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American Love Songs (Deutsch)

by Ashlyn Kane

Jake Brenner muss sich erst mal die Hörner abstoßen, ehe er daran denken kann, sich zu verlieben. Abgesehen davon, ist er viel zu beschäftigt mit seiner Band, den Wayward Sons, um sich auf die Suche nach der großen Liebe zu machen. Seine Zurückhaltung hat nichts mit seiner peinlichen Schwärmerei für Chris, den Leadsänger der Band und Jakes ehemals bestem Freund, zu tun. Aber das war, bevor der geheimnisvolle Streuner Parker McAvoy sich als neuer Leadgitarrist der Band eingeschrieben hatte.Er kann die Anziehungskraft, die der süße, schusselige Parker auf ihn ausübt, nur eine gewisse Zeit lang verleugnen, ehe er sein Verlangen, etwas deswegen zu unternehmen, nicht mehr länger ignorieren kann. Das Problem ist, dass Parker genau weiß, was Jake für ein Schürzenjäger ist – und, ach ja, er ist nicht schwul. Das denkt Jake jedenfalls, bis eine Reihe von miteinander verbundenen Ereignissen ihm vielversprechende neue Einsichten verschafft. Kann er Parker überzeugen, über seine schillernde Vergangenheit hinwegzusehen und ihm eine Chance zu geben? Oder wird dieses Liebeslied verklingen, ehe es überhaupt begonnen hat?

Au cœur du typhon (La saga des métamorphes #2)

by Iriam Shostakovich M. D. Grimm

La saga des métamorphes, tome 2Ryan et Caleb sont devenus les meilleurs amis au monde alors que Caleb guidait et accompagnait Ryan sur les pas d'une existence humaine. Ryan est un métamorphe né taureau sous le nom de Typhon, et recueilli par la mère de Caleb afin de le protéger. Caleb ne tarde pas à se montrer protecteur lui aussi. Au fil du temps passé ensemble, la teneur des sentiments qui lient l'humain au métamorphe taurin évolue et l'intensité ne fait que s'approfondir. Mais alors qu'ils décident enfin de donner une chance à leur relation de couple, Ryan est enlevé. Caleb est donc forcé de contacter l'Agence - une organisation qui veille sur les animorphes - s'il ne veut pas que leur nouvelle vie ne se termine avant même d'avoir pu réellement commencer.

Strand der Wünsche (Die Insel Ser. #2)

by Sue Brown Jutta Grobleben

Fortsetzung zu Einsamer StrandBuch 2 in der Serie - StrandNach einem aufregenden Urlaub auf der Isle of Wight, in dem er die Liebe seines Lebens kennengelernt hat, lässt Sam Owens Liam Marshall nach Michigan zurückkehren, um seine Wohnung endgültig aufzulösen, damit sie den Rest ihres Lebens zusammen verbringen können. Als er Liam plötzlich nicht mehr erreichen kann, macht Sam sich Sorgen. Er rechnet sogar mit dem Schlimmsten, deshalb verpflichtet er seinen Bruder, den British Metropolitan Police Officer Paul Owens dazu, ihm zu helfen, Liam zu finden und ihn rechtzeitig zur Hochzeit wieder nach Hause zu bringen. Paul hat keine Hemmungen, sich in das Rätsel auf der anderen Seite des Großen Teichs einzuschalten, außerdem sieht Paul sehr gut aus und ist offen bisexuell, alles sehr zu Entsetzen von Detective Olaf Skandik aus Wisconsin. Olaf ist ein ehemaliger Soldat und immer noch ungeoutet, denn er arbeitet jetzt bei der Polizei. Er ist frustriert und gefangen in den Mauern, die er selbst um sich errichtet hat. Als er Paul kennenlernt, beginnt er, sich zu fragen, ob es an der Zeit ist für eine Veränderung. Während er nach dem vermissten Verlobten seines Bruders sucht, lernt Paul auch Olaf besser kennen. Bald vermischen sich Pflicht und Vergnügen und eine Romanze entsteht, auf die sie vielleicht eine gemeinsame Zukunft aufbauen können.

All That Consumes Us

by Erica Waters

All That Consumes Us has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.

Conduct Unbecoming: Gays & Lesbians in the U.S. Military

by Randy Shilts

&“A thoroughly researched and engrossingly readable history&” of gay men and women in the American armed forces by the author of And the Band Played On (The New York Times Book Review). Published during the same year the American military instituted Don&’t Ask, Don&’t Tell, and eighteen years before President Barack Obama repealed it, Conduct Unbecoming is a landmark work of social justice and a searing indictment of the military establishment&’s historic bigotry toward its gay servicemen and women. Randy Shilts&’s eye-opening book describes the bravery, both exceptional and everyday, not only of gay soldiers throughout history, but also of gay men and women serving in our modern military. With each anecdote and investigation, Shilts systematically dismantles the arguments against allowing gays to serve in the military. At once a history of the American military and an account of the gay rights movement, Conduct Unbecoming is a remarkable testament to the progress achieved for gays in the military—and a revealing look at how far we have yet to go.

The Confusions of Young Torless

by Robert Musil

Like his contemporary and rival Sigmund Freud, Robert Musil boldly explored the dark, irrational undercurrents of humanity. The Confusions of Young Törless, published in 1906 while he was a student, uncovers the bullying, snobbery, and vicious homoerotic violence at an elite boys academy. Unsparingly honest in its depiction of the author's tangled feelings about his mother, other women, and male bonding, it also vividly illustrates the crisis of a whole society, where the breakdown of traditional values and the cult of pitiless masculine strength were soon to lead to the cataclysm of the First World War and the rise of fascism. A century later, Musil's first novel still retains its shocking, prophetic power. .

Oscar Wilde in America: The Interviews

by Gary Scharnhorst Matthew Hofer Oscar Wilde

Better known in 1882 as a cultural icon than a serious writer, Oscar Wilde was brought to North America for a major lecture tour on Aestheticism and the decorative arts. With characteristic aplomb, he adopted the role as the ambassador of Aestheticism, and he tried out a number of phrases, ideas, and strategies that ultimately made him famous as a novelist and playwright. This exceptional volume cites all ninety-one of Wilde's interviews and contains transcripts of forty-eight of them, and it also includes his lecture on his travels in America.

The Picture of Dorian Gray: The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde (Bring The Classics To Life Ser.)

by Oscar Wilde

The novel that scandalized Victorian England In a London studio, two men contemplate the portrait of another—younger and more beautiful—man. Despite Lord Henry Wotton&’s urging, Basil Hallward refuses to show his painting in public—there is too much of his true feeling for the subject in it. &“I will not bare my soul to their shallow, prying eyes,&” he declares. &“My heart shall never be put under their microscope.&” Instead, it is Dorian Gray&’s soul put under the microscope of this unforgettable novel. Influenced by the cynical, hedonistic Lord Henry, Dorian becomes infatuated with his own youth and beauty and wishes that his portrait would grow old instead of him. His wish comes true, but it is not just the passage of time that mars the painting—the wages of sin are recorded there as well. Freed from the physical toll of his debauchery, Dorian devotes himself to the pursuit of pleasure above all else. He turns on his friends, drives his lover to suicide, and engages in every vice known to man. To society, he remains as handsome and youthful as Prince Charming. In the painting, he is hideous. Too late, Dorian realizes that only one of these two images can be real, and a reckoning deferred is not a reckoning absolved.This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Selected Poems: Emily Dickinson Poems Selected By Anne Car (Bcl1-ps American Literature Ser.)

by Emily Dickinson

A collection of poems by &“one of America&’s greatest and most original poets of all time&” (Poetry Foundation). One of the nineteenth century&’s leading poets, Emily Dickinson wrote nearly 1,800 poems during her lifetime, though only a handful were published. This collection includes some of Dickinson&’s best-known works, reflecting her thoughts on nature, life, death, the mind, and the spirit. &“Emily Dickinson is one of our most original writers, a force destined to endure in American letters. . . . Without elaborate philosophy, yet with irresistible ways of expression, Emily Dickinson&’s poems have true lyric appeal, because they make abstractions, such as love, hope, loneliness, death, and immortality, seem near and intimate and faithful.&” —The Atlantic &“Emily Dickinson did not leave any poetics or treatise to explain her life&’s work, so we can come to her poetry with minds and hearts open, and unearth whatever it is we need to find. Her oeuvre is a large one and most of her work was done in secret—she didn&’t share most of what she wrote. Ten or so poems were published in her lifetime, mostly without her consent. She often included poems with letters but, after her death, the poet&’s sister Vinnie was surprised to find almost eighteen hundred individual poems in Dickinson&’s bedroom, some of them bound into booklets by the poet.&” —Publishers Weekly &“Dickinson found love, spiritual quickening and immortality, all on her own terms.&” —The Guardian

Assault with a Deadly Lie

by Lev Raphael

Successful professor Nick Hoffman finds his secure, happy, college-town life changed forever after a nightmarish encounter with police. But even when that horrible night is over, life doesn't return to normal. Someone is clearly out to destroy him. Nick and his partner Stefan Borowski face an escalating series of threats that lead to a brutal and stunning confrontation. A novel of suspense set in the academic world, "Assault with a Deadly Lie" probes the disturbing psychological impact of slander, harassment, stalking, police brutality, and the loss of personal safety. What will Nick do when his world threatens to collapse? How can he reestablish order in a suddenly chaotic life? "Assault with a Deadly Lie," the eighth installment of Lev Raphael's Nick Hoffman Mysteries, propels the series to a new level of danger and intrigue as Nick and Stefan are catapulted out of their tranquil existence by shocking accusations. "

The Harold Nicolson Diaries: 1907-1964

by Harold Nicolson

One of the great 20th century political diaries'Brilliant, riveting stuff' TRIBUNE'One stops to marvel at the achievement. Honesty, decency, modesty, magnanimity, are stamped on every page, as evident as the wit' EVENING STANDARD'A tremendous read' SPECTATORHarold Nicolson was one of the three great political diarists of the 20th century (along with Chips Channon and Alan Clark). Nicolson was an MP (Conservative, 1935-45, who also flirted with Labour after WWII). He had previously been in the Foreign Office and attended the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, and material from this period is included in this new edition for the first time. Nicolson never achieved high office, but rarely a day went by when he didn't record what was going on at Westminster. He socialised widely, was married to the poet and author Vita Sackville-West, and together they created the famous garden at Sissinghurst. Both were bi-sexuals and had affairs outside their marriage. This new edition also draws on diary entries and letters previously considered too sensitive for inclusion. The diversity of Harold Nicolson's interests and the irony in his writing make his diary a highly entertaining record of his life and times, as well as a document of great historical value.

The Harold Nicolson Diaries: 1907-1964

by Harold Nicolson

One of the great 20th century political diaries'Brilliant, riveting stuff' TRIBUNE'One stops to marvel at the achievement. Honesty, decency, modesty, magnanimity, are stamped on every page, as evident as the wit' EVENING STANDARD'A tremendous read' SPECTATORHarold Nicolson was one of the three great political diarists of the 20th century (along with Chips Channon and Alan Clark). Nicolson was an MP (Conservative, 1935-45, who also flirted with Labour after WWII). He had previously been in the Foreign Office and attended the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, and material from this period is included in this new edition for the first time. Nicolson never achieved high office, but rarely a day went by when he didn't record what was going on at Westminster. He socialised widely, was married to the poet and author Vita Sackville-West, and together they created the famous garden at Sissinghurst. Both were bi-sexuals and had affairs outside their marriage. This new edition also draws on diary entries and letters previously considered too sensitive for inclusion. The diversity of Harold Nicolson's interests and the irony in his writing make his diary a highly entertaining record of his life and times, as well as a document of great historical value.

Big Gay Wedding: A Novel

by Byron Lane

Named one of Shondaland and Town & Country's Best Books of May • Named one of Lambda Literary's Most Anticipated LGBTQIA+ Books • Named one of Cosmopolitan's Best Books of 2023 (So Far)An unashamedly proud, loud, and hilarious novel about a small town that’s forever changed by a big gay wedding, perfect for fans of Red, White & Royal Blue and The GuncleTwo grooms. One mother of a problem.Barnett Durang has a secret. No, not THAT secret. His widowed mother has long known he’s gay. The secret is Barnett is getting married. At his mother’s farm. In their small Louisiana town. She just doesn’t know it yet.It’ll be an intimate affair. Just two hundred or so of the most fabulous folks Barnett is shipping in from the “heathen coasts,” as Mom likes to call them, turning her quiet rescue farm for misfit animals into a most unlikely wedding venue.But there are forces, both within this modern new family and in the town itself, that really don’t want to see this handsome couple march down the aisle. It’ll be the biggest, gayest event in the town’s history if they can pull it off, and after a glitter-filled week, nothing will ever be the same. Big Gay Wedding is an uplifting book about the power of family and the unconditional love of a mother for her son.

Diary of a Sex Addict

by Scott Alexander Hess

Witty, dark and explosively carnal, Diary of a Sex Addict chronicles a gay New Yorker’s month-long descent into a circus of anonymous hook-ups as he struggles to erase the pain of a failed romance and blot out the routine of a soul-numbing day job. Bizarre gang-bangs and fleeting attempts at celibacy are interspersed with visits to his wealthy and eccentric dowager aunt, visits which awaken lost memories of a chaotic youth.Written in prose that is at once poetic and unabashedly lewd, the novel offers a glimpse into a forbidden fringe world of longing and debauchery that ultimately reveals the narrator’s fervent search for something to fill a profound emptiness.Inspired by the transgressive works of the Marquis de Sade, Dennis Cooper and Bret Easton Ellis, Diary of a Sex Addict blends wry humor, elegant language and graphic sex to offer a novel that is “relentlessly erotic and divinely written” (Richard Labonte, Bookmarks).

In My Father's Arms: A Son's Story of Sexual Abuse

by Walter A. Demilly

To the outside world, Walter de Milly’s father was a prominent businessman, a dignified Presbyterian, and a faithful husband; to Walter, he was an overwhelming, handsome monster. This paperback of In My Father’s Arms: A True Story of Incest adds a reflective preface by the author and a foreword by Richard B. Gartner, PhD, author of Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse.

Orlando: A Biography (El Libro De Bolsillo Alianza Editorial Ser. #Vol. 0735)

by Virginia Woolf

Orlando is one of the most unforgettable creations of twentieth-century literature. He emerges as a young man at the court of Queen Elizabeth I and progresses, with breathtaking ease, through three centuries until, by now a woman, she arrives in the bustle and diversion of the 1920s. for Virginia Woolf, a leading figure of the Bloomsbury Group, Orlando was more than a fantastic flight of imagination. It was a roman à clef, a love letter for her lover, the charismatic, eccentric bisexual, Vita Sackville West. Orlando's journey, from wondrous youth barbed by love, to fêted writer, settled in her femininity, is a wild and curiously relevant fable for our times.


by Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf's most unusual and fantastic creation, a funny, exuberant tale that examines the very nature of sexuality. WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY PETER ACKROYD AND MARGARET REYNOLDS As his tale begins, Orlando is a passionate young nobleman whose days are spent in rowdy revelry, filled with the colourful delights of Queen Elizabeth's court. By the close, he will have transformed into a modern, thirty-six-year-old woman and three centuries will have passed. Orlando will not only witness the making of history from its edge, but will find that his unique position as a woman who knows what it is to be a man will give him insight into matters of the heart. The Vintage Classics Virginia Woolf series has been curated by Jeanette Winterson and Margaret Reynolds, and the texts used are based on the original Hogarth Press editions published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf. **One of the BBC’s 100 Novels That Shaped Our World**

The Well of Loneliness

by Radclyffe Hall

First published in 1928, this timeless portrayal of lesbian love is now a classic. The thinly disguised story of Hall's own life, it was banned outright upon publication and almost ruined her literary career.

Nothing Ever Just Disappears: Seven Hidden Queer Histories

by Diarmuid Hester

An exploration of artistic freedom, survival, and the hidden places of the imagination, including James Baldwin in Provence, Josephine Baker in Paris, Kevin Killian in San Francisco, and E. M. Forster in Cambridge, among other groundbreaking queer artists of the twentieth century.Nothing Ever Just Disappears is radical new history of seven queer lives and the places that shaped these groundbreaking artists. At the turn of the century, in the shade of Cambridge's cloisters, a young E. M. Forster conceals his passion for other men, even as he daydreams about the sun-warmed bodies of ancient Greece. Under the dazzling lights of interwar Paris, Josephine Baker dances her way to fame and fortune and discovers sexual freedom backstage at the Folies Bergère. And on Jersey Island, in the darkest days of Nazi occupation, the transgressive surrealist Claude Cahun mounts an extraordinary resistance to save the island she loves, scattering hundreds of dissident artworks along its streets and shorelines. Nothing Ever Just Disappears brings to life the stories of seven remarkable figures and illuminates the connections between where they lived, who they loved, and the art they created. It shows that a queer sense of place is central to the history of the twentieth century and powerfully evokes how much is lost when queer spaces are forgotten. From the suffragettes in London and James Baldwin's home in Provence, to Kevin Killian's San Francisco and Derek Jarman&’s cottage in Kent, this is both a thrilling new literary history and a celebration of freedom, survival, and the hidden places of the imagination.

The Green Scamander

by Maude Meagher

The story of Penthesilea, noble and doomed last Queen of the Amazons.

Radcliffe: A Novel

by David Storey

Man Booker Prize-winning author David Storey takes us to a crumbling English town where a childhood friendship blossoms into obsessive love Leonard Radcliffe is the last heir to a proud family name that has nearly been forgotten. All that remains of the Radcliffe legacy is the Place: a ramshackle manor that once loomed over the countryside, but is now hemmed in by public housing and all but shaken apart by the trains that pass beneath it. At age 9, Leonard is shy, lonely, and too smart for his own good. When he becomes the target of school bullies, he is saved by the charming brute Vic Tolson, which marks the start of a friendship that will both define and destroy the two boys' lives. When Vic and Leonard meet again as adults, their dormant childhood friendship erupts into an irresistible physical passion. As the Place crumbles around them, Leonard and Vic pursue a love so powerful it can only end in death.

What Stalks Among Us

by Sarah Hollowell

From Sarah Hollowell, author of A Dark and Starless Forest, comes a spine-tingling, deliriously creepy YA speculative thriller about two best friends trapped in a corn maze with corpses that look just like them. <p><p> Best friends and high school seniors Sadie and Logan make their first mistake when they ditch their end-of-year field trip to the amusement park in favor of exploring some old, forgotten backroads. The last thing they expect to come across is a giant, abandoned corn maze. <p><p> But with a whole day of playing hooking unspooling before them, they make their second mistake. Or perhaps their third? Maybe even their fourth. Because Sadie and Logan have definitely entered this maze before. And again before that. <p><p> When they stumble on the corpses in the maze, identical to them in every way (if you can ignore the stab and gunshot wounds)--from their clothes to their hidden scars to their dyed hair, to that one missing tooth--they quickly realize they’ve not only entered this maze before, they’ve died in it too. A lot. And no matter what they try, they can’t figure out what—or who—is hunting them. <p><p> Deeply unnerving, clever, and atmospheric, this time-bending, mind-bending speculative horror is a poignant meditation on the lasting effects of trauma and the healing powers of connection and forgiveness—all while delivering more surprise twists and turns than a haunted corn maze.

Either is Love

by Elisabeth Craigin

First published 1937. After the death of her husband, the narrator re-reads the letters she had written him about her earlier intense love affair with another woman. This beautifully written "memoir" is an almost unequaled treatment of a lesbian romance.

Encounter in April: Poems

by May Sarton

The debut work of a literary legend May Sarton&’s career spanned sixty years and included novels, poetry, memoirs, and even children&’s books, but it was poetry that provided the world&’s first look at her wondrous talent. Encounter in April is a fitting starting point for readers wishing to familiarize themselves with one of the twentieth century&’s most lyrical and eloquent authors. In this anthology, Sarton describes womanhood devastatingly and unforgettably, deftly matching serene imagery with powerful emotion. Her sonnets are to be savored. Encounter in April is a thesis statement for a lengthy and profound career, and Sarton&’s talent is readily evident from the beginning.

Fighting for Life

by S. Josephine Baker Helen Epstein

New York's Lower East Side was said to be the most densely populated square mile on earth in the 1890s. Health inspectors called the neighborhood "the suicide ward." Diarrhea epidemics raged each summer, killing thousands of children. Sweatshop babies with smallpox and typhus dozed in garment heaps destined for fashionable shops. Desperate mothers paced the streets to soothe their feverish children and white mourning cloths hung from every building. A third of the children living there died before their fifth birthday.By 1911, the child death rate had fallen sharply and The New York Times hailed the city as the healthiest on earth. In this witty and highly personal autobiography, public health crusader Dr. S. Josephine Baker explains how this transformation was achieved. By the time she retired in 1923, Baker was famous worldwide for saving the lives of 90,000 children. The programs she developed, many still in use today, have saved the lives of millions more. She fought for women's suffrage, toured Russia in the 1930s, and captured "Typhoid" Mary Mallon, twice. She was also an astute observer of her times, and Fighting for Life is one of the most honest, compassionate memoirs of American medicine ever written.

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