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Showing 36,451 through 36,475 of 80,922 results

Introduccion a la mistica de San Juan de la Cruz AETH: An Introduction to the Mysticism of St. John of the Cross AETH (Spanish)

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

San Juan de la Cruz es el gran desconocido del pueblo cristiano. En los últimos cuarenta años han proliferado métodos de oración y meditación trascendental. Y es precisamente en esa búsqueda por encontrar una guía firme y permanente donde muchos se han topado con san Juan de la Cruz. Al paso que canta la belleza de la creación en sus sublimes poemas, el santo nos recuerda que toda la belleza creada es nada comparada con la divina. Quien renuncie a lo pasajero, superficial e ilusorio, se encontrará con el Todo de Dios. El libro que nos ofrece Isaías A. Rodríguez no pretende sustituir a san Juan en lo que pueda decirnos, sino que nos ayuda a entender lo que san Juan nos dice, a ver los caminos que va señalando, y a seguir las pautas para nuestra peregrinación que es la vida. Saint John of the Cross is the great unknown of the Christian community. The last forty years have seen a growth in prayer methods and transcendental meditation. The search for a guide that teaches such prayer and meditation practices have led many seekers to the teachings of Saint John of the Cross. Like a song that sings the beauty of the creation in its sublime poems, the Saint teaches us that all of the beauty of creation is nothing in comparison with the beauty of the divine. In this book, Isaías A. Rodriguez does not pretend to be able to substitute Saint John in what he can teach us, but he helps us to understand what Saint John says to us, to discover the roads that he shows us, and to stay on course for our life pilgrimage.

Introduccion a la Teologia Cristiana AETH: Introduction to Christian Theology Spanish

by Justo L. González Abingdon Press

Una clara, concisa y atrayente introducción a un campo que esta regresando una vez mas, especialmente entre los laicos comprometidos con el renovado interés en el crecimiento espiritual dentro del contexto de una tradición eclesiástica. Como historiadores del cristianismo, los autores de este libro ofrecen una introducción a las doctrinas cristianas tradicionales. Escrito en un estilo claro directo, este libro presenta una reseña de las raíces, los contextos particulares, y los entendimientos doctrinales de temas como la teología, Dios, el ser humano, Jesucristo, la iglesia, y la esperanza. A clear, concise and attractive introduction to a field that is returning once again, especially among the laity committed to the renewed interest in spiritual growth within the context of church tradition. As historians of Christianity, the authors of this book provide an introduction to traditional Christian doctrines. Written in a direct style, this book provides an overview of the roots, contexts, and understandings of issues of doctrine and theology, God, man, Jesus Christ, the church, and hope.

Introducción a la teología y vida de Martín Lutero AETH: An Introduction to the Theology and Life of Martin Luther Spanish

by Assoc for Hispanic Theological Education

Explores the formation and teachings of Martin Luther, examining his life, his times, and his writings

Introduccion a la Ultima Cena AETH: Introduction to the Last Supper Spanish AETH

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

Eliseo Pérez con gran creatividad va tejiendo su libro a partir del campo semántico de la última cena; y así como el menú es tan minucioso, así también el libro de Pérez está lleno de datos y estadísticas de todo tipo, interesantísimos. En torno a la comida, el autor hila el presente y el pasado geopolítico, económico, cultural y ecológico. Todo el menú está cargado de historias sagradas y profanas con sus respectivos datos socioculturales. With great creativity, Eliseo Pérez weaves through the semantic field of the Last Supper. The Last Supper is filled with details, full of fascinating data and statistics - this book is meticulous in covering all of them. Closely examining this meal, the author parallels the present with the ecological, cultural, economic, and geopolitical past, and offers a look at the meal's histories, both sacred and worldly with its respective sociocultural data.

Introduccion a la Unidad Cristiana AETH: Introduction to Christian Unity Spanish

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

Introduccion a la unidad cristiana

Introduccion a la vida y teologia de Juan Calvino AETH: Introduction to the Life and Theology of John Calvin

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

Introducción a la vida y teología de Juan Calvino

Introduccion a la Vida y Teologia de Juan Wesley AETH: Introduction to the Life and Theology of John Wesley Spanish

by Hugo Magallanes

Introduccion a la Vida y Pensamiento de Juan Wesley

Introducción a las disciplinas espirituales AETH: Introduction to the Spiritual Disciplines Spanish AETH

by Assoc for Hispanic Theological Education

Introducción a las disciplinas espirituales, escrito por el Dr. Roberto Amparo Rivera, presenta con estilo sencillo y a la vez profunfo aspectos de la vida cristiana que el autor nos reta a ver como disciplinas espirituales. Estas disciplinas no solamente incluyen las distintas prácticas, sino también las actitudes, intenciones y pensamientos de quienes profesan la piedad como estilo de vida.

Introduccion a Soren Kierkegaard a la Teologia Patas Arriba AETH: Introduction to Soren Kierkegaard Upside Down Theology AETH (Spanish)

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

Eliseo Pérez Álvarez presenta en su libro a un Kierkegaard que va más allá de lo que leemos de él en muchas introducciones. Aquí, además, es el profeta, el denunciante de la injusticia social y de la hipocresía eclesiástica y religiosa. Eliseo "nos engancha entreteniéndonos con sus imágenes culinarias, al tiempo que nos lleva a reconocer cuanta razón tenía Kierkegaard en mucho de lo que dijo ..." In this book, the author presents a Kierkegaard that goes beyond what we read of him in many textbooks. Aside from a look at Kierkegaard the prophet, the denouncer of the social injustice and of the religious and ecclesiastical hypocrisy, Álvarez treats readers to a detailed examination of the times that formed Kierkegaard's teachings and philosphies. Eliseo Perez-Alvarez studied theology and philosophy in Mexico City, Atlanta, Chicago and Copenhagen. He has been professor, pastor, editor and coordinator for Hispanic Ministries in Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico and the Virgins Island. He currently is an Associate Professor of Latino Theology and Mission at the Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest in Austin, Texas.

Introduccion al Antiguo Testamento AETH: Introduction to the Old Testament Spanish AETH

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

El Estudiante avanzado del Antiguo Testamento podrá encontrar en esta introducción un análisis sobrio del estado actual de la disciplina, y los pastores y pastoras, al igual que los maestros y maestras de escuela bíblica--descubrirán en sus paginas buenas ideas para elaborar estudios que ayuden a las congregaciones a entender y disfrutar la importante literatura bíblica veterostestamentaria.

Introduccion al Asesoramiento Pastoral de la Familia AETH: Introduction to Pastoral Family Counseling Spanish

by Jorge Maldonado

La pérdida de valores morales que llevan a considerar todo desde una perspectiva groseramente relativista; la situación social y económica tan crítica que lleva a tratar de protegernos de cualquier manera posible; el materialismo contemporáneo que nos hace creer que teniendo más cosas seremos más felices; y otros muchos aspectos similares, han provocado una crisis que se refleja y tiene sus efectos en la pareja y familia contemporánea. La sociedad ha contagiado su enfermedad a la familia. Así pues, esta unidad básica sufre los devastadores efectos del tiempo y sociedad en que nos ha tocado vivir. ¿Hay algo que se pueda hacer? ¿Hay remedio que alivie esa enfermedad? El Dr. Maldonado nos muestra que para que la familia pueda procesar cualquier situación crítica que estén viviendo y salir avante por el camino de la recuperación y el crecimiento, la mayor parte del tiempo requiere de orientación, consejo, o asesoría. Así pues, y desde la perspectiva cristiana, en este libro el Dr. Maldonado presenta los elementos básicos de la asesoría, los criterios que servirán para identificar a una familia sana e ir hacia ella, y las metas que se deben perseguir al asesorar y que servirán al asesor o consejero para promover el sano crecimiento tanto de la pareja como de la familia. Porque, a final de cuentas, la familia no es solamente el lugar donde encontramos refugio y alimento. La familia, por sobre todo, es el lugar donde nos formamos como y donde somos verdaderamente humanos y cristianos.

Introducción al culto AETH: La liturgia como obra del pueblo

by Assoc for Hispanic Theological Education

Introduction to Worship (Spanish)

Introducción al griego bíblico

by Anita Henriques Daniel S. Steffen Nelson Morales

La obra «Introducción al griego bíblico» responde a una fuerte necesidad sentida por todos los que han tenido la responsabilidad de formar a los futuros líderes de las iglesias. También entre los que ya son ministros se ha sentido durante mucho tiempo la necesidad de conocer con mayor precisión y profundidad los textos del Nuevo Testamento en su idioma original, el griego común o koiné. En un exitoso intento por llenar esta laguna, Ann Henriques, Nelson Morales y Daniel S. Steffen, Profesores del Seminario Teológico Centroamericano en Ciudad Guatemala, han preparado esta obra introductoria que responde con claridad y sencillez a las preguntas de siempre entre los que saben que necesitan conocer el idioma original de esta parte de las Escrituras, y al mismo tiempo no saben cómo lograrlo: ¿Dónde y cuándo se originó el idioma griego? ¿Por qué es importante estudiarlo? ¿Cuáles son las dificultades a superar en el estudio de un idioma que ni siquiera utiliza el mismo alfabeto que nosotros? ¿Cuál es la manera más práctica de estudiarlo? Los autores van resolviendo todos estos interrogantes, uno por uno. Desde el alfabeto griego hasta las declinaciones de las palabras y la conjugación de los verbos, todo es explicado de una manera asequible a quienes realmente se quieran familiarizar con este idioma. Dicho en pocas palabras, los profesores de uno de los seminarios teológicos más respetados de Iberoamérica han trabajado en equipo para presentarnos hoy esta «Introducción al griego bíblico», que muy pronto será reconocida como el mejor curso introductorio para el estudio del griego bíblico.

Introducción al griego de la Biblia vol 2 AETH: Introduction to Biblical Greek vol 2 Spanish AETH

by Association for Hispanic Theological Education

Introduction to the Greek of the Bible vols I and II provide us with an enjoyable and organized way to study this biblical language. The easy-to-understand methodology that the author uses will allow readers to quickly learn Greek terminology and be able to read and translate the New Testament in Greek and the Septuagint. Introducción al griego de la Biblia I y II nos acerca de manera amena y organizada al estudio de esta lengua bíblica. La metodogía global que utiliza el autor facilitará que cada estudiante vea el logro inmediato de aprender griego coiné como herramienta para poder leer y traducir el Nuevo Testamento en griego y la Septuaginta.

Introduccion al Nuevo Testamento AETH: Introduction to the New Testament Spanish

by Aquiles Martinez

Written in Spanish, this work highlights the importance of understanding the New Testament, broadly defining it in a simple, yet organized, concrete manner. Martinez investigates the contents, purpose and context of each book of the New Testament, explaining how they became part of the canon and exploring the realities of geography, history, politics, economics, culture, philosophy, and religion in biblical times. The book includes other helpful suggestions for examining the New Testament and is ideal for classroom or personal study.

Introducing Buddhism

by Kodo Matsunami

This title was originally published in print form by Tuttle Publishing in 1976.This book, as the author explains in his preface, does not attempt to give an exposition of any particular thought from the authoritative point of view. It is rather, a collection of essays on Buddhism as understood by a Japanese student who sets out on a journey in search of his true self. As such ir expresses the author's desire to write a comprehensive book on Buddhism from within - a book that will lead the reader to an understanding of Buddhism as it existed in the past and continues to exist today.

Introducing Buddhism

by Charles S. Prebish Damien Keown

Introducing Buddhismis the ideal resource for all students beginning the study of this fascinating religious tradition. It explains the religion's key teachings and traces its historical development and geographical spread of from its foundations up to present day. Charles S. Prebish and Damien Keown, two of today's leading Buddhist scholars, devote a chapter each to the major regions where Buddhism has flourished - India, South-east Asia, East Asia and Tibet. In addition, contemporary concerns are discussed, including important and relevant topics such as Engaged Buddhism, Buddhist Ethics, Buddhism and the Western World and Meditation. This new edition includes more material on the different schools of Buddhism including explanations in graphic form, monastic life, popular religion, Buddhist ethics, ritual, the Bodhisattva Path, the Jatakas, the transmission of Buddhism, and class, gender and race. Introducing Buddhismincludes illustrations, extracts from original sources, summary boxes, questions for discussion, suggestions for further reading and a companion website at www. routledge. com/textbooks/9780415550017 Charles S. Prebishis Charles Redd Chair of Religious Studies at Utah State University. Damien Keownis Professor of Buddhist Ethics at Goldsmith's College, University of London. They are the editors of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism (Routledge, 2007).

Introducing Christian Doctrine (Second Edition)

by Millard J. Erickson L. Arnold Hustad

This book is an abridged, less technical version of Millard J. Erickson's classic Christian Theology .

Introducing Christian Education: Foundations of the 21st Century

by Michael J. Anthony

Michael Anthony offers Introducing Christian Education to fill the need in the C.E. curriculum for an introductory foundations textbook--one that provides an overview and understanding of the broad range of subjects included in C.E.--for college and seminary use.

Introducing Christian Ethics: A Short Guide to Making Moral Choices

by Scott Rae

Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today’s complex postmodern world. Raising 14 key ethical questions on today’s most pressing issues including abortion, war, sexual ethics, capital punishment, and more, Scott Rae guides his readers in making moral choices wisely. Based on the best-selling college and seminary ethics textbook Moral Choices, this book distills nearly two decades of teaching and study into a succinct and user-friendly volume. It is an ideal primer for pastors, students, and everyday Christians who desire engagement with the world around them in an intelligent and informed manner. Teaching and study resources for the book, including additional video clips based on the questions corresponding to each chapter, make it ideal for use in the classroom as well as for pastors and for teaching settings within the church. Resources are available through

Introducing Christian Ethics

by Samuel Wells Ben Quash

Introducing Christian Ethics 2e, now thoroughly revised and updated, offers an unparalleled introduction to the study of Christian Ethics, mapping and exploring all the major ethical approaches, and offering thoughtful insights into the complex moral challenges facing people today. This highly successful text has been thoughtfully updated, based on considerable feedback, to include increased material on Catholic perspectives, further case studies and the augmented use of introductions and summaries Uniquely redefines the field of Christian ethics along three strands: universal (ethics for anyone), subversive (ethics for the excluded), and ecclesial (ethics for the church) Encompasses Christian ethics in its entirety, offering students a substantial overview by re-mapping the field and exploring the differences in various ethical approaches Provides a successful balance between description, analysis, and critique Structured so that it can be used alongside a companion volume, Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader, which further illustrates and amplifies the diversity of material and arguments explored here

Introducing Christian Mission Today: Scripture, History and Issues

by Michael W. Goheen

2014 Best Texts of Missiology, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds BookstoreIntroducing Christian Mission Today

Introducing Christianity

by Sally Bruyneel Alan G. Padgett

This book provides a remarkably compact and readable survey of Christianity. From basic religious concepts the authors go on to explore notions of sacred time and space and the distinctive attributes of Christian worship.

Introducing Contemplative Studies

by Louis Komjathy

The first book-length introduction to an exciting new interdisciplinary field—written by an internationally recognized leader of the Contemplative Studies movement This is the first book-length introduction to a growing and influential interdisciplinary field focused on contemplative practice, contemplative experience, and contemplative pedagogy. Written by an internationally recognized leader in the area, Introducing Contemplative Studies seeks to provide readers with a deep and practical understanding of the nature and purpose of the field while encouraging them to find a place of their own in an increasingly widespread movement. At once comprehensive overview, critical reflection, and visionary proposal, the book explores the central approaches and issues in Contemplative Studies, tackles questions and problems that sometimes go unaddressed, and identifies promising new developments. The author also discusses contemplative pedagogy, an experiential approach to teaching and learning informed by and expressed as contemplative practice. This is a major introduction to a fast emerging interdisciplinary field that will be invaluable to those interested in the area. The only comprehensive introduction to the emerging, interdisciplinary field of Contemplative Studies Written by a distinguished leader in the Contemplative Studies movement who is founding Co-Chair of the Contemplative Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion Informed by ten years of research and practice, the book explores the field’s varied approaches and expressions Offers critical reviews of trends which will create discussions both within and outside the Contemplative Studies Liberally illustrated with both images and charts Introducing Contemplative Studies is a must-read for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and scholars in Contemplative Studies, as well as anyone who is curious about contemplative practice, meditation, contemplative experience, contemplative pedagogy, contemplative science, and, of course, the exciting field of Contemplative Studies generally.

Introducing Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective

by Brian M. Howell Jenell Paris

What is the role of culture in human experience? This concise yet solid introduction to cultural anthropology helps readers explore and understand this crucial issue from a Christian perspective. Now revised and updated throughout, this new edition of a successful textbook covers standard cultural anthropology topics with special attention given to cultural relativism, evolution, and missions. It also includes a new chapter on medical anthropology. Plentiful figures, photos, and sidebars are sprinkled throughout the text, and updated ancillary support materials and teaching aids are available through Baker Academic's Textbook eSources.

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