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Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal
by Westminster John Knox PressThis electronic version of the hymnal is specially adapted for use with paperless braille devices. Find a hymn quickly by adding the number sign to the hymn number. Also, refrains are repeated each time they're to be sung. This version does not have musical notation but is otherwise complete. Special proofreading was performed by Terry Gorman.
Apologies to the Iroquois
by Edmund WilsonEdmund Wilson at his most lucid and thought-provoking, traveling off his usual literary track to deliver this engrossing account of life among the Iroquois in all its facets.
The Lifeline of America: Development of the Food Industry
by Edward C. Hampe Merle WittenbergThis book presents the development of each segment of the food industry, underscores the interdependence of all segments, and traces the development of the entire industry as it has kept pace with the population explosions of the past and present.
Teach Yourself Weather
by Peter InnessTeach Yourself Weather shows you how to interpret the nightly weather report and even make your own predictions. It examines climate change and its effect on the weather.
Jackie Robinson: A Biography
by Arnold RampersadThe extraordinary life of Jackie Robinson is illuminated as never before in this full-scale biography by Arnold Rampersad, who was chosen by Jack's widow, Rachel, to tell her husband's story, and was given unprecedented access to his private papers.
Preventing War: The United Nations and Macedonia
by Abiodun WilliamsDescribes the role the UN played in Macedonia.
The Rebel Within: Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank
by Ha-Joon Chang Joseph StiglitzCritique of the role and effectiveness of the World Bank.
Valiant in Fight: A Book of Remembrance
by Laverne E. TiftIn the early months of World War II, many ships and stations of our Navy had no chaplain officially assigned. Chiefly, through the efforts of a unique Christian organization called "The Navigators", when the need for a Christian preacher was obvious, some "Navigator" trained man would step forward and fill the bill. These men and their associates were dedicated, fearless, top-notch fighting men, who loved and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ. Such a one was Machinist Mate first class, La Verne E. Tift aboard the heavy cruiser USS Minneapolis, operating with the Pacific Fleet out of Pearl Harbor. He was the "spark-plug" and acting teacher of our Bible study and prayer groups. Since leaving the Navy in 1945 he has become a Minister of the Gospel, serving various churches in California. He and his wife Grace reside in Fresno, California.
How Democratic Is the American Constitution?
by Robert A. DahlDahl starts with the assumption that the legitimacy of the American Constitution derives solely from its utility as an instrument of democratic governance. Dahl demonstrates that, due to the context in which it was conceived, our Constitution came to incorporate significant antidemocratic elements. Because the Framers of the Constitution had no relevant example of a democratic political system on which to model the American government, many defining aspects of our political system were implemented as a result of short-sightedness or last-minute compromise.
A Review of the U.S. Navy Cyber Defense Capabilities: Abbreviated Version of a Classified Report
by Committee for a Review of U.S. Navy Cyber Defense CapabilitiesIn order to conduct operations successfully and defend its capabilities against all warfighting domains, many have warned the Department of Defense (DoD) of the severity of the cyber threat and called for greater attention to defending against potential cyber attacks. For several years, many within and outside DoD have called for even greater attention to addressing threats to cyberspace.
Making Skills Everyone's Business: A Call to Transform Adult Learning in the United States
by DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICASkills matter. In the past year, a remarkable convergence of data, analysis, and policy informed us of just how much they matter to individuals, their families and communities, and to the economy overall. This report presents a vision for making adult skill development--upskilling--more prevalent, efficient, effective, and convenient. This vision rests on an understanding that foundation skills--the combination of literacy, numeracy, and English language as well as employability skills required for participation in modern workplaces and contemporary life--are a shared responsibility of, and value and benefit to the entire community<P><P> This report begins with a deeper look at the data before articulating seven strategies to transform adult learning in the United States, illustrated with "Innovation in Action" vignettes from around the country. It includes a section describing the efforts undertaken by ED subsequent to the OECD Survey to gather facts, analyze trends, and seek input from a broad range of stakeholders in roundtable discussions.
A Complete Introduction To Parrots
by Duke Of BedfordText introduce the different types of parrots, including lovebirds, macaws, and cockatoos, with information on caring for them as pets.
Environmental Biology: Laboratory Activities
by Ron Dinchak Larry BrickerLab book for Bio 105 Environmental Biology
The Around the World Cookbook: Over 350 Authentic Recipes from the World's Best-loved Cuisines
by Sarah AinleyThis cookbook takes its inspiration from some of the world's most exciting cuisines and brings together a collection which celebrates the diversity of traditional cooking styles around the globe. Most of the recipes use accessible fresh ingredients and store-cupboard staples, and even the more exotic foods are now commonly available from supermarkets and delicatessens. From Africa, India and the Orient, through Europe to the Americas, the classic cuisines of the world are at your fingertips.
Blood, Class and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies
by Christopher HitchensAmerica's "special relationship" with Britain goes largely unexamined. The author shows that the "special" ingredient in the relationship is a compound of empire, transmitted from an ancient regime that has tried to preserve and renew itself thereby.
Nimac Demo Test
by BookshareThis title is for testing access to NIMAC-sourced titles, which are restricted to US Students who have an IEP.
Racing Through Paradise: A Pacific Passage
by William F. Buckley Jr.The third of Bill Buckley's brilliant sailing books, chronicling his 4,000-mile voyage across the Pacific with four close friends, including his son and a photographer.