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كليلة و دمنة

by مجهول

قال علي بن الشاه الفارسي: كان السبب الذي من أجله وضع بيدبا الفيلسوف لدبشليم ملك الهند كتاب "كليلة ودمنة" أن الإسكندر ذا القرنين الرومي لمَّا فرغ من أمر الملوك الذين كانوا بناحية المغرب سار يريد ملوك المشرق من الفرس وغيرهم. فلم يزل يحارب مَنْ نازعه ويواقع مَنْ واقعه ويسالم مَنْ وادعه من ملوك الفرس وهم الطبقة الأولى حتى ظهر عليهم وقهر مَنْ ناواه، وتغلَّب على مَنْ حاربه فتفرَّقوا طرائق وتمزَّقوا حزائق؛ فتوجه بالجنود نحو بلاد الصين فبدأ في طريقه بملك الهند ليدعوه إلى طاعته والدخول في ملته وولايته. وكان على الهند في ذلك الزَّمان ملك ذو سطوة وبأس وقوة ومراس يقال له فور؛ فلمَّا بلغه إقبال ذي القرنين نحوه تأهب لمحاربته واستعدَّ لمجاذبته وضمَّ إليه أطرافه وجدَّ في التألب عليه وجمع له العدَّة في أسرع مدَّة، من الفيلة المعدَّة للحروب والسباع المضراة بالوثوب، مع الخيول المسرجة، والسيوف القواطع، والحراب اللوامع. فلمَّا قرب ذو القرنين من فور الهندي وبلغه ما قد أعدَّ له من الخيل التي كأنها قطع الليل، مما لم يلقه بمثله أحد من الملوك الذين كانوا في الأقاليم، تخوَّف ذو القرنين من تقصير يقع به إن عجَّل المبارزة. وكان ذو القرنين رجلاً ذا حيل ومكايد مع حسن تدبير وتجربة؛ فرأى إعمال الحيلة والتمهُّل، واحتفر خندقًا على عسكره وأقام بمكانه لاستنباط الحيلة والتدبير لأمره وكيف ينبغي له أن يقدم على الإيقاع به، فاستدعى المنجمين وأمرهم بالاختيار ليوم موافق تكون له فيه سعادة لمحاربة ملك الهند والنصرة عليه؛ فاشتغلوا بذلك. وكان ذو القرنين لا يمرُّ بمدينة إلاَّ أخذ الصُنَّاع المشهورين من صُنَّاعها بالحذق من كل صنف؛ فنتجت له همته ودلته فطنته أن يتقدَّم إلى الصناع الذين معه أن يصنعوا خيلاً من نحاس مجوفة عليها تماثيل من الرجال على بكر تجري، إذا دفعت مرَّت سراعًا، وأمر إذا فرغوا منها أن تُحْشَى أجوافها بالنفط والكبريت وتلبس وتقدَّم أمام الصف في القلب، ووقف ما يلتقي الجمعان تضرب فيها النيران، فإن الفيلة إذا لفت خراطيمها على الفرسان وهي حامية ولَّت هاربة، وأوعز إلى الصناع بالتشمير والانكماش والفراغ منها؛ فجدُّوا في ذلك وعجَّلوا وقرب أيضًا وقت اختيار المنجمين؛ فأعاد ذو القرنين رسله إلى فور بما يدعوه إليه من طاعته والإذعان لدولته؛ فأجاب جواب مُصرٍّعلى مخالفته مقيم على محاربته. فلمَّا رأى ذو القرنين عزيمته سار إليه بأهبته وقدَّم فور الفيلة أمامه، ودفعت الرجال تلك الخيل وتماثيل الفرسان، فأقبلت الفيلة نحوها ولفت خراطيمها عليها، فلمَّا أحسَّت بالحرارة ألقت مَنْ كان عليها وداستهم تحت أرجلها ومضت مهزومة هاربة لا تلوي على شيء ولا تمرُّ بأحد إلاَّ وطئته. وتقطع فور وجمعه وتبعهم أصحاب الإسكندر وأثخنوا فيهم الجراح، وصاح الإسكندر: يا ملك الهند ابرز إلينا وأبق على عدتك وعيالك ولا تحملهم على الفناء. فإنه ليس من المروءة أن يرمي الملك بعدته في المهالك المتلفة والمواضع المجحفة، بل يقيهم بماله ويدفع عنهم بنفسه. فابرز إلي ودع الجند فأينا قهر صاحبه فهو الأسعد. فلمَّا سمع فور من ذي القرنين ذلك الكلام دعته نفسه إلى ملاقاته؛ طمعًا فيه، وظن ذلك فرصة، فبرز إليه الإسكندر فتجاولا على ظهري فرسيهما ساعات من النهار ليس يلقى أحدهما من صاحبه فرصة ولم يزالا يتعاركان. فلمَّا أعيا الإسكندر أمره ولم يجد فرصة ولا حيلة أوقع ذو القرنين في عسكره صيحة عظيمة ارتجت لها الأرض والعساكر؛ فالتفت فور عندما سمع الزعقة وظنَّها مكيدة في عسكره، فعاجله ذو القرنين بضربة أمالته عن سرجه أتبعها بأخرى فوقع إلى الأرض. فلمَّا رأت الهنود ما نزل بهم وما صار إليه ملكهم حملواعلى الإسكندر فقاتلوه قتالاً أحبوا معه الموت، فوعدهم من نفسه الإحسان ومنحه الله أكتافهم فاستولى على بلادهم وملَّك عليهم رجلاً من ثقاته وأقام بالهند حتى استوسق  له ما أرد من أمرهم واتفاق كلمتهم، ثم انصرف عن الهند وخلَّف ذلك الرجل عليهم ومضى متوجهًا نحو ما قصد له.  

One Direction: Meet One Direction

by One Direction

The only 100% fully official annual--written in collaboration with One Direction. This is the annual for all 1D fans! Find out straight from Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn what they think about success, their musical influences, the making of their movie, their style, their amazing fans, and much more! With exclusive interviews, up-to-the-minute news, and fantastic never-before-seen photos, this is a must-have for all One Direction fans and a fantastic gift for any occasion!

Despicable Me 3: Agnes Loves Unicorns!

by Universal

The Minions are back! Join your favorite yellow friends, along with Agnes, Edith, and Margo, on a new, hilarious adventure in this beautiful hardcover picture book that is based on the highly anticipated blockbuster movie Despicable Me 3!Agnes has two lifelong dreams: One is to be adopted into a loving family (completed!) and the other is to have a pet unicorn. Explore Agnes's love of unicorns inside this lovely picture book--and join her as she goes on her biggest adventure yet--to capture a unicorn!Despicable Me 3 is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal. All Rights Reserved.

Epitaph Road

by David Patneaude

In 2097--30 years after a powerful virus wiped out 97 percent of the male population--a new world order has emerged. With women at the helm of every leadership role, Earth has entered a virtual utopia. But when a rumored outbreak of the virus threatens his community, 14-year-old Kellen must warn his father of the coming danger.

The Tension of Opposites

by Kristina Mcbride

When Tessa's best friend Noelle disappears right before the start of eighth grade, Tessa's life changes completely--she shies away from her other friends and stops eating in the cafeteria. Now, two years later, Noelle has escaped her captivity and is coming home, in one piece but not exactly intact, and definitely different. Tessa's life is about to change again as she tries to revive the best-friendship the two girls had shared before Noelle--now Elle--was kidnapped; puts up a futile resistance to the charming new guy at school; pursues her passion for photography while trying to build the bravado to show her photos to the public; and tries to balance her desire to protect and shelter Elle with the necessity to live her own life and put herself first.


by Micol Ostow

i have always been broken. i could have. died. and maybe it would have been better if i had. It is a day like any other when seventeen-year-old Melinda Jensen hits the road for San Francisco, leaving behind her fractured home life and a constant assault on her self-esteem. Henry is the handsome, charismatic man who comes upon her, collapsed on a park bench, and offers love, a bright new consciousness, and-best of all-a family. One that will embrace her and give her love. Because family is what Mel has never really had. And this new family, Henry#x19;s family, shares everything. They share the chores, their bodies, and their beliefs. And if Mel truly wants to belong, she will share in everything they do. No matter what the family does, or how far they go. Told in episodic verse, family is a fictionalized exploration of cult dynamics, loosely based on the Manson Family murders of 1969. It is an unflinching look at people who are born broken, and the lengths they#x19;ll go to to make themselves #x1C;whole#x1D; again.


by Myra Mcentire

One hour to rewrite the past . . . For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing what isn’t there: swooning Southern Belles; soldiers long forgotten; a haunting jazz trio that vanishes in an instant. Plagued by phantoms since her parents’ death, she just wants the apparitions to stop so she can be normal. She’s tried everything, but the visions keep coming back. So when her well-meaning brother brings in a consultant from a secretive organization called the Hourglass, Emerson’s willing to try one last cure. But meeting Michael Weaver may not only change her future, it may change her past. Who is this dark, mysterious, sympathetic guy, barely older than Emerson herself, who seems to believe every crazy word she says? Why does an electric charge seem to run through the room whenever he’s around? And why is he so insistent that he needs her help to prevent a death that never should have happened? Full of atmosphere, mystery, and romance, Hourglass merges the very best of the paranormal and science-fiction genres in a seductive, remarkable young adult debut.

Never Sit Down in a Hoopskirt and Other Things I Learned in Southern Belle Hell

by Crickett Rumley

Expelled from thirteen boarding schools in the past five years, seventeen-year-old Jane Fontaine Ventouras is returning to her Southern roots, and the small town of Bienville, Alabama, where ladies always wear pearls, nothing says hospitality like sweet teaand pimento cheese sandwiches, and competing in the annual Magnolia Maid Pageant is every girl's dream. But Jane is what you might call an anti-belle--more fishnets and tattoos than sugar and spice. The last thing on her mind is joining the Magnolia Maid brigade and parading around town ina dress so big she can't even fi t through doors. So when she finds herself up to her ears in ruffl es and etiquette lessons, she's got one mission: Escape.What's a hipster to do? Will Jane survive Bienville boot camp intact or will they--gasp!--make a Southern belle out of her yet?

Notes from the Blender

by Brendan Halpin Trish Cook

Declan loves death metal--particularly from Finland. And video games--violent ones. And internet porn--any kind, really. He goes to school with Neilly Foster and spends most of his classroom time wondering what it might be like to know her, to talk to her, maybe even to graze against her sweater in the hallway. Neilly is an accomplished gymnast, naturally beautiful, and a constant presence at all the best parties (to which Declan is never invited). She's the queen of cool, the princess of poker face, and her rule is uncontested-- or it was until today, when she's dumped by her boyfriend, betrayed by her former BFF Lulu, and then informed she's getting a new brother--of the freaky fellow classmate variety. Declan's dad is marrying Neilly's mom. Soon. Which means they'll be moving in together.

The Sweetest Thing

by Christina Mandelski

In the world of Sheridan Wells, life is perfect when she's decorating a cake. Unfortunately, everything else is a complete mess: her mom ran off years ago, her dad is more interested in his restaurant, and the idea of a boyfriend is laughable. But Sheridan is convinced finding her mom will solve all her problems--only her dad's about to get a cooking show in New York, which means her dream of a perfect family will be dashed. Using just the right amount of romance, family drama, and cute boys, The Sweetest Thing will entice fans with its perfect mixture of girl-friendly ingredients.

Undercurrent: a Siren novel

by Tricia Rayburn

The sirens are back, but Vanessa may be the biggest threat of all. . . . Nothing has been normal since Vanessa Sands learned that her sister was murdered by sirens-femme fatales of the watery depths-and that everything she believed about her family was a lie. Her boyfriend Simon’s been the only person Vanessa feels she can really trust. But now there are some secrets she can’t tell even him. And when Vanessa finds herself in the sights of Parker, Hawthorne Prep’s resident charmer, she needs someone to confide in more than ever. Doubting her relationship with Simon, unsure of Parker’s intentions-and of her own-and terrified by what she’s learned about herself, Vanessa has never felt so alone. But personal problems must be put aside, because the Winter Harbor sirens are back for revenge. Now, Vanessa must face her past and accept that she is just like her enemies-every bit as alluring, every bit as dangerous. The eagerly anticipated second novel of the Siren trilogy,Undercurrentis a seductive paranormal romance that will leave you breathless.


by Jerry Spinelli

He's a boy called Jew. Gypsy. Stopthief. Runt. Happy. Fast. Filthy son of Abraham. He's a boy who lives in the streets of Warsaw. He's a boy who steals food for himself and the other orphans. He's a boy who believes in bread, and mothers, and angels. He's a boy who wants to be a Nazi some day, with tall shiny jackboots and a gleaming Eagle hat of his own. Until the day that suddenly makes him change his mind. And when the trains come to empty the Jews from the ghetto of the damned, he's a boy who realizes it's safest of all to be nobody. Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli takes us to one of the most devastating settings imaginable-- Nazi-occupied Warsaw of World War II-- and tells a tale of heartbreak, hope, and survival through the bright eyes of a young orphan. "From the Hardcover edition. "

Pollen Partners

by Amy Tao

Do you know how new flowers are made? It’s a process called pollination, which is what happens when pollen is moved from one flower to another! The flowers rely on animals like bees and hummingbirds to do this for them, and in return, they offer the animals delicious nectar to eat. What is your favorite pollen-moving animal?


by Laura Townsend Pat Paris

Orchid's jealousy of Sunny Sunflower is exacerbated by Nastina, and only the combined love of all the garden inhabitants is able to put things right.

Gabriela Speaks Out: Girl of the Year 2017, Book 2) (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2017 #2)

by Teresa E. Harris

Gabriela's second novel picks up where her first left off. Her BFF may be going to another school, but Gabby is determined to make sixth grade the best year ever! She's even ready to stand up to confident and intimidating Aaliyah Reade-Johnson if she makes fun of Gabby for her stutter. What she isn't ready for is Sixth Grade Initiation--a series of pranks the older kids play on the sixth graders. Gabby could stop the tradition if she wins the school election . . . but Aaliyah is running, too, which means Gabby's chances for victory are slim. Can Gabby find the courage to stand on her own, speak out for change, and do what seems impossible?


by Robert Budd Roy Henry Vickers

Cloudwalker, describing the creation of the rivers, is the second in a series of Northwest Coast legends by Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd. Their previous collaboration, Raven Brings the Light (2013), is a national bestseller.On British Columbia's northwest coast lies the Sacred Headwaters-the source of three of British Columbia's largest salmon-bearing rivers. These rivers are the source of life for all creatures in the area. But what gave life to the rivers themselves?Astace, a young Gitxsan hunter, is intent on catching a group of swans with his bare hands. He is carried away by the birds' powerful wings and dropped in the clouds. With only a cedar box of water Astace wanders the clouds, growing weaker, stumbling and spilling the contents. When he finally returns to earth he discovers lakes, creeks, and rivers where there were none before. The Gitxsan rejoice at having him home, and name the new river they live alongside Ksien-"juice from the clouds."Roy Henry Vickers' vibrant artwork, including 18 new prints, accompany this new retelling of an ancient story-readers of all ages will be captivated.

Orca Chief

by Roy Henry Vickers Robert Budd

Orca Chief is the third in a series of Northwest Coast legends by Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd. Their previous collaborations, Raven Brings the Light (2013) and Cloudwalker (2014), are award-winning national bestsellers. Thousands of years ago in the village of Kitkatla, four hunters leave home in the spring to harvest seaweed and sockeye. When they arrive at their fishing grounds, exhaustion makes them lazy and they throw their anchor overboard without care for the damage it might do to marine life or the sea floor. When Orca Chief discovers what the hunters have done, he sends his most powerful orca warriors to bring the men and their boat to his house. The men beg forgiveness for their ignorance and lack of respect, and Orca Chief compassionately sends them out with his pod to show them how to sustainably harvest the ocean's resources. Accompanied by almost exclusively new illustrations by Roy Henry Vickers, this next installment of the Northwest Coast Legends will captivate readers young and old with its vivid imagery and remarkable storytelling.

What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet (Protect the Planet)

by Jess French

In this informative book on recycling for children, you will find everything you need to know about our environment. The good, the bad and the incredibly innovative. From pollution and litter to renewable energy and plastic recycling.This educational book will teach young budding ecologists about how our actions affect planet Earth and the big impact we can make by the little things we do.Did you know that every single plastic toothbrush ever made still exists? Or that there is a floating mass of trash larger than the USA drifting around the Pacific Ocean?It is not all bad news though. While this is a knowledge book that explains where we are going wrong, What a Waste also shows what we are getting right! Discover plans to save our seas. How countries are implementing green projects worldwide, and how to turn waste into something useful. The tiniest everyday changes can make all the difference to ensure our beautiful planet stays lush and teeming with life. It is a lively kid&’s educational book with fabulous illustrations and fun facts about the world broken into easy to digest bite-sized bits. Each page can be looked at in short bursts or longer reads for more detail, making it a great children&’s book for a range of age groups.Get Involved - Make A Difference!Almost everything we do creates waste, from litter and leftovers to factory gases and old gadgets. Find out where it goes, how it affects our planet and what we can do to reduce the problem. From how to make your home more energy and water efficient, to which items can be recycled and tips for grocery shopping, this book is packed full of ideas on how you can get involved to make our planet a better place to live.This environment book for children has a wealth of ideas for becoming a planet-defending hero:- Discover shocking facts about the waste we produce and where it goes- Learn where about our Earth&’s limited resources and how to take some pressure off- Your trash is another man&’s treasure- Small changes to take your home from wasteful to super resource efficient- Dive into saving our oceans and super recycling- And much, much moreWhat a Waste is one of several nature books for kids written by Jess French, a passionate conservationist and veterinarian committed to protecting the beautiful world we live in.

La cancion del geco (Santillana Classroom Libraries)

by David Kraatz Mauricio Luengas

This vividly illustrated story describes a young geckos experience in a rain forest after he becomes separated from his mother. During his search for her he meets an amazing variety of animals and learns much about his forest environment. A brief description of rain forests and the endangered animals featured in the story is included at the end of the book.

So Many Feelings

by Larissa Honsek

I feel happy! I feel angry. I feel silly! Teaching children how to name their feelings is the first step toward helping them express those feelings appropriately and feeling empathy for the feelings of others. From artist Larissa Honsek, the creator of Opposites and Let's Move!, comes a new cast of colorful clay characters to teach toddlers about emotions because we all have big feelings.

Thankful Animals, Thankful Me

by Steve Metzger

A bug is thankful for a leaf, A sea star for its coral reef. A hawk is thankful for the sky, A piglet for a muddy sty. In this colorful board book, animals are the perfect examples of gratitude for the simple things, from the open sea to a safe barn stall. With adorable, brightly colored drawings and rhyming couplets, Thankful Animals, Thankful Me will teach your child about a multitude of animals, all while showing them how to be thankful. A life full of gratitude has never been so easy—or cute!

U Is for Utah

by Christopher Robbins

An ABC primer of the unique places and animals specific to Utah.

iOpener: Survival: Animal Adaptations (iOpeners)

by Alice Cary

This book covers everything you need to know about how all kinds of animals adapt in various habitats. Diagrams, fun fact boxes, and photographs bring the subject to life, while a glossary, an index, and discussion questions aid in reading comprehension.Grade: 5Subject: Life ScienceGenre: Informational TextComprehension Skill/Strategy: Make InferencesDiagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA/EDL): 50Guided Reading Level: ULexile Level: 880LDK's iOpeners equip K-6 students with the skills and strategies they need to access and comprehend nonfiction so that they are not only learning to read but reading to learn. The combination of high-interest content and eye-popping photography of iOpeners brings science and social studies topics to life, raises student achievement in reading, and boosts standardized test scores.

Awesome America: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the History, People, and Culture

by The Editors of Time For Kids

For the first time ever, in a single indispensable reference volume, TIME For Kids Awesome America offers 8-12 year olds a fun, fact-filled, and photographic overview of the people, places, and events that have made America awesome. From America's early history all the way to present day, kids will learn about what it was like to grow up in the 1700's, 1800's, 1900's and today and will find out all about the inventions, innovations, and movements great American's have created over the years. Structured for both dip-in reference and longer-form reading, Awesome America is organized into 14 thematic sections, each comprised of bite-sized articles, engaging factoid sidebars, colorful charts, graphics and interactive quizzes for easy school report or homework helper reference.The 14 sections include: Our BeginningOur GovernmentOur PresidentsAll 50 States and MoreThe LandThe Great Melting PotMoments that Changed AmericaCivil Rights MovementsGreat AmericansGrowing Up in AmericaAmerica's Role in the WorldOur Home: Grown Gifts to the WorldOne-Of-A-Kind Experiences (only found on American soil)Year-By-Year A Timeline (comprehensive visual timeline pre-Columbus through the present)Plus, a complete Glossary and Index

Story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby

by Walt Disney Productions

Read about how Brer Rabbit outsmarts Brer Fox and Brer Bear when they try to catch him with a tar baby.

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