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Feng Shui Made Easy, Revised Edition: Designing Your Life with the Ancient Art of Placement

by William Spear

The first edition, released in 1995, was lauded by seasoned practitioners and beginners alike. And no wonder. While most of the early English-language books on feng shui were dauntingly mystical or relied on complex calculations or culturally specific design practices, Feng Shui Made Easy took a more holistic approach, clearly explaining the fundamentals while guiding readers on an inner journey of understanding.Thoughtfully written and beautifully illustrated, the book is structured around an "architecture of consciousness" that is really the inner landscape. The book explores each "house" of the bagua--the chart representing one's journey through life; relationships with parents, loved ones, and community; creativity; spirituality; and connectedness to the source of life--and the symbolism of the corresponding I Ching trigram. Feng Shui Made Easy helps readers discover the nature of these connections, as well as learn what obstructions must be removed to change fixed patterns of behavior and restore balance, harmony, and inner peace--a process that, when combined with external adjustments, results in increased success and lasting change in all areas of life.This revised edition expands on the author's intuitive approach with new sections on health, children's environments, and ecological concerns and sustainable practices. The author also corrects misconceptions about feng shui and uses fascinating case studies to share valuable insights he gained from interactions with his clients and readers.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Feng Shui Mommy: Creating Balance and Harmony Amidst the Chaos for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood

by Bailey Gaddis

Impending motherhood serves up a confusing cocktail of heroic strength and terrifying vulnerability. Our culture has seized on the “vulnerability” part of this experience and tends to reinforce a pregnant woman’s insecurities instead of encouraging her to embrace this most natural time and trust her body, her intuition, and her own mind. Feng Shui Mommy takes a different approach, helping the expecting mother build her own unique, epic journey to motherhood. It’s about supporting her while she shores up her mind-body-spirit alignment so she can best handle the cosmic kick in the uterus and juicy kiss on the soul that pregnancy is. Bailey Gaddis guides women through the experience, providing specific suggestions for mind, body, and spirit for each trimester (including the “fourth,” after birth), leading to birth preparation designed for each mother and baby, and culminating in strong mother-child bonding. She includes detailed and practical information about prenatal exercise and nutrition, birth preferences and birthing positions, breath work, breastfeeding, and much more. Her advice allows mothers to welcome delight and curiosity into the journey while taking each phase with purpose and calm — and even a sense of fun. This comprehensive guide makes challenge and change joyful, allowing new life to be as incomparably wonder-filled as it is meant to be.

The Feng Shui of Abundance: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Attracting Wealth into Your Life

by Suzan Hilton

Money is more than a bank balance; it's a reflection of the overall abundance in your life. Now, a CPA and feng shui practitioner presents an unusual and valuable application of the ancient Eastern tradition of feng shui. Delving into all of the life forces that affect financial health, The Feng Shui of Abundance is not just a monetary makeover; it is a whole-being program whose benefits include: ·Locating the wealth area of your office or home ·Dislodging clogged energy in your career ·Drawing on the ...

Feng Shui, Orion Plain and Simple (Plain and Simple)

by Sarah Bartlett

A practical guide to the art of feng shui.Filled with easy-to-use tips and techniques for improving the energy in your life, this book will teach you to harmonize and lay out spaces in your home to enhance your personal energy, improve your overall wellbeing, and bring good fortune and balance into your life.Includes information on how to:Declutter to clear the energy in your homeUse the Chinese bagua (number square) to map out rooms to enhance energyEmploy the five elements to harmonize the energy of your homeUse feng shui for the exterior of your home and outside landscapingThis wonderful primer will be hailed by anyone interested in interior design, Chinese legend and lore, and the creation of healing and harmonious living spaces.

Feng shui para niños

by Mónica Koppel

Cómo crear ambientes infantiles de armonía y éxito. En esta obra, la reconocida autora Mónica Koppel se ocupa de los ambientes infantiles con la finalidad de brindar las herramientas para crear armonía y estimular las potencialidades de cada niño. La creatividad, los talentos, la paciencia, la capacidad de establecer relaciones sanas y la autoestima resultan fundamentales para el desarrollo de los niños. Feng Shui para niños brinda la información adecuada para conocer más a cada infante y descubrir cómo debe ser su ambiente. Cómo crear ambientes infantiles de armonía y éxito. En esta obra, la reconocida autora Mónica Koppel se ocupa de los ambientes infantiles con la finalidad de brindar las herramientas para crear armonía y estimular las potencialidades de cada niño. La creatividad, los talentos, la paciencia, la capacidad de establecer relaciones sanas y la autoestima resultan fundamentales para el desarrollo de los niños. Feng Shui para niños brinda la información adecuada para conocer más a cada infante y descubrir cómo debe ser su ambiente.

Feng Shui Your Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Your Home to Attract the Life of Your Dreams

by Marie Diamond

Create the environment to attract the life that you deserve, with the guidance of internationally renowned Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond.Rooted in ancient Chinese culture, Feng Shui is a system that teaches people how to arrange their living space to attract health, wealth, happiness, and good energy—or chi—into their lives. Marie Diamond&’s unique Diamond Feng Shui system combines traditional Feng Shui teachings with the Law of Attraction, neuroscience, and quantum physics to help you increase the abundant energy in your home and in your life.In this book, you will learn:The importance of space clearing to create a more mindful, relaxed, and organized home.How your personal energy number can help you attract the things you want with quicker and better results.Ways to activate your Feng Shui with crystals, plants, flowers, and water.Tips for activating your success, money, health, and relationship goals.Ways to Feng Shui different parts of your home to improve the energy flow and boost your chi, including your front door, family space, bedrooms, and kitchen.Feng Shui Your Life offers exercises, tools, and practical guidance, and will become your go-to resource to help you attract a life of abundance beyond your wildest dreams.

Fenice Tranquilla: Guida per Introversi per Risorgere nel Lavoro e nella Vita

by Luigi Cirame Prasenjeet Kumar

Risveglia l'Uccello Fenice al Tuo Interno. Risorgi nel Tuo Lavoro. Ama la Tua Professione. In una memoria a tutto tondo e prima nel suo genere sul lavoro all'interno di un'importante studio legale indiano, l'avvocato d'azienda diventato autore Prasenjeet Kumar, condivide le sue esperienze in una maniera così candida e senza restrizioni come non si era mai visto prima in questo genere. Come il leggendario uccello Fenice risorgente dalle ceneri "Fenice Tranquilla" intende aiutare nello specifico tutti gli introversi o persone Tranquille affinché si tirino su da sé, ricordandogli costantemente che l'introversione NON è un handicap di cui vergognarsi. Infatti, gli Introversi sono considerati avere sorprendenti poteri di concentrazione, impegno nell'ascolto, e una capacità di nutrire relazioni profonde con amici e clienti. Complessivamente, "Fenice Tranquilla" è una storia incredibile che Prasenjeet Kumar condivide, con arguzia e incanto, del viaggio dall'essere un Avvocato d'Azienda al diventare un Autore-Imprenditore a Tempo Pieno usando la sua introversione come punto di forza per superare tutti gli ostacoli.

A Fênix Quieta: Um Guia Para Introvertidos Ascenderem Em Suas Vidas Pessoais E Profissionais

by Cibeli Da Rocha Hirsch Prasenjeet Kumar

Desperte a Fênix que há dentro de você. Ascenda em sua carreira. Ame sua profissão. Você é uma pessoa introvertida e tem a impressão que seus colegas extrovertidos se vendem melhor e sobem na carreira mais rápido que você, enquanto você é quem sua a camisa? Você já não aguenta mais fazer hora-extra, ter que encarar gente mal resolvida no escritório, colegas de trabalho que roubam suas ideias, chefes que praticam o favoritismo na cara dura ou colegas que te apunhalam pelas costas? Você perdeu seu emprego recentemente e não sabe o que vai fazer agora? Então, leia o livro A fênix quieta, onde Prasenjeet Kumar compartilha a sua própria história, desde quando trabalhava como advogado corporativo até se tornar empreendedor e escritor em tempo integral, usando sua introversão como um força para superar todos os obstáculos. Baseando em eventos, experiências e disputas de poder testemunhados todos os dias dentro dos escritórios por qualquer pessoa (e não apenas por advogados), este livro não apenas lhe servirá de inspiração, mas também irá ajudá-lo a montar seu próprio plano de ação. Assim como o lendário pássaro Fênix que renasce das cinzas, o livro A fênix quieta deseja ajudar a todos os introvertidos ou pessoas mais quietas e reservadas a se sobressaírem usando seus próprios recursos.

Fénix Tranquilo: Una Guía Para Que el Introvertido Crezca En Lo Profesional y En la Vida

by Prasenjeet Kumar Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo y María Florencia Lavorato

Despierta al Ave Fénix dentro de ti. Asciende en tu carrera. Logra crecimiento personal y desarrollo. En unas memorias, primeras en su tipo, sobre la vida de un abogado corporativo de una importante Firma Legal convertido en autor, Prasenjeet Kumar, comparte sus experiencias en una manera nunca antes expuesta en este género antes. Como la legendaria Ave Fénix levantándose de las cenizas "Fénix Tranquilo" es un manual de auto-ayuda específicamente hecho para alentar a todos los introvertidos o personas Tranquilas a levantarse literalmente de sus caídas, al recordarles constantemente que la introversión NO es una minusvalía de la cual estar avergonzado. De hecho, los introvertidos se supone que tengan sorprendentes poderes de concentración, escucha atenta y una habilidad para mantener profundas relaciones con amigos y clientes. >>> Sobre todo, "Fénix Tranquilo" es una increíble historia de cambio de carrera que Prasenjeet Kumar comparte, con ingenio y encanto, de la aventura de ser un Abogado Corporativo a convertirse en Autor-Emprendedor de Tiempo Completo usando su introversión como fuerza para superar los obstáculos.

Feral Self-Care: 100 Ways to Liberate and Celebrate Your Messy, Wild, and Untamed Self

by Mandi Em

Ditch the green smoothies and reconnect with your authentic self using this wellness guide that taps into nature and helps you live your wildest, freest life.It&’s time for a new type of self-care. No bubble baths. No yoga. Just some truly wild—truly effective—ideas and activities that are good for you and your overall wellness. It&’s time to get feral! Feral Self-Care is loaded with self-care ideas that will actually help nourish your soul and make you feel good. Each entry covers an activity that reconnects you with your authentic self, helping you feel more empowered, free, and confident in embracing this human experience—in all its messy glory. From self-care activities that will have you connecting with nature to those that have you digging deep and exploring your truest self, Feral Self-Care goes beyond the skin creams and face masks to reveal and restore your inner being. You&’ll find inspired ideas such as: -Nature sounds ASMR -Dancing in the rain -Primal screaming -Creating a chaotic symphony -And much more! It&’s time to make self-care as wild as you are, and Feral Self-Care is here to help.

Férias da Alma: Tirando Um Tempo Para Curar A Sua Alma

by Dy Wakefield Emily K. Tietböhl

Se você está cansado de fazer as coisas à sua maneira na vida, que tal dar uma chance a Jesus? Peça a Jesus para ser o Senhor e Salvador da sua vida. Permita que Ele chegue dentro do seu coração. Seja sincero. Esteja farto de como sua vida está indo agora e conte a Jesus que você irá testá-lo. Só o que eu peço é para que você tente. Sua vida jamais será a mesma. Dê uma chance a Ele.

Fermare il pensiero negativo in 7 facili passi

by A. J. Parr

FERMARE LA NEGATIVITÀ IN 7 FACILI PASSI: UN FACILE ALLENAMENTO PER BATTERE LA DEPRESSIONE E IL PESSIMISMO (Capendo Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi e molti altri!) QUESTE LEZIONI ED ESERCIZI DI BASE vi aiuteranno a rompere l'abitudine del pensiero negativo e a cominciare a provare la gioia di Vivere grazie agli insegnamenti di maestri illuminati quali Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti e molti altri! . Gli scienziati stimano che in condizioni normali un essere umano ha di regola una media tra trentamila e quarantamila pensieri al giorno. Secondo le ricerche, la depressione è sempre preceduta da pensieri negativi ripetuti e non il contrario, e ridurre il numero di pensieri negativi al giorno in realtà riduce sia la frequenza sia l'intensità delle emozioni e dei sentimenti depressivi! Queste scoperte cruciali costituiscono il punto di partenza di 7 Lezioni e 7 Esercizi contenuti in questa guida per principianti, progettata per aiutarvi a rompere l'abitudine del pensiero negativo. Adesso! LEZIONE I: IL VALORE DELLE AVVERSITÀ Esercizio: Fermare i vostri pensieri LEZIONE II: SIAMO QUELLO CHE PENSIAMO Esercizio: Osservare i vostri pensieri LEZIONE III: LA VOCE DELL'INCONSCIO Esercizio: Meditazione con il respiro LEZIONE IV: IL PENSIERO RIPETITIVO NEGATIVO Esercizio: Sentire il corpo interiore LEZIONE V: INTRAPPOLATI NEL PASSATO E NEL FUTURO Esercizio: Sentire lo spazio senza tempo LEZIONE VI: NEGATIVITÀ E RESISTENZA Esercizio: Arrendersi all'Adesso LEZIONE VII: PROVARE LA GIOIA DI VIVERE Esercizio: Sconfiggere il pensiero negativo . Perché aspettare ancora? Prendetevi pochi minuti per leggere questa breve guida economica e cominciate oggi la vostra trasformazione!

Fermare la missione suicida: Un libro con una causa per fermare la missione suicida che continua

by Madhu Ronda

Un suicidio è il primo luogo un'azione sgradita. E' allarmante vedere che dopo il 2020 una morte viene predetta ogni 20 secondi. Le statistiche non sono tutte incoraggianti per le società (USA, Regno Unito) molto avanzate e sofisticate con tutte le risorse a portata di mano. Questo libro copre tutte le categorie delle cause per morti da suicidio. Esso punta a tutti gli schemi di salvataggio messi in pratica per l'OMS per prevenire i suicidi. Semplicemente, la vita mette alla prova le persone in luoghi e modi diversi e uno non dovrebbe piegarsi e finire una vita preziosa. La vita non dovrebbe essere sottomessa a uno schema di suicidio folle e stupido come quello degli attentatori di oggi. E' sciocco sottomettere la vita in nome di un sacrificio a Dio.

Ferramentas de Gerenciamento de Projetos para o Cotidiano

by George Smolinski Patricia dos Santos Carvalho

Procurando por livros de gerenciamento de projetos que ajudem você a escolher uma ótima ferramenta para gerenciamento de projetos que é fácil de usar? Então pare de procurar pois você encontrou o guia definitivo para aprender tudo sobre Trello, Nozbe e Asana. Não importa se você está gerenciando um projeto, negócio individual, ou até mesmo somente gerenciando as tarefas diárias da sua família, você precisa de uma ferramenta eficiente para guia-lo em gerenciamento de projetos e este livro irá avaliar três das melhores ferramentas de gerenciamento de projeto no mercado hoje. Neste livro você irá aprender tudo o que precisa sobre Trello, Nozbe, e Asana, todas são ótimas ferramentas para organizar sua vida. Incluindo instruções passo a passo e capturas de tela detalhadas, este livro irá leva-lo pelos meandros de todos os três programas E recomendar a melhor ferramenta para você utilizar. Gerenciamento de projetos é difícil por si só. Não sofre usando ferramentas inferiores! Compre este livro e aprenda sobre Trello, Nozbe e Asana hoje!

Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition

by Marilyn M. Shannon

How your diet affects your menstrual cycles and fertility.


by David Bramwell Petra Joy

Come and enter the sexy, seductive, and secretive world of fetish. From agalmatophilia (the desire to have sex with a mannequin) to ophidicism (sexual arousal from snakes), this is the most comprehensive guide to outrageous erotic ple

A Few Good Eggs: Two Chicks Dish on Overcoming the Insanity of Infertility

by Maureen Regan Julie Vargo

Insight and frank, friendly advice on overcoming infertility -- from two women who have lived through it all. We are bombarded by images of blissful older mothers, such as Madonna and Celine Dion. But 'Hollywood' articles about pregnancy and fertility at middle age gloss over the tremendous amount of financial, emotional, and physical effort faced by couples struggling to conceive. In this warm, funny, empathetic book, journalist Julie Vargo and literary agent Maureen Regan -- women who have experienced personally almost every aspect of infertility -- give readers a glimpse into what to expect when you're not expecting. Hormones, sperm counts -- nothing is too personal for these two outspoken women! Ranges from technical to humorous and everything in between. What are good, snappy comebacks to the question, 'Why aren't you pregnant?' What is the difference between gonadotrophin releasing hormone and progesterone? Should you freeze your eggs? These questions and many more are answered, and in the tone of a couple of good friends. Between them, the authors have gone through hormone treatments, miscarriages and multiple inseminations -- so they know firsthand the rollercoaster ride of trying to achieve pregnancy. With wise advice on how to communicate with doctors, husbands, friends, and mothers, this book is an invaluable guide for all women facing infertility.

Fiancé and Marriage Visas: A Couple's Guide to U.S. Immigration (7th Edition)

by Ilona Bray Robert L. Herrería

This guide makes obtaining a visa and green card as painless as possible. It helps couples make sure they're truly eligible and decide the fastest and best application strategy--whether married or unmarried, living in the U. S. or overseas.

Fibromyalgia: Simple Relief Through Movement

by Stacie L. Bigelow

THIS CARING AND KNOWLEDGEABLE GUIDE CAN HELP YOU FEEL BETTER-STARTING NOW. Fibromyalgia causes muscle stiffness and pain, debilitating fatigue, and numerous other symptoms. Most frustrating of all, people with fibromyalgia syndrome don't look sick; standard tests for injury or chemical imbalances often show nothing wrong. But if you suffer from fibromyalgia, you know that your disease is real, and so is your pain. It's natural to feel discouraged--but don't give up! In fibromyalgia: Simple Relief through Movement, Stacie L. Bigelow--a motivational health counselor and FMS sufferer herself--gives hope to everyone with fibromyalgia with a simple program designed to help you benefit from the one thing that is known to help: movement. "The most important key to managing muscles affected by fibromyalgia," writes Bigelow, "is to keep them moving." Drawing on new medical understanding of fibromyalgia as well as her patients' and her own experiences, she explains what the disease is and how to implement an effective plan. She shows you: * Why traditional exercise programs are not for you * Which activities will reduce your pain--and which might increase it * How to balance your daily needs for healing rest and movement * How (and whether) to use muscle conditioning to decrease pain * How to stretch properly to reduce pain * How to communicate your needs to family members, coworkers, and health care providers. Presenting clear and specific advice on how to use movement safely and effectively to ease the pain of fibromyalgia, this caring, knowledgeable guide will give you an optimistic new mind-set about your pain, your body, and your future. STACIE L BIGELOW, M.A., is a health educator, researcher, and counselor who has had fibromyalgia syndrome for nearly ten years. She is the author of many health improvement courses used in a variety of settings and is an adjunct instructor of psychology at Adler Graduate School in Minnesota. With a degree in health counseling, she helps her patients improve their health and manage chronic illnesses through personalized exercise and stress management plans.

Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Getting on With Your Life

by Chris Jenner

Written by one of the UK's leading consultants on pain control, this authoritative, yet easily comprehensible book, delivers a high level of understanding and practical advice to the lay reader. Highly recommended. Manage your Fibromyalgia by becoming an expert patient. There really is life after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome...and yours starts here. The lack of knowledge which surrounds two of the most prevalent illnesses in the world today means that they can often go undiagnosed and untreated for years, during which time both the mental and physical condition of sufferers can deteriorate considerably. With the right care, there is much that can be done to help anyone with these conditions to improve their quality of life dramatically. The first step towards that is by doing precisely what you are doing now, educating yourself. Within the covers of this book, you will find an easy-to-read and practical guide to dealing with fibromyalgia and myofascial pain. Dr Chris Jenner takes a straightforward and down-to-earth look at what these two conditions are about; how they might affect different aspects of your life; what your options are; and how you can get on with your life.

The Fibromyalgia Solution: A Breakthrough Approach to Heal Your Body and Take Back Your Life

by David Dryland

Fibromyalgia is a common and chronic medical disorder characterized by widespread pain and often coupled with other symptoms such as fatigue, disturbed sleep, chronic headaches, and other ailments. Recent research shows that the disorder is directly related to decreased levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The solution,renowned rheumatologist Dr. David Dryland argues, is to regulate levels of dopamine in the body through an "off-label protocol" using the FDA-approved medications Mirapex and Requip, which help mute pain signals traveling from the body to the brain. This vital and necessary book will also show readers how to: develop a protocol to successfully treat fibromyalgia; identify what causes the disease and its debilitating flare-ups; determine which symptoms can be attributed to fibromyalgia and which cannot; use non-drug treatments for relieving the painful symptoms of the disease; and more.

Fidget!: 101 Ways to Boost Your Creativity and Decrease Your Stress

by Heather Fishel

Busy hands equal a happy brain! Learn how fidgeting can help increase productivity and decrease stress, with 101 ways to tap, jiggle, doodle, and click your way to better concentration and creativity.Fidget spinners are the latest popular trend, but pen clicking, pencil chewing, and stress-ball slinging have been commonplace for decades. According to recent research, it’s been shown that fidgeting helps you concentrate and prevent stress. If something we are working on isn’t interesting enough to hold our attention, the additional sensory-motor input of fidgeting allows our brains to become fully engaged and focused. In Fidget! you’ll discover 101 ways to help increase your productivity and decrease stress, so you can fully engage at work and achieve calm, creativity, and mindfulness.

Fidget to Focus: Sensory Strategies for Living with ADD

by Roland Rotz Sarah D. Wright

"Full of tips and strategies collected over years of shared experiences, Fidget to Focus is a gold mine of information and sometimes surprising, sometimes heart-warming stories about how to stay focused and on track, even when tasks are dull, tedious, and boring." -- Thom Hartmann, author of Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception. Until now, the only way you could learn about the Fidget to Focus approach to successfully living with and managing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) was to attend a national conference. The groundbreaking ideas in this book, based on the personal experiences of hundreds of people and recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, will change the way you live with this disorder. Fidget to Focus is a guide to keeping your brain engaged and focused with tools and techniques available to you at any time (workbook included!).

A Field Guide for the Hero's Journey

by Jeff Sandefer Rev Robert A. Sirico

Do you feel like something big is missing from your life? Do you feel trapped, bored, stuck in a meaningless routine? It may be you think you’re too ordinary to ever do something special. Perhaps you’re afraid that if you try, you’ll fail. <p><p>The startling truth is this: Just about anyone can do great things, can live a life that’s remarkable, purposeful, excellent, and yes, even heroic. If you want to be a hero, you can be. How?That’s what this book is all about. <p><p>Will you choose to do it? Will you decide to journey heroically, instead of spending your life merely marking time? If so, this is the book for you. Welcome to your heroic journey.

A Field Guide to a Happy Life: 53 Brief Lessons for Living

by Massimo Pigliucci

A brilliant philosopher reimagines Stoicism for our modern age in this thought-provoking guide to a better life.For more than two thousand years, Stoicism has offered a message of resilience in the face of hardship. Little wonder, then, that it is having such a revival in our own troubled times. But there is no denying how weird it can be: Is it really the case that we shouldn't care about our work, our loved ones, or our own lives? According to the old Stoics, yes.In A Field Guide to a Happy Life, philosopher Massimo Pigliucci offers a renewed Stoicism that reflects modern science and sensibilities. Pigliucci embraces the joyful bonds of affection, the satisfactions of a job well done, and the grief that attends loss. In his hands, Stoicism isn't about feats of indifference, but about enduring pain without being overwhelmed, while enjoying pleasures without losing our heads. In short, he makes Stoicism into a philosophy all of us -- whether committed Stoics or simply seekers -- can use to live better.

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