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Here Is Your War [Illustrated Edition]

by Ernie Pyle

Includes over 150 images recording the career of Ernie Pyle from childhood to Ie Shima.Out of the foxholes he shared with them, and from his own heart straight to the folks back home, comes Ernie Pyle’s story of our soldiers’ first big campaign abroad. He takes you to live with them on the great adventure of their lives, and tells you the thousands of little things you want to know about how they are living this war from day to day. To Ernie Pyle they are the same boys we have always known, from the Main Streets, Broadways and farms throughout America. They are the boys who had to learn much of the art of war as they went along, who often paid a bitter price for their knowledge. They emerge by the hundreds from these pages as the living, gallant, unpretentiously heroic Americans who are writing one of the great chapters of our history.For six months Ernie Pyle...wrote news columns about the war in Tunisia which were increasingly recognized as one of the greatest pieces of reporting in American journalism. Toward the end of the campaign they were running on the front pages of countless newspapers. Americans discovered in them a new feeling about the war, a human warmth, an unstereotyped approach—in other words, exactly what they were most interested in—not grand strategy but how the boys were making out. These columns, in full-length form in which they were individually filed, form the basis for a wonderfully moving story of our soldiers throughout the entire campaign, from embarkation from England through ultimate victory. HERE IS YOUR WAR is great reporting indeed, but more than that it is a book of timeless and permanent excellence.“A full-length, deeply human portrait of the American soldier in action...the things that those at home want most to know.”—EDWARD STREETER, N.Y. Times Book Review

Here, Right Matters: An American Story

by Alexander Vindman

“Compelling . . . . Even those who know the details of Trump’s impeachment will find it chilling to hear them related by one of the event’s chief figures. . . . The story of an ordinary man placed in extraordinary circumstances who did the right thing.” — New York Times Book Review“Vindman reminds us of what genuine patriotism can look like. . . . Vindman’s regional knowledge allows him to unpack the reasons that so many Democrats thought Trump’s phone conversation should be the basis of the nation’s third presidential impeachment. In meticulous fashion, he details the stunning number of high-ranking officials—such as Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union—who were in on the game.” — Washington Post“An important book from a true patriot whose oath to the Constitution could not allow him to look away.” — Kirkus Reviews"Compelling." — Christian Science Monitor

Here, Right Matters: An American Story

by Alexander Vindman

Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, who found himself at the center of a firestorm for his decision to report the infamous phone call that led to presidential impeachment, tells his own story for the first time. Here, Right Matters is a stirring account of Vindman's childhood as an immigrant growing up in New York City, his career in service of his new home on the battlefield and at the White House, and the decisions leading up to, and fallout surrounding, his exposure of President Trump's abuse of power. 0900, Thursday, July 25, 2019: President Trump called Ukraine’s President Zelensky, supposedly to congratulate him on his recent victory. In the months that followed, the American public would only learn what happened on that call because Alexander Vindman felt duty-bound to report it up the chain of command: that the President of the United States had extorted a foreign ally to damage a political challenger at home. Vindman’s actions and subsequent testimony before congress would lead to Trump’s impeachment and affirm Vindman's belief that he had done the right thing in the face of intense pressure to stay silent. But it would come at an enormous cost, straining relationships with colleagues, superiors, and even his own father, and eventually end his decorated career in the US Army, by a Trump administration intent on retribution. Here, Right Matters is Vindman’s proud, passionate, and candid account of his family, his career, and the moment of truth he faced for his nation. As an immigrant, raised by a father who fled the Soviet Union in pursuit of a better life for his children, Vindman learned about respect for truth throughout his education and military service. As this memoir makes clear, his decision to speak up about the July 25th call was never a choice: it was Vindman’s duty, as a naturalized citizen and member of the armed forces. In the wake of his testimony, he would endure furious partisan attacks on his record and his loyalty. But far louder was the extraordinary chorus of support from citizens who were collectively intent on reaffirming an abiding American commitment to integrity. In the face of a sure-fire career derailment and public excoriation, Vindman heeded the lessons from the people and institutions who instilled in him the moral compass and the courage to act decisively. Like so many other American immigrant families, the Vindmans had to learn to build a life from scratch and take big risks to achieve important goals. Here, Right Matters is about the quiet heroes who keep us safe; but, above all, it is a call to arms for those who refuse to let America betray its true self.

Here, There and Away: Voices of the Families of Those Who Served

by Defence Widows Support Group

Here, There & Away is a unique collection of entertaining stories from the families who support our service men and women. Spanning the three branches of the Australian Defence Force this is a literary first. The stories cover the period from World War I to more recent times, and celebrate the love, care and support given by and to members of the wider defence family as well as the resilience required in diverse locations and situations. Some stories will tug at the heart strings while others are funny in the extreme. Many touch on significant historical events. There are a number of stories that will surprise and enlighten – all within a gentler context than the normal genre of military history. The reader will be left pondering and maybe even enticed to further explore some aspects of Australian military history. The stories in Here, There & Away poignantly depict the ups and downs of everyday life for military families in times of war and peace, but they also reflect many aspects of life experienced by the wider community. This collection is an important contribution to Australian social and military history, and an entertaining and uplifting book for readers of all ages.

Here We Are

by Graham Swift

One of the best writers at work today, author of the internationally acclaimed Mothering Sunday, brings us another superbly conceived novel that, with astonishing economy, touches depths and evokes wonders--not least because its central theme is magic.In the summer of 1959, at the pier theatre in Brighton, England, a variety show unfurls every night, held together by Jack Robinson, its master of ceremonies. At 28, already a veteran of the stage, he introduces the performers with some showmanship of his own, and he knows how to send the audience home happy. But the true stars of the evening are Pablo and Eve. "Pablo" is really Ronnie, a magician who prefers to be called an "illusionist," Jack's friend from army days; "Eve" is Evie, Pablo's "delightful, delicious, delorable" assistant. Through the summer season, their act shifts from mere stock trickery to truly unfathomable wizardry, with Jack providing the encouragement they need on stage--and the personal entanglement none of them saw coming. As the novel explores the essential experiences of their lives--apart and together, past and present and deep into their old age--we understand their enduring inseparability, bound together by a mix of truth and deception to which they all contribute. Here We Are is both hauntingly moving and vividly comic. A love story involving more than one love, a vision of the world lingering at the edge of change and emerging slowly from the aftermath of war, it dazzles with Swift's own ability to conjure in a brief space the complexities, mysteries and moments of living magic at the heart of existence itself.

Here We Are: A novel (Vintage International Ser.)

by Graham Swift

In his newest novel, acclaimed author Graham Swift marries the erratic devastations of reality with the elusive probability of magic under the lights of vaudeville, a story of delicate illusions where what one chooses to believe can unearth the most revealing connections.It's the summer of 1959, and something magical can be witnessed at the end of the pier in beach town Brighton, England. Jack Robbins, Ronnie Deane, and Evie White are performing in a seaside variety show, starring as Jack Robinson the compere comedian, and The Great Pablo and Eve: a magic act. By the end of the summer, Evie's glinting engagement ring will be flung to the bottom of the ocean and one of the trifecta will vanish forever. All three friends begin their path toward the end of Brighton's pier early in life. Evie and Jack's mothers always trumpeting the support that is trademark of stage mothers, while Ronnie's mother sends her son out in the child evacuations to Penny and Eric Lawrence for safety from the London blitz. It's within the safety and love of Evergrene, the Lawrences' estate, that magic creeps into Ronnie's life for the first time and starts the intricate intertwining of fate, chance, and show business. Magic and reality share the stage in this masterly and devastating story that pulls back the curtain on the power of love, family, and the touchstones of our memories.

La herencia de Adam

by Astrid Rosenfeld

Una aventura de amor en plena segunda guerra mundial, que solo se descubre muchos años después. Hay herencias difíciles de aceptar. Bien lo sabe Edward Cohen, que ha pasado su juventud cargando con la losa de parecerse al tío abuelo Adam, un sinvergüenza que desapareció de su casa de Berlín en 1938, llevándose el dinero y las joyas de la familia. Sin embargo, el destino querrá que un día, hurgando entre montones de papeles en el desván, Edward encuentre un legajo de folios escritos en el gueto de Varsovia. En estas páginas amarillentas se cuenta la historia de amor de Adam, enamorado de Anna y dispuesto a seguirla en el camino hacia ese infierno que marcó a millones de judíos en los años previos a la segunda guerra mundial. ¿Sabía Anna de ese amor? ¿Entendió entonces que había un hombre dispuesto a malvivir en un gueto e incluso a morir con tanto de salvarla? Eso poco importa ahora, cuando tantos años han pasado y los rostros de los dos jóvenes son poco más que sombras, pero Edward por fin tiene entre manos una herencia valiosa, que muestra el lado más extravagante y generoso del amor. Historia grande hecha de pequeñas historias y personajes inolvidables, La herencia de Adam no es una historia cualquiera sobre el Holocausto. Inteligente, irónica, astuta en sus planteamientos, la novela de Astrid Rosenfeld va más allá del horror para celebrar la dignidad humana en unos tiempos indignos.

Here’s Death Valley

by C. B. Glasscock

For the arm-chair traveler motivated by curiosity and a desire for entertainment and information, and for the motorized tourist seeking the thrills of unique and spectacular natural beauty in an unspoiled though convenient section of America—this is a volume of vast potential enjoyment and profit.Although it covers a period of ninety-one years—all within the memory of one man who testifies again and again within its pages—it will be read with the gripping narrative interest of a first-rate novel. And it will be preserved as the most entertaining reference work on the subject yet compiled.It is a mine of information, amusement, history, geography, geology, tears and laughter, richer than the fabulous mine of Death Valley Scotty. For example, it even tells you where the original Scotty mine was located, and indicates what the sources of Walter Scott’s income have been ever since he quit the Buffalo Bill Show in New York forty years ago.Scored of vivid and virile characters walk through these pages from the heroic immigrants, the first whites to see Death Valley, lost within its terrors in 1849, to the Master of Science who now explains it to thousands of visitors attracted every years by its good roads, its comforts and luxuries in a setting inconceivably primitive. Gold, silver, copper, lead, borax, and all the wild and mild life to which they gave inspiration are here.This is American history, enlivened by anecdote, inspiring and completely satisfying.

Heretic (Grail Quest #3)

by Bernard Cornwell

Already a seasoned veteran of King Edward's army, young Thomas of Hookton possesses the fearlessness of a born leader and an uncanny prowess with the longbow. Now, at the head of a small but able band of soldiers, he has been dispatched to capture the castle of Astarac. But more than duty to his liege has brought him to Gascony, home of his forebears and the hated black knight who brutally slew Thomas's father. It is also the last place where the Holy Grail was reported seen. Here, also, a beautiful and innocent, if not pious, woman is to be burned as a heretic. Saving the lady, Genevieve, from her dread fate will brand Thomas an infidel, forcing them to flee together across a landscape of blood and fire. And what looms ahead is a battle to the death that could ultimately shape the future of Christendom.

Heridas tiene la noche

by Francisco Pérez de Antón

«-Uno piensa y dice muchas tonterías, aunque eso tiene arreglo. Lo que no lo tiene es cometerlas». En plena celebración de la boda de su hija, Aloisio Ayarza sufre un ataque de estrés postraumático que libera los fantasmas de la terrible guerra civil que azotó Guatemala entre 1960 y 1996. Y a medida que transcurre la noche, las heridas de su conciencia y su memoria se volverán a abrir para recordarle que, si bien él no combatió con las armas, tampoco es ningún santo. La guerra es una actividad contagiosa que desata los peores instintos, incluso los de un hombre sencillo transformado en una especie de ángel vengador que aprovechó el conflicto armado para enterrar en él un crimen de cuya culpa no ha podido liberarse. Inspirado en hechos reales, Heridas tiene la noche es sin duda el relato más «civil» que la narrativa de ficción ha ofrecido hasta hoy sobre la guerra de Guatemala. Suenfoque no es militar, insurgente o eclesiástico #los tres rostros del conflicto#, sino el de quienes estaban ocupados en tareas menos heroicas, como abrirse paso en la vida, sostener una familia y educar a los hijos, en lugar de asesinar, torturar, secuestrar o sembrar el terror. Heridas tiene la noche es un magistral relato hilvanado a partir de un conjunto de emotivas historias que envuelven y seducen al lector desde el primer párrafo de la obra.

Heritage after Conflict: Northern Ireland

by Elizabeth Crooke Thomas Maguire

The year 2018 marks the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Belfast Agreement that initiated an uneasy peace in Northern Ireland after the forty years of the Troubles. The last twenty years, however, has still not been sufficient time to satisfactorily resolve the issue of how to deal with the events of the conflict and the dissonant heritages that both gave rise to it and were, in turn, fuelled by it. With contributions from across the UK and Europe, Heritage after Conflict brings together a range of expertise to examine the work to which heritage is currently being put within Northern Ireland. Questions about the contemporary application of remembering infiltrate every aspect of heritage studies, including built heritages, urban regeneration and planning, tourism, museum provision and intangible cultural heritages. These represent challenges for heritage professionals, who must carefully consider how they might curate and conserve dissonant heritages without exacerbating political tensions that might spark violence. Through a lens of critical heritage studies, contributors to this book locate their work within the wider contexts of post-conflict societies, divided cities and dissonant heritages. Heritage after Conflict should be essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students engaged in the study of the social sciences, history, peace studies, economics, cultural geography, museum heritage and cultural policy, and the creative arts. It should also be of great interest to heritage professionals.

Heritage and Memory of War: Responses from Small Islands (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology #1)

by Gilly Carr Keir Reeves

Every large nation in the world was directly or indirectly affected by the impact of war during the course of the twentieth century, and while the historical narratives of war of these nations are well known, far less is understood about how small islands coped. These islands – often not nations in their own right but small outposts of other kingdoms, countries, and nations – have been relegated to mere footnotes in history and heritage studies as interesting case studies or unimportant curiosities. Yet for many of these small islands, war had an enduring impact on their history, memory, intangible heritage and future cultural practices, leaving a legacy that demanded some form of local response. This is the first comprehensive volume dedicated to what the memories, legacies and heritage of war in small islands can teach those who live outside them, through closely related historical and contemporary case studies covering 20th and 21st century conflict across the globe. The volume investigates a number of important questions: Why and how is war memory so enduring in small islands? Do factors such as population size, island size, isolation or geography have any impact? Do close ties of kinship and group identity enable collective memories to shape identity and its resulting war-related heritage? This book contributes to heritage and memory studies and to conflict and historical archaeology by providing a globally wide-ranging comparative assessment of small islands and their experiences of war. Heritage of War in Small Island Territories is of relevance to students, researchers, heritage and tourism professionals, local governments, and NGOs.

A Heritage At Risk: The Canadian Militia As A Social Institution

by T. C. Willett

In this comprehensive study of Canada's reserve army, the Militia, the author focuses on the regiment as both a civic and a triilitary institution that has declined in status and visibility since the country's armed services were unified in 1967. .

Heritage of Flight

by Susan Shwartz

Humanity is inextricably torn in an interplanetary war that could lead to the death of human society. Project Seedcorn is probably the last and best hope for the human race. A small group of refugees, scraping out an existence on the edge of human-occupied territory, has been given orders to live as though everything were ordinary and there were no war. Now, everyone's lives depend on the children.

Heritage of the Sea: Famous Preserved Ships around the UK

by Peter C. Smith

The 21st century saw the naval power of Great Britain rise from that of an obscure island to that of a world-wide empire. British shipping and seamen dominated the globe for four centuries and the ships that explored the world and those which guarded them represent a unique treasure-trove of maritime history, unrivaled anywhere in the world. This book serves as an enthralling trawl through the heritage of the British shipping tradition, featuring images of iconic ships which have been preserved for all of us to marvel at. Each ship has a chapter dedicated to it, featuring a potted history and details of it's current location. A book which stirs a real desire to tour the sites it describes, it features full colour illustrations throughout, each of them evoking pride and diversity and inviting further study. Among the many vessels analysed and illustrated are HMS VICTORY, HMS WARRIOR, HMS CAVALIER, HMS BELFAST, HMS CAROLINE, HMS WELLINGTON, HMS ALIANCE, HMS TRINCOMALEE; the CHRYSANTHEMUM & PRESIDENT; the Royal Yacht BRITANNIA; the CUTTY SARK; the DISCOVERY; GYPSY MOTH II; GREAT BRITAIN; the MEDWAY QUEEN; the GANNET; the UNICORN; the CAMBRIA and many more.

Hermanas de la resistencia: Cómo una espía alemana, la esposa de un banquero y la hija de Mussoline burlaron a los nazis

by Tilar J. Mazzeo

LOS DIARIOS DE UN FASCISTA Y ARISTÓCRATA ITALIANO Y LA ODISEA DE TRES MUJERES PARA SALVARLOS DE LA GESTAPO. E n 1944 se hicieron públicos los diarios secretos de Galeazzo Ciano, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Italia, en los que registraba los crímenes y planes nazis de los que se enteraba en sus reuniones con ellos. Pero poco se sabe que tres mujeres arriesgaron sus vidas para que estos llegaran a los Aliados, quienes luego los usarían como evidencia contra los nazis en los juicios de Núremberg. Cuando Galeazzo fue apresado, Edda Mussolini les dio a Hitler y a su padre un ultimátum: liberar a su esposo o correr el riesgo de que filtrara los diarios a la prensa. Hitler y Mussolini los buscaron en vano durante meses. Posteriormente, Hilde Beetz, espía alemana cuya misión era seducir a Galeazzo para encontrar sus escritos, fue a su vez seducida por aquél y unió fuerzas con Edda. Una terceramujer se sumó a este increíble entramado —Frances de Chollet, espía casi accidental y esposa de un banquero estadounidense— cuando Edda huyó a Suiza con la ayuda de Hilde, después de que Galeazzo fuera ejecutado. Frances fue el último eslabón para hacer llegar los diarios a los estadounidenses y cumplir así el deseo de Galeazzo. A partir de una minuciosa investigación, Tilar J. Mazzeo nos muestra este momento histórico poco conocido, para hacernos ver que sin la participación de Edda, Hilde y Frances, uno de los documentos más importantes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que fue fundamental en los juicios de Núremberg sería, quizá, desconocido.

La hermandad de los astronautas: El Juicio a las Juntas por dentro

by Ricardo Gil Lavedra

Un grupo de magistrados jóvenes ante el mayor desafío de sus vidas y de la incipiente democracia: juzgar a los comandantes de la dictadura. A meses de recuperada la democracia, la sociedad asiste atónita al develamiento de un masivo y atroz plan criminal. A pesar de las amenazas de los cuarteles y las presiones de sectores del poder, seis jueces y dos fiscales ponen en marcha un juicio que sería un hito para la Historia del país y un ejemplo para el mundo. «Sabíamos que dependíamos de nosotros mismos, que nada ni nadie nos iba a ayudar. Éramos seis tipos muy distintos. Sin embargo, aun en esa diversidad teníamos las mismas convicciones sobre la justicia, sobre la necesidad de restaurar el estado de derecho, sobre la necesidad de asegurar la vigencia plena de la ley. Lo que siguió, el juicio, la sentencia, la amistad entrañable que se consolidó entre nosotros, fue la consecuencia de lo que pudimos hacer con lo que traíamos de nuestras propias historias, más la relación que construimos en aquellos días y para siempre. Detrás de los hechos históricos siempre hay explicaciones racionales: procesos, contextos, factores predecibles, las fuerzas de la Historia. Pero también está lo fortuito, lo humano. Las cosas que se producen misteriosamente en un momento dado, con las personas y sus circunstancias. Cuando, de algún modo, todos los planetas se alinean».Ricardo Gil Lavedra

The Hermann Göring Division

by Gordon Williamson Stephen Andrew

Each of Germany's World War II (1939-1945) armed services could claim one unit which earned a unique combat reputation, and which consequently was enlarged and developed far beyond the size originally planned. Hermann Göring, commander-in-chief of the air force, was determined that his Luftwaffe should share the glory of Germany's land conquests, and gave his name to a regimental combat group of infantry and Flak artillery. This élite unit was steadily enlarged into a brigade, then an armoured division, and finally into a two-division corps, fighting with distinction in Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, and on the Russian Front. This concise history is illustrated with rare personal photographs and eight colour plates, detailing the very varied uniforms and special insignia of this crack formation.


by William Herrick

The Spanish Civil War was the last in Europe to be fought for idealistic reasons. When it ended, idealism had been totally and tragically defeated. Hermanos! is about the men and women who came to Spain as volunteers from every corner of the world--Germany, Ireland, the USA and Britain--to join the International Brigades in what they saw as a crusade against fascism. It is about the cruel war they fought, and the terror and murderous fury of the battles in which most died. It is also about the politics of international socialism and of those who infiltrated into Spain and intrigued for power, and the weapons--distortion, secret police, terror, death--they used in a ruthless and cynical exploitation of idealism for their own ends. And it is about those who fought in the streets, crying, "Unios! Hermanos proletarios!" William Herrick's Spanish Civil War is far different from Hemingway's. Equally tragic, equally conscious of the dignity and nobility of the men involved, nevertheless it reveals the harsh and painful reality of the workings of politics. It is also memorable for the passionate story of Jacob Starr and Sarah Ruskin, and for its battle scenes in which Herrick manages to convey, in his sharp, idiosyncratic and sardonic style, the hope and optimism that turned to despair and inevitable defeat.


by Dave Duncan

A spacefaring military adventure of one man&’s meteoric rise through the ranks from &“a great world-builder&” and award-winning author (SFReview). Space opera at its finest and most action‑filled, from the bestselling author of fantasy quests, epic tales, and swashbuckling adventures. Vaun, born a peasant in the stinking mud flats of Ult, a thriving colony planet, claws his way to survival and fame by becoming the toughest young officer in the Space Patrol. A veteran of the brutal training academy, he seizes opportunities as they arise, leading the first ship out against a surprise attack by the mysterious Brotherhood. He returns to a hero&’s welcome as the Brotherhood ship falls to the surface of his home planet in shattered pieces. The Brotherhood is elsewhere unstoppable, though, as neighboring planets, one by one, fall silent, conquered. And then, the Patrol detects a huge spacecraft launched from one of the now‑silent worlds and headed for Ult. Facing a challenge greater than he can truly hope to overcome, Vaun nonetheless sets out to save Ult for a second time.

The Hero: A Western Romance Novel (The Sons of Texas #1)

by Donna Grant

The first book in New York Times bestselling author, Donna Grant’s sexy Sons of Texas series!When his aunt and uncle are murdered, his father goes missing and with his high school sweetheart’s life in danger, Navy SEAL Owen Loughman will stop at nothing to keep her safe.The hero's homecoming.Owen Loughman is a highly-decorated Navy SEAL who has a thirst for action. But there’s one thing he hasn’t been able to forget: his high school sweetheart, Natalie. After more than a decade away, Owen has returned home to the ranch in Texas for a dangerous new mission that puts him face-to-face with Natalie and an outside menace that threatens everything he holds dear. He’ll risk it all to keep Natalie safe—and win her heart.Natalie Dixon has had a lifetime of heartache since Owen was deployed. Fourteen years and one bad marriage later, she finds herself mixed up with the Loughmans again. With her life on the line against an enemy she can’t fight alone, it’s Owen’s strong shoulders, smoldering eyes, and sensuous smile that she turns to. When danger closes in, how much will she risk to stay with the only man she’s ever loved.Publisher’s Weekly (starred review) declared, “This first-class thrill ride will leave readers wanting more.” The Hero is romantic suspense at its sexy, thrilling finest.Don’t miss the other novels in this series:Book #2: The ProtectorBook #3: The Legend

Hero By Night

by Sara Jane Stone

He was nobody's hero until he landed in the wrong bed ... Armed with a golden retriever and a concealed weapons permit, Lena Clark is fighting for normal. She served her country, but the experience left her emotionally numb and estranged from her career-military family. Staying in Independence Falls seems like the first step to reclaiming her life until the town playboy stumbles into her bed ...Chad Summers is living his dream--helicopter logging by day and slipping between the sheets with Mrs. Right Now by night. Until his wild nights threaten his day job, leaving Chad with a choice: prove he can settle down or kiss his dream goodbye. But when he ends up in the wrong bed, the one woman in Independence Falls he can't touch offers a tempting proposition. Chad is ready and willing to give in to the primal desire to make Lena his at night--on one condition. By day, they pretend their relationship is real.But their connection extends beyond the bedroom, threatening to turn their sham into reality if Chad can prove he's the hero Lena needs night and day ... forever.

A Hero Comes Home: A Bell Sound Novel

by Sandra Hill

New York Times bestselling author Sandra Hill returns with love and laughter with the third book in the Bell Sound series.Welcome to Bell Cove, North Carolina. The famous bells in this small Outer Banks town are ringing a hero’s welcome when a former army captain returns home... After being held prisoner for three years in an Afghan prison, Jake Dawson is finally going home--except everyone, including his wife and young sons, believed he was dead. Jake has changed since he left for war, and now he isn’t sure where he belongs.Sally has changed, too. Her marriage to Jacob was on shaky ground even before his last deployment, but he’s still every inch the hot, headstrong man she loves, despite his wounds, both visible and invisible. Seeing him with their three boys makes her want to fight for this unexpected second chance.As summer winds down, all of the wacky folks in Bell Cove, which is awash with yellow ribbons and American flags, are aiming for a Labor Day Love Re-Connection. In fact, they’re pulling out all the stops, in their usual outrageous style, to get Jake and Sally together again…

Hero Found: The Greatest POW Escape of the Vietnam War

by Bruce Henderson

From the New York Times bestselling author of Sons and Soldiers comes the incredible but true story of Dieter Dengler, the only pilot to escape captivity from a POW camp in the Laotian jungle during the Vietnam War. In February 1966, Dieter Dengler was shot down over "neutral" Laos in jungle territory controlled by Pathet Lao guerrillas and North Vietnamese regulars, who captured and held him in a fortified prisoner-of-war camp. Already a legend in the navy for his unique escape skills, the German-born Dengler proved to be no ordinary prisoner. Caught in a desperate situation, imprisoned by the enemy and by the jungle itself, Dengler set out to free not only himself but also other POWs—American, Thai, and Chinese—some of whom had been held for years.This amazing story of triumph over seemingly insurmountable odds has been filmed by Werner Herzog as both a documentary (Little Dieter Needs to Fly) and a motion picture (Rescue Dawn, starring Christian Bale). Now Bruce Henderson, who served with Dengler aboard USS Ranger, tells the complete story of Dengler's captivity and remarkable escape—based on in-depth personal interviews as well as military archival materials, some never before made public—in this riveting account of unending optimism, courage, loyalty, and survival against overwhelming odds.

A Hero in France

by Alan Furst

Spring, 1941. Britain is losing the war. Paris is occupied by the Nazis, dark and silent at night. But when the clouds part, and moonlight floods the city, a Resistance leader called Mathieu steps out to begin his work. The fighters of the French Resistance are determined not to give up. These courageous men and women - young and old, aristocrats and nightclub owners, teachers and students - help downed British airmen reach the border with Spain. In farmhouses and rural churches, in secret hotels, and on the streets, they risk everything to open Europe's sealed doors and lead Allied fighters to freedom. But as the military police heightens surveillance, Mathieu and his team face a new threat, dispatched from the Reich to destroy them all.

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