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La ciudad oculta (Los casos de Marina Altamirano #Volumen 2)

by Mar P. Zabala

No te puedes perder este nuevo caso de la brillante policía Marina Altamirano. En esta segunda entrega de la trilogía conoceremos la increíble historia de los pasadizos secretos de la ciudad de Salamanca. Marina Altamirano, convertida en la detective estrella de la comisaria de Salamanca, trabaja a las órdenes de Carlos Tejedor, el que en otro tiempo era su compañero. Una mañana un hotel céntrico de la ciudad amanece con sus puertas cerradas y sus habitaciones vacías. No hay rastro ni de los huéspedes ni del personal que trabaja en él. Los familiares se agolpan en comisaria pidiendo una pronta resolución del caso. La investigación lleva a Marina y a su actual compañero, Pepón García, hasta unos túneles que durante años han permanecido ocultos bajo el subsuelo de la ciudad, comunicando edificios sin que los ojos curiosos de los habitantes puedan verlo. Una emocionante aventura que hará descubrir al lector la historia olvidada de Salamanca y sus misteriosos túneles. «-Despierta, despierta, Rosa, venga que ya es hora de ponerse a trabajar. Odiaba su voz, desde el momento en que interrumpió en su habitación, en donde se sentía a salvo y por fin podía descansar de las noches de hospital. Esa voz, grave, ruda y desagradable que desde aquel día la atormentaba noche y día, aparentando una afabilidad que estaba muy lejos de poseer. Y el olor, una mezcla de mal aliento y tabaco, que a estas alturas, con las fosas nasales inundadas de la pestilencia de aquellos húmedos y oscuros pasadizos, ya casi no notaba. La ropa de abrigo que les habían dado, aquel feo chándal y la sudadera dos tallas más grandes, no parecía ser nunca suficiente para quitarse la sensación de frío. Habían perdido la noción del tiempo, comían cuando les daban algo para hacerlo, caminaban sin rumbo fijo sintiendo el agua llenando las deportivas, que al menos eran de su número, y oyendo las ratas deslizándose junto a ellos.»

Ciudad ocupada (Trilogía de Tokio #2)

by David Peace

El 26 de enero de 1948, un hombre que se hace pasar por funcionario de salud pública entra en un banco en Tokio. Una vez allí, explica que su cometido es contener un brote de disentería y suministra una medicina a todos los presentes. Tres minutos después, doce de los empleados mueren, cuatro caen inconscientes y el falso doctor desaparece con el dinero.Narrada por una superviviente que se siente doblemente culpable por haber sobrevivido al robo y la guerra; un periodista que, ansioso por tener la exclusiva, se hace pasar por médico para tener acceso a una de las víctimas y se enamora de ella, y un detective de la policía que pierde la cordura a causa del odio que siente hacia los ocupantes americanos, entre otras voces, Ciudad ocupada cuenta el día a día de una ciudad descomunal literalmente reducida a escombros tras los bombardeos de la segunda guerra mundial, las barbaridades de los experimentos biológicos que quedaron impunes tras el juicio en los tribunales de crímenes de guerra y recoge la simple idea de que todos los hombres somos culpables.Basada en hechos reales, Ciudad ocupada es el segundo volumen de la trilogía de Tokio.«Escribe con eléctrica precisión. Frases cortas y aisladas, que diseccionan como cuchillos la trama que avanza.»David Trueba«No tengo inconveniente en decir que David Peace es el futuro de la novela negra. Es el James Ellroy británico, tiene un talento extraordinario.»Ian Rankin

La ciudad que no descansa (Inspector Pendergast #Volumen 17)

by Douglas Preston Lincoln Child

La hija de un millonario aparece muerta. Y sin cabeza. La nueva frenética novela del inspector Pendergast. Cuando Grace Ozmian, la bella pero temeraria hija de un millonario, desaparece, la policía asume que la chica se ha dejado llevar de nuevo por sus ansias de aventura. Hasta que encuentran en un almacén su cadáver decapitado.Vincent D'Agosta lidera la investigación junto con el agente especial Pendergast, pero ninguno de ellos está preparado para lo que les espera: un ser diabólico está aterrorizando el área metropolitana de Nueva York y Grace ha sido su primera víctima.Antes de que el pánico se extienda, Pendergast tendrá que hacer acopio de sus habilidades para desenmascarar al enemigo de la ciudad que no descansa y vivir para contarlo. La crítica ha dicho...«Pendergast es un héroe peculiar, un Sherlock Holmes moderno.»Kirkus «Hay pocos como Preston y Child a la hora de crear auténticas escenas de suspense.»Publishers Weekly «Lo que los lectores de esta famosa pareja esperan es intriga, emoción y una historia inolvidable. Esta nueva entrega es otra creación perfectamente escrita de Preston y Child.»Suspense Magazine «Preston y Child traspasan con este título las fronteras de la novela de acción y aventura.»Kirkus

Ciudad satélite

by Toni Hill

Un relato corto que complementa la última novela de Toni Hill, Tigres de cristal, y que recupera el protagonismo de Ciudad Satélite, un barrio emblemático de las afueras de Barcelona. Violeta tiene seis años y vive en un pequeño pueblo de Extremadura en el que está empezando a suceder algo extraño. Es una niña que apenas habla y que se guarda el secreto de que es capaz de hablar con los muertos. Su padre, muerto hace unos años, y otros difuntos (soldados, otros hombres del pueblo) se le aparecen cada noche, y ella escucha todo lo que tienen que contarle. Violeta tiene también la capacidad de advertir a los vivos de que la muerte les ronda cerca. Cuando un día Roque, un chico muy joven del pueblo, es devorado por un lobo tras ser avisado por Violeta, el pueblo estalla y la niña es acusada de mal de ojo y brujería. Su madre decide que las dos emprenderán un viaje lejos de allí, instalándose con una amiga quevive en Ciudad Satélite, en Sant Ildefons, una zona cercana a Cornellà. Durante los años del franquismo llegaron allí un gran número de familias, procedentes de todas partes de España, huyendo del hambre y la pobreza. Ciudad Satélite estaba formada por edificios enormes, construidos a toda velocidad para ofrecer vivienda a todos los que iban llegando. Violeta tendrá que acostumbrarse a su nueva vida en una gran ciudad y hacer todo lo posible por salvar a su familia de las amenazas externas.


by John Carter

“En los últimos meses han ocurrido asesinatos en la ciudad. Las víctimas parecen ser escogidas con un perfil bastante peculiar: sospechosos que tuvieron reducción de sentencias por audiencias de custodia o por un juez de derecho con sospechas de ser corrupto”. Mientras tanto, en algún sótano de la ciudad: ─¿Qué quieres conmigo? ¿Por qué me secuestraste? ¿Eres miembro de una pandilla? Si es así, sepa que mis colegas no dejarán esto así… Espera, yo te conozco, no deberían actuar así. No es lo que ustedes hacen. No tienes ese derecho… ─Con base en mi análisis jurídico, no estás en condiciones de vivir en sociedad. Las letras del derecho criminal le dieron libertad, pero, es necesario ir más allá cuando se juzga el bien común. No creo que un ser que arrebata la vida de varias personas deba conservar sus derechos. Es un intercambio y tú lo hiciste cuando decidiste arrebatar la vida de aquellos inocentes. ─Pero… tu obligación es seguir la ley… ¡No puedes matarme! Tú no eres un criminal… ─Declaro pena de muerte. No tienes derecho a permanecer callado. Al contrario, puedes gritar incluso maldecir, porque te dolerá…

La Ciudadela

by John Reinhard Dizon

El presidente estadounidense pide a Gran Bretaña que ayude a neutralizar una amenaza terrorista internacional. Las crecientes tensiones dentro de la Federación Rusa llevan a creer a los expertos que hay una conspiración para desestabilizar a sus rivales occidentales: se sospecha que una misteriosa banda de contrabando de armas trae armas a Estados Unidos para una serie de ataques terroristas. Shanahan y Gawain se asocian con la agente de EUROPOL Lucretia Corcosa en un esfuerzo por infiltrarse en el círculo, y asesinar a sus líderes. Se adentran en el mundo del comercio de armas, la turba corsa y el espionaje ruso. Pronto, los tres tienen que enfrentarse al enemigo más peligroso que jamás hayan enfrentado: La Ciudadela. La Ciudadela es una novela independiente, y se puede disfrutar incluso si no has leído otros libros de la serie.

Ciudades de papel (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by John Green

Una joven desaparece dejando una serie de pistas que solo su mejor amigo de la infancia podrá descifrar... En su último año de instituto, Quentin no ha aprobado ni en popularidad ni en asuntos del corazón. Pero todo cambia cuando su vecina, la legendaria, inalcanzable y enigmática Margo Spiegelman, se presenta en mitad de la noche para proponerle que le acompañe en un plan de venganza inaudito. Después de una intensa noche que reaviva el vínculo de una infancia compartida y parece sellar un nuevo destino para ambos, Margo desaparece dejando tras de sí un extraño cerco de pistas que solamente Quentin posee la clave para descifrar. Con un estilo único que combina humor y sensibilidad, John Green, el autor de Bajo la misma estrella, teje una emotiva historia a la que da vida un inolvidable elenco de personajes. Ganadora del prestigioso premio Edgar, Ciudades de papel aborda los temas de la amistad, el amor y la identidad para plantearnos una pregunta: ¿vemos en los demás, y en nosotros mismos, solamente aquello que queremos ver?

A Civil Death (New Orleans Mystery Series #3)

by John W. Corrington Joyce H. Corrington

Denise Lemoyne is an Uptown New Orleans girl--a well-born aristocrat whether she likes it or not. Unwilling to sit life out on the sidelines, lunching with the other society women, she's engaged to Wes Colvin, a backwoods boy turned hotshot reporter. When that's not enough to give her life some grit, working as an assistant D.A. in her beloved, crime-ridden hometown gives her plenty. For Denise, though, there are crimes and then there are crimes. It's one thing to defuse a tense hostage situation at a grocery store, when a lowlife mobster's got a gun pointed at a defenseless stockgirl. It's another to show up for brunch at your godmother's and find her still in bed--a bullet through the bodice of her white silk nightgown. Madeline St. Juste was like a mother to Denise, and she's determined to nail the killer--until the evidence starts piling up against Madeline's husband, René. Now Denise has to ask herself some hard questions. Could handsome, kind René St. Juste--a man she's known and loved all her life--be a murderer? And if he were, could Denise prosecute him?

Civil Twilight: A Darcy Lott Mystery

by Susan Dunlap

San Francisco stunt double Darcy Lott specializes in creating the illusion of serious danger. But when her lawyer brother calls and asks her to wine and dine a mysterious client, the danger is no illusion.Darcy takes an instant liking to the client, Karen Johnson, but there are too many unanswered questions. Karen claims to be getting a divorce, but Darcy's brother Gary doesn't handle divorces. And when he insists that their older brother John, a cop, must not know of their meeting, Darcy's red flags are raised. Who is this woman? And why does she need a high-powered lawyer?Soon, a murder shocks the city and John is the primary suspect. With John and Gary both in hiding and the police anxious to pin the death on John, Darcy finds herself with no one she can trust. Desperate for an end to the madness, she delves deep into Karen's past, only to uncover a scheme even more shocking than murder itself.

Civil War and Broken Hearts (Rose and Thorne #2)

by Julie Lynn Hayes

Rose and Thorne: Book TwoHollywood comes to Roanoke when a major film studio announces they're shooting part of their Civil War film at a local plantation. Vinnie is dismayed to discover the lead actress is none other than the beautiful Caroline St. Clair. Ethan and Vinnie met her in LA the previous Halloween, and Vinnie still hates her for hitting on his man. Ethan reassures his partner that Roanoke is big enough for all of them to coexist without running into one another. But Fate has it in for Vinnie and Ethan, and they're assigned to a new case involving the actress. Vinnie has no choice--he has to play nice. It's small consolation that his new undercover identity involves Hollywood heartthrob Troy McGarrett, who is very handsome and openly gay. Troy also isn't shy about letting Vinnie know he finds him attractive. Jealousy abounds, and time is not on Vinnie and Ethan's side. If they don't solve the case before the film shoot is done, there's a good chance they'll be separated for the first time since they were partnered. Assuming Vinnie doesn't kill Caroline St. Clair himself.The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.

Claim of Innocence (The Izzy McNeil Novels #4)

by Laura Caldwell

Forbidden relationships are the most tempting. And the most dangerous.It was a crime of passion-or so the police say. Valerie Solara has been charged with poisoning her best friend. The prosecution claims she's always been secretly attracted to Amanda's husband...and with Amanda gone, she planned to make her move.Attorney Izzy McNeil left the legal world a year ago, but a friend's request pulls her into the murder trial. Izzy knows how passion can turn your life upside down. She thought she had it once with her ex-fiancé, Sam. Now she wonders if that's all she has in common with her criminally gorgeous younger boyfriend, Theo.It's Izzy's job to present the facts that will exonerate her client-whether or not she's innocent. But when she suspects Valerie is hiding something, she begins investigating-and uncovers a web of secret passions and dark motives, where seemingly innocent relationships can prove poisonous...

Claimed By Love

by Skye Jones

Kayley's passion-filled dreams of two sexy men torment her nights ... but meeting them in real life turns her world upside down! Passion brings them together, but a menace from one's past threatens to destroy them. Now they'll have to risk it all and fight for their love. Skye Jones presents Claimed By Love, Book 1 of her exciting new paranormal romance series Wild Hunters.Kayley Edwards has spent the last four years closing herself off after a vicious attack by her lover left her scarred and terrified. After fleeing her native Alaska, she ran the length of the country and began a new life in Miami, far from family and friends.When her cousin and his friends decide to vacation nearby, he invites her to join them because he has important news. Determined not to let fear rule her life, she agrees to meet with them, only to have her world turned upside down. His friends include the two gorgeous men who've haunted her dreams for months, kindling her desire and challenging her to take a chance on love.Pack alpha, Luke Johnson, has dreamed of Kayley for years. He and his mate, Sean Wallace, know she is meant to be theirs. But how will she react when she finds the world they inhabit is one she never imagined existed?As passions collide, Sean finds himself acting as a bridge between his strong-willed alpha and a skittish Kayley. Can they break through her defenses and convince her to join them?Just as it seems the three may have a future together, a ghost from Sean's past strikes at the heart of their happiness. They must fight for everything they hold dear to win their chance at love.Content Notes: Hot, Anal Intercourse, Non-Sexual Violence, Paranormal, Shifters, Wolves, Suspense, Ménage, M/M, M/M/F

Claimed by the Laird

by Nicola Cornick

A Scottish aristocrat and her sexy new footman each have shocking secrets in this Regency romance by a USA Today–bestselling author.An old maid—that’s all Lady Christina McMorlan, daughter to the Duke of Forres, is to society now that she’s past thirty. She hosts her father’s parties and cares for her siblings, knowing she’ll never have her own home and family. She has no time to pine, however. By night, she’s The Lady, head of a notorious whiskey-smuggling gang that supports her impoverished clan. They’re always one step ahead of the revenue man—until Lucas Black shows up.Rejecting his title and the proper society that disparaged his mother, Lucas earns his living running a successful gambling house. He’s also a spy, charged with bringing down the Forres Gang. He thinks The Lady’s just a bored society spinster. She thinks he’s a lost child playing at rebellion. And when the truth comes out, it’s not just their love on the line . . . Praise for Claimed by the Laird“The perfect read on a warm summer’s day at the park or an evening listening to the crickets. It’s sweet, charming, and enough romance to satisfy those sweet urges!!” —Addicted to Romance“The perfect combination of intrigue, passion and romance. . . . The romance was perfectly paced . . . an intoxicating mix of heart-warming tenderness and delicious sensuality.” —Rakes and Rascals

Claiming Her Ground

by Julie Miller Janie Crouch

The fight of her lifeKansas City Cop by Julie MillerAfter a gunshot rips streetwise police officer Gina Galvan from the line of duty, all she wants is to return to the front line and stop a shooter. But good guy physical therapist Mike Cutler won’t back down from a challenge, or his blazing attraction to Gina. Without a badge or a gun, Mike is ready to face anyone—including a killer—to prove he’s every inch a hero.Armed Response by Janie CrouchFormer Special Forces soldier Jace Eakin must find the mole inside Omega who’s leaking intel to a terrorist mastermind. Despite their complicated history and the fact that she is keeping a secret, he can’t believe it’s SWAT team leader Lillian Muir. As they give in to long-denied passion, Jace vows to protect Lillian with his life. But he’s been wrong about her before…

Claiming his Christmas Bride

by Carole Mortimer

She'll be his wife by Christmas! When Gideon Webber first meets Molly Barton he wants her more than badly! But his hopes are dashed when he becomes convinced that she is another man's mistress.... Three years later, it's Christmastime and Molly and Gideon meet again. But this time Gideon's determined to take what he still desires.... With the tension between them simmering, Gideon's left with only one option: he'll claim Molly once and for all--as his

Claiming His Family

by Ann Voss Peterson

SECRET BABYAlyson Fitzroy had a secret. A precious baby she struggled to protect, until the harrowing day her child was stolen! Now the only man she could turn to was Dex Harrington. The powerful D.A. who could put her baby's kidnapper behind bars forever. The lover who had fathered her child...DETERMINED DADDYDex Harrington was shocked to discover he had a son-and determined to keep his baby safe. Even if that meant taking matters into his own hands. Even if that meant allowing Alyson Fitzroy into his heart. Because as soon as he joined forces with the beauty he believed had betrayed him, he realized so much was at stake. For he hungered to claim this woman and child as his own once and for all!

Claiming Noah

by Amanda Ortlepp

A taut, emotional thriller about biology, ownership and love. Catriona and James are desperate for children, and embark on an IVF program. After a gruelling round of treatments, Catriona finally falls pregnant, and they donate their remaining embryo anonymously. Diana and Liam are on a waiting list to receive an embryo. Sooner than expected, they are thrilled to discover one is available. After a difficult pregnancy, Catriona gives birth to Sebastian. But severe postnatal depression affects her badly, and quickly turns into deadly psychosis. For her protection and her baby's, she's admitted into psychiatric care. When she comes home, she again struggles to bond with her baby, but gradually life finds its own rhythm. Meanwhile, Diana has given birth to a beautiful little boy, Noah. But when he is two months old Noah is abducted ... and Diana and Liam's nightmare begins. Where is Noah?esult. Where is Noah?This gripping, emotional thriller binds together the stories of Catriona and Diana and will leave you on the edge of your seat. What if your child belonged to someone else?

Claire Dewitt And The Bohemian Highway: A Mystery (Claire DeWitt Novels #2)

by Sara Gran

From the author of City of the Dead, comes a spellbinding mystery with "the most interesting private eye...since Stieg Larsson’s Lisbeth Salander" (Washington Post).When Claire DeWitt’s ex-boyfriend Paul Casablancas, a musician, is found dead in his Mission District house, Claire is on the case. Paul's wife and the police are sure Paul was killed for his valuable collection of vintage guitars. But Claire, the best detective in the world, has other ideas. Even as her other cases offer hints to Paul’s fate—a missing girl in the grim East Village of the 1980s and an epidemic of missing miniature horses in Marin County-–Claire knows: the truth is never where you expect it, and love is the greatest mystery of all. "A distinctive new American voice in mystery fiction." —NPR’s Fresh Air

Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead: A Mystery (Claire DeWitt Novels #1)

by Sara Gran

&“Delicious and addictive.&”— &“Reads . . . as if David Lynch directed a Raymond Chandler novel.&”—CNN &“What would you get if that punkish dragon girl Lisbeth Salander met up with Jim Sallis&’s Lew Griffin walking the back streets of New Orleans? Or Sue Grafton&’s Kinsey Millhone transformed herself into a tattooed magnolia driving a 4x4? Clare DeWitt, that&’s what you&’d get . . . DeWitt&’s mesmerizing character and memorable voice take your breath away.&”—New Orleans Times-Picayune This knock-out start to a bracingly original new series features Claire DeWitt, the world&’s greatest PI—at least, that's what she calls herself. A one-time teen detective in Brooklyn, she is a follower of the esoteric French detective Jacques Silette, whose mysterious handbook Détection inspired Claire&’s unusual practices. Claire also has deep roots in New Orleans, where she was mentored by Silette&’s student the brilliant Constance Darling—until Darling was murdered. When a respected DA goes missing she returns to the hurricane-ravaged city to find out why.&“The hard-living, wisecracking titular detective bounces around post-Katrina New Orleans trying to track down a missing prosecutor in this auspicious debut of a new mystery series—and the Big Easy is every bit her equal in sass and flavor.&”—Elle &“Reminds me why I fell in love with the genre.&”—Laura Lippman "I love this book!" -- Sue Grafton

Clairvoyant and Present Danger (A Bay Island Psychic Mystery)

by Lena Gregory

A haunting vision reveals a ghostly grave in the latest Bay Island Psychic Mystery from the author of Occult and Battery.Whoever said that dead men tell no tales has never met Cass Donnovan...Cass has always relied on her abilities to guide her, but after communications with a ghost land her in the middle of a murder investigation, she has to wonder if her gifts are really more a curse.Cass knows she is meant to help track down the killer--much to the chagrin of local law enforcement--when the apparition leads her to a dead body on the beach near her psychic shop, Mystical Musings. But the police are not the only ones who wish Cass would stick to reading palms. Someone is trying to scare her off, and it will take all her powers of premonition to catch the killer before Cass herself becomes the next victim...

The Clairvoyant Countess (Madame Karitska #1)

by Dorothy Gilman

As a psychic to the public, Madame Karitska has seen a lot. But when a chance encounter with Detective-Lieutenant Pruden of the Police Department catapults her into the unforseen, she must use all of her resources to keep danger--and death--at bay....

The Clairvoyants: A Novel

by Karen Brown

The Clairvoyants is Karen Brown’s most hypnotic novel to date--gothic-inflected psychological suspense that unmasks the secret desires of a young woman with a mystical giftOn the family homestead by the sea where she grew up, Martha Mary saw ghosts. As a young woman, she hopes to distance herself from those spirits by escaping to an inland college town. There, she is absorbed by a budding romance, relieved by separation from an unstable sister, and disinterested in the flyers seeking information about a young woman who’s disappeared—until one Indian summer afternoon when the missing woman appears beneath Martha’s apartment window, wearing a down coat, her hair coated with ice.

Clam Wake

by Mary Daheim

In this delightfully charming Bed-and-Breakfast mystery from acclaimed USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Mary Daheim, innkeeper and irrepressible sleuth Judith McMonigle Flynn and Cousin Renie face off against a slippery, cold-blooded killer in a beach communityWith the holidays over and Hillside Manor light on guests, innkeeper Judith McMonigle Flynn has a bad case of the January blues. It doesn't help that her husband, Joe, is leaving for New Zealand on a once-in-a-lifetime fishing trip with Cousin Renie's husband, Bill. A few days away housesitting at her aunt and uncle's retirement home on Whoopee Island with Renie sounds like the perfect getaway to lighten her mood. Surrounded by retirees in the off season, the cozy beach town is sure to be quiet and restful, and Auntie Vance has stocked the fridge with all their favorite dishes. But when Judith and Renie arrive, they quickly discover that the seniors of Obsession Shores prefer cold cocktails and hot gossip to sets of canasta and gin rummy. The latest news buzzing around the community is about a proposed ordinance that has divided the residents, turning neighbor against neighbor. And of course it isn't too long before Judith and Renie stumble across a dead body on the beach. Death isn't surprising in an area full of older folk--until they learn it was a very sharp knife, not a bad ticker, that did in the victim. Though she's curious, Judith has made a promise: no more sleuthing. Yet with clouds of suspicion suddenly hovering over her and Renie, she's got to look into the crime--if only to prove their innocence. What she finds is puzzling. The victim reputedly didn't have an enemy in the world--except for the killer. Beneath the town's booze-soaked boredom Judith and Renie uncover dangerous shams, scams, and secrets. Digging for clams and answers, the cousins discover that retirement can be deadly--at least among the eclectic, eccentric residents of Obsession Shores.

Clammed Up (A Maine Clambake Mystery #1)

by Barbara Ross

Summer has come to Busman's Harbor, Maine, and tourists are lining up for a taste of authentic New England seafood, courtesy of the Snowden Family Clambake Company. But there's something sinister on the boil this season. A killer has crashed a wedding party, adding mystery to the menu at the worst possible moment. . .Julia Snowden returned to her hometown to rescue her family's struggling clambake business--not to solve crimes. But that was before a catered wedding on picturesque Morrow Island turned into a reception for murder. When the best man's corpse is found hanging from the grand staircase in the Snowden family mansion, Julia must put the chowder pot on the back burner and join the search for the killer. And with suspicion falling on her old crush, Chris Durand, the recipe for saving her business and salvaging her love life might be one and the same. . .Includes Traditional Maine Clambake Recipes!

Clandestine (Mysterious Press-highbridge Audio Classics Ser.)

by James Ellroy

A murder investigation nearly drives a beat cop to madnessDespite the sunshine, high necklines, and demure purity of its silver-screen goddesses, Los Angeles in the 1950s is not a gentle place. Even as a young cop, Freddy Underhill knows this. Patrolling one of L.A.'s roughest districts, he sees the lust, rage, and madness that permeate the city--and stands in wonder and dismay at it all. He covers the beat with his partner Wacky Walker, a World War II veteran with a Medal of Honor, a drinking problem, and a serious obsession with death. When an old flame of Freddy's is murdered, the investigation takes them deep into the shadiest part of the city, where Freddy will have to embrace the darkness if he wants to emerge with his life.

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