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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Essays on German Literature: In Honour of G. Joyce Hallamore

by Michael S. Batts Marketa Goetz Stankiewicz

The present Festschrift serves a dual purpose: firstly, to honour Professor Joyce Hallamore for her contribution to German studies in Canada, particularly at the University of British Columbia; secondly, to document the flourishing state of German studies in this country. Former and present students of Professor Hallamore were asked to contribute essays from their varied fields of interest which she has stimulated and fostered; furthermore, colleagues across Canada were invited to contribute the results of their research: the broad theme of this second group of essays is the complex relationship between nineteenth and twentieth century literature which has been the centre of Professor Hallamore's own scholarly work.<P><P> This volume commemorates Professor Hallamore's forty years of scholarship and teaching--the time given by her to the University of British Columbia, not only to the formation and growth of the Department of German (which she has headed for some twenty years) but to the expansion of the University as a whole. It demonstrates at the same time through breadth and variety the coming of age of German studies in Canada, which Professor Hallamore has fostered.<P>Although the essays in this volume vary in approach, the result shows a remarkable harmony of outlook, which gives evidence of the authors' conscious effort to reconsider critically traditional categories and attitudes in literary criticism. This harmony of outlook--found in the whole range of papers from the youngest to the most mature scholar--reflects the spirit and work of the person whom the volume is honouring.

Hawaiian Phrase Book

by Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.

Originally, the primary object of this manual was to teach natives to converse in English. At the same time, the work is designed to assist strangers, speaking English, to acquire the correct colloquial speech of the Hawaiians.

Say It in Arabic (Dover Language Guides Say It Series)

by Dover

Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and other situations. Gives the English phrase, the Egyptian dialect equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Also includes many supplementary lists, signs, and aids. All words are indexed.

Concise English Tagalog Dictionary

by Jose Villa Panganiban

This is a convenient and travel-sized English to Tagalog DictionaryOver ten million Filipinos speak Tagalog, the official language of the Philippines. This dictionary addresses the growing need for a concise, reliable, and inexpensive English-Tagalog dictionary. It is ideal for teachers, students, businesspeople, travelers, and others who are interested in studying Tagalog. The key to understanding Tagalog is a thorough familiarity with the stresses, glottal vowels, and basic vocabulary of the language, all of which are treated in this book. Pronunciation guidelines were determined by the Institute of National Language, which based its preference on standard Manila dialect. Used in conjunction with Tagalog for Beginners or Elementary Tagalog, also published by Tuttle Publishing, this dictionary is an indispensable tool to those learning Tagalog or traveling to the Philippines.Over 6,000 practical entriesPerfect for learning everyday vocabularyUses pronunciation guidelines from the Institute of National Language in the PhilippinesIdeal for teachers, students and travelers

Concise English Tagalog Dictionary

by Jose Villa Panganiban

This is a convenient and travel-sized English to Tagalog DictionaryOver ten million Filipinos speak Tagalog, the official language of the Philippines. This dictionary addresses the growing need for a concise, reliable, and inexpensive English-Tagalog dictionary. It is ideal for teachers, students, businesspeople, travelers, and others who are interested in studying Tagalog. The key to understanding Tagalog is a thorough familiarity with the stresses, glottal vowels, and basic vocabulary of the language, all of which are treated in this book. Pronunciation guidelines were determined by the Institute of National Language, which based its preference on standard Manila dialect. Used in conjunction with Tagalog for Beginners or Elementary Tagalog, also published by Tuttle Publishing, this dictionary is an indispensable tool to those learning Tagalog or traveling to the Philippines.Over 6,000 practical entriesPerfect for learning everyday vocabularyUses pronunciation guidelines from the Institute of National Language in the PhilippinesIdeal for teachers, students and travelers

Introduction to French Poetry: A Dual-Language Book (Dover Dual Language French)

by Stanley Appelbaum

Immerse yourself in great poetic tradition -- works by Villon, Ronsard, Voltaire, Lamartine, Hugo, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, Saint-John Perse, Eluard and many more. Full texts in French with literal English translation on facing pages. Critical, biographical information on each poet. Introduction. 31 black-and-white illustrations.

Introduction to Italian Poetry: A Dual-Language Book (Dover Dual Language Italian)

by Luciano Rebay

This anthology highlights seven centuries of Italian poetry that will help you learn the language as well. Included are 34 examples of Italian verse in the original with English translations on facing pages. Twenty-one poets are represented, from Saint Francis of Assisi, author of the first memorable Italian lyric, "Cancio delle creature," to Salvatore Quasimodo, winner of the 1959 Nobel Prize for Literature. Also included are works by Dante, Petrarch, Ariosto, Tasso, and Montale, as well as such lesser known but significant poets as Compiuta Donzella and Cavalcanti. There are even important works by Boccaccio and Michelangelo.In addition to full Italian texts with expert literal translations on facing pages, this edition contains a wealth of biographical and critical commentary.

Introduction to Portuguese Grammar (Dover Language Guides)

by Edwin B. Williams

This book presents the elements of everyday Portuguese, stressing European Portuguese, but also giving information on Brazilian Portuguese. Covering grammatical topics, vocabulary, and practice sentence material, this book is a solid, well-organized approach to Portuguese that anyone interested in the language will find highly useful.Pronunciation is very clearly explained first, and it is followed by twenty-five well-proportioned, progressive lessons that cover all the main points of contemporary grammar: gender, present indicative, formation of plural, agreement and position of adjectives, definite and indefinite article, use of ser and estar, commands, personal pronouns, imperfect indicative, reflexive pronouns and reflexive verbs, present subjunctive, future and imperfect subjunctive, conditional, negatives, infinitive, pluperfect and perfect indicative, and much more. An Appendix gives conjugations of regular verbs, orthographic-changing verbs, radical-changing verbs, and irregular verbs, while a Portuguese-English Vocabulary, an English-Portuguese Vocabulary, and an Index complete the book.This book is suitable for self-study outside of class, for refresher, and for reference. It is particularly useful as a supplement to phrase and conversational study.

Let's Learn Hawaiian: A Word-Picture Book

by Doris Sadler Sibyl Hancock

Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii! Travel through the pages of this very charming word-and-picture storybook.The many attractively arranged illustrations will have special appeal for children. The words here are simple ones we might use everyday. <P><P>There is laughter here, too--so important to keep a child's attention and help put an idea across.But it is not only children who can benefit from this presentation, a unique arrangement of pictures and facts about Hawaii. It should be of particular interest to adults and parents, teachers in the classroom, travelers to the Islands, or those simply interested in learning something about Hawaii, its language and traditions.Come with us to taste a fresh white niu, hear an old Hawaiian mele, or wiggle your toes in the moana. Some of the charms and flavor of the Islands are here; we hope that you will find it and want to come back to read this Hawaiian picture storybook again and again!

Ubik (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

From the stuff of space opera, Dick spins a deeply unsettling existential horror story, a nightmare you'll never be sure you've woken up from. 乔*奇普为格伦*朗西特的反超能咨询公司工作 保护人们免受通灵师和先知的心灵窥探 在一次前往月球执行任务的过程中 朗西特的行动组遭遇埋伏 朗西特身亡 行动组成员迅速将朗西特的遗体送往苏黎世的亡灵馆冰冻冷藏 并试图与他的大脑取得联系 然而 不仅没有成功联系上朗西特 行动组成员还发现 钱币,香烟等物品均在发生退转 时光似乎在往回倒流 究竟发生了什么事 这是一个让人深感不安的生存恐怖故事 一场你不知道自己是否还会醒过来的噩梦

أول الخلفاء الراشدين أبو بكر الصديق

by محمد رضا

قد كنت شديد الرغبة في تأليف سيرة رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم لنشرها على العالم الإسلامي فقضيت الأيام والليالي الطوال في الإطلاع والبحث في كتب السير فجمعت شتاتها وشرحت الغامض منها وحققت الروايات وأثبت تواريخ الوقائع ورددت على الاعتراضات والترهات ردوداً مدعَّمة بالبراهين الساطعة والحجج القاطعة، فجاء الكتاب وافياً بغرضي من حيث إيصال المعلومات الصحيحة إلى العالم الإسلامي.  ولما فرغ طبعه، تلقاه الناس بالقبول والاستسحان وأقبلوا على مطالعته بشوق وشغف، ونال بحمد اللّه وفضله رضا العامة والخاصة وتواردت عليّ رسائل التفريط والتشجيع من الكبراء والعلماء والأدباء حتى عجزت عن شكرهم على ثقتهم بشخصي العاجز الضعيف، وشعرت بقوة تدفعني إلى مواصلة البحث والتأليف بالرغم من كثرة المشاغل الدنيوية.  وقد سألني كثير من الأصدقاء الأعزاء أن أتبع سيرة رسول اللّه بسير الخلفاء بنفس الطريقة التي انتهجتها فسرتني فكرتهم ولم يسعني إلا إجابة طلبهم واستخرت اللّه تعالى أن أكتب سيرة أبي بكر الصديق رضي اللّه عنه فإنه أول الخلفاء الذين أمرنا رسول اللّه بالاقتداء بهم والاهتداء بهديهم. لما توفي النبي صلى اللّه عليه وسلم ارتجت العرب واختلف المسلمون ولا سيما الأنصار والمهاجرون في الخلافة فتدارك الأمر أبو بكر بحكمته وسرعة بديهته وتمت له البيعة بالإجماع.  وقد برهن رضي اللّه عنه أنه أكفأ رجل وأنه رجل الساعة وقتئذ لأن العرب عندما سمعوا بوفاة رسول اللّه ارتد كثير منهم واستفحل أمر المرتدين في جزيرة العرب، وظهر المتنبئون وجمعوا جيوشهم وثاروا على المسلمين.


by Honoré De Balzac

"Adieu" by Balzac is a captivating addition to French Literature. It is a long tale encompassing insanity and the supernatural. This thrilling fantasy enraptures the readers and flares the imagnation. This simple plot evolves from characters and weaves a web of suspense. Interesting!

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 2

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 5

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 7

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 9

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Black and Blanco!

by San Antonio Museum of Art

What better way to be introduced to the contrasting interplay between black and white than with eye-catching works of art. This bi-lingual edition also introduces children at a young age to both English and Spanish.Art for this book was selected from the collection of the San Antonio Museum of Art, one of the leading art museums in the United States with a collection spanning a broad range of history and world cultures.

Catullus, Cicero, and a Society of Patrons

by Sarah Culpepper Stroup

This is a study of the emergence, development, and florescence of a distinctly 'late Republican' socio-textual culture as recorded in the writings of this period's two most influential authors, Catullus and Cicero. It reveals a multi-faceted textual - rather than more traditionally-defined 'literary' - world that both defines the intellectual life of the late Republic, and lays the foundations for those authors of the Principate and Empire who identified this period as their literary source and inspiration. By first questioning, and then rejecting, the traditional polarisation of Catullus and Cicero, and by broadening the scope of late Republican socio-literary studies to include intersections of language, social practice, and textual materiality, this book presents a fresh picture of both the socio-textual world of the late Republic and the primary authors through whom this world would gain renown.

Colloquial and Literary Latin

by Eleanor Dickey Anna Chahoud

What is colloquial Latin? What can we learn about it from Roman literature, and how does an understanding of colloquial Latin enhance our appreciation of literature? This book sets out to answer such questions, beginning with examinations of how the term 'colloquial' has been used by linguists and by classicists (and how its Latin equivalents were used by the Romans) and continuing with exciting new research on colloquial language in a wide range of Latin authors. Each chapter is written by a leading expert in the relevant area, and the material presented includes new editions of several texts. The Introduction presents the first account in English of developments in the study of colloquial Latin over the last century, and throughout the book findings are presented in clear, lucid, and jargon-free language, making a major scholarly debate accessible to a broad range of students and non-specialists.

Contact Languages

by Umberto Ansaldo

Why do groups of speakers in certain times and places come up with new varieties of languages? What are the social settings that determine whether a mixed language, a pidgin or a Creole will develop, and how can we understand the ways in which different languages contribute to the new grammar? Through the study of Malay contact varieties such as Baba Malay, Cocos Malay and Sri Lanka Malay, as well as the Asian Portuguese vernacular of Macau, and China Coast Pidgin, the book explores the social and structural dynamics that underlie the fascinating phenomenon of the creation of new, or restructured, grammars. It emphasizes the importance and interplay of historical documentation, socio-cultural observation and linguistic analysis in the study of contact languages, offering an evolutionary framework for the study of contact language formation - including pidgins and Creoles - in which historical, socio-cultural and typological observations come together.

Coordination in Syntax

by Niina Ning Zhang

Coordination in syntax is an important part of the analysis of sentence structure. Niina Ning Zhang addresses the issues raised by coordinate pairings and the implications of these structures, looking in particular at examples within English and Chinese. The volume covers the major questions regarding coordinates in syntax, providing a fresh perspective to arguments raised within previous literature. She explains how such coordinate complexes are structured, how some coordinators can be combined in parts of speech, the fixed nature of some of these pairings and what changes exist between the coordinate and non-coordinate constructions. The theories raised are backed up by a rich variety of examples as well as providing a cross-linguistic perspective, contextualising these ideas within current syntactic research.

English as She Is Spoke: The Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English

by Mark Twain Pedro Carolino

The Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English

English First Additional Language Grade 1

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

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