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The 10 Keys to Success

by John Bird

In his inimitable no-nonsense style, John Bird - founder of the Big Issue - shows us how to be successful in whatever we choose in just ten easy steps.No one is born deserving anything - you only deserve what you achieve by yourself. Drawing from this, John's philosophy is based on the idea that success is about deciding what you want, working out what is important to you and then going out to grab it. The beauty of this approach is that we can all achieve whatever we want; we just need to go after it. With unique lessons such as 'Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Instead, make mistakes and learn from them' and 'Take responsibility for yourself as you are no one else's problem', The 10 Keys to Success shows us how uncomplicated success can be.

10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times: Coaching Your Team Through Immense Change and Challenge

by Tom Ziglar

Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corp, shares ten leadership virtues that are essential for coaching employees through immense change and creating an environment of maximum potential and productivity.With the world changing so rapidly, many leaders are struggling to find new ways to make a significant and positive impact on their team. The key, says Tom Ziglar, is to consistently bring out the best in everyone by focusing on ten core virtues: kindness, humility, respect, persistence, selflessness, encouragement, positive expectations, self-control, firmness, and hope.Delivering cutting-edge new research, wisdom gleaned from experience, and poignant insights from his work at Zig Ziglar Corp, Tom Ziglar identifies the communication styles that will keep everyone on the same page, regardless of their working environment. He also emphasizes the importance of closing the "empathy gap" between management and staff in order to create a more connected team that operates to its fullest potential--and how developing each team member's unique dreams, goals, and abilities sets up the company for success.In 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times, Ziglar shows why "coach leadership," instead of management leadership, is the best way to lead through immense change and challenge. It is essential guidance for leaders who want to coach their teams through inevitable periods of disruption with the goal of helping them thrive at home and at work.

Los 10 Mandamientos del Marketing Digital: El viaje hacia la "Tierra Prometida" del Éxito y las Ganancias

by Régis Calheira


10 Mindful Minutes: Giving our children - and ourselves - the skills to reduce stress and anxiety for healthier, happier lives

by Goldie Hawn Wendy Holden

'This is a remarkable book . . . Read it and use it: you may find you are doing nothing less than giving back to your children their childhood, while they still have the chance to live it' Mark Williams, Director, University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre and author of Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world'10 Mindful Minutes can help any adult - parent, grandparent, teacher - make double use of their moments with the children they love and have a terrific time while helping shape that child's brain for a lifetime of resilience and happiness' Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional IntelligenceBestselling author Goldie Hawn offers parents a practical guide for helping their children to learn better and live more happily. Based on the MindUP programme, supported by the Hawn Foundation, 10 Mindful Minutes outlines short, practical exercises for parents and children - taking less than 10 minutes - to help young children and teenagers reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and academic performance, effectively manage emotions and behaviour, develop greater empathy for others and the world, and be more optimistic and happy. Representing the culmination of years of research and programmes developed by the Hawn Foundation currently being used by schools internationally, this book will help children and parents develop mindfulness which has been proven to promote more effective learning and happier lives.

10 Mindful Minutes: Giving our children - and ourselves - the skills to reduce stress and anxiety for healthier, happier lives

by Goldie Hawn Wendy Holden

'This is a remarkable book . . . Read it and use it: you may find you are doing nothing less than giving back to your children their childhood, while they still have the chance to live it' Mark Williams, Director, University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre and author of Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world'10 Mindful Minutes can help any adult - parent, grandparent, teacher - make double use of their moments with the children they love and have a terrific time while helping shape that child's brain for a lifetime of resilience and happiness' Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional IntelligenceBestselling author Goldie Hawn offers parents a practical guide for helping their children to learn better and live more happily. Based on the MindUP programme, supported by the Hawn Foundation, 10 Mindful Minutes outlines short, practical exercises for parents and children - taking less than 10 minutes - to help young children and teenagers reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and academic performance, effectively manage emotions and behaviour, develop greater empathy for others and the world, and be more optimistic and happy. Representing the culmination of years of research and programmes developed by the Hawn Foundation currently being used by schools internationally, this book will help children and parents develop mindfulness which has been proven to promote more effective learning and happier lives.

The 10 Minute Guide to Working with Financial Advisors

by Barbara Hetzer

Finding the right person to provide guidance on important financial decisions can be difficult. This book explains the differences between the various types of financial professionals and discusses how to find them and how to check their credentials and references.

The 10-Minute Millionaire: The One Secret Anyone Can Use to Turn $2,500 into $1 Million or More

by D. R. Barton Jr.

America’s “Millionaires’ Club” now has 10.4 million members – the most ever, according to the latest statistics. And it’s a club you can join – much sooner than you might think, says D.R. Barton, Jr., a top trader, television analyst and former hedge fund officer. In his new book, the 10-Minute Millionaire, D.R. has distilled his decades of experience trading the markets into a system so simple that even a new investor can set it up and maintain it in increments of as little as 10 minutes. The 10-Minute Millionaire combines goal-setting, stock-screening and trading strategies whose ultimate objective is to give you membership in that Millionaires’ Club. The system is so simple D.R. has taught it to sixth graders, yet so powerful it can transform even a small starting stake into lifelong financial freedom – in a way that utterly destroys “buy-and-hold” investing. Loaded with step-by-step illustrations and personal stories, the 10-Minute Millionaire takes the powerful secrets of Wall Street insiders and breaks them down into an easy-to-understand blueprint for beating the markets, day after day, week after week. Using an easy three-step process, D.R. walks you through a repeatable and reliable way to identify the stock-market extremes that show up virtually every day. He trains you to properly frame each trade to maximize profit and minimize risk. Finally, he neutralizes the natural biases that lead most traders to financial destruction – and shows you how to book big profits from other trader’s irrational miscues. This isn’t an algorithmic “black box.” It’s not “robo-trading.” The 10-Minute Millionaire system still requires personal involvement. It still requires commitment. But it squeezes out emotion, filters out the noise, slashes the risk, and maximizes your potential for profits – and also for meaningful wealth. Once you learn the 10-Minute Millionaire way, it’s a system you can operate and update in tiny 10-minute increments. Before you know it, you’ll be trading better than a seasoned pro. And you’ll watch as your “assets” turn into true wealth. And you’ll learn the most-valuable lesson of all: Becoming a millionaire doesn’t have to be an unattainable dream. Make it a goal, and pursue that goal, and before long that dream will be real.

10-minute Toughness: The Mental Training Program for Winning Before the Game Begins

by Jason Selk

Mental training is a must for high performance both on the field and off. But simply hoping for mental toughness isn't going to build any mind muscles. You need a proven routine of daily exercises to get you where you want to go. 10-Minute Toughness is your personal coach for boosting brainpower and achieving a competitive edge in whatever game you play. With quickness and ease, you'll learn how to master your own mind and psych out your opponents using personalized techniques from one of America's most successful sport psychology consultants. Like no other program available, the 10-Minute Toughness (10-MT) routine gets you ready for the competition in just ten minutes a day.

10 Modi per Sconfiggere lo Stress

by Camille Levy Laura Caroniti

Lo stress non è una fatalità. La lotta contro gli effetti più nocivi dipende soprattutto da uno stato d'animo, uno stile di vita e una vigilanza costante sulle proprie attitudini. Quest'opera prende in considerazione dieci punti che permettono, facilmente e rapidamente, di limitare le incidenze dello stress nella nostra vita quotidiana.

10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management

by Hyrum W. Smith

Written for anyone who suffers from "time famine", this essential handbook provides simple, effective methods for successfully taking control of one's hours--and one's life. Smith shows how, by managing time better, anyone can lead a happier, more confident and fulfilled life.

10 Party Games: For Small Groups of Adults (4 to 8 people) (Correct Times)

by Darren Grote

This ebook invites you to enjoy "10 Party Games For Small Groups Of Adults"!?Getting people of the world to have fun together:?Example:?I have never...?Each person receives several counters (toothpicks, pennies, etc.)?Then take turns around the circle. Each person tells of something they have never done (example: I have never broken a bone or I have never traveled out of the country). Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their toothpicks or pennies. After going around the circle several times, the person with the most tokens wins.

10 Passos até ao Sucesso

by Henry Osal Sandrina Ribeiro Sousa

O SUCESSO é difícil de definir. Eu gosto de dizer que o sucesso é uma questão individual, que cada pessoa tem e constrói o seu próprio. Na minha própria experiência como coach internacional trabalhei com gente que tinha fama e dinheiro, mas sentiam-se infeliz. Trabalhando juntos conseguimos (na realidade conseguiram eles sozinhos) encontrar esse caminho até à FELICIDADE. Neste breve e ameno manual pretendo que reflexione, e que possa comprovar que na realidade esse caminho não é tão complicado. Está ao alcance de qualquer. Não depende do dinheiro: depende do empenho e da ilusão. Quere ser feliz? ¿Deseja ter sucesso? ESTE É O TEU MANUAL. COMECEMOS JUNTOS A PERCORRER O CAMINHO.

10 passos para uma vida mais plena

by Dale Carnegie

Do autor de Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas, um livro que o ajudará a conseguir uma vida melhor, mais plena, em 10 simples passos. Há pessoas com um magnetismo extraordinário, luminosas, enérgicas. São forças da natureza, animais sociais, envolvidas nas comunidades em que estão inseridas, tão populares, que todas as portas parecem abrir-se à sua passagem e as suas vidas e carreiras avançam em velocidade de cruzeiro. Ser alegre, comunicativo e extrovertido atrai oportunidades, é inegável. E ter uma personalidade forte e uma presença agradável, gregária, é vital para o bem-estar pessoal e determinante para o sucesso profissional. Ser essa pessoa está ao seu alcance. Neste livro, Dale Carnegie ajuda-o a desenvolver o carisma que lhe valerá uma vida mais plena - basta seguir estes 10 simples passos: melhorar a sua autoimagem, estabelecer objetivos realistas, ser gentil, saber conversar, falar com confiança, manter boas relações com quem o rodeia, superar preocupações e medos, aprender a liderar, ajudar os outros a obter o sucesso que merecem e privilegiar a harmonia. Em cada capítulo encontrará as ferramentas essenciais para percorrer, sem medos, o caminho para uma vida melhor.

The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People

by Alex Becker

USA Today Bestseller: How to think like a multimillionaire and leave 9-to-5 behind.The world has led you to believe that financial freedom is not something you can willfully create. You have been taught to view wealth as something that happens only to a lucky few who win a random business lottery or are blessed with unimaginable talent. The truth is that creating wealth does not come down to luck or talent. It comes down simply to your beliefs, understanding, and views—the &“pillars&” that reinforce your every action.Alex Becker not only breaks down the most important pillars for you, but also shows you how to bring them into your life today—to begin generating lifelong financial freedom. Discover how to: Successfully quit your 9 to 5 and take back your life without taking massive financial risks Separate your time from money so that you are constantly getting paid (even in your sleep) Understand the lessons multimillionaires have learned through years of trial and error Map out the exact steps needed to build million-dollar businesses Skip time-wasting mistakes and learn how to make money quickly by focusing solely on what gets you paid And more

Las 10 Plagas de la Cibergeneracian (Especialidades Juveniles)

by Alejandro Gomez

SPANISH EDITION. This book contains true stories of teens who were transvestites, homosexuals, bulimic, and anorexic and experienced a changed life when they found Jesus.

Los 10 principios elementales del emprendedor ético

by Trad. Públ. Mariano Saab Kevin S Allen

Con millones de libros sobre emprendimientos en el mercado, ¿qué hace que Los 10 principios elementales del emprendedor ético sea diferente? La mayoría de estos libros están llenos de planes para hacerte rico y ganar dinero rápidamente. Sin embargo, este libro no expresa ninguna de esas ideas. Te voy a enseñar cómo crear y desarrollar un negocio con honestidad, integridad y un enfoque inquebrantable sobre el cliente, no solo en el dinero. Lo mejor de Los 10 principios elementales del emprendedor ético es que cualquier persona puede poner en marcha estos valores fundamentales en todas las relaciones comerciales y personales, sin contar con una capacitación especializada. Volverse un emprendedor puede ser desafiante, pero también muy gratificante. Requiere de trabajo duro, dedicación y sacrificio. Cuando estás absorto en conseguir dinero, te olvidas de la razón por la que quisiste ser un emprendedor inicialmente: ayudar a los demás y marcar la diferencia. Si bien los siguientes principios no garantizan éxito económico, te ayudarán a desarrollar una actividad comercial honesta.

10 Qualities of the World's Greatest Communicators

by Tony Alessandra

Almost every problem, every conflict, every mistake, and every misunderstanding has a communication problem at its most basic level. We live in a world filled with other people where we live together, work together, and play together. In our personal lives, we need each other for security, comfort, friendship, and love. And in our working environments, we need each other in order to achieve our goals and objectives. None of these goals can be achieved without communication, which makes it the basic thread that ties us together. The better we are at communicating, the more effective we are at achieving our hopes and dreams.

10 Rules for Resilience: Mental Toughness for Families

by Joe De Sena Lara Pence

10 principles for leading your family to True Resilience, from the bestselling author of Spartan Up and the CEO/founder of SpartanJoe De Sena has spent his life running toward challenge and discomfort. Why? Because how we react to challenging situations defines us and our families. The only tools we have as humans to survive the many peaks and valleys of a full life are preparedness, health, leadership, and most importantly, resilience. Why do so many parents struggle to finish things we start, delay gratification, and protect our health—and why do our kids continue to struggle in every facet of life? Because we haven’t showed them a path to resilience, and we haven’t fought for it ourselves. In 10 Rules for Resilience Joe De Sena outlines his 10 principles for leading your family to True Resilience, a term he uses for a body and mind that have been carved out of hard work, challenge, and failure. It takes True Resilience to approach overwhelming situations with calm and confidence, to not get rattled, anxious, or angry, and even to embrace failure, setbacks, and redirections.

The 10 Rules of Sam Walton: Success Secrets for Remarkable Results

by Michael Bergdahl

Praise for The 10 Rules Of Sam Walton "The 10 Rules of Sam Walton is one of those books that should be read and regularly reread by . . . everyone-business-people, students, teachers, parents, and children. It transcends the limits of a traditional book about lessons in business and makes it a book about life and about successful living!"--J. K. Knapp III, former Wal-Mart store manager,current manufacturer and supplier to Wal-Mart As founder of Wal-Mart and its many successful divisions, Sam Walton reinvented the retailing industry through his singularity of focus, high expectations, and never-say-die attitude. During his successful career, Sam Walton developed a list of what he considered the most important rules for entrepreneurial success. As far as he was concerned, there were ten key result areas that he considered pivotal to his own success. Now, in The 10 Rules of Sam Walton, author and former Wal-Mart employee Michael Bergdahl reveals these rules-and the stories behind them-to help you achieve success in both your professional and personal lives. Straightforward and to the point, this book offers valuable lessons that Walton himself followed, and taught, throughout his lifetime-from Rule #1: "Be passionately committed to achieving success" to Rule # 10: "Be different and challenge the status quo." Whether you're an entrepreneur or an hourly paid employee, The 10 Rules of Sam Walton will provide you with a blueprint for success that has proven itself time and again.

The 10-Second Philosophy: A Practical Guide to Releasing Your Inner Genius

by Derek Mills

Everything was on a downward spiral in Derek Mills' life - his work, his physical and mental health, his relationships with family and friends. But it only took one insignificant question from an office security guard one night for Derek to stop, connect deep within himself and in the next 10 seconds begin to see a way to change his entire life completely.Over the next few years this led to him making amazing changes that created balance and harmony in all areas of his life, becoming a millionaire businessman and developing and sharing his methodology, The 10-Second Philosophy®, in front of international audiences as a speaker and coach.In this book, Derek invites you to use the words, phrases and questions we encounter in our everyday lives to stop, go inside and access our TrueSelf. From this place, we can set Standards® - not goals - for all areas of our life, to experience the same amazing transformation that he did. With stories, philosophy, exercises and quotes, this is a book of practical enlightenment from a man who became an unintentional guru for many people when they started asking how he changed his life around and how they could too. This is his story so far and it can be the doorway to your own journey of change and instant success.

The 10-Second Rule: Following Jesus Made Simple

by Clare De Graaf

&“This book is catalytic! If you long for something brief, simple, motivational, biblically sound and easy to understand—to move you from good intentions to transformational living, read this book. I loved it and highly recommend it.&” —Chip Ingram, President and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge; Author of The Genius of Generosity Learn how to answer God&’s call to action with this &“wonderful, inspirational book that reinforces how one simple gesture, one small act of kindness, can make an enormous difference&” (Laura Schroff, New York Times bestselling author of An Invisible Thread).FINDING YOUR WAY BACK TO FAITH Do you sometimes feel as if your faith has gone flat? Does your spiritual life feel listless and boring? Perhaps you&’ve unconsciously drifted toward what Clare De Graaf calls beige Christianity. You go to church, attend a Bible study, and even volunteer, but there&’s no spark anymore—no joy in your spiritual walk. You may not understand what is happening to your faith, but you do know that you long for something more. If you want to break out of this spiritual gerbil cage and begin living the adventure Jesus intends for you, the place to begin again is living by The 10-Second Rule: Just do the next thing you&’re reasonably certain Jesus wants you to do (and do it within the next ten seconds before you change your mind!). The Rule is like a spiritual defibrillator! Just a few chapters in, you&’ll begin to experience the excitement of making yourself available to God 24-7, and impacting the lives of everyone around you, even total strangers. All over the world, Christians just like you are returning to the simple faith of Jesus and living by the 10-Second Rule. In living by the Rule, you&’ll rediscover the revolutionary power of simple obedience as Jesus taught it, the early church lived it, and before religious Christianity tamed it. Finally, a rule you&’ll love keeping!

10 Secretos para Conseguir el Éxito y la paz interior

by Wayne W. Dyer

Now in Spanish! Bestselling author and lecturer Wayne W. Dyer has written a thought-provoking book for those of us who have chosen to consciously be on our life path. The ten secrets for success and inner peace presented here apply whether you’re just embarking on your path, are nearing the end of it, or are on the path in any way. Dr. Dyer urges you to read these ten secrets with an open heart. By doing so, you’ll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

by Wayne W. Dyer

Bestselling author and lecturer Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has written a thought-provoking book for those of us who have chosen to consciously be on our life path. The ten "secrets" for success and inner peace presented here apply whether you’re just embarking on your path, are nearing the end of it, or are on the path in any way. Dr. Dyer urges you to read these ten secrets with an open heart. By doing so, you’ll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

by Wayne W. Dyer

Is your life path lit by your inner candle flame, or are you stumbling along in the dark? In Dr. Wayne Dyer's new book, he reminds us of what so many people easily forget in the day-to-day grind of life -- that material success isn't what we're ultimately trying to achieve, and therefore it shouldn't be our driving force. Within each of us lies success and inner peace, which can be found once we understand that a deeper, richer life experience is characterized by a burning desire, or as Dr. Dyer describes it, an "inner candle flame." In this thought-provoking book, Dr. Dyer offers simple ways to change your life -- and your outlook on life. The ten principles presented here apply to people who are just beginning their journey of discovery, as well as those who have already embarked on life's winding path. Dr. Dyer urges us to listen with an open heart, and to apply the secrets that resonate with them and discard the rest. By doing so, we'll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.

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