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Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas

by A. H. Almaas

Facets of Unity presents the Enneagram of Holy Ideas as a crystal clear window on the true reality experienced in enlightened consciousness. Here we are not directed toward the psychological types but the higher spiritual realities they reflect. We discover how the disconnection from each Holy Idea leads to the development of its corresponding fixation, thus recognizing each types deeper psychological core. Understanding this core brings each Holy Idea within reach, so its spiritual perspective can serve as a key for unlocking the fixation and freeing us from its limitations.

Facettes des Constellations Familiales 1

by Marc Baco

Table des matières Avant-propos Que se passe-t-il dans une constellation familiale Entretien préliminaire Sélection des représentants Déroulement réel Discours final Annulation d'une constellation Règles de digression du jeu Clarification de l’arbre généalogique et des liens familiaux Vêtements et apparence Article de blog de Comment tirer le meilleur parti d'une constellation en tant que représentant ? Qu'est-ce que la mère d'Hitler a à voir avec les constellations familiales ? Dois-tu absolument être heureux ? A quoi sert la fratrie ? Comment une constellation de conte de fées révèle votre scénario de vie Constellations avec « l’Etre de relationnel » Pour qui il est particulièrement important d'être « représentant permanent » Micro expressions - ce que les expressions faciales éphémères révèlent au constellateur familial Comment la lignée d'ascendance te permet d'accéder à ta force. Constellations de traumatismes - Comment l'énergie refoulée peut enfin s'écouler À quelle vitesse une constellation de rêves peut-elle devenir une constellation de traumatismes Une constellation de bien-être peut-elle t’aider ? Comment les séparations peuvent te troubler Pourquoi le désir de la mort n'est pas forcement lié à toi-même Constellations de l'équipe interne : qui tire réellement les ficelles en toi Comment abandonner même les rôles les plus difficiles Dans les constellations et à la maison qu’est-ce qui renforce ton estime de soi Constellation énergétique et chemin de la solution à travers les archanges Traumatisme prénatal - Comment les expériences dans le ventre maternel

Facilitando do Outro Lado da Vida: Conselhos Práticos Vindos do Outro Lado da Vida

by Richard Martini

"Todos que já viveram continuam a existir no Outro Lado e se possível podem ser perguntados diretamente. "Esta é uma premissa fantástica de  "Facilitando do Outro Lado" o qual argumenta que é possível obter "novas informações" de pessoas que não estão mais no planeta.Estas "entrevistas após a morte" são conduzidas por varios mediums, com pessoas sob profunda hipnose,  ou com pessoas completamente conscientes ao mesmo tempo capazes de acessar e  lembrar detalhes de vidas anteriores. Os relatos oferecem conselhos práticos ("facilitadores do outro lado") em como navegar em nossas vidas e implementar nosso planeta.

Facing Codependence: What It Is, Where It Comes From, How It Sabotages Our Lives

by Pia Mellody Andrea Wells Miller J. Keith Miller

Pia Mellody creates a framework for identifying codependent thinking, emotions and behaviour and provides an effective approach to recovery. Mellody sets forth five primary adult symptoms of this crippling condition, then traces their origin to emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical and sexual abuses that occur in childhood. Central to Mellody's approach is the concept that the codependent adult's injured inner child needs healing. Recovery from codependence, therefore, involves clearing up the toxic emotions left over from these painful childhood experiences.

Facing Fear: Step Out in Faith and Rise Above What's Holding You Back

by Nik Wallenda

Nik Wallenda is the face of the famous circus family known for performing crazy feats without safety nets. Nik is also known for his daring televised tightrope walks, including over Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, and, in 2020, he will walk over an active volcano.Nik is a seventh-generation member of the amazing Wallenda family and has been walking the wire since he took his first steps, but he had never experienced fear until a tragic accident in 2017. The eight-person pyramid he and several members of his family were practicing collapsed, and five of its members fell thirty feet to the ground. Miraculously, they all survived, but the accident changed Nik&’s life forever. For the first time, he felt fear, and he had to learn to get past it to get back out on the wire.Most of us will never walk a tightrope, but we face things that scare us every day. Whether putting ourselves out there socially or seeking a dream job, all of us allow anxieties and fears to hold us back. Facing Fear is a reader-centric memoir, interweaving parts of Nik&’s personal story of the accident and how he conquered his fear with practical advice for readers to overcome whatever fears are holding them back. This practical book will help everyday people step out in faith and trust that God will hold them steady, even when they&’re afraid.

Facing Illness, Finding Peace

by Nancy Groves

Facing Illness, Finding Peace helps those living with chronic or serious illness to find peace through faith. Groves presents a realistic look at daily struggles and emotions, balanced by a sense of hope to be found through prayer and honest discussion. Facing Illness, Finding Peace helps the reader to find their own path toward peace, acting as a guide through the darkness of serious illness.

Facing Life's Challenges: Daily Meditations for Overcoming Depression, Grief, and "the Blues"

by Amy Dean

Amy E. Dean, bestselling author of Night Light and Pleasant Dreams, tells us in Facing Life's Challenges--Daily Meditations for Overcoming Depression, Grief and "The Blues," that there are healthy responses to emotional pain, as well as destructive responses. She says, "Give yourself permission to feel and express those feelings when handling a loss, or major disappointment, in life. Doing so can lead to healing and long-term recovery."Facing Life's Challenges is designed to assist readers experiencing depression, who are going through a grieving process or just generally having a hard time. Each of the 366 daily meditations in this book suggests a simple "mental conditioning exercise" that can help muster an optimistic attitude even when things are most chaotic.Facing Life's Challenges can help you gradually minimize your emotional lows, and maximize your self-empowering highs.

Facing Loneliness The Starting Point of a New Journey

by J. Oswald Sanders

Facing Loneliness is an attempt to provide answers to the problem of loneliness and challenges you to take specific steps to overcome its unpleasant effects. Sanders shows how to identify the symptoms and causes of loneliness, and how to deal with the underlying issue - the lack of intimacy. Specific references to old and new testament scriptures are made, though in general the advice is useful for those of any background.

Facing Love Addiction: The Love Connection to Codependence, 1st Edition

by Pia Mellody Andrea Wells Miller J. Keith Miller

In this revised and updated version of Facing Love Addiction, Pia Mellody unravels the intricate dynamics of unhealthy love relationships and shows us how to let go of toxic love. Through twelve-step work, exercises, and journal-keeping, the book outlines the recovery process for Love Addicts, and Mellody’s fresh perspective and clear methods work to comfort and motivate all those looking to establish and maintain healthy, happy relationships.

Facing the Blank Page

by David Martin

Facing the blank page is the hardest part for any writer. Author, editor, and teacher, David Martin, encourages all of us to remember that "writing of life's experiences brings order to chaos, beauty to existence, and celebration to the mysterious. Hopefully, words connected to actions will make a difference. How can they not? Don't we all need a more positive world to share?" This collection of essays and poems is an example to writers of all ages that our writing can "begin as memories from experiences long past".

Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth

by Molly Gage Margaret Klein Salamon

Stop fretting and start fighting global warming: “A remarkable account of how you can become a climate warrior.” —Bill McKibben, founder of 350.orgYes, we’re facing catastrophic breakdown of our climate. Yes, it’s terrifying. But you don’t have to be paralyzed. You can use your pain to transform yourself, your friends, and the world. You can become the hero humanity needs. This book will show you how.Facing the Climate Emergency is an action-oriented self-help guide showing you how to maximize your potential to meet the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. Written for all of us struggling to cope and wanting to do something to stop the climate crisis, it gives us the blueprint to leave “normal” behind and enter climate “emergency mode.”How to face the climate crisis and accept your fears, anger, grief, guilt, and other emotionsTurning negative feelings into tangible action to respond to the crisisRising to heroism and maximizing your impact by joining the Climate Emergency MovementInformation on further reading, questions for self-reflection, and exercises “This book will wake you up, no matter how aware you think you are.” —David Wallace-Wells, #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The Uninhabitable Earth

Facing the Dragon: How a Desperate Act Pulled One Addict Out of Methamphetamine Hell

by David Parnell Amy Hagberg

After more than twenty-three years addicted to methamphetamine and other drugs, David Parnell put an SKS assault rifle under his chin and pulled the trigger. The blast took off half his face, yet somehow he survived. They called Parnell the "miracle man" at the Nashville hospital where he'd been pronounced clinically dead. Following an afterlife experience where he briefly experienced hell, David woke up in the hospital, and he was changed forever, both physically and emotionally.In Facing the Dragon, readers will witness the slow, agonizing metamorphosis of a good-looking high school athlete into a violent, drug-dealing, psychotic wife beater whose children were terrified of him. In graphic detail, they will relive his suicide attempts and then walk alongside him as he endures countless surgeries to reconstruct his decimated face and learns how to cope with his hideous disfigurement. Now thirty-nine, Parnell is clean and sober and is making the most of the second chance he's been given, bringing his message about the dangers of meth and other drugs to schools, prisons, churches, and antidrug organizations around the world as a full-time lecturer.By experiencing the nightmare of his life-—and his brief glimpse of hell--readers will find hope and healing when facing their own life-threatening dragons.

Facing the Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately

by John Lee William Stott

The author of The Flying Boy describes how repressing anger can have profound effects on personal health and guides readers step by step through the process of getting past their fears. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Facing Your Fears: A Navy SEAL's Guide to Coping With Fear and Anxiety

by Don Mann Kraig Becker

Wisdom and Inspiration to Help You Overcome Your Doubts from a New York Times Bestselling Author A former Navy SEAL and current motivational speaker, Don Mann specializes in helping others achieve success in every aspect of life—personal and professional—by using techniques employed by Navy SEALs. In Facing Your Fears, Mann zeroes in on finding ways to cope with the fear and anxieties readers face in their lives, no matter what they may be. This volume includes three subsections dedicated to helping the reader cope with his or her doubts and worries: Identifying Your FearsEmbracing the FearLetting Go of the Fear Featuring practical advice, inspirational quotes, engaging stories, and interesting anecdotes, Facing Your Fears will give readers the tools they need to triumph in the face of adversity.

Facing Your Giants: God Still Does the Impossible

by Max Lucado

You know your Goliath. You recognize his walk, the thunder of his voice.<P><P> He taunts you with bills you can't pay, people you can't please, habits you can't break, failures you can't forget, and a future you can't face. But just like David, you can face your giant, even if you aren't the strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, of the holiest.<P> David. You could read his story and wonder what God saw in him. His life has little to offer the unstained, straight-A saint. He fell as often as he stood, stumbled as often as he conquered. But for those who know the sound of Goliath, David gives this reminder:<P> Focus on giants -- you stumble; focus on God -- your giants tumble.<P> If you're ready to face your giants, let his story inspire you. The same God who helped him will help you.

Factor éxito: Cómo la perseverancia y la pasión te llevarán a lograrlo

by Jorge Flegman

Este libro, por medio de los testimonios de 31 personajes, profundiza magistralmente en la idea de que en nuestra mente está el poder que nos llevará al éxito, y para ejercerlo hay que llenarla de pensamientos y actitudes positivas. Somos lo que pensamos que somos y también lo que actuamos y de lo que nos rodeamos. Por ello es fundamental modificar nuestro entorno, y guiados por el pensamiento positivo acercarnos a aquellas personas que se asemejan a lo que queremos llegar a ser, o de las que podemos aprender algo.

El factor Fred

by Mark Sanborn

Aproveche la oportunidad de ser extraordinario.Existen personas que con su inagotable entusiasmo por la vida logran inspirar en otros esa chispa de pasión que los motiva a superarse. El conferencista motivacional Mark Sanborn conoció a una persona así, y en el libro El factor Fred nos relata la verdadera historia de Fred, un cartero que logró hacer que un empleo comn se convirtiera en una profesión extraordinaria al realizar su trabajo con pasión, simpatía y máxima consideración por sus clientes. En El factor Fred, Sanborn le brinda los cuatro principios que le ayudarán a destacarse en el trabajo y en la vida:Cómo tener un impacto positivo todos los díasCómo forjar lazos con personas que le ayudarán a alcanzar el éxitoCómo crear valor para usted y los demás sin gastar un centavoCómo reinventarse con frecuencia¿Desea darle a su vida un renovado sentido de energía y creatividad para poder alcanzar nuevos niveles de éxito? Al seguir estos principios, usted también podrá convertirse en un Fred que ve en los momentos ordinarios de la vida oportunidades para marcar una diferencia en el mundo. El factor Fred le enseña cómo lograrlo.

Fail Better: Design Smart Mistakes and Succeed Sooner

by Anjali Sastry Kara Penn

If you’re aiming to innovate, failure along the way is a given. But can you fail better? Whether you’re rolling out a new product from a city-view office or rolling up your sleeves to deliver a social service in the field, learning why and how to embrace failure can help you do better, faster. Smart leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents design their innovation projects with a key idea in mind: ensure that every failure is maximally useful. In Fail Better, Anjali Sastry and Kara Penn show how to create the conditions, culture, and habits to systematically, ruthlessly, and quickly figure out what works, in three steps: 1. Launch every innovation project with the right groundwork 2. Build and refine ideas and products through iterative action 3. Identify and embed the learning Fail Better teaches you how to design your efforts to test the boundaries of your thinking, explore crucial interdependencies, and find the factors that can shift results from just acceptable to groundbreaking-or even world-changing. Practical instructions intertwined with compelling real-world examples show you how to: Make predictions and map system relationships ahead of time so you can better assess results Establish how much failure you can afford Prioritize project activities for disconfirmation and iteration Learn from every action step by collecting and examining the right data Support efficient, productive habits to link action and reflection Distill, share, and embed the lessons from every success and failure You may be a Fortune 500 manager, scrappy start-up innovator, social impact visionary, or simply leading your own small project. If you aim to break through without breaking the bank-or ruining your reputation-this book is for you.

Fail Brilliantly: Exploding the Myths of Failure and Success

by Paul Williams Shelley Davidow

We all spend much of our lives trying to cope with failure; sometimes we try to assign value to it, but failure looms as a debilitating concept in millions of lives, affecting children and adults alike. Fail Brilliantly proposes a radical shift: erase the word and concept of failure from the realms of education and human endeavors. Replace it with new words and concepts. This shift in position has the potential to transform our lives and ultimately reshape our definition of success.

Fail Fast, Fail Often

by Ryan Babineaux

What if your biggest mistake is that you never make mistakes? Ryan Babineaux and John Krumboltz, psychologists, career counselors, and creators of the popular Stanford University course "Fail Fast, Fail Often,” have come to a compelling conclusion: happy and successful people tend to spend less time planning and more time acting. They get out into the world, try new things, and make mistakes, and in doing so, they benefit from unexpected experiences and opportunities. Drawing on the authors’ research in human development and innovation, Fail Fast, Fail Often shows readers how to allow their enthusiasm to guide them, to act boldly, and to leverage their strengths-even if they are terrified of failure. .

Fail Up: 20 Lessons On Building Success From Failure

by Tavis Smiley

"Failure is an inevitable part of the human journey," says award-winning television and radio broadcaster and New York Times best-selling author Tavis Smiley. Smiley steps from behind the curtain of success to share intimate stories of his missteps, misdeeds, and often highly publicized miscalculations in Fail Up: 20 Lessons On Building Success From Failure. These instances of perceived "failures" were, in fact, "lessons" that shaped the principles and practices that now guide his life. Readers will find a kinship in Smiley’s humanness that inspires, informs, and reminds us of our ability to "fail up" in the face of life’s inevitable setbacks. The year-long celebration of Smiley’s 20th year anniversary in broadcasting will feature the Fail Up book tour.

Failing Up: How to Take Risks, Aim Higher, and Never Stop Learning

by Leslie Odom Jr.

Leslie Odom Jr., burst on the scene in 2015, originating the role of Aaron Burr in the Broadway musical phenomenon Hamilton. Since then, he has performed for sold-out audiences, sung for the Obamas at the White House, and won a Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical. But before he landed the role of a lifetime in one of the biggest musicals of all time, Odom put in years of hard work as a singer and an actor.With personal stories from his life, Odom asks the questions that will help you unlock your true potential and achieve your goals even when they seem impossible. What work did you put in today that will help you improve tomorrow? How do you surround yourself with people who will care about your dreams as much as you do? How do you know when to play it safe and when to risk it all for something bigger and better?These stories will inspire you, motivate you, and empower you for the greatness that lies ahead, whether you’re graduating from college, starting a new job, or just looking to live each day to the fullest.

Failure Is Not NOT an Option: How the Chubby Gay Son of a Jesus-Obsessed Lesbian Found Love, Family, and Podcast Success . . . and a Bunch of Other Stuff

by Patrick Hinds

Wall Street Journal BestsellerPublishers Weekly BestsellerPatrick Hinds has failed. A lot. In fact, he&’s kind of an expert at it—which is why he&’s uniquely qualified to say that failure is a good thing.On paper, the chubby, poor, gay son of a lesbian who wrote pornographic letters to Jesus isn&’t the person that you think of when you hear the word &“success.&” Yet Patrick Hinds has somehow managed to bungle his way through to become the successful co-host of True Crime Obsessed—a podcast with more than 200 million downloads.Before that, though, he failed at many, many things. Patrick&’s life is a series of fiascos, missteps, and just plain bad ideas. An eternal optimist, he&’s always thrown himself into everything he&’s done, even when he probably shouldn&’t have. He devoted himself to becoming an actor even though he was terrible, started a daycare even though he hated kids, and somehow had a disastrous time with Bea Arthur . . . even though he couldn&’t be gayer.Both heartfelt and hilarious, Failure Is Not Not an Option lets Patrick&’s signature storytelling style shine—and it&’s also the only book to bravely and definitively declare:1: Failing simply means that you tried (and if you try enough, eventually success will be an option, too).2: Ted Bundy is. Not. Hot. By trying, and yes, failing at so many things, Patrick finally found his way—to a great career, a great husband, and a great family. Along the way, there were hurdles to jump, unexpected surprises, and no shortage of laughter. Failure is Not NOT an Option is a fun and outrageous read that will raise you up—and provide a soft landing pad for the next time you fall.

Failure: the Back Door to Success

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Find the goodin your failure. Failure is a fact of life, one we&’d rather forget. Fortunately it has a silver lining. Failure, the Back Door to Success shows us how God uses even our sins, shortcomings, and weaknesses in His perfect plan. It will inspire you to: Learn from the past without being controlled by itEmbrace your limitationsAccept yourself as God accepts youBe more gracious toward othersRedefine your idea of success Easy to follow, illustrated with engaging stories, and deeply encouraging, Failure, the Back Door to Success speaks straight to the heart. It will make you feel free to try and unafraid of failing, knowing that God is the one at work in you, and that he&’s not finished yet. And that&’s the first step toward success, every time. &“This book is sorely needed in our overanalyzed, under-motivated, and guilt-ridden Christian society. It can be a life changer to anyone tired of the old one-step-forward-and-two-steps-backward routine.&” — Howard G. Hendricks

Failure: the Back Door to Success

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Find the goodin your failure. Failure is a fact of life, one we&’d rather forget. Fortunately it has a silver lining. Failure, the Back Door to Success shows us how God uses even our sins, shortcomings, and weaknesses in His perfect plan. It will inspire you to: Learn from the past without being controlled by itEmbrace your limitationsAccept yourself as God accepts youBe more gracious toward othersRedefine your idea of success Easy to follow, illustrated with engaging stories, and deeply encouraging, Failure, the Back Door to Success speaks straight to the heart. It will make you feel free to try and unafraid of failing, knowing that God is the one at work in you, and that he&’s not finished yet. And that&’s the first step toward success, every time. &“This book is sorely needed in our overanalyzed, under-motivated, and guilt-ridden Christian society. It can be a life changer to anyone tired of the old one-step-forward-and-two-steps-backward routine.&” — Howard G. Hendricks

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