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The Forsaken Child: Essays on Group Care and Individual Therapy

by D Patrick Zimmerman

Residential treatment can be a path to healing or a revolving door. Make the program you're involved with as effective as possible!For a number of years, many mental health professionals, public interest groups, and child advocates have been pressing for the use of increasingly time-limited (short-term) models of residential treatment and psychotherapy for children and adolescents. Yet the children who are most often referred for residential care are clearly more emotionally disturbed than in years past. They have more extensive backgrounds of social failure and often have dysfunctional or barely existent families. The Forsaken Child confronts this dilemma. These essays on the delivery of group care and individual treatment services for young people present an argument for the preservation of thoughtful, humanistic forms of residential treatment. In The Forsaken Child: Essays on Group Care and Individual Therapy, you'll find well-thought-out discussions of: Anna Freud's altruistic devotion to providing group care for the infant and child victims of World War I bombings in London, with descriptions of important parallels between her observations of the young war victims in her care and the experiences of abandoned, neglected, and abused children in American cities today the historical foundations of milieu treatment and an examination of persisting issues the humane concerns of the early founders of residential care vs. the present-day objectivist climate a long-term case study of a young child in residential care highlighting a number of clinical issues which contraindicate the use of either brief therapy techniques or short-term group care how an interactive, social-constructionist treatment approach helped an adolescent boy in residential care achieve psychological growth and a sense of optimism about the futureThe Forsaken Child will be of significant help to residential facility administrators in longer-range program planning and to social workers and other clinicians who cope with the daily clinical issues that arise in group and individual treatment settings.

Educational Psychology: A Project of Division 15 (educational Psychology) of the American Psychological Society

by Barry J. Zimmerman Dale H. Schunk

Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions--the first comprehensive book-length treatment of this topic--looks at the historic contributions of 16 leading psychologists, as well as others, who influenced the field of educational psychology from its philosophical moorings in the late 19th century to its current scientific status at the dawn of the 21st. It presents information regarding these individuals' ideas and scientific discoveries, along with a sense of the historical context in which they lived. The book is divided into three sections that correspond to three eras in the history of the discipline: *the founding period (1880s to 1920); *the rise to prominence period (1920 to1960); and *the modern period (1960 to the present). Each section begins with an overview chapter describing the period in terms of key social, political, and historical events affecting educational theory, research, and practice. In addition, the overview chapters discuss major theoretical, methodological, and instructional contributions of the period and how they changed the course of educational psychology. The biographical chapters describe the scholar's major contribution in terms of theory, research, and practice and his or her legacy and impact. These descriptions portray these individuals as real human beings responding to historical events and social influences of their time in personal and collective ways that changed the nature and direction of the field. Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions is a cohesive collection appropriate for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in educational psychology.

Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications

by Barry J. Zimmerman Dale H. Schunk

This volume focuses on the role of motivational processes – such as goals, attributions, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, self-concept, self-esteem, social comparisons, emotions, values, and self-evaluations– in self-regulated learning. It provides theoretical and empirical evidence demonstrating the role of motivation in self-regulated learning, and discusses detailed applications of the principles of motivation and self-regulation in educational contexts. Each chapter includes a description of the motivational variables, the theoretical rationale for their importance, research evidence to support their role in self-regulation, suggestions for ways to incorporate motivational variables into learning contexts to foster self-regulatory skill development, and achievement outcomes.

Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: Theoretical Perspectives

by Barry J. Zimmerman Dale H. Schunk

This volume brings together internationally known researchers representing different theoretical perspectives on students' self-regulation of learning. Diverse theories on how students become self-regulated learners are compared in terms of their conceptual origins, scientific form, research productivity, and pedagogical effectiveness. This is the only comprehensive comparison of diverse classical theories of self-regulated learning in print. The first edition of this text, published in 1989, presented descriptions of such differing perspectives as operant, phenomenological, social learning, volitional, Vygotskian, and constructivist theories. In this new edition, the same prominent editors and authors reassess these classic models in light of a decade of very productive research. In addition, an information processing perspective is included, reflecting its growing prominence. Self-regulation models have proven especially appealing to teachers, coaches, and tutors looking for specific recommendations regarding how students activate, alter, and sustain their learning practices. Techniques for enhancing these processes have been studied with considerable success in tutoring sessions, computer learning programs, coaching sessions, and self-directed practice sessions. The results of these applications are discussed in this new edition. The introductory chapter presents a historical overview of research and a theoretical framework for comparing and contrasting the theories described in the following chapters, all of which follow a common organizational format. This parallel format enables the book to function like an authored textbook rather than a typical edited volume. The final chapter offers an historical assessment of changes in theory and trends for future research. This volume is especially relevant for students and professionals in educational psychology, school psychology, guidance and counseling, developmental psychology, child and family development, as well as for students in general teacher education.

Lighting Up the Brain: The Science of Optogenetics

by Marc Zimmer

What if neuroscientists could look inside the human brain and watch individual brain cells send signals to one another? What if they could then control these brain cells to direct thoughts and actions? This may sound like science fiction, but it's actually a scientific revolution called optogenetics. Neuroscientists would like to use this new technology on human brains to uncover secrets about how the brain processes information and drives human behavior. Doctors hope to use optogenetics to restore sight and to treat Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, depression, and other debilitating or deadly health problems. Discover how the innovative work of leaders in the field is poised to radically transform science, medicine, and human health.

Transplant Psychiatry: A Case-Based Approach to Clinical Challenges

by Paula C. Zimbrean Yelizaveta Sher Catherine Crone Andrea F. DiMartini

This book addresses the challenges clinicians face when working with patients facing complicated medical diagnosis for which transplantation is considered. Written by experts in transplant psychiatry, each chapter approaches a common psychiatric challenge faced by transplant candidates and recipients. Chapters meticulously share clinical expertise that provides a framework for future discussions without neglecting the fact that each transplant patient is unique in the complexity of their medical diagnosis. Additionally, the book examines complex issues including transplant-related posttraumatic stress disorder, post-transplant cognitive impairment, the collaboration between mental health and transplant clinicians, substance use and a wide range of other complicated topics.Transplant Psychiatry is an excellent case-based guide to mental healthcare delivery for all clinicians who may work with transplant patients, including psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health professionals, transplant surgeons, internal medicine specialists, hematologists, transplant social workers and transplant coordinators.

Perioperative Psychiatry: A Guide To Behavioral Healthcare For The Surgical Patient

by Paula C. Zimbrean Mark A. Oldham Hochang Benjamin Lee

This book provides a comprehensive review of mental health topics for pre- and postsurgical patients. The book discusses general aspects of psychiatric care during the immediate pre- and postsurgical phase, such as pain management, psychopharmacological management or legal aspects of informed consent. The volume dedicates one section to specific subspecialties, including cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, organ transplantation, plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, and many others. Each of these chapters address preoperative psychiatric risk factors, evaluations, impact, and management recommendations for prevention and treatment of the most common psychiatric complications. The final section reviews the current dilemmas and questions for future research in this field, including delirium and capacity evaluation. The text concludes with commentary written by experts in the fields of consultation-liaison psychiatry and surgery on future directions and considerations. Perioperative Psychiatry is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, surgeons, trainees, nurses, social workers, and all medical professionals concerned with the behavioral health of surgical patients.

Einmal Vollgas, immer Vollgas?

by Andreas Zimber

Dieses Buch zeigt mit dem PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm leitenden Führungskräften, wie sie mit Stress und Belastung möglichst gesund umgehen können – und zwar vor der Entstehung psychischer Erkrankungen. Psychische Probleme im Management? Viele reden davon, aber in den Firmen und bei vielen Betroffenen ist das Thema noch immer tabu. Symptome werden aus Schamgefühl verdrängt oder verschwiegen. Das PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm beschreibt den Prozess der Entstehung psychischer Erkrankungen bei Führungskräften anhand typischer Belastungskonstellationen. Der Leser kann die individuell passende Situation auswählen und findet dazu die jeweils geeigneten Werkzeuge. Der Ratgeber bietet die - für eine ständig gegen Zeitnot kämpfende Lesergruppe unverzichtbare - Möglichkeit, einzelne Kapitel herauszugreifen, andere zu überspringen oder quer zu lesen. Aus dem Inhalt: Augen zu und durch? – Warum Leistung anmacht und wo Stoppsignale sinnvolle Botschaften sind – „Mir passiert das nicht“? – Strategien für nachhaltige Lösungen: für sich selbst, für den Mitarbeiter, für das Unternehmen.Der Autor: Andreas Zimber ist Diplom-Psychologe, Personalentwickler (M. A.), Dr. phil. und Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie. Er lebt in Heidelberg und arbeitet als Hochschuldozent, Unternehmensberater, Referent und Autor.

Führen und gesund bleiben: Ein Präventionsprogramm für Führungskräfte in Sandwich-Positionen

by Andreas Zimber

Führungskräfte in Sandwich-Positionen erfahren in diesem Buch in 5 Schritten mit dem PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm, wie sie mit Stress und Belastung möglichst gesund umgehen können. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Menschen in Sandwich-Positionen mit wenig Entscheidungsspielraum hoch gefährdet sind, psychische Probleme zu entwickeln. Wer darum weiß, kann zeitig gegensteuern und einen für sich angemessenen Umgang mit Rolle und Herausforderung finden. Die fünf Schritte: (1) Belastungen reduzieren, (2) mit Belastungssituationen konstruktiv umgehen, (3) gesundheitsgefährdende Einstellungen erkennen und ändern, (4) sich gesundheitsbewusst verhalten, (5) aus dem Teufelskreis austreten.Geschrieben für ... (1) Menschen in Führungspositionen, die Selbsthilfe im Umgang mit arbeitsbedingten psychischen Belastungen suchen, Stressfolgen und Erkrankungen langfristig vorbeugen möchten, (2) Therapeuten und Coaches, die nach geeigneten Beratungs- und Therapiewerkzeugen für psychisch belastete Führungskräfte suchen.Der Autor: Andreas Zimber ist Diplom-Psychologe, Personalentwickler (M. A.), Dr. phil. und Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie. Er lebt in Heidelberg und arbeitet als Hochschuldozent, Unternehmensberater, Referent und Autor.

Psychology (2nd edition)

by Philip Zimbardo Ann L. Weber

This book represents a marriage of that scientific tradition with the immediacy and vitality of teaching what we know about the human condition. It is an enriched view of psychological knowledge that combines the basic, accumulated wisdom from scientific psychology with the contemporary views of human nature that emerge from the study of human diversity.

The Time Cure: Overcoming PTSD with the New Psychology of Time Perspective Therapy

by Philip Zimbardo Richard Sword Rosemary Sword

In his landmark book, The Time Paradox, internationally known psychologist Philip Zimbardo showed that we can transform the way we think about our past, present, and future to attain greater success in work and in life. Now, in The Time Cure, Zimbardo has teamed with clinicians Richard and Rosemary Sword to reveal a groundbreaking approach that helps those living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to shift their time perspectives and move beyond the traumatic past toward a more positive future. Time Perspective Therapy switches the focus from past to present, from negative to positive, clearing the pathway for the best yet to come: the future. It helps PTSD sufferers pull their feet out of the quicksand of past traumas and step firmly on the solid ground of the present, allowing them to take a step forward into a brighter future. Rather than viewing PTSD as a mental illness the authors see it as a mental injury—a normal reaction to traumatic events—and offer those suffering from PTSD the healing balm of hope. The Time Cure lays out the step-by-step process of Time Perspective Therapy, which has proven effective for a wide range of individuals, from veterans to survivors of abuse, accidents, assault, and neglect. Rooted in psychological research, the book also includes a wealth of vivid and inspiring stories from real-life PTSD sufferers—effective for individuals seeking self-help, their loved ones, therapists and counselors, or anyone who wants to move forward to a brighter future.

Psychology: AP Edition with Discovery Psychology

by Philip G. Zimbardo Robert L. Johnson Ann L. Weber Craig W. Gruber

Psychologists have set the standard for the methodology and scientific study of behaviors and mental processes. By making the empirical approach the standard for all psychological research, psychologists have been able to conduct studies that have changed the way we think. Giving you a more complete explanation of what we mean by the science of psychology will occupy much of the rest of the chapter. For the moment, we want to focus on a point that is only implied in our definition of psychology: the notion that psychology is not mere speculation about human nature, nor is it a body of folk wisdom about people that "everybody knows" to be true. Throughout this book you will find many examples of such "commonsense" ideas that psychological science has shown to be false.

Psychology (AP Edition)

by Philip G. Zimbardo Robert L. Johnson Ann L. Weber Craig W. Gruber

Psychology AP* Edition has been specifically designed to prepare you for the AP* Exam,with a close eye on content coverage and accuracy.

Psychology: Core Concepts

by Philip G. Zimbardo Robert L. Johnson Vivian Mccann

Where great science meets great teaching. At just fourteen chapters, Psychology: Core Concepts provides rich coverage of the foundational topics taught in most introductory courses. Psychology: Core Concepts focuses on a manageable number of core concepts (usually three to five) in each chapter, allowing students to attain a deeper level of understanding of the material. Learning is reinforced through focused application and critical thinking activities, and connections between concepts are drawn across chapters to help students see the big picture of psychology as a whole. The 7th edition features an enhanced critical thinking emphasis, with new chapter-opening "Problems" and new end-of-chapter critical thinking applications that promote active learning.

Psychology and Life

by Philip G. Zimbardo

The classic text that defined the field, Psychology and Life, Fifteenth Edition, celebrates Phil Zimbardo's 30th anniversary as its author by returning to its original themes: presenting psychology as a science and as a tool to understanding our daily lives. The book continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students features and pedagogy that will spark their interest and excite their imaginations.

The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time That Will Change Your Life

by Philip Zimbardo John Boyd

Your every significant choice -- every important decision you make -- is determined by a force operating deep inside your mind: your perspective on time -- your internal, personal time zone. This is the most influential force in your life, yet you are virtually unaware of it. Once you become aware of your personal time zone, you can begin to see and manage your life in exciting new ways. In The Time Paradox, Drs. Zimbardo and Boyd draw on thirty years of pioneering research to reveal, for the first time, how your individual time perspective shapes your life and is shaped by the world around you. Further, they demonstrate that your and every other individual's time zones interact to create national cultures, economics, and personal destinies. You will discover what time zone you live in through Drs. Zimbardo and Boyd's revolutionary tests. Ask yourself: * Does the smell of fresh-baked cookies bring you back to your childhood? * Do you believe that nothing will ever change in your world? * Do you believe that the present encompasses all and the future and past are mere abstractions? * Do you wear a watch, balance your checkbook, and make to-do lists -- every day? * Do you believe that life on earth is merely preparation for life after death? * Do you ruminate over failed relationships? * Are you the life of every party -- always late, always laughing, and always broke? These statements are representative of the seven most common ways people relate to time, each of which, in its extreme, creates benefits and pitfalls. The Time Paradox is a practical plan for optimizing your blend of time perspectives so you get the utmost out of every minute in your personal and professional life as well as a fascinating commentary about the power and paradoxes of time in the modern world. No matter your time perspective, you experience these paradoxes. Only by understanding this new psychological science of time zones will you be able to overcome the mental biases that keep you too attached to the past, too focused on immediate gratification, or unhealthily obsessed with future goals. Time passes no matter what you do -- it's up to you to spend it wisely and enjoy it well. Here's how.

The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil

by Philip Zimbardo

In The Lucifer Effect, the award-winning and internationally respected psychologist, Philip Zimbardo, examines how the human mind has the capacity to be infinitely caring or selfish, kind or cruel, creative or destructive. He challenges our conceptions of who we think we are, what we believe we will never do - and how and why almost any of us could be initiated into the ranks of evil doers. At the same time he describes the safeguards we can put in place to prevent ourselves from corrupting - or being ...

Shyness: What It Is, What to Do About It

by Philip Zimbardo

Using hundreds of examples, this book is about the causes and consequences of shyness, along with techniques to use to overcome it.

Military Psychology, Second Edition

by Eric A. Zillmer Carrie Kennedy

Widely regarded as the authoritative reference in the field, this book comprehensively explores the psychological needs of today's service members and how to meet them effectively. Expert contributors review best practices for conducting fitness-for-duty evaluations and other types of assessments, treating frequently encountered clinical problems, responding to disasters, and promoting the health and well-being of all personnel. The book also examines the role of mental health professionals in enhancing operational readiness, with chapters on crisis and hostage negotiation, understanding terrorists, and more. New to This Edition The latest scientific knowledge, clinical interventions, and training recommendations. Chapter on acute combat stress. Chapter on post-deployment problems, including PTSD and depression. Chapter on military psychology ethics. Coverage of blast concussion screening and evaluation.

Connections Between Sexuality and Aggression

by Dolf Zillmann

This is the only available comprehensive monograph on interrelations and interdependencies between agonistic and sexual behaviors. Integrating theory and research from biology, anthropology, neurophysiology, endocrinology, psychophysiology, and psychology, this book focuses on the mechanisms that govern the mutual influences between sexuality and aggression in behavior sequences and especially in admixtures of aggressive-sexual behaviors. This book places human agonistic and sexual behaviors into an evolutionary context. It offers a Weltbild of human aggressive-sexual behaviors by tracing their biological and developmental origins and examines the plasticity and manipulability of connections between agonistic and sexual behaviors. Strategies for the maximization of sexual pleasures are elaborated , and intervention treatments--aiming at the control of violent behaviors--are considered. Coercive sexuality is given special attention. Prevalent motive ascriptions to rape are called into question and the motivation that dominates rape is reinterpreted in the context of pleasure maximization. This second edition brings the coverage of pertinent research up to date. It advances the exploration of aggressive-sexual behaviors by further integrating the research contributions from various disciplines, and by refining and unifying theory capable of explaining the behavioral phenomena under consideration. COPY FOR ZILLMANN MAILER Zillmann examines issues such as sexual access through aggression, the involvement of agonistic behavior within sexuality, sex-aggression fusion, the consequences of anticipatory imagination concerning sexuality, and aspects of libido loss due to excitatory habituation. This book also: * traces connection between sexuality and aggression in nonhuman species, especially in nonhuman primates, * subjects human behavior to comparative and evolutionary analysis, * examines connectedness in neurological and endocrinological terms, * details both central and autonomic commonalities between sexual and aggressive behaviors, * outlines sexual dimorphism and chromosomal-endocrine aberrations, * pays special attention to adrenal commonalities in sexual and aggressive behaviors and the fusion of these behaviors, and * examines aggressive-sexual connectedness in the analysis of motivation and emotion. Zillmann finally proposes new explanations for the numerous documented associations between sexuality and aggression. These proposals combine biological, neuroendocrine, autonomic, and cognitive aspects of aggressive and sexual behaviors. A trichotomy of excitatory interdependencies is developed for fight, flight, and coition. In the nomenclature of emotion, this trichotomy concerns the interdependencies between aggressiveness, fear, and sexual impulsion. A considerable amount of research evidence is aggregated in support of these interdependencies. The author ultimately examines the exploitation of the existing connections between sexual and aggressive behaviors, especially the exploitation that serves the enhancement of sexual pleasure. In this context he arrives at novel, and perhaps distressing, characterizations of sexual coercion. However, he also explores sexual boredom and discusses remedies in the framework of his theorizing. Last but not least, sexual aggression, and sexual and aggressive behaviors independently, are placed into an evolutionary context. Recognition and acknowledgment of the archaic nature of many aspects of sexual and aggressive behaviors, in contrast to the comparatively vernal development of behavior-guiding contemplation, leads him to a unique and provocative proposal of the function of aggression in the realm of sexuality.

The Language of Trauma: War and Technology in Hoffmann, Freud, and Kafka

by John Zilcosky

From the Napoleonic Wars to the invention of the railway to the shell shock of World War I, writers tried to give voice to the suffering that war and industrial technology had wrought all around them. Yet they, like the doctors who treated these victims, repeatedly ran up against the incapacity of language to describe such anguish; those who suffered trauma, those who tried to heal it, and those who represented it were all unable to find the appropriate words. In The Language of Trauma, John Zilcosky uncovers the reactions of three major central European writers – E.T.A. Hoffmann, Sigmund Freud, and Franz Kafka – to the birth of modern trauma in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Zilcosky makes the case that Hoffmann, Freud, and Kafka managed to find the language of trauma precisely by not attempting to name the trauma conclusively and instead allowing their writing to mimic the experience itself. Just as the victims’ symptoms seemed not to correspond to a physical cause, the writers’ words did not connect directly to the objects of the world. While doctors attempted to overcome this indeterminacy, these writers embraced and investigated it; they sought a language that described language’s tragic limits and that, in so doing, exemplified the wider literary and philosophical crisis of their time. Zilcosky boldly argues that this linguistic scepticism emerged together with the medical inability to name the experience of trauma. He thereby places trauma where it belongs: at the heart of both medicine’s diagnostic predicament and modern literature’s most daring experiments.

The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1890–1940: Psyche, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis (The History of Psychoanalysis Series)

by Caroline Zilboorg

The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1890–1940: Psyche, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis is the first volume of a meticulously researched two-part biography of the Russian-American psychoanalyst Gregory Zilboorg and chronicles the period from his birth as a Jew in Tsarist Russia to his prominence as a New York psychoanalyst on the eve of the Second World War. Educated in Kiev and Saint Petersburg, Zilboorg served as a young physician during the First World War and, after the revolution, as secretary to the minister of labour in Kerensky’s provisional government. Having escaped following Lenin’s takeover, Zilboorg requalified in medicine at Columbia University and underwent analysis with Franz Alexander at the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute. His American patients ranged from wealthy and artistic figures such as George Gershwin and Lillian Hellman to prison inmates. His writing includes important histories of psychiatry, for which he is still known, as well as examinations of gender, suicide, and the relationship between psychiatry and the law. His socialist politics and late work on Freud’s (mis)understanding of religious belief created a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, from members of the Warburg banking family to the Trappist monk Thomas Merton. Drawing on previously unpublished sources, including family papers and archival material, The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1890–1940: Psyche, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis offers a dramatic narrative that will appeal to general readers as well as scholars interested in the First World War, the Russian revolution, the Jewish diaspora, and the history of psychoanalysis.

The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1940–1959: Mind, Medicine, and Man (The History of Psychoanalysis Series)

by Caroline Zilboorg

The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1940–1959: Mind, Medicine, and Man is the second volume of a meticulously researched two-part biography of the Russian-American psychoanalyst Gregory Zilboorg and chronicles the impact of the Second World War on his work and thinking as well as his divorce, remarriage, and conversion to Catholicism. With extensive references to Zilboorg’s writing and politics, this book demonstrates the significance of his contributions to the fields of psychiatry and psychoanalysis in the context of his tumultuous intellectual, personal, and spiritual life. In his late work, he would argue, controversially, that there was no incompatibility between psychoanalysis and religion. Grounded in a wealth of primary source material and impressive research, this book completes the compelling biography of a major figure in psychoanalysis. It will be of interest to general readers as well as scholars across a range of disciplines, particularly the history of psychoanalysis and religion.

Male Sexuality: A Guide to Sexual Fulfillment

by Bernie Zilbergeld

A humane, sympathetic, commonsensical book on men, sex and pleasure.

Children in Family Therapy: Treatment and Training

by Joan J Zilbach

Here is one of the few books that focuses explicitly on including children in family therapy sessions. The contributors to this enlightening volume are seasoned family therapists of various theoretical perspectives who work in a variety of settings and include children of all ages in their therapy practices. Recognizing that many practicing therapists are not comfortable including children, they address the treatment and training issues and provide extensive case studies and fascinating background material on their own early involvement in the practice. Children in Family Therapy will be extremely valuable to family therapists of all levels of experience. For the veterans, the cases that are different in approach from their own will be particularly informative. Less experienced therapists will find here a basic introduction and a clear description of the range of clinical practice in family therapy.

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