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ハーレクイン: サスペンスと魔法のリアリズムが満載の超自然的な若々しいファンタジー。

by マヌエルトリスタンテ

見に来て!ショーが始まろうとしています。 「ドレックグタンのファンタジーサーカス」が暗い秘密を伴ってヴェルノの街に到着すると、エイメリーの落ち着きは終わります。苦しめられた子供時代の記憶はまだ潜んでいます。彼女のマスクを脱いで真実を明らかにする時が来ました。エイメリーとは異なり、アシェルはサーカスの恐ろしい過去に気づいておらず、その中に愛のない家からの脱出ルートを見ています。幸いなことに、ネイランは彼の人生に登場します。彼のように、彼女は彼女が数えることができるよりはるかに多くを彼女の中に保持します。彼らは一緒に、アシェルが今まで感じたことのない友情だけでなく、新しい感覚の世界も発見するでしょう。魔法、伝説、幻想的な存在...そして鐘の忘れられない音。あなたは何を見つけますか? 1ミステリー、スリラー、ホラー、マチ、ゴシックタッチ、ダークファンタジーの色合い。 2家族の重要性、愛、友情、性的自由、恐れやいじめなどの強い価値観。 3元のサーカスの魔法。 4克服の物語。読者のコメント:「暗い過去はビッグトップの下に隠されています。伝説の歴史。友情、魔法、そして忘れられた恨み。耳を甘くする運命のメロディー。敵対的な存在の糸によって織り込まれた奇妙な出来事、陰謀、冷笑的で痛烈な役割...このゴシックで異なる物語を掘り下げることは、単なる拍手以上の価値があります。見に来て。ショーを始めましょう! 「カルロス・グラン-作家。«ハーレクインは今年の私の最高の読書になりました。とても衝撃的で予測不可能な何かが私の手に渡ってから長い時間が経ちました。あ�

Παίξε μαζί μου (Grover Beach Team #1)

by Anna Katmore

Τα πάρτι του Ράιαν Χάντερ είναι θρυλικά. Και απόψε θα είναι κι εκείνη εκεί. Η Λίζα Μάθιους περίμενε μισό καλοκαίρι τον καλύτερο της φίλο να γυρίσει από την ακαδημία ποδοσφαίρου.Είναι φτιαγμένοι για να είναι μαζί για πάντα, το ξέρει απλά. Αλλά όταν ο Τόνι επιστρέφει τελικά στην πόλη το μυαλό του είναι εστιασμένο σε αυτό το νέο κορίτσι στην μεικτή ομάδα ποδοσφαίρου. Η Λίζα, αποφσισμένη να μην παραιτηθεί από την αληθινή της αγάπη, παίρνει μία ριψοκίνδυνη απόφαση: Πρέπει κι εκείνη να μπεί στην ομάδα! Τα δοκιμαστικά είναι κόλαση, το πρώτο παιχνίδι κατέληξε αιματηρό και το πρωινό μετά το πάρτι επιλογής παιχτών την βρίσκει να ξυπνάει στο χειρότερο μέρος - στην αγκαλιά του αρχηγού της ομάδας.Του πιο καυτού αγοριού στο σχολείο. Του Ράιαν Χάντερ.

Η εκδίκηση του Πάν

by Άννα Κάτμορ

Έχουν περάσει μήνες από τότε που η Αντζελίνα έφυγε από τη Χώρα του Ποτέ. Ο Τζέιμς Χούκ είναι απελπισμένος χωρίς αυτήν και θέλει να φύγει από το νησί και να την ακολουθήσει στο Λονδίνο. Όμως, το μοιραίο λάθος του άλλαξε για πάντα τη ζωή του Πίτερ Πάν. Κανείς δεν περίμενε ότι το αγόρι που δεν ήθελε να μεγαλώσει ποτέ τώρα διψάει για εκδίκηση. Η καλύτερη εκδίκηση είναι να κλέψει την αγαπημένη του Χούκ. Διέσχισε τον έναστρο ουρανό, πέρασε μέσα από μια βροχή πεφταστεριών, έκανε τον γύρο της Σελήνης και τέλος έστριψε δεξιά στο Μεγάλο Ρολόι… Όταν ο Τζέιμς Χούκ έφτασε στο Λονδίνο πρέπει να παλέψει για την αγάπη του και να αντιμετωπίσει το αγόρι που τελικά μεγάλωσε. Κλείστε τα μάτια σας και ερωτευτείτε το δεύτερο βιβλίο της σειράς ΠΕΡΙΠΕΤΕΙΕΣ ΣΤΗ ΧΩΡΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΤΕ.

Καταστροφή με γεύση κεράσι (Η ομάδα του Γκρόβερ Μπιτς #3)

by Άννα Κάτμορ

«Δεν ξέρω τι συμβαίνει αυτήν τη στιγμή στο μυαλό του Άντονι Μίτσελ, αλλά σίγουρα πιάνεις πολύ χώρο μέσα σ’ αυτό». Η ζωή δεν είναι εύκολη για τη Σαμάνθα Σάμερς, κόρη στρατηγού. Μετακομίζοντας κάθε χρόνο από τη μία ήπειρο στην άλλη, ένα κορίτσι μαθαίνει εύκολα τέσσερις διαφορετικές γλώσσες σε χρόνο ρεκόρ. Αλλά, επίσης, βλέπει και την κοινωνική του ζωή να πεθαίνει. Και όταν ένα φοβερά σέξι αγόρι στην καινούργια πόλη που μετακομίζει της κάνει τη ζωή δύσκολη επειδή είναι ξαδέλφη μίας κοπέλας με την οποία κάποτε έβγαινε και τον απέρριψε, οι προοπτικές για τη χρονιά που θα ακολουθήσει αποκαρδιώνουν τη Σαμ. Αλλά υπάρχει κάτι ακόμη πιο ανησυχητικό από όλα τα παραπάνω μαζί. Για κάποιο λόγο, δεν μπορεί να σταματήσει να ονειρεύεται αυτόν τον απίθανο τύπο. Και, διάβολε, φιλάει τόσο καλά! Ακόμη και έξ&omega

Άφησα την καρδιά μου στη Χώρα του Ποτέ (Περιπέτειες στη Χώρα του Ποτέ #1)

by Άννα Κάτμορ

Στη Χώρα του Ποτέ συμβαίνει κάτι παράξενο... Η Αντζελίνα Μακφάρλαντ τρελαίνεται για παραμύθια αλλά δεν μπορούσε ποτέ να φανταστεί ότι θα «πέσει» μέσα σε ένα από αυτά. Κυριολεκτικά να πέσει! Ποιο είναι το ιπτάμενο αγόρι που την έσωσε; Γιατί δεν θέλει να μεγαλώσει; Απεγνωσμένη να αποδράσει από το καταραμένο νησί, η Αντζελίνα συναντάει έναν άκαρδο και ατρόμητο πειρατή. Ο Χούκ την αιχμαλωτίζει και την κρατάει όμηρό του στο Τζόλι Ρότζερ προκειμένου να δελεάσει το ιπτάμενο αγόρι να βγει από την κρυψώνα του. Είναι ο Χούκ ο άκαρδος άνδρας για τον οποίο έχει ακούσει τόσα αρνητικά; Όσο περισσότερο χρόνο περνάει μόνη μαζί του, η Αντζελίνα αναρωτιέται ποιος είναι στ’ αλήθεια ο κακός της ιστορίας…και ποιος δεν είναι.

01 On the Beach (Leveled Readers 2.6.3)

by Joanna Solins

Ask yourself what ocean waves might push up onto a beach. Then read to find some answers.

01 The Perfect Instrument (Leveled Readers 2.6.3)

by Bill Tang

In this story, Sebastian has to try several instruments before he finds the one that is perfect for him.

1:35AM: An AFK Book (Five Nights At Freddy's #3)

by Scott Cawthon Andrea Waggener Elley Cooper

The Fazbear Frights series continues with three more unsettling, novella-length tales to keep even the bravest Five Nights at Freddy's player up at night . . .For Delilah, Stanley, and Devon, being left behind is practically a way of life. Orphaned from a young age and recently divorced, Delilah escapes deeper into her dreams each night, in desperate need of a wake-up call. Stanley is newly dumped, stuck in a dead-end job for a mysterious employer, and unable to connect with anyone. And Devon, abandoned by his dad and ignored by his mom, can't understand why love and friendship come so easily to everyone except him. Unfortunately, in the callous world of Five Nights at Freddy's, it's always in the depths of loneliness when evil creeps in.In this third volume, Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon, featuring cover art from fan-favorite artist LadyFiszi. Readers beware: This collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans.

1 and 2 Peter: Courage In Times of Trouble

by John Macarthur

An uplifting Bible study in which MacArthur guides the reader through a clear exploration of St. Peter's two letters.

10.000 millas para encontrarte (Bali #Volumen 2)

by Mercedes Ron

Hay historias donde el amor es más fuerte que la distancia Descúbrelo en BALI, la saga de MERCEDES RON, autora Nº1 que ha seducido a más de 1.000.000 de lectoras con CULPA MÍA Nikki vivía tranquila en su isla de Bali... hasta que apareció Alex. Alex jamás creyó que podría sentir una conexión tan profunda... hasta que conoció a Nikki. Ella ha descubierto secretos de su pasado que podrían cambiarlo todo.Él deberá afrontar que hay mundos que nunca se podrán encontrar. Después de poner un océano de distancia entre los dos, Alex y Nikki descubrirán que no es tan sencillo mantenerse alejados, sobre todo cuando a su atracción se le una un peligro capaz de acabar con todo..., incluso con sus vidas. ¿Qué esconde Alex en Londres? ¿Cuál es la verdadera historia de la familia de Nikki? ¿Se puede poner límites a la pasión? ¿O hay historias donde el amor es más fuerte que la distancia? «SI LO NUESTRO FUE UN ERROR, QUIERO EQUIVOCARME CONTIGO CADA SEGUNDO DE MI VIDA».

10 Hours to Go

by Keely Parrack

Lily wants to get home. Her friends want to get even. Lily needs a ride—a fire warning in Oregon has cancelled her train home to California. Her ex-best friend, Natasha, has offered to pick Lily up on her way back from Portland, though they're barely on speaking terms. As it turns out, Natasha's also giving a ride to Elke Azizi, the girl Lily got expelled from their school four years ago. Elke hasn't forgotten, and neither has Natasha.It's getting tense in the car, and it's not just about the past. There's smoke in the air, and with the wildfires nearby, staying on the road is becoming riskier by the hour. When Natasha and Elke decide to take a detour, Lily hopes it'll get them out of danger. She has no idea, though, what her former friends have planned for her.But as night comes, the plans change again when it becomes all too clear that leaving the main road was a mistake. Now the three of them are trapped in the woods under a burning sky, with no easy way out. To survive, Lily must depend on Elke and Natasha—but after all that's happened, can she trust them with her life?

10 Minutes to Better Mental Health: A Step-by-Step Guide for Teens Using CBT and Mindfulness

by Lee David Debbie Brewin

What can you really do in 10 minutes? You can make a cup of tea or coffee, walk about 0.6 miles and now, with this book, you can improve your mental health.No matter how busy or stressful your day, with 10-minute steps and quick exercises, you can better understand your experiences and learn how to survive setbacks. The book covers everything from dealing with worry and anxiety and building your confidence, to creating healthy life habits and positive relationships. It includes sections to read, questions to reflect on, video clips to watch and things to try out in your everyday life. Using evidence-based approaches like CBT and mindfulness, it will help you to get the best out of life and become the person you want to be.(P) 2022 Jessica Kingsley Publishers

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity

by Rebecca McLaughlin

The author uses teen-friendly illustrations and biblical truth to address 10 questions teens face about the Christian worldview, challenging young people to think deeply about hard topics and stand for truth in a secular age.

10 Things I Can See From Here

by Carrie Mac

Perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella's Finding Audrey and Nicola Yoon's Everything, Everything, this is the poignant and uplifting story of Maeve, who is dealing with anxiety while falling in love with a girl who is not afraid of anything. Think positive. Don’t worry; be happy. Keep calm and carry on. Maeve has heard it all before. She’s been struggling with severe anxiety for a long time, and as much as she wishes it was something she could just talk herself out of, it’s not. She constantly imagines the worst, composes obituaries in her head, and is always ready for things to fall apart. To add to her troubles, her mom—the only one who really gets what Maeve goes through—is leaving for six months, so Maeve will be sent to live with her dad in Vancouver. Vancouver brings a slew of new worries, but Maeve finds brief moments of calm (as well as even more worries) with Salix, a local girl who doesn’t seem to worry about anything. Between her dad’s wavering sobriety, her very pregnant stepmom insisting on a home birth, and her bumbling courtship with Salix, this summer brings more catastrophes than even Maeve could have foreseen. Will she be able to navigate through all the chaos to be there for the people she loves?"With Maeve, Mac delivers a character who's heartwarmingly real and sympathetic, and her story provides a much needed mirror for anxious queer girls everywhere."—Kirkus, Starred review"This is a good companion book for other anxiety-riddled stories, such as The Shattering by Karen Healey, and Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella."—Booklist"Mac carefully makes clear that Maeve is plenty able to find joy other places than the perfect girl and that she’s working at dealing with her own problems; the romance is therefore lovely and cozy and free from overtones of dependency. The descriptions of anxiety are true and powerful, and romance buffs will likely revel in a book celebrating deep connection."—The Bulletin"Mac is good at showing how a dread-filled mind works... [An] affecting story.''—Publishers Weekly

10 Things I Hate About Pinky: From the bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi

by Sandhya Menon

Pinky Kumar wears the social justice warrior badge with pride. From raccoon hospitals to persecuted rockstars, no cause is too esoteric for her to champion. But a teeny tiny part of her also really enjoys making her conservative, buttoned-up corporate lawyer parents cringe.Samir Jha might have a few . . . quirks remaining from the time he had to take care of his sick mother, like the endless lists he makes in his planner and the way he schedules every minute of every day, but those are good things. They make life predictable and steady.Pinky loves lazy summers at her parents' Cape Cod lake house, but after listening to them harangue her about the poor decisions (aka boyfriends) she's made, she hatches a plan. Get her sorta-friend-sorta-enemy - who is a total Harvard-bound Mama's boy - to pose as her perfect boyfriend for the summer.When Samir's internship falls through, leaving him with an unplanned summer, he gets a text from Pinky asking if he'll be her fake boyfriend in exchange for a new internship. He jumps at the opportunity; Pinky's a freak, but he can survive a summer with her if there's light at the end of the tunnel.As they bicker their way through lighthouses and butterfly habitats, sparks fly, and they both realize this will be a summer they'll never forget.

10 Things I Hate about Pinky

by Sandhya Menon

The delightful follow-up to When Dimple Met Rishi and There&’s Something about Sweetie, which follows Ashish&’s friends Pinky and Samir as they pretend to date in order to achieve their individual goals, to disastrous and hilarious results.Pinky Kumar wears the social justice warrior badge with pride. From raccoon hospitals to persecuted rock stars, no cause is too esoteric for her to champion. But a teeny tiny part of her also really enjoys making her conservative, buttoned-up corporate lawyer parents cringe. Samir Jha might have a few…quirks remaining from the time he had to take care of his sick mother, like the endless lists he makes in his planner and the way he schedules every minute of every day, but those are good things. They make life predictable and steady. Pinky loves lazy summers at her parents&’ Cape Cod lake house, but after listening to them harangue her about the poor decisions she&’s made (a.k.a. boyfriends she&’s had), she hatches a plan. Get her sorta-friend-sorta-enemy—who is a total Harvard-bound Mama&’s boy—to pose as her perfect boyfriend for the summer. When Samir&’s internship falls through, leaving him with an unplanned summer, he gets a text from Pinky asking if he&’ll be her fake boyfriend in exchange for a new internship. He jumps at the opportunity; Pinky&’s a weirdo, but he can survive a summer with her if there&’s light at the end of the tunnel. As they bicker their way through lighthouses and butterfly habitats, sparks fly, and they both realize this will be a summer they'll never forget.

10 Things I Hate About Prom

by Elle Gonzalez Rose

There are more than 10 things to hate about prom, but the worst thing is when your lovable best friend wants to go with someone else. Don't miss this sweet, charming rom-com from the author of Caught in a Bad Fauxmance!Ivelisse Santos has had Joaquin Romero&’s back since their first playdate. Not just next-door neighbors, they&’re platonic soulmates. At least, that&’s what Ive thinks, until Joaquin decides to ask Tessa Hernandez, the same girl who stole Ive&’s boyfriend, to prom. Sure, the head cheerleader and the star baseball player going to prom together makes more sense than Joaquin and Ivelisse—leader of tech crew—would. But that doesn&’t mean it should actually happen. What&’s worse, Joaquin wants Ivelisse&’s help planning an elaborate promposal. As much as she wants to say no, she'll take all the quality time with Joaquin she can get before graduation. Even if it means watching her best friend fall for somebody else. Somebody who isn&’t her.

10 Truths and a Dare

by Ashley Elston

It's Senior Party Week, that magical in-between time after classes have ended but before graduation, chock-full of gimmicky theme parties, last-minute bonding, and family traditions. Olivia couldn't be more ready. Class salutatorian and confident in her future at LSU, she's poised to sail through to the next phase of her life. But when the tiny hiccup of an unsigned P.E. form puts Olivia in danger of not graduating at all, she has one week to set things straight without tipping off her big, nosy extended family. Volunteering at a local golf tournament should do it, but since Olivia's mom equipped her phone with a tracking app, there'll be no hiding the fact that she's at the golf course instead of all the graduation parties happening at the same time. Unless, that is, she can convince the Fab Four--her ride-or-die cousins and best friends Sophie, Charlie, and Wes--to trade phones with her and go through the motions of playing Olivia for the week. Sure, Olivia's sudden "passion" for golf is met with some suspicion. And sure, her grasp of the rules is a little shaky. And yes, okay, a very cute, very off-limits boy keeps popping up in her orbit. But she is focused! She has a schedule and a plan! Nothing can possibly go wrong . . . right?

Los 100: Sobreviviras a lo desconocido (Los 100 #1)

by Kass Morgan

Sobrevivirás a lo desconocido. <P><P>«"Hoy vamos a limpiar el centro de detención. Un centenar de afortunados delincuentes recibirá la oportunidad de hacer historia". Las comisuras de sus labios se torcieron en una sonrisa. "Van a viajar a la Tierra".» <P>Los supervivientes de la raza humana viven en una nave que orbita alrededor de la Tierra, luego de que la humanidad abandonara el planeta por haberlo contaminado con radiación. <P>Después de muchos años ha llegado el momento de descubrir si el planeta es habitable. <P>Así, cien jóvenes delincuentes serán liberados en la Tierra con el fin de recolonizarla y crear una sociedad. El reto de los cien afortunados no sólo es sobrevivir a las condiciones desconocidas del planeta, sino al peligro que implica convivir entre ellos mismos. La confianza en el otro será el principal factor de sobrevivencia. <P>La historia está contada a través de cuatro personajes: Clarke, Glass, Wells y Bellamy. A través de todas estas voces, el lector conocerá sus historias, sus romances y desafíos.

The 100 Complete Boxed Set (The 100)

by Kass Morgan

Read the books that inspired the CW show! All four thrilling novels in The 100 series are now available in this paperback boxed set. Ever since nuclear war destroyed our planet, humanity has been living on city-like spaceships hovering above the toxic surface. As far as anyone knows, no one has stepped foot on Earth in centuries--that is, until one hundred juvenile delinquents are sentenced to return and recolonize the hostile land. The future of the human race rests in their hands, but nothing can prepare the 100 for what they find on this strange and savage planet. Don't miss the book series that inspired the hit TV show. New York Times bestseller The 100, Day 21, Homecoming, and Rebellion are gathered together for the first time in this striking box set, perfect for fans and series newcomers alike.

100 Fathoms Under (Rick Brant, # #4)

by John Blaine

TREASURES OF ANTIQUITY, long hidden in the sea, yield at last to modern electronic inventions when Rick Brant, his pal Scotty, and Chahda, the Hindu boy, share another hair-raising adventure this time in the far Pacific, off the tiny island of Kwangara. Under the leadership of Rick's father, a famous scientist, the members of the expedition set out with their astonishing invention, the Submobile, in which they hope to conquer ocean depths as yet unplumbed and bring to light traces of a civilization hidden for centuries under 100 fathoms of water. But the irresistible lure of sunken treasure causes treachery in the crew, and age-old superstitious fear brings to a head the hostility of the island natives. Caught between these two forces, Rick and his friends find themselves facing danger equally as imminent as that of the terrific atmospheric pressure which constantly threatens their Submobile. Packed with action, suspense, and excitement, here is a story that is well equipped to take its place with The Rocket's Shadow, The Lost City, and Sea Gold.

100 for 100 – Macbeth: 100 days. 100 revision activities

by Stuart Pryke Amy Staniforth

Are you struggling to revise for Macbeth? Are you finding it difficult to remember all the characters, alongside the plot, themes and key quotations? If you are 100 for 100: Macbeth has got you covered! 100 for 100: Macbeth is a revision workbook to help GCSE students revise the play thoroughly, regardless of exam board. Containing 100 days' worth of activities, 100 for 100: Macbeth covers the entirety of Shakespeare's tragedy, allowing you to revise in great detail over an extended period of time to help reduce the stress of exams. Accompanied by a full set of answers and guidance, each day contains: - a series of 20 to 25 minute activities designed to help you revise the plot, characters, themes, motifs, symbols and the context of the play.- a quotation of the day with accompanying commentary and analysis so that you can confidently sit your exams armed with a wealth of ideas about Shakespeare's intent.- directions as to what scenes you need to revise if you are struggling with the knowledge needed to complete the tasks. - ideas for extra revision that will push, stretch and challenge those of you who are aiming for 7, 8 or 9.100 days. 100 activities. Your time starts now!For the answers:

100 for 100 – Macbeth: 100 days. 100 revision activities

by Stuart Pryke Amy Staniforth

Are you struggling to revise for Macbeth? Are you finding it difficult to remember all the characters, alongside the plot, themes and key quotations? If you are 100 for 100: Macbeth has got you covered! 100 for 100: Macbeth is a revision workbook to help GCSE students revise the play thoroughly, regardless of exam board. Containing 100 days' worth of activities, 100 for 100: Macbeth covers the entirety of Shakespeare's tragedy, allowing you to revise in great detail over an extended period of time to help reduce the stress of exams. Accompanied by a full set of answers and guidance, each day contains: - a series of 20 to 25 minute activities designed to help you revise the plot, characters, themes, motifs, symbols and the context of the play.- a quotation of the day with accompanying commentary and analysis so that you can confidently sit your exams armed with a wealth of ideas about Shakespeare's intent.- directions as to what scenes you need to revise if you are struggling with the knowledge needed to complete the tasks. - ideas for extra revision that will push, stretch and challenge those of you who are aiming for 7, 8 or 9.100 days. 100 activities. Your time starts now!

100 Horas

by Rachel Vincent

Maddie está fastidiada del circulo de amigos presumido y superficial de su prima Génesis. Génesis está cansada de la predecible escena social de Miami, con entradas exclusivas, pequeños juegos de poder y novios traicioneros.Mientras que Maddie ansía pasar momentos familiares durante esas vacaciones de primavera, Génesis busca las novedades, como una salida de último minuto a una playa virgen en Colombia. Y cuando Génesis quiere algo, sucede. Pero el paraíso tiene su precio. Arrastrados fuera de sus campamentos en medio de la oscuridad de la noche, Génesis, Maddie y sus amigos son secuestrados y retenidos en medio de la jungla para pedir un rescate. A todos les parece muy extraño, menos a Génesis. Ella sabe que los han escogido por una razón. Y esa razón es ella. Ahora, mientras las horas transcurren, solo hay una cosa cierta: Si los rehenes de Miami no pueden poner de lado sus problemas personales, ninguno de ellos saldrá vivo.

100 Hours (100 Hours #1)

by Rachel Vincent

A decadent spring break beach getaway becomes a terrifying survival story when six Miami teens are kidnapped. A pulse-pounding thrill ride from New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent. Maddie is beyond done with her cousin Genesis’s entitled and shallow entourage. Genesis is so over Miami’s predictable social scene with its velvet ropes, petty power plays, and backstabbing boyfriends. While Maddie craves family time for spring break, Genesis seeks novelty—like a last-minute getaway to an untouched beach in Colombia. And when Genesis wants something, it happens. But paradise has its price. Dragged from their tents under the cover of dark, Genesis, Maddie, and their friends are kidnapped and held for ransom deep inside the jungle—with no diva left behind. It all feels so random to everyone except Genesis. She knows they were targeted for a reason. And that reason is her.Now, as the hours count down, only one thing’s for certain: If the Miami hostages can’t thwart their captors’ plan, no one will make it out alive.Tapping into our darkest fears while exploring issues of injustice, loss, and the courage to fight for what matters most, this thrilling read is perfect for fans of Nova Ren Suma, Becca Fitzpatrick, and Jennifer L. Armentrout.

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