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Showing 52,351 through 52,450 of 100,000 results

Arzneimittel verstehen: Die Kunst, aus Risiken Nutzen zu machen

by Robert Schultz-Heienbrok

Es gibt zahlreiche Bücher zum Thema "Arzneimittel" auf dem Markt; von blindem Glauben an die Fortschritte der Pharmaindustrie, bis hin zur kompletten Verteufelung. Dieses Buch klärt darüber auf, wie Arzneimittel überhaupt auf den Markt kommen, welche Verfahren die Industrie durchlaufen muss, bevor ein neues Medikament lanciert wird und welche Regeln in diesem Millionengeschäft gelten. Klar verständlich, locker und unterhaltsam geschrieben vermittelt der Autor neutral und wertfrei was sich alles hinter dem Begriff "Arzneimittel" verbirgt.

Arzneimittelpreise in Deutschland unter AMNOG: Frühe Nutzenbewertung, Dossiererstellung und Verhandlung von Erstattungsbeträgen

by Thomas Ecker

Aus Sicht des Gesetzgebers ging es bei der Neuordnung des Arzneimittelmarktes in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (AMNOG) darum, den Versicherten die bestmögliche medizinische Versorgung zu ermöglichen, dabei aber die finanzielle Belastung für die Krankenkassen zu regulieren. In diesem Sinne sollen sich die Preise für Arzneimittel an deren (Zusatz-)Nutzen für Patienten orientieren. Der Verhandlung des Erstattungsbetrags zwischen pharmazeutischen Unternehmen und dem Spitzenverband Bund der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen (GKV-SV) geht daher die frühe Nutzenbewertung durch den Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) voraus. Grundlage hierfür ist das Nutzendossier, das vom pharmazeutischen Unternehmen zu erstellen ist. Dieses Fachbuch beleuchtet strukturiert die Hintergründe der frühen Nutzenbewertung und stellt rechtliche Vorgaben sowie beteiligte Institutionen vor. Im Anschluss wird das eigentliche Verfahren der frühen Nutzenbewertung detailliert beschrieben. Die Darstellung orientiert sich dabei an einer übersichtlichen Unterteilung des Verfahrens in die Phasen Vorbereitung, Dossiererstellung, Nutzenbewertung und Beschluss sowie Erstattungsbetragsverhandlung. Auch das weitere Vorgehen nach einem möglichen Scheitern der Verhandlungen wird vorgestellt. Das Buch folgt dabei der Perspektive des pharmazeutischen Unternehmers und bietet diesem eine umfassende Orientierung.

Arzneitherapie für Ältere

by Martin Wehling Heinrich Burkhardt

Sichere Arzneitherapie für ältere Patienten! Menschen im Alter über 65 Jahren bilden die am stärksten wachsende Bevölkerungsgruppe. Ältere Patienten haben häufig mehrere - oft chronische - Erkrankungen. Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen sind überdurchschnittlich häufig u.a. wegen: - geänderter biologischer Eckdaten (Leberdurchblutung und Nierenfunktion vermindert, mehr Fett- weniger Muskelmasse) - mangelnder Compliance - Vielfachmedikation mit kaum vorhersagbaren Wechselwirkungen Welche Besonderheiten gibt es? Welche Nebenwirkungen/Wechselwirkungen müssen insbesondere beachtet werden - und können ggf. als neue eigenständige Erkrankungen fehlinterpretiert werden? Welche Arzneimittel sind für ältere Patienten ungeeignet bzw. erfordern besondere Vorsicht? NEU Neueste Daten, Statistiken, Key Evidences Wertungssystem für Alterstauglichkeit von Arzneimitteln nach FORTA-Liste Die Lösungsvorschläge und Antworten unter Einbeziehung neuester Daten, Statistiken und Key Evidences für die tägliche Praxis finden Sie in diesem Buch: - Medizinische Sicherheit: Welche Medikamente haben Priorität? Was darf ich weglassen? - Ökonomische Sicherheit: Bessere Arzneitherapie für den Patienten mit gleichzeitig weniger Verschreibungen (= Einhaltung des Arzneimittelbudgets). "Die schwierige Entscheidung ist häufig nicht, welche Therapie gewählt, sondern worauf verzichtet werden kann." Prof. Georg Ertl, Vorsitzender der DGIM 2007/2008 zur Eröffnung der 114. Jahrestagung der DGIM

Arzneitherapie für Ältere

by Martin Wehling Heinrich Burkhardt

Sichere, aber auch wirksame Arzneitherapie für ältere Patienten!Also nicht nur ungeeignete, sondern vor allem auch geeignete Arzneimittel erkennen!Welche Besonderheiten gibt es?Welche Nebenwirkungen/Wechselwirkungen müssen insbesondere beachtet werden – und können ggfs. als eigenständige Erkrankungen fehlinterpretiert werden? Menschen im Alter über 65 Jahre bilden die am stärksten wachsende Bevölkerungsgruppe.Ältere Patienten haben häufig mehrere - oft chronische – Erkrankungen. Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen sind überdurchschnittlich häufig u.a. wegen:geänderter biologischer Eckdaten (u.a. Nierenfunktion vermindert, mehr Fett- weniger Muskelmasse)mangelnder AdhärenzVielfachmedikation mit kaum vorhersagbaren Wechselwirkungen Empfehlungen zu allen relevanten Erkrankungen, inkl.SuchterkrankungenWechselwirkungen von Medikamenten mit Lebensmitteln (z.B. Grapefruit) oder mit pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln (z.B. Johanniskrautpräparate). NEU u.a.Neueste Daten, Statistiken, Key EvidencesWertungssystem der Alterstauglichkeit von Arzneimitteln nach FORTA: top-aktuelle Liste nach 3. Delphi-Prozess 2018!Vollständig überarbeitet Choosing wiselyDie Lösungsvorschläge und Antworten für die tägliche Praxis:Medizinische Sicherheit: Welche Medikamente haben Priorität? Was kann/muss ich weglassen?Ökonomische Sicherheit: Bessere Arzneitherapie mit weniger Verschreibungen (= Einhaltung des Arzneimittelbudgets).

Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2019

by Ulrich Schwabe Dieter Paffrath Wolf-Dieter Ludwig Jürgen Klauber

Im Arzneiverordnungs-Report werden seit 1985 Daten, Kosten und Analysen zur Verordnung von Arzneimitteln für die Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) publiziert. Datenbasis des Jahres 2018 sind 800 Millionen Verordnungen von 147.713 Vertragsärzten und 65.513 Vertragszahnärzten für 72,997 Mio. GKV-Versicherte.Die allgemeine Verordnungs- und Marktentwicklung wird in 8 Kapiteln dargestellt, in denen zusätzlich europäische Zulassungsverfahren, 37 neue Arzneimittel des Jahres 2018, Biologika und Biosimilars, Orphan-Arzneimittel, Ergebnisse des AMNOG-Erstattungsbetragsverfahrens und europäische Arzneimittelpreise thematisiert werden. Die speziellen Verordnungsdaten der 3000 meistverordneten Arzneimittel (Markterfassung 98%) werden in 39 Kapiteln über die führenden Indikationsgruppen evidenzbasiert analysiert.Aus dem InhaltAllgemeine Verordnungs- und MarktentwicklungIndikationsgruppenErgänzende statistische Übersicht

Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2020

by Ulrich Schwabe Wolf-Dieter Ludwig

Der Arzneiverordnungs-Report ist seit 1985 eine gemeinsame Publikation von Autoren aus Pharmakologie, Klinik, Praxis, Gesundheitsökonomie und Krankenversicherung. Basis sind die Verordnungsdaten von Arzneimitteln für ambulante Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV). Datenbasis des Jahres 2019 sind 820 Millionen Verordnungen von 179.805 Vertragsärzten und 63.360 Vertragszahnärzten für 73,195 Mio. GKV-Versicherte.Die allgemeine Verordnungs- und Marktentwicklung wird in 5 Kapiteln dargestellt, in denen zusätzlich 31 neue Arzneimittel des Jahres 2019, Biologika und Biosimilars, 10 Jahre AMNOG und europäische Arzneimittelpreise für Biosimilars thematisiert werden. Die speziellen Verordnungsdaten der 3000 meistverordneten Arzneimittel werden in 39 Kapiteln für die führenden Indikationsgruppen evidenzbasiert analysiert.

Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2021

by Wolf-Dieter Ludwig Bernd Mühlbauer Roland Seifert

Der Arzneiverordnungs-Report ist seit 1985 eine gemeinsame Publikation von Autoren aus Pharmakologie, Klinik, Praxis, Gesundheitsökonomie und Krankenversicherung. Basis sind die Verordnungsdaten von Arzneimitteln für ambulante Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV). Datenbasis des Jahres 2020 sind ca. 820 Mio. Verordnungen von 150.363 Vertragsärzten und 62.876 Vertragszahnärzten für 73,4 Mio. GKV-Versicherte. Die allgemeine Verordnungs- und Marktentwicklung wird in 6 Kapiteln behandelt, in denen u.a. neue Arzneimittel des Jahres 2020, die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse von onkologischen Arzneimitteln, Marktsteuerungsmechanismen und Preise von Biologika bzw. Biosimilars sowie die Klassifizierung von Arzneistoffgruppen diskutiert werden.Die Nettokosten für Arzneimittel in der GKV sind 2020 weiter um 5 % auf rund 46 Mrd. € gestiegen, vor allem durch neue, hochpreisige Patentarzneimittel. Hauptkostentreiber waren Onkologika (9,5 Mrd. €, + 12,4 %) und Antidiabetika (2,8 Mrd. €, + 16,8 %). Ein wesentlicher Grund für die Kostenprobleme ist der seit Jahren beobachtete Anstieg der Jahrestherapiekosten neu eingeführter Arzneimittel. Dieser Trend zu hochpreisigen Patentarzneimitteln ist durch das Arzneimittelmarktneuordnungsgesetz (AMNOG) sogar 10 Jahre nach seiner Einführung nicht genügend abgeschwächt worden, auch wenn mit der Vereinbarung von Erstattungsbeträgen 2020 insgesamt 3,7 Mrd. € an Einsparungen erzielt werden konnten.

Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2022

by Wolf-Dieter Ludwig Bernd Mühlbauer Roland Seifert

Der Arzneiverordnungs-Report ist seit 1985 eine gemeinsame Publikation von Autoren aus Pharmakologie, Klinik, Praxis, Gesundheitsökonomie und Krankenversicherung. Basis sind die Verordnungsdaten von Arzneimitteln für ambulante Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV).

Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2022

by Wolf-Dieter Ludwig Bernd Mühlbauer Roland Seifert

Der Arzneiverordnungs-Report ist seit 1985 eine gemeinsame Publikation von Autoren aus Pharmakologie, Klinik, Praxis, Gesundheitsökonomie und Krankenversicherung. Basis sind die Verordnungsdaten von Arzneimitteln für ambulante Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV).

Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2023

by Wolf-Dieter Ludwig Bernd Mühlbauer Roland Seifert

Der Arzneiverordnungs-Report ist seit 1985 eine gemeinsame Publikation von Autoren aus Pharmakologie, Klinik, Praxis, Gesundheitsökonomie und Krankenversicherung. Basis sind die Verordnungsdaten von Arzneimitteln für ambulante Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV).

Arzthaftung und Verjährung

by Benjamin Goehl

Dieses Buch analysiert die praxisrelevante Frage der Verjährung von Arzthaftungsansprüchen. In einem ersten Teil werden die dogmatischen Grundlagen der Verjährung dargestellt. Auf dieser Basis erfolgt eine Untersuchung der Voraussetzungen des Verjährungsbeginns im Allgemeinen. Den Schwerpunkt bildet dabei die Auslegung der Begriffe der Kenntnis und der grob fahrlässigen Unkenntnis des Gläubigers. Zugleich bietet das Buch einen Überblick über die Auslegung der Verjährungsregeln durch die Praxis, insbesondere den BGH. Der dritte Teil des Buches widmet sich den Problemen der Verjährung im Kontext der Arzthaftung. Es unterscheidet zwischen der Haftung für Behandlungs- und Aufklärungsfehler und bietet eine umfassende Rechtsprechungsanalyse. Es werden die im Rahmen der Verjährung zu berücksichtigenden Besonderheiten in Arzthaftungsfällen, auch solche des Prozessrechts, herausgearbeitet und untersucht. Im Wege einer Fallgruppenbildung werden Lösungsansätze für typische Problemfälle angeboten.

Ärztlich assistierter Suizid und organisierte Sterbehilfe (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim #39)

by Kallia Gavela

Das deutsche Strafgesetzbuch kennt keinen Sondertatbestand der Suizidbeteiligung. Rechtliche Konstruktionen und Wertungen insbesondere höchstrichterlicher Herkunft füllen diese Lücke. Die sich daraus vor allem für behandelnde Ärzte ergebenden Probleme drängen sich bei unheilbar kranken, dem Tode geweihten Patienten geradezu auf. Das Werk behandelt diese Fragen im Spannungsverhältnis von Strafrecht, Medizinrecht und Ethik. Die Autorin zeigt die Grenzen auf, innerhalb derer die ärztliche Beteiligung am Patientensuizid rechtlich zulässig und ethisch vertretbar ist. Die Arbeit behandelt außerdem die Probleme, die aus der Einführung einer strafrechtlichen Regelung gegen "suspekte" organisierte Suizidhilfeangebote erwachsen, deckt Defizite der jüngst vorgeschlagenen Lösungsansätze auf und gibt Anstöße für Wissenschaft, Praxis und Kriminalpolitik. Ein Blick auf ausländische Rechtsordnungen, Entscheidungen und Tendenzen rundet das Bild ab.

Ärztliche Begutachtung von A - Z: Fachbegriffe, die der ärztliche Gutachter kennen muss

by Elmar Ludolph

In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten rechtlichen Begriffe, die der ärztliche Gutachter kennen sollte, übersichtlich, kompakt und vor allem präzise erläutert. Derselbe Begriff kann in Medizin und Rechtswissenschaft durchaus unterschiedlich verstanden werden. So ist die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation zwischen ärztlichen Sachverständigen und Gerichten/Verwaltung/Versicherungen eine schwierige Aufgabe für alle Beteiligten. Viele Streitfragen könnten allerdings vermieden werden, wenn man gerade bei diesen von Juristen und Medizinern gemeinsam benutzten Begriffen nicht aneinander vorbeireden würde. Hier setzt das Buch an: Für alle nachvollziehbar und dennoch mit höchster Präzision werden die wichtigsten Begriffe – sortiert von A – Z – definiert. Stolpersteine – „Cave“ – werden thematisiert und hervorgehoben. Darüber hinaus runden Hinweise auf die Pflichten des ärztlichen Gutachters und zahlreiche Tipps für die Erstellung und Abrechnung von ärztlichen Gutachten das Werk ab. Der Schwerpunkt der Erläuterungen betrifft den orthopädisch-unfallchirurgischen Bereich, den Herr Dr. Ludolph vertritt.Neu in der 2. Auflage sind:Ergänzung und Verbesserung von Kernbegriffen und Begriffen, die unmittelbar damit zusammenhängen.Thematisierung von in der Praxis auftretenden Problemen, wie z.B. die unterschiedlichen Beweisanforderungen von Dienstunfallrecht und Gesetzlicher Unfallversicherung.Überarbeitung der Begriffe hinsichtlich der aktuellen Rechtsprechung.

Ärztliche Dokumentationspflicht und Einsichtsrecht in Patientenakten: Eine Untersuchung zu den §§ 630f und 630g BGB mit Bezügen zum nationalen sowie europäischen Datenschutzrecht (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)

by Thomas Bayer

Dieses Buch analysiert die Rechtslage in Bezug auf Patientenakten in Deutschland. Es behandelt schwerpunktmäßig die ärztliche Dokumentationspflicht, das Einsichtsrecht des Patienten in seine Behandlungsunterlagen sowie Fragen zur gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Aufbewahrung und Archivierung. Die Darstellung orientiert sich dabei sowohl am neuen Behandlungsvertragsrecht der §§ 630a ff. BGB als auch an den standesrechtlichen Vorgaben der ärztlichen Berufsordnungen. Daneben diskutiert es Lösungsvorschläge für bisher noch offene Rechtsfragen im Bereich des postmortalen Einsichtsrechts der Erben und Angehörigen sowie zum Umgang mit sensiblen Inhalten, die einer Einsichtnahme durch den Patienten im Einzelfall entzogen sind. Ein weiterer Abschnitt behandelt wesentliche Schnittstellen zum nationalen und europäischen Datenschutzrecht, insbesondere zum Auskunftsanspruch nach Art. 15 DSGVO. Erwähnung finden ferner die sozialrechtlichen Regelungen zur Einführung der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte.

Ärztliche Gespräche, die wirken: Erfolgreiche Kommunikation in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

by Wolfgang Kölfen

,,Was fehlt denn nun meinem Kind?" Jeder Kinder- und Jugendarzt kennt die Frage von Eltern, die in ihrer Sorge um den kleinen Patienten zu schwierigen Gesprächspartnern werden können. Der Umgang mit dem Kind selbst ist für Pädiater meist unproblematisch. Doch bei der Kommunikation mit den Eltern stehen deren Erwartungen und emotionaler Stress dem Handlungsdruck des Arztes gegenüber. Wie kann er das Gespräch empathisch führen und so konstruktiv und effizient lenken, dass alle Beteiligten kooperieren können? Dieser Leitfaden bietet Techniken, Tipps und Tricks für eine gelungene Kommunikation mit Eltern und in typischen Gesprächssituationen im sensiblen Kontext der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin. Welche Kommunikationsmodelle dem Kinderarzt im Alltag helfen, veranschaulicht der Kinder- und Jugendarzt Wolfgang Kölfen anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung an Kinderkliniken und aus vielen Workshops zum Thema. Der Werkzeugkasten für die ärztliche Gesprächsführung enthält u. a. Tools für: - Körpersprache - Fragetechniken - Umgang mit Schockreaktionen und Traumatisierung - Notfallkommunikation im Stress - Konflikte innerhalb des Klinik- und Praxisteams. Kurze Übungen und Fälle aus dem pädiatrischen Alltag ergänzen dieses Buch zu einem praktischen Ratgeber für Pädiater und alle Mitarbeiter im Arbeitsfeld der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin.

Ärztliche Gespräche, die wirken: Erfolgreiche Kommunikation in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

by Wolfgang Kölfen

Dieser Leitfaden für Kinder- und Jugendärzte bietet Techniken, Tipps und Tricks für eine gelungene Kommunikation mit Eltern und in typischen Gesprächssituationen im sensiblen Kontext der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin. Welche Kommunikationsmodelle im Alltag helfen, veranschaulicht der Kinder- und Jugendarzt Wolfgang Kölfen anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele und eingängiger Fotos und Schaubilder.Kurze Übungen und Fälle aus dem pädiatrischen Alltag ergänzen dieses Buch zu einem praktischen Ratgeber nicht nur für Pädiater, sondern auch für Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen, die ihren Umgang mit Patienten effektiver und zufriedenstellender gestalten wollen.

Ärztliche Großpraxis: Beteiligungsmodelle in Berufsausübungsgemeinschaften, Gewinnverteilung ohne Ärger (Erfolgskonzepte Praxis- & Krankenhaus-Management)

by Andreas Ullmann Dörte Busch

Dieses Buch bietet erprobte Regelungen und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die praxisinterne Vergütung in Gemeinschaftspraxis, MVZ und ÜBAG. Mit Lösungen, die so einfach und lebbar wie möglich sind und gleichzeitig den unterschiedlichen Leistungsbeiträgen der einzelnen Ärzte Rechnung tragen. Ärzte haben zunehmend geänderte Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen, die am besten in einer Berufsausübungsgemeinschaft erfüllt werden: Anstellungsmöglichkeiten, Teamarbeit, geringeres Investitionsrisiko, flexible und verlässliche Arbeits- und Urlaubszeiten, bessere Kalkulierbarkeit der Einnahmen … Drei Kernbereiche sind essentiell für eine dauerhaft erfolgreiche BAG: Klare Vertragsverhältnisse Vor- und Nachteile der unterschiedlichen Rechtsformen. Systematik der ärztlichen Vergütung. Berücksichtigung individueller Bedürfnisse und Wünsche. Faire Verteilung der Gewinne Gewichtet nach den individuellen Unterschieden der beteiligten Ärzte: eingebrachte Eigentumsanteile, eingebrachte Patientenzahl (inkl. Privatpatientenanteil), Arbeitsweise, Arbeits-/Urlaubszeiten … Souveränes Konfliktmanagement Kommunikative und vertragliche Störfallvorsorge, Schlichtungsverfahren, Mediation … Teamplayer statt Einzelkämpfer Das in der Praxis bewährte Vergütungsmodell bietet einen auf jede Praxisstruktur anwendbaren Rahmen, der nach den individuellen Bedürfnissen der Gesellschafter feinjustiert werden kann. Für größtmögliche · Honorargerechtigkeit · Planungssicherheit · Stabilität zur Zufriedenheit aller Kooperationspartner.

Ärztliche Kommunikation für Medizinstudierende

by Jutta von Campenhausen

Ihre neue Rolle als Ärztin oder Arzt bekleiden Sie nicht erst am Ende Ihres Studiums. Schon vor dem ersten Kontakt zu Patienten, Pflegekräften oder späteren Kollegen hilft es Ihnen, Ihre kommunikativen Fähigkeiten auf diesem neuen Gebiet zu entwickeln und auszuweiten. Die Autorin gibt wertvolle Tipps und zahlreiche Beispiele für eine gute Kommunikation. Sei es mit Patienten bei der Anamnese, der Untersuchung, im schweren Gespräch, über das Sterben oder weitreichende Entscheidungen. Auch besondere Situationen wie zum Beispiel der Arzt als Patient, Mobbing in der Klinik oder Spiritual Care werden erläutert.Nicht zuletzt rücken die interprofessionelle Kommunikation sowie juristische Themen und ein hilfreicher Blick auf die Statistik in den Fokus.Die wichtigsten Elemente der Kommunikationstheorie werden anschaulich anhand von Beispielen vermittelt, Patientenberichte geben einen Einblick ins Gegenüber und fürs Wiederholen und für Eilige gibt es gleich zu Beginn eine Kurzfassung.

Ärztliche Offenbarungspflichten bei Behandlungsfehlern: Eine Untersuchung des Regelungszusammenhangs des § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 2 und 3 BGB und seiner Auswirkungen (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)

by Gesa Franke

Im Zuge der Kodifizierung des Patientenrechtegesetzes im Februar 2013 normierte der Gesetzgeber in § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 2 BGB eine vertragliche Offenbarungspflicht des Behandelnden und ergänzte diese in § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 3 BGB um ein sog. Beweisverwendungsverbot. Dieser Regelungskomplex wurde innerhalb des rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskurses als eine der wenigen sachlichen Innovationen, die mit der Kodifizierung des Patientenrechtegesetzes einhergingen, gewertet. Das vorliegende Buch analysiert die konkrete Ausgestaltung der überaus kontrovers diskutierten Normierung und bettet sie in den Gesamtkontext fehlerbezogener Auskunfts- und Informationspflichten ein. Das Werk beleuchtet zudem die Frage, inwiefern über § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 2 BGB hinausgehende ärztliche (Fehler-)Offenbarungspflichten nach geltender Rechtslage existieren und zeigt rechtspolitische Ideen und Anreize zur Effektivierung der Offenbarungspflicht auf.

Ärztliche Tätigkeit im 21. Jahrhundert - Profession oder Dienstleistung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Sebastian Klinke Martina Kadmon

Studierende der Humanmedizin sowie Lehrende finden hier Materialien für einen aktuellen und hochwertigen Unterricht für die Querschnittsbereiche Geschichte, Theorie, Ethik der Medizin, Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitssystem, öffentliches Gesundheitswesen. Berücksichtigt werden sowohl die gültige Approbationsordnung als auch der Nationale Kompetenzorientierte Lernzielkatalog Medizin (NKLM). Mittels der Leitfragen und Lernziele kann das Buch sowohl für die Vorbereitung von Veranstaltungen als auch für die Formulierung von Prüfungsfragen genutzt werden.

Ärztliche Weiterbildung effektiv gestalten

by Michael Marquardt

Wie kann man als Führungskraft ärztliche Weiterbildung in der eigenen Abteilung oder Praxis optimieren? Wie lassen sich Arbeits- und Lernbedingungen unter den aktuellen Gegebenheiten so gestalten, dass aus Assistenzärzten fähige und engagierte Fachärzte werden? Dieses Essential erläutert prägnant und fundiert drei bewährte psychologische Theorien, mit deren Hilfe ärztliche Führungskräfte Weiterbildung in ihrem direkten Einflussbereich so effektiv wie möglich gestalten können, und gibt hilfreiche Tipps zur praktischen Umsetzung im Berufsalltag.

Ärztlicher Dolmetscher: Praktische Übersetzungshilfen für Ärzte in 16 Sprachen

by Gert Hoyer Uta Hoyer

Das Buch enthält die wichtigsten Fragen zu Anamnese, Diagnose und Therapie aus allen medizinischen Fachgebieten auf Deutsch, Russisch, Englisch, Französisch, Bulgarisch, Polnisch, Rumänisch, Tschechisch, Ungarisch, Arabisch, Italienisch, Schwedisch, Spanisch, Türkisch, Griechisch und Serbisch/Kroatisch. Das Werk wendet sich an Ärzte in allen Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens, die ausländische Patienten betreuen, die der deutschen Sprache nicht mächtig sind. Es wendet sich aber auch ausländische Ärzte verschiedener Nationalitäten, die in Deutschland arbeiten und Übersetzungshilfen für den Umgang mit ihren Patienten benötigen. Ein idealer Begleiter für die erste, schnelle Befunderhebung, Diagnosestellung und Therapieeinleitung, ohne langes Warten auf einen Dolmetscher.

Ärztliches Handeln zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft (Gesundheit. Politik - Gesellschaft - Wirtschaft)

by Tanja Merl

Als vermeintlich selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der ärztlichen Tätigkeit ist die ‚ärztliche Kunst’ ein scheinbar vertrautes Phänomen, das im Alltagsverständnis auf allgemeine Akzeptanz stößt. Erst auf den zweiten Blick eröffnen sich Unklarheiten und Ambivalenzen. Eine substantielle Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff, seinen Implikationen und seines Stellenwerts - erst recht unter den gewandelten Bedingungen einer verwissenschaftlichten, technisierten und ökonomisierten Medizin - fehlt bislang. Durch die arbeitssoziologische Analyse können grundlegende Elemente der ‚ärztlichen Kunst’ empirisch präzisiert und handlungstheoretisch fundiert sowie ihre Bedeutung im Rahmen gegenwärtigen ärztlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden.

Ärztliches Wundmanagement im interprofessionellen Team

by Thomas Karl Martin Storck

Die moderne zielgerichtete Behandlung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit chronischen Wunden in Klinik und Praxis wird in allen Facetten beschrieben: neben den Fortschritten bei den diagnostischen und therapeutischen Möglichkeiten trägt auch die Entwicklung der organisatorischen Strukturen zur erfolgreichen Wundbehandlung bei. Ihre Umsetzung erfordert die Kenntnis der aktuellen rechtlichen und ökonomischen Grundlagen. Die Beiträge sind von erfahrenen Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichen Berufs- und Fachgruppen verfasst. Das Buch wendet sich an alle Berufsgruppen und insbesondere Ärztinnen und Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen, die Patientinnen und Patienten mit chronischen Wunden bei peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit, diabetischem Fußsyndrom, chronisch venöser Insuffizienz oder anderen Ursachen behandeln.

Arztpraxis - erfolgreiche Abgabe: Betriebswirtschaft, Steuer, Gesellschaftsrecht, Berufs- und Zulassungsrecht (Erfolgskonzepte Praxis- & Krankenhaus-Management)

by Götz Bierling Harald Engel Anja Mezger Daniel Pfofe Wolfgang Pütz Dietmar Sedlaczek

Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen alle Informationen, um die Abgabe Ihrer Arztpraxis strategisch optimal zu planen. Was muss lang-, mittel- und kurzfristig beachtet werden. Irgendwann ist der Zeitpunkt gekommen, an dem jeder Arzt seine Praxis oder seine Praxisanteile abgeben wird. Dies kann aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen erfolgen und stellt den Praxisinhaber oftmals vor viele organisatorische Herausforderungen. Warum sollte man sich also jetzt schon Gedanken um die eigene Praxisabgabe machen? Ganz einfach: Die Vielschichtigkeit der Praxisabgabe wird häufig unterschätzt und ihre Abgabe gestaltet sich nicht mehr so einfach wie noch vor einigen Jahren. Sie ist infolge immer umfangreicher werdender rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen ein inzwischen sehr komplexes Konstrukt. Gerade die Attraktivität der eigenen Praxis zu steigern und so ihren Wert zu sichern ist nur mit einer frühzeitigen Planung möglich. Sie sind daher als Praxisinhaber gefordert, sich rechtzeitig auf die Praxisabgabe vorzubereiten und frühzeitig mit den Problemen auseinanderzusetzen. Denn Praxisabgaben können besonders dann scheitern, wenn man sich zu spät mit diesem Thema beschäftigt. Dieses Buch richtet sich daher an alle Ärzte, gleichgültig ob sie eine eigene Praxis haben oder den Beruf mit anderen Ärzten gemeinsam ausüben, und soll ihnen den Weg für eine erfolgreiche Praxisabgabe weisen. Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater, Betriebswirte und Vertreter der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung haben dieses Buch gemeinsam erarbeitet, um dem Leser so ausführliche und umfassende Einblicke aus den verschiedenen Perspektiven zu vermitteln. Entscheiden Sie sich dazu, die Ratschläge dieses Buches zu berücksichtigen, so steht Ihrer erfolgreichen Praxisabgabe nichts mehr im Wege.

Arztrecht: Praxishandbuch für Mediziner

by Karl-Heinz Schnieder Björn Papendorf Hans-Peter Ries Ralf Großbölting

Jeder Arzt ist rechtlichen Regelungen unterworfen, die sich häufig ändern, und deren Folgen im Konfliktfall schnell und präzise eingeschätzt werden müssen. Ein Team anerkannter Experten stellt die komplizierte Materie praxisnah, in übersichtlicher Form und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele dar. Das Handbuch enthält Checklisten, liefert Entscheidungshilfen sowie Verteidigungsstrategien. In die 3. Auflage sind alle Änderungen durch das Arzneimittelneuordnungsgesetz (AMNOG), das GKV-Finanzierungsgesetz (GKV-FinG 2011) und das Versorgungsstrukturgesetz 2012 eingeflossen.

Arztrecht: Praxishandbuch für Mediziner

by Karl-Heinz Schnieder Björn Papendorf Hans-Peter Ries Ralf Großbölting Sebastian Berg

Klare Entscheidungs- und Argumentationshilfe: Ein Team anerkannter Experten, unter ihnen drei Fachanwälte für Medizinrecht, stellt die komplizierte Materie übersichtlich und verständlich dar. Ärzte sind einer Fülle von häufig wechselnden rechtlichen Regelungen unterworfen, deren Folgen sie im Konfliktfall schnell und präzise einschätzen müssen. Zahlreiche Beispiele, Checklisten und Verteidigungsstrategien zur sofortigen Umsetzung bieten hier rasche Orientierung zur Klärung aller relevanten Rechtsfragen. Plus in dieser 2. , aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage: die aktuelle Rechtsprechung und die anstehenden erheblichen gesetzlichen Änderungen.

Arzú. Y el tiempo se me fue

by Méndez Vides

Durante más de dos años Méndez Vides, escritor y periodista, se reunió semanalmente con el político Álvaro Arzú. Se estableció limitar los encuentros a hora y media, lo cual se respetó meticulosamente, empezando en el minuto exacto e interrumpiendo la amena "plática" a la hora determinada aunque se deseara continuar fuera del límite previsto. En un momento dado, las preguntas lograban pasar habilidosamente inadvertidas ante lo relevante del testimonio que iba desde un plano personal eíntimo, hasta grandes acontecimientos históricos, como la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz en 1996, sonados secuestros de guatemaltecos influyentes meses antes de concretarse dicha firma -y que la hicieron tambalear- y, desde luego, los entresijos del poder que Arzú conoce muy bien. Álvaro Arzú, presidente de Guatemala de 1996 a 2000, cinco veces alcalde de la ciudad de Guatemala e indiscutible y polémico líder político, comparte su experiencia ante el escritor Méndez Vides respondiendo a sus incisivas preguntas. Arzú, reelecto como alcalde para el periodo 2016-2020, nos relata los últimos cincuenta años de la historia política de Guatemala. Sus seguidores, opositores y rivales se buscarán en estas memorias políticamente incorrectas que no dejarán indiferente al lector.

As 10 Competências Essenciais dos Servidores Públicos: Manual

by Shahid Hussain Raja

Ser um servidor público é uma honra e um privilégio por um lado, mas uma grande responsabilidade pelo outro. O fiel cumprimento de seus deveres exige que você seja muito efetivo na prestação de serviços, eficiente na execução e honesto em seu trato com o público. Este pequeno manual é uma tentativa de listar as competências que podem ajudá-lo a se transformar. Felizmente, todas estas competências das quais você precisará enquanto desempenha as suas tarefas, podem ser aprendidas e não são herdadas. Apenas exige um compromisso incondicional e esforços dedicados para aprendê-las.

As a City on a Hill: The Story of America's Most Famous Lay Sermon

by Daniel T. Rodgers

How an obscure Puritan sermon came to be seen as a founding document of American identity and exceptionalism“For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill,” John Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans at New England’s founding in 1630. More than three centuries later, Ronald Reagan remade that passage into a timeless celebration of American promise. How were Winthrop’s long-forgotten words reinvented as a central statement of American identity and exceptionalism? In As a City on a Hill, leading American intellectual historian Daniel Rodgers tells the surprising story of one of the most celebrated documents in the canon of the American idea. In doing so, he brings to life the ideas Winthrop’s text carried in its own time and the sharply different yearnings that have been attributed to it since.As a City on a Hill shows how much more malleable, more saturated with vulnerability, and less distinctly American Winthrop’s “Model of Christian Charity” was than the document that twentieth-century Americans invented. Across almost four centuries, Rodgers traces striking shifts in the meaning of Winthrop’s words—from Winthrop’s own anxious reckoning with the scrutiny of the world, through Abraham Lincoln’s haunting reference to this “almost chosen people,” to the “city on a hill” that African Americans hoped to construct in Liberia, to the era of Donald Trump.As a City on a Hill reveals the circuitous, unexpected ways Winthrop’s words came to lodge in American consciousness. At the same time, the book offers a probing reflection on how nationalism encourages the invention of “timeless” texts to straighten out the crooked realities of the past.

As a Gentleman Would Say

by John Bridges Bryan Curtis

On any given day, a man is faced with situations that demand a response. He runs into a friend who was recently fired . . . His date can't seem to pry herself away from a texting conversation during dinner . . . Someone at his gym routinely monopolizes the equipment . . . He finds himself in a nearly unintelligible conversation with a client who has a thick foreign accent. In each of these scenarios, there are distinct responses that can determine the outcome--for better or worse. Knowing what to say is essential, because regardless of how many doors he opens or how often he remembers to bring a bottle of wine for the hostess, a gentleman's reputation is often established on his ability to communicate. In this updated version of As a Gentleman Would Say, John Bridges and Bryan Curtis offer simple reminders and new ideas for any man who is eager to navigate the obstacle course of his own words.

As a Gentleman Would Say: Responses to Life's Important (and Sometimes Awkward) Situations (The GentleManners Series)

by Bryan Curtis John Bridges

On any given day, a man is faced with situations that demand a response. He runs into a friend who was recently fired . . . His date can’t seem to pry herself away from a texting conversation during dinner . . . Someone at his gym routinely monopolizes the equipment . . . He finds himself in a nearly unintelligible conversation with a client who has a thick foreign accent. In each of these scenarios, there are distinct responses that can determine the outcome—for better or worse. Knowing what to say is essential, because regardless of how many doors he opens or how often he remembers to bring a bottle of wine for the hostess, a gentleman’s reputation is often established on his ability to communicate. In this updated version of As a Gentleman Would Say, John Bridges and Bryan Curtis offer simple reminders and new ideas for any man who is eager to navigate the obstacle course of his own words.

As a Lady Would Say

by Sheryl Shade

Have you ever been in a situation in which you were caught off guard, left speechless, or, worse yet, put your foot in your mouth?This easily accessible book focuses on those moments when knowing exactly what to say is both a challenge and important. From the light-hearted "how to react when your boyfriend gives you a blender as a gift" or "what to say when you run into another lady at a party wearing exactly the same dress" to the more serious "what to say to a friend who has had a miscarriage or to a friend who has suffered the sudden death of a parent." As A Lady Would Say differs from other etiquette books. It not only offers suggestions for the correct thing to say in more than 100 social situations, but it gives humorous examples of the wrong thing to say as well. Saying the right thing requires a little logic, a bit of forethought, and a great deal of consideration for others. With the advice provided in this book, a lady will never need to stumble or stutter again.

As a Lady Would Say Revised & Updated: Responses to Life's Important (and Sometimes Awkward) Situations (The GentleManners Series)

by Sheryl Shade

So much depends on being a lady. A true one knows that thequestion, "How are you today?" isn't an invitation for her to unload the day'sordeals. She knows that her unsolicited opinion of a friend's fuzzy lime greensweater dress isn't necessary, and she certainly knows better than to nag orspout gender clichés when the man in her life refuses to stop and ask fordirections. As a Lady Would Sayis every woman's guide to being delicatein an indelicate world of awkward situations, difficult people, and thornysocial dynamics. Sheryl Shade's clever cataloging of real-world scenarios is ahumorous look at how a lady should respond in any number of life's irksome situations,along with a guide to which words should never leave her mouth. Get ready toquestion your own feminine sensibilities, and examine the way you interact withthe world around you.

As a Man Grows Older (New York Review Books. Classics #No. 25)

by Italo Svevo Beryl De Zoete

Not so long ago Emilio Brentani was a promising young author. Now he is an insurance agent on the fast track to forty. He gains a new lease on life, though, when he falls for the young and gorgeous Angiolina--except that his angel just happens to be an unapologetic cheat. But what begins as a comedy of infatuated misunderstanding ends in tragedy, as Emilio's jealous persistence in his folly--against his friends' and devoted sister's advice, and even his own best knowledge--leads to the loss of the one person who, too late, he realizes he truly loves.Marked by deep humanity and earthy humor, by psychological insight and an elegant simplicity of style, As a Man Grows Older (Senilità, in Italian; the English title was the suggestion of Svevo's great friend and admirer, James Joyce) is a brilliant study of hopeless love and hapless indecision. It is a masterwork of Italian literature, here beautifully rendered into English in Beryl de Zoete's classic translation.-Print ed."The poem of our complex modern madness."--EUGENIO MONTALE"Svevo has the capacity--so rare as to be almost unknown in the English novel--of handling emotional relationships with a combined tenderness, humour and realism."--THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT

As a Man Thinketh

by James Allen

Timeless Wisdom for the Modern Man In the years since its publication in 1902, As a Man Thinketh has set thousands of men on the pathway to personal and financial growth. Now, in this unique rendition of James Allen's masterwork, you, too, can manifest the traits and skills characteristic of those honorable, refined, and successful men. Each of the aphorisms and quotes in this book reveals simple yet revelatory techniques that will empower you to strengthen your character, harness constructive thoughts, and create the life you've always wanted. As Allen himself wrote, As a Man Thinketh "shall create positive results in daily circumstances and actions, regardless of the venue-an agreeable prospect, one must concede!"

As a Man Thinketh

by James Allen

What we believe makes who we are. James Allen explains this and then shows us how to live happier, wealthier, and more fulfilling lives. Join the millions of people have already found the pathway to wealth and fulfillment with this book. "Every man is where he is by the law of his being; the thoughts which he has built into his character have brought him there, and in the arrangement of his life there is no element of chance, but all is the result of a law which cannot err. This is just as true of those who feel 'out of harmony' with their surroundings as for those who are contented with them

As a Man Thinketh: Classic Wisdom for Proper Thought, Strong Character, & Right Actions

by James Allen

Timeless Wisdom for the Modern ManIn the years since its publication in 1902, As a Man Thinketh has set thousands of men on the pathway to personal and financial growth. Now, in this unique rendition of James Allen's masterwork, you, too, can manifest the traits and skills characteristic of those honorable, refined, and successful men. Each of the aphorisms and quotes in this book reveals simple yet revelatory techniques that will empower you to strengthen your character, harness constructive thoughts, and create the life you've always wanted.As Allen himself wrote, As a Man Thinketh "shall create positive results in daily circumstances and actions, regardless of the venue-an agreeable prospect, one must concede!"

As a Man Thinketh: The Path Of Prosperity (Dover Empower Your Life Ser. #Vol. 1)

by James Allen

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." With that simple but profound philosophy — and the right application of thought — you can overcome obstacles, reach goals, improve health, and achieve serenity.Since its initial publication a century ago, millions around the world have responded to James Allen's powerful message of positive thinking and have used it to achieve their maximum potential.Included in this edition are Allen's insightful Morning and Evening Thoughts, a collection of beautiful daily meditations that feed the mind and soul.

As a Man Thinketh

by James Allen

Allen's practical philosophy of successful living has awakened millions to the discovery and perception of the truth that "they themselves are makers of themselves". Building on the Bible verse. "As a man thinketh, so he is", Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

As a Man Thinketh

by James Allen

As a Man Thinketh is James Allen's third book, first published in 1903. In it, he details how man is the creator and shaper of his destiny by the thoughts which he thinks. He rises and falls in exact accordance with the character of the thoughts which he entertains. His environment is the result of what he has thought and done in the past, and his circumstances in the future are being shaped and built by his present desires, aspirations, thoughts and actions. He therefore who chooses and pursues a particular line of thought, consciously builds his own destiny. Part of the New Thought Movement, Allen reveals the secrets to having the most fulfilling existence possible, and it’s easier than any of us could have imagined. The title for the essay comes from the Bible: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7. In more than a century, As A Man Thinketh has become an inspirational classic, selling millions of copies worldwide and bringing faith, inspiration, and self healing to all who have encountered it. In this new edition of As A Man Thinketh, readers will be enthralled by James Allen’s thoughts and direction to take charge of their own destiny, as it has for over 100 years. In the series Classic Thoughts and Thinkers, explore some of the most influential texts of our time along with the inner workings of its greatest thinkers. With works from great American figures such as Theodore Roosevelt and Emily Dickinson and seminal documents including the Constitution of the Unites States, this series focuses on the most reflective and thought-provoking writings of the last two centuries. These beautiful hardcovers are the perfect historical perspective for meeting the challenges of the modern world. Other titles in this series include: Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Collected Poems of Robert Frost, Common Sense, Constitution of the United States with the Declaration of Independence, Helen Keller, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson, and Theodore Roosevelt’s Words of Wit and Wisdom.

As a Man Thinketh

by James Allen

The aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called "spontaneous" and "unpremeditated" as to those, which are deliberately executed. Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry.

As a Man Thinketh

by James Lane Allen

Thoughtful essay.

As a Man Thinketh: 3 Perspectives

by Orison Swett Marden James Allen

Let this book show you how the way you think affects your daily life. You'll learn how to be happier, wealthier, and lead a fuller life. Millions of people have found the pathway to wealth and fulfillment with As a Man Thinketh. Long before there were the Law of Attraction, The Science of Success, and The Secret there was James Allen's As a Man Thinketh. And included in this volumes are two additional essays by Robert Collier and Orison Swett Marden who add their perspective on the power of positive thinking.

As a Man Thinketh & The Way of Peace

by James Allen

Two seminal works by one of our greatest thinkers. Let this book show you how the way you think affects your daily life. You'll learn how to be happier, wealthier, and lead a fuller life. Millions of people have found the pathway to wealth and fulfillment with these two books; and you can have them both in one binding.

As a Matter of Course

by Annie Payson Call

Annie Call wrote for The Ladies Home Journal. Her main interest was mental health. Call states that when we no longer put up resistance to the things in life that seem to be painful and evil we can then reach interior freedom. We free our natural love of self. The preface begins, "The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life." Topics covered include physical care, amusements, brain impressions, the triviality of trivialities, moods, tolerance, sympathy, others, one's self, children, illness, sentiment versus sentimentality, and problems.

As a Woman: What I Learned about Power, Sex, and the Patriarchy after I Transitioned

by Paula Stone Williams

This moving and unforgettable memoir of a transgender pastor&’s transition from male to female is an &“audacious, gripping, and profoundly real journey that speaks to the mind, heart, and soul&” (Joshua J. Dickson, director of Faith Based Initiatives, Biden Campaign)—perfect for fans of Redefining Realness and There Is Room for You.As a father of three, married to a wonderful woman, and holding several prominent jobs within the Christian community, Dr. Paula Stone Williams made the life-changing decision to physically transition from male to female at the age of sixty. Almost instantly, her power and influence in the evangelical world disappeared and her family had to grapple with intense feelings of loss and confusion.Feeling utterly alone after being expelled from the evangelical churches she had once spearheaded, Paula struggled to create a new safe space for herself where she could reconcile her faith, her identity, and her desire to be a leader. Much to her surprise, the key to her new career as a woman came with a deeper awareness of the inequities she had overlooked before her transition. Where her opinions were once celebrated and amplified, now she found herself sidelined and ignored. New questions emerged. Why are women&’s opinions devalued in favor of men&’s? Why does love and intimacy feel so different? And, was it possible to find a new spirituality in her own image?In As a Woman, Paula&’s &“critical questions about gender, personhood, and place are relevant to anyone. Her writing insightfully reveals aspects of our gender socialization and culture that often go unexamined, but that need to be talked about, challenged, and changed&” (Soraya Chemaly, author of Rage Becomes Her) in order to fully understand what it means to be male, female, and simply, human.

As a Woman Thinketh: In Her Heart... So Is She

by Ajax Moon

Mike Pauro, aka 'Ajax Moon' and his daughter, Morgan Deeble, aka 'Bridey Moon' remake the aphorism examined by James Allen for women. In this transposition of Allen's classic, the authors revisit the impact of thought on health, purpose, achievement, ideas, and serenity from the female perspective. The work is accompanied by imagery from early 20th century postcards passed down for generations in their family. The images were selected to be contemporaneous of the era of James Allen (1864-1912).

AS & A2 Media Studies: The Essential Revision Guide For Aqa (Essentials)

by Antony Bateman Sarah Casey Benyahia Claire Mortimer Peter Wall

AS & A2 Media Studies: The Essential Revision Guide for AQA is a comprehensively updated new edition offering advice and guidance to help students pass AS and A2 Media Studies. Written by a team of experienced teachers and examiners, the book offers clear and engaging pathways through all the areas covered in the Media Studies curriculum, providing students with: • Revision Activities • Exam Tips and reminders • Definitions of key terms • Past paper questions • References to examiners reports. The authors also offer essential background information to help Media Studies students understand wider contexts and theoretical perspectives, as well as giving the lowdown on how exams are marked, how to manage self-study and approaching final examinations.

As affecting the fate of my absent husband

by Erika Behrisch Elce Lady Jane Franklin

From her optimistic requests to whaling ships to her persistent demands for Admiralty aid, Lady Franklin played a crucial role in the search for her husband. Her correspondence with British prime ministers, members of Parliament, lords of the Admiralty, and a US president presents a private, domestic side to a national tragedy and sheds new light on what Sir John Franklin's disappearance meant to England, its public, and its sense of itself as an imperial power. With comprehensive annotations, a descriptive timeline, and an introduction that outlines the significance of Lady Franklin's contribution to the "Arctic debate," As affecting the fate of my absent husband is a convincing portrait of the surprisingly disruptive effects - on both the public consciousness and the government bureaucracy - of a single, eloquent, voice of dissent.

As affecting the fate of my absent husband: Selected Letters of Lady Franklin Concerning the Search for the Lost Franklin Expedition, 1848-1860 (McGill-Queen's Indigenous and Northern Studies #154)

by Lady Jane Franklin Erika Behrisch Elce

The tragic fate of the lost Franklin expedition (1845-48) is a well-known part of exploration history, but there has always been a gap in the story - a personal account that begs to be told. In As affecting the fate of my absent husband, Erika Behrisch Elce has collected the poignant letters of Sir John Franklin's wife, Jane, which provide a vital new perspective on the tragedy. From her optimistic requests to whaling ships to her persistent demands for Admiralty aid, Lady Franklin played a crucial role in the search for her husband. Her correspondence with British prime ministers, members of Parliament, lords of the Admiralty, and a US president presents a private, domestic side to a national tragedy and sheds new light on what Sir John Franklin's disappearance meant to England, its public, and its sense of itself as an imperial power. With comprehensive annotations, a descriptive timeline, and an introduction that outlines the significance of Lady Franklin's contribution to the "Arctic debate," As affecting the fate of my absent husband is a convincing portrait of the surprisingly disruptive effects - on both the public consciousness and the government bureaucracy - of a single, eloquent, voice of dissent. As affecting the fate of my absent husband is essential reading not only for anyone interested in Victorian adventure and the Arctic but as an introduction to one of the most fascinating women of the nineteenth century.

As Always

by Madeleine Gagnon Howard Scott Phyllis Aronoff

One of Canada's greatest literary figures reflects on life at the centre of Quebec literary arts. Re-examining the influences of her early life in a large, rural Catholic family, Madeleine Gagnon not only explores her rejection of unexamined values as part of her intellectual development but also her refusal to be categorized by her gender.Karl Marx replaced Paul Claudel in Gagnon's intellectual pantheon. Psychoanalysis gave rise to the desire to write, and her first works poured out in a torrent. She describes the friendships that played such a large part in her life and the feminist battles of the time with all their hopes and disappointments. At the same time she casts a sharp eye on contemporary Quebec society, tracing the emergence of a distinct Canadian literature.This is an account of a life well lived, told with candour, wisdom, and an inextinguishable sense of wonder.

As Always, Julia: The Letters of Julia Child & Avis DeVoto

by Joan Reardon

This revealing correspondence between the legendary French chef Julia Child and her dear friend is &“a delicious read&” (People).With her outsize personality, Julia Child is known by her first name alone. But how much do we really know of the inner Julia? Now more than 200 letters exchanged between Julia and Avis DeVoto, her friend and unofficial literary agent memorably introduced in the hit movie Julie & Julia, open the window on her deepest thoughts and feelings.This riveting correspondence chronicles the blossoming of a unique and lifelong friendship between the two women and the turbulent process of Julia&’s creation of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, one of the most influential cookbooks ever written. Bawdy, funny, exuberant, and occasionally agonized, these letters show Julia, first as a new bride in Paris, then becoming increasingly worldly and adventuresome as she follows her diplomat husband in his postings to Nice, Germany, and Norway. With commentary by food historian Joan Reardon, and covering topics as diverse as the lack of good wine in the United States, McCarthyism, and sexual mores, these letters show America on the verge of political, social, and gastronomic transformation.&“An absorbing portrait of an unexpected friendship.&”—Entertainment Weekly&“Two housewives, each in her 40s ... let rip about all kinds of things, from shallots, beurre blanc and the misery of dried herbs to politics, aging and sex ... Funny and forthright opinions about food and life.&”—The New York Times &“Entirely irresistible.&”—The Boston Globe

As Amazonas Da Antiguidade À Idade Media

by Ana Bowlova Ana Claudia Antunes

Como as Amazonas entraram no reino do imaginário e viraram lendas? Você vai expandir os seus conhecimentos desde a Antiga Grécia, ate a Idade Media com relatos em primeira pessoa sobre como as Amazonas surgiram, o que elas faziam, como batalhavam o que comiam, quem encontravam e os riscos e perigos que sofriam ate que virassem verdadeiras lendas vivas, pois ate hoje elas existem de fato. Um conto altamente, envolvente, comovente e ao mesmo tempo chocante que vai fazer você pensar se realmente tudo isso foi verdade ou apenas faz parte de uma alma coletiva. E sendo assim, a verdade relativa relacionando-se com fatos expõe o cerne da realidade. E então, seriam elas apenas sonhos, fantasias, deusas que viveram na Terra muito antes dela ser colonizada realmente? Sinta-se parte do mundo das Amazonas neste livro que revela a síntese do conhecimento humano dentro dos parâmetros existentes do consciente coletivo.Livro 1 da Serie "Memorias de Uma Amazona" que inclue mais dois livrosAmazonas na Europa MedievalAmazonas Hojeque faz parte da trilogia:As Bruxas de Avignon (Passado)Amor de Pierrot (Presente)Do Nada (Futuro)A Serie Amor de Pierrot inclue quatro livros:Pierrot & ColumbinaO Fantasma do BalletArlequimDiario de uma Colombina

As American as Shoofly Pie

by William Woys Weaver

When visitors travel to Pennsylvania Dutch Country, they are encouraged to consume the local culture by way of "regional specialties" such as cream-filled whoopie pies and deep-fried fritters of every variety. Yet many of the dishes and confections visitors have come to expect from the region did not emerge from Pennsylvania Dutch culture but from expectations fabricated by local-color novels or the tourist industry. At the same time, other less celebrated (and rather more delicious) dishes, such as sauerkraut and stuffed pork stomach, have been enjoyed in Pennsylvania Dutch homes across various localities and economic strata for decades.Celebrated food historian and cookbook writer William Woys Weaver delves deeply into the history of Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine to sort fact from fiction in the foodlore of this culture. Through interviews with contemporary Pennsylvania Dutch cooks and extensive research into cookbooks and archives, As American as Shoofly Pie offers a comprehensive and counterintuitive cultural history of Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine, its roots and regional characteristics, its communities and class divisions, and, above all, its evolution into a uniquely American style of cookery. Weaver traces the origins of Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine as far back as the first German settlements in America and follows them forward as New Dutch Cuisine continues to evolve and respond to contemporary food concerns. His detailed and affectionate chapters present a rich and diverse portrait of a living culinary practice--widely varied among different religious sects and localized communities, rich and poor, rural and urban--that complicates common notions of authenticity.Because there's no better way to understand food culture than to practice it, As American as Shoofly Pie's cultural history is accompanied by dozens of recipes, drawn from exacting research, kitchen-tested, and adapted to modern cooking conventions. From soup to Schnitz, these dishes lay the table with a multitude of regional tastes and stories.Hockt eich hie mit uns, un esst eich satt--Sit down with us and eat yourselves full!

AS and A Level Maths For Dummies

by Colin Beveridge

Pass your AS & A level maths with flying colours Looking to pass your AS and A level maths? Look no further. AS & A Level Maths For Dummies offers detailed, simple steps for all of the main types of problems you'll face in your exams, offering explanations of how the topics link together, advice on how to remember the key facts and methods, and ways to structure revision. Even if your head is spinning and you don't know where to begin, this fun and friendly guide gives in-depth support on exactly what you need to know. In the big data and digital age, maths skills have never been more important to career success. AS & A Level Maths For Dummies guides you through the skills needed to pass the exams taken at the end of the first and second year of the course. It begins with the knowledge needed to get a top grade at GCSE, followed by sections on Algebra (functions, graph-sketching, and logarithms), Geometry (coordinate geometry, trigonometry, and working with shapes) and Calculus (differentiation, integration, and differential equations). Helps you build the confidence you need to pass your exams Serves as an excellent supplement to classroom learning Makes difficult maths concepts easy to understand Offers in-depth support in a fun and friendly style If you're an AS & A level student looking to do your very best at exam time, AS & A Level Maths For Dummies makes it easier.

As Aventuras de Tamarita Rachel

by Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco Andrea Gardiner

Tamarita Rachel mora com sua irmãzinha Emily, sua Mamãe e seu Papai no meio das bananeiras no Equador. Junte-se a ela em suas aventuras; descobrindo ovos de iguanas, visitano índios, ajudando garotinhos a irem à escola, nas tarefas domésticas, a preparar refeições e hábitos em um páis diferente.Não há monotonia nestas estórias reais particularmente adequadas para crianças de 4 a 8 anos. Elas aprenderão sobre a vida em um país diferente, e como a filantropia pode ajudar as pessoas carentes.Leia esta estórias mágicas em voz alta em casa, na escola na escola dominical e divirtam-se juntos.

As Bad as They Say?: Three Decades of Teaching in the Bronx

by Janet Grossbach Mayer

Rundown, vermin-infested buildings. Rigid, slow-to-react bureaucratic systems. Children from broken homes and declining communities. How can a teacher succeed? How does a student not only survive but also come to thrive? It can happen, and As Bad as They Say? tells the heroic stories of Janet Mayer’s students during her 33-year tenure as a Bronx high school teacher. In 1995, Janet Mayer’s students began a pen-pal exchange with South African teenagers who, under apartheid, had been denied an education; almost uniformly, the South Africans asked, “Is the Bronx as bad as they say?” This dedicated teacher promised those students and all future ones that she would write a book to help change the stereotypical image of Bronx students and show that, in spite of overwhelming obstacles, they are outstanding young people, capable of the highest achievements. She walks the reader through the decrepit school building, describing in graphic detail the deplorable physical conditions that students and faculty navigate daily. Then, in eight chapters we meet eight amazing young people, a small sample of the more than 14,000 students the writer has felt honored to teach. She describes her own Bronx roots and the powerful influences that made her such a determined teacher. Finally, the veteran teacher sounds the alarm to stop the corruption and degradation of public education in the guise of what are euphemistically labeled “reforms” (No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top). She also expresses optimism that public education and our democracy can still be saved, urgently calling on all to become involved and help save our schools.

As Black As Resistance: Finding The Conditions For Liberation

by William C. Anderson Mariame Kaba Zoe Samudzi

Both theoretical and pragmatic, this refreshingly savvy book charts a course for the Black Lives Matter generation. In the United States, both struggles against oppression and the gains made by various movements for equality have often been led by Black people. Still, though progress has regularly been fueled by radical Black efforts, liberal politics are based on ideas and practices that impede the continued progress of Black America. Building on their original essay "The Anarchism of Blackness," Samudzi and Anderson show the centrality of anti-Blackness to the foundational violence of the United States and to the racial structures upon which it is based as a nation. Racism is not, they say, simply a product of capitalism. Rather, we must understand how anti-Blackness shaped the contours and logics of European colonialism and its many legacies, to the extent that "Blackness" and "citizenship" are exclusive categories. As Black As Resistance makes the case for a new program of self-defense and transformative politics for Black Americans, one rooted in an anarchistic framework that the authors liken to the Black experience itself. This book argues against compromise and negotiation with intolerance. It is a manifesto for everyone who is ready to continue progressing towards liberation. "As Black as Resistance is an urgently needed book . . . a call to action through an embrace of the anarchy of blackness as a recognition and a refusal of the deathly logics of liberalism and consumption. In the face of the ever expanding carceral state, levels of inequality, environmental degradation, and resurgent fascism, this book offers a map to imagining the liberated futures that we can and must and do make." --Christina Sharpe, author of In the Wake: On Blackness and Being

As Cartas Perdidas de Auschwitz

by Anna Ellory

Poderá o amor iluminar os tempos mais sombrios? Pouco depois da queda do Muro de Berlim, em 1989, Miriam regressa a casa para cuidar do pai em estado terminal. Quando se apercebe dos números tatuados no pulso de Henryk, escondidos pela bracelete do relógio, Miriam descobre que o pai fora prisioneiro de Auschwitz. Como poderá esta parte da sua vida ter ficado escondida durante tantos anos? E quem é Frieda, por quem Henryk tanto chama? Ao procurar mais pistas sobre o passado da família, Miriam encontra entre os pertences da mãe um uniforme de uma prisioneira de Ravensbrück, um campo de concentração feminino na Alemanha. Escondidas nas bainhas do vestido estão dezenas de cartas de Frieda para Henryk, que, além dos seus relatos pessoais, narram a perturbadora história das «Coelhas», mulheres usadas como cobaias em experiências médicas. Intrigada por um passado que lhe foi ocultado e desesperada por fugir aos seus próprios demónios, Miriam decide descobrir a verdade sobre a sua família. Porém, ao reconstituir uma história de amor escondida durante décadas, depara-se com uma realidade de sofrimento e de perda. São as vozes das mulheres narradas nas cartas, a sua coragem e resiliência, que a inspiram a recuperar as rédeas da sua vida.

Às Cegas

by Josh Malerman

Num mundo pós-apocalítico tenso e aterrorizante que explora a essência do medo, uma mulher, com duas crianças, decide fugir, sonhando com uma vida em segurança. Mas durante a viagem o perigo está à espreita: basta uma decisão errada e eles morrerão. Cinco anos depois de a epidemia ter começado, os sobreviventes ainda se escondem em abrigos, protegidos atrás de portas trancadas e janelas tapadas. Malorie e os seus filhos conseguiram sobreviver, mas agora que eles têm 4 anos chegou o momento de abandonar o refúgio. Procurar uma vida melhor, em segurança e sem medos. Num barco a remos e de olhos vendados, os três embarcam numa viagem rio acima. Apenas podem confiar no instinto e na audição apurada das crianças para se guiarem. De repente, sentem que estão a ser seguidos. Nas margens abandonadas, alguém observa. Será animal, humano ou monstro?

As Chance Would Have It: A Study in Coincidences

by H C Moolenburgh

Coincidences happen to everyone on a regular basis. Usually we shrug them off and forget them.However, when we start to catalogue coincidences we are in for a surprise. They begin to grow more frequent and, moreover, they tend to form a pattern as if conveying a secret message.

As Citações de um Boxeador: Palavras Contundentes de Muhammad Ali

by Sreechinth C

- Cerca de 500 citações - Muhammad Ali permanece como o maior boxeador peso-pesado que já competiu. Sua fala "Flutue como uma borboleta, ataque como uma abelha. As mãos não podem bater no que os olhos não veem" é considerada a citação mais famosa feita por qualquer boxeador ocidental. O livro As Citações de um Boxeador: Palavras Contundentes de Muhammad Ali está repleto de citações sobre diferentes assuntos. Você pode considerar este livro uma coleção valiosa para o agora e para o futuro.O livro As Citações de um Boxeador: Palavras Contundentes de Muhammad Ali está repleto de citações sobre diferentes assuntos. Você pode considerar este livro uma coleção valiosa para o agora e para o futuro.

As Coisas Que Não Podemos Dizer

by Kelly Rimmer

O silêncio pode ter consequências devastadoras. Polónia, década de 1940: Alina Dziak sempre soube que haveria de se casar com o seu melhor amigo Tomasz. Aos 15 anos, sonha com o regresso do noivo da faculdade de Varsóvia, enquanto tenta levar uma vida normal perante o avanço da ocupação nazi, que, na sua aldeia, ainda lhe parece muito distante. Porém, a guerra instala-se aos poucos, e Alina vê o seu mundo dividido pelo medo e pelo ódio. Sem notícias de Tomasz e confrontada com a injustiça e a violência que invadem o quotidiano da sua família, Alina desperta para uma realidade mais dura do que alguma vez teria imaginado. Presente: Alice vê-se a braços com uma relação conturbada com o marido e o filho, ao mesmo tempo que tem de prestar assistência à avó, Hanna, que perdeu a fala devido a um AVC. Com a ajuda do bisneto, Hanna consegue comunicar com a neta, pedindo-lhe que visite a sua terra natal com urgência. Intrigada com o pedido da avó, Alice decide embarcar numa viagem para um lugar completamente desconhecido, onde irá desenterrar memórias que haverão de mudar toda a sua vida.

As Cooked on TikTok: Fan favorites and recipe exclusives from more than 40 TikTok creators! A Cookbook

by TikTok

Featuring both viral and brand-new recipes from many of the community&’s most beloved TikTok food creators!&“This cookbook is full of some of TikTok&’s biggest trends, displaying innovative cooking and fun dishes to make at home.&”—Gordon and Tilly Ramsay, from the forewordBring the fun to your kitchen with some of the most popular recipes you know and love from the entertainment platform with more than one billion users globally!Featuring over sixty recipes from more than forty food creators on the platform, As Cooked on TikTok offers something different and delicious on every page. There&’s The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich from The Korean Vegan, Grilled Jalapeño Corn Off the Cob from Cooking with Shereen, Ramen Carbonara from Cooking with Lynja, Bang Bang Shrimp from Newt, and Strawberry Cream Puffs from ScheckEats—plus tips and techniques from TikTok star chefs like Ming Tsai, Alex Guarnaschelli, and The Pasta Queen, among others. Each recipe has not only been tested and vetted for home kitchens, but also includes a QR code to scan so you can go straight to that creator&’s page. It&’s like making a meal with the creator right in your kitchen with you!

AS Critical Thinking for AQA

by Oliver Mcadoo

AS Critical Thinking for AQA is the definitive textbook for students of the current AQA Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabus. Structured very closely around the AQA specification, it covers the two units of the AS level in an exceptionally clear and student-friendly style. The chapters are helpfully subdivided into short digestible passages, and include: intended learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter student exercises at the end of each section with a 'stretching activity' for more advanced learners exam orientated questions key point summaries at the end of each section cross references. In line with the AQA specification, there is a heavy emphasis on more imaginative forms of source material, for example, music, film, artwork, historical documents, adverts, moral dilemmas and scientific debates, as a means of illustrating key points. A great deal of emphasis is also placed on 'live' or 'real' arguments, taking topical examples from the world of science, politics, entertainment and sport. The book is accompanied by a companion website with extensive resources for both instructors and students.

As die liefde seëvier

by Heleen Malherbe

Heleen is in Pretoria gebore en daar groot geword. Sy het in 2000 begin skryf na haar seun se dood. In 2011 het sy ernstig begin skryf en drie digbundels gepubliseer. Van 2015 publiseer sy ander skrywers se werk. "Vanoggend brand die helder son weer alles dood" praat Amanda met Paul, wat net sit, moedeloos met sy kop in sy hande. "Wat ookal gebeur, my vrou, ek het hierdie stuk aarde baie lief", antwoord Paul. "Die moordenaarskaroo is wreed, dor en naby die hel" praat Amanda hardop met haarself. Die timbre in haar stem roep haar hele wese tot stilstand…

As Diferenças entre Homem-Mulher

by Juan Moises de la Serna Claudio Vaz

Para falar de diferenças homem-mulher é preciso começar pela genética, pois sobre esta base que se sustentam as diferenças posteriores. O ser humano contém 23 pares de cromossomos (unidades onde se empacotam o DNA e o RNA). O RNA porta a informação genética relativa ao sexo, por isso se denomina cromossomo sexual. Existem dois tipos desses cromossomos, o X e o Y. A mulher sempre terá o X no óvulo, enquanto o homem pode ter X ou Y nos espermatozoides.

As dit voel soos liefde

by Didi Potgieter

Dis of sy vir die heel eerste keer kan vóél … Terwyl Natasha haar huwelik probeer ontbind, klou haar ontroue man onverwags daaraan, beslis nie omdat hy skielik ontdek het hy het haar eintlik lief nie. Saam met die stuiptrekkings van hierdie huwelik, verskyn ’n ander komplikasie in haar lewe: ’n man wat sy vier jaar gelede op haar wittebrood gesien het en nooit kon vergeet nie. Nooit, ooit sal sy haar weer in ’n huwelik begewe omdat dit die regte ding is om te doen nie, neem sy haar voor, of om iemand anders te behaag. Dit kos haar egter nie juis oorreding om Marc daarvan te oortuig nie. Hy glo trouens glad nie in die huwelik nie, en omdat hy so dikwels vir sy werk in Londen moet wees, is dit nie eens ’n opsie nie. Al twee weet hul fisieke aantrekkingskrag kan vir hulle net pyn bring. En al twee vind dit ewe moeilik om van mekaar af weg te bly. Toe gebeur daar iets wat hul lewe totaal omvergooi en hulle moet sterk staan in omstandighede wat nie een van hulle voorsien het nie.

AS Drama and Theatre Studies: The Essential Introduction for Edexcel

by Alan Perks Jacqueline Porteous

AS Drama and Theatre Studies: The Essential Introduction for Edexcel is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the new specification. The textbook covers all aspects of the AS year in depth, from exploring play texts to demonstrating skills in performance and theatre design. The detailed guidance and classroom-friendly features include: overviews of specification and assessment requirements written and practical exercises tips from a Chief Examiner extension exercises to stretch the more able student worked examples to illustrate best practice a glossary of useful words and terms. Written by a Chief Examiner and a Principal Moderator, this authoritative book offers a wealth of informed and supportive exercises to ensure that students reach their maximum potential.

As Estórias de Lora

by Oakley Dean Baldwin Melissa Scyla Bonafim Bueno

Este é um livro de não-ficção, baseado nos escritos e experiências pessoais de minha mãe. Estórias sobre tempos difíceis, crescendo nas montanhas apalaches do Kentucky e Virginia do Oeste, Estados Unidos nos anos 30. Memórias de sua criação como uma criança apalache. Fará você rir e chorar ao mesmo tempo. Um olhar no interior do coração de uma mulher.

As Facetas das Constelações Familiares 1

by Susana da Silva Rodrigues Marc Baco

Prefácio Este livro é uma compilação dos meus artigos publicados até ao momento e que constam do blogue (Atualização: 27.7.2015) em completado por orientações das constelações familiares do meu boletim informativo "Constelações familiares - de forma prática". Podes ainda ler a maior parte da informação de forma gratuita e sempre que quiseres na minha página. Dado que utilizo o tratamento informal ("tu") no blogue, também o mantive aqui, contrariamente ao que é habitual nos outros livros da minha autoria sobre constelações familiares. Só durante a compilação deste livro voltei a tomar consciência de quão diversas são na realidade as constelações familiares. Já foquei bastantes aspetos, mas muitos ainda nem sequer foram abordados. Por isso, decidi editar este volume como o primeiro de uma série: As facetas das constelações familiares Publicarei um volume aproximadamente de meio em meio ano. Assim, com o tempo, possuirás um compêndio abrangente sobre os diversos aspetos das constelações familiares. Desejo-te muita alegria e ensinamentos úteis na sua companhia! Marc Baco

As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me

by Josef M. Bauer

Originally published in 1955, this must be one of the most dramatic adventures of our time. Clemens Forell, a German soldier, was sentenced to 25 years of forced labour in a Siberian lead mine after the Second World War. Rebelling against the brutality of the camp, Forell staged a daring escape, enduring an 8000-mile journey across the trackless wastes of Siberia, in some of the most treacherous and inhospitable conditions on earth.Bauer's writing brilliantly evokes Forell's desperation in the prison camp, and his struggle for survival and terror of recapture as he makes his way towards the Persian frontier and freedom.

As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me

by Josef M. Bauer

Originally published in 1955, this must be one of the most dramatic adventures of our time. Clemens Forell, a German soldier, was sentenced to 25 years of forced labour in a Siberian lead mine after the Second World War. Rebelling against the brutality of the camp, Forell staged a daring escape, enduring an 8000-mile journey across the trackless wastes of Siberia, in some of the most treacherous and inhospitable conditions on earth.Bauer's writing brilliantly evokes Forell's desperation in the prison camp, and his struggle for survival and terror of recapture as he makes his way towards the Persian frontier and freedom.

As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Escape from a Siberian Labor Camp and His 3-Year Trek to Freedom

by Josef M. Bauer

In 1944, German paratrooper Clemens Forell was captured by the Soviets and sentenced to twenty-five years of labor in a Siberian lead mine. In the Gulags, this was virtually a death sentence. Driven to desperation by the brutality of the prison camp, he staged a daring escape. For the next three years, Forell traveled 8,000 miles in barren, frozen wilderness, haunted by blizzards, wolves, criminals, the KGB, and the fear of recapture and retribution. Only a remarkable will to survive, and a bit of luck, allowed him to reach the safety of the Persian border. The resulting story is a rare document of the horrors faced by POWs in the Soviet Union, and a testament to the human spirit.

As Far As the Eye Can Reach: Lewis and Clark's Westward Quest

by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

An account of the journey across the unexplored territory west of the Mississippi River undertaken by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the early 1800s by order of President Jefferson.

As Far As the Eye Can See

by Winslow E. Parker

This collection of essays was first written to a small E-Mail list called "BlinkWords, in 1995/96. The catalyst for their writing was that, after nearly 20 years of dread and anxious trepidation, the Damoclean sword finally fell in April, 1995. The delicate intermediary tissue between light and brain finally failed. It was not for want of assistance. Those incredibly skilled and dedicated physicians who kept the darkness at bay have my highest esteem (see "Hands"). These writings grew from the landscape of this new experience. I found many similarities between the days of light and the days of dark. I also found profound differences and learned much in the process of my reflection and writing.

As Far As the Heart Can See: Stories to Illuminate the Soul

by Mark Nepo

Stories carry the seeds of our humanness. They help us, teach us, heal us, and connect us to what matters. As Far As the Heart Can See is an invitation to be in relationship with deep and life-giving material. Many spiritual gurus present dense metaphysical theses with an intellectual approach for "working" a spiritual path; poet and philosopher Mark Nepo reaches people through their hearts, bringing something fresh and new to the field by stimulating change through reflection of thoughts and feelings. The stories he shares in As Far As the Heart Can See come from many places—from Nepo's personal history to dreams to the myths of our ancestors. Each one is an invitation to awaken an aspect of living in relationship with the sacred. Following each of the forty-five stories are three forms of an invitation to further the conversation: journal questions, table questions, and meditations. The questions, whether reflected upon in a journal or discussed in deeper conversation with friends or family, are meant to lead the seeker down unimagined paths and back into life; the meditations are meant to ground the learning. These stories and parables about universal concepts and themes offer a poet's sensuality and a philosopher's sensibility to personalizing the journey of the human experience in the world.

As Fast As Her: Dream Big, Break Barriers, Achieve Success

by Kendall Coyne

In this inspiring book, US Olympian and hockey star Kendall Coyne shares the grit and determination it took to break down barriers and achieve her dreams against tremendous odds, encouraging young people to follow their passions and never give up.The world told Kendall Coyne to slow down. They said &“not so fast&” when she picked up hockey skates instead of figure skates. They said &“just a minute&” when she tried out for the boy's team. They told her &“you're not enough&” so often that she started to believe it. But Kendall had a passion and a dream, so instead of slowing down, she sped up, going on to win Olympic gold and a spot in the Fastest Skater Competition at the 2019 NHL All-Star Weekend.As Fast as Her explores how Kendall held on to her dream, overcame her insecurities and naysayers, and pushed herself past barriers to achieve her goals—and how you can too! Inside, Kendall shares:stories that illustrate the lessons she's learned and how to apply them for successencouragement to help young people know they are good enough—to fit in, to find their &“why,&” and to create lasting change for othersher personal trials and triumphs, inspiring readers to discover what excites and exhausts them—and help them to be as relentless in achieving their own goalsbehind-the-scenes and personal photos in a full-color 8-page insert In addition, As Fast as Her is perfect for:readers 13 and up looking for an uplifting true storyfans of the NHL, Olympic hockey, women's sports, and sports overallbirthday, Christmas, and holiday gifts for teens and young adults

As Figs in Autumn: One Year In A Forever War

by Ben Bastomski

A devastating loss turns into a quest for identity in this debut memoir of an American coming of age in the Israel Defense Forces. On the verge of graduating from college, Ben Bastomski is sent reeling by the tragic death of his childhood friend and classmate Avi, the victim of a drunk driving accident. The shocking event forces Ben to question everything about the randomness and meaning of life for the first time. In the fall of 2010, Ben begins his journey from student to sharpshooter when he flies to the Middle East and joins the Mahal, the Israel Defense Forces&’ program for overseas Jewish volunteers. As his service takes him from the Negev Desert to the Occupied Territories and the Gazan border, he makes his home on a southern kibbutz where he is accepted as family. Ben&’s military service and life in Israel will shape his future in ways that are still being realized. As Figs in Autumn is one man&’s account of a life-changing quest to find his true potential in the land of his heritage, where both body and soul are sustained by courage and community.

AS Film Studies: The Essential Introduction

by Sarah Casey Benyahia Freddie Gaffney John White

AS Film Studies: The Essential Introduction gives students the confidence to tackle every part of the WJEC AS level Film Studies course. The authors, who have wide ranging experience as teachers, examiners and authors, introduce students step by step, to the skills involved in the study of film. The second edition follows the new WJEC syllabus for 2008 teaching onwards and has a companion website with additional resources for students and teachers. Specifically designed to be user friendly, the second edition of AS Film Studies: The Essential Introduction has a new text design to make the book easy to follow, includes more than 100 colour photographs and is jam packed with features such as: Case studies relevant to the 2008 specification Activities on films including Little Miss Sunshine, Pirates of the Caribbean & The Descent Key terms Example exam questions Suggestions for further reading and website resources

As Flies to Whatless Boys: A Novel

by Robert Antoni

<P>In 1845 London, an engineer, philosopher, philanthropist, and bold-faced charlatan, John Adolphus Etzler, has invented machines that he thinks will transform the division of labor and free all men. He forms a collective called the Tropical Emigration Society (TES), and recruits a variety of London citizens to take his machines and his misguided ideas to form a proto-socialist, utopian community in the British colony of Trinidad. <P>Among his recruits is a young boy (and the book's narrator) named Willy, who falls head-over-heels for the enthralling and wise Marguerite Whitechurch. Coming from the gentry, Marguerite is a world away from Willy's laboring class. As the voyage continues, and their love for one another strengthens, Willy and Marguerite prove themselves to be true socialists, their actions and adventures standing in stark contrast to Etzler's disconnected theories.Robert Antoni's tragic historical novel, accented with West Indian cadence and captivating humor, provides an unforgettable glimpse into nineteenth-century Trinidad & Tobago. <P><b>Winner of the 2014 OCM Bocas Prize!</b>

As For Me and My House: Crafting Your Marriage to Last

by Walter Wangerin

Walter Wangerin, Jr. practically gives advice in the various stages of marriage in As For Me and My House. Defining when marriage begins, how to start off the journey in a positive way, working through cultural ideals which are false, problems, adultery, forgiveness, and healing, all steps are covered in this guide.

As For Sinclair Ross

by David Stouck

Sinclair Ross (1908-1996), best known for his canonical novel As for Me and My House (1941), and for such familiar short stories as "The Lamp at Noon" and "The Painted Door," is an elusive figure in Canadian literature. A master at portraying the hardships and harsh beauty of the Prairies during the Great Depression, Ross nevertheless received only modest attention from the public during his lifetime. His reluctance to give readings or interviews further contributed to this faint public perception of the man. In As for Sinclair Ross, David Stouck tells the story of a lonely childhood in rural Saskatchewan, of a long and unrewarding career in a bank, and of many failed attempts to be published and to find an audience. The book also tells the story of a man who fell in love with both men and women and who wrote from a position outside any single definition of gender and sexuality. Stouck's biography draws on archival records and on insights gathered during an acquaintance late in Ross's life to illuminate this difficult author, describing in detail the struggles of a gifted artist living in an inhospitable time and place. Stouck argues that when Ross was writing about prairie farmers and small towns, he wanted his readers to see the kind of society they were creating, to feel uncomfortable with religion as coercive rhetoric, prejudices based on race and ethnicity, and rigid notions of gender. As for Sinclair Ross is the story of a remarkable writer whose works continue to challenge us and are rightly considered classics of Canadian literature.

As Free and as Just as Possible

by Jeffrey Reiman

Grafting the Marxian idea that private property is coercive onto the liberal imperative of individual liberty, this new thesis from one of America's foremost intellectuals conceives a revised definition of justice that recognizes the harm inflicted by capitalism's hidden coercive structures.Maps a new frontier in moral philosophy and political theoryDistills a new concept of justice that recognizes the iniquities of capitalismSynthesis of elements of Marxism and Liberalism will interest readers in both campsDirect and jargon-free style opens these complex ideas to a wide readership

As Full as the World: Reading 6 (2nd Edition)

by Bob Jones University

This book engages students with a variety of character-building stories as well as classical literature selections from which biblical principles are drawn. An emphasis on literary elements, higher-level thinking skills, and vocabulary enrichment is a bridge to the traditional literature classes that begin in junior high. The student text includes samples from classic authors, Charles Dickens, Kenneth Grahame, Emily Dickinson, and Robert Browning.

As Full as the World: Reading 6 for Christian Schools® (Second Edition)

by Bju Staff

Written by members of the faculty and staff at Bob Jones University. Standing for the old time religion and the absolute authority of the Bible since 1927 . Bob Jones University is the world's leading Fundamentalist Christian University. The staff of the University is devoted to educating Christian men and women to be servants of Jesus Christ in all walks of life.

As Full As the World: Worktext

by Bju Staff

Engage students with a variety of character-building stories as well as classical literature selections from which biblical principles are drawn. An emphasis on literary elements, higher-level thinking skills, and vocabulary enrichment is a bridge to the traditional literature classes that begin in junior high. The student text includes samples from classic authors Charles dinkens, Kenneth Grahame, Emily dinkinson, and Robert Browning.

As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age

by Matthew Cobb

The thrilling and terrifying history of genetic engineering In 2018, scientists manipulated the DNA of human babies for the first time. As biologist and historian Matthew Cobb shows in As Gods, this achievement was one many scientists have feared from the start of the genetic age. Four times in the last fifty years, geneticists, frightened by their own technology, have called a temporary halt to their experiments. They ought to be frightened: Now we have powers that can target the extinction of pests, change our own genes, or create dangerous new versions of diseases in an attempt to prevent future pandemics. Both awe-inspiring and chilling, As Gods traces the history of genetic engineering, showing that this revolutionary technology is far too important to be left to the scientists. They have the power to change life itself, but should we trust them to keep their ingenuity from producing a hellish reality?

As Gods Among Men: A History of the Rich in the West

by Guido Alfani

How the rich and the super-rich throughout Western history accumulated their wealth, behaved (or misbehaved) and helped (or didn&’t help) their communities in times of crisis The rich have always fascinated, sometimes in problematic ways. Medieval thinkers feared that the super-rich would act 'as gods among men&’; much more recently Thomas Piketty made wealth central to discussions of inequality. In this book, Guido Alfani offers a history of the rich and super-rich in the West, examining who they were, how they accumulated their wealth and what role they played in society. Covering the last thousand years, with frequent incursions into antiquity, and integrating recent research on economic inequality, Alfani finds—despite the different paths to wealth in different eras—fundamental continuities in the behaviour of the rich and public attitudes towards wealth across Western history. His account offers a novel perspective on current debates about wealth and income disparity.Alfani argues that the position of the rich and super-rich in Western society has always been intrinsically fragile; their very presence has inspired social unease. In the Middle Ages, an excessive accumulation of wealth was considered sinful; the rich were expected not to appear to be wealthy. Eventually, the rich were deemed useful when they used their wealth to help their communities in times of crisis. Yet in the twenty-first century, Alfani points out, the rich and the super-rich—their wealth largely preserved through the Great Recession and COVID-19—have been exceptionally reluctant to contribute to the common good in times of crisis, rejecting even such stopgap measures as temporary tax increases. History suggests that this is a troubling development—for the rich, and for everyone else.

As Goes Bethlehem: Steelworkers and the Restructuring of an Industrial Working Class

by Jill A. Schennum

The steel industry played a central role in building post–World War II economic success in the US and in defining the parameters of the post–World War II social contract. As these long-term processes both preceded and contributed to the Great Recession, a new capitalism—one in which banks and the credit system took precedence over industrial production—changed the lives of many American workers, including steelworkers. As Goes Bethlehem raises important questions about why workers and their unions were not able to successfully contest this attack on industrial labor, instead settling for best navigating a long downward trajectory. Through the experiences and reflections of steelworkers, Jill A. Schennum demonstrates the significance of work, and particularly of industrial work, in giving meaning to people&’s lives, identities, and sense of worth. She uses workers&’ narratives and voices to show the importance of work space, time, and social relations, rejecting dominant interpretations of blue-collar workers as alienated from their work but well-paid and co-opted by a middle-class standard of living. Schennum covers thirty-five years of investment and disinvestment, managerial initiatives, transfer decisions, layoffs and downsizings, external transfers, the eventual bankruptcy of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, and movement into retirement, unemployment, and new postindustrial jobs. The very solidarities, rights of citizenship, and rule of law forged in the mill and built on by the union were constructed, in part, through exclusions based on race, ethnicity, gender, and region. These lines of fracture were mobilized to undermine working-class strength in the postindustrial period. Through the experiences of African American, Puerto Rican, coal country, and women workers in the steel mills, this book explores these issues of fracture and solidarity.

As Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation

by Larry Elder

In an entertaining account of his surprisingly strong run for California governor in the 2021 recall election, bestselling author, commentator, and radio host Larry Elder argues that Democrats have systematically failed our country—especially black Americans.Throughout his years as a popular LA talk radio host, Larry Elder watched California go from bad to worse under a regime of corrupt and ideological liberal management. Rising rates of crime, addiction, homelessness, immigration, and failing schools, skyrocketing energy and housing costs, crushing anti-business regulation, and numerous other problems—all traceable to Democratic policies—made life harder for the average Californian. Then came the COVID lockdowns, school closings, mask and vaccine mandates, the BLM riots, the defund the police movement, and a general breakdown of law and order in San Francisco and LA. People began fleeing the state in droves. In the midst of all this, Governor Gavin Newsom saw fit to drop $12,000 at a trendy French restaurant, sparking outrage throughout the state and leading to demands for a recall. A special election was held, and forty-five candidates jumped in. Though not personally ambitious for office, Elder was strongly encouraged to run by numerous friends and associates. He performed extremely well, despite having no money or organization, constant sniping from his GOP rivals, and a relentlessly hostile media that absurdly labeled him &“the Black face of white supremacy&”—which is ironic, since Elder was the only candidate who paid any attention to the social and economic problems of Black people in America. Now, in As Goes California, Elder tells the story of his lightning campaign and derives from it important lessons on how a new generation of Republican candidates can fight, win, and save our country.

As Good as Anybody: Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abraham Joshua Heschel's Amazing March toward Freedom

by Richard Michelson Raul Colon

MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel. Their names stand for the quest for justice and equality.Martin grew up in a loving family in the American South, at a time when this country was plagued by racial discrimination. He aimed to put a stop to it. He became a minister like his daddy, and he preached and marched for his cause.Abraham grew up in a loving family many years earlier, in a Europe that did not welcome Jews. He found a new home in America, where he became a respected rabbi like his father, carrying a message of peace and acceptance.Here is the story of two icons for social justice, how they formed a remarkable friendship and turned their personal experiences of discrimination into a message of love and equality for all.

As Good As Dead: The Daring Escape of American POWs From a Japanese Death Camp (American War Heroes)

by Stephen L. Moore

The heroic story of eleven American POWs who defied certain death in World War II--As Good as Dead is an unforgettable account of the Palawan Massacre survivors and their daring escape. In late 1944, the Allies invaded the Japanese-held Philippines, and soon the end of the Pacific War was within reach. But for the last 150 American prisoners of war still held on the island of Palawan, there would be no salvation. After years of slave labor, starvation, disease, and torture, their worst fears were about to be realized. On December 14, with machine guns trained on them, they were herded underground into shallow air raid shelters--death pits dug with their own hands. Japanese soldiers doused the shelters with gasoline and set them on fire. Some thirty prisoners managed to bolt from the fiery carnage, running a lethal gauntlet of machine gun fire and bayonets to jump from the cliffs to the rocky Palawan coast. By the next morning, only eleven men were left alive--but their desperate journey to freedom had just begun. As Good as Dead is one of the greatest escape stories of World War II, and one that few Americans know. The eleven survivors of the Palawan Massacre--some badly wounded and burned--spent weeks evading Japanese patrols. They scrounged for food and water, swam shark-infested bays, and wandered through treacherous jungle terrain, hoping to find friendly Filipino guerrillas. Their endurance, determination, and courage in the face of death make this a gripping and inspiring saga of survival.From the Hardcover edition.

As Good As Gold: 1 Woman, 9 Sports, 10 Countries, and a 2-Year Quest to Make the Summer Olympics

by Kathryn Bertine

At the age of thirty, elite triathlete Kathryn Bertine had no job, no home of her own, no direction, a canceled wedding, and just over $200 in her checking account. Just as she was about to renounce her athletic dreams, the phone rang. ESPN The Magazine made her an offer she couldn't refuse: Bertine would have two years to make the 2008 Summer Olympic Gamesby any means necessary - as long as she survived to tell the tale.

As Good as Gold

by Kathrine Switzer Kathryn Bertine

Imagine George Plimpton. Except with real athletic ability. And he's a woman. And she's taken on a challenge that makes Paper Lion look like a brisk game of Go Fish. Meet Kathryn Bertine, elite triathlete, former professional figure skater, and starving artist. Just as her personal and professional dreams begin to crumble in the summer of 2006, ESPN stakes her to a dream: Take two years to make the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing. As Good As Gold is the heroic, hilarious account of Bertine's serial exertions in the realms of triathlon, modern pentathlon, team handball, track cycling, road cycling, rowing, open water swimming, racewalking, and--fasten your seatbelts--luge. On her journey, the obstacles range from jet lag to jellyfish, flat tires to floundering relationships, repeated rejection to road rash. But, as time is running out, Bertine doesn't sweat the small stuff, only the large--like scouring the globe for a tiny nation to adopt her, and pushing her body and mind as far as it will go. Maybe all the way to China. Between harrowing, often laugh-out-loud episodes of triumph and humiliation, Bertine takes short "Water Breaks" to contemplate the ins-and-outs of fan mail, failure, rehydration, nasal reconstruction, and how best to punish steroid users. Kathryn Bertine swims, runs, and rides--and writes--like a champion. In As Good as Gold, Bertine proves she has something more valuable than an Olympic medal. She's got Olympic mettle. When it comes to the human heart, she takes the gold.From the Hardcover edition.

As Good As I Could Be: A Memoir of Raising Wonderful Children in Difficult Times

by Susan Cheever

The author writes about the trials and joy of raising her children

As Good As I Could Be

by Susan Cheever

Having children transforms us -- by the amazing power of our love for them and theirs for us, by the anger they are able to evoke in us, and because in order to be good parents to our children, we must admit we are no longer children ourselves. In As Good as I Could Be, bestselling author Susan Cheever describes that transformation in passionate, compelling, moving prose. Susan is raising a daughter, 18, and a son, 11; they have all survived divorce, blending families, issues at school, eating disorders, and alcoholism. They have negotiated the rocky shoals of adolescence and the teenage years with their love and respect for each other intact. Cheever describes her children as smart, kind, and connected; As Good as I Could Be is the story of how that happened. Cheever reveals the challenges, the joys, and the heartbreaks of being a parent. Using the domestic details of her family's life, she illuminates larger truths, starting with the most basic: in order to raise happy, stable, successful children, parents can't be afraid to use their authority -- financial, emotional, and experiential; a family is not -- and should not be -- a democracy; teaching your children to celebrate their mistakes may help them to forgive you yours; and no matter how damaged or unhappy an adult's childhood was, it should not affect the way they parent their children. Provocative, perceptive, wise, and unflinchingly honest, As Good as I Could Be is a touchstone for all parents who are doing the best they can.

As Good As It Gets: What School Reform Brought To Austin

by Larry Cuban

Larry Cuban takes the richly detailed history of the Austin, Texas, school district, under Superintendent Pat Forgione, to examine how much changed in a decade of his tenure, and what remained unchanged.

As Good As It Gets: Life Lessons from a Reluctant Adult

by Romesh Ranganathan

'One of the funniest people in the world. Annoyingly talented at everything he does which includes writing books. As Good As it Gets is hilarious.' - Rob BeckettConfronted by the realities of adulthood, Romesh Ranganathan must face an uncomfortable truth: this is not quite how he imagined it.Watching his friends descend into middle age, his waist thicken with every meal and his finances dwindle to fund his family's middle class aspirations, Romesh reflects on the demands of daily life and the challenges of adulting in the modern world.As he reluctantly concludes that he is indeed a grown man, Rom wrestles with the greater questions that threaten his being: Could I save my family in a crisis? Do I possess the skills to assemble flatpack furniture? Am I too old for streetwear? Is it alright to parent my kids through the medium of Fortnite? Is celibacy the secret to a passionate marriage?From one of the countries most beloved comedians and author of the Sunday Times bestseller STRAIGHT OUTTA CRAWLEY comes the hilarious and painfully accurate dissection of what it really means to grow up.

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