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The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age (The Plant Paradox #4)

by Dr. Steven R Gundry, MD

From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Plant Paradox comes a groundbreaking plan for living a long, healthy, happy life.From the moment we are born, our cells begin to age. But aging does not have to mean decline. World-renowned surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry has been treating mature patients for most of his career. He knows that everyone thinks they want to live forever, until they hit middle age and witness the suffering of their parents and even their peers. So how do we solve the paradox of wanting to live to a ripe old age—but enjoy the benefits of youth?This groundbreaking book holds the answer. Working with thousands of patients, Dr. Gundry has discovered that the “diseases of aging” we most fear are not simply a function of age; rather, they are a byproduct of the way we have lived over the decades. In The Longevity Paradox, he maps out a new approach to aging well—one that is based on supporting the health of the “oldest” parts of us: the microorganisms that live within our bodies.Our gut bugs—the bacteria that make up the microbiome—largely determine our health over the years. From diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s to common ailments like arthritis to our weight and the appearance of our skin, these bugs are in the driver’s seat, controlling our quality of life as we age.The good news is, it’s never too late to support these microbes and give them what they need to help them—and you—thrive. In The Longevity Paradox, Dr. Gundry outlines a nutrition and lifestyle plan to support gut health and live well for decades to come. A progressive take on the new science of aging, The Longevity Paradox offers an action plan to prevent and reverse disease as well as simple hacks to help anyone look and feel younger and more vital.

Longevity Now

by David Wolfe

Lose weight, boost your immunity, cleanse your blood and organs, and live longer and happier with this comprehensive five-part approach created by leading nutrition and raw food authority David Wolfe. In Longevity Now, Wolfe exposes the number-one cause of all degenerative illness and aging: calcification. Caused by an excess of calcium and the presence of nanobacteria, calcification can be found in some degree in virtually every adult and even some children. It leads to a plethora of illnesses and manifests as achy joints, hardened arteries, cellulite, cysts, kidney stones, gallstones, dental plaque, cataracts, and bone spurs, among many other health problems. By breaking down calcification and removing parasites, heavy metals, and other "unwanted guests" from your system, you can reverse the aging process and eliminate the prospect of degenerative disease from your future.Part 1 of the Longevity Now Program focuses on supplements to dissolve the buildup of calcium in your system, leading to freer movement, a clearer head, and a lighter step. Part 2 focuses on boosting your immunity, using a variety of supplements to make your body as resilient as possible. Part 3 focuses on rejuvenating each and every cell of your body with nutrient-packed supplements and superfoods. Part 4 focuses on using special electromagnetic grounding technologies to eliminate parasites and reconnect you with the rhythmic cycles of Earth's energy field. Part 5 focuses on deep-tissue bodywork and yoga, so that you can move blocked energy around and break up stagnation in typically unaccessed parts of the body.In addition to all this, Wolfe offers abundant additional information to help you more fully live the Longevity Now lifestyle, such as foods to avoid, healthful alternative sweeteners, delicious recipes, and more tips and tricks to keep you on the path of rejuvenation, radiant health, and full-throttle vitality.From the Hardcover edition.

The Longevity Kitchen

by Andrew Weil Mat Edelson Rebecca Katz

A collection of 125 delicious whole-foods recipes showcasing 16 antioxidant-rich power foods, developed by wellness authority Rebecca Katz to combat and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, arthritis, and other conditions that plague American adults, enabling readers to live longer, healthier lives.Despite our anti-aging obsession and numerous medical advances, life spans are actually shortening because of poor lifestyle decisions. But it doesn't have to be so. Food-as-medicine pioneer Rebecca Katz harnesses the power of 16 age-busting superfoods and the latest scientific research on epicurean genetics in these recipes that prevent and address life-threatening chronic conditions. She focuses on key body systems and provides a full breakdown of the health-promoting benefits of each main ingredient in the book. With The Longevity Kitchen, readers will keep all systems running smoothly well into old age.

The Longevity Factor: How Resveratrol and Red Wine Activate Genes for a Longer and Healthier Life

by Joseph Maroon

A groundbreaking examination of new scientific research that holds the secret to weight loss, increased strength, endurance, memory, and a healthier, longer life In The Longevity Factor, noted neuroscientist and surgeon Joseph Maroon, M.D., offers the definitive look at recent scientific breakthroughs identifying a group of natural substances -- including the much-publicized molecule resveratrol -- that can actually activate a specific set of genes in humans that promote a longer, healthier life. These substances, which make red wine, dark chocolate, and green tea good for us, appear to stave off a wide array of age-related diseases and keep us feeling young and vital. Resveratrol is the centerpiece of headline-making research being conducted at the Harvard Medical School and elsewhere. Only recently, however, have scientists discovered how to isolate resveratrol and concentrate it into an affordable and safe supplement. Already, more than 200 supplements featuring resveratrol have flooded the market, and there are countless more on the way. But which ones work best? What is a consumer to look for on the label? Since resveratrol is a natural substance, can you get enough of it through diet alone, or should you combine diet with a supplement? And what lies on the horizon from the pharmaceutical industry? All those questions and many more are answered in this immensely informative and practical book. Joseph Maroon offers the first-ever inside look at the amazing research that has led to the discovery of resveratrol and similar substances with the miraculous ability to activate our own longevity genes. He also offers his own diet plan and sound, reader-friendly advice for living a longer, healthier, and more balanced life with or without supplements. The Longevity Factor promises to be the authoritative source for everyone who wants to know more about how we can shift from the current paradigm of aging to a disease-free golden age of health, longevity, and fitness.

Longevity Diet: The Only Proven Way to Slow the Aging Process and Maintain Peak Vitality--Through Calorie Restrictio

by Brian M. Delaney Lisa Walford

At last, here's a book that synthesizes the increasingly popular CR (Calorie Restriction) diet for the layperson. CR is not a diet primarily about weight loss, although readers will lose weight. CR is about eating highly nutritious foods to extend your healthy years. Here's the concept: eat fewer calories and choose foods more carefully. This will reallocate how your metabolism uses its resources to convert food into energy; in other words, what goes in will be used more efficiently. You will feel better and function better-and the big bonus: the CR diet slows aging. CR lengthens the periods of youth and middle age and substantially reduces the risk of virtually all the diseases of aging. Brian Delaney and Lisa Walford, two longtime CR practitioners, will take you on a handheld stroll through the process, including an introduction to CR, how to do it, some of the key issues in the current dialogue, and the skinny on superfoods.

The Longevity Diet: Discover The New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation And Regeneration To Slow Aging, Fight Disease, And Optimize Weight

by Valter Longo

The internationally renowned, clinically tested, revolutionary diet program to lose weight, fight disease, and live a longer, healthier life. Can what you eat determine how long, and how well, you live? The clinically proven answer is yes, and The Longevity Diet is easier to follow than you'd think. The culmination of 25 years of research on aging, nutrition, and disease across the globe, this unique program lays out a simple solution to living to a healthy old age through nutrition. The key is combining the healthy everyday eating plan the book outlines, with the scientifically engineered fasting-mimicking diet, or FMD; the FMD, done just 3-4 times a year, does away with the misery and starvation most of us experience while fasting, allowing you to reap all the beneficial health effects of a restrictive diet, while avoiding negative stressors, like low energy and sleeplessness. Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at USC and the Program on Longevity and Cancer at IFOM in Milan, designed the FMD after making a series of remarkable discoveries in mice, then in humans, indicating that specific diets can activate stem cells and promote regeneration and rejuvenation in multiple organs to significantly reduce risk for diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Longo’s simple pescatarian daily eating plan and the periodic fasting-mimicking techniques can both yield impressive results. Low in proteins and sugars and rich in healthy fats and plant-based foods, The Longevity Diet is proven to help you: • Lose weight and reduce abdominal fat • Extend your healthy lifespan with simple everyday changes • Prevent age-related muscle and bone loss • Build your resistance to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and cancer Longo’s healthy, life span-extending program is based on an easy-to-adopt pescatarian plan along with the fasting-mimicking diet no more than 4 times a year, just 5 days at a time. Including 30 easy recipes for an everyday diet based on Longo's five pillars of longevity, The Longevity Diet is the key to living a longer, healthier, more fulfilled life.

The Longevity Code: Secrets to Living Well for Longer from the Front Lines of Science

by Kris Verburgh

A leading proponent of a bold new approach to slowing aging details the fast-developing science of longevity—and the steps we can take—at any age—to live well for longer We all know that we age—but do you know exactly how, and why? And do you wonder what you can do—whatever your age—to slow the process so you can live well, for longer? This book comprehensively answers these questions. Medical doctor and polymath scientist Kris Verburgh illuminates the biological mechanisms that make our bodies susceptible to heart attacks, strokes, dementia, diabetes, and other aging-related diseases. We learn about the crucial role of poorly functioning mitochondria, shortened telomeres, proteins and carbohydrates, and more. Having explained the aging process at work, Dr. Verburgh then provides the tools we need to slow it down: his scientifically backed Longevity Staircase. This simple yet innovative step-by-step method offers better health and a longer life span through nutrition—currently our best defense in the fight against aging and disease. And with each passing day, advances in biotechnology—once the stuff of science fiction—are emerging as part of the “longevity code.” Dr. Verburgh discusses how new types of vaccines, mitochondrial DNA, CRISPR proteins, and stem cells may help us slow and even reverse aging—now and in the future.

Longevita' Decodificata: La Dieta Plant-Based che Ti puo' Salvare La Vita

by Bram Alton

Siamo una societa' molto, molto malata. Se aveste qualche dubbio su quanto malati siamo, pensate a quanti medicinali sono disponibili senza prescrizione medica. Quante medicine prendono i vostri amici e la vostra famiglia? Quel numero dovrebbe essere un campanello d’allarme circa il precario stato di salute della societa' moderna. Se nutriste ancora dei dubbi, quante persone conoscete che sono affette da cancro, problemi di cuore, diabete di tipo 2, depressione, ansia, infertilita’, o altre malattie croniche? Una o due generazioni fa, questi problemi erano praticamente inesistenti. Ora, rientrano piu’ nella norma che nell’eccezione. I medicinali sono in grado di mascherare i sintomi delle malattie a cui facciamo fronte. Oltretutto, i medicinali hanno molti effetti collaterali che possono provocare ulteriori problemi di salute, il che porta al bisogno di assumerne altri. La causa di queste patologie e’ qualcosa che la medicina non puo’ sanare: la dieta scorretta. Sul punto, si da credito ad Aristotele per aver sostenuto che il cibo dovrebbe essere la vostra medicina.

Longevidade Decodificada - A Dieta Baseada em Vegetais que Pode Salvar sua Vida

by Bram Alton Ariane Zabaleta

Já se perguntou por que não importa o que você coma seu corpo ainda é incapaz de lutar contra doenças de forma eficaz? Independentemente de você fornecer ou não ao seu corpo a nutrição necessária, parece ainda que você fica fraco e cansado facilmente? A razão é bem simples, a dieta ocidental moderna é simplesmente muito rica em calorias e muito pobre em vitaminas e minerais essenciais. Sem rodeios, a resposta para uma saúde impecável é adotar uma Dieta Baseada em Vegetais. Alguns dos benefícios da adoção de uma dieta baseada em vegetais: Redução de açúcar Perda de peso rápida Aumento dos nutrientes em seu corpo Níveis elevados de energia Imunidade aprimorada Qualidade de vida Neste livro você vai aprender: Por que a obesidade é tão prevalente na sociedade? Conhecimento sobre a nutrição adequada As conseqüências do exercício inadequado A redução de medicamentos Síndrome do intestino permeável A importância da nutrição adequada Tudo o que você precisa para começar uma dieta baseada em vegetais Passo a passo para os adeptos de todos os níveis Não espere mais! Vá até o início da página, clique no botão Comprar Agora e comece hoje sua jornada para uma vida mais saudável!

La longevidad comienza desde niño: Un revolucionario programa de nutrición para toda la familia

by Valter Longo

Valter Longo presenta La longevidad comienza desde niño, la continuación de su gran éxito, La dieta de la longevidad, en el que encontrarás el primer programa de alimentación para mejorar la salud de la toda la familia ya desde el embarazo. ¿A qué edad empieza la longevidad? Valter Longo responde a esta pregunta con su nuevo libro, La longevidad comienza desde niño, en el que presenta un plan de nutrición y salud para una vida larga y saludable, que comienza desde el embarazo y con el que todos los miembros de la familia viviremos sanos hasta los 110 años. Con la colaboración de expertos en pediatría y nutrición, el libro ofrece un análisis sobre la alimentación infantil y juvenil para prevenir (o revertir) el sobrepeso y la progresión de enfermedades causadas por los malos hábitos alimenticios. Además, responde a las dudas más comunes de las madres y padres actuales: la alimentación durante el embarazo, las dietas vegetarianas en la adolescencia, las cantidades y los alimentos adecuados para un bebé en la fase de destete y mucho más.

Long Life in Florida

by Prof. Hilton Hotema

HARD TO BELIEVE THAT MAN1. EATS TO DIE.2. DRINKS TO DIE3. BREATHES TO DIE.Is The Vegetarian Diet Harmful As Well As The Flesh Diet???For more than half a century, the author of the course titled LONG LIFE IN FLORIDA, Hilton Hotema, read books on food and feeding, and closely followed the arguments and explanations. He found those who favored VEGETARIANISM omitted all the bad features, and the same course was pursued by those who favored CARNIVORISM.Books favoring VEGETARIANISM say nothing of the damaging qualities of vegetables and cereals. Those favoring CARNIVORISM carefully omit the damaging properties of flesh.These authors lead their readers astray with HALF TRUTHS. A half-truth is more dangerous than a lie, as it is more misleading.“WE EAT TO LIVE, AND WE EAT TO DIE”This statement was issued, by a group of eminent doctors of the 19th century.If we eat to live, how can we eat to die? If we eat to die how can we eat to live? These puzzling questions are considered and answered in this book, first published in 1962.YOU will be given a proper understanding of the word HEALTH and shown HOW we were intended to live in GOOD HEALTH and full of VIM, VIGOR and VITALITY and not like most of the people of today...sick, nervous, irritable, etc.After reading over the manuscript of this course, one of our leading NATUROPATHS wrote: “It is the best I have ever found in the field of health and long life. It is a work whose equal has never been produced.”LEARN the simple laws of COSMIC EXISTENCE, known to the birds and beasts and explained so clearly in these lessons they may be understood by a child, yet as certain in action as the laws of electricity.

Long Island Seafood Cookbook

by Jean Joyce J. George Frederick

Noted gourmet and seafood authority presents more than 400 recipes covering chowders (mussel chowder, oyster chowder, etc.), clams (stuffed clams, soft shell clams Newburg, etc.), flounder (cebiche, cider flounder, etc.), crab (crab curry, crab soup, baked crab, etc.). ... and many more, including bouillabaisse, fish pies, and numerous tasty sauces.

The Long Distance Runner's Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment: How to Avoid Common Problems and Deal with Them When They Happen

by Brian Krabak Grant Lipman Brandee Waite

For any runner who loves hitting the pavement and conquering half-, full-, and ultra-marathons, getting injured is a terrifying, and often heartbreaking, setback. Yet, almost three-quarters of long distance runners will suffer from a serious injury several times in their athletic career.Although it may be impossible to completely avoid injury, The Long Distance Runner’s Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment is a vital source to help those who love to run understand some of the most common causes of injuries, and learn how to best avoid and treat athletic ailments. In this book, expert editors and long-time runners Brian Krabak and Grant Lipman combine valuable insights, tips, and tactics from over a dozen medical professionals who specialize in treating endurance athletes.With chapters on important and diverse topics such as proper nutrition, muscular ailments, skeletal injuries, medical illnesses caused by racing and proper recovery, The Long Distance Runner’s Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment is a must-have on the shelf of every harrier.

Long Ago in France: The Years In Dijon

by M. F. K. Fisher

From one of the most gifted writers of our time, a nostalgic account of France, replete with fascinating characters and memorable meals. In this very personal reminiscence, readers glimpse beautiful Dijon against the backdrop of between-the-wars Europe through the eyes, heart and stomach of a most wise and articulate woman.

Londoners' Larder: English Cuisine from Chaucer to the Present

by Annette Hope

In a vivid panorama, Londoner's Larder presents the food of a great city. Annette Hope has used biography, literature and social history to explore the city of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Pepys, Johnson, Dickens, Wilde and Virginia Woolf, and to show in lively detail what these writers and their contemporaries might have eaten, where the food came from and how it was cooked. She looks at problems of supply, distribution, nutrition, cooking, and health and hygiene as the city expanded and changed character, and chronicles the effects of social, economic, and ethnic shifts since the end of the Second World War. At the end of each chapter are recipes from the period, written in modern, usable form.From the takeaway pasties baked by the Cook in The Canterbury Pilgrims to dinner at the Café Royal, from John Evelyn's recipes for salads to Mrs Beeton, from the introduction of coffee to the appearance of ration books, this book charts the gastronomic life of London in scholarly and entertaining detail. A discussion of the city as it is at the beginning of the twenty-first century rounds off the picture - a time when Middle Eastern and Oriental food is commonplace, and much of the cuisine available in European restaurants is inspired by that on offer in popular holiday resorts and purely 'British' food is difficult to find. If London beguiles you, literature seduces you, and recipes fascinate you, this pioneering book will intrigue and delight you.

The London Ritz Book of Christmas: The Art & Traditions of Christmas

by Jennie Reekie

Christmas at The Ritz London, with the choir singing carols in the opulent Palm Court and the Long Gallery lined with Christmas trees, is a glorious celebration of this age-old festival. This charming Edwardian-style book captures the essence of a traditional Christmas, showing how you can recreate this elegance in your own home. The innate sense of tradition, style and sophistication of The Ritz is embodied in the delightfully illustrated collection of sumptuous recipes with literary and historical descriptions of Christmas past and Christmas present.The Ritz London Book of Christmas captures all the great traditions of The Ritz London to make your Christmas an exceptional and elegant event. Over fifty delicious recipes are included for all aspects of the Christmas festivities from traditional mince pies and roast turkey with chestnut and sausagemeat stuffing to Dr Johnson's punch.

A London Pub for Every Occasion: 161 tried-and-tested pubs in a pocket-sized guide that's perfect for Londoners and travellers alike

by Herb Lester Associates Limited

London is packed with pubs, but finding a really good one is not always easy.Whether you want to relax in a garden or shelter from rain, marvel at architecture or enjoy a live act, find a convenient meeting point or a place to hide, bring your dog to the pub or stroke the resident cat, it is Herb Lester’srole to anticipate your desires and act as your guide.With 161 tried-and-tested pubs, plus a handy fold-out map of London.

The London Cookbook: Recipes from the Restaurants, Cafes, and Hole-in-the-Wall Gems of a Modern City

by Aleksandra Crapanzano

From an award-winning food writer comes this intimate portrait of London--the global epicenter of cuisine--with 100 recipes from the city's best restaurants, dessert boutiques, tea and coffee houses, cocktail lounges, and hole-in-the-wall gems--all lovingly adapted for the home kitchen.Once known for its watery potatoes, stringy mutton, and grayed vegetables, London is now considered to be the most vibrant city on the global food map. The London Cookbook reflects the contemporary energy and culinary rebirth of this lively, hip, sophisticated, and very international city. It is a love letter to the city and an insider's guide to its most delicious haunts, as well as a highly curated and tested collection of the city's best recipes. This timeless book explores London's incredibly diverse cuisine through an eclectic mix of dishes, from The Cinnamon Club's Seared Aubergine Steaks with Sesame and Tamarind to the River Cafe's Tagliatelle with Lemon, and from Tramshed's Indian Rock Chicken Curry to Nopi's Sage and Cardamom Gin. Striking the perfect balance between armchair travel and approachable home cooking, The London Cookbook is both a resource and keepsake, a book as much for the well-travelled cook as for the dreaming novice.From the Hardcover edition.

London: Immigrant City

by Nazneen Khan-Østrem

TRANSLATED BY ALISON McCULLOUGH'One of the best books on the many diverse migrations to London . . . revealing the extent to which the diversity of immigrant origins has had transformative effects - through food, music, diverse types of knowledge and so much more. The book is difficult to put it down'Saskia Sassen, The Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, New York'The ultimate book about Great Britain's capital'Dagbladet'One of the best books of the year! . . . This is a book about what a city is and can be'AftenpostenIs there a street in London which does not contain a story from the Empire? Immigrants made London; and they keep remaking it in a thousand different ways. Nazneen Khan-Østrem has drawn a wonderful new map of a city that everyone thought they already knew. She travels around the city, meeting the very people who have created a truly unique metropolis, and shows how London's incredible development is directly attributable to the many different groups of immigrants who arrived after the Second World War, in part due to the Nationality Act of 1948. Her book reveals the historical, cultural and political changes within those communities which have fundamentally transformed the city, and which have rarely been considered alongside each other.Nazneen Khan-Østrem has a cosmopolitan background herself, being a British, Muslim, Asian woman, born in Nairobi and raised in the UK and Norway, which has helped her in unravelling the city's rich immigrant history and its constant ongoing evolution.Drawing on London's rich literature and its musical heritage, she has created an intricate portrait of a strikingly multi-faceted metropolis. Based on extensive research, particularly into aspects not generally covered in the wide array of existing books on the city, London manages to capture the city's enticing complexity and its ruthless vitality.This celebration of London's diverse immigrant communities is timely in the light of the societal fault lines exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit. It is a sensitive and insightful book that has a great deal to say to Londoners as well as to Britain as a whole.

London: Immigrant City

by Nazneen Khan-Østrem

TRANSLATED BY ALISON McCULLOUGH'One of the best books on the many diverse migrations to London . . . revealing the extent to which the diversity of immigrant origins has had transformative effects - through food, music, diverse types of knowledge and so much more. The book is difficult to put it down'Saskia Sassen, The Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, New York'The ultimate book about Great Britain's capital'Dagbladet'One of the best books of the year! . . . This is a book about what a city is and can be'AftenpostenIs there a street in London which does not contain a story from the Empire? Immigrants made London; and they keep remaking it in a thousand different ways. Nazneen Khan-Østrem has drawn a wonderful new map of a city that everyone thought they already knew. She travels around the city, meeting the very people who have created a truly unique metropolis, and shows how London's incredible development is directly attributable to the many different groups of immigrants who arrived after the Second World War, in part due to the Nationality Act of 1948. Her book reveals the historical, cultural and political changes within those communities which have fundamentally transformed the city, and which have rarely been considered alongside each other.Nazneen Khan-Østrem has a cosmopolitan background herself, being a British, Muslim, Asian woman, born in Nairobi and raised in the UK and Norway, which has helped her in unravelling the city's rich immigrant history and its constant ongoing evolution.Drawing on London's rich literature and its musical heritage, she has created an intricate portrait of a strikingly multi-faceted metropolis. Based on extensive research, particularly into aspects not generally covered in the wide array of existing books on the city, London manages to capture the city's enticing complexity and its ruthless vitality.This celebration of London's diverse immigrant communities is timely in the light of the societal fault lines exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit. It is a sensitive and insightful book that has a great deal to say to Londoners as well as to Britain as a whole.

Lolly Book

by Dominic Gesua

The Lolly Book is full of healthy recipes and foodie flavours with no artificial sweeteners, added flavourings, concentrates or purees - just real fruity goodness. Karis and Dominic, founders of successful healthy ice lolly start-up LICKALIX, offer frozen treats for everyday, special occasions, cocktail hour and more. Each recipe is accompanied by tips and fun fruit facts, plus a full nutritional breakdown. Get the inside scoop on fruit and veg, the low down on sugar and tips on essential equipment. There are lollies for every occasion, from classic Double Strawberry and creamy Mango Lassie to a no-holds barred Ice Lolly Dipping Bonanza and the ultimate healthy kick, Green Goddess, plus boozy poptails,including Peach Bellini and Zesty Margarita. Who knew ice could taste this good?

Lolly Book: 50 Fruity, Frosty Natural Flavours For All Ages

by Dominic Gesua

The Lolly Book is full of healthy recipes and foodie flavours with no artificial sweeteners, added flavourings, concentrates or purees - just real fruity goodness. Karis and Dominic, founders of successful healthy ice lolly start-up LICKALIX, offer frozen treats for everyday, special occasions, cocktail hour and more. Each recipe is accompanied by tips and fun fruit facts, plus a full nutritional breakdown. Get the inside scoop on fruit and veg, the low down on sugar and tips on essential equipment. There are lollies for every occasion, from classic Double Strawberry and creamy Mango Lassie to a no-holds barred Ice Lolly Dipping Bonanza and the ultimate healthy kick, Green Goddess, plus boozy poptails,including Peach Bellini and Zesty Margarita. Who knew ice could taste this good?

Lollipop Love: Sweet Indulgence with Chocolate, Caramel, and Sugar

by Anita Chu Achilleos

Brightly colored lollipops are the perfect sweet for children and adults alike--and now these whimsical treats can be made with ease in the home kitchen. Showcasing recipes for every kind of lolly imaginable, the techniques for layering, coloring, and swirling will result in indulgences as beautiful as they are delicious. This inspired little book delivers flavor ideas that go from basic sugar to Almond Butter Crunch to Chocolate-Dipped Peppermint Cream and so much more! For anyone with a penchant for enjoying sugar on a stick, Lollipop Love is the newest authority for making yummy, shareable candies.

Lola's Ice Creams and Sundaes: Iced Delights for All Seasons

by Morfudd Richards

Morfudd Richards ran a very popular London restaurant called Lola's. When she closed it in 2004 she bought an ice-cream van and started a business - Lola's on Ice - selling her homemade ice creams. From here springs this mouthwatering book, based on four years' experience of mastering the art of making ice cream and the discovery of a passion. Morfudd shares over 100 sumptuous recipes for ice creams, sorbets, granitas and sundaes - for use with an ice-cream maker or by hand. She reveals why beetroot is the perfect partner for blackcurrant in a sorbet; how to make the creamiest vanilla ice cream and why your tastebuds won't fail to be tantalised by burnt orange caramel or rhubarb crumble ice cream or pea and wasabi sorbet. She also teaches you how to marry flavours to create irresistible sundaes, how to make ices throughout the year using seasonal ingredients and provides a handy Q&A section to help solve your ice-cream dilemmas.With eye-catching design and stunning colour photography throughout, this book is THE definitive guide to all things iced and will have you licking your bowl clean to savour every last drop of your delectable desserts.

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