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Linguaggio Del Corpo: Come Leggere Immediatamente Il Linguaggio Del Corpo A Prima Vista

by Steven Navarro

Analizzare le persone ti darà un discreto vantaggio in situazioni personali, sociali e professionali. Anche se la maggior parte di noi analizza le altre persone in maniera subconscia, non ci sono molti che prendono il controllo di questa abilità e la perfezionano, quindi farlo ti darà dei benefici che altri si perdono. Puoi conoscere queste cose. In questo libro, imparerai come categorizzare le persone nei tipi di personalità appena le incontri. Imparerai come leggere le persone quando stai vendendo loro qualcosa. Comprenderai meglio come capire cosa sta pensando una donna quando ti guarda. Saprai anche riconoscere quando quel giocatore di poker seduto di fronte a te sta bluffando e se un testimone durante un processo sta mentendo durante la sua testimonianza. Cosa stai aspettando? Non attendere oltre! Scorri la pagina verso l’alto e clicca ora il pulsante “compra” per iniziare il viaggio nella vita dei tuoi sogni!

Body Language: Migliore Guida Per La Comunicazione Non Verbale

by Desmond Rowney

I benefici di tenere sotto controllo il vostro linguaggio corporeo non finiscono qui. E' ampiamente stabilito che uno degli elementi più indispensabili di attrazione è il linguaggio del corpo. Conoscendo tali argomenti non solo vi aiuterà ad interpretare i gesti del vostro partner, ma anche a controllare le vostre espressioni non verbali a vostro massimo vantaggio. Dopo aver letto questo libro, sarete più sicuri di assicurarvi un punto sicuro in campo amoroso, matrimoniale, e romantico. Questo libro abbatte l'esercizio in moduli di facile comprensione. Inizia dal principio dell'apprendimento del linguaggio corporeo Scaricate questo grande libro oggi!

The Efficiency Paradox: What Big Data Can't Do

by Edward Tenner

A bold challenge to our obsession with efficiency--and a new understanding of how to benefit from the powerful potential of serendipityAlgorithms, multitasking, the sharing economy, life hacks: our culture can't get enough of efficiency. One of the great promises of the Internet and big data revolutions is the idea that we can improve the processes and routines of our work and personal lives to get more done in less time than we ever have before. There is no doubt that we're performing at higher levels and moving at unprecedented speed, but what if we're headed in the wrong direction?Melding the long-term history of technology with the latest headlines and findings of computer science and social science, The Efficiency Paradox questions our ingrained assumptions about efficiency, persuasively showing how relying on the algorithms of digital platforms can in fact lead to wasted efforts, missed opportunities, and above all an inability to break out of established patterns. Edward Tenner offers a smarter way of thinking about efficiency, revealing what we and our institutions, when equipped with an astute combination of artificial intelligence and trained intuition, can learn from the random and unexpected.

No debería ser así: Saca fuerzas cuando te sientas vencida 

by Lisa Terkeurst

¿Qué hacer cuando el tiempo de Dios parece ser cuestionable, su falta de intervención te lastima y sus promesas son inciertas? La vida a menudo se presenta muy diferente a lo que habíamos esperado o soñado. Algunos acontecimientos nos toman con la guardia baja por solo un momento, pero otros nos sacuden por completo. Nos sentimos desilusionadas o decepcionadas y, en silencio, comenzamos a preguntarnos acerca de la veracidad de la bondad de Dios. Lysa TerKeurst lo sabe. Pero también descubrió que nuestras desilusiones pueden ser instancias divinas que nuestra alma necesita para tener un encuentro radical con Dios. En No debería ser así, Lysa nos invita a recorrer su camino de fe y, con astucia, vulnerabilidad y humor, nos ayuda a ver nuestra vida en el contexto de la historia mayor de Dios. Ya sea que estemos lidiando con desilusiones de la vida cotidiana o con una pérdida que alteró toda nuestra existencia, podemos hallar una fuerza inesperada al aprender lo que significa debatirnos entre nuestra fe y nuestros sentimientos. #Lysa confronta con una vulnerabilidad asombrosa diferencias, a menudo brutales, entre la vida que tenemos y la que esperamos tener. [#], permite que este libro te dirija al plan de Dios, a una manera completamente nueva de ser humano. No querrás recuperar tu vieja vida: hay algo mucho mejor que eso#. #LEVI LUSKO, pastor de Fresh Life Church; autor de los libros Swipe Right y A través de los ojos del león.

The Intergalactic Design Guide: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Social Design

by Cheryl Heller

Design has built global brands, disrupted industries, and transformed our lives with technology. It has also contributed to the complex challenges we face today. In The Intergalactic Design Guide, business strategist and designer Cheryl Heller shows how social design offers a new approach to navigate uncertainty, increase creativity, strengthen relationships, and develop our capacity to collaborate.The most innovative leaders in the world have instinctively practiced social design for decades. Heller has worked with many of these pioneers, observing patterns in their methods and translating them into an approach that can bring new creative energy to any organization. The Intergalactic Design Guide explains 11 common principles, a step-by-step process, and the essential skills for successful social design. Nine in-depth examples—from the CEO of the largest carpet manufacturer in the world to an entrepreneur with a passion for reducing food waste—illustrate the social design process in action.Whether you are launching a start-up or managing a global NGO, The Intergalactic Design Guide provides both inspiration and practical steps for designing a more resilient and fulfilling future.

Negotiating with Giants: Get what you want against the odds

by Peter D. Johnston

HOW DO YOU NEGOTIATE with Wal-Mart? With America's President over going to war? A pay raise from an intimidating boss? More money for a struggling start-up? Sweeping social change? Your survival if you're taken hostage by an armed killer? In this award-winning bestseller, you will travel across time through riveting, real-life David & Goliath stories uncovering the secrets and strategies of successful smaller players so you, too, can get what you want against the odds.

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform your Life (Before 8AM)

by Hal Elrod

“Hal Elrod is a genius and his book The Miracle Morning has been magical in my life. What Hal has done is taken the best practices, developed over centuries of human consciousness development, and condensed the 'best of the best' into a daily morning ritual. A ritual that is now part of my day.” —Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad <P><P>What's being widely regarded as "one of the most life changing books ever written" may be the simplest approach to achieving everything you've ever wanted, and faster than you ever thought possible. <P><P>What if you could wake up tomorrow and any—or EVERY—area of your life was beginning to transform? What would you change? The Miracle Morning is already transforming the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by showing them how to wake up each day with more ENERGY, MOTIVATION, and FOCUS to take your life to the next level. It’s been right here in front of us all along, but this book has finally brought it to life. <P><P>Are you ready? The next chapter of YOUR life—the most extraordinary life you've ever imagined—is about to begin. Buy the book and WAKE UP to your full potential!

The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs: Elevate Yourself to Elevate Your Business

by Hal Elrod Cameron Harold

READY FOR EXPLOSIVE GROWTH AS AN ENTREPRENEUR AND ACCELERATED SUCCESS IN THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? <P><P>Hal Elrod’sThe Miracle Morning has helped redefine the mornings and the lives of millions of readers since 2012. Since then, careers have been launched, goals have been met, and dreams have been realized, all through the power of the Miracle Morning’s six Life S.A.V.E.R.S. <P><P>THESE SIX DAILY PRACTICES WILL FUEL YOUR EFFORTS TO CREATE AND SUSTAIN POSITIVE CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE. <P><P>Brings you these principles in a whole new light—alongside the Entrepreneurial Elevation Principles and the Entrepreneur’s Elevation Skills. These are essential skills that you need to create a successful business and personal life.

Kick-Ass Closings: A Guide To Giving The Best Closing Argument Of Your Life

by Michael Waddington Gerry Spence Eric Romano Jerome Buting Robert Casale Dean Strang Ian Friedman Cheney Mason Brian Bieber Barry Scheck James Bell Stacy Walsh Alexandra Gonzalez-Waddington Paul Bergrin Mark Geragos Mark O'Mara Clarence Darrow Johnnie Cochran Thomas Mesereau Timothy Bilecki Jose Baez

Kick-Ass Closings is a powerful resource for new and experienced criminal defense lawyers, so they can deliver devastating closing arguments with minimal prep time. This book provides a simple and straightforward template that can be used in any criminal trial and hundreds of sample closing arguments that can be crafted to fit the facts of your case. Used properly, this book can save you time, and increase the power and effectiveness of your closing arguments. More importantly, it will help save lives, and protect the freedom of those whom we defend.

Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears

by Pema Chodron

In this book Pema Chödrön shows us how to break free of destructive patterns in our lives and experience a new sense of freedom and happiness. Drawing on the Buddhist concept of shenpa, she helps us to see how certain habits of mind tend to "hook" us and get us stuck in states of anger, blame, self-hatred, and addiction. The good news is that once we start to see these patterns, we can begin to change our lives for the better. <P><P>The key is learning a new way of facing the inevitable difficulties and insecurities of our daily lives: we must learn how to stay present and open our hearts. "This path entails uncovering three basic human qualities," explains Pema. "These qualities have always been with us but perhaps have gotten buried and almost forgotten. They are natural intelligence, natural warmth, and natural openness. Everyone, everywhere, all over the globe, has these qualities and can call on them to help themselves and others." <P>This book gives us the insights and practices we can immediately put to use in our lives to awaken these essential qualities. In her friendly and encouraging style, Pema Chödrön helps us to take a bold leap toward a new way of living—one that will bring about positive transformation for ourselves and for our troubled world.

Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change

by Pema Chodron

We live in difficult times. Life sometimes seems like a roiling and turbulent river threatening to drown us and destroy the world. Why, then, shouldn't we cling to the certainty of the shore--to our familiar patterns and habits? Because, Pema Chödrön teaches, that kind of fear-based clinging keeps us from the infinitely more satisfying experience of being fully alive. The teachings she presents here--known as the "Three Commitments"--provide a wealth of wisdom for learning to step right into the river: to be completely, fearlessly present even in the hardest times, the most difficult situations. When we learn to let go of our protective patterns and do that, we begin to see not only how much better it feels to live that way, but, as a wonderful side effect, we find that we begin to naturally and effectively reach out to others in care and support.

Rising in Love (Alan Cohen title): Opening Your Heart In All Your Relationships

by Alan Cohen

This is a book about Love… It is the saga of the heart’s journey from loneliness to celebration, from empty, dark caverns to waterfalls of triumphant gratitude. It is a testimony to the dauntless power of Love to heal broken dreams and make each one of us new, bright, and whole again.

What Matters Most: The Get Your Shit Together Guide to Wills, Money, Insurance, and Life's "What-ifs"

by Chanel Reynolds

Founder of popular website Get Your Shit Together blends personal story and must-have advice in the ultimate guide to getting your affairs in order—from wills and advance directives to insurance, finances, and relationships—before the unthinkable happens.On July 17, 2009, Chanel Reynolds’ husband, José, was struck by a car while cycling near their home in Seattle. In the wake of her husband’s untimely death, Reynolds quickly realized that she was completely unprepared for what came next. What was the password to his phone? Did they sign their wills? How much insurance did they have? Could she afford the house? And what the hell was probate anyway? Simply put, when life went sideways she didn’t have her shit together.As it turns out, most of us don’t either. We’re too busy, in denial, overwhelmed by too much information, uncertain where to start, or just uncomfortable having those difficult conversations. Reynolds learned the hard way that hoping for the best is not a plan, but you don’t have to. Drawing on her first-hand experience, expert advice, and the unparalleled resources she’s compiled for her celebrated website, Reynolds lends a human voice to a warren of checklists and forms and emotional confusion, showing readers how to:Create a will and living willUpdate (or finally get) the right life insurance policyStart or grow an emergency fundMake a watertight emergency planKeep secure, up-to-date records of personal informationAuthoritative yet personal, grounded but irreverent, Reynolds’ voice carries readers through a tough subject with candor and compassion. Weaving personal story with hard-won wisdom, What Matters Most is the approachable, no-nonsense handbook we all need to living a life free of worry and "what ifs."

El camino de regreso a ti

by Ian Morgan Cron Suzanne Stabile

La ignorancia es una bendición, excepto para el autoconocimiento. Lo que no conoces acerca de ti puede dañarte# a ti, a tus relaciones y a la forma en que vives la vida. Además, puede mantenerte en un plano superficial con Dios. ¿Quieres aprender a descubrir quién eres y por qué tropiezas una y otra vez con los mismos patrones autodestructivos? Encuentra la respuesta en el antiguo sistema de tipos de personalidad llamado Eneagrama, cuya asombrosa precisión para describir la personalidad que poseemos los seres humanos #tanto de forma positiva como negativa# ha elevado su popularidad en los últimos años. Aunque otros autores han explorado sus conexiones con la espiritualidad cristiana, no hubo anteriormente un enfoque tan práctico, exhaustivo y accesible de abordar como el que Ian Morgan y Suzanne Stabile han logrado. Al comenzar a efectuar los cambios que puedes empezar a hacer hoy mismo, la sabiduría del Eneagrama te ayudará a encaminarte hacia la senda que te conducirá a la mejor y más genuina versión de ti mismo. #Si quieres comprenderte a ti mismo y comprender a aquellos que te rodean, este libro profundo y brillante es un excelente punto de partida#.-#W. m. Paul Young, autor de La cabaña

How to Own the Room: Women and the Art of Brilliant Speaking

by Viv Groskop

A powerful guide for every woman looking to find—or amplify—her voiceMost books about public speaking don’t tell you what to do when you open your mouth and nothing comes out. And they don’t tell you how to get over the performance anxiety that most people naturally have. They don’t tell you what to do in the moments when you are made, as a woman, to feel small. They don’t tell you how to own the room. This book does.From the way Michelle Obama projects “happy high status,” and the power of J.K.Rowling’s understated speaking style, to Virginia Woolf’s leisurely pacing and Oprah Winfrey’s mastery of inner conviction, what is it that our heroines do to make us sit up and listen - really listen - to their every word? And how can you achieve that impact in your own life? How to Own the Room will show you exactly how.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories of Love, Gratitude & Wisdom (Chicken Soup For The Soul Ser.)

by Amy Newmark

Every mom knows that she’s usually right. It just takes a while for the kids to catch on. These stories celebrate the experience, understanding and wisdom of mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, and mothers-in-law. What a great way to show the mothers in your family that you know they were right all along. New moms and experienced moms will enjoy these stories of love and appreciation from grown and almost grown children of all ages. This is a popular gift for mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, and mothers-in-law all year round.

Invested: How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Taught Me to Master My Mind, My Emotions, and My Money (with a Little Help from My Dad)

by Danielle Town Phil Town

In this essential handbook—a blend of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Happiness Project—the co-host of the wildly popular InvestED podcast shares her yearlong journey learning to invest, as taught to her by her father, investor and bestselling author Phil Town.Growing up, the words finance, savings, and portfolio made Danielle Town’s eyes glaze over, and the thought of stocks and financial statements shut down her brain. The daughter of a successful investor and bestselling financial author of Rule #1, Phil Town, she spent most of her adult life avoiding investing—until she realized that her time-consuming career as lawyer was making her feel anything but in control of her life or her money. Determined to regain her freedom, vote for her values with her money, and deal with her fear of the unpredictable stock market, she turned to her father, Phil, to help her take charge of her life and her future through Warren Buffett-style value investing. Over the course of a year, Danielle went from avoiding everything to do with the financial industrial complex to knowing exactly how and when to invest in wonderful companies. In Invested, Danielle shows you how to do the same: how to take command of your own life and finances by choosing companies with missions that match your values, using the same gold standard strategies that have catapulted Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger to the top of the Forbes 400. Avoiding complex math and obsolete financial models, she turns her father’s investing knowledge into twelve easy-to understand lessons. In each chapter, Danielle examines the investment strategies she mastered as her increasing know-how deepens the trust between her and her father. Throughout, she streamlines the process of making wise financial decisions and shows you just how easy—and profitable—investing can be.Capturing a warm, charming, and down-to-earth give and take between a headstrong daughter and her mostly patient dad, Invested makes the complex world of investing simple, straightforward, and approachable, and will help you formulate your own investment plan—and foster the confidence to put it into action.

Una buena ventura

by Fernando Montaño

La historia del bailarín colombiano que venció todos los obstáculos hasta alcanzar su sueño: convertirse en una de las figuras principales del Royal Ballet de Londres. Uno de los testimonios más inspiradores de todos los tiempos. Desde que era niño, el colombiano Fernando Montaño tomó la decisión de convertirse en bailarín profesional y hoy en día es una de las estrellas principales del Royal Ballet de Londres. Pero el camino para llegar ahí no ha sido fácil. En este libro, Montaño comparte por primera vez todas las adversidades, los fracasos y los episodios que marcaron su vida desde que abandonó Buenaventura, una de las zonas más pobres de Colombia, hasta llegar a Europa. Una historia inspiradora que habla sobre alcanzar los sueños, sobre la pobreza, la resiliencia, la discriminación racial, la disciplina, el talento y el arte.

Vitaminas: Para el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños

by Andrea Cardemil

Vitaminas Para el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños

Understanding Men's Passages: Discovering the New Map of Men's Lives

by Gail Sheehy

Hundreds of bold, imaginative men--celebrities as well as everyday heroes--share here their most intimate desires, deepest fears, and most fervent cravings for renewal. Decade by decade, Sheehy uncovers the real issues facing men today: finding new passion and purpose to invigorate the second half of their lives, dealing with "manopause," surviving job change, enjoying post-nesting zest, defeating depression, and learning what keeps a man young.

Daily Readings from Become a Better You: 90 Devotions for Improving Your Life Every Day

by Joel Osteen

In addition to his much anticipated most recent book, Become a Better You, Joel Osteen offers this lovingly compiled collection of motivational and inspirational readings to prepare and assist us in becoming the person that God wants each of us to be. It is the perfect complement to Become a Better You. This book will provide enlightening, insightful and inspiring words for all readers. The readings correspond beautifully with the seven values that Joel emphasizes in Become a Better You.

Life Lessons: How Our Mortality Can Teach Us About Life And Living

by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, David Kessler

If you only had a few days left, how would you live your life differently? Having now faced her own death the famous 'death and dying lady' takes on life and living, showing us how the lessons learned by many people - including herself - at the end, can teach us to improve and enjoy life at any time. Each one of us asks at some point, 'Is this really how I want to live my life?' This is a life-changing book, reminding us that the tragedy is not that life is short, but that we often see only in hindsight what really matters. LIFE LESSONS faces life's challenges, devoting a chapter to fourteen crucial areas: identity, love and relationships, loss and fear, power, time, tolerance, patience, surrender, guilt, happiness, play, creativity. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler have been to the edge of life, hundreds of times, with those who have died and those who have survived. They invite us to explore these stories, showing us a better way to live and the way towards a deeper happiness. This very positive and hopeful book is a unique way to see each life as meaningful and profound, as an authentic experience that can fulfil its potential.

Confesiunile unui vorbitor public

by Scott Berkun

În acest volum plin de haz ?i extrem de practic, scriitorul ?i vorbitorul profesionist Scott Berkun ne dezv?luie tehnicile folosite de marii oratori ?i ne arat? cum le poate utiliza oricine pentru a comunica mai bine.

Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing

by Timothy Mccall

The definitive book of yoga therapy, this groundbreaking work comes to you from the medical editor of the country's premier yoga magazine, who is both a practicing yogi and a Western-trained physician. Beginning with an overview of the history and science of yoga, Dr. McCall describes the many different techniques in the yoga tool kit; explains what yoga does and who can benefit from it (virtually everyone!); and provides lavishly illustrated and minutely detailed instructions on starting a yoga practice geared to your fitness level and your health status. Yoga as Medicine offers a wealth of practical information, including how to:*Utilize yogic tools, including postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, for both prevention and healing of illness*Master the art of becoming more in tune with your body*Communicate more effectively with your doctor*Adopt therapeutic yoga practices as either an alternative or a complement to surgery and to expensive, sometimes dangerous medications*Practice safely Find an instructor and a style of yoga that are right for you. With twenty chapters devoted to the work of individual master teachers, including such well-known figures as Patricia Walden, John Friend, and Rodney Yee, Yoga as Medicine shows how these experts have applied the wisdom of this ancient holistic practice to twenty different conditions, ranging from arthritis to chronic fatigue, depression, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, infertility, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, and obesity. Defining yoga as "a systematic technology to improve the body, understand the mind, and free the spirit," Dr. McCall shows the way to a path that can truly alter your life. An indispensable guide for the millions who now practice yoga or would like to begin, as well as for yoga teachers, body workers, doctors, nurses, and other health professionals.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Little Book of Lykke: Secrets of the World’s Happiest People (The Happiness Institute Series)

by Meik Wiking

Join the happiness revolution! The author of the New York Times bestseller The Little Book of Hygge offers more inspiration and suggestions for achieving greater happiness, by practicing Lykke (LOO-ka)—pursuing and finding the good that exists in the world around us every day.While the Danes are the happiest people on the planet, happiness isn’t exclusively Danish; cultures around the world have their own unique approaches to leading a contented, fulfilled life. For his work at the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Meik Wiking travels the globe from Dubai to Finland, Rio de Janeiro to Bhutan, South Korea to the United States, to discover the secrets of the very happiest people.In The Little Book of Lykke, Meik identifies the six factors that explain the majority of differences in happiness across the world—togetherness, money, health, freedom, trust, and kindness—and explores what actions we can take to become happier. As he reveals, we can deepen our blissfulness and contentment with little adjustments in our behavior, whether it’s eating like the French (sitting around a table and savoring our time) or dancing the tango like Argentinians in Buenos Aires.With his trademark warmth and wit, Meik explores the happiness gap for parents, how much money you really need to buy happiness, how we can be healthier without having to go to the gym, how we can learn to build trust and collaboration, how we can help ourselves by helping others, and why our expectations often outweigh our reality. Weaving together original research and personal anecdotes, The Little Book of Lykke is a global roadmap for joy that offers a new approach to achieving everyday happiness that not only improve our own lives, but help us build better communities and a better world.

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