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My Revision Notes: Edexcel A level Psychology

by Ali Abbas

Manage your own revision with step-by-step support from experienced teacher and examiner XXX. Use a selection of examples activities to improve your understanding of psychological concepts. Apply psychological terms accurately with the help of definitions and key words.- Plan and pace your revision with the revision planner- Use the expert tips to clarify key points- Avoid making typical mistakes with expert advice- Test yourself with end-of-topic questions and answers and tick off each topic as you complete it- Get exam ready with last minute quick quizzes at

My Revision Notes: Edexcel A level Psychology

by Ali Abbas

Manage your own revision with step-by-step support from experienced teacher and examiner XXX. Use a selection of examples activities to improve your understanding of psychological concepts. Apply psychological terms accurately with the help of definitions and key words.- Plan and pace your revision with the revision planner- Use the expert tips to clarify key points- Avoid making typical mistakes with expert advice- Test yourself with end-of-topic questions and answers and tick off each topic as you complete it- Get exam ready with last minute quick quizzes at

Come Risparmiare Denaro Per I Libri Universitari - La Guida Per Ottenere Libri Gratis O Economici

by James Abbott

Una guida passo passo per risparmiare denaro sui libri universitari - dove trovare libri gratis o economici, come prenderli in prestito, come visualizzarli online, strategie per comprare e risparmiare denaro, e molto altro!

Comment économiser de l'argent sur les manuels universitaires: Le guide des étudiants pour obtenir des manuels gratuits ou bon marché

by James Abbott

Un guide étape par étape pour économiser des tonnes d'argent sur les manuels scolaires. -Où trouver des livres gratuits -Où trouver des livres à bas prix -Comment louer des manuels scolaires -Comment voir les manuels scolaires en ligne -Stratégies pour acheter et économiser de l'argent + BEAUCOUP PLUS ! --> Faites défiler jusqu'en haut de la page et cliquez sur "Ajouter au panier" pour acheter instantanément. Avertissement : Cet auteur et ou propriétaire(s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie quant à l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou l'adéquation du contenu de ce livre, et décline expressément toute responsabilité pour les erreurs et omissions dans le contenu de celui-ci. Ce produit est destiné à un usage de référence uniquement.

Cómo Ahorrar Dinero en Libros de Texto Universitarios

by James Abbott

Prólogo Queremos tomarnos un momento para agradecerles por comprar nuestra guía en línea. HiddenStuff Entertainment sigue siendo una de las principales editoriales de eBooks y aplicaciones virtuales. Nuestro compromiso es brindar la información más importante para el enriquecimiento de sus vidas. Esperamos, sinceramente, que esta guía les ayude en su búsqueda de superación. Queremos proporcionar a los lectores el conocimiento y desarrollar sus habilidades para que puedan desempeñarse al más alto nivel dentro de sus temas de interés. Esto contribuye a una experiencia más positiva y agradable. Después de todo, creemos que las cosas en la vida deben disfrutarse tanto como se pueda. Si necesitas ayuda o recursos adicionales con respecto a esta guía, no dudes en visitar nuestra página web:

Como Economizar Em Livros Universitários Guia Para Estudantes Obterem Livros Baratos Ou Gratuitos

by James Abbott

Um guia passo a passo sobre como poupar seu dinheiro em livros didáticos - Onde conseguir livros gratuitos - Onde encontrar livros baratos - Como locar livros didáticos – Como visualizar livros universitários on-line - Estratégias de compra poupando seu dinheiro + MUITO MAIS! -> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar automaticamente Aviso Legal: Este autor e detentor de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias sobre a exatidão, integridade ou aplicação do conteúdo deste livro, e se isenta expressamente da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Gênero: NÃO FICÇÃO JUVENIL / Livros & Livrarias Género Secundário: NÃO FICÇÃO JUVENIL / Tutorial de Estudo / Notas de Livros Língua: Português Brasil Contagem de palavra: 2.198 (português) Links de livros: Amazon

My Revision Notes OCR GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies

by Lorraine Abbott

Target success in OCR GCSE Religious Studies with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide you can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes you can:- Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner- Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage- Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular 'Now Test Yourself' tasks (with answers online)- Improve exam technique through practice questions and expert tips

My Revision Notes OCR GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies

by Lorraine Abbott

Exam board: OCRLevel: GCSESubject: Religious StudiesFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018Target success in OCR GCSE Religious Studies with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide you can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes you can:- Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner- Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage- Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular 'Now Test Yourself' tasks (with answers online)- Improve exam technique through practice questions and expert tips

OCR GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies

by Lorraine Abbott Steve Clarke

Exam Board: OCRLevel: GCSESubject: RSFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2018Motivate every student to deepen their understanding and fulfil their potential by following a stimulating, well-paced course through the strengthened content requirements; produced by subject specialists and OCR's Publishing Partner.- Equips students with the detailed knowledge they need to succeed with clear, lively explanations that make key concepts accessible to all ability levels.- Provides opportunities for students to learn, review and develop their knowledge and skills through a variety of engaging activities, discussion points and extension tasks to stretch high achievers.- Ensures that your lessons are both innovative and inclusive, supplying a bank of tasks that draw on best practice teaching methods.- Encourages students to take an active interest in every topic, using relevant news articles, real-life viewpoints and quotations from sacred texts to bring religious principles and practices to life.- Boosts students' confidence approaching assessment via practice questions and guidance on tackling different question types.- Enables you to teach the systematic study content confidently with comprehensive coverage of Christianity and Islam.OCR GCSE RS Spec Content covered:Christianity- Beliefs and teachings- PracticesIslam- Beliefs and teachings- PracticesReligion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a Christian perspective- Relationships and families- The existence of God- Religion, peace and conflict- Dialogue between religious and non-religious beliefs and attitudes- Covers the short course content.

Cracking the General Surgical Interviews for ST3

by Sala Abdalla Amber Shivarajan Kaushiki Singh

ST3 interviews are extremely competitive and achieving the highest possible score is essential in securing the surgical training post of choice. The key to success in these interviews is through diligent preparation. This book outlines the structure and format of the ST3 general surgical interviews, with chapters dedicated to each component area that is assessed on the day. Written in an engaging style, it provides an essential resource for the interviews, with all of the required material in one book,a bonus for many readers with time constraints imposed by a demanding work schedule. It is aimed at instilling prospective surgeons with the tools and confidence needed to succeed at the ST3 general surgical interview. Success in these structured interviews will lead to the award of a ‘national training number’.

Manual for the Standard for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry: A New Assessment Tool for Measurement-Based Care (MBC) and Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry (PMP) (Advances in Mental Health and Addiction)

by Ahmed Sayed Aboraya

The SCIP manual will introduce a new assessment tool designed to be compatible with 21st century advances in measurement-base care (MBC) and personalized medicine in psychiatry (PMP). The SCIP includes 18 clinician-administered and 15 self-administered reliable and validated scales covering most adult symptom domains: anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, posttraumatic stress, depression, mania, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, aggression, negative symptoms, alcohol use, drug use, attention deficit/hyperactivity, and eating disorders. Mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychiatry residents, psychologists, therapists, clinical social workers, counselors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, professors, students, and mental health researchers) are the primary audience of the manual. These professionals will be able to implement SCIP scales in their practice and use the SCIP psychopathology glossary as part of the emerging science of personalized medicine psychiatry (PMP).Existing books on measures and rating scales, such as the two books above, describe different scales developed by different authors at different periods. Each scale has its own rating guidelines and training requirements, which must be followed by clinicians in order to use the scales. This demands a considerable amount of time for clinicians and can be a barrier to using the scales in practice. Even within the same psychopathology domain, many published measurement scales exist. For instance, the book published by Waters and Stephane includes 120 scales for psychosis. Among the 120 scales for psychosis, which scale(s) should the clinician choose? Our proposed manual will remove these barriers by creating simple and universal principles which allow readers to use the 33 reliable and validated SCIP scales with most adult psychiatric disorders. There will be 15 videotaped interviews available online for readers who buy the book. Readers are expected to watch the interviews in conjunction with reading the manual.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley (Maxnotes Literature Guides)

by Anita Aboulafia

REA's MAXnotes for Alex Haley's The Autobiography of Malcolm X MAXnotes offer a fresh look at masterpieces of literature, presented in a lively and interesting fashion. Written by literary experts who currently teach the subject, MAXnotes will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the work. MAXnotes are designed to stimulate independent thought about the literary work by raising various issues and thought-provoking ideas and questions. MAXnotes cover the essentials of what one should know about each work, including an overall summary, character lists, an explanation and discussion of the plot, the work's historical context, illustrations to convey the mood of the work, and a biography of the author. Each chapter is individually summarized and analyzed, and has study questions and answers.

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology

by Jame Abraham James L. Gulley

Offering up-to-date, authoritative information in a quick-reference format, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology, Sixth Edition, is a comprehensive yet concise review of the management of different cancer types. Drs. Jame Abraham, James L. Gulley, and a team of expert contributors emphasize practical information that can be applied in everyday patient care situations, and thoroughly revised content keeps you current with advances in this fast-changing field.

Exambusters English Vocabulary Study Cards: College (Exambusters Vocabulary #2)

by Ace Academics

EXAMBUSTERS College Student English Vocabulary Builder Parts 1 and 2 eBook flash cards: Over 350 words every well-educated person should know. While you may not hear them every day, they can show up on standardized exams, and understanding them will boost your score. Includes sample sentence, part of speech, pronunciation, succinct, easy-to-remember definition, and common synonyms and antonyms. Compiled by certified teachers and college professors with a focus on exam preparation. Highlights the essentials to test well. Prepare for quizzes, tests, New SAT, PRAXIS I, GED, GRE, PSAT, GMAT, ACT . . . . A COURSE in an eBook! ======================================== Ace Academics "Exambusters Study Cards" for test prep are tailored to fourteen different standardized tests (for example: SAT, GED, GRE, MCAT, PRAXIS) The flash card format is available in printed cards, CD-Rom software and eBooks.

Exambusters English Vocabulary Study Cards: High School (Exambusters Vocabulary #1)

by Ace Academics

EXAMBUSTERS High School Student English Vocabulary Builder eBook flash cards: Over 350 frequently tested words every college-bound student should know. Perfect for anyone who wants to enrich their vocabulary! Improve your reading comprehension and conversation. Includes sample sentence, part of speech, pronunciation, succinct, easy-to-remember definition, and common synonyms and antonyms. Compiled by certified teachers and college professors with a focus on exam preparation. Prepare for quizzes, tests, New SAT, PRAXIS I, GED, GRE, PSAT, GMAT, ACT . . . . A COURSE in an eBook! <P><P>Ace Academics "Exambusters Study Cards" for test prep are tailored to fourteen different standardized tests (for example: SAT, GED, GRE, MCAT, PRAXIS) The flash card format is available in printed cards, CD-Rom software and eBooks. <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these in the future.</i>

Environment: Competitive Exam

by Shankar Ias Academy

To help students in acquiring the essentials of the topic 'environment’ during preparation for Civil Services Examination, Shankar IAS Academy has brought the book, 'environment’. This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission which conducts these examinations. The language of the book is simple and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Plus the distinctive designing makes it easy to navigate and read. This bestseller book has sold over 30, 000 copies and is widely read by students. A team of highly experienced writers from Shankar IAS Academy have written this book and hence it is accurate and reliable. The updated syllabus of UPSC focuses a lot on environment. The geography Paper of the Civil Service Examination includes topics on environment and hence it is important for students to have thorough understanding of this topic. This book is completely dedicated on environment and covers all concepts and points. It focuses on topics like environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate change. Some of the topics discussed in the book include ecological pyramid and nutrient cycling, ecosystem rainforest, deciduous monsoon forest, Biome, bread basket region, food chain, primary consumer, food web, ecological pyramid, ecological explosion, ecotone, chemosynthesis, biogeochemical cycle, Miss semple, possibilism, br>stratosphere, biosphere, species types, nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, marble cancer, soil types, biogeographical realm, xerophytic, Nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas, biodiversity hotspots, Ozone depletion, club of Rome, planktonic, biological magnification, young lakes, good Ozone and bio-diversity loss. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can test their knowledge and check their understandings. Shankar IAS Academy began its journey in the year 2004.

Environment - IAS Competitive Exam

by Shankar Ias Academy

Environment - 8th edition, 2021 - To help students in acquiring the essentials of the topic 'environment’ during preparation for Civil Services Examination, Shankar IAS Academy has brought the book, 'environment’. This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission which conducts these examinations. The language of the book is simple and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Plus the distinctive designing makes it easy to navigate and read. This bestseller book has sold over 30, 000 copies and is widely read by students. A team of highly experienced writers from Shankar IAS Academy have written this book and hence it is accurate and reliable. The updated syllabus of UPSC focuses a lot on environment. The geography Paper of the Civil Service Examination includes topics on environment and hence it is important for students to have thorough understanding of this topic. This book is completely dedicated on environment and covers all concepts and points. It focuses on topics like environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate change. Some of the topics discussed in the book include ecological pyramid and nutrient cycling, ecosystem rainforest, deciduous monsoon forest, Biome, bread basket region, food chain, primary consumer, food web, ecological pyramid, ecological explosion, ecotone, chemosynthesis, biogeochemical cycle, Miss semple, possibilism, stratosphere, biosphere, species types, nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, marble cancer, soil types, biogeographical realm, xerophytic, Nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas, biodiversity hotspots, Ozone depletion, club of Rome, planktonic, biological magnification, young lakes, good Ozone and bio-diversity loss. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can their knowledge and check their understandings.

Fortbildungen für KulturSchule: Wie Kulturelle Bildung in die Schule kommt

by Heike Ackermann

In diesem Open-Access-Buch gibt eine Evaluationsstudie Auskunft, wie teilnehmende Lehrkräfte Fortbildungen erleben, die auf die KulturSchul-Entwicklung zielen. Welche Perspektiven bauen diese auf? Und welche internen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen trifft die Schule, damit sich die Lernkultur ändern kann? Die Fortbildungsreihen im Landesprogramm «KulturSchule Hessen» legen die Grundlage dafür, dass Lehrkräfte über eindrückliche ästhetische Erfahrungen ein leibhaftiges Verständnis dieses Querschnittsthemas Kulturelle Bildung entwickeln. Sie erfahren in kreativen Prozessen, wie sich eine neue Sicht auf das Selbst, die Welt und Dinge, die uns umgeben, ergibt. Zugleich erweitert sich ihr bisheriges Unterrichtsrepertoire und Lernverständnis. Ihr Blick richtet sich stärker auf die Lernprozesse ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler und die Lernumgebung: „Das ist tatsächlich für beide – also für Pädagogen als auch für Schüler – ein irres Erlebnis, wenn man Dinge anders angeht, als man es vorher gemacht hat“, so ein Fortbildungsteilnehmer am «Fachforum».

The Official ACT English Guide

by ACT

Are you prepared to do your best on the ACT English section test? The Official ACT English Guide is the only test prep resource created by the makers of the ACT to prepare you for the English ACT test. This step-by-step guide reviews the entire ACT English test, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you can expect to see on test day. You'll learn basic and advanced English and grammar topics, as well as how to approach each question type. Learn strategies and shortcuts to save time, and see explanations of each question’s answer to improve your performance and gain the confidence you need to succeed!Additionally, the book includes a PIN on the inside front cover that provides access to the full print version and pool of questions online. This offers a customizable learning experience. The Official ACT English Guide helps you work toward the score you’re targeting and take one major step toward achieving your educational goals! The only book with real ACT English questions organized by concept Covers basic and advanced topics, including writing Offers strategies and shortcuts to save you time Includes a glossary of grammar terminology Detailed explanations for every official ACT English question in the book With this concept-based guide straight from the makers of the ACT, you know you’re preparing to do your absolute best on the ACT English section test!

The Official ACT English Guide

by ACT

The ACT official subject guides are a step by step guide for outlining the preparation for the ACT section tests. These prep guides provide students a concept-based outline for the subjects they plan to focus on. Each one of the official guides, is an efficient prep tool comprised of the most current and relevant test information packed into one guide. In addition to the book, the entire pool of questions are available online for a customizable learning experience. These guides will provide the focused support needed by subject. For the earnest test taker, start with official section guides to prepare for success!Use the ACT practice questions to check your performance on the official items from ACT. All of the Official ACT Prep Guides, will provide you with the guidance you need to succeed by telling you what you need to study, sharing details on how to prepare, and offering a ton of realistic practice questions. Use the ACT practice questions to check your performance on the official items from ACT. All of the Official ACT Prep Guides, will provide you with the guidance you need to succeed by telling you what you need to study, sharing details on how to prepare, and offering a ton of realistic practice questions. The ACT official subject guides are the best resource to get detailed input and practice to help you in preparation for the ACT. By using this guide, students can feel comfortable and confident that they are preparing to do their best! Features of the ACT® Official English Guide: Covers basic and advance topics Offers strategies and shortcuts to save you time Includes a glossary of grammar terminology 100's of official ACT English questions with detailed solutions Includes writing section

The Official ACT Mathematics Guide

by ACT

Are you prepared to do your best on the ACT mathematics section test? The Official ACT Mathematics Guide is the only test prep resource created by the makers of the ACT to prepare you for the mathematics ACT test. This step-by-step guide reviews the entire ACT mathematics test, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you can expect to see on test day. You'll learn the math you need to know, as well as how to approach each question type. Read the solutions to each problem, along with detailed explanations, to improve your performance and gain the confidence you need to succeed! Unlike other ACT prep guides, this book includes official information on the ACT, including section retesting, online testing, ACT superscores, and more. The official ACT subject guides offer the most current details on ACT testing, helping you gain that edge. With The Official ACT Mathematics Guide, work toward the score you're targeting and take one major step toward achieving your educational goals! Review the entire ACT mathematics test, so you’ll know what to expect on test day Familiarize yourself with the types of math questions found on the ACT and strategies for solving them Understand the math topics within the problems you'll solve while taking the mathematics test Study detailed math solutions and read explanations for every official ACT math question in the book With this concept-based guide straight from the offices of the ACT, you know you’re preparing to do your absolute best on the ACT mathematics section test!

The Official ACT Mathematics Guide

by ACT

The ACT official subject guides are a step by step guide for outlining the preparation for the ACT section tests. These prep guides provide students a concept-based outline for the subjects they plan to focus on. Each one of the official guides, is an efficient prep tool comprised of the most current and relevant test information packed into one guide. In addition to the book, the entire pool of questions are available online for a customizable learning experience. The ACT official subject guides are the best resource to get detailed input and practice to help you in preparation for the ACT. By using this guide, students can feel comfortable and confident that they are preparing to do their best! Features of the ACT® Official Math Guide Includes: Review of the entire mathematics test so you'll know what to expect; Familiarize yourself with the types of math questions for on the ACT; Understand the math topics within the problems you'll solve while taking the mathematics test; detailed explanations for every official ACT Math question in the book The only books with real ACT Math questions organized by question type; includes detailed explanations for each questions; understand math problems within the problems you'll solve while taking the mathematics test.

The Official ACT Prep Guide

by Act

The only guide from the ACT organization, the makers of the exam, revised and updated for 2019 with 4 genuine, full-length practice tests and 400 additional questions online. <P><P> This new edition includes: <P><P> A NEW never-before-seen, full-length practice test with optional writing test (215 questions) <br>400 online questions that can be filtered and organized into practice sets <br>Updated writing prompts and directions <br>Real ACT test forms used in previous years <P><P>The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018-2019, is the only guide from the makers of the exam and includes actual ACT test forms (taken from past ACT exams). It offers 4 actual ACT tests (all with optional writing test) so you may practice at your own pace. To help you review, this guide provides detailed explanations for every answer and practical tips on how to boost your score on the English, math, reading, science, and optional writing tests. <P><P>The test creators also created online resources accessible through this book. You can practice with the 400 additional test questions that can be organized, filtered, and tracked for performance. Or you can read the online articles discussing everything from a polished college admissions form to tips on how to graduate in four years. <P><P>The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018-2019 is the best resource to prepare you for test day. By using this guide you can feel comfortable that you are preparing to do your best!

The Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020, (Book + 5 Practice Tests + Bonus Online Content)

by ACT

The only guide from the makers of the ACT exam, packed with 5 genuine, full-length practice tests and 400 additional questions online This new edition includes: A NEW never-before-seen, full-length practice test with optional writing test (215 questions) 400 online questions that can be filtered and organized into custom practice sets Updated writing prompts and directions Real ACT test forms used in previous years The Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020 is the only guide from the makers of the exam and includes actual ACT test forms taken from past ACT exams. This updated edition includes 5 actual ACT tests (all with optional writing test) to help you practice at your own pace and discover areas where you may need more work. The Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020 provides detailed explanations for every answer and practical tips on how to boost your score on the English, math, reading, science, and optional writing tests. You’ll also get access to special online bonus content developed with the test taking experience in mind: Practice with 400 additional test questions that can be organized, filtered, and tracked for performance Take a closer look at test day, learn what to expect, and get familiar with the test-taking strategies that are right for you The Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020 is your definitive guide to getting ready for the ACT and feeling confident and comfortable on test day!

The Official ACT Prep Guide 2020 - 2021

by ACT

The only guide from the ACT organization, the makers of the exam, with 5 genuine, full-length practice tests in print and online. The Official ACT Prep Guide 2020-2021 is the only guide from the makers of the exam and it includes actual ACT test forms (taken from past ACT exams). It offers 5 actual ACT tests (all with optional writing tests) so you can practice at your own pace. To help you review, this guide provides detailed explanations for every answer and practical tips on how to boost your score on the English, math, reading, science, and optional writing tests. The test creators also created online resources accessible through this book. You can practice online with 5 full length practice tests to mimic the test day experience. These test questions can be organized, filtered, and tracked to test your exam performance. Get ready for test day with this bestselling guide to the ACT. The Official ACT Prep Guide 2020-2021 will help you feel comfortable, confident, and prepared to do your best to ace the ACT! The Official ACT Prep Guide 2020-2021 includes: Information about the September 2020 ACT enhancements Real ACT test forms used in previous years’ exams Five full-length tests available in the book and online, including one NEW full-length test with optional writing test Online practice that mimics the testing experience Customizable questions bank with detailed answer explanations Helpful advice for test day

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