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Guida Completa Per i Neogenitori: Tutto Quello che Devi Sapere su Come Prenderti Cura del Tuo Bambino

by Patricia Nunez

Guida Completa per i Neogenitori: Come Prendersi Cura del Proprio Figlio Tutto quello che devi sapere su come prenderti cura del tuo bambino. Impara le strategie più efficaci per prenderti cura del tuo bambino. Questi metodi sono usati e sostenuti da alcuni dei più rinomati sostenitori dell'assistenza all'infanzia di tutti i tempi. Sei una neomamma o un neopapà? Aspetti un bambino? Non sei sicuro di come prenderti cura di un neonato? Se è così, allora questo è il libro che fa per te. Imparare le strategie più efficaci per prenderti cura del tuo bambino. Questi metodi sono usati e sostenuti da alcuni dei più rinomati sostenitori dell'assistenza all'infanzia di tutti i tempi. Strategie provate per aiutare il tuo bambino a crescere al meglio! Troverai consigli su: - La cura del bambino - Istruzione - Come gestire un neonato - Rilassarlo e creare un legame - Pannolini - Fasciatoio - Bagno - Alimentazione - Sonno + TANTO ALTRO!

Dietas que Sanan: Dietas que Curan Cómo Curar Enfermedades y Dolencias para Estar más Sano

by Doug Fredrick

Dietas que curan por Doug Fredrick Cómo curar enfermedades y dolencias para estar más sano, bajar de peso y reducir el dolor Cómo curar enfermedades y dolencias para estar más sano, bajar de peso y reducir el dolor Dietas Que Curan ¿Sufre de dolor crónico, enfermedad o una enfermedad debilitante? Si es así, entonces este libro podría ayudarle a sentirte mejor que nunca. Introduciendo técnicas secretas que los profesionales de la salud han estado utilizando durante décadas. ¡Este libro electrónico le mostrará la manera más rápida y efectiva de usar la curación natural para beneficiar su bienestar! Usted aprenderá a aumentar su bienestar en tan sólo unas semanas. No sólo eso, sino que mejorará literalmente todos y cada uno de los aspectos de su vida. - Combatir enfermedades crónicas - Bajar de peso - Superar las dolencias - Curarse a si mismo - Sentirse mejor que nunca - Cómo obtener una nutrición adecuada para ayudar a su curación + ¡MUCHO MÁS! ¡Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la página para acceder instantáneamente! Descargo de responsabilidad: Este autor y/o propietario(s) de derechos no hace reclamos, promesas o garantías con respecto a la exactitud, integridad o adecuación del contenido de este libro, y expresamente niega responsabilidad por errores y omisiones en el contenido de este libro. Este producto es sólo para uso de referencia. Por favor, consulte a un profesional antes de tomar acción sobre cualquiera de los contenidos que se encuentran dentro.

Guía para Estilos de Educación Infantil: Conviértete en la madre perfecta para tus niños

by Amanda Winter

¡Secretos que usan los profesionales para criar a sus niños! Con décadas de estrategias comprobadas, este libro electrónico te mostrará la manera más rápida y efectiva para convertirte en el mejor padre o la mejor madre que puedas ser. Aprenderán cómo convertirse en los padres más exitosos en tan solo pocas semanas. Crearás vínculos y confianza con tus niños como nunca antes utilizando técnicas sencillas que son agradables y gratificantes. Paso a paso y fácil de seguir. Se incluye: -Programa de entrenamiento eficiente. -Pasos fáciles de seguir. -Escuchar a tus hijos. -Refuerzo. -Premiar a tus hijos. -Amarlos y conectarte con ellos. +¡MUCHO MÁS! Si quieres tener la mejor relación posible con tus niños, entonces este libro es para ti. → Ve al comienzo de la página y haz clic en agregar al carrito para comprarlo instantáneamente ←

Bajo En Carbohidratos: Recetas Cetogénicas Bajas En Carbohidratos Para Perder Peso Y Quemar Grasa

by Kelvin Cannon

Hoy en día, existen muchas dietas para perder peso, pero sólo unas pocas le ayudarán a cumplir su objetivo a largo plazo. Descubra la forma de comer que le ayudará a perder peso de una manera fácil, saludable y sostenible. Se trata de comer con menos privaciones y con más elecciones saludables. En este libro, encontrará recetas que guiarán a cada principiante a cómo hacerlo bien. Aquí tiene un adelanto de lo que aprenderá: •Los alimentos que debe evitar •Consejos y trucos para seguir el plan •Lo que supone una dieta con bajo nivel de carbohidratos •Por qué es la mejor opción para usted •¡¡y mucho más!! En las últimas décadas, hubo un cambio en los hábitos alimenticios de las personas; en particular, la aparición de actividades y dietas para perder peso. Las investigaciones han descubierto que una de las metodologías de pérdida de peso más exitosas y sostenibles es la adopción de una dieta baja en carbohidratos. Este tipo de dieta estimula al cuerpo a quemar grasa porque la necesita como una fuente de energía. Si opta por seguir una dieta baja en carbohidratos, necesitará tener una idea de por dónde empezar y ahí es donde entra este libro. Disfrute revisándolo y explorando todas las recetas que ofrece. El resultado esperado sería un cambio completo en su estilo de vida, a medida que comienza a experimentar la salud adicional, la paz mental y la mejora del bienestar.

slow cooker: crockpotrecepten

by Martha Alling

Dit boek is precies het antwoord dat je nodig hebt voor eenvoudige slow cooker recepten. U zult gezonde, snelle en eenvoudige slow cooker-recepten ontdekken! In dit boek vindt u gezonde recepten voor gelegenheden en tijden van de dag. De instelling van de slowcooker geeft u de mogelijkheid om de temperatuur en de tijdsduur die u kookt aan te passen om een zeer persoonlijke smaak te bereiken die zelfs de grootste slowcookerrecepten in dit boek kan wijzigen. Slowcookers zijn een fantastische manier om creatieve, heerlijke en voedzame maaltijden te maken en tegelijkertijd tijd te besparen. Stelt u zich eens voor dat u uw slowcooker kunt opwarmen, uw ingrediënten erin kunt laten vallen en deze kunt vergeten tot het avondeten, wanneer u thuis komt met de geur van een huisgemaakte voedzame maaltijd. En deze hartige gerechten helpen u af te vallen. Dit boek biedt een scala aan recepten die precies dat kunnen doen. Wees vol en tevreden terwijl je je taille afslanken en je op je best voelen. Al het heerlijke voedsel dat je ooit zou willen, in eenvoudige recepten, zelfs je favoriete comfortvoedsel.

Dieta Vegana: Livro de receitas veganas para melhorar a sua saúde (inclui batidos e guisados)

by Magdalena Pennington

Vitalidade Vegana é um guia para uma vida ativa e um livro de receitas para os praticantes e aspirantes a veganos e vegetarianos, que estejam interessados em ter atividade física regular como uma parte das suas vidas. O livro motiva e inspira os leitores a aumentar a qualidade (e duração!) das suas vidas enquanto desfrutam de alimentos integrais, de uma dieta baseada em vegetais, e de exercício físico regular. Com conselhos saudáveis para todos, desde atletas principiantes a amadores, bem como uma coleção bem selecionada de cem receitas apetitosas, especialmente criadas para promover uma vida ativa, este livro destaca-se de outros por eliminar a separação entre dieta e exercício, aproximando-se da saúde de forma holística, e como um estilo de vida a longo prazo. Também inclui entrevistas com atletas veganos e profissionais do fitness, cada um deles fornecendo as suas próprias receitas, dicas secretas, e hábitos para um estilo de vida saudável, baseado em vegetais. O século XXI trouxe-nos muitas coisas: tecnologia impressionante e meios de comunicação, a aldeia global, uma sociedade de informação, a capacidade de voar de pontos opostos do globo para ver família e amigos, partilha de recursos e línguas, e uma melhor compreensão de diferentes culturas. Com efeito, partilham-se muitas culturas entre nações e a fusão daí resultante significa que podemos partilhar com outros as coisas que nos definem, e que estes poderão vir a gostar das coisas que gostamos – mesmo que por razões diferentes. Uma dessas coisas é a comida vegana e as correspondentes receitas. Descarregue hoje a sua cópia carregando no botão no topo da página!

Bajo En Carbohidratos: Increíble Guía De Dieta Baja En Carbohidratos

by Tracy Zehren

No mucha gente es consciente que cuando su cuerpo está quemando energía, en primer lugar comienza a quemar el azúcar (Hidratos de carbono) que ha consumido. Una vez que el azúcar que has consumido ha sido quemado, tu cuerpo comenzará a quemar grasa. Debido a que la dieta implica el consumo de menos carbohidratos, significa que su cuerpo automáticamente comenzará a quemar más grasa, lo que resulta en la pérdida de peso. Debido a la forma en que funciona la dieta baja en carbohidratos, quemará más energía de la que consume, y esto significa que es mucho más probable que pierda peso de lo que lo haría si se somete a muchas otras dietas.

Dieta Vegana: Fantásticas E Deliciosas Receitas Veganas

by John Brown

O livro de receitas veganas é um clássico absoluto em um mundo dominado por uma onda de receitas frescas e fáceis, que transformam o estilo de vida vegano em algo simples e delicioso. Que seja totalmente comprometido com a dieta vegana ou simplesmente tentando adaptar suas refeições para deixá-las mais saudáveis. O livro de receitas veganas é um livro único, utilizado por milhares de pessoas. Descubra as receitas que podem melhorar a sua saúde e o seu bem estar, enquanto agrada o seu paladar. Hoje, devido a sua popularidade, cresce o número de pessoas que utilizam o plano de dieta vegano. É também por causa das inúmeras vantagens que ele possui. Enquanto isso acontece, várias perguntas estão sendo levantadas. Perguntas como, de onde você retira a sua proteína? Como você constrói os seus músculos? É mesmo possível? Podemos realmente aderir a esse tipo de dieta? Bem, finalmente as respostas para estas perguntas estão aqui ... Os bolinhos veganos embalam um sabor único e aspecto vibrante e por isso este livro lhe dá a oportunidade de prepará-los para reconhecer o seu devido valor. O livro de receitas de sobremesa vegana está sendo considerado à perfeita inclusão de receitas à base de cacau, coco, abóbora, canela, limão, chá verde, morango, cereja, champanhe e muito mais. Se você está pronto para começar a mudar sua vida para melhor, este livro definitivamente irá guiá-lo na direção certa!

Yoga fuer Beginner

by Dean Sanders

Warum Yoga praktizieren? Wir leben in einer Weise, in der unser Geist und unser Nervensystem ständig stimuliert werden. Das Praktizieren von Yoga bietet uns den Raum, unseren Geist zu verlangsamen und unser Gleichgewicht wieder herzustellen. Yoga Alliance und Yoga Journal führten 2016 eine Studie mit dem Namen Yoga in Amerika durch. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass sich ungefähr 36,7 Millionen Menschen mit Yoga befasst haben. Dies entspricht einer Steigerung von etwa 50% gegenüber 2012. Es ist ungewiss, was das boomende Wachstum und die zunehmende Beliebtheit von Yoga verursacht, wir vermuten wegen der Vorteile, die Yoga zu bieten hat. Yoga hilft Ihrem Körper Der bekannteste Vorteil ist physisch. Die Körperhaltung kann sich verbessern: Flexibilität Mobilität Kraft Gleichgewicht Sportler praktizieren aus diesen Gründen Yoga regelmäßig als effektiven Teil Ihres Trainingsplans. Beim Praktizieren von Yoga durchläuft Ihr Körper eine Vielzahl von Bewegungen und Bewegungsabläufen, die Schmerzen und Beschwerden entgegenwirken können, die mit schlechten Haltungsgewohnheiten oder Verspannungen verbunden sind. Yoga hilft Ihnen nicht nur, es macht Sie auf Ihren Körper aufmerksam und lässt Sie Ihre Unausgewogenheiten beheben. Yoga hilft bei Entspannung und Stress Ein weiterer großer Vorteil ist, dass es uns bei Stress hilft. Wenn sich Stress ansammelt, kann es dazu führen, dass Ihr Nervensystem ständig überlastet wird, es fällt schwer sich zu konzentrieren, sich zu entspannen und zu schlafen. Das Atmen, das Sie beim Yoga praktizieren, kann helfen, die Herzfrequenz zu senken und unser Nervensystem in einen entspannteren Zustand zu versetzen. Es verbessert Konzentration und Schlaf. Für Menschen mit mehr spirituellem Hintergrund sind die Auswirkungen von Yoga jenseits der Matte und des physischen Körpers. Es trägt dazu bei, eine tiefere Verbindung zu Ihrer Bedeutung und Ihrem Bewusstsein für das Leben in der Gegen

Baja En Carbohidratos: Recetas Sencillas y Bajas en Carbohidratos para Perder Peso

by Jessie Cobb

Una dieta baja en carbohidratos es aquella en la cual, como dice en el nombre, enl consumo de carbohidratos es limitado. La ingesta de alimentos en esta dieta debe aportar un alto contenido en grasas y proteína. Además de ser benéfico para quienes buscan perder peso, esta dieta tiene muchos otros beneficios para la saludo, como reducir los factores de riesgo de la diabetes y la hipertensión. En general, la dieta baja en carbohidratos se enfoca en una alta ingesta de fuentes de proteína, como lo es el pescado, carne, huevos, pollo y vegetales que sean bajos en almidón. Alimentos ccomo pan, pasta, legumbres, dulces, vegetales conalto contenido en almidón y granos con algunas semillas y nueces deben de evitarse si usted quiere adoptar esta dieta. A partir de ahora, usted y su familia pueden comenzar a cuidar de su salud preparando platillos y postres orgánicos, hechos en casa y con muy bajo contenido en carbohidratos. Descargue su copia hoy mismo

Receitas rápidas, simples e deliciosas de sucos para emagrecimento

by Karen Ziesmer

Uma dieta nutritiva e saudável é essencial para qualquer um, principalmente para aqueles que lutam contra doenças crônicas relacionadas ao metabolismo, como a diabetes. Mesmo alguns alimentos considerados saudáveis podem ser contra indicados para diabéticos. Você quer viver sem temer uma morte por doença? Você quer voltar a caber naquele jeans? Quer voltar a ter saúde para exercitar-se? Terá tudo isso depois de ler este livro, pois, seguindo as receitas dele poderá inspirar-se e criar seus próprios. Perca peso, crie músculos, fique sarado. Quer mudar, mas, não sabe por onde começar? Um bom começo para quem não sabe o que fazer é mudar sua alimentação, você pode começar pelas receitas aqui presentes.

Dieta Cetogénica: (65b) Recetas de almuerzo de dieta cetogénica para una rápida pérdida de peso

by Adam Cove

Las recetas que leerá en este libro de cocina son versátiles, desde sus platos cotidianos hasta las innovaciones modernas. No pierda ni un minuto más y obtenga el suyo hoy para comenzar su viaje hacia un estilo de vida más saludable con la ayuda de todas las deliciosas recetas que está a punto de aprender. Esto es muy efectivo. De hecho, ahora hay estudios médicos que demuestran que la dieta cetogénica es un tratamiento eficaz para el cáncer, la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la pérdida de peso súper rápida y muchas otras afecciones de salud. Este libro lo guiará en cada paso y lo ayudará a evitar los errores más comunes que cometen las personas al hacer postres debido a la falta de conocimiento.

Jeûne Intermittent: Recettes Simples Et Savoureuses Pour Perdre Du Poids Rapidement

by Sarah Johnson

Dans ce livre, je vais vous expliquer ce qu'est le jeûne intermittent, quels en sont les avantages et vous donner un bref aperçu des différents types de jeûnes. Vous pourrez ainsi choisir celui qui convient le mieux à votre style de vie. Vous découvrirez qu’en bout de ligne, le jeûne intermittent n’est pas qu’un simple régime, mais un style de vie complet. À la fin de ce guide, vous comprendrez parfaitement comment l’incorporer à votre routine quotidienne. Il a été prouvé scientifiquement que le jeûne intermittent améliore le métabolisme tout en permettant de développer une masse musculaire maigre et de brûler de la graisse très rapidement. Croyez-moi, ce livre est un incontournable de la science du jeûne intermittent car il plonge au cœur d’une méthode qui, et j’en suis persuadée, change la vie à jamais.

Dieta Vegana: Livro De + De 60 Receitas Veganas Para Ficar Saudável

by Beran Strubbe

À medida que envelhece a cada ano, é difícil esconder todos os sinais visíveis de que está envelhecendo. Um dos sinais mais óbvios de que você passou de um adolescente para um adulto. Adulto tem a sua taxa metabólica de desaceleração. Mesmo que a quantidade de comida que você está comendo seja a mesma que quando você era alguns anos mais nova, esse inchaço na sua seção intermediária simplesmente não desaparece. Às vezes, comer menos também não ajuda e nem é mais saudável. Você está planejando mudar para uma dieta vegana? Aqui está o que você precisa saber antes de fazer a alteração. No Plano de Dieta Vegana, tentamos cobrir as informações básicas que você deve estar ciente antes de pular no caminhão de não-carne-ovos-ou-leite e nem mesmo de mel! Cozinhar com seus filhos às vezes pode ser uma experiência tediosa. Especialmente quando tentamos manter uma dieta vegana, mas este livro irá ajudá-lo, fornecendo receitas simples, rápidas e divertidas que você e seus filhos vão gostar de fazer juntos e outra vez.   Você não apenas passará um tempo de qualidade com seu filho pequeno, mas também estará ensinando-o a terem hábitos alimentares saudáveis.

Family Meal: Recipes from Our Community

by Penguin Random House

Restaurants nourish us. While they're closed, we need to nourish them.Beyond the basics of providing food and drink, restaurants fulfill a human need for connection. They're a gathering place for family and friends, for first dates and breakups and birthdays and weddings. They've been there for us in good times and bad. Now it's time for us to give back. To help support America's restaurant industry, Penguin Random House is publishing Family Meal: Recipes from Our Community, a digital-only collection featuring 50 easy recipes from our family of food and drink authors that you can't find anywhere else. Readers will get an exclusive look at what these culinary masters are cooking at home right now--recipes that feed, sustain, and provide connection to the world outside. From Mushroom Bolognese to Shrimp and Chorizo White Bean Stew to Chocolate Chip Olive Oil Cookies to Quarantine Wine Pairings, learn what Ina Garten, Samin Nosrat, Hugh Acheson, Dan Barber, Bobby Flay, Alison Roman, Christina Tosi, Kwame Onwuachi, Ruth Reichl, Claire Saffitz, Danny Trejo, and many others are cooking for comfort. All proceeds from Family Meal will benefit the Restaurant Workers' Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund, which supports on-the-ground efforts in the restaurant community during this challenging time.

The Staub Cookbook: Modern Recipes for Classic Cast Iron

by Staub Amanda Frederickson

A beautiful love letter to the enameled cast-iron cookware of Staub, with 100 achievable, modern recipes from top chefs and bloggers from around the country.For decades, Staub has been an international leader and tastemaker in the world of cookware. Made in France, the company’s cast iron graces the shelves of top chefs as well as home cooks. But Staub isn’t just gourmet kitchenware. It inspires people to cook, to try new recipes, and to share delicious meals with loved ones; Staub brings people together in the kitchen and around the table. In this book, the Staub philosophy of hospitality shines in everyday recipes like Chocolate Babka Morning Buns, perfect for lazy weekend mornings, as well as Yogurty Beet Salad with Za’atar, an ideal summer lunch. Adding to the collection are other crowd pleasers, like Beer-Braised Short Ribs, Chicken Meatballs in Red Coconut Curry Sauce, Broccoli Rabe Pizza with Caramelized Onions and Burrata, and Strawberry Crumble with Oats and Hazelnuts. With gorgeous photography and cooking tips and tricks, The Staub Cookbook shows how to use and care for these modern heirlooms so that they will bring warmth (and crowds) to kitchen tables for years to come.

Bread Baking for Beginners: 50 Easy Recipes for Baking Bread (Stay-at-Home Survival)

by Adams Media

You&’ve got the time—why not make some bread?Who doesn&’t love fresh bread? If you&’re looking for a new hobby, baking bread is satisfying, useful, and surprisingly easy to do. In Bread Baking for Beginners, you&’ll find plenty of options—from Italian Ciabatta to Cinnamon Swirl Sticky Buns. Make rolls for sandwiches, try your hand at tortillas, or indulge in irresistible doughnuts. There&’s something to satisfy whatever it is you&’re craving, especially if that something is something to do.

The Mexican Keto Cookbook: Authentic, Big-Flavor Recipes for Health and Longevity

by Torie Borrelli

Containing more than 100 low-carb, high-fat, anti-inflammatory recipes, The Mexican Keto Cookbook provides insight into the history of Mexican cuisine while also adding a flavorful, international flair to the popular keto diet.In contrast to the typical Mexican American diet--the result of busy schedules, tight budgets, and high-sugar, white flour foods of convenience-- The Mexican Keto Cookbook is packed with authentic, full-flavored, health-conscious recipes designed to burn body fat. It includes the science behind keto, guides you on how to execute the diet effectively, and provides more than 100 amazing recipes. Integrative holistic nutritionist Torie Borrelli tapped into her Mexican heritage to create keto-friendly staples of Mexican cuisine such as Salsa Bandera, Nopales Salad, and Sopa de Albondigas; quick and easy weeknight dinners such as Chicken Tortilla Soup, Goat Cheese Enchiladas, and Spicy Cilantro Chicken Wings; and hearty crowd-pleasers such as Fish Tacos and Turmeric Caper Cauliflower. With this very first low-carb, anti-inflammatory, high-fat Mexican ketogenic cookbook on hand, you can enjoy all the fun and flavor of your favorite Mexican foods while reaping the many health, weight loss, and other benefits keto has to offer.

Naturally Thin: Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting

by Eve Adamson Bethenny Frankel

She stole the show in the runaway hit The Real Housewives of New York City, but Bethenny Frankel's passion has always been enjoying healthful, natural foods and sharing that love: whether she was cooking for Hollywood A-listers, launching her successful company BethennyBakes, providing delicious recipes to Health, or working with leading lifestyle and food companies. Naturally Thin shows how anyone can banish their Heavy Habits, embrace Thin Thoughts, and enjoy satisfying meals, snacks, and drinks without the guilt. Armed with Bethenny's rules, readers will say: I know when I am really hungry When I'm really hungry, I look for high-volume, fiber-rich foods I can have any food I want I love the taste of real food With more than thirty simple, delicious recipes (including her famous SkinnyGirl Margarita), a one-week program to jump-start readers on the Naturally Thin lifestyle, and warm, witty encouragement on every page, Frankel serves up a book for a healthier and thinner life.

Smoking Food: A Beginner's Guide

by Chris Dubbs Dave Heberle

In Smoking Food, Chris Dubbs and Dave Heberle assure us that smoking is an art, not a science, and they fearlessly reveal that art's essentials--and how simple they can be. They explain how to choose the best fuels (you can use corncobs!), how to build smokers from old refrigerators and cardboard boxes, and, of course, how to smoke everything from turkeys to turtles. Their advice is as ingenious and cost-conscious as any given by Alton Brown. Aware of the needs and wants of the modern cook, they include low-sodium preparations, alternatives to preservatives like sodium nitrite, and thoughts on safely handling meat. With more than one hundred recipes and tips for making brines, marinades, cheeses, appetizers, soups, and main dishes, Smoking Food is an invaluable resource for the home smoker.

Top 100 Finger Foods: 100 Recipes for a Healthy, Happy Child

by Annabel Karmel

Following up on her hit bestseller Top 100 Baby Purees, Annabel Karmel presents Top 100 Finger Foods, a scrumptious guide to creating tasty tidbits that young children can really sink their teeth (or gums!) into. By the age of nine months, many babies are ready and eager to start feeding themselves. Although they might not be able to handle a spoon, children of this age can master the art of eating on their own -- as long as the food they're served is right-sized! Finger foods are the perfect solution. This essential collection is packed with tempting, nourishing recipes for babies and older children -- from French Toast Fingers and Mini Chicken Sliders to Tuna Muffin Melts and Salad Lollipops -- helping you safely introduce new tastes and textures to your baby and ensuring that your child is healthy, happy, and content. In Top 100 Finger Foods you will find: Delicious options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert Creative ideas for making hearty meals finger-friendly Important information on choking prevention and soothing suggestions for your teething little one Quick and easy recipes, using basic ingredients, that your child can prepare with you Packed with wholesome fruits and vegetables, and innovative fish, meat, and chicken creations, Top 100 Finger Foods will satisfy the appetites of growing children -- and with dishes so tasty, parents will want to join in the fun, too. Eating with your hands has never been so delicious and nutritious!

Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health

by Nathalie Bergeron Patty W. Siri-Tarino George A. Bray Ronald M. Krauss

Nutrition plays a key role in prevention of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. Diet influences a broad spectrum of cardiometabolic risk factors, notably a cluster including excess adiposity, dyslipidemia, impaired glucose metabolism and high blood pressure. In the face of the rapidly increasing incidence of obesity and diabetes, maintaining cardiometabolic health through adoption of a healthy lifestyle is a top public health priority. <P><P>In this book, Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health, international experts present state-of-the-art scholarly reviews of dietary and lifestyle effects on metabolic systems associated with cardiovascular health and disease. It covers a broad range of topics including biological and behavioral processes regulating food intake; lifestyle and surgical approaches to weight loss; nutritional considerations for optimal cardiometabolic health across the lifespan; the relationship of macronutrients, whole foods and dietary patterns to diabetes and cardiovascular disease; and diet as a modulator of gene expression, epigenetics and the gut microbiome and the relationship of these traits to disorders of metabolism. This book provides its readers with an authoritative view of the present state of knowledge of dietary effects on cardiometabolic health and will be of interest to nutrition and healthcare professionals alike.

Primary Care Nutrition: Writing the Nutrition Prescription

by David Heber Zhaoping Li

This book contains the necessary knowledge and tools to incorporate nutrition into primary care practice. As a practical matter, this effort is led by a dedicated primary care physician with the help of motivated registered dietitians, nurses, psychologists, physical therapists, and office staff whether within a known practice or by referral to the community. It is essential that the nutrition prescription provided by the physician be as efficient as possible. While many team members have superior knowledge in the areas of nutrition, exercise, and psychology, the health practitioner remains the focus of patient confidence in a therapy plan. Therefore, the endorsement of the plan rather than the implementation of the plan is the most important task of the physician. <P><P> This book proposes a significant change in attitude of primary health care providers in terms of the power of nutrition in prevention and treatment of common disease. It features detailed and referenced information on the role of nutrition in the most common conditions encountered in primary care practice. In the past, treatment focused primarily on drugs and surgery for the treatment of disease with nutrition as an afterthought. Advanced technologies and drugs are effective for the treatment of acute disease, but many of the most common diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are not preventable with drugs and surgery. While there is mention of prevention of heart disease, this largely relates to the use of statins with some modest discussion of a healthy diet. Similarly, prevention of type 2 diabetes is the early introduction of metformin or intensive insulin therapy.

The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes And Wisdom From An Obsessive Home Cook

by Deb Perelman

Deb Perelman loves to cook. She isn't a chef or a restaurant owner--she's never even waitressed. Cooking in her tiny Manhattan kitchen was, at least at first, for special occasions--and, too often, an unnecessarily daunting venture. Deb found herself overwhelmed by the number of recipes available to her. Have you ever searched for the perfect birthday cake on Google? You'll get more than three million results. Where do you start? What if you pick a recipe that's downright bad? So Deb founded her award-winning blog, Smitten Kitchen, on the premise that cooking should be a pleasure, and that the results of your labor can--and should--be delicious . . . every time. Deb is a firm believer that there are no bad cooks, just bad recipes. She has dedicated herself to creating and finding the best of the best and adapting the recipes for the everyday cook. And now, with the same warmth, candor, and can-do spirit her blog is known for, Deb presents her first cookbook: more than 100 recipes--almost entirely new, plus a few favorites from the site--all gorgeously illustrated with hundreds of her beautiful color photographs. The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook is all about approachable, uncompromised home cooking. Here you'll find better uses for your favorite vegetables: asparagus blanketing a pizza; ratatouille dressing up a sandwich; cauliflower masquerading as pesto. These are recipes you'll bookmark and use so often they become your own, recipes you'll slip to a friend who wants to impress her new in-laws, and recipes with simple ingredients that yield amazing results in a minimum amount of time. Deb tells you her favorite summer cocktail; how to lose your fear of cooking for a crowd; and the essential items you need for your own kitchen. From salads and slaws that make perfect side dishes (or a full meal) to savory tarts and galettes; from Mushroom Bourguignon to Chocolate Hazelnut Crepe Cake, Deb knows just the thing for a Tuesday night, or your most special occasion.

Bottom of the Pot: Persian Recipes and Stories

by Naz Deravian

Like Madhur Jaffrey and Marcella Hazan before her, Naz Deravian will introduce the pleasures and secrets of her mother culture's cooking to a broad audience that has no idea what it's been missing. America will not only fall in love with Persian cooking, it'll fall in love with Naz.” - Samin Nosrat, author of Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: The Four Elements of Good CookingNaz Deravian lays out the multi-hued canvas of a Persian meal, with 100+ recipes adapted to an American home kitchen and interspersed with Naz's celebrated essays exploring the idea of home.At eight years old, Naz Deravian left Iran with her family during the height of the 1979 Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis. Over the following ten years, they emigrated from Iran to Rome to Vancouver, carrying with them books of Persian poetry, tiny jars of saffron threads, and always, the knowledge that home can be found in a simple, perfect pot of rice. As they traverse the world in search of a place to land, Naz's family finds comfort and familiarity in pots of hearty aash, steaming pomegranate and walnut chicken, and of course, tahdig: the crispy, golden jewels of rice that form a crust at the bottom of the pot. The best part, saved for last. In Bottom of the Pot, Naz, now an award-winning writer and passionate home cook based in LA, opens up to us a world of fragrant rose petals and tart dried limes, music and poetry, and the bittersweet twin pulls of assimilation and nostalgia. In over 100 recipes, Naz introduces us to Persian food made from a global perspective, at home in an American kitchen.

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