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Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults

by Andy Bondy Matt Tincani

Bringing together leading experts, this book presents effective practices for helping people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to thrive in adulthood. As individuals with ASD mature, their needs change as well. The book reviews the growing research base and describes ways to support adolescents and adults in succeeding in higher education and work, living independently, enjoying leisure activities, navigating meaningful personal relationships, and more. Specific behavioral and instructional interventions--such as functional communication training, positive behavior support, and applied behavior analysis--are discussed. Case examples illustrate practical aspects of applying the strategies in real-world school and community settings.

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults

by Bernardo Barahona Corrêa Rutger-Jan van der Gaag

In this book a group of international experts guide the reader through the clinical features of adults with autism spectrum disorders, describe the care needs of patients and their families, explain the evolution of the disorders into old age, and highlight what can be done to help. Detailed attention is paid to the medical and psychiatric problems of adults with these disorders and the approach to their education and professional integration. In addition, expert neuroscientists summarize current views on the neurobiology of autism. Autism spectrum disorders are devastating neurodevelopmental disorders. Although diagnosis and therapeutic interventions usually take place in infancy, they are chronic lifelong conditions. Surprisingly, the literature on autism spectrum disorders in adults is scarce. Moreover, most mental health professionals working with adults have little training in autism, and adult mental health services around the world are rarely prepared to address the needs of these patients, which tend to increase with age. This book therefore fills a crucial gap in the literature and will prove useful for all who care for and deal with adults in the Autistic Spectrum.

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers

by Katarzyna Chawarska Ami Klin

Rich with clinical insights, this volume reviews the state of the science of identifying and treating autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in very young children. Leading authorities examine critical research issues and present innovative approaches to assessing social, cognitive, adaptive, communication, and sensory-motor impairments in the first two years of life. Providing a comprehensive discussion of developmental, behavioral, and medical intervention models, the book also addresses ways to support families in coping with an early ASD diagnosis and becoming effective advocates for their children. A special chapter discusses popular but controversial treatments, including how to help families make informed decisions about their use.

Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Life Span

by Digby Tantam


The Autism Spectrum Guide to Sexuality and Relationships: Understand Yourself and Make Choices that are Right for You

by Emma Goodall Wenn B. Lawson Jeanette Purkis

Unravelling the complexities of relationships and sexuality, this straight-talking guide will help you to navigate the associated social, emotional and physical issues. Expert advice and real life examples give you the knowledge to reflect on your own sexuality, provide you with information on different types of relationship, and gives you the confidence to decide which type of relationship is right for you. Together with important information on sexual health, this book will help you to understand how to find and maintain a relationship of your choosing in a safe and enjoyable way. Exploring the often unspoken rules of sex and relationships, this book also covers often unaddressed topics, such as: · what sexual attraction looks and feels like · how to identify your own sexual identity and preferences (and how they may change) · what your rights are, and how to stay safe · having children, or choosing not to, the impact of this on relationships · how to recognise power imbalances within relationships, and what to do

The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law: What every parent and professional needs to know

by Isabelle Henault Nick Dubin Tony Attwood

Based on Nick Dubin's own experience, and drawing on the extensive knowledge of Dr Tony Attwood and Dr Isabelle Hénault, this important book addresses the issues surrounding the autism spectrum, sexuality and the law. The complex world of sex and appropriate sexual behaviour can be extremely challenging for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and, without guidance, many find themselves in vulnerable situations. This book examines how the ASD profile typically affects sexuality and how sexual development differs between the general population and those with ASD. It explains the legalities of sexual behaviour, how laws differ from country to country, and the possibility for adjustment of existing laws as they are applied to the ASD population. With advice on how to help people with autism spectrum disorder gain a better understanding of sexuality and a comprehensive list of resources, the book highlights the need for a more informed societal approach to the psychosexual development of people with ASD. A ground-breaking and honest account, this book will be an invaluable addition to the shelves of parents of children with ASD, mental health and legal professionals, teachers, carers and other professionals working with individuals on the spectrum.

Autism, the Invisible Cord: A Sibling's Diary

by Barbara Cain

Ezra looks like any other sixth grader with faded jeans, turned around the cap, and a mess of chestnut curls. You see, my brother is like any other eleven-year-old...except when he isn't. <p><p>Autism, The Invisible Cord follows 14-year-old Jenny as she describes her day-to-day life with her younger autistic brother, Ezra. Ezra can be both her best friend as well as her biggest obstacle to living a "normal life," and Jenny often finds herself stuck worrying about her younger brother. Through taking care of Ezra and a very special school project, Jenny ends up learning about her own character and strengths, and a way to shine despite everything else.

Autism Through A Sensory Lens: Sensory Assessment and Strategies

by Joy Beaney

The fully revised second edition of this easy-to-use resource introduces the sensory differences autistic children may face, and explores how these differences can affect their ability to make sense of the world. It is invaluable in helping those adults working with autistic children to identify the possible triggers for the child’s behaviour and consider it through a sensory lens. Children have varying sensory needs so the book offers both a wealth of enjoyable activities for sensory exploration and play, whilst also providing suggestions for strategies and ideas that can be used at home or in school to create an autism-friendly environment. This book: Highlights the possible link between behaviours that challenge and sensory difficulties for autistic children. Provides practical and accessible resources, helping parents, carers and practitioners to gain a greater understanding of sensory differences. Includes an online assessment with accompanying aids to create a visual representation of the child’s sensory needs. With both downloadable and photocopiable resources, this practical guide will be an essential tool for parents, carers and practitioners working with children with autism, enabling them to to create a visual profile of areas of difficulty which can form the basis of personalised strategies and fun sensory activities to support the child.

Autism, The Way Forward: A Self-Help Guide to Teaching Children on the Autistic Spectrum

by Stephanie Louise

Specifically written for all those families who are unable to receive funding for their child's programme, and is an invaluable tool for new tutors coming into the field. The book is a step-by-step guide to setting up and running a home programme, which applies full communication in order to meet the needs of the child more fully. It guides the reader through the various stages, showing them what to include in their programme, when, why and how. Included in the book is a section on what to do when things go wrong on your programme. It also shows how the methodologies of behaviourism and psychotherapy are combined to give a synergetic effect, with all other methods supporting these by applying calming and performance-enhancing strategies.

Autism Works: A Guide to Successful Employment across the Entire Spectrum

by Adam Feinstein

People with autism are being left behind today, with only 16 per cent in full-time employment. This inspiring book addresses the lack of understanding of the wonderful contributions people across the autism spectrum can make to the workplace, drawing attention to this vast untapped human resource. Employers who create supportive workplaces can enhance their companies by making use of the talents of people with autism while also helping to produce a more inclusive and tolerant society, and people with autism can themselves benefit materially and emotionally from improved employment opportunities. Packed with real-life case studies examining the day-to-day working lives of people across the autism spectrum in a wide variety of careers, this book provides constructive solutions for both employers seeking to improve their workplaces and for individuals with autism considering their employment options. It dispels popular myths about autism, such as that everyone is good at IT, and crucially tackles the potential job opportunities available across the spectrum, including for those who have no language at all. It also highlights the neglected area of gender differences in the workplace and the costs of autistic females’ ability to 'camouflage' their condition. This book is a must-read for parents, employers and adults with autism, and for anyone interested in the present and future of people with autism in the workplace who will benefit from the positive message that employing autistic people is not an act of charity but one that makes sound economic sense.

Autisme bij kinderen: Signalering, diagnostiek en behandeling

by Annelies De Bildt Iris Servatius-Oosterling Maretha De Jonge

Dit boek helpt professionals bij het in kaart brengen van de ondersteuningsbehoefte van een kind met (een vermoeden van) autisme, en zijn of haar gezin. Het beschrijft daarvoor de meest actuele kennis uit de wetenschap en de praktijk over (vroeg)herkenning, diagnostiek, behandeling en begeleiding. Het boek is daarmee een leidraad voor (aanstaande) kinderpsychiaters, gedragsdeskundigen, en andere behandelaars en begeleiders van kinderen met autisme.Autisme bij kinderen – signalering, diagnostiek en behandeling illustreert de zoektocht van kind en ouder naar goede begeleiding aan de hand van zeven cases van kinderen tussen de 1 en 12 jaar. Er worden veel praktische handvatten en voorbeelden gegeven. Naast algemene informatie  in deel een schetst het tweede deel het (cyclische) proces van herkenning van de eerste symptomen, naar diagnose en vervolgens interventieplan en evaluatie. In het derde deel komen de verschillende onderdelen van behandeling en begeleiding aan de orde, gericht op het stimuleren van ontwikkeling, het aanleren van vaardigheden en het verminderen of voorkomen van problemen die vaak optreden bij autisme. De eindredactie brengt de inbreng van experts op het gebied van de klinische praktijk, wetenschap en onderwijs samen. Annelies de Bildt is psycholoog en wetenschappelijk onderzoeker. Ze doet onderzoek naar diagnostiek en behandeling van autisme, en naar de geestelijke gezondheid van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Iris Servatius-Oosterling is gezondheidszorgpsycholoog in opleiding tot klinisch psycholoog en is initiatiefneemster van het landelijk expertisenetwerk Autisme Jonge Kind. Maretha de Jonge is hoogleraar orthopedagogiek, en specialist op het gebied van diagnostiek, behandeling en begeleiding van kinderen met autisme en hun gezinsleden.

Autisme: hoe te verstaan, hoe te begeleiden?

by A.J. Ravelli A.F. Bobbink Marijke van Bommel M. Magnee M.J. van Deutekom Mathieu Heemelaar

Werken in SPH Autisme: hoe te verstaan, hoe te begeleiden ?

Autismespectrumstoornis: Interdisciplinair basisboek

by Hilde Geurts Bram Sizoo Ilse Noens

Uniek voor het Nederlands taalgebied: een standaardwerk autismespectrumstoornis [ASS]. #65533;        Het hele spectrum in beeld. #65533;       Aandacht voor de verschillen tussen kinderen, tieners en volwassenen met ASS. #65533;       De benadering is interdisciplinair: vanuit de psychologie, de ortho)pedagogiek en de psychiatrie. #65533;       Een bundeling van Nederlandse en Vlaamse expertise. #65533;       Niet alleen wetenschappers aan het woord maar ook ervaringsdeskundigen. Het boek heeft alles om: #65533;         h#65533;t leerboek te worden voor ASS-hulpverleners in opleiding; #65533;         h#65533;t naslagwerk te worden voor experts uit de psychologie, (ortho)pedagogiek en psychiatrie. Dit boek is hard nodig. Moderne statistieken stellen het v#65533;orkomen van ASS  -gemiddeld- op 1% van de bevolking; Nederland telt dan 160. 000 en Vlaanderen 60. 000 mensen met ASS.

Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure

by Paul Offit

A London researcher was the first to assert that the combination measles-mumps-rubella vaccine known as MMR caused autism in children. Following this "discovery," a handful of parents declared that a mercury-containing preservative in several vaccines was responsible for the disease. If mercury caused autism, they reasoned, eliminating it from a child's system should treat the disorder. Consequently, a number of untested alternative therapies arose, and, most tragically, in one such treatment, a doctor injected a five-year-old autistic boy with a chemical in an effort to cleanse him of mercury, which stopped his heart instead. Children with autism have been placed on stringent diets, subjected to high-temperature saunas, bathed in magnetic clay, asked to swallow digestive enzymes and activated charcoal, and injected with various combinations of vitamins, minerals, and acids. Instead of helping, these therapies can hurt those who are most vulnerable, and particularly in the case of autism, they undermine childhood vaccination programs that have saved millions of lives. An overwhelming body of scientific evidence clearly shows that childhood vaccines are safe and does not cause autism. Yet widespread fear of vaccines on the part of parents persists. In this book, Paul A. Offit, a national expert on vaccines, challenges the modern-day false prophets who have so egregiously misled the public and exposes the opportunism of the lawyers, journalists, celebrities, and politicians who support them. Offit recounts the history of autism research and the exploitation of this tragic condition by advocates and zealots. He considers the manipulation of science in the popular media and the courtroom, and he explores why society is susceptible to the bad science and risky therapies put forward by many antivaccination activists.

Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure

by Paul A. Offit

A London researcher was the first to assert that the combination measles-mumps-rubella vaccine known as MMR caused autism in children. Following this "discovery," a handful of parents declared that a mercury-containing preservative in several vaccines was responsible for the disease. If mercury caused autism, they reasoned, eliminating it from a child's system should treat the disorder. Consequently, a number of untested alternative therapies arose, and, most tragically, in one such treatment, a doctor injected a five-year-old autistic boy with a chemical in an effort to cleanse him of mercury, which stopped his heart instead. Children with autism have been placed on stringent diets, subjected to high-temperature saunas, bathed in magnetic clay, asked to swallow digestive enzymes and activated charcoal, and injected with various combinations of vitamins, minerals, and acids. Instead of helping, these therapies can hurt those who are most vulnerable, and particularly in the case of autism, they undermine childhood vaccination programs that have saved millions of lives. An overwhelming body of scientific evidence clearly shows that childhood vaccines are safe and does not cause autism. Yet widespread fear of vaccines on the part of parents persists. In this book, Paul A. Offit, a national expert on vaccines, challenges the modern-day false prophets who have so egregiously misled the public and exposes the opportunism of the lawyers, journalists, celebrities, and politicians who support them. Offit recounts the history of autism research and the exploitation of this tragic condition by advocates and zealots. He considers the manipulation of science in the popular media and the courtroom, and he explores why society is susceptible to the bad science and risky therapies put forward by many antivaccination activists.

Autism's Hidden Blessings: Discovering God's Promises for Autistic Children & Their Families

by Kelly Langston

Encouragement and inspiration for special needs families.God has a unique and magnificent purpose for every child-a purpose that is no less important for special-needs children. Through the story of her own ongoing struggles and victories raising her autistic son, Kelly Langston brings to light God's promises for exceptional kids and highlights covenants that assure special-needs parents of their children's potential and beauty.

Autismus und Schule: Inklusive Rahmenbedingungen für Lehren, Lernen und Teilhabe

by Sabrina Haider Elisabeth Jencio-Stricker Angelika Schwanda

Die Grundlage für die Chancengleichheit in der Bildung von Schüler*innen mit einer Diagnose aus dem Autismus Spektrum wird durch das Wissen über ihr merkmalsbezogenes Wahrnehmen, Denken und Lernen und dessen Bedeutung für Bildungsprozesse geschaffen. Besonders im schulischen Feld stellen Wechselwirkungen der Umgebungsbedingungen mit diesen neurodivergenten Voraussetzungen oft noch Hindernisse für die Teilhabe und das Lernen dieser Kinder und Jugendlichen dar.Dieser Band "Autismus und Schule – Inklusive Rahmenbedingungen für Lehren, Lernen und Teilhabe“ bietet Ihnen, als Lehrperson und allen, die im schulischen Feld arbeiten, einen theoretisch fundierten und praxisnahen, pädagogischen Leitfaden für die inklusive Beschulung autistischer Schüler*innen.Erlangen Sie Grundlagenwissen und erfahren Sie erprobte methodisch-didaktische Ansätze anhand praktischer Beispiele und konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen für die Planung und Gestaltung Ihres Unterrichts und für die Lernumgebung Ihrer Schüler*innenWechseln Sie die Perspektive und schaffen Sie durch die Erweiterung Ihrer pädagogischen Professionalisierung eine Basis, die es Schüler*innen aus dem Autismus Spektrum ermöglicht, sich und ihr Potenzial zu zeigen. Tragen Sie zu einer inklusiven, schüler*innenzentrierten und neurodiversen Bildungslandschaft bei!

Autismus und Schule: Inklusive Unterrichtsorganisation, Nachteilsausgleich und Wissenserwerb

by Sabrina Haider Elisabeth Jencio-Stricker Angelika Schwanda

Die Grundlage für die Chancengleichheit in der Bildung von Schüler*innen mit einer Diagnose aus dem Autismus Spektrum wird durch das Wissen über ihr merkmalsbezogenes Wahrnehmen, Denken und Lernen und dessen Bedeutung für Bildungsprozesse geschaffen. Besonders im schulischen Feld stellen Wechselwirkungen der Lern- und Leistungsbedingungen mit diesen neurodivergenten Voraussetzungen oft noch Hindernisse für den Wissens- und Kompetenzerwerb dieser Kinder und Jugendlichen im zielgleichen Unterricht dar.Dieser Band „Autismus und Schule – Inklusive Unterrichtsorganisation, Nachteilsausgleich und Wissenserwerb“ zeigt Ihnen, als Lehrperson und allen, die im schulischen Feld arbeiten, eine Perspektive des chancengerechten Zugangs zu Wissen sowie den Erwerb von Bildungsinhalten und Kompetenzen für autistische Schüler*innen auf.Lernen Sie den Einsatz chancengleicher, strukturierter und systematisierter Mittel und Methoden kennen und erweitern Sie, auf Grundlage einer praxisgeleiteten Theorie, Ihren Handlungsspielraum mit Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten und dem Setzen von Nachteilsausgleich in den verschiedenen Dimensionen des Unterrichts.Folgen Sie einer neurodiversen und schüler*innenzentrierten Betrachtungsweise des Lern- und Leistungsbegriffs und finden und fördern Sie die Stärken und Kompetenzen Ihrer autistischen Schüler*innen. Schaffen Sie damit die Basis für ein chancengleiches und lebenslanges Lernen!

Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms

by Norman Giddan Jane J Giddan

Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms is a touching view of an inspirational residential care program for autistic adolescents and adults. This compelling book focuses on adult autism treated through the concepts used at Bittersweet Farms, an 80-acre farm in northwest Ohio. Through historical rationale for a therapeutic community, a comparison between the Bittersweet Farms model and treatment settings in the United Kingdom, specific treatments and training programs at Bittersweet Farms, and staff, parent, and resident viewpoints, the innovative program--based on the premise that adults with autism continue to need special care and training throughout their lives--is brought to life. Divided into three sections, Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms returns repeatedly to the concept behind the program--molding autistic adults into contributing members of society in their own ways. Section One includes a potpourri of information, giving a glimpse of the range of models available for treatment and what makes each program a success. Taking a closer look at program considerations within various community settings, the second section examines behavior modification techniques in training autistic children and educating their parents. As politics play an important role in developing an innovative care program like Bittersweet Farms, the final section delves into regulations and funding for different types of residential care programs. Ending on a very human and optimistic note, section three closes with three personal accounts of life and work at Bittersweet Farms from a staff member, a resident, and a parent, with each praising a different aspect of the total person care environment of Bittersweet Farms. Occupational and physical therapists, policymakers, educators, and parents of autistic children will be encouraged from reading this outstanding book.

Autistic and Black: Our Experiences of Growth, Progress and Empowerment

by Kala Allen Omeiza

"It's time we bring forward Black autistic pain points and celebrate the triumphs of ourselves, family members, and organizations that care for these individuals. Through following the real stories of others from around the world, I hope fellow Black and autistic individuals will be empowered to realize that being Black and autistic is enough."In this powerful insight into the lives of Black autistic people, Kala Allen Omeiza brings together a community of voices from across the world, spanning religions, sexuality and social economic status to provide a deep and rich understanding of what it means to be autistic and Black.Exploring everything from self-love and appreciation, to the harsh realities of police brutality, anti-Black racism, and barriers to care, as well as amplifying the voices of the inspiring advocates who actively work towards change, protection, and acceptance for themselves and others, this book is an empowering force, reminding you that as a Black autistic person, you are enough.

Autistic and Black: Our Experiences of Growth, Progress and Empowerment

by Kala Allen Omeiza

"It's time we bring forward Black autistic pain points and celebrate the triumphs of ourselves, family members, and organizations that care for these individuals. Through following the real stories of others from around the world, I hope fellow Black and autistic individuals will be empowered to realize that being Black and autistic is enough."In this powerful insight into the lives of Black autistic people, Kala Allen Omeiza brings together a community of voices from across the world, spanning religions, sexuality and social economic status to provide a deep and rich understanding of what it means to be autistic and Black.Exploring everything from self-love and appreciation, to the harsh realities of police brutality, anti-Black racism, and barriers to care, as well as amplifying the voices of the inspiring advocates who actively work towards change, protection, and acceptance for themselves and others, this book is an empowering force, reminding you that as a Black autistic person, you are enough.

Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients

by Frances Tustin

"Tustin deals very sensitively and sensibly with the knotty problem of parents' contribution to autistic development, providing a balanced interactive view which does not allocate blame. Her discussion of autistic objects and autistic shapes is illuminating and has widespread clinical applicability. This book is highly recommended reading" - Mary Boston, British Journal of Medical Psychology.

The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum

by Temple Grandin Richard Panek

A cutting-edge account of the latest science of autism, from the best-selling author and advocate When Temple Grandin was born in 1947, autism had only just been named. Today it is more prevalent than ever, with one in 88 children diagnosed on the spectrum. And our thinking about it has undergone a transformation in her lifetime: Autism studies have moved from the realm of psychology to neurology and genetics, and there is far more hope today than ever before thanks to groundbreaking new research into causes and treatments. Now Temple Grandin reports from the forefront of autism science, bringing her singular perspective to a thrilling journey into the heart of the autism revolution.Weaving her own experience with remarkable new discoveries, Grandin introduces the neuroimaging advances and genetic research that link brain science to behavior, even sharing her own brain scan to show us which anomalies might explain common symptoms. We meet the scientists and self-advocates who are exploring innovative theories of what causes autism and how we can diagnose and best treat it. Grandin also highlights long-ignored sensory problems and the transformative effects we can have by treating autism symptom by symptom, rather than with an umbrella diagnosis. Most exciting, she argues that raising and educating kids on the spectrum isn't just a matter of focusing on their weaknesses; in the science that reveals their long-overlooked strengths she shows us new ways to foster their unique contributions.From the "aspies" in Silicon Valley to the five-year-old without language, Grandin understands the true meaning of the word spectrum. The Autistic Brain is essential reading from the most respected and beloved voices in the field.

Autistic Children: Teaching, Community and Research Approaches (Routledge Library Editions: Special Educational Needs #21)

by Barbara Furneaux and Brian Roberts

Originally published in 1977. This book is a comprehensive account of the state of knowledge about autism in the 1970s. Its main emphases are the special needs of autistic children and everyday aspects of dealing with them – how to manage, teach and ‘treat’ them. As such, it will be of particular value for teachers and parents, but equally important for GPs, paediatricians, child psychiatrists and psychologists and anyone else playing a role in the diagnosis and care of these children. In the opening chapters, the two editors discuss the diagnosis of autism and the specific techniques used when dealing with problems of learning and behaviour in autistic children from early childhood to adolescence. The various contributors, also specialists in the field, then draw on their own particular knowledge and expertise to cover research, the ancillary services which are available, and useful techniques for working with older autistic persons.

Autistic Children: A Guide For Parents & Professionals

by Lorna Wing

orna Wing discusses the stresses on the autistic child's family, services that are available and the outlook for the future. This revised updated edition explains how an autistic child views his world and how to cope with the difficult behaviour and emotional problems that are expected from him.

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