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As Though She Were Sleeping

by Elias Khoury

Meelya's dreams are her refuge from events that threaten her or escape her understanding. She leaves her home in Lebanon to live in Nazareth with her Palestinian husband, but Mansour - an older man who fell for her beauty - is frustrated by her spiritual absence.When Mansour's brother's death demands a move to Jaffa - the centre of early tensions between Jewish settlers and displaced Palestinians - Meelya withdraws further into the realm of dreams. Expecting the birth of their son, Mansour can only watch as she cuts loose from the physical world.Over three traumatic nights, past, present and future merge seamlessly into a series of visions that draw the reader towards a conclusion that is powerfully symbolic of the ongoing troubles in the Middle East.

As Thousands Cheer: The Life of Irving Berlin

by Laurence Bergreen

This is the life story of Irving Berlin, from his arrival in the United States, through his childhood, and development as one of the country's greatest composers.

As Time Goes By: Boomerang Marriages, Serial Spouses, Throwback Couples, and Other Romantic Adventures in an Age of Longetivity

by Abigail Trafford

People today are living longer and healthier lives than at any other time in history-with profound implications for the nature of their romantic relationships. In this inspiring new book, best-selling author Abigail Trafford describes how people over fifty are rewriting the script of love and in the process redefining the institution of marriage for future generations. Drawing on interviews with hundreds of men and women, married and single, gay and straight, she shows how the unprecedented period of vitality after midlife but before traditional old age is much more complicated romantically and sexually than those glossy images of gray-haired people on the beach would suggest. And she reveals how today's fifty-plus men and women are raising the bar on marital satisfaction. They are more likely to break up an unhappy liaison than previous generations; and they are more freewheeling in finding new formulas for romantic satisfaction. Trafford deftly narrates what it means to love and be loved in the decades after midlife-and she offers solutions to the most common problems that define this time of life. Whether she's shedding light on "retired-spouse syndrome," sharing stories of sexual turmoil, explaining how to plan a marital time-out or navigate the troubled waters of divorce, Trafford's wise and compassionate counsel is imbued with her signature warmth and reassurance. As Time Goes By is an urgently needed guide to the pursuit of love and happiness in this dynamic stage of life.

As-tu vécu? As-tu aimé? Cela importait-il?

by Bernard Levine

Il y a une histoire qui dit que chaque matin, Dieu envoie deux anges du ciel pour venir nous rendre visite. Qui sont ces anges? Rencontrons-les… Le nom du premier ange est «Demandez»… et le nom du deuxième ange est «Louange». Ces deux anges portent des paniers. Lorsque nous regardons ce qui est à l'intérieur du panier du premier ange, nous constatons que le panier est plein, jusqu'en haut, débordant de nos demandes de prière à Dieu telles que `` donnez-moi une grande maison, je veux une nouvelle voiture, obtenez-moi un meilleur travail et je veux beaucoup d'argent. Maintenant, quand nous regardons pour voir ce qui est à l'intérieur du panier du deuxième ange, nous constatons qu'il est vide… ils disent que seulement parfois, juste au fond du panier, il y a un ou deux mots de louange. Pensez à Dieu… chaque jour, Dieu a beaucoup, beaucoup de nos demandes pour répondre de plus en plus à nos «demandes» et «désirs». Serons-nous jamais satisfaits et reconnaissants de ce que nous avons déjà? Dites-moi, avons-nous prié pendant tout ce temps en suppliant Dieu de fournir et pourtant, nous ne prenons presque jamais le temps de remercier Dieu que nous sommes vivants et de le louer pour chaque battement de cœur et chaque souffle. Ne serait-il pas merveilleux de chercher et d'orienter nos prières pour donner la louange et la gloire au «Donneur» d'abord, avant de nous concentrer autant de notre temps de prière sur la recherche des «Cadeaux» et ce que nous pouvons obtenir de la Dieu. Chaque jour, faisons de Dieu notre plaisir… car Dieu est tout ce dont nous avons besoin!

As Tuas Mentiras

by Harriet Tyce

NO RECREIO, REINA A LEI DO MAIS FORTE. MAS AO PORTÃO DA ESCOLA NÃO HÁ REGRA ALGUMA. Quando Sadie Roper regressa a Londres com a filha, Robin, está determinada a reparar a vida de ambas e a retomar a sua carreira como advogada criminal. Sadie ama a filha, e tudo fará para a proteger, mas não lhe pode dizer porque tiveram de sair da sua casa nos Estados Unidos tão depressa, nem porque é que o pai de Robin não veio com elas. Não lhe pode explicar por que motivo odeia estar de volta à casa da sua falecida mãe, com as paredes cobertas de heras e as suas memórias tóxicas. E não lhe pode contar a verdade sobre a escola que Robin está prestes a frequentar: uma escola que não acolhe bem os recém-chegados e onde a competitividade é feroz entre alunas… e sobretudo entre mães. Sadie só quer que as suas vidas voltem ao normal, mas a resistência que inicialmente encontram na escola parece difícil de ultrapassar. As coisas acabam por mudar, e tanto Sadie como Robin começam a sentir-se integradas e a criar amizades. Mas essas amizades repentinas poderão impedir Sadie de ver a verdade e de encarar a ameaça que se aproxima. «Um thriller psicológico envolvente e repleto de reviravoltas.» Publishers Weekly

As The Twig Is Bent

by Kenneth Jernigan

"Table of Contents To Park Or Not To Park What Lynden Has To Hear How Different It Might Have Been How Different It Is Do You Want To Go To The Store, Ted? Partially Sighted, Really Blind Advice From A Seven-Year-Old A Matter Of Attitude A Purchasing Alliance They Didn't Want Me To Go To School Ladies And Gentlemen Of The Jury Sight Unseen To Light A Candle With Mathematics Supremacy." Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

As Últimas Colheitas: Como a Agricultura Intensiva É uma Ameaça Tão Grande Quanto as Alterações Climáticas

by Philip Lymbery

Uma visão provocadora do futuro, que nos desafia a pensar melhor acerca do que compramos e comemos, e do impacto das nossas escolhas nas alterações climáticas. Partindo de um alerta perturbador das Nações Unidas de que os solos do mundo se podem esgotar no período de uma vida, Philip Lymbery, uma das pessoas mais influentes na indústria alimentar, percorre os bastidores do grande agronegócio em vários pontos do mundo, revelando como a pressão sobre os solos constitui uma ameaça séria à nossa sobrevivência. Nas suas pesquisas, porém, o autor também encontra esperança nas práticas de pioneiros que estão a repensar os métodos agrícolas, a redescobrir técnicas tradicionais e a desenvolver tecnologias para alimentar uma população global em constante expansão. Influente e persuasivo, este livro alerta para a realidade do sistema alimentar global, demonstrando como podemos regenerar os solos do mundo, acabar com a crueldade animal, salvar a vida selvagem, estabilizar o clima e salvaguardar o planeta para as gerações futuras. Os elogios da crítica: «Philip Lymbery expõe este assunto essencial sob a perspetiva de um ativista experiente — conhecedor o suficiente para ficar chocado, mas suficientemente moderado para nos persuadir a assumir a responsabilidade pelo sistema que nos alimenta.» — The Guardian«Neste livro extremamente bem escrito, cuja leitura aconselho vivamente, Philip Lymbery descreve como a agricultura intensiva prejudica o meio ambiente e inflige sofrimento aos animais sencientes, propondo alternativas sustentáveis para resolver o problema. Há de facto esperança para o nosso planeta, e cada um de nós pode desempenhar um papel.» — Jane Goodall, primatologista fundadora do Instituto Jane Goodall e mensageira da paz das Nações Unidas«Um livro extremamente importante que deve ser lido por todos os que desejam que a humanidade sobreviva para além do período de uma vida. As soluções propostas devem ser implementadas como se o nosso futuro dependesse disso — e de facto depende.» — Andrew Knight, Professor de Ética e Bem-Estar Animal da Universidade de Winchester «Um relato persuasivo e contundente sobre como a agricultura industrial está a impulsionar as emergências climáticas e a pôr em risco a biopersidade, ao mesmo tempo que prejudica a nossa saúde. Este livro é um apelo à ação.» — Isabella Tree, autora e jornalista premiada

As Últimas Palavras de Jesus: Acreditar na Glória

by John Meacham

Neste livro ímpar, Jon Meacham destaca as sete últimas frases de Jesus, conforme foram gravadas nos Evangelhos, e usa--as para pensarmos a nossa relação com Deus. Num registo mais intimista do que é habitual, o conceituado autor combina Teologia e História para realçar e descrever a herança espiritual das últimas palavras de Cristo antes da crucificação. Para Jon Meacham, bem como para os crentes em todo o mundo, os eventos da Sexta-Feira Santa e da Páscoa revelam verdades essenciais sobre a fé cristã, que aqui são partilhadas com todos. Mais do que uma nova tradução daquelas sete frases marcantes, As Últimas Palavras de Jesus é um memorável livro de sermões que deve ser lido naqueles momentos em que se procura o sentido da vida e se precisa da força das palavras do Senhor.

As Verdes Colinas de Africa [Green Hills of Africa]

by Ernest Hemingway

As Verdes Colinas de África divide-se em quatro partes: "caça e conversa", "caça recordada", "caça e derrota", e "caça e felicidade". A história que se conta nestes quatro segmentos é a de três caçadas com êxito ao leão, ao búfalo e ao rinoceronte, e a de uma longa caçada, apenas em parte bem sucedida, ao antílope. Para quem pensa que Hemingway era uma pessoa incapaz de auto-crítica, o livro será uma revelação. Hemingway, o escritor, escrutina aqui as complexas motivações de Hemingway, a personagem, e não hesita em criticar este último por quase ter estragado todo o prazer de uma aventura excepcional, com o seu desejo infantil de provar que é melhor caçador do que o seu amigo Karl. Os leitores a quem a história de uma caçada em África não interessa de forma muito especial têm de qualquer maneira boas razões para ler As Verdes Colinas de África. Muito em particular por causa do segmento "caça e conversa", onde Hemingway analisa, com uma candura e uma profundidade fora do comum, a sua vida de escritor.

As viagens da mudança de século: Viagem a Itália

by Mario Espinosa

Cinco relatos de viagens contados com muito humor e ironia. Cinco crónicas de uma época em que os viajantes não transportavam uma câmara digital com memória suficiente para milhares de fotografias, nem um telemóvel com uma infinidade de funções capazes de resolver qualquer imprevisto. O leitor mergulhará numa viagem iniciática, com passagens que são pura aventura, e recordará um evento histórico sem precedentes que ocorreu paralelamente àqueles périplos. Todos esses episódios tiveram lugar enquanto deixávamos o século XX e começávamos a vivenciar uma mudança radical em direção a um uso da tecnologia tão extremo que mudou a nossa forma de viajar. Enquanto íamos chegando esse ponto, continuávamos a olhar para o mapa, não usávamos o GPS e procurávamos uma cabine telefónica para telefonar para casa. Atreve-te a reviver todas estas sensações através destes relatos; afinal de contas, “viajar é o dinheiro melhor investido”, certo?

As Viagens da Mudança do Século - Viagem a Portugal

by Mario Espinosa

Cinco relatos de viagens contados com muito humor e ironia. Cinco crônicas de um tempo no qual os viajantes não carregavam uma câmera digital com memória para milhares de fotos; nem um telefone móvel com uma infinidade de funções, capazes de resolver qualquer imprevisto. O leitor será submerso em uma viagem inicial, em passagens que são pura aventura e se recordará de um feito histórico sem precedentes, acontecido ao mesmo tempo que um desses périplos. Todos esses episódios aconteceram na passagem do século XX, quando começávamos a viver uma mudança radical em rumo de um uso de tecnologia tão extremo que modificou a forma de viajar. Enquanto chegávamos a esse ponto, continuávamos observando um mapa, não usávamos o GPS e buscávamos uma cabine telefónica para ligar para casa. Se atreva a reviver todas aquelas sensações com esses relatos, de cabo a rabo, “viajar é o dinheiro melhor investido”, não é mesmo?

As Viagens da Mudança do Século - VIAGEM AO EGITO

by Mario Espinosa

Cinco relatos de viagens contados com muito humor e ironia. Cinco crônicas de um tempo no qual os viajantes não carregavam uma câmera digital com memória para milhares de fotos; nem um telefone móvel com uma infinidade de funções, capazes de resolver qualquer imprevisto. O leitor será submerso em uma viagem inicial, em passagens que são pura aventura e se recordará de um feito histórico sem precedentes, acontecido ao mesmo tempo que um desses périplos. Todos esses episódios aconteceram na passagem do século XX, quando começávamos a viver uma mudança radical em rumo de um uso de tecnologia tão extremo que modificou a forma de viajar. Enquanto chegávamos a esse ponto, continuávamos observando um mapa, não usávamos o GPS e buscávamos uma cabine telefónica para ligar para casa. Se atreva a reviver todas aquelas sensações com esses relatos, de cabo a rabo, “viajar é o dinheiro melhor investido”, não é mesmo?

As War Ends: What Colombia Can Tell Us About the Sustainability of Peace and Transitional Justice

by James Meernik DeMeritt Jacqueline H. R. Uribe-López Mauricio

For decades a bitter civil war between the Colombia government and armed insurgent groups tore apart Colombian society. After protracted negotiations in Havana, a peace agreement was accepted by the Colombian government and the FARC rebel group in 2016. This volume will provide academics and practitioners throughout the world with critical analyses regarding what we know generally about the post-war peace building process and how this can be applied to the specifics of the Colombian case to assist in the design and implementation of post-war peace building programs and policies. This unique group of Colombian and international scholars comment on critical aspects of the peace process in Colombia, transitional justice mechanisms, the role of state and non-state actors at the national and local levels, and examine what the Colombian case reveals about traditional theories and approaches to peace and transitional justice.

As We Begin: Dispositions of Mind, Learning, and the Brain in Early Childhood

by Tia Henteleff

Beginnings hold power and promise for what is to come.As We Begin offers a scholarly yet energizing perspective on the beautiful complexity of teaching and learning during a child's foundational years. Henteleff brings together insights from big thinkers in education alongside research from Mind, Brain, and Education, and her own experiences in the classroom to explore the important role of early childhood educators and education in a way that is at once, serious, conversational, and inspiring. Explaining and applying important concepts from the science of teaching and learning in practical classroom terms, she examines the role of play, literacy, numeracy, creativity, and imagination as integrated and essential components of developing a child's intellectual curiosity. As We Begin offers ideas, rather than prescriptions, for a balanced early childhood educational program.

As We Begin: Dispositions of Mind, Learning, and the Brain in Early Childhood

by Tia Henteleff

Beginnings hold power and promise for what is to come.As We Begin offers a scholarly yet energizing perspective on the beautiful complexity of teaching and learning during a child's foundational years. Henteleff brings together insights from big thinkers in education alongside research from Mind, Brain, and Education, and her own experiences in the classroom to explore the important role of early childhood educators and education in a way that is at once, serious, conversational, and inspiring. Explaining and applying important concepts from the science of teaching and learning in practical classroom terms, she examines the role of play, literacy, numeracy, creativity, and imagination as integrated and essential components of developing a child's intellectual curiosity. As We Begin offers ideas, rather than prescriptions, for a balanced early childhood educational program.

As We Exist: A Postcolonial Autobiography

by Kaoutar Harchi

In this thoughtful coming-of-age memoir, a young sociologist reflects on her Moroccan immigrant parents, their journey to France, and how growing up an outsider shaped her identity.Imbued with tenderness for her family and a critical view of the challenges facing French North African immigrants, Kaoutar Harchi&’s probing account illustrates the deeply personal effects of political issues. Mixed with happy memories of her childhood home in eastern France are ever-present reminders of the dangers from which her parents sought to shield her. When they transfer her to a private, Catholic middle school—out of fear of Arab boys from their working-class neighborhood—Kaoutar grows increasingly conscious of her differences, and her conflicted sense of self. Notable events in her teens—the passing of a law in 2004 banning religious symbols from public schools; the 2005 deaths of Bouna Traoré and Zyed Benna, which sparked riots against police brutality—underscore the injustice of a society that sees Muslims not as equals but as a problem to solve. With elegant, affecting prose, As We Exist charts Kaoutar&’s political and intellectual awakening, which would become the heart and soul of her work as a sociologist and writer.

As We Forgive: Stories of Reconciliation from Rwanda

by Catherine Claire Larson

Can a country known for its radical brutality become a country known for an even more radical forgiveness? More than a decade after the 1994 genocide, the Rwandan government has released tens of thousands of murderers back into the communities they ravaged. Survivors and perpetrators have had to learn to live again as neighbors. Inspired by the award-winning film As We Forgive, this book explores the pain, the mystery, and the hope through seven compelling stories as victims, orphans, widows, and perpetrators journey toward reconciliation.

As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom through Radical Resistance

by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Across North America, Indigenous acts of resistance have in recent years opposed the removal of federal protections for forests and waterways in Indigenous lands, halted the expansion of tar sands extraction and the pipeline construction at Standing Rock, and demanded justice for murdered and missing Indigenous women. In As We Have Always Done, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson locates Indigenous political resurgence as a practice rooted in uniquely Indigenous theorizing, writing, organizing, and thinking.Indigenous resistance is a radical rejection of contemporary colonialism focused around the refusal of the dispossession of both Indigenous bodies and land. Simpson makes clear that its goal can no longer be cultural resurgence as a mechanism for inclusion in a multicultural mosaic. Instead, she calls for unapologetic, place-based Indigenous alternatives to the destructive logics of the settler colonial state, including heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalist exploitation.

As We Recall

by Edited by Vice Admiral James A. Sagerholm

As We Recall is the first book of its kind. A collection of reminiscences written by members of the U. S. Naval Academy class of 1952, it is a testament to the value of a Naval Academy education. Some stories are of combat in Korea, exploits in space, aerial combat over Vietnam, or development of major weapons systems. Others are stories of life at sea or of the challenges faced by the families supporting their husbands and fathers. It is safe to say, this book is an edifying, intimate, and inspiring history.

As We See It: Artists Redefining Black Identity

by Aida Amoako

Across photography, sculpture and painting, a new wave of Black artists is challenging persistent tropes in art and wider society to depict a richer portrait of the lives of Black people from all corners of the globe. As We See It brings together 30 image-makers creating visually refreshing narratives on Black cultural identities, and exploring what Blackness brings to the making and viewing of art.

As We See It: Artists Redefining Black Identity

by Aida Amoako

Across photography, sculpture and painting, a new wave of Black artists is challenging persistent tropes in art and wider society to depict a richer portrait of the lives of Black people from all corners of the globe. As We See It brings together 30 image-makers creating visually refreshing narratives on Black cultural identities, and exploring what Blackness brings to the making and viewing of art.

As We Speak: How to Make Your Point and Have It Stick

by Peter Meyers Shann Nix

The world is full of brilliant people whose ideas are never heard. This book is designed to make sure that you’re not one of them.Even for the most self-confident among us, public speaking can be a nerve-racking ordeal. Whether we are speaking to a large audience, within a group, or in a one-on-one conversation, the way in which we communicate ideas, as much as the ideas themselves, can determine success or failure. In this invaluable guide by two of today’s most sought-after communication experts, Peter Meyers and Shann Nix offer a comprehensive approach for tackling the underlying obstacles that almost all of us experience when faced with speaking in public. In As We Speak, you’ll learn to master the three building blocks at the core of their approach: Content: Organize the information you want to convey and construct a clear and lucid architecture of ideas that will lead your listener through a memorable emotional experience. Delivery: Use your body, voice, eyes, and hands in ways that engage your audience and naturally support your message. State: Bring yourself into peak performance condition. Your state is the way you feel when you perform, and it is both the most powerful and most frequently overlooked component of communication. Meyers and Nix show how to apply these principles in a wide variety of situations. You’ll learn how to handle difficult face-to-face conversations with colleagues, friends, and family; how to make the best use of e-mail, phone, video conference, and other technology; and how to communicate in a crisis, when all eyes are on you and emotions are running high. Meyers and Nix also emphasize that effective communication is impossible without first becoming aware of your own true goals and personal beliefs, and they offer helpful tools and exercises that will lead you to greater clarity and self-knowledge. Accessible, inspiring, and laden with useful tips, As We Speak will help you discover your authentic voice and learn to convey your ideas in the most powerful and memorable way possible.

As We Think, So We Are

by James Allen Ruth L Miller

DREAM LOFTY DREAMS, AND AS YOU DREAM, SO YOU SHALL BECOME. As We Think, So We Are, the fifth book in the Library of Hidden Knowledge, invites readers to explore the pioneering teachings of James Allen, one of the first leaders of the self-help movement. Dr. Ruth Miller offers modern translations of three of Allen's most insightful essays. Using clear, concise language paired with practical applications, Miller creates an accessible way to delve into and explore the fundamental processes that determine how we interact with--and understand--the world. Allen's seminal theories in metaphysics introduced millions in the last century to the Law of Attraction, one of the most transformative paths to fulfillment in the modern age. In As We Think, So We Are, we find Allen's writing to be as important and life changing today as it was a hundred years ago. As Allen put it, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. It is founded in our thoughts; it is made up of our thoughts."

As We Understood: A Collection of Spiritual Insights

by Al-Anon Family Groups

This book is a collection of spiritual writings by members of Al-Anon Family Groups. Al-Anon Family Groups is for those who have been effected by someone's drinking. From the preface: "What gives hope to Al-Anon/Alateen members? Many have experienced situations that others would find unbearable, yet they develop strength and hope for the future. "I looked around me at group meetings and saw a few people as hurt and bitter and angry as I was," said one member, "but most were facing life as it came. They were able to accept what I thought were outrageous situations. And I wanted to learn how they did it."

As We Were Saying: Sewanee Writers on Writing

by Adrianne Harun Andrew Hudgins Naomi Iizuka Margot Livesey William Logan Maurice Manning Charles Martin Jill McCorkle Christine Schutt Sidney Wade Allen Wier Dan O'Brien

Every summer for the past thirty years, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference has gathered a community of writers for two weeks of workshops, readings, talks, and meetings focused on the craft and art of writing. This book is a selection of craft talks delivered during the conference over the last several years. Some essays focus on one or two authors, some focus on texts, while others cast their regard more broadly. All are written in response to questions generated by the process of writing, as masters of the craft candidly report challenges they confront and the means by which they work to resolve such issues. The eighteen essays encompass poetry, fiction, and playwriting, investigating questions of language, character, design, and meaning, with nuanced readings of particular authors and works alongside more wide-ranging reflections on craft. Designed for audiences of writers and readers across multiple levels and backgrounds, the essays collected in As We Were Saying offer original, insightful arguments about the craft of writing and the power of literature.

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