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البلغة في الفرق بين المذكر والمؤنث

by أبو البركات الأنباري

يذكر أبو بركات الأنباري في هذا الكتاب الفرق بين المذكر والمؤنث في الكثير من الأسماء وللمؤنث والمذكر السماعيين، النصيب الأوفر من الكتاب، لأنه الباب الذي يحدث فيه الخلط والاضطراب

تحرير التحبير في صناعة الشعر والنثر

by ابن أبي الأصبع

يعد هذا الكتاب من أجل ما ألف في فن البديع، والصناعة الأدبية. ضمنه المؤلف الكثير من شعره

فصل المقال في شرح كتاب الأمثال

by ابو عبيد البكري

كتاب "فصل المقال في شرح كتاب الامثال" هو مجموعة ملاحظات علقها أبو عبيد البكري على كتاب أبي عبيد القاسم بن سلام

ريحانة الكتاب ونجعة المنتاب

by لسان الدين بن الخطيب

يتناول الكتاب بعض التجمميدات التى صدرت بها بعض التواليف المصنعات وهى بعض من كل ويسير من جل كما تناول موضوعات سياسيه ووصف

موصل الطلاب إلى قواعد الإعراب

by خالد بن عبدالله الأزهري

يساعد هذا الكتاب الطلاب المتخصصين فى علم النحو على الوصول الى قواعد الاعراب

الفوائد العجيبة في إعراب الكلمات الغريبة

by محمد أمين الدمشقي الحنفي

يقدم ابن عابدين الدمشقي في كتابه "الفوائد العجيبة في اعراب الكلمات الغريبة" توضيح و اعراب للكثير من الكلمات الغريبة الشائعة في عصره

اللطائف في اللغة معجم أسماء الأشياء

by أحمد بن مصطفى الدمشقي

كتاب "اللطائف في اللغة معجم اسماء الاشياء" لاحمد بن مصطفى الدمشقي يحمل العديد من مرادفات الاسماء و الاشياء المتعددة التي تتميز بها اللغة العربية

النظرية اللسانية عند ابن حزم الأندلسي

by د. نعمان بوقرة- الجزائر

دراسة تسليط الضوء على الجهود اللسانيه التى توضح كيفية التعامل مع الخطاب القرا نى وتهدف الى تكوين فكره مجمله عن الاراء النظريه والتطبيقيه البارزه التى حفلت بها مؤلفات ابن حزم فى اللغه والنحو والبلاغه والمنطق واعادة ترتيبها وفق تنظيم معين يجعل منها نسقا متكاملا وبنيه منسجمه

الانتخاب لكشف الأبيات المشكلة الإعراب

by علي بن عدلان الموصلي النحوي

يدخل هذا الكتاب في عالم اللغة، حيث عرض فيه المؤلف للأبيات الشعرية المشكلة الإعراب، وحل إشكالها وكشف عن وجوه الإعراب فيها، وقد ضمّ الكتاب 165 بيتاً، واتسم بالاختصار والإيجاز.

إتحاف الفاضل بالفعل المبني لغير الفاعل

by محمد علي بن علان الصديقي

كتاب "إتحاف الفاضل بالفعل المبني لغير الفاعل" لمحمد علي بن علان الصديقي هو احد كتب علوم الللغة والنحو والصرف

الألفاظ المختلفة في المعاني المؤتلفة

by محمد بن عبد الملك بن مالك الطائي الجياني أبو عبد الله

كتاب "الألفاظ المختلفة في المعاني المؤتلفة" لابن مالك من كتب علوم اللغة التي تحتوي على العديد من الألفاظ المختلفة المتعددة للكثير من المعاني والكلمات

Temple Terrace (Images of America)

by 999 Lana Burroughs Grant Rimbey Tim Lancaster

The influential and adventurous Chicago socialite Mrs. Potter Palmer (Bertha) struck out for Florida in 1910, eventually buying thousands of acres of land across the state. In 1914, after setting up residence in Sarasota, she established Riverhills, a hunting preserve on 19,000 acres in the area now known as Temple Terrace. Local historians believe it was Palmer's vision to create one of America's first planned golf course communities, where every Mediterranean Revival villa sold would include its own grove. Intended to provide a hobby and part-time income for the wealthy Northerners lured to the Sunshine State, 5,000 acres were planted with the exotic hybrid Temple orange--making up the largest citrus grove in the world at the time. The new city was named after the orange and for the sloping terrain of the land along the Hillsborough River.

The Sword of Heaven

by Mikkel Aaland

"Any attempt at peace must be attended by a knowledge of self," discovers writer and photographer Mikkel Aaland, who grew up with a bomb shelter for a bedroom, in terror of nuclear war. At the height of the Cold War, Aaland finds himself drawn into a mysterious Shinto priest's plan to save the world. Traveling from Norway to the Philippines, Iceland to South Africa, he places pieces of a sacred Shinto sword in key power spots around the world. Along the way, he comes face to face with his deepest childhood fears of war and destruction, encounters the compelling and mysterious Shinto religion, struggles with the uncertainties of love, and learns to face life with an open heart.The Sword of Heaven tells the extraordinary true story of a journey in which all boundaries are pushed-geographical, cultural, and personal-and in which the healing of the world and the healing of one man appear to be inextricably linked.

Tourism as a Resource-based Industry: Based on the Work of Sondre Svalastog

by Øystein Aas Lars Aronsson Sjur Baardsen Børge Dahle Marko Košcak Brian McNeil Stian Stensland Sondre Svalastog Anthony Travis

Tourism as a Resource-based Industry presents the conceptual framework of the Norwegian economic geographer Sondre Svalastog and functions as a practical tool for analyzing and identifying resources when working towards a more sustainable tourism industry. Tourism resources and their sustainability are analysed through the lens of a multidisciplinary approach which includes social, economic, cultural and natural dimensions. Contextual awareness is achieved by combining research-based knowledge with local know-how and information on local conditions. The book facilitates a way forward that examines both productivity and sustainability. The usefulness and value of Svalastog's conceptual work is demonstrated by a selection of new case studies by experts in the field, from different countries including Sweden, Norway, Slovenia, and the UK. This book: - Identifies local conditions and resources, climate change concerns, different types of tourists and a variety of challenges in high-cost and low-cost countries. - Considers how best to maximise potential and production, ensuring that both the host community and tourist benefits. - Provides a wide-ranging selection of case studies covering topics such as urban heritage, national parks, niche tourism and location-specific tourism products. - Presents ideas on how to secure sound planning within the industry, using conceptual and methodological tools. Tourism researchers and students will find this book helpful for understanding the development of tourism and how it can contribute to the UN Agenda 2030 which reflects the urgency for change, to secure cultural and natural resources, health and social resilience, and the stability of a socially constructed economy. Thus, tourism research needs to include a constant review and if required, renewal of processes that manage how society, culture and natural resources are used to achieve a balanced sustainable tourism process.

North Dakota

by Larry Aasen

During the early years of the 20th century, American families witnessed amazing changes in their daily lives--the arrival of plumbing and electricity in their homes, the first automobiles, and thanks to the Eastman Kodak Company, the first affordable, portable, photographic instrument, the box camera. Many families purchased the box camera (for $1) and began to document their own histories. It is upon these histories that North Dakota places its focus.Nowhere were the changes so dramatic as on the Great Plains, and in the state of North Dakota especially. Due to the huge influx of immigrants, mostly from Scandinavia, the state's population more than doubled from 1900 to 1940, roughly the period covered in North Dakota. But this was also a time ofhardship and struggle, as the Great Depression, theDustbowl, and war took their toll on North Dakotafamilies. But through hard work and perseverence, most of these families survived, and thrived, and nowshare with us the story of that time.

Tourism Planning and Development in the Middle East (CABI Regional Tourism Series)

by Wisam Abbasi Naser Abdi Elad Almog Selenay Ata Nursah Ayhan Fatemeh Bagheri Ashkan Borouj Ali Hajinejad Farid Hanifezadeh Rami K. Isaac Sina Kuzuoglu Sarasadat Makian Alexis Saveriades Ronen Shay Bahram Nekouie Sadry Kholoud Mohamed Maksoud Somayeh Zahabnazouri

Given the historical and cultural richness of countries in the Middle East region, as well as the economic development many have exhibited in recent years, tourism planning and development gains much significance for both scholars and practitioners. Turbulence, conflicts and crises exhibited in the area add further dimensions that need to be incorporated in tourism strategies and planning, and be taken into consideration by experts at an institutional, corporate and educational level. Furthermore, in order to effectively deal with aspects of sustainability, visions and strategies in the region need to build upon good practices. As a result, a greater understanding is required of the factors influencing decision-making on tourism matters as well as on the impacts and implications of sustainable tourism development. This book, written by an international team of experts, addresses the need to examine tourism development and planning in the Middle East from a sustainability perspective by embracing case studies and examples from the region. Through its collection of chapters, the book considers tourism planning and development from the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and regulatory perspectives of sustainability. Thus, the book advances understandings of the positive and negative impacts of tourism development as well as how turbulence, crisis, synergies and the top-down and bottom-up approaches to tourism development are connected to different problems and implications for local communities, the region and the relationship of the Middle East with the rest of the world. An essential resource for tourism practitioners, decision-makers in private and public organisations, government bodies and consultants, not only from the Middle East, but for all those who want an encompassing view of global tourism.

Tourism and Disability: An Economic and Managerial Perspective (Tourism on the Verge)

by Tindara Abbate Fabrizio Cesaroni Augusto D’Amico

This book addresses existing challenges and opportunities related to tourism for people with disabilities. A niche market that is largely underdeveloped, its potentials are also often underestimated. It examines the strategies, policies, and initiatives – at regional, national, and international levels – to foster the development of accessible tourism for people with disabilities. It does so by examining the different social, cultural, legal, and information/interactive barriers that represent important constraints to welfare, inclusion, integration, and promotion of civil rights, which bring difficulties and detriment to tourists with disabilities.Additionally, the book analyzes the characteristics and dynamics of that portion of the tourism industry that is more oriented to meet the distinctive travel demand of people with disabilities. In doing so, the book explores how preferences for travel services and facilities of people with disabilities differ from preferences of tourists without disabilities. All these issues are addressed from both a theoretical and a practical perspective by adopting a multidisciplinary approach, which leverages from the fields of management, economics, and statistical analysis. The book can be useful for a broad audience made of both researchers and practitioners (among which tourism companies and corporate trainers) who are expected to deal with the topic of tourism management.

Abbey's Road

by Edward Abbe

Abbey's explorations include the territory of the Rio Grande in Texas, Canyonlands National Park and Lake Powell in Utah. He takes readers to such varied places as Scotland, the interior of Australia, the Sierra Madre, and Isla de la Sombra in Mexico.

Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside

by Edward Abbey

In this wise and lyrical book about landscapes of the desert and the mind, Edward Abbey guides us beyond the wall of the city and asphalt belting of superhighways to special pockets of wilderness that stretch from the interior of Alaska to the dry lands of Mexico.

Down the River

by Edward Abbey

A curious look into the life of the Colorado river before the Glen Canyon Dam, as well as a collection of stories of life -- and sometimes death.

The Diesel That Did It: General Motors' FT Locomotive (Railroads Past and Present)

by Wallace W. Abbey

The Diesel That Did It tells the story of the legendarydiesel-electric locomotive, the FT.As war loomed in 1939, American railroads were on the precipice of railroad transformation. In an obscure factory in La Grange, Illinois, a group of gifted engineers and designers were planning a revolution that would shake railroading to its foundations and eventually put the steam locomotive out of business. Their creation, the FT, was a diesel-electric, semi-streamlined freight engine. The FT would establish a new standard for reliability, flexibility, and cost, but its arrival unsettled many railroad employees and gave fresh ammunition to their labor unions, who believed that it threatened a century-old culture.Wallace W. Abbey's The Diesel That Did It is the story of a revolution. He explores how EMC (and its successor Electro-Motive Division of General Motors) conceived the FT, and how it ultimately emerged as the dominant locomotive power plant for 20 years. However, for Abbey, the history of the Santa Fe Railway and the FT go hand in hand. The Diesel That Did It also offers a penetrating look at how the great American railroad, at the height of its Super Chief glamor, threw its conservative mechanical traditions aside to bet big on the diesel. Showcasing more than 140 exquisite photographs by Abbey and other noted photographers, The Diesel That Did It is a captivating story not to be missed by railroaders and railfans.

Italy - Culture Smart!

by Charles Abbott

Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* do's, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer" useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York TimesFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Small Town Living: A Coast-to-Coast Guide to People, Places, and Communities

by Erin Austen Abbott

Celebrate the joys of small town life in this stunning, coast-to-coast photographic ode to country stores, main streets, and the inspiring creatives who have embraced life outside the city center. "An idyllic celebration of the rural life." —Publishers Weekly Big changes are taking place in how we live—and what we look for in the place we call home. From remote work options to the pull of wide open spaces and simpler lives, families, couples, and singles alike are looking away from major metropolitan areas and towards small towns. But where to go? How? When? There&’s a lot to consider when you&’re thinking about making the move to a small town—or just daydreaming about doing so. With the wisdom of an author who has made the move herself, Small Town Living answers these key questions in this sweeping, lushly photographed celebration of living small. Author and photographer Erin Austen Abbott has traversed the country to find creatives—from aquaculture preservationists to visual artists to entrepreneurs—who have opted for cozy towns over metropolitan bustle. In illuminating interviews and atmospheric photographs Austen Abbott showcases nearly two dozen couples and individuals who have embraced small town life, from the wilds of rural Maine, to the plains of Texas, villages of the Hudson Valley, and breathtaking seascapes of the Pacific Northwest. Woven throughout these regional chapters (East, Midwest, South, and West) are tips and sidebars to help readers begin their own small town journeys—from determining what's really important to you (like proximity to a university or access to hiking trails) to sensitively integrating into the community. A rich appendix showcases dozens of small towns grouped by themes like Small Museums, LGBTQIA+ Friendly, Film Festivals, as well as a list of small towns by state to inspire wanderlust.

Amazing True Stories of Execution Blunders

by Geoffrey Abbott

The business of death can be seriously absurd, and nothing illustrates this better than these gruesome true tales. This gory compendium details the frankly ridiculous ways in which a number of ill-fated unfortunates met (or failed to meet) their maker at the hands of lamentably inept executioners. With black and white illustrations, this book brings together a mixture of bungled executions, strange last requests and classic one-liners from medieval times to the present day.

Amazing True Stories of Execution Blunders

by Geoffrey Abbott

The business of death can be seriously absurd, and nothing illustrates this better than these gruesome true tales. This gory compendium details the frankly ridiculous ways in which a number of ill-fated unfortunates met (or failed to meet) their maker at the hands of lamentably inept executioners. With black and white illustrations, this book brings together a mixture of bungled executions, strange last requests and classic one-liners from medieval times to the present day.

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