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Showing 40,801 through 40,825 of 89,636 results

Il Viale

by James Lawless Luisa Agnese Dalla Fontana

Una ragazza in abiti succinti che danza davanti a una finestra illuminata distrae Francis Copeland dal suo mondo di libri. Francis, ormai maturo, con una moglie e un matrimonio arrivato a un punto morto, fantastica riguardo alla ragazza e trova difficile accettare quanto scopre in seguito, cioè che è Judy, ballerina in un locale pubblico. Il mondo segreto del viale si svela a Francis. Chi è Myrtle, sua moglie? (Va davvero al bingo tutti i martedì sera?) Non la conosce. Chi sono i veri genitori di Freddy, un bambino che cresce per strada? Chi era il vicino la cui automobile ha ucciso la madre di Francis quando lui aveva dodici anni? Affiorano crude verità, mentre Francis, con l'aiuto dei bambini del quartiere, a poco a poco scopre i segreti del viale.

Il Vigilante

by Claude Bouchard

Siamo a Montreal, nella lunga e torrida estate del 1996 e fra le ombre si aggira un fantasma, un Vigilante che caccia per le strade della città. I suoi bersagli sono il peggio del peggio: assassini, teppisti, stupratori... Sei mesi, sedici omicidi e la polizia non ha ancora nessuna pista, o almeno fino a quando non riceve una email direttamente da parte dell'assassassino. Il Tenente Dave McCall, capo della Task Force Omicidi Speciali di Montreal, ha bisogno d'aiuto per scoprire i segreti celati dietro i suoi messaggi provocatori. Chiede aiuto a Chris Barry, un esperto in investigazioni e comunicazioni computer. Insieme, McCall e Barry si lanciano all'inseguimento di un predatore che caccia altri predatori, per portarlo davanti alla giustizia. Ma quale delle giustizie prevarrà? La loro, o quella del Vigilante?

Il villaggio degli assassini

by Faith Mortimer Monica R. Pelà ed Elisa Zanolli

Protagonista de "Il villaggio degli assassini" è Diana Rivers, una scrittrice, attrice occasionale e detective dilettante. In un pittoresco villaggio cipriota, un gruppo teatrale di espatriati si riunisce per discutere il prossimo spettacolo, ma quando si alza il sipario si verifica un omicidio. Un ricattatore tormenta i membri del gruppo che sono divisi da gelosie, rivalità, tensione sessuale e tradimenti. Tutti sono alla ricerca della soluzione ai propri problemi, all'insaputa degli altri. Alcuni credono che tale soluzione sia l'omicidio. Riusciranno a trovare il ricattatore e quell'importantissimo "libriccino nero" che contiene il resoconto di tutti i loro misfatti? Al ritrovamento di un cadavere, Diana Rivers si trasforma in detective, iniziando a compilare una lista di sospettati. Dopo che la polizia dà inizio alle indagini, uno dei sospettati viene trovato impiccato: si tratta di un altro omicidio o di un suicidio? È stato qualcun altro a impiccarlo? In seguito alla visita a casa di uno degli abitanti, viene scoperto un antico congegno utilizzato in passato dagli assassini. Che sia quella l'arma del delitto? È possibile che un assassino viva nel cuore di questo villaggio di montagna, che prima era un luogo pacifico e idillico? Amore, odio, omicidio e drammaticità fanno parte di questo classico giallo storico. Con una lunga lista di sospettati, alcune svolte drammatiche e una strana falsa pista, il lettore viene lasciato col dubbio fino a quando non calerà il sipario. NB. Sebbene i romanzi gialli di Diana Rivers siano una "serie", possono essere letti in qualsiasi ordine come storie "a sé stanti".

Il volto della follia: Trilogia dello psicopatico II

by José Antonio Jiménez-Barbero

Continua la storia di Ángel Salazar, il giovane psicopatico che, dopo il suo funesto passaggio per il centro minorile, viene ricoverato su richiesta del suo direttore, in un ospedale psichiatrico.Lì conoscerà Marta Savater, un'infermiera giovane ed inesperta, scelta dal capo reparto, il dottor Junqueras, per sorvegliare i movimenti dell'adolescente problematico. Tuttavia, una morte avvenuta in circostanze poco chiare, complicherà tutto... Il racconto ci immerge nella quotidianità di un reparto psichiatrico qualsiasi, offrendoci l'opportunità di conoscere realmente le situazioni che i professionisti della salute mentale devono affrontare in questo tipo di reparti. Inoltre, come nel romanzo che ha dato inizio alla trilogia, il protagonista si troverà in un nuovo caso di omicidio che metterà alla prova le sue straordinarie doti deduttive.

Il volto nell’ombra (L’albo da colorare segreto per adulti. Serie Gialli Confortevoli)

by Delia Dobbs

Anita potrà non essere la detective di alto livello che le grandi agenzie stanno cercando, ma è probabilmente la più determinata. Ma neanche nei suoi sogni più folli avrebbe immaginato quanto le sarebbe servito il suo intuito nella sua vita privata. Tornata a casa dopo mesi di lavoro su un caso ritenuto irrisolvibile per anni, scopre ben presto che la sua vita casalinga non è come dovrebbe. Suo fratello è scomparso, e sarà costretta a mettere da parte i sentimenti e mettere a frutto tutto ciò che ha appreso se vuole scoprire cosa gli è accaduto. Presto scopre l’esistenza di una donna misteriosa che crede potrà portarla dal fratello scomparso. Chi potrebbe essere, e perché nessuno è stato in grado di identificarla con precisione? Più Anita apprende sulla donna misteriosa e sugli intrighi che si è lasciata dietro, più si rende conto che suo fratello aveva un’altra vita di cui lei era all’oscuro. Nello scavare con costanza in cerca della verità, si avvicina sempre più a rivelare un segreto che va oltre tutto quello che avrebbe potuto immaginare, un segreto che ha ossessionato suo fratello per molti anni e ora sta ossessionando lei.

A Ilha (Ragnar Jónasson)

by Ragnar Jónasson

Num lugar de escuridão inexorável, Hulda está determinada a descobrir e a revelar os segredos que se escondem por detrás da tenebrosa ilha. «Um dos melhores enredos de Ragnar Jónasson, mergulhado na atmosfera escandinava que tanto adoramos.» - The New York TimesEllidaey é uma ilha islandesa completamente isolada do mundo exterior, de uma paisagem bela e implacável. Mas é também um bom lugar para fazer alguém desaparecer. Quando um grupo de quatro amigos decide passar um fim de semana num antigo pavilhão de caça daquela ilha, um deles não regressa com vida. A inspetora Hulda Hermannsdóttir é chamada a investigar o caso, acabando por descobrir que, dez anos antes, outra morte ocorreu dentro do mesmo grupo de amigos, lançando a suspeita de que poderá haver ligação entre os dois trágicos acontecimentos. Num lugar inóspito e de uma escuridão inexorável, Hulda está determinada a descobrir e a revelar os segredos que se escondem por detrás da tenebrosa ilha, ao mesmo tempo que ilumina o seu próprio passado sombrio. «Ragnar Jónasson é exímio a retratar o isolamento que a paisagem austera e a beleza selvagem da Islândia proporcionam. E Hulda é uma excelente adição ao restrito grupo das inspetoras de topo da literatura policial.» - The Times Elogios ao livro: «Magistral.» Publishers Weekly «Um livro arrepiante.» The Sunday Times «Um dos melhores enredos de Ragnar Jónasson, mergulhado na atmosfera escandinava que tanto adoramos.» The New York Times«Ragnar Jónasson é exímio a retratar o isolamento que a paisagem austera e a beleza selvagem da Islândia proporcionam. E Hulda é uma excelente adição ao restrito grupo das inspetoras de topo da literatura policial.» The Times «Um romancearrepiante sobre pessoas com segredos sombrios que se tentam proteger sem pensar nas consequências.» The Sunday Times «Atmosférico e assustador. Jónasson mantém o suspense até ao final.» Heat «Hoje em dia, poucos escritores evocam uma atmosfera com tanta competência ou constroem o enredo dos seus thrillers com tanta arte. A Ilha é o melhor livro de Ragnar Jónasson até ao momento; um thriller inflexível que entrelaça passado e presente, bem e mal, amor e perda. Mal posso esperar pelo próximo livro de Hulda Hermannsdóttir» A. J. Finn, autor bestseller internacional «Arrepiante, sombrio e emocionante, A Ilha é o noir nórdico no seu melhor. Não consegui largar o livro e mal posso esperar para ler o resto da série.» Shari Lapena, autora bestseller internacional«Ragnar Jónasson é o Stephen King dos thrillers islandeses.» She Reads

Ilium: A novel

by Lea Carpenter

Set in the dark world of international espionage, from London to Mallorca, Croatia, Paris, and Cap Ferret: the gripping and suspenseful story of a young woman who unwittingly becomes a perfect asset in the long overdue finale of a covert special opThe young English narrator of Lea Carpenter&’s dazzling new novel has grown up unhappily in London, dreaming of escape, pretending to be someone else and obsessed with a locked private garden. On the eve of her twenty-first birthday, at a party near that garden, she meets its charismatic and mysterious new owner, Marcus, thirty-three years older, who sweeps her off her feet. Before long they are married at his finca in Mallorca, and at last she has escaped into a new role – but at what price? On their honeymoon in Croatia, Marcus reveals there is something she can do for him—a plan is in place and she can help with &“a favor.&”This turns out to be posing as an art advisor to a family on Cap Ferret, where Marcus asks her to simply &“listen.&” A helicopter deposits her at a remote, highly guarded and lavishly appointed compound on a spit of land in the Atlantic. It&’s presided over by an enigmatic, charming patriarch Edouard, along with his wife Dasha, children Nikki and Felix, and populated by a revolving cast of other guests—some suspicious, some intriguing, perhaps none, like her, what they seem.Brilliantly compelling, this is a spellbinding and unexpectedly poignant story of a long- planned, high-stakes CIA-Mossad operation that only needed the right asset to complete.

I'll Be Leaving You Always

by Sandra Scoppettone

Second Lauren Laurano mystery; lesbian detective.

I'll Be There For You

by Louise Candlish

Hannah hugged her sister tightly. 'I know you don't trust life any more. But you've still got to live it - and so do I.'Hannah and Juliet Goodwin have been best friends since childhood, but when Juliet's boyfriend Luke is killed just as Hannah marries the affluent Michael, the divide between the two sisters is suddenly too painful to bear. While Hannah prepares for the birth of her first child, Juliet begins to neglect her job, her health, and all those who love her the most. Hannah is the last person she'd appeal to for help. But then she finds herself drawn into a secret betrayal that threatens to destroy Hannah's happiness before she even has a chance to enjoy it . . .

I'll Be There For You

by Louise Candlish

Hannah hugged her sister tightly. 'I know you don't trust life any more. But you've still got to live it - and so do I.'Hannah and Juliet Goodwin have been best friends since childhood, but when Juliet's boyfriend Luke is killed just as Hannah marries the affluent Michael, the divide between the two sisters is suddenly too painful to bear. While Hannah prepares for the birth of her first child, Juliet begins to neglect her job, her health, and all those who love her the most. Hannah is the last person she'd appeal to for help. But then she finds herself drawn into a secret betrayal that threatens to destroy Hannah's happiness before she even has a chance to enjoy it . . .

I'll Be Watching You

by Andrea Kane

"I'll be watching you . . ."the cryptic e-mail read. Taylor Halstead, psychologist and successful radio personality, is terrified that she'll never be safe again. Coming on the heels of a series of tragic and terrible events, the e-mail sends chills racing up her spine. Her safe, secure world has already been violated by her cousin Stephanie's boyfriend, Gordon Mallory, in her own apartment. Only the door buzzer and Stephanie's intervening voice rescue her, but not before Gordon promises to return. Soon after, he is killed along with Stephanie in an inexplicable explosion aboard his yacht. Or is he? The e-mail is just the beginning. The terror campaign escalates when an electronically disguised voice on Taylor's telephone threatens to kill her, and her life becomes a nightmare. It seems the only one she can turn to is attorney Reed Weston, her confidant, protector, and, ultimately, lover. But is Reed's determination to protect her enough to avert disaster? And can Taylor trust Gordon's identical twin, Jonathan, who always seems to show up when she least expects him? Grief and dread unravel Taylor's sanity, playing tricks with her mind and heart. Someone out there wants her dead--a crazed fan or the troubled teenage boy she's been counseling or, impossibly, Gordon himself. His vow to return and those final menacing words--"I'll be watching you"--haunt her day and night. Whoever is out there is coming closer, and Taylor Halstead has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

I'll Be Watching You: A Novel

by Courtney Evan Tate

IT’S EVERY MOTHER’S NIGHTMARE…BUT ONE SHE WILL NOT ACCEPTIn an unthinkable flash, Emmy Fisher’s fifteen-year-old daughter, Leah, seemingly drowns close to shore one summer night—at least that is what the police report says. In deep grief, Emmy needs time and courage before she can enter Leah’s bedroom. But when she does, she finds something at first bewildering, then unspeakable, as she begins to understand the full implications…She uncovers evidence that Leah had been secretly involved with someone, someone perhaps older, someone with dark appetites.Bit by bit, the last few months of Leah’s life unfold in a terrifying way that Emmy can hardly imagine.All she knows is that she has to find the person who took her sweet daughter’s innocence. No matter the cost.The truth will set her free. Or bury her.

I'll Be You

by Janelle Brown

'Absolutely delicious... Janelle Brown is a surgeon of the complex relationships between women. I gobbled this up'Emma Straub, New York Times bestselling author of All Adults Here 'You won't be able to put this novel down and you won't want to'Laura Dave, no. 1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Thing He Told Me 'One of those books you'll devour'Chris Bohjalian, New York Times bestselling author of The Flight Attendant 'A deliciously twisty page-turner you won't be able to put down'Angie Kim, Edgar Award-winning author of Miracle Creek 'You be me, and I'll be you' I whispered.As children, Sam and Elli were two halves of a perfect whole: gorgeous identical twins whose parents sometimes couldn't even tell them apart. And once Hollywood discovered them, they became B-list child TV stars, often inhabiting the same role. But as adults, their lives have splintered. After leaving acting, Elli reinvented herself as the perfect homemaker: married to a real estate lawyer, living in a house just blocks from the beach. Meanwhile, Sam has never recovered from her failed Hollywood career, or from her addiction to the pills and booze that have propped her up for the last fifteen years. Sam hasn't spoken to her sister since her destructive behavior finally drove a wedge between them. So when her father calls out of the blue, Sam is shocked to learn that Elli's life has been in turmoil: her husband moved out, and Elli just adopted a two-year-old girl. Now she's stopped answering her phone and checked in to a mysterious spa in Ojai. Is her sister just decompressing, or is she in trouble? Could she have possibly joined a cult? As Sam works to connect the dots left by Elli's baffling disappearance, she realizes that the bond between her and her sister is more complicated than she ever knew.

I'll Be You: A Novel

by Janelle Brown

Two identical twin sisters and former child actors have grown apart—until one disappears, and the other is forced to confront the secrets they&’ve kept from each other in this twisty suspense novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Pretty Things. &“You won&’t be able to put this novel down, and you won&’t want to.&”—Laura Dave, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Thing He Told Me ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOKS OF 2022—PopSugar, CrimeReads &“You be me, and I&’ll be you,&” I whispered. As children, Sam and Elli were two halves of a perfect whole: gorgeous identical twins whose parents sometimes couldn&’t even tell them apart. They fell asleep to the sound of each other&’s breath at night, holding hands in the dark. And once Hollywood discovered them, they became B-list child TV stars, often inhabiting the same role. But as adults, their lives have splintered. After leaving acting, Elli reinvented herself as the perfect homemaker: married to a real estate lawyer, living in a house just blocks from the beach. Meanwhile, Sam has never recovered from her failed Hollywood career, or from her addiction to the pills and booze that have propped her up for the last fifteen years. Sam hasn't spoken to her sister since her destructive behavior finally drove a wedge between them. So when her father calls out of the blue, Sam is shocked to learn that Elli&’s life has been in turmoil: her husband moved out, and Elli just adopted a two-year-old girl. Now she&’s stopped answering her phone and checked in to a mysterious spa in Ojai. Is her sister just decompressing, or is she in trouble? Could she have possibly joined a cult? As Sam works to connect the dots left by Elli&’s baffling disappearance, she realizes that the bond between her and her sister is more complicated than she ever knew. I&’ll Be You shows Janelle Brown at the top of her game: a story packed with surprising revelations and sharp insights about the choices that define our families and our lives—and could just as easily destroy them.

I'll Call Every Monday (Prologue Books)

by Orrie Hitt

The first published novel of Orrie Hitt!Nicky Weaver is an insurance man with a policy of loving women. Each Monday he goes out to collect money for the insurance he’s sold, he conducts business with a bevy of beautiful ladies. Young girls, widows, and the wife of a sketchy artist working the pornography circuit who just might be the ticket to ill-gotten money.

I'll Cry When I Kill You

by Peter Israel

An attorney tries to protect a science fiction writer from a galaxy of would-be killers Thirty minutes north of Central Park, Philip Revere finds himself in a world of spacious lawns, jogging suits, and extreme, unabashed wealth. He has come to confer with Raul Bashard, a titan of science fiction whose imminent death has been rumored for years. Revere represents Bashard's lawyer, Charles Camelot, an all-powerful attorney better known as the Counselor. Revere expects this to be nothing more than an errand--a contract dispute or a question of royalties--but Bashard has something deadly on his mind. After decades of being menaced by fans, Bashard has attracted the attention of a far more determined adversary: the Internal Revenue Service. Its attention has become so acute that the author has begun to fear for his life. Revere writes this off as artistic paranoia, but when Bashard is beaten to death in his sleep, the affair becomes a case only Camelot can solve.

I'll Eat When I'm Dead

by Barbara Bourland

Every weekday morning, as the sun rose above Sixth Avenue, a peerless crop of women-frames poised, behavior polished, networks connected, and bodies generally buffed to a high sheen-were herded by the cattle prod of their own ambition to one particular building. They're smart, stylish, and sophisticated, even the one found dead in her office.When stylish Hillary Whitney dies alone in a locked, windowless conference room at the offices of RAGE Fashion Book, her death is initially ruled an unfortunate side effect of the unrelenting pressure to be thin. But Hillary's best friend and fellow RAGE editor Catherine Ono knows her friend's dieting wasn't a capital P problem. If beauty could kill, it'd take more than that.When two months later, a cryptic note in Hillary's handwriting ends up in the office of the NYPD and the case is reopened, Det. Mark Hutton is led straight into the glamorous world of RAGE and into the life of hot-headed and fiercely fabulous Cat, who insists on joining the investigation. Surrounded by a supporting cast of party girls, Type A narcissists and half- dead socialites, Cat and her colleague Bess Bonner are determined to solve the case and achieve sartorial perfection. But their amateur detective work has disastrous results, and the two ingénues are caught in a web of drugs, sex, lies and moisturizer that changes their lives forever. Viciously funny, this sharp and satirical take on the politics of women's bodies and women's work is an addictive debut novel that dazzles with style and savoire faire.

I'll Eat When I'm Dead

by Barbara Bourland


Ill-Fated Fortune: A Magical Fortune Cookie Novel (Magical Fortune Cookie #1)

by Jennifer J. Chow

The first in the heart-warming and deliciously mysterious Magical Fortune Cookie series from Lefty Award-nominee Jennifer J. Chow.Felicity Jin grew up literally hanging onto Mom’s apron strings in their magical bakery in the quaint town of Pixie, California. Her mother’s enchanted baked goods, including puffy pineapple buns and creamy egg tarts, bring instant joy to all who consume them. Felicity has always been hesitant in the kitchen herself after many failed attempts, but a takeout meal gone wrong inspires her to craft some handmade fortune cookies.They become so popular that Felicity runs out of generic fortunes and starts making her own personalized predictions. When one customer’s ill-fated fortune results in his murder, Felicity’s suspiciously specific fortune has the police focusing on her as the main culprit. Now Felicity must find a way to turn her luck around and get cleared from suspicion.

I'll Find You

by Nancy Bush

Only Killing Stops The Pain. . .Callie Cantrell has only fragmented memories of the car accident that killed her husband and son. One year later, she's still trying to start over, yet she can't shake her unease. Especially when former LA cop West Laughlin barges into her life, searching for his young nephew. At first he thinks Callie's lying about who she is and what she knows. But soon it's clear that Callie and West are linked by a killer who has bent others to his twisted will. The worst night of Callie's life was just the beginning of his vengeance. And when her turn comes again there will be no escape. . .

Ill-Gotten Panes

by Jennifer Mcandrews

FIRST IN A NEW SERIES! Stained-glass aficionado Georgia Kelly packed up her city life for the quiet of small town Wenwood, New York. But the sleepy village's peace is about to get shattered--by murder... After a banking scandal loses Georgia her job and fiancé, she decides that a change of scenery will help piece her life back together. But escaping to her grandfather's house in the old-fashioned, brick-making Hudson River hamlet of Wenwood, New York, turns out to be less relaxing than she expects. Not only is the close-knit community on edge about their beloved brickworks being turned into a marina to draw in tourists, one of those most opposed to the project winds up dead--cracked over the head with a famous Wenwood brick. Georgia wouldn't be broken up over the news except for the fact that the main suspect is the deceased's biggest adversary--her grandfather. Now, to remove the stain from her grandy's record, Georgia will have to figure out who in town was willing to kill to keep the renovation project alive, before someone else is permanently cut out of the picture...

I'll Keep You Safe

by Peter May

Friends since childhood, and lovers and business partners as adults, Naimh and Ruairidh are owners of a small Hebridean company, Ranish Tweed, that weaves its own very special version of Harris Tweed. It is a very small company but their fabrics have become internationally sought after as a niche brand in the world of fashion and haute couture. As they prepare for an important showing at the Première Vision fabric fair, held in Paris every year, they fight in their hotel room--Niamh suspects Ruairdh of having an affair with a Russian fashion designer they work with but he insists this is a lie and storms off. Moments later, Niamh watches in horror as the car containing her partner and fashion designer explodes in a ball of flame. With Niamh a prime suspect in the murder, the Parisian police hound her even after she returns to Harris to bury the pitiful remains of her lover and business partner. Amid the grief and struggles that follow, she begins to suspect that things are not what they seem; and when there is an attempt on her life, she becomes convinced that what seemed like a terrorist attack on her lover might be something more personal by far...

I'll Keep You Safe: The #1 Bestseller

by Peter May

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER OVER 150,000 COPIES SOLD 'NO ONE CAN CREATE A MORE ELOQUENTLY WRITTEN SUSPENSE NOVEL' NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKS A stunning standalone thriller from Peter May, alternating between the glamorous fashion world of Paris and the rugged beauty of the Isle of Harris. WHATEVER HAPPENSNiamh and Ruairidh Macfarlane co-own the Hebridean company Ranish Tweed. On a business trip to Paris to promote their luxury brand, Niamh learns of Ruairidh's affair, and then looks on as he and his lover are killed by a car bomb. She returns home to Lewis, bereft.I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOUNiamh begins to look back on her life with Ruairidh, desperate to identify anyone who may have held a grudge against him. The French police, meanwhile, have ruled out terrorism, and ruled in murder - and sent Detective Sylvie Braque to shadow their prime suspect: Niamh.I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE, NO MATTER WHATAs one woman works back through her memories, and the other moves forward with her investigation, the two draw ever closer to a deadly enemy with their own, murderous, designs.LOVED I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE? Read EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE, book 1 in the Enzo seriesLOVE PETER MAY? Order his new thriller, A SILENT DEATH

I'll Keep You Safe: The #1 Bestseller

by Peter May

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER OVER 150,000 COPIES SOLD'NO ONE CAN CREATE A MORE ELOQUENTLY WRITTEN SUSPENSE NOVEL' NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKS A stunning standalone thriller from Peter May, alternating between the glamorous fashion world of Paris and the rugged beauty of the Isle of Harris. WHATEVER HAPPENSNiamh and Ruairidh Macfarlane co-own the Hebridean company Ranish Tweed. On a business trip to Paris to promote their luxury brand, Niamh learns of Ruairidh's affair, and then looks on as he and his lover are killed by a car bomb. She returns home to Lewis, bereft.I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOUNiamh begins to look back on her life with Ruairidh, desperate to identify anyone who may have held a grudge against him. The French police, meanwhile, have ruled out terrorism, and ruled in murder - and sent Detective Sylvie Braque to shadow their prime suspect: Niamh.I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE, NO MATTER WHATAs one woman works back through her memories, and the other moves forward with her investigation, the two draw ever closer to a deadly enemy with their own, murderous, designs.LOVED I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE? Read EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE, book 1 in the Enzo seriesLOVE PETER MAY? Order his new thriller, A SILENT DEATH

I'll Keep You Safe: A stunning standalone crime thriller from the incredible mind behind The Lewis Trilogy

by Peter May

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLEROVER 150,000 COPIES SOLD'NO ONE CAN CREATE A MORE ELOQUENTLY WRITTEN SUSPENSE NOVEL' NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKSA stunning standalone thriller from Peter May, alternating between the glamorous fashion world of Paris and the rugged beauty of the Isle of Harris. WHATEVER HAPPENSNiamh and Ruairidh Macfarlane co-own the Hebridean company Ranish Tweed. On a business trip to Paris to promote their luxury brand, Niamh learns of Ruairidh's affair, and then looks on as he and his lover are killed by a car bomb. She returns home to Lewis, bereft.I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOUNiamh begins to look back on her life with Ruairidh, desperate to identify anyone who may have held a grudge against him. The French police, meanwhile, have ruled out terrorism, and ruled in murder - and sent Detective Sylvie Braque to shadow their prime suspect: Niamh.I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE, NO MATTER WHATAs one woman works back through her memories, and the other moves forward with her investigation, the two draw ever closer to a deadly enemy with their own, murderous, designs.LOVED I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE? Read EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE, book 1 in the Enzo seriesLOVE PETER MAY? Order his new thriller, A SILENT DEATH(P)2018 Quercus Editions Limited

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