschten Gebiet der strategischen Neuausrichtung im deutschen Mobilfunkmarkt, um die vorherrschende Marktsättigung mit Hilfe eines innovativen strategischen Gesamtmodells zu überwinden. Aus der Synthese der Forschungsergebnisse wird auf der Unternehmens- und Geschäftsfeldebene detailliert gezeigt, wie Unternehmen durch eine fundierte strategische Umstrukturierung - in Form von Weiterentwicklungen der Strategieelemente und Erweiterung von Kompetenzen - nachhaltig wettbewerbsfähig werden können.Die AutorinProf. Dr. Anett Gabriela Oldenburg verfügt über Managementerfahrung in den Bereichen Strategieentwicklung und Business Development in Unternehmen der Kommunikationsbranche. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind „Strategisches Management“ und „Innovationsmanagement“.

Entwicklung von Planspielen für die Lehre: Anforderungen – Methodik – Lerneffekte (essentials)

by Jörg Thiemann

Die Anforderungen an Aus- und Weiterbildungen ändern sich stetig und werden immer komplexer. Sie sind mittlerweile so vielfältig, dass ihnen kaum eine einzelne Lehrmethode gerecht werden kann, um Kompetenzen zu vermitteln. Neben Blended Learning oder Gamification werden auch Planspiele als Lehrmethode eingesetzt. Dieses Buch gibt zahlreiche Anreize und beschreibt anhand eines methodischen Vorgehens, wie mit einem wissenschaftlichen und transparenten Prozess, Planspiele für die Lehre entwickelt werden können.

Entwicklungen im Berichtswesen - Best Practice, Herausforderungen und Zukunftsaussichten (Advanced Controlling)

by Utz Schäffer Jürgen Weber

Das Berichtswesen zählt zu den Kernaufgaben der Controller. Mit ihm sind sie - dem WHU-Controllerpanel zu Folge - im Durchschnitt mehr als einen Tag in der Woche beschäftigt. Eine Vielzahl von Berichten wird von ihnen regelmäßig oder zu bestimmten Anlässen erstellt. Unter diesen kommt dem Monatsbericht eine herausgehobene Bedeutung zu. Berichte sind ein zentrales Produkt der Controller, das ihnen regelmäßig Kontakt zum Management verschafft und mit dem sie die Unternehmenssteuerung wesentlich unterstützen und beeinflussen können. Daher ist es notwendig, sich intensiv mit dem Berichtswesen auseinanderzusetzen. Band 93 der Schriftenreihe Advanced Controlling legt zunächst die konzeptionellen Grundlagen, beantwortet also zum Beispiel Fragen zu der Funktion von Berichten und unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten ihrer Gestaltung. Dabei baut er auf dem Band 43 der Schriftenreihe auf. Im Anschluss geben die Autoren einen Einblick in den aktuellen Stand des Berichtswesens in der Praxis. Hierzu werden umfassend Daten des WHU-Controllerpanels genutzt. In weiteren Abschnitten werden aktuelle Entwicklungen des Berichtswesens näher vorgestellt, von der Darstellungstechnik bis zur Frage, ob es bei einer Real-Time-Verarbeitung der Controlling-Zahlen und Self-Service-Möglichkeiten für die Manager überhaupt noch ein regelmäßiges Standard-Berichtswesen geben wird. Konkrete Hinweise zur Optimierung des Berichtswesens schließen die Ausführungen ab.

Entwicklungstendenzen im Sportmanagement: Struktur- und Wertewandel, Nachhaltigkeit, Globalisierung und Digitalisierung

by Anton Behrens Sebastian Björn Bauers Gregor Hovemann

Dieses Fachbuch beleuchtet den grundlegenden Wandel des Sportmarktes und untersucht dabei, inwiefern sich die anhaltenden Megatrends des Werte- und Strukturwandels sowie der Nachhaltigkeit, Internationalisierung und Digitalisierung auch im Sportmanagement wiederfinden.In 18 Kapiteln beschreiben die Autor*innen aktuelle Entwicklungen und widmen sich dabei sowohl dem Breitensport als auch dem Profisport, der Gestaltung von Sportstätten ebenso wie der Organisation von Sport(groß)veranstaltungen. Selbst das Verhalten der Fans oder die Auswirkungen des Metaverse auf den professionellen Fußball werden betrachtet.So liefert das Fachbuch einen umfassenden Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends im Sportmarkt und dient somit als Impuls für weitere Forschungen und als Anregung für Innovationen in der Praxis und Ausbildung.

Environment: Why Read The Classics?

by Sofia Guedes Vaz

Environment: Why Read the Classics? presents six important essays by some of the world's leading environmental thinkers on six of the most emblematic books ever written on the environment. The books – Walden; A Sand County Almanac; Small is Beautiful; Silent Spring; The Limits to Growth; and Our Common Future – taken together have been hugely important in the development of global environmental awareness, activism and policy. The essayists – Viriato Soromenho-Marques, J. Baird Callicott, José Lima Santos, Tim O'Riordan, Satish Kumar and Marina Silva – invite readers to reflect on these ground-breaking works and examine their historical importance, as well as what they should mean to us today and what relevance they will have to future generations. More than just books about the environment, these are also philosophical treatises, in that they increase our understanding of the natural world and of ourselves, calling us "to weigh and consider", as Bacon put it. In particular, they make us reflect on the need to constantly redefine the purposes of progress, the economy and society. How we relate to nature is a crucial aspect in the plans we make as a species, and as individuals; and every one of these books inspires a more respectful relationship, both with nature and humanity, and consequently with ourselves. The six essays in this book are the result of a series of conferences organised in Lisbon by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with the support of the American Embassy in Portugal. Its *raison d'être* was to revisit the ideas that have shaped the environmental movement, seeking inspiration to deal with what looks like a very challenging future. The significance of such timeless concepts is now more apparent than ever; and these evergreen books are full of ideas that retain their spark even in our difficult times. This is what makes them classics. Environment: Why Read the Classics? is a provocative book and will be essential reading for all those concerned about the state of the world.

Environment and Business (Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts)

by David Hitchcock Alasdair Blair

This text examines how businesses and the environment interact. It is ideal for students with no previous knowledge of business studies. It examines in depth the ways in which business, industry, the physical environment, environmentalism and social change have evolved alongside each other. The authors use boxed case-studies to highlight how business practice and the environment interact at levels from local to global, with examples from multinational companies, government bodies, national charities and local enterprise. The book also contains a large number of informative diagrams. The case studies include: * Shell Oil's environmental policy* railways and the industrial revolution* the British National Trust's business enterprises* Sainsbury's approach to organic foods* Australia's landcare scheme* changing trends in retailing* Brent Spar * big game hunting and conservation.

Environment and Climate-smart Food Production

by Charis M. Galanakis

Agriculture and food systems, forestry, the marine and the bio-based sectors are at the very heart of the climate change crisis. Evidence on climate change reveals that it will affect farming first, through changes to rainfall regimes, rising temperatures, the variability and seasonality of the climate and the occurrence of more frequent extreme events (heatwaves, droughts, storms and floods). In addition to findings ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, farmers will need to develop farming systems resilient to fluctuating environmental and socioeconomic conditions. It is thus a great challenge to support ambitious climate targets while satisfying the needs for food, feed, bio-based products and energy for a global population projected to reach 10 billion by 2030. Few books on the market integrate environment studies and climate-smart food production. This book fills the knowledge gap by covering all the relevant aspects in one reference: starting with microclimate management, climate change and food systems, and resilience of mixed farming and agroforestry systems, chapters address agricultural soil management, integrated water management in small agricultural catchments, citizen-driven food system approaches in cities, and ICT-enabled agri-food systems. By focusing on the most recent advances in the field while analyzing the potential of already applied practices, this book can serve as a handbook for regulators and researchers looking to understand all aspects of food production and distribution in this changing environment.

Environment and Development in the Straits of Malacca (Routledge Studies in Development and Society)

by Goh Kim Chuan Mark Cleary

This unique study is the first in depth examination of the environment and development of the Straits. Taking an integrative approach, the book argues that the region has an underlying unity which political divisions (between Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore) disguise. Its emphasis is on three major elements: first, a study of the historical geography of the region illustrates its role as a sea-corridor which connected the markets of India and China. Secondly, that contemporary patterns of economic development and trade have continued to increase the strategic importance of the region. Finally, the text highlights the major environmental problems, such as pollution, traffic and tourism, that now threaten the sea and coastline.

Environment and Employment: A Reconciliation (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics)

by Philip Lawn

Mounting evidence suggests that GDP growth is damaging the natural environment and unlikely to be ecologically sustainable in the long-run. At the same time, an annual GDP growth rate of around three percent is regarded as the minimum necessary to prevent unemployment from escalating. Clearly, a trade-off exists between environmental goals and employment goals, yet this trade-off has been largely ignored or denied. This book aims to resolve the environment-employment dilemma by suggesting ways and means to achieve low rates of unemployment, or preferably full employment, in the context of a low-growth or steady-state economy. In search of a solution to this dilemma, this book seeks to answer the following questions: What existing paradigms offer a possible foundation for further investigation into issues dealing with both the environment and employment? What specific initiatives can be implemented to deal with unemployment given that any potential solution must be consistent with responsible macroeconomic policy? To what extent can ecological tax reform provide a solution to the environment-employment dilemma? Under what circumstances is it clear that certain forms of employment generation are antithetic to the goal of ecological sustainability? How can more favourable employment-generating opportunities be exploited in ways which lower unemployment or achieve full employment without the need for ecologically-destructive GDP growth? This book will no doubt stimulate a broader discussion on the issue, and it may just begin a process that leads to the eventual emergence of a viable policy strategy to generate a sustainable, full employment future. This book will be of interest to decision-makers, civil servants, researchers, and NGO employees as well as students of environmental and ecological economics and issues related to employment and unemployment.

The Environment and Externality: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

by Zili Yang

This innovative book models pollution mitigation as a negative externality whilst also providing desirable and useful solutions, such as establishing the triangular equivalence relationship among the Lindahl equilibrium without transfers, the Nash bargaining solution with the payoffs of the Cournot-Nash equilibrium as the status quo point, and the social optimum under the Lindahl weights. By introducing programming algorithms to validate these relationships numerically, Zili Yang bridges the gap between analytical results and empirical modelling, ultimately solving the Lindahl equilibrium and hybrid Nash equilibria in the influential RICE model. This text demonstrates the complexity and variety of environment externality problems, ranging from mixed externality to correlated externalities to environmental externality under IRS and policy applications. Integrating theory, algorithms and applications in a comprehensive framework, The Environment and Externality will benefit scholars and students working across environmental, resource and climate change economics.

Environment and Land Use in Africa (Routledge Library Editions: Agribusiness and Land Use #24)

by M. F. Thomas G. W. Whittington

Originally published in 1969, the contributors to this volume examine the natural and social environments of selected areas in Africa and study in detail some particular problems and their solutions. Climate, landforms, soils and vegetation are discussed as fundamental aspects of the physical environment. The next section discusses the social and political environment: demography, agricultural systems and the legacies of colonial administration. Case studies in Malawi, Nigeria, Sudan, Eswatini and Kenya are analysed. The book is aimed at students of African studies, geographers and agriculturalists.

Environment and Marginality in Geographical Space: Issues of Land Use, Territorial Marginalization and Development at the Dawn of New Millennium (Routledge Revivals)

by Majoral Roser Heikki Jussila Fernanda Delgado-Cravidao

This title was first published in 2000. An examination of environment and marginality in geographical space. It discusses the issue of marginalization from the point of view of the environment by using the viewpoints of land use, landscape and development. The aim of the book is to provide an overview of the issues at hand, while keeping a close connection with practical real-world examples of what, where and how environmental issues manifest on marginal areas. The book is divided into four main parts, which address: land use and environment; territorial marginalization; development in margins and peripheries; and summary and conclusions.

Environment and Sustainable Development

by M. H. Fulekar Bhawana Pathak R K Kale

Global society in the 21st century is facing challenges of improving the quality of air, water, soil and the environment and maintaining the ecological balance. Environmental pollution, thus, has become a major global concern. The modern growth of industrialization, urbanization, modern agricultural development and energy generation has resulted in the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources for fulfilling human desires and needs, which has contributed in disturbing the ecological balance on which the quality of our environment depends. Human beings, in the truest sense, are the product of their environment. The man-environment relationship indicates that pollution and deterioration of the environment have a social origin. The modern technological advancements in chemical processes/operations have generated new products, resulting in new pollutants in such abundant levels that they are above the self-cleaning capacity of the environment. One of the major issues in recent times is the threat tohuman lives due to the progressive deterioration of the environment from various sources. The impact of the pollutants on the environment will be significant when the accumulated pollutants load will exceed the carrying capacity of the receiving environment. Sustainable development envisages the use of natural resources, such as forests, land, water and fisheries, in a sustainable manner without causing changes in our natural world. The Rio de Janeiro-Earth Summit, held in Brazil in 1992, focused on sustainable development to encourage respect and concern for the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner for the protection of the environment. This book will be beneficial as a source of educational material to post-graduate research scholars, teachers and industrial personnel for maintaining the balance in the use of natural sources for sustainable development.

Environment and Sustainable Development: Perspectives and Issues (Towards Sustainable Futures)

by Manish K. Verma

This volume provides a comprehensive account of the linkages between environment and sustainable development in society from an interdisciplinary perspective. With its case studies from across the world, including countries such as India, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the United States, Croatia, Italy, Brazil, Japan, and Kenya, it explores critical environmental issues concerning energy justice, queer ecology, mountain cultures, incarceration, energy strategies, mining tourism, pollution control mechanisms, social impacts of oil and gas production, contract farming, gender mainstreaming, climate change, and droughts and adaptation strategies along with literacy, leisure, well-being, development, sexuality, sustainability and environmental education. The book examines several dimensions within global environment of the adverse impact of developmental activities, discusses sustainable development activities undertaken in contemporary times, and underscores the importance of a just, people-centric policy framework in promoting sustainable development. Lucid and topical, this book will be useful to scholars and researchers of environmental studies, development studies, sustainable development, political studies, sociology, and political economy. It will also interest policymakers, development practitioners, NGOs and think tanks working on environment and sustainable development, climate issues and SDGs.

Environment and Tourism

by Andrew Holden

For many people, holidays are an increasingly central feature of contemporary western society. The tourism industry has expanded rapidly since 1950, but this book poses the significant question of consequent environmental impacts: are environments being benefited or damaged, by the tourist who visit them? A well-balanced introductory text, this topical book on the relationships between tourism, society and the environment, examines 'tourism' and 'environment' in detail, and gives a historical overview of the growth of the tourism industry. It discusses how the tourism industry markets physical and cultural environments to be consumed by the tourist, and the consequences of the tourism they then attract. It explores: * how the economics of tourism can be adopted in a positive way to aid conservation * whether the concept of sustainability can be applied to tourism* provides a critique of the 'new' forms of tourism, that have developed in recent years. An extensive range of international case studies from both the developed and developing world are used to illustrate the theoretical ideas presented, and to aid the student, it includes end of chapter summaries, further reading guides and boxed vignettes focusing on contemporary environmental issues and debates.

Environment and Tourism (Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts)

by Andrew Holden

The global demand for tourism continues to increase as economic growth creates opportunities for its consumption as a lifestyle option across cultures. The spatial reach of recreational tourism into remoter environments reflects a desire to reconnect to nature that is partially created by the global trend toward urbanisation. At the same time, anthropogenic created environmental problems have led us to re-evaluate our relationship to nature and the values that are held by the environment. This third edition ofEnvironment and Tourism incorporates additional material on environmental philosophies and ontologies of nature and how these influence our understanding of tourism's relationship with the natural environment. In an epoch representing a critical juncture for the future well-being of the planet based on our relationship to nature, the text has been updated to reflect the growth in significance of the interaction between tourism and the natural environment as a part of this discourse. It communicates a range of key conceptual debates on the ethics and economics of the consuming nature for tourism and relates these to real world examples whilst evaluating environmental planning, and management responses. The book seeks to highlight the relevance of the significance of tourism for nature within the framework of society, as a system of inter-connected places across space and time, exploring the relationship of the environments of where tourists come from with the ones that they travel to. The updated features include: new chapters on philosophies and constructs of the environment, environmental ethics, and tourist consumption an extensive range of international case studies used to illustrate the theoretical ideas presented boxes offering bite sized insights, and think points designed to encourage students to further engage with the topics discussed Environment and Tourismemphasises a holistic view of the tourism system and how it interacts with nature, illustrating the positive and negative effects of this relationship. It emphasises how ontologies of the environment influence the planning and management of tourism for natural resource conservation and human development. It is an invaluable tool for anyone studying Human Geography, Tourism and Environmental Studies, as well as for policy makers and consultants working in the field of tourism development.

Environment and Tourism (2nd Edition)

by Andrew Holden

This second edition of Environment and Tourism reflects changes in the relationship between tourism, society and the natural environment in the first decade of the new century. Alongside the updating of all statistics, environmental policy initiatives, examples and case studies new material has been added. This includes two new chapters: one on climate change and natural disasters and the other on the relationship between tourism and poverty. These themes have direct relevance, not only to tourism, but are reflective of the wider relationship between nature and society, a thesis that contextualizes this book. Tourism is also analyzed as an interconnected system, linking the environments of where tourists come from, with the ones they go to. Taking a holistic view of the tourism system and how it interacts with the natural environment, this volume illustrates the positive and negative effects of this relationship, and importantly how tourism can be planned and managed to encourage natural resource conservation and aid human development. It is an invaluable tool for all those studying human geography, tourism and environment studies.

Environment, Climate, and Social Justice: Perspectives and Practices from the Global South

by Devendraraj Madhanagopal Christopher Todd Beer Bala Raju Nikku André J. Pelser

This book approaches environmental, climate, and social justice comprehensively and interlinked. The contributors, predominantly from the Global South and have lived experiences, challenge the eurocentrism that dominates knowledge production and discourses on environmental and climate [in] justices. The collection of works balances theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects to address environmental and climate justice challenges through the lens of social justice. This book gives voice to scholars of the Global South and uses an interdisciplinary approach to show the complexity of the problem and the opportunities for solutions, making this book a powerful resource in teaching, research, and advocacy efforts. The innovativeness of this approach stems from the use of narratives, scientific explanation, and thematic analysis to present the arguments in each chapter of this edited book. Overall, each chapter of this book acts as a powerful resource in teaching, research, and advocacy efforts. This book fills a gap in the Global South production of environmental, climate, and social justice. It provides in-depth knowledge to the readers and raises their critical thinking about key elements/discussions of justice issues of environmental conflicts and climate change. The book is a useful read to a general audience interested in the topic of climate, environment, and development politics.

Environment Conscious Manufacturing

by Surendra M. Gupta A. J. D. Fred Lambert

Hotter temperatures, less arctic ice, loss of habitat-every other day, it seems, global warming and environmental issues make headlines. Consumer-driven environmental awareness combined with stricter recycling regulations have put the pressure on companies to produce and dispose of products in an environmentally responsible manner. Redefining indus

Environment, Development, Agriculture: Integrated Policy Through Human Ecology (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernhard Glaeser

This reissue, first published in 1995, focuses on philosophy and social science in human ecology, and includes case studies dealing with the problems of political implementation of development plans and schemes. Part One deals with theory, including a comprehensive introduction to the field and an overview of the conceptual modelling typical in human ecology. Part Two moves towards questions of human behaviour and action, exploring the relationship between environmental ethics and policy in terms of the justification and implementation of human interactions with nature and the environment on an ecologically sustainable basis. In Part Three, the author focuses on environmental policy in China since 1949 and on a regional case study in India. The final part of the book discusses the prospects for sustainable development more broadly, in terms of favouring ecological and cultural variety in agriculture and of viewing the relationship between human beings and the natural environment as a matter of overexploitation rather than crisis.

Environment, Development, Agriculture: Integrated Policy through Human Ecology (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Bernhard Glaeser

Summarising the democratic experience in modern Western civilisation, this text defines the term and looks at its changing meanings over the past two centuries or so. It records criticisms, and is especially concerned with the conditions that are necessary for democracy to exist.

Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global (Routledge Pacific Rim Geographies #Vol. 6)

by John Connell Eric Waddell

This volume examines the economic, political, social and environmental challenges facing rural communities in the Asia-Pacific region, as global issues intersect with local contexts. Such challenges, from climatic change and volcanic eruption to population growth and violent civil unrest, have stimulated local resilience amongst communities and led to evolving regional institutions and environment management practices, changing social relationships and producing new forms of stratification. Bringing together case studies from across mainland Southeast Asia and the Island Pacific, an expert team of international contributors reveal how communities at the periphery take charge of their lives, champion the virtues of their own local systems of production and consumption, and engage in the complexities of new structures of development that demand a response to the vacillations of global politics, economy and society. Inherent in this is the recognition that 'development' as we have come to know it is far from over. Each chapter emphasizes the growing recognition that ecological and environmental issues are key to any understanding and analysis of structures of sustainable development. Providing diverse multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical perspectives, Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific makes an important contribution to the revitalization of development studies and as such will be essential reading for scholars in the field, as well as those with an interest in Asia-Pacific studies, economic geography and political economy.

The Environment, Employment and Sustainable Development

by Monica Hale Mike Lachowicz

Environmental policies and initiatives have had a significant impact on businesses and employment practices across Europe. The Environment, Employment and Sustainable Development is a wide-ranging collection featuring contributions by academics and practitioners from countries including the UK, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Ireland. Subjects covered include:* the effects of EU environmental directives, programmes and legislation and global conventions and agreements* assessment of environmental training, education and qualifications across Europe* national and international case studies* the commercial logic for businesses in 'going green'* examination of the growth in the public and private sector of career opportunities for those with environmental expertise.

Environment, Health and Safety Governance and Leadership: The Making of High Reliability Organizations

by Waddah S. Ghanem Al Hashmi

Environment, health and safety (EHS) management has become increasingly important in the past 10 years, especially within high risk and high reliability organizations. EHS is driven from the top of an organization, and whilst there has been much research on the subject of EHS leadership, there is very little on EHS governance and the director’s role in leading or influencing change in organizational safety/EHS performance. Environment, Health and Safety Governance and Leadership: The Making of High Reliability Organizations reviews the factors influencing safety/EHS leadership and governance and addresses all the areas where the role impacts on the performance and sustainability of organizations. Based on the author’s in-depth research, the book draws on much of the best-practice standards developed by many leading organizations such as the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the Institute of Directors (IoD) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This book provides exclusive insights and legal imperatives for practitioners and leaders to inform decision making, strategy and EHS governance, all of which can have a fundamental impact on business continuity, developing company value and the sustainability of large organizations around the world.

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