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El mapa de la abundancia

by Boni Lonnsburry

¿Estás listo para cambiar tu realidad financiera... para siempre? Existen muchos malentendidos sobre el dinero. Algunos dicen que es el origen de todos los males. Otros lo ven como una panacea y piensan que tenerlo arreglará todo. Y hay quien cree las dos cosas al mismo tiempo. Pero ¿y si el dinero no fuera bueno ni malo? ¿Y si sólo fuera pura energía? Imagina que eres capaz de crear abundancia ilimitada en todas las áreas de tu vida. ¿Cómo sería? ¿Qué sueños y objetivos perseguirías? ¿Qué alegrías incluirías en tu vida diaria? El poder de crear cualquier cosa ya existe dentro de nosotros (y tú no eres la excepción), puedes aprender a trabajar con la energía para crear abundancia. El mapa de la abundancia te ayudará a llevar tus capacidades de creación innatas al siguiente nivel, ése donde el dinero fluye como agua y la felicidad es una realidad diaria. ¡Eshora de reclamar la vida abundante para la que naciste!

Every Monday Matters: How to Kick Your Week Off with Passion, Purpose, and Positivity (Ignite Reads #0)

by Matthew Emerzian

The idea was simple... what if we could get millions of people to engage in simple acts that were good for the world? Picking up litter, helping the homeless, smiling, planting a tree. And, in doing so, we would make the world a better place and also help people understand how much and why they matter.Every Monday Matters is a practical guide to life written by expert author Matthew Emerzian that kicks off each week with a specific and engaging theme to help you get inspired and live authentically. Each Monday you are provided with a mindful moment to reflect upon and opportunities to help you engage. There are also motivational quotes and inspirational journal prompts to help you on your journey.

Agentes Secretos De Bondad: Como Pequenos Actos de Bondad Realmente Pueden Cambiar Al Mundo

by Ferial Pearson

Ferial Pearson nació y fue criada en Nairobi, Kenya. Es la mayor de cuatro hijas y la primera en su familia directa en ir a la universidad. Después de graduarse del Colegio Poponi en 1997, dejó África para asistir a Gustavus Adolphus College en St Peter, Minnesota, donde en 2001 obtuvo su licenciatura en Enseñanza de Literatura de Artes de la comunicación, y donde conoció a su esposo, Daniel. Se le ofreció la oportunidad de enseñar en el Distrito Escolar Público de Omaha en South High School ese otoño, donde enseñó inglés y lectura. Durante su tiempo allí, también se desempeñó como patrocinadora del Gay-Straight Alliance y Unity Club, y recibió premios nacionales por su trabajo con los estudiantes y la comunidad. Estos incluyen el Premio Virginia Uribe de la Asociación Nacional de Educación por el Liderazgo Creativo en Derechos Humanos en 2012, el Premio al Educador del Año de la Cadena Educativa de Gays, Lesbianas, Heterosexuales (GLSEN por sus siglas en inglés) en 2011, y fue representante de Nebraska y finalistas del Consejo Nacional de Maestros de Inglés Académico Premio a la Libertad en 2012. Localmente, ha sido galardonada con el Premio de Relaciones Humanas de la Asociación Educativa Omaha 2011, el Premio Profesional Prometedor 2012 de la Universidad de Nebraska en Omaha, y el Premio Anti-Intimidación 2011 de RESPECT y un Premio TOYO (Diez Jóvenes Omahans Sobresalientes) en 2014. También obtuvo su maestría en Currículo e Instrucción con un Certificado de Posgrado en Instrucción Urbana de la Universidad de Nebraska en Omaha en 2009. Ferial dejó Omaha South High School para trabajar como Asesora de Talento para la Fundación Avenue Scholars y enseñó para ellos en Ralston High School durante dos años hasta 2013, tiempo durante el cual creó su proyecto Secret Kindness Agents, que se convirtió en el tema de un libro, un TEDx Talk, y fue el foco de su disertación. Actualmente es Profesora Asistente en la Universidad de Nebraska en Omaha en el Departamento de Educación de Maestros. En 2016, recibió el premio Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher del Centro Kennedy. En 2017, ella recibió su Ed. D. en Liderazgo Educativo. Ella vive en Ralston, Nebraska con su esposo Daniel, su hijo Ilahi y su hija Iman.

Este es el momento: Cómo enfrentar tiempos de crisis

by Mario Javier Vaena

A partir de distintas historias de vida, frases inspiradoras y anécdotas Mario Javier Vaena incentiva a reconocer excusas, detectar comportamientos repetitivos y estériles y romper la inercia que bloquea el camino al éxito. "Tú y yo haremos un pacto: vamos a hablarnos con la verdad". Así comienza Este es el momento, séptimo libro de Mario Javier Vaena, que retoma, tanto en forma como en contenido, el universo propio del autor: apelación directa al lector, una búsqueda interior para detectar los obstáculos que traban el desarrollo, motivación constante y una serie de herramientas para emprender el camino de la realización personal. La clave es ponerse en movimiento, perder el miedo al fracaso y, sobre todo, hacer de la actividad un culto. Trabajar los distintos órdenes de la vida, apostar lo mejor de nosotros. Y acerca de esta idea vuelve, una y otra vez, con una obra que rescata los valores de la responsabilidad, el compromiso y el esfuerzo sostenido. Con una energía que contagia, Vaena incentiva a reconocer excusas, detectar comportamientos repetitivos y estériles y romper la inercia que bloquea el camino al éxito. A lo largo de cada capítulo, por medio de frases inspiradoras, anécdotas, relatos y el estilo vital que es su sello, en Este es el momento Vaena ofrece una poderosa herramienta para adueñarnos de nuestro destino y construir una vida mejor.

Volver a mirarnos: El reencuentro con nuestros hijos y alumnos en tiempos de urgencia y tecnología

by Liliana González

Un libro que nos ayuda a mirar a los niños y los adolescentes de hoy. Volver a mirarnos es una invitación a reencontrarnos en medio de las urgencias, el avance tecnológico, la rutina. El mundo es cada vez más complejo, pero también cada vez más maravilloso. ¿Qué mirada y qué voz podemos utilizar para conectarnos con nuestros hijos-alumnos? Liliana González, en su incansable lucha por la saldar la deuda que tenemos los adultos con la infancia, nos invita a ampliar la mirada para alojar nuevas preguntas: ¿Qué lugar ocupan las pantallas en la vida de nuestros hijos? ¿Cuáles son los síntomas del bullying? ¿Les enseña la escuela a leer críticamente lo que se les vende? ¿Jerarquiza los espacios donde puedan expresarse libremente? ¿Cómo transmitirles, en tiempos del chat, la importancia del encuentro real con sus amigos? En esta oportunidad lo hace con el aporte de su hija, Natalia Brusa, quien desde la comunicación social suma elementos para tratar de acercarnos sin prejuicios al mundo de los niños y los adolescentes de hoy. Este libro nos ayuda a sumar humanidad a la observación amorosa de la infancia, de manera pacífica e inclusiva. Para mejorar la calidad de vida de todos y todas.

The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game

by Michael Lewis

"Lewis has such a gift for storytelling... he writes as lucidly for sports fans as for those who read him for other reasons."--Janet Maslin, New York Times <P><P> When we first meet Michael Oher is one of thirteen children by a mother addicted to crack; he does not know his real name, his father, his birthday, or how to read or write. He takes up football, and school, after a rich, white, Evangelical family plucks him from the streets. <P><P>Then two great forces alter Oher: the family's love and the evolution of professional football itself into a game in which the quarterback must be protected at any cost. Our protagonist becomes the priceless package of size, speed, and agility necessary to guard the quarterback's greatest vulnerability: his blind side.

The Warrior Code: 11 Principles to Unleash the Badass Inside of You

by Tee Marie Hanible Denene Millner

From American Grit co-star, former Marine Gunnery Sergeant Tee Marie Hanible comes the story of how she became a warrior...and how you can do it, too.In The Warrior Code, entrepreneur, philanthropist, reality star, and retired Gunnery Sergeant Tee Marie Hanible serves up eleven principles to awaken your inner badass and thrive in the face of adversity.After surviving the death of her father, enduring foster care, and being expelled from school, Tee joined military reform school, where she began uncovering her inner warrior. As part of one of the first female classes of recruits to complete the Marine Corps Crucible and the Marine Combat Training, and as the only woman to deploy with her unit to Iraq in 2003, Tee tested her mettle and learned the key to becoming an unbreakable woman. With insightful honesty and wisdom, and set against the backdrop of Tee’s life, The Warrior Code will help you understand that things can beat us back from realizing our true potential...but the key is finding the way to realize one’s own innate strength.

El leopardo del Kilimanjaro (En Progreso)

by Sergio Gorina Torrents

Una historia de reorientación profesional protagonizada por un ejecutivo de éxito sumido en una profunda crisis de identidad que decide realizar, junto a unos amigos, el ascenso al monte Kilimanjaro. A medida que van sucediéndose las etapas, el protagonista va hallando las respuestas que buscaba guiado por un amigo, psicólogo de prestigio. Esta obra combina un programa de coaching ejecutivo con una historia propia del género de literatura de viajes.

Capire me, Capire te: An Enquiry Into Being Human

by Manoj Krishna

Capire noi stessi e come funziona la nostra mente è la strada per la saggezza. È solo così che potremo vivere felici. È qualcosa che non ci viene insegnato a scuola, ma che dovremo scoprire da soli. Il libro ‘Capire me, capire te’ è uno strumento che può aiutare chiunque a comprendere se stesso in maniera chiara e semplice, attraverso la pura osservazione dei pensieri e delle emozioni e l’analisi della loro origine. Attraverso questa scoperta tutti noi abbiamo la possibilità di arricchirci di una conoscenza che può migliorare la nostra vita. Solo allora sapremo affrontare le difficoltà che incontreremo sul nostro cammino e lo stress che ne deriva. Poiché le nostre menti funzionano allo stesso modo, capire noi stessi vuol dire capire gli altri. È una rivelazione che porterà armonia nelle nostre relazioni, l’ingrediente essenziale di una vita felice. Lo scopo di questo libro è quello di rivelare i tanti modi invisibili in cui funziona la nostra mente che, dietro le quinte della nostra consapevolezza, condiziona i nostri pensieri e le nostre azioni. In 26 capitoli analizzeremo quei paesaggi del nostro mondo interiore che accomunano tutti gli esseri umani: l’arte di ascoltare, il meccanismo della comparazione, i nostri condizionamenti e l’impatto che hanno sulla nostra vita, la natura della paura e del desiderio e come influenzano il nostro comportamento, i nostri molteplici bisogni psicologici e le ripercussioni che hanno sulle nostre relazioni, l’affannosa ricerca di amore che ognuno di noi intraprende, le svariate convinzioni che ci danno conforto ma che creano anche divisione tra gli esseri umani, la solitudine, le abitudini che possono degenerare in dipendenze, le immagini che abbiamo di noi stessi e come cerchiamo di difenderle, il dolore che impedisce alla luce del sole di illuminare la nostra vita, e così via. La bellezza di questo approccio è che non necessita di alcuna autorità, di nessun bagaglio di conv

Divorciado y Asustado ¡No Más!

by Tasher

Divorciado y Asustado ¡No Más!: Apoyo emocional para los recién divorciados te provee con la motivación que necesitas pera librarte con seguridad del dolor y la traición de tu matrimonio fallido. Tasher habla desde su experiencia personal tras haber pasado a través de muchas etapas propias de las relaciones, como la negación de un matrimonio fallido, la expresividad necesaria para llegar a sanar, y permanecer emocionalmente estable. En esta lectura encontrarás maneras para abrazar tu libertad recién descubierta, mientras obtienes una apreciación más profunda de tu valor y nueva identidad después del divorcio. Tasher escribe desde el corazón, y se equilibra empatizando contigo, pero dejando que tú tomes la responsabilidad de tu felicidad mediante un diálogo honesto Tasher revisa los puntos convincentes de sanidad y fuerza, los cuales comparte con una franqueza que encontrarás liberadora. Continúa animando a aquellos que han sufrido con la negación, la ira, y la depresión por la pérdida de una pareja. Comparte el valor emocional de la ayuda que los amigos y la familia puede proveer, animando emocionalmente al necesitado de vitalidad emocional. También explora las preguntas frecuentes en el divorcio, como la manera en que Dios ve a aquellos que han estado divorciados, si van o no al cielo y mucho más; habla de temas como el abuso, la co-dependencia y el amor propio, ayudándote a identificar las relaciones no saludables. Después de explorar los Capítulos informativos de esta lectura, te sentirás inspirado para ver dentro de ti, dándote cuenta de tus necesidades y vivir otra vez. Todavía hay vida después de una muerte emocional. Divorciado y Asustado ¡No Más!: Apoyo emocional para los recién divorciados te provee con la motivación que necesitas pera librarte con seguridad del dolor y la traición de tu matrimonio fallido. Tasher habla desde su experiencia personal tras haber pasado a través de muchas etapas propias de las

Forgiveness and Justice: A Christian Approach

by Bryan Maier

Forgiveness and Justice is extremely useful for any practitioner needing to form a useful, theologically sound understanding of forgiveness for those who come for help.

The Book on Leadership

by John F. Macarthur

More than ever, people are talking about leadership. But much of today's discourse is advancing the same old misconceptions. In The Book on Leadership, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur sets the record straight: Leadership does not come from a job title. It isn't a matter of personality or charisma. And it isn't the same thing as iron-fisted authority. True leadership?the kind that refuses to bend to a shifting, fickle world?comes from a much deeper source. Based on the writings of one of the most effective spiritual leaders of all time?the apostle Paul?MacArthur presents the "26 Characteristics of a True Leader." Whether you are a business leader, civic leader, church leader, parent, teacher, or student, the life of Paul will empower you to unleash your own capacity for leadership.

Train the Brave: Tame Your Fear, Take the Chance, Dare to Live Big

by Margie Warrell

What would you do today if you were being brave? Courage begets courage. It's a habit. Doing something brave everyday - no matter how small - unlocks new possibilities, opportunities and pathways to thrive in your work, relationships and life.Drawing on her background in business, psychology and coaching, best-selling author Margie Warrell guides you past the fears that keep you from making the changes to create your ideal life.In today's uncertain times, fear can unconsciously direct our lives. Start small, dare big, and begin today to live with greater purpose, courage and success. Originally published in 2015 as Brave, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

It Starts with Passion: Do What You Love and Love What You Do

by Keith Abraham

Bring more energy to everything in your life. It Starts with Passion will help you ignite the purpose in your life, as well as in the lives of your colleagues, employees, and associates. In-depth research, practical concepts, inspirational stories, and clear visual models will show you how to find out what's meaningful to you and pursue it with passion.For three decades, Keith Abraham has been helping people around the world to harnass their passion, achieve their goals and focus on what's most important to bring the best out of themselves and their business.It's time to embark on a life of certainty, clarity and confidence and It Starts with Passion. Originally published in 2013, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

Smarter, Sharper Thinking: Reduce Stress, Banish Fatigue and Find Focus

by Jenny Brockis

Boost your brain and gain an edge in everything you do. Smarter Sharper Thinking reveals how you can expand your brain's capability to think well under stress, to focus and get more out of your day, to be more creative and innovative, and to prepare you for future challenges.Utilising the latest neuro-scientific principles, Dr Jenny Brockis shows how you can increase your brain fitness by developing a habit-changing plan to get more done with less effort.In 12 key areas, Smarter Sharper Thinking presents simple, action-based principles that can be readily incorporated into your daily routines to train your brain for high performance. Originally published in 2016 as Future Brain, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

It's Who You Know: How to Make Networking Work for You

by Janine Garner

Who do you need around you? Networking is an essential skill; it's the key to your success. So why are so many of our connections superficial and transactional? And why do they get us nowhere in our personal or professional life? Maybe because we've lost sight of the fact that it's not about the quantity of connections you make, but the quality of the relationships you build and nuture.From internationally-acclaimed entrepreneur and Fortune 500 mentor Janine Garner, It's Who You Know shows you how to build, manage and leverage your power network to create opportunities and drive success.Networking still matters, but your network matters even more. With It's Who You Know, you can learn to connect with those who will add real value to your professional and personal development. Originally published in 2017, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

How to Influence People: Motivate, Inspire and Get the Results You Want

by Chris Helder

Master the power of influence and persuasion. What if you could instantly boost your capability to influence, motivate and connect with people? How could it increase your productivity, team culture and bottom line? Better yet, what if you could influence yourself to achieve greater success? Imagine the impact that would have on your life and fortunes.How to Influence People takes these ideas out of the realm of what-if and turns them into reality. Whether you're a new manager looking for direction, an experienced leader looking to hone your skills or a sales professional looking for better ways to connect, How to Influence People is for you! Originally published in 2013 as The Ultimate Book of Influence, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

Boss of Busy: Combat Burn Out and Get Clear on What Matters

by Alison Hill

Bring calm to the chaos in your life. Whether you find yourself checked out, burnt out, or just plain freaked out; you deserve better. Psychologist Alison Hill takes you deep into the key pillars for our happiness, health and sanity to help you live a life filled with purpose and progress.Productivity training or the latest organisational system will only take you so far. To make lasting change you need the right tools, mindset and skills. Boss of Busy helps you find the courage and optimism to live the life you crave, let go of what is holding you back and learn how to prioritise what really matters. Originally published in 2016 as Stand Out, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life

by James Victore Danielle LaPorte

"James Victore is a dangerous man. His ideas on optimizing your creativity, doing wow work and building a life that inspires will devastate your limits. And show you how to win. Read this book fast." —Robin Sharma, #1 bestselling author of The Monk Who Sold His FerrariBegin before you're ready.Renowned designer and professional hell-raiser James Victore wants to drag you off your couch and throw you headfirst into a life of bold creativity. He'll guide you through all the twists, trials, and triumphs of starting your creative career, from finding your voice to picking the right moment to start a project (hint: It's now).Bring your biggest, craziest, most revolutionary ideas, and he will give you the kick in the pants you need to make them real. No matter what industry or medium you work in, this book will help you live, work, and create freely and fearlessly.Here are some dangerous ideas:• The things that made you weird as a kid make you great today.• Work is serious play.• Your ego can't dance.• The struggle is everything.• Freedom is something you take.• There ain't no rules.Take a risk. Try them out. Live dangerously.More praise for Feck Perfuction:"In James Victore's new book, he unequivocally proves why he is the master he is. In every chapter, he challenges and inspires the reader to reach for more, to try harder and to create our best selves. It is a magnificent and momentous experience. (All true)."—Debbie Millman, Host Design Matters"James Victore got famous creating tough posters that shook me to the core. He now does the same using the written word. To you."—Stefan Sagmeister, designer

Signs from the Other Side: Opening to the Spirit World

by Bill Philipps

LOVE NEVER DIES Finding comfort through communication With stories and insightful suggestions, beloved psychic medium Bill Philipps demonstrates that our loved ones on the other side are available to us. He promises that, with an open heart and mind ready to receive, anyone can recognize the signs that spirits of the departed may be trying to send. Signs from the Other Side offers an in-depth explanation of how Bill does what he does, as well as practical advice on how to receive and interpret signs when they appear. By tapping into our intuition, we can experience deep connections that lead to forgiveness, reassurance, or simply one last moment with a loved one. The book also includes more than twenty inspiring examples of how others experienced comfort through such communications.

Simple Truths: Clear & Gentle Guidance on the Big Issues in Life

by Kent Nerburn

Seldom does a book come along that speaks to the core issues of life with such clarity and wisdom. This profound book is deeply informed by the spiritual traditions of the West, the Far East, and the Native Americans, with whom the author has worked. It is a small treasure of wisdom about life’s deepest issues. From the Book . . . ON EDUCATION & LEARNING The true measure of your education is not what you know, but how you share what you know with others. ON MONEY People who measure their money against their desires will never be happy, because there will always be another desire waiting to lure them. People who measure their money against their needs can gain control over their lives by gaining control over their needs. ON LOVE Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. If it chooses to leave your heart or the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and nothing you should do. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. If you keep your heart open, it will surely come again.

Miracle in the Mundane: Poems, Prompts, and Inspiration to Unlock Your Creativity and Unfiltered Joy

by Tyler Knott Gregson

The national bestselling author of Chasers of the Light pulls back the curtain on his creative process to share how to unlock creativity and lead a more mindful and compassionate lifeEvery day, Tyler Knott Gregson posts romantic and striking poems on Instagram, enchanting his many fans with his authentic and deeply personal voice. He has a remarkable ability to see the beauty within the seemingly mundane moments of our lives, and above all else this is what keeps his fans coming back for more. Tyler's newest book showcases his inspiring poems, but it also goes one step deeper to reveal his secrets to cultivating this sense of wonder for the world. In this insightful guide, you will learn how to uncover your creativity, find inspiration, and live a life that is "more." Through a series of challenges, you are encouraged to write, draw, photograph, and share as you discover how to see yourself in a new way. Featuring exercises on mindfulness and self-expression as well as a poem for every prompt, this book will broaden your heart and mind to see the miracles hidden all around you.

A Beginner's Guide to the Universe: Uncommon Ideas for Living an Unusually Happy Life

by Mike Dooley

Mike Dooley, the beloved creator of Notes from the Universe, distills a career's worth of inspiration into elegant, brief lessons for making our way through the world--conceived as a guidebook for his young daughter to read when she grows up, yet relevant to everyone who's living a life on earth.Mike returns with his most impactful book yet: a volume of almost 500 insights drawn from his 20+ years as a New Thought leader, organized between endearing letters that recall poignant moments of fatherhood.Through books, courses, and live events, Mike has engaged students with his trademark humor, wisdom, and sheer joy in living. He speaks of understanding our innate spirituality and personal responsibility as the means to unlocking our power over the illusions of time and space. A Beginner's Guide to the Universe is filled with gem-like bits of wisdom imparting his most essential, heartfelt advice about living deliberately and creating consciously--comparable to such treasures as Life's Little Instruction Book, The Prophet, and The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down. Cleverly guiding the reader through a range of topics--including family and relationships, power and responsibility, adversity and rebounding, even the nature of heaven, angels, and God--Mike succeeds in making a happy life in this universe seem easily within our reach. The short passages of text placed artfully on each page, in a book that's a pleasure to hold in the hand, make this an ideal gift for a parent, a parent-to-be, a child, a new grad, a dear friend, or anyone who needs a dose of Dooley, whether they know it or not.

Work Wife: The Power of Female Friendship to Drive Successful Businesses

by Erica Cerulo Claire Mazur

Get inspired by the women who discovered that working with your best friend can be the secret to professional success—and maybe even the future of business—from the co-founders of the website Of a Kind. When Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur met in college in 2002, they bonded instantly. Fast-forward to 2010, when they founded the popular fashion and design website Of a Kind. Now, in their first book, Cerulo and Mazur bring to light the unique power of female friendship to fuel successful businesses. Drawing on their own experiences, as well as the stories of other thriving “work wives,” they highlight the ways in which vulnerability, openness, and compassion—qualities central to so many women’s relationships—lend themselves to professional accomplishment and innovation. Featuring interviews with work wives such as Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs of the influential food community site Food52, Ann Friedman, Aminatou Sow, and Gina Delvac of the hit podcast Call Your Girlfriend, and Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings of Olympic volleyball fame, Work Wife addresses a range of topics vital to successful partnerships, such as being co-bosses, tackling disagreements, dealing with money, and accommodating motherhood. Demonstrating how female partnerships in the office are productive, progressive, and empowering, Cerulo and Mazur offer an invaluable roadmap for a feminist reimagining of the workplace. Fun, enlightening, and informative, Work Wife is a celebration of female friendship and collaboration, proving that it's not just feasible but fruitful to mix BFFs with business.

Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope

by Karamo Brown

An insightful, candid, and inspiring memoir from Karamo Brown—Queer Eye’s beloved culture expert—as he shares his story for the first time, exploring how the challenges in his own life have allowed him to forever transform the lives of those in need. <P><P>When Karamo Brown first auditioned for the casting directors of Netflix’s Queer Eye, he knew he wouldn’t win the role of culture expert by discussing art and theater. Instead he decided to redefine what “culture” could—and should—mean for the show. He took a risk and declared, “I am culture.” Karamo believes that culture is so much more than art museums and the ballet—it’s how people feel about themselves and others, how they relate to the world around them, and how their shared labels, burdens, and experiences affect their daily lives in ways both subtle and profound. <P><P>Seen through this lens, Karamo is culture: his family is Jamaican and Cuban; he was raised in the South in predominantly white neighborhoods and attended an HBCU (Historically Black College/University); he was trained as a social worker and psychotherapist; he overcame personal issues of colorism, physical and emotional abuse, alcohol and drug addiction, and public infamy; he is a proud and dedicated gay single father of two boys, one biological and one adopted. It is by discussing deep subjects like these, he feels, that the makeovers on the show can attain their full, lasting meaning. <P><P>Styling your hair and getting new clothes and furniture are important, but it’s imperative that you figure out why you haven’t done so in twenty years so you can truly change your life. In this eye-opening and moving memoir, Karamo reflects on his lifelong education. It comprises every adversity he has overcome, as well as the lessons he has learned along the way. It is only by exploring our difficulties and having the hard conversations—with ourselves and one another—that we are able to adjust our mind-sets, heal emotionally, and move forward to live our best lives. <P><P>Karamo shows us the way.

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