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El gran libro de los sueños

by Rex Lund

Hay sueños blancos y negros, que presagian el bien y que anuncian el mal. ¿A cuáles pertenecen los tuyos? Muchos libros se han escrito sobre la interpretación de los sueños; sin embargo, pocos se han preocupado por abordar con profundidad el tema. Este libro resolverá cualquier duda que tengas con respecto a la interpretación de tus sueños, tú serás quien descubra, en esta obra, la respuesta a las interrogantes que te agobien después de cada sueño. La seriedad de las interpretaciones que aquí se exponen está garantizada por la amplia experiencia del autor en el conocimiento de la mente humana, así como por sus estudios a propósito de la relación que existe entre los sueños y los hechos subsecuentes ocurridos a muchas personas.

El gran libro del Feng Shui

by Mónica Koppel

Vivimos tiempo de cambio, por lo que es indispensable modificar nuestras actitudes para mejorar en todos los aspectos, y con este libro no sólo aprenderás a aplicar los consejos del Feng Shui en tu casa, lograrás, además, atraer las mejores oportunidades de éxito. De Mónica Koppel, la autora de Feng Shui para el amor. El libro definitivo para armonizar tu vida y tus espacios con Feng Shui. El Feng Shui es una filosofía de origen chino que surge de la inquietud por el estudio del paisaje y de las formas que prevalecen en el entorno, así como su influencia en el ser humano. Es el arte de encontrar un lugar adecuado para cualquier cosa y crear ambientes agradables que fomenten el crecimiento físico, mental y espiritual del ser humano, por medio del efecto inconsciente que el entorno le genera. De acuerdo a esta filosofía, nuestra vida y nuestro destino están entretejidos con el trabajo de las misteriosas fuerzas del universo y la naturaleza, más que con las propias acciones del hombre. Estas fuerzas son las responsables de la salud, prosperidad y buena suerte del ser humano. En el aspecto sexual, el Feng Shui puede colaborar como una herramienta interesante para crear una determinada atmósfera con base en las necesidades de la relación de pareja, para atraer a alguien e incluso se puede, apoyándonos en astrología de Feng Shui, analizar a profundidad la relación y comportamiento mutuo de dos personas y aportar sugerencias invaluables para crear un ambiente de armonía, que conducirá a una convivencia agradable.

The Grand Food Bargain: and the Mindless Drive for More

by Kevin D. Walker

When it comes to food, Americans seem to have a pretty great deal. Our grocery stores are overflowing with countless varieties of convenient products. But like most bargains that are too good to be true, the modern food system relies on an illusion. It depends on endless abundance, but the planet has its limits. Through beautifully-told stories from around the world, Kevin Walker reveals the unintended consequences of our myopic focus on quantity over quality. By the end of the journey, we not only understand how the drive to produce ever more food became hardwired into the American psyche, but why shifting our mindset is essential.

Grandi suggerimenti alimentari

by C. Luca Catalano James Milner

Sappiamo che seguire un’alimentazione sana, basata principalmente su una dieta equilibrata e ricca di alimenti salutari, è fondamentale quando vogliamo stare attenti alla nostra salute e godere di una vita sana ogni giorno. La natura ci offre una grande varietà di alimenti nutrienti al cento per cento benefici per il nostro organismo, che ci aiutano a soddisfare il fabbisogno giornaliero di vitamine e minerali. Sebbene i casi di obesità e sovrappeso sono aumentati in maniera allarmante negli ultimi anni, il consumo di cibo veloce e cibo spazzatura è sempre maggiore. “Non esistono alimenti buoni o cattivi, bensì diete e regimi alimentari più o meno salutari. La moda di attribuire proprietà benefiche agli alimenti, molto di attualità oggi, può educare il consumatore su quegli alimenti che non devono mancare nella sua dieta, sempre tenendo conto della varietà, dell’equilibrio e della moderazione. Persino l’olio d’oliva, che è ricco di proprietà benefiche, Bisogna consumarlo con moderazione”.

Grandma and Me: A Kid's Guide for Alzheimer's & Dementia

by Beatrice Tauber Prior Mary Ann Drummond

A beautiful storybook that helps children understand their grandparent&’s challenges, written by a nurse and a psychologist. The authors of Grandma and Me have combined their years of clinical experience to create a truly engaging, yet informative book for young children on the topics of Alzheimer&’s and dementia. With beautiful artwork to capture children&’s attention, Grandma and Me provides a gentle, age-appropriate portrait of Alzheimer&’s disease in the context of a loving relationship between grandparent and grandchild—and provides tools that will help children continue to have a relationship with their loved one despite the disease. Grandma and Me addresses a difficult topic with compassion and understanding, and allows families to successfully navigate the journey ahead.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Plant Medicine and the Psychedelic Brain

by Christian Funder

• Examines how ayahuasca affects the brain from a neuroscientific perspective and how its effects on consciousness relate to ancient esoteric texts • Shares interviews with people who have experienced ayahuasca&’s powerful &“spirit doctor&” effects and the author&’s own ayahuasca journey from suicidal depression to a soul at peace • Investigates how ayahuasca is interwoven with the ancient practices of Amazonian shamanism Brewed from a combination of two plants--the leaves of Psychotria viridis and the vine stalks of Banisteriopsis caapi--ayahuasca has been used for millennia by indigenous tribes throughout the Upper Amazon for healing and spiritual exploration. The shamans of the Peruvian Amazon call the plant spirit within the vine Abuela Ayahuasca, Grandmother Ayahuasca. Exploring the history, lore, traditional use, psychoactive effects, and current scientific studies, Christian Funder reveals how Grandmother Ayahuasca is a profound healer, wise teacher, and life-changing guide. Examining ayahuasca from a neuroscientific perspective, the author looks at recent research on the effects of DMT--one of the psychoactive compounds in ayahuasca--as well as fMRI studies of brain activity during altered states. He explores these fi ndings as they relate to the teachings on unified states of consciousness in ancient esoteric texts and to Aldous Huxley&’s theory of psychedelics inhibiting the &“reducing valve&” mechanism of the brain.Sharing interviews with people who have experienced ayahuasca&’s powerful &“spirit doctor&” effects, Funder also details his own revolutionary ayahuasca healing journey from suicidal depression to a soul at peace. He explores ayahuasca&’s relationship to indigenous Amazonian shamanism, including an inside look at the Shipibo tribe and the healing songs known as icaros. Offering a holistic picture of ayahuasca--from science to spirit--the author shows that this venerated hallucinogenic tea has immense therapeutic potential and just might be the long-lost shamanic connection to the sacred Gaian mind.

The Grandmother of Time: A Woman's Book of Celebrations, Spells and Sacred Objects for Every Month of the Year

by Zsuzsanna E. Budapest

Budapest reveals bits of wisdom and lore from feminist spirituality roots, though the content of this book will be useful to men and women. She reviews a history of the holidays for each month, aspects specific to that time of year, and suggests spells/rituals pertinent to growth via those aspects. Finally, she concludes each chapter with a story, often personal about the experiences she has been describing about that month. It is a lovely book either to read cover to cover, or use as a reference book throughout the year.

Grandmothers Counsel the World: Women Elders Offer Their Vision for Our Planet

by Carol Schaefer

We are thirteen indigenous grandmothers. . . . We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth, the atrocities of war, the global scourge of poverty, the prevailing culture of materialism, the epidemics that threaten the health of the Earth's peoples, and with the destruction of indigenous ways of life.We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, believe that our ancestral ways of prayer, peacemaking, and healing are vitally needed today. . . . We believe that the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future.In some Native American societies, tribal leaders consulted a council of grandmothers before making any major decisions that would affect the whole community. What if we consulted our wise women elders about the problems facing our global community today? This book presents the insights and guidance of thirteen indigenous grandmothers from five continents, many of whom are living legends among their own peoples. The Grandmothers offer wisdom on such timely issues as nurturing our families; cultivating physical and mental health; and confronting violence, war, and poverty. Also included are the reflections of Western women elders, including Alice Walker, Gloria Steinem, Helena Norberg-Hodge, and Carol Moseley Brown.

Grandpa Hobbs: The Adventures of Mabel & Sarah Jane (Treasures From Grandma's Attic)

by Kristine Lombardi Frankel

Mabel's sure that Grandpa Hobbs is crazy, after all, he's so old. He mixes people up and becomes confused. But Grandpa Hobbs is full of surprises. A bit of shakespeare anyone?

Grandpa's Music

by Alison Acheson Bill Farnsworth

Grandpa takes care of the garden, kneads bread, and makes music on the piano. Everyone in Callie's family helps out around the house, now that Grandpa, who has Alzheimer's, lives with them. The family becomes Grandpa's "home team," and Callie loves spending time with them. As months go by, Grandpa forgets more, and he can't do as much as he could before. But he can still make music--his fingers remember the notes on the piano. And when he can't recall the words to a favorite old song, Callie helps him come up with new things that they can sing about together. Alison Acheson's thoughtful storytelling and Bill Farnsworth's touching paintings portray a family that learns to adapt to the challenges of Alzheimer's disease while making the very best of their time together.

Grandpa's Teeth

by Rod Clement

Grandpa's expensive false teeth have been stolen! Grandpa suspects everyone. Where could his teeth have gone?

Granny's Natural Remedies: Traditional Cures for Everyday Ailments

by Brenda Evans

Granny always has just the thing for a nasty cold or a grazed knee. Her pantry is not only packed with tasty treats for hungry grandchildren, but also just the right ingredient to soothe an angry rash or calm an upset tummy. Expensive medicines can do the trick, but often we use them once or twice and then they stay at the back of a cupboard, gathering dust.Granny's Natural Remedies is a treasure trove of effective alternative treatments for everything from bee stings to burns and headaches to hiccups, using only the contents of the average kitchen or garden. If you don't know your aloe from your elbow, follow Granny's advice and discover the wonderful healing properties of everyday ingredients such as nutmeg, honey and garlic, and learn how to take care of your family using safe and cost-effective traditional cures ... just like Granny.

Grapes and Health

by John M. Pezzuto

This book offers a thorough review of the scientific research that links the consumption of grapes to better health. The book starts with a basic review of grape biology, including the key families of phytochemicals found in grapes, and where they are found. An overview of the rationale for and subsequent creation of a standardized grape powder for use in basic and clinical research provides insight and understanding regarding its widespread use in grape-specific research today. The remaining chapters each thoroughly examine a key area of health, demonstrating a significant scope of impact on well-being. The book examines the role of grapes in supporting heart health under multiple angles: general cardiovascular effects, as well as specific effects directly linked to atherosclerosis and hypertension. Other emerging and important areas of health are examined, ranging from grapes and cancer, where grape consumption has been shown to protect healthy colon tissue; grapes and inflammation, where grapes have been shown to block inflammatory activity in immune cells of fat tissue; to brain health, where a grape-enriched diet has been shown to protect against neuronal damage due to loss of oxygen in the brain, as well as against oxidative stress-related anxiety and resulting memory loss; to grapes and eye health where grape consumption has been shown to protect the retina from damage.

Graphic Reproduction: A Comics Anthology (Graphic Medicine)

by Susan Merrill Squier

This comics anthology delves deeply into the messy and often taboo subject of human reproduction. Featuring work by luminaries such as Carol Tyler, Alison Bechdel, and Joyce Farmer, Graphic Reproduction is an illustrated challenge to dominant cultural narratives about conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.The comics here expose the contradictions, complexities, and confluences around diverse individual experiences of the entire reproductive process, from trying to conceive to child loss and childbirth. Jenell Johnson’s introduction situates comics about reproduction within the growing field of graphic medicine and reveals how they provide a discursive forum in which concepts can be explored and presented as uncertainties rather than as part of a prescribed or expected narrative. Through comics such as Lyn Chevley’s groundbreaking “Abortion Eve,” Bethany Doane’s “Pushing Back: A Home Birth Story,” Leah Hayes’s “Not Funny Ha-Ha,” and “Losing Thomas & Ella: A Father’s Story,” by Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower, the collection explores a myriad of reproductive experiences and perspectives. The result is a provocative, multifaceted portrait of one of the most basic and complicated of all human experiences, one that can be hilarious and heartbreaking.Featuring work by well-known comics artists as well as exciting new voices, this incisive collection is an important and timely resource for understanding how reproduction intersects with sociocultural issues. The afterword and a section of discussion exercises and questions make it a perfect teaching tool.

Graphic Reproduction: A Comics Anthology (Graphic Medicine #11)

by Susan Merrill Squier Jenell Johnson

This comics anthology delves deeply into the messy and often taboo subject of human reproduction. Featuring work by luminaries such as Carol Tyler, Alison Bechdel, and Joyce Farmer, Graphic Reproduction is an illustrated challenge to dominant cultural narratives about conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.The comics here expose the contradictions, complexities, and confluences around diverse individual experiences of the entire reproductive process, from trying to conceive to child loss and childbirth. Jenell Johnson’s introduction situates comics about reproduction within the growing field of graphic medicine and reveals how they provide a discursive forum in which concepts can be explored and presented as uncertainties rather than as part of a prescribed or expected narrative. <P><P>Through comics such as Lyn Chevley’s groundbreaking “Abortion Eve,” Bethany Doane’s “Pushing Back: A Home Birth Story,” Leah Hayes’s “Not Funny Ha-Ha,” and “Losing Thomas & Ella: A Father’s Story,” by Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower, the collection explores a myriad of reproductive experiences and perspectives. The result is a provocative, multifaceted portrait of one of the most basic and complicated of all human experiences, one that can be hilarious and heartbreaking.Featuring work by well-known comics artists as well as exciting new voices, this incisive collection is an important and timely resource for understanding how reproduction intersects with sociocultural issues. The afterword and a section of discussion exercises and questions make it a perfect teaching tool. <P><P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

La grasa no es como la pintan

by Nina Teicholz

Por qué la ciencia se ha equivocado por décadas acerca de las grasas alimenticias y cómo podemos recuperar nuestra salud ¡comiendo más grasa! Nina Teicholz demuestra cómo la dieta baja en grasa que la medicina nos ha recomendado es un experimento en la población entera con consecuencias desastrosas para nuestra salud. Por décadas, nos han dicho que la mejor dieta del mundo está libre de grasas, ¿pero qué pasaría si una dieta baja en grasas fuera el verdadero problema? ¿Y si los alimentos que hemos estado evitando son la clave para revertir enfermedades que aquejan a nuestra sociedad? Esta narración da un giro de 180 grados a la sabiduría convencional acerca de todas las grasas con una revolucionaria premisa: entre más grasa comamos -incluyendo la saturada- mejor será nuestra salud y bienestar.

Grass-Fed Beef for a Post-Pandemic World: How Regenerative Grazing Can Restore Soils and Stabilize the Climate

by Ridge Shinn Lynne Pledger

*With a foreword by Gabe Brown, bestselling author of Dirt to Soil How can we learn from our mistakes and pave a way for sustainable, nutritious, local meat? The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities of our globalized food system and highlighted the desperate need for local and regional supplies of healthy meat. We must replace corn-based feedlots, which are responsible for significant climate emissions, nitrogen pollution, and animal suffering. Grass-Fed Beef for a Post-Pandemic World outlines a hopeful path out of our broken food system via regional networks of regeneratively produced meat. In 2017, Ridge Shinn and Lynne Pledger went to market with Big Picture Beef, a company that partners with farmers across the Northeast to increase access to wholesale markets while promoting holistic grazing management techniques. The result? Increased health benefits for consumers, the environment, and livestock. In Grass Fed-Beef for a Post-Pandemic World, you’ll find information assembled from the fields of ecology, climate science, nutrition, and animal welfare, along with on-the-farm stories from Ridge’s travels as a consultant all over the United States and abroad. You’ll discover how regenerative grazing can: restore degraded farmland protect against droughts and floods increase biodiversity combat climate change by reducing emissions and sequestering carbon contribute to regional economic development produce nutrient-dense, healthy meat for consumers Grass-Fed Beef for a Post-Pandemic World is not just for beef producers, but for anyone wondering how our farmers and ranchers can raise cattle while also caring for the local and global environment.

Grassroots Advocacy and Health Care Reform

by Marc Stier

Grassroots Advocacy and Health Care Reform places a detailed account of how the Health Care for America Now campaign in Pennsylvania carried out contemporary issue advocacy in the context of an understanding of American politics.

Grassroots Zen

by Manfred B. Steger Perle Besserman

Many Zen Buddhist practitioners have come to question some of Japanese Zen's less democratic aspects -- from the strict, male-dominated hierarchies to the racial overtones. At the same time, modern American Buddhists often find it difficult to integrate zazen (seated Zen meditation) with lives of family, work, and social engagement. This book offers a fascinating guide to overcoming both these dilemmas. A study of how one Zen group returned to an ancient Chinese tradition of community meditation practice without a leader or hierarchy, this book also outlines an authentic, grassroots approach, urging people from all walks of life to come together in meditation and the study of dharma. Grassroots Zen focuses on the challenge of truly becoming one with the moment in our frantically paced society; of finding a space for the passing self; and of achieving balance between Zen practice and daily life, as well as individuality in community. A thoughtful and absorbing work, Grassroots Zen is an important book for those seeking a practice that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Gratitude and Beyond

by Allan Hunter

Using near-death experiences as a springboard into an in-depth discussion of five key areas of awareness, this guide explains how to recognize and demystify these seemingly inexplicable events. Readers are shown how to properly extract the lessons of a near-death experience through reflection and cultivate five key concepts: gratitude, humility, beauty, innocence, and a sense of place in the world. By visually connecting each of these ideas together in the shape of a five-point star, the author demonstrates how these key insights are interlinked, each supporting and adding value to the others, with the open area inside representing love. Brief but eloquent, it addresses a popular and important topic without overly-sentimental or religious overtones.

Gratitude in Motion: A True Story of Hope, Determination, and the Everyday Heroes Around Us

by Jenna Glatzer Colleen Kelly Alexander Bart Yasso

It was a beautiful fall day in Connecticut when Colleen Kelly Alexander, a lifelong athlete, rode her bike home from work. She had survived both a diagnosis of lupus and brain surgery, had a fulfilling career, and was married at last to the love of her life. Everything was good as she coasted along, meeting the eyes of a truck driver as he approached the stop sign beside her.He didn't stop. The truck hit Colleen, running over her lower body with front and back tires and dragging her across the pavement. As she bled out in the street, nearby strangers surrounded her and the driver attempted to get away. An EMT herself, Colleen knew she had to stay awake. "I've just been reconnected with my soulmate," she told the medic. "We want to have a baby. I can't die now. Please don't let me die."Five weeks in a coma and twenty-nine surgeries later, Colleen survived. Rather than let the trauma and PTSD control her life, she became determined to find a way to make something positive from her pain. She decided she'd run again and dedicate her race medals to the everyday heroes around us, including the medical staff and blood donors who saved her life. Since then Colleen has run fifty races and completed forty triathlons, including four half-Ironman events. Now a spokesperson for the Red Cross, Colleen shares her incredible inspirational story to encourage others to take that first step forward.

Gratitude is Your Superpower: A Book About Being Thankful and Embracing Positivity (My Superpowers)

by Amy Weber

A kids book about gratitude to be thankful for! Gratitude is a superpower for kids and adults alike. Instilling a sense of gratitude in children leads to increased happiness, a greater sense of optimism, and better social interactions. This gratitude book for kids ages 5-7 will help adults share the joy of giving and receiving thanks. Beautifully illustrated stories show how little superheroes Grace and Guillermo use their gratitude superpowers on a daily basis. The stories emphasize being thankful for things both big and small and how good it feels to share thankfulness with other people. Use these gratitude lessons to start training little superheroes!Get to know your superpower—The introduction teaches kids what gratitude means and encourages them to start looking for things that they are thankful for. Use your superpower for good—Grace's and Guillermo's simple real-life stories show kids how to use their gratitude superpower to keep a positive mindset, and prompts following each story help kids articulate what they learned. Strengthen your superpower —Find activities - like sending a thank-you note to someone in the community - that allow kids to put gratitude into action. Discussion questions explore and reinforce the effects of being thankful and showing thanks. Gratitude is Your Superpower introduces habits of positivity and gratitude kids will have for life.

Gratitude Prayers: Prayers, Poems, and Prose for Everyday Thankfulness

by June Cotner

"The selections in this book will encourage you to pay attention to things that make you laugh, the places that nourish you, the loved ones who inspire and guide you, and caring strangers who bring blessings to your days."—June CotnerGratitude Prayers is an uplifting collection of inspiring prayers, reflective poems, and motivating quotes that will open you to experience more joy and wonder in life. In this gracious anthology, June Cotner offers more than 100 motivational selections that remind you to embrace each and every day with abundance and thankfulness. Gratitude Prayers includes the voices of classic visionaries such as Rumi, Anne Frank, Walt Whitman and Helen Keller, whose words mingle eloquently alongside contemporary writers such as Michael S. Glaser and Barbara Crooker. The writers in this exuberant book share how to seek out tiny moments of joy, which will point the way toward finding the good in every situation. Divided into ten chapters, Gratitude Prayers offers a transformational perspective on finding happiness through gratefulness. Chapters include: Simple Pleasures, Everyday Life, The Natural World, Friends and Family, Joy and Wonder, Faith and Courage, Prayers and Blessings, as well as Reflections, and Inspirations. In addition, the book closes with a chapter dedicated to what June calls, &“Gratitude Boosters,&” short, easily read passages that offer the reader an instantaneous paradigm shift. Let gratitude inspire your attitude with Gratitude Prayers.

Gratitude with Attitude: How Journaling Thankfulness for Just 5 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life

by Ronnie Walter

Thankful Thinking for 5 Minutes a DayA daily dose of humor and heart. Find inspiration through writing prompts and quotes in this gratitude journal by bestselling author Ronnie Walter. The creator of a coloring series dedicated to stress relief and fun (The Coloring Café®), Ronnie brings over twenty years of successful illustrating and writing to this daily journal dedicated to personal growth and happiness.Exercise gratitude each day. Whether it comes at the start of our day or the end, making time to think about what we’re grateful for is beneficial in many ways. Practicing an attitude of gratitude strengthens our spirit and quiets our mind, even if just for a moment. It provides the peace and zen we long for and need in the midst of busy days and packed schedules.Move forward to a happier and more meaningful life. Journaling is a form of self-care because it encourages us to check in with ourselves and examine our thoughts and feelings on a deeper level. By using this 5-minute journal to record things we’re grateful for, spot meaningful intentions, and celebrate tiny victories, we create a space to grow in gratitude for what we have and see better who we want to be.Harness your “Thank You Power” in just 5 minutes with the help of Ronnie Walter’s Gratitude with Attitude journal. Dive into it each day and find:Ideas for connecting to your sense of abundance and wellbeingWays to express your creativity and imaginationInspiration for deepening your connection to spiritualityBe sure to pick up Gratitude with Attitude if you’ve enjoyed other titles such as Good Days Start With Gratitude, Zen as F*ck: A Journal for Practicing the Mindful Art of Not Giving a Sh*t, and The One-Minute Gratitude Journal.

Gravidez sem medos nem mitos

by Maria Manuel Sampaio

Tudo o que precisa de saber para viver uma gravidez descomplicada e feliz A Gravidez está cheia de conhecimento popular, toda a gente sabe o que se deve e não fazer sobre a alimentação, exames a realizar, as vacinas… só que não é bem assim. Está na hora de acabar com todos os mitos à volta deste momento mágico e encontrar toda a informação de que precisa, de uma fonte fiável, de forma simples e directa, para ter uma gravidez mais serena e feliz. A obstetra Maria Sampaio acaba com todos os mitos que envolvem esta fase tão mágica e importante da vida de uma mãe para que a gravidez seja vivida sem medos nem mitos! Sabia que ... a consulta pré-concepcional é a consulta mais importante para o sucesso da gravidez? Sabia que ... as náuseas são sinal indireto que a gravidez está a evoluir? Sabia que... a hemorragia vaginal no primeiro trimestre acontece em cerca de 40% das gravidezes normais? Sabia que ... durante a gravidez há determinados países para os quais não deve viajar? Sabia que ... a ingestão de marisco é aconselhada na gravidez? Sabia que ... o "cérebro de grávida" existe? É chamado internacionalmente como "mumnesia"... e na maioria dos casos passa vários meses após o parto Sabia que... no pós-parto o baby-blues ocorre em cerca de 60% das mães, que se se prolongar mais de 3 semanas pode ser uma depressão pós-parto? Sabia que... bem tem que comprar o livro para saber tudo o resto... Quem é Maria Manuel Sampaio nas palavras das pacientes:«Descomplicada, descontraída, despachada, dedicada e apaixonada. É amor à primeira vista e é para sempre.» «Adoro a sua simplicidade, a forma como descomplica o complicado é incrível..." "A melhor do Mundo! A mestre da descomplicação!» «Transmite muita confiança e tranquilidade. Adora aquilo que faz. Descomplica todos os mitos e medos...» «Uma médica INCRÍVEL, sem medos, sem stress e muitooo feliz!» «Prática, divertida, assertiva, acessível, empática, meiga... um anjo!» «A melhor das melhores... um anjo que está lá para esclarecer todas as dúvidas e apaziguar todas as inquietações... simplesmente Lovely!» «Incrível e apaixonada pelo que faz! É um Ser de Luz!» «Fui mãe aos 40 quando a maioria me dizia - Tem calma que vai ser complicado! - e a Dra tornou tudo fácil, natural, sereno e divertido!» «A magia e o amor incondicional que vejo no seu olhar ao longo das consultas, com uma tranquilidade simplesmente única.» «Ama o que faz e, por isso, presenteia todas as pessoas que se cruzam consigo com amor, segurança, serenidade e muito profissionalismo.» «Um verdadeiro anjo da guarda dos bebés! Sempre com as palavr as e decisões acertadas em todas as situações.» «Simplesmente a melhor Obstetra do Mundo.»

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