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Filling the Happiness Gap

by Will Foster

Does pursuing happiness sometimes feel like chasing a butterfly? What if you gave up seeking perfection and simply tried to fill each day with more of the good stuff?Over the last decade, life coach Will Foster has researched the work of hundreds of happiness experts and conducted thousands of hours of life coaching, NLP and personal training sessions with CEOs, mums, athletes and everyone in between. What he discovered is that focusing on the cool stuff in our life, accepting what we can’t (and can) control and becoming more mindful of ‘the present’ leaves us all feeling a whole lot happier.In this book Will reveals his 21-day Gratitude, Acceptance and Presence (GAP) programme for creating more happiness each day. You’ll learn how to: •Use gratitude practices to help you slow down and view your life from a new and more empowered perspective •Accept ‘what is’ in order to release stress, deal with problems and inspire change •Become mindful of the present moment to help take control of your thoughts •Stop holding back and start creating the life of your dreamsOnce you’ve completed the programme, Will shares how to make Gratitude, Acceptance and Presence lifelong practices, empowering you to dare greatly, love deeply, live freely and, above all, feel happier!

Hungry for More: Satisfy Your Deepest Cravings, Feed Your Dreams and Live a Full-Up Life

by Mel Wells

Do you ever feel like something's missing in your life – you just can't put your finger on what? Do you ever experience cravings so strong you feel like something's possessing you?In Hungry for More, Mel Wells helps you dive deeper into your food and body psychology, to help you understand how your unwanted eating patterns and cravings might not be due to a lack of will power but a lack of fulfilment. What’s more, if you pay attention to them, they might actually point you in the direction of your soul’s true calling.Our relationship with food is a mirror of our relationship with life, which means our deepest cravings point to something much greater than caramel lattes. When we set ourselves free from the limiting beliefs we have around food and our bodies, we begin to discover just how powerful we really are.This book is a call to anyone who wants to look more deeply at those hidden messages around food and cravings, and in doing so, unlock a gateway to limitless spiritual and personal growth.

Purpose: Find Your Truth and Embrace Your Calling

by Jessica Huie

Jessica Huie went from being a teenage mother, expelled from school and staying in a hostel to having a glittering career in public relations, founding two award-winning businesses and earning an MBE from the Queen. Throughout the course of a career that has spanned more than 20 years, she has worked with some of the world’s biggest stars and business people, including Simon Cowell, Samuel L. Jackson, Mariah Carey and Meghan Markle.But there’s more to her story than that.In Purpose, Jessica shares the lessons she learned as she went from being an individual who felt purposeless and unhappy, to someone who recognizes her complete power to design and create a successful, meaningful and limitless life built from an authentic foundation. Using the tools Jessica shares, you too will feel empowered to get unstuck, begin making real change in your own life and the lives of others, and live according to your own true PURPOSE.

Cosmic Messengers: The Universal Secrets to Unlocking Your Purpose and Becoming Your Own Life Guide

by Elizabeth Peru

Are you someone who longs to know more about your life path and your reason for being on Earth? What if you were to become aware of your soul’s origins – where your home is, who you are and why you’re here?Spiritual teacher and cosmic guide Elizabeth Peru has written this book for enquiring souls: those who hunger for answers about their true nature and their role in this world as cosmic citizens.You will discover:• thirteen universal secrets that will help you reconnect with your soul, understand your callings and manifest your desires• how planetary retrogrades and lunar and solar eclipses can affect your energy• cosmic reasons for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues• common physical symptoms of energy shifts and acceleration of your life purposeCosmic Messengers is for those who feel their life has a bigger plan. It is a roadmap home that will help you understand your place in the universe and propel you to start living a life in alignment with your soul’s deepest yearnings.

Judgement Detox: Release the Beliefs That Hold You Back from Living a Better Life

by Gabrielle Bernstein

Judgement - both being judged and judging others - is at the core of much of our discomfort many of our life blocks. Judgement is a reliable crutch when we feel hurt, insecure or vulnerable, but when we judge, our energy weakens and our thoughts darken. In the Judgement Detox, New York Times bestselling author Gabrielle Bernstein offers an interactive six-step process for dealing with and removing judgement from our lives. Calling on spiritual principles from the text A Course in Miracles, Kundalini yoga, meditation, EFT and metaphysical teachings the six steps include: witnessing your judgement without judgement, honouring the wound, putting love on the altar, seeing for the first time, cutting the cords, and bringing your shadows to light.For those who struggle with judgement, this is the book that will finally give you permission and freedom to start living a more harmonious, forgiving and loving life.

The Mask of Masculinity: How Men Can Embrace Vulnerability, Create Strong Relationships and Live Their Fullest Lives

by Lewis Howes

At 30 years old, Lewis Howes was outwardly thriving but unfulfilled inside. He was a successful athlete and businessman, achieving goals beyond his wildest dreams, but he felt empty, angry, frustrated, and always chasing something that was never enough. His whole identity had been built on misguided beliefs about what "masculinity" was.Howes began a personal journey to find inner peace and to uncover the many masks that men – young and old – wear. In The Mask of Masculinity, Howes exposes the ultimate emptiness of the Material Mask, the man who chases wealth above all things; the cowering vulnerability that hides behind the Joker and Stoic Masks of men who never show real emotion; and the destructiveness of the Invincible and Aggressive Masks worn by men who take insane risks or can never back down from a fight. He teaches men how to break through the walls that hold them back and shows women how they can better understand the men in their lives. It's not easy, but if you want to love, be loved and live a great life, then it's an odyssey of self-discovery that all modern men must make. This book is a must-read for every man – and for every woman who loves a man.

The Slave: A Spiritual Manifesto for a Better Way of Life

by Anand Dilvar

What are we, as human beings, slaves to? Childhood traumas? What someone else decided we should be? An unfulfilling relationship, a job we don't like or the tedious routine of our lives?Mexican writer and spiritual teacher Anand Dilvar's phenomenal book The Slaveis the story of a nameless narrator who is trapped in a vegetative state following a terrible accident that has paralyzed his whole body. Unable to communicate with friends and family, he begins an inner conversation with his spiritual guide, which leads him onto an emotional and raw journey of self-realization.Dilvar's beautiful and reflective story of an unconscious man, who is a slave to the many mistakes and failures he has made in his life, shares with readers lessons that will leave them reflecting long past the final page. As his spiritual guide teaches him lessons on love, failure, suffering and forgiveness, time is ticking: will the doctors decide to pull the plug, or will our narrator get to live one more day for the chance to see his loved ones?

Tapping for Life: How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Emotions for Good Using TFT

by Janet Thomson

• Would you like to eliminate anxiety, phobias or fears forever?• Would you like to move beyond the emotional traumas of your past, increase your self esteem and become more motivated?Welcome to Thought Field Therapy (TFT). No other treatment presently available, conventional, complementary, or alternative can claim the same success with these, and many other complex psychological and emotional problems that plague so many of us and prevent us from getting the most out of life.Now in its third decade of development, Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a totally unique form of meridian therapy. It is best described as a natural, drug-free, non-invasive system to eliminate the cause of negative emotions. There are no adverse side effects, and with an unprecedented success rate of up to 98%, most individuals experience significant, usually complete relief from their problem within a few minutes.And best of all, with this book, anyone can learn how to do it. With chapters targeting specific problems, this book gives you everything you need to understand this amazing therapy and use it to free yourself from anxiety and fear for good.

You Know More than You Think: How to Access Your Super-Subconscious Powers

by Seka Nikolic

Have you ever telephoned someone just as they were about to ring you? Or received an email or a letter from a friend who you dreamt about the night before? It may feel easier to believe that these situations are simply coincidental – but this book will help you to understand the very real explanation behind this magical form of energetic communication. Discover:• the ability that we all have to send and receive messages through our energy frequencies• practical exercises to improve your state of neutral mind• how to use neutral mind to get what you want from life• specific chapters on relationships, family, life and health• real case studies to demonstrate this amazing tool.You were born with the ability to use energy and this book will help you nurture your natural gift, dramatically improve your happiness and health, and invite the magical back into your life.

Can I Just Ask?: The 250+ Curious Questions That Off-duty Doctors Are Most Often Asked

by Christian Jessen

Dr Christian Jessen, the unshockable presenter of the hit television shows, Embarrassing Bodies and Supersize vs. Superskinny, is always being tackled by strangers wanting answers to their most private medical questions. Like all doctors, Dr Christian finds people sidling up to him with their questions at parties, on trains, and even in the street. So why don’t people ask their own doctors these questions in the more formal setting of the medical surgery? And what are the most common questions?Can I Just Ask…? provides the answers in a fun and informative book that includes:• urban health myths busted• advice for common problems we don’t like to talk about• specific sections for male/female health issues, curious facts, sex, diet, medicines, fitness and more• plenty of surprising facts and figures to help trivia-hungry readers better understand the mysterious workings of their bodies.Sometimes humorous, often surprising and always informative, this book will answer all your questions, whether you have a worrying health dilemma or just a curious mind!

Messenger: The Amazing Story of Mattie J.T. Stepanek and Heartsongs

by Jeni Stepanek

When her son, Mattie, was born with a rare disorder now known as Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy, Jeni Stepanek was advised to put her child in an institution and 'let nature take its course'. Instead, she nurtured a boy who grew up to become a young man who transformed his hardships into a message of hope and peace that touched millions.Mattie J.T. Stepanek was a bestselling author, publishing six collections of his Heartsongs poetry and eventually selling over 2 million copies of his books. He gave inspirational speeches to thousands and became an ambassador for his illness. He also knew his heroes personally, including Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Carter and Maya Angelou. But his legacy lives strongest in his decision to live celebrate life and perceive it as a blessing even during the most painful moments. It is that legacy that Jeni Stepanek, as only his mother could, honours with Messenger. Recounting the amazing details of his life, and the powerful reach of his message, we also gain a picture of an ordinary boy who happened to be facing a life-threatening health situation. It remembers him as he wanted to be remembered, as 'the poet, the peacemaker and the philosopher who played'.

Everything I've Ever Done That Worked

by Lesley Garner

This beautiful collection of short essays by renowned journalist Lesley Garner acts as spiritual and emotional first-aid kit. Lesley explains, 'I wrote this book because I think I know what to do and then life bowls me over again and I forget. I decided to get my experience down on paper so that I could turn to it in an emergency, like a friend.' The book contains things that work in darkness and things that work in daylight. There are techniques that will help you plan your journey and techniques that will light the next inch of the path when you've lost your way. They'll give comfort in a crisis but they'll also inspire you to lead a deeper, richer life. Practical, insightful and moving, this book is the perfect gift for those looking for inspiration.

Happiness Now!: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good Fast

by Robert Holden

Happiness NOW! is a truly powerful and radical exploration of one of life's most treasured goals. Packed with rich insights and practical wisdom, it offers a message of profound hope and healing for a generation that is often too busy chasing happiness to be truly happy. Robert Holden, PhD, presents a personal, warm and entertaining account of how he developed his pioneering work with The Happiness Project. Using a highly creative mix of stories, exercises, meditations, poetry and prayer, Robert shares his distinctive philosophy and practice of 'the how of happiness'. Visionary and practical, challenging and compassionate, Happiness NOW! gives you valuable keys to true self-acceptance, everyday abundance, loving relationships, inner success and lasting joy – starting NOW!

One-Minute Mindfulness: How to Live in the Moment

by Simon Parke

Sometimes we can lose touch with ourselves so much that we don't even know we have done so, until suddenly we realize with a start that we have just been going through the motions, without really experiencing our lives. The simple fact is that in today's world, we spend so much time looking forward, rushing on to the next thing, or looking backwards, stressing and worrying about our perceived mistakes, that we rarely still ourselves and our minds enough to truly be in the present moment. In One-Minute Mindfulness, Simon Parke uses stories and simple thoughts to help us see through clear eyes how we can return to the present moment and remain there. This subtle change can be startlingly healing, bringing peace into every area of our lives, allowing us to live freely and fully, and to honour what is true for each of us. Both inspiring and practical, this book is for anyone who wants to come home to themselves.

The 21 Golden Rules for Cosmic Ordering

by Barbel Mohr

Now an internationally acclaimed author, Barbel Mohr introduced the world to Cosmic Ordering by writing a little book about this amazing method and circulating photocopies amongst her friends. The book went on to become an international bestseller and since then she has written a collection of powerful books to help us understand exactly how to tune into the Universe to turn our dreams into reality.In this new book, Barbel captures the essence of all of her previous titles on Cosmic Ordering to provide you with 21 Golden Rules that allow you to master the concept that seems too good to be true – but nonetheless works. Barbel has condensed the key ideas and principles of Cosmic Ordering to help you appreciate the rules that govern the cosmos and the part that your subconcious mind plays in creating your reality. With numerous tips and exercises to help you fully connect with your inner power, you will learn how to make Cosmic Ordering an integral part of your day-to-day life, opening yourself to a magical future.

Just Go For It: 6 simple steps to achieve success

by Dame Kelly Holmes

Everybody has something they long for – be it succeeding in a new career, losing weight, getting out of debt, or even just getting more organised in life! These things can seem overwhelmingly difficult to achieve, but the good news is that many of the qualities that are required to succeed are simple skills, attitudes and mindsets that can be learned.Her incredible journey from up-and-coming young hopeful to double Olympic champion has taught Kelly Holmes all about what it takes to bring your dreams to fruition, and she is passionate about helping people realise their potential. In this book, she teaches you the six steps that she believes everyone needs in order to move from a no-can-do position to glory and success. Let her help you to:• discover what you really want from life• fast-track success with the right preparation• overcome any confidence crisis• tap into the willpower you never knew you had• turn problems to your advantage* find the fulfilment you've been looking for.

Self-Help: Find Your Self to Help Yourself

by Max Kirsten

In Self-Help, Max Kirsten distils the powerful transformative techniques and processes he used to rebuild his life following two decades of chronic addiction. Max now combines these techniques with mind re-programming hypnotherapy to help thousands of people step out of their problems and become their own solution.Combining his unique vision with personal anecdotes and exercises that anyone can try, Max offers you the opportunity to help yourself find the unlimited power and resources you hold within. Amaze yourself with what you CAN do!

Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step

by Barbel Mohr

Cosmic Ordering is the powerful method of tuning into the Universe to turn dreams into reality. After introducing this powerful and effective method for manifesting your desires, Barbel now takes you further with Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step. With new and exciting ways to make Cosmic Ordering work for you, Barbel takes you further than you have ever been, and shows that the only thing that stops you from achieving anything you desire is your own imagination.

Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey out of Depression

by James Gordon

Despite the billions spent on prescription anti-depressant drugs and psychotherapy, people everywhere continue to grapple with depression James Gordon, one of the United States’ most respected psychiatrists, now offers a practical and effective way to get unstuck.Dr Gordon believes that depression is not an end point, a disease over which we have no control. Instead it is a sign that our lives are out of balance, that we’re stuck. It’s a wake-up call and the start of a journey that can help us become whole and happy, one that can change and transform our lives.Drawing on 40 years of pioneering work, Unstuck provides a simple seven-stage program for relief through food and nutritional supplements; Chinese medicine; movement, exercise and dance; psychotherapy, meditation and guided imagery; and spiritual practice. Using these techniques, you’ll discover your own path to permanent freedom from depression.Unstuck is an incredibly thoughtful, practical and meditative guide to the difficult but rewarding journey out of depression.

A Safe Journey Home: A Simple Guide To Achieving A Peaceful Death

by Felicity Warner

Have you ever sat with someone as they were dying and wished that you could make it a better experience? Helping others face death with dignity and positivity is an act of profound kindness that also helps give the caregiver a chance to come to terms with this critical moment in our life’s journey.Felicity Warner reveals her guide to the unique experience of death in A Safe Journey Home, based on years of experience in hospice care.This essential guide will tell you all you need to know to help a loved one or friend to die gently and with dignity once medicine has reached its limits. You can honour their experience and nurture it, by giving them all your attention, kindness and love. Accompanied by beautiful illustrations that will act as a comfort to all those experiencing death or bereavement, this book is a powerful guide to a subject that affects us all.

Out of the Darkness: From Turmoil to Transformation

by Steve Taylor

Out of the Darkness tells the stories of more than 20 people who have undergone permanent spiritual awakening after intense trauma and turmoil in their lives. Although psychological turmoil often has no positive effects, for some people, it can be the catalyst for a kind of 'spiritual alchemy', transforming the 'base metal' of suffering into the 'gold' of intense well-being and freedom. Read about the young woman who became 'enlightened' after suffering terrible injuries in the 7/7 tube bombings in London, the man who became paralysed after falling from a bridge onto a river bed, but now lives in a state of permanent bliss, and the recovering alcoholic who shifted to a permanent state of enlightenment after hitting 'rock bottom' and losing everything. The author has also interviewed several spiritual teachers whose original awakening occurred after intense psychological turmoil, including Eckhart Tolle and Catherine Ingram. In addition to telling these people's stories, Out of the Darkness explains why turmoil has this 'awakening' effect, and illustrates the almost infinite capacity of human beings to overcome suffering. It suggests that, so long as we have the courage to face up to and accept negative situations, there is nothing for us to fear. But perhaps most importantly, it shows how natural spiritual awakening is to human beings, and how close it is to all of us.

The Power of Raaargh!!!: Start Your Journey Here

by Keith Holden

When you are absolutely certain about achieving something, it is virtually impossible for anything to stop it happening. The best way of honouring everything is through the mastery of self-expression, which can be done in harmony with your surroundings.But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start…The Power of Raaargh!!! encourages you to unleash your limitless potential on the world and gives you the confidence to make that first step towards achieving your goals – while helping you to recognise which roads lead nowhere. It enables you to see the glorious perfection, and hidden opportunity, in every challenge you face, instead of running for cover at the first sign of adversity. Most importantly, this book allows you to become excited about exactly where – and who – you are, right now, so that you can start enjoying your journey to mastery immediately, with a jubilant roar – Raaargh!!!

More to Life Than Shoes: How to Kick-start Your Career and Change Your Life

by Nadia Finer

Is the highlight of your day is a glass of wine at the end of it?Do you dream of changing your life, but you’re not sure how? This book is packed with smart and sensible advice from remarkable women that will give you the confidence and inspiration to finally take action and start reaching for your dreams. Nadia Finer and Emily Nash wanted to love what they did, not loathe it. So they set off on a mission to find the country’s coolest women (from neuroscientists to novelists, biologists to builders, and entrepreneurs to engineers), corner them and pump them for advice to find out exactly how they made their dreams come true. They discovered that there are thousands of women out there right now doing amazing things, and that there’s a way of living and tackling the world that produces results. In this book they share their discoveries with you so that you too can ditch the drudge and kick start your life!

Your Heart's Desire: Instructions for Creating the Life You Really Want

by Sonia Choquette

Do you feel you're not in control of your life? Do you find it hard to make space for your spiritual self while keeping on top of day to day life? Your Heart's Desire is the perfect guidebook for gaining control of your destiny and finding your true self.This workbook, carefully prepared by internationally renowned intuitive and spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette, provides nine universal principles for creating our own reality. Offering modern-day parables from her own personal training and practice, down-to-earth advice and specific exercises, finding a route to your most heartfelt desire becomes an easy daily practice.With this book, Your Heart's Desire is within easy reach.

The Contagious Power of Thinking: How Your Thoughts Can Influence the World

by David Hamilton

Wouldn't it be great if instead of catching a nasty cold, we could catch our friend's good mood, or our colleague's healthy habits? You don't need to be on the Internet to be connected. We are all part of interconnected networks, whether we're aware of it or not. Everything you think, say and do can be felt by people on the other side of the world. The Contagious Power of Thinking provides astonishing scientific evidence to show how habits, attitudes, emotions and even kindness spread rapidly outwards from person to person through personal contact. Learn the fascinating facts behind:• how infants feel their mother's emotions• how more than 25% of your happiness is due to the happiness of your friends• how your brain reads the emotions of others and reproduces the feeling in you• and how your best friend's sister's hairdresser can make you fat!In this book, David Hamilton explores the amazing implications of this phenomenon and suggests that a small group of committed people really can change the world.

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