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Liberando a la niña no amada: Guía para la sanación de mujeres que han sufrido de abuso y condicionamiento en la niñez

by Marisa Russo

SOBRE EL LIBRO Liberando a la niña no amada es un manual de curación para mujeres que han sufrido condicionamiento y abusos en la infancia. ”Cuando parte de los recuerdos de mi infancia volvieron, traté de darles sentido a todos. Había muchas piezas del rompecabezas que comenzaron a unirse cuando recordaba mis pasos. Comencé a comprender por qué experimentaba niveles altos de ansiedad y ataques de pánico, me sentía insegura y quería cerrar la puerta de mi habitación por la noche” Tras haber sufrir abusos cuando era pequeña, Marisa Russo empezó a temer al compromiso y se decantó por un estilo de vida de malas elecciones y negatividad. Cuando finalmente fue capaz de recuperar su verdadera identidad a los 40, lo convirtió en el trabajo de su vida para ayudar a otras personas en la misma situación. Tras crear el método de curación forense, el estilo investigativo de terapia de Marisa le trajo muy buenas críticas con su libro Mujeres liberadas. En esta nueva propuesta, Liberar a la niña rechazada, Marisa ayuda a los lectores a descubrir y a curar heridas del pasado utilizando una combinación de ejemplos y ejercicios, junto con palabras de apoyo y reconocimiento. LO QUE APRENDERÁS Un proceso de liberación paso a paso de autodescubrimiento y fortalecimiento para; Eliminar las consecuencias del abuso emocional y físico junto con el condicionamiento proveniente de los estereotipos de ser mujer. Volver a conectar con tu capacidad como mujer para sentir y conocer respuestas, soluciones y tener una orientación que te lleve hacia la seguridad, la verdad y la fortaleza. Liberarte de la culpa, las asociaciones negativas y prejuicios demoledores. Expresarte con total libertad y sentirte libre para ser tú misma, utilizando la conversación y el análisis de expresiones. Valorar tus relaciones mediante el Índice de energía positivo para aumentar tu red personal de energ

The Inner Game of Stress: Outsmart Life's Challenges and Fulfill Your Potential

by W. Timothy Gallwey

In every human endeavor there are two games of engagement: the outer game and the inner game. The outer game is played in the public arenas of daily life, overcoming obstacles in work, family relationships, and health. The inner game is played simultaneously within the mind against such obstacles as fear, self-doubt, frustration, pain, and worry, which produce stress and stifle fulfillment. When we master the inner game, we can handle the obstacles of the outer game without stress.

Success: The false myth of failure.

by Albert Zaid

We have always been formed in the mistaken belief that success is reserved for only a few people, and that the rest of us have to be content with waiting for luck to come to us to achieve what we yearn for. This book explains and develops the thesis that all human beings are genetically configured to seek and achieve success, that we do it naturally, spontaneously, without realizing it, and that no one can escape it because it is impossible to overcome the logical laws that govern our thoughts. It shows how erroneous conceptions of the world around us directly affect the conditioning of our thoughts, diverting us from the pursuit of the goals we have set for ourselves. It contains a detailed exposition about intolerance to frustration, its fundamental causes, its harmful effects, and how to correct it. A text that will help you discover yourself, get rid of the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, and set realistic goals that you will ALWAYS be able to achieve. In short, a book that will serve as a guide and orientation for the paths to SUCCESS.

The 60s!: How To Enjoy Your Second Youth

by Ana Builes

A self-help book for those people over 60 who believe that life begins to end. On the contrary, the book shows scientific information, personal and friends’ experiences showing that there is a second youth after the 60 years and could easily be extended for another 30 years. Reaching 90 years is no longer a utopia. The aim of the book is to encourage this demographic growing group to make changes in their lifestyle and mentality, showing real examples of people over 60 who remain active, vital, full and happy.

Quattro spade: 29 settembre, in memoria di Boqueròn

by G. G. Vega

Descrizione del libro: Questo libro è stato pubblicato in memoria della battaglia di Boqueròn, nella guerra del Chaco boreale, tra la Repubblica del Paraguay e la Repubblica di Bolivia, paesi limitrofi, entrati in conflitto per interessi territoriali motivati dall'interesse di una terza nazione, l'Inghilterra, che pretendeva che la Bolivia estendesse i suoi confini nella ricerca di una rapida e facile uscita del petrolio boliviano attraverso il fiume Paraguay, avendo la Bolivia perso le sue coste marittime in una guerra precedente contro il Cile. Questo libro non tratta l'argomento, ma è pubblicato per onorare i caduti in quella battaglia. È un libro con un contenuto di quattro dei miei lavori: Miraggi, Fuggi dalla oscurità, Albero cattivo e Grano e non Zizzania. Parole chiave: Miraggi, Fuga dall’oscurità, Albero cattivo e Grano e non Zizzania.

Como pensar por ti mismo: Aprende a tener tu propia opinión

by Rodrigo Chaves

Puede que no te des cuenta, pero todo lo que piensas ha sido determinado por otra persona. Tus creencias y convicciones no te pertenecen, fueron dictadas y las copiaste. Si realmente quieres ser dueño de tus pensamientos, lee esta guía.

Ett holografiskt universum: En introduktion

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Genom att läsa den här boken får du en bättre förståelse för det holografiska universum och din förmåga att få erfarenheter i det holografiska universum ökar. Genom att hålla ett öppet och tydligt sinne (när du läser) kan du uppleva vad författaren har upplevt och du kommer att kunna förstå vad författaren förklarar. Istället för att bara läsa orden, läs det med avsikt att förstå djupet i det som förklaras. Fortsätt att fundera över det tills du upplever och förstår vad som sägs om det Holografiska universum. Fortsätt läsa boken om och om igen tills du har förstått den så att din förmåga att få erfarenheter i det Holografiska universum ökar. I den här boken är förklaringarna om det Holografiska universum baserade på: 1. Guds vägledning, 2. kunskapen om Brahma Kumaris, 3. Kvantmekanik (ingenting i denna bok strider mot kvantmekanik), 4. forskning, 5. erfarenheter av författaren, 6. kunskapen om chakra och aura, 7. de forntida hinduiska texterna, etc. Det finns förklaringar i denna e-bok om: 1. Holografiska universums olika uppdelningar och natur. 2. hur allt händer enligt världsdramat (Akashic Records). 3. hur människor lever i två slags världar, den verkliga världen och den holografiska världen samtidigt. 4. Holografisk film av hologram som vi deltar i. 5. hur olika slags världar finns. 6. hur kvantenergier materialiserar de fysiska kropparna och den fysiska världen genom det holografiska universum. 7. hur skapelseprocessen sker genom virvlarna och chakras. 8. Nära dödsupplevelser. 9. det kosmiska medvetandet. 10. hur subtila dimensioner, holografiska kroppar och subtila kroppar skapas. 11. hur aura används under upplevelser. 12. hur kvantenergier med olika tätheter materialiserar en annan typ av verklig värld för oss att leva i. 13. hur det holografiska universum förändras när världen förvandlas. 14. Brahma Kumaris meditation och kunskap. F

Vermarkten Sie Ihre Bücher Ohne Einen Cent Auszugeben

by Prasenjeet Kumar

Endlich ein Buch über Marketing, das Überflüssiges weglässt und sich nur auf das WESENTLICHE konzentriert. Werden Sie mit seltsamen und esoterischen Marketing-Ratschlägen bombardiert, um Ihre Bücher auf 1.000 Weisen zu verkaufen, was Sie ratlos, irritiert und schrecklich verwirrt macht? Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass das Erlernen und Beherrschen dieser komplizierten Strategien all die Freude, die Sie einst am Schreiben hatten, zunichte gemacht hat? Dann kann dieses Buch, das sich auf das ALLERWESENTLICHSTE für die Vermarktung Ihres Buches konzentriert, genau das sein, was der Arzt verordnet hat. Von Prasenjeet Kumar, dem Nr. 1 Bestsellerautor der Buchreihe „Self-Publishing WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME“ („Selbst veröffentlichen OHNE EINEN CENT AUSZUGEBEN“), kommt ein Buch, welches, nachdem all das Überflüssige und das Kauderwelsch, das die Marketing-Gurus von sich gegeben haben, diskutiert wurde, darlegt, warum „weniger immer mehr ist“. Endlich!

36 Principios de Coaching Transformacional

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Cada coach necesita saber estos principios por los cuales sirven a sus clientes. Aquí hay algunos que pueden ser útiles. Me tomo años descubrir de qué estaba realmente trabajando y viviendo – en qué principios y valores basaba mi trabajo como coach. Este pequeño libro te dará una idea de lo que está disponible para ti cuando te extiendes más allá de tu paradigma actual. En este libro, distingo los muchos principios sobre los cuales se basa este modelo de coaching transformacional. Estos principios proporcionan una base sobre la cual construir una práctica sólida de empoderamiento a sí mismo y a quienes apoyas. Los principios descritos aquí suponen desde el principio que, en primer lugar, todos pensamos y actuamos poderosamente, siempre. La segunda presunción es que somos seres espirituales teniendo una experiencia humana. La tercera presunción hecha a través de estos principios es que siempre tenemos elección. Te animo a trabajar con estos principios para hacerlos tuyos. Mientras más claro estés con tus bases únicas, más efectivo serás como agente de transformación y más empoderado serás para tus clientes; los empoderarás para encontrar y vivir bajo sus propios principios y solo sus principios. ¡Esto es para cumplir su espíritu humano y el de sus clientes!

The Life Tailor: Design The Life You Like With The Law of Attraction

by Mafalda Lempicka

The secret to seeing all your dreams come true lies within these pages. Have you been wondering for some time how to attract more money? Are there any aspects of your life you would like to change in order to feel happier? Are you tired of feeling that you have no control over your circumstances? Would you like to make your thoughts more positive? Are you tired of feeling bad? The power of the mind is simply wonderful. Thoughts are a true source of creation that, until now, humanity has not known how to handle. Everything you have and what you have not yet achieved depends on how you use your creative capacity. It is within you, it is there for you! You must know that we are not at the mercy of circumstances. Luck is not something that is randomly distributed, you can access it and make it work for you. With this book you will learn how to work consciously with the Law of Attraction. You will take once and for all the reins of your life and you will become what you always wanted to be. Learn how to use the power of now, the power of intention, manifest the reality you desire. We are like a great magnet that attracts all that we have and that which we lack, that is what the Law of Attraction dictates. It is time for us to decide what we want to attract and to start doing it. Are you ready to find happiness?

Superando Flashbacks Emocionais: Como acabar com o Trauma e o Estresse Pós Traumático

by Kimberly Brian

Você ou um ente querido está estressado a ponto de ter flashbacks, pesadelos, crises de ansiedade, preocupações constantes etc. por causa de uma experiência traumática? Este guia irá fornecer alívio e estratégias passo a passo de como diminuir para sempre lembranças dolorosas, pesadelos recorrentes, insônia e outros sinais e sintomas associados ao TEPT que você por ventura esteja experimentando. Estão incluídos também neste guia alguns tratamentos e métodos efetivos e comprovados que irão ajudar você a se olhar de modo diferente, mudar suas emoções e começar a sua jornada rumo à recuperação completa. Um pouco do que você aprenderá neste livro: Como o TEPT afeta o seu cérebro Sinais e sintomas do TEPT Como cuidar da sua respiração Como ajudar veteranos com TEPT Como evitar as crises de TEPT (PAP) E muito mais!

Successo. L`Unico Modo Possibile: Il falso mito del fallimento

by Albert Zaid

Da sempre siamo stati indotti a credere erroneamente che il successo sia riservato solo a poche persone e che il resto di noi debba accontentarsi di aspettare che arrivi la fortuna per raggiungere ciò che desideriamo. Questo libro spiega e sviluppa la tesi secondo cui tutti gli esseri umani sono geneticamente configurati per cercare e raggiungere il successo, che lo facciamo in modo naturale, spontaneo, senza rendercene conto, e che non c'è nessuno che possa sfuggirci perché è impossibile vincere le leggi logiche che governano i nostri pensieri. Dimostra in che modo le concezioni sbagliate sul mondo che ci circonda incidono direttamente sul condizionamento dei nostri pensieri, deviandoci dal perseguimento degli obiettivi che ci siamo proposti. Contiene una dettagliata esposizione sull'intolleranza alla frustrazione, le sue cause fondamentali, i suoi effetti nocivi e come correggerla. Un testo che ti aiuterà a scoprire te stesso, a liberarti dagli ostacoli che ti impediscono di avanzare, e a tracciare traguardi realistici che SEMPRE potrai raggiungere. Insomma, un libro che ti guiderà e ti guiderà lungo le strade verso il SUCCESSO.

Meditación (Vivir Sin Estrés): Para incrementar su energía (vivir sin estrés)

by Dan Knoll

Este libro de meditaciones para entrenadores en todos los deportes tiene un tema diferente para cada capítulo y meditaciones individuales sobre diferentes aspectos del juego mental del entrenamiento. Cada meditación tiene algunos pensamientos para su reflexión y tiene una afirmación única al final, que se utiliza para la meditación. Lee atentamente lo escrito y luego meditas en la afirmación. El libro incluye capítulos sobre cómo actuar en la zona de confianza, planificación del éxito, ser un líder fuerte, tener conversaciones poderosas, lidiar con las barreras para el éxito, tener una visión poderosa, entrenar bien, tener salud, ser un espíritu libre, estar centrado y ser creativo, y ser mentalmente fuerte. Se ha comprobado científicamente que la meditación tiene beneficios mentales y físicos para aquellos que se toman el tiempo de incluir en su día regularmente una práctica de meditación. Algunos de los beneficios científicamente probados de la meditación incluyen un aumento en el enfoque, lo que resulta en una disminución de la ansiedad y el estrés emocional, y es excelente para las personas que sufren ansiedad u otros trastornos relacionados con el estado de ánimo. Para aquellos que sufren ataques de pánico, una forma extrema de ansiedad que se acompaña de sentimientos de temor y respuestas físicas, como un aumento de los latidos cardíacos y una mayor cantidad adrenalina, practicar la meditación puede ayudar a minimizar estos síntomas en medio de un ataque y puede ayudar a prevenir futuros ataques.

The Boob Book

by Kristina Micotti

Featuring 30 types of breasts, The Boob Book is an illustrated celebration of womanhood and the boobs that come with it. Scattered throughout are boob miscellany: a boob personality flow chart, boob facts, boob self-care tips, a roundup of bras, types of nipples, a boob doodle, and illustrated ways we show off the goods.This joyful book features breasts of all colors and sizes—from "The Handful" to "The Mom-To-Be" to "The Small but Mighty"—showing women that every boob type is weird, beautiful, and natural.• An illustrated love letter to a girl's breast friend• Filled with fun and interactive boob-related miscellany, like a boob personality test (are you a "Chillaxer" or a "Handful"?), boob facts, and breast self-care tips• Light, celebratory, and a little cheeky—but ultimately sincereLet's hear it for our bosom buddies. Our mammary mamas. Our breasts-in-arms. From small and mighty to large and in charge to long, short, hairy, bumpy, or any boobs in between, this book uplifts them all.• A perfect book for women of all generations—from friends to mothers and daughters—or anyone who wants to send some extra support and love to their ladies• Ideal for anyone who needs a boob-size boost• Great for those who enjoyed Feminist Activity Book by Gemma Correll, Celebrating You: (And the Beautiful Person You Are) by M. H. Clark, and Gross Anatomy: Dispatches from the Front (and Back) by Mara Altman

Failure to Launch: Why Your Twentysomething Hasn't Grown Up...and What to Do About It

by Mark McConville

From an expert in adolescent psychology comes a groundbreaking, timely, and necessary guide for parents of the 2.2 million young adults in America who are struggling to find their way in the world.In Dr. Mark McConville's decades of experience as a family clinical psychologist, perhaps no problem has been more fraught than that of young adults who fail to successfully transition from adolescence into adulthood. These kids--technically adults--just can't get it together: They can't hold a job, they struggle to develop meaningful relationships, and they often end up back in their parents' spare bedroom or on the couch. In fact, studies show that 1 in 4 Americans aged 25 to 34 neither work nor attend school, and it's a problem that spans all socioeconomic and geographic boundaries.McConville investigates the root causes of this problem: Why are modern kids "failing to launch" in ever-increasing numbers? The key, McConville has found, is that they are struggling with three critical skills that are necessary to make the transition from childhood to adulthood--finding a sense of purpose, developing administrative responsibility, and cultivating interdependence. In Failure to Launch, McConville breaks these down into achievable, accessible goals and offers a practical guide for the whole family, to help parents instill those skills in their young adults--and to get their kids into the real world, ready to start their lives.

Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide to Online Etiquette, from Social Media to Work to Love

by Victoria Turk

Want to Marie Kondo your digital life and develop a more tactful approach to technology? By a leading tech and digital culture journalist, Kill Reply All is a guide to tidying it all up. How do you reply to your colleague&’s weird email? What would Emily Post say about your Tinder profi le? And just how do you know if you&’re mansplaining? In this irreverent journey through the murky world of digital etiquette, Wired&’s Victoria Turk provides an indispensable guide to minding our manners in a brave new online world, and making peace with the platforms, apps, and devices we love to hate. The digital revolution has put us all within a few clicks, taps, and swipes of one another. But familiarity can breed contempt, and while we&’re more likely than ever to fall in love online, we&’re also more likely to fall headfirst into a raging fight with a stranger or into an unhealthy obsession with the phones in our pockets. If you&’ve ever encountered the surreal, aggravating battlefields of digital life and wondered why we all don&’t go analog, this is the book for you.

Everyday Ubuntu: The African Art Of Living Better, Together

by Nompumelelo Mungi Ngomane

The essential guide to Ubuntu, the South African philosophy which teaches that our common humanity and interconnectedness is key to living a better life."This book will open your eyes, mind and heart to a way of being in the world that will make our world a better and more caring one."--Archbishop Desmond TutuUbuntu is a Xhosa word originating from a South African philosophy that encapsulates all our aspirations about how to live life well, together. It is the belief in a universal human bond: I am only because you are. And it means that if you are able to see everyone as fully human, connected to you by their humanity, you will never be able to treat others as disposable or without worth. By embracing the philosophy of Ubuntu and living it out in daily life it's possible to overcome division and be stronger together in a world where the wise build bridges, not walls.These 14 lessons from the Rainbow Nation are an essential toolkit to helping us all to live better, together. In stories that recognise our common humanity, our connectedness and interdependence, Everyday Ubuntu helps to make sense of the world and our place in it. Exploring ideas of kindness and forgiveness, tolerance and the power of listening, it shows how we can all benefit from embracing others. Including practical applications and mindful exercises, it is an inspirational guide to a more fulfilling life as part of the large family to which we all belong.

The Values Compass: What 101 Countries Teach Us About Purpose, Life, and Leadership

by Dr Mandeep Rai

&“The Values Compass takes us into the hearts, minds, and traditions of the cultures and people of the world. It demonstrates how interconnected we are and how the divisions that exist between us stem from acting with narrow self-interest rather than concern for the good of our human family. I hope that the book will contribute to making our world a happier place.&” —THE DALAI LAMA Broadcast journalist Dr. Mandeep Rai takes us on a journey across 101 countries, highlighting a unique value that has defined each nation&’s history and culture—and how we can apply these to find purpose and fulfilment in our own lives.Every day we make decisions based on what we believe in: values that define the ambitions we set, the choices we make, and the relationships we choose. In The Values Compass, Dr. Mandeep Rai shows how the countries of the world epitomize the power of values, provide an ideal guide to help us understand our own, and teach us important lessons about success. From Moroccan compromise to Armenian survival and American entrepreneurship, The Values Compass shows how we can incorporate the values that animate nations into our own lives—seeing ourselves through the eyes of the world, and shedding new light on the opportunities and challenges that define us. The result is an insightful and readable collection that helps us reflect on the values that matter most, last longest, and have the greatest power to create change.

Making Pre-Med Count: Everything I wish I'd known before applying (successfully!) to med school

by Elisabeth Fassas

In Making Pre-Med Count, med student Elisabeth Fassas shares personal stories from her own experiences to help guide you through the pre-med process. You’ll get first-hand guidance and learn how to apply her advice to your own med school journey.Counselors and checklists are helpful, but your pre-med journey cannot be boiled down to a list of activities and a collection of accolades. In Making Pre-Med Count, Fassas teaches you how to translate your accomplishments into a compelling and personalized med school application. Fassas gets into the weeds of the pre-med years to touch on the most fundamental and gnawing questions that interested applicants must face. Using examples from her own journey from freshman year to acceptance, plus tips and tricks from her peers, she guides readers through an endless stream of conflicting advice towards preparing academically, mentally and psychologically for the med school application process.Her advice starts with the idea that anything and everything can get you into medical school if you’re able to get into the heads of the admissions committee. You’ll also get her take on many of the questions raised in student forums. Fassas, who will begin med school in the fall of 2019, helps relieve some of the common pre-med doubts, anxieties, and fears that you’ll feel. Making Pre-Med Count compiles Fassas’ advice in one place -- it’s like having your own personal med school advisor.

We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life

by Laura McKowen

&“We Are the Luckiest is a masterpiece. It&’s the truest, most generous, honest, and helpful sobriety memoir I&’ve read. It&’s going to save lives.&” — Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Love Warrior: A Memoir What could possibly be &“lucky&” about addiction? Absolutely nothing, thought Laura McKowen when drinking brought her to her knees. As she puts it, she &“kicked and screamed . . . wishing for something — anything — else&” to be her issue. The people who got to drink normally, she thought, were so damn lucky. But in the midst of early sobriety, when no longer able to anesthetize her pain and anxiety, she realized that she was actually the lucky one. Lucky to feel her feelings, live honestly, really be with her daughter, change her legacy. She recognized that &“those of us who answer the invitation to wake up, whatever our invitation, are really the luckiest of all.&” Here, in straight-talking chapters filled with personal stories, McKowen addresses issues such as facing facts, the question of AA, and other people&’s drinking. Without sugarcoating the struggles of sobriety, she relentlessly emphasizes the many blessings of an honest life, one without secrets and debilitating shame.

The Kids Are in Bed: Finding Time for Yourself in the Chaos of Parenting

by Rachel Bertsche

"All new moms should shove a copy of The Kids Are in Bed in the diaper bag between the asswipes and Aquaphor! A perfect guide on how-to not morph solely into someone&’s mom and retain your badassery in a world of Disneyfication and baby sharks.&”—Jill Kargman, author of Sprinkle Glitter on My Grave and creator of Odd Mom Out Picture it—it's 8:30 p.m. You close the door to your child's room just as you hear your partner closing the dishwasher, and now it's time for an hour or two of glorious freedom. What do you do? Read the book you've been waiting to crack open all day? Chat on the phone with a friend, glass of wine in hand, or go out with pals and share a whole bottle? Or, like many modern parents, do you get caught up in chores, busywork, and social media black holes?In an original survey conducted for this book, 71 percent of parents said their free time didn't feel free at all, because they were still thinking about all the things they should be doing for their kids, their jobs, and their households. Rachel Bertsche found herself in exactly that bind. After dozens of interviews with scientists and parenting experts, input from moms and dads across the country, and her own experiments with her personal time, Rachel figured out how to transform her patterns and reconnect to her pre-kids life. In The Kids Are in Bed, other parents can learn to do the same, and learn to truly enjoy the time after lights-out.

Liderança : Desenvolva A Arte De Falar, Motivar E Influenciar Pessoas

by Brigid Berry

Este é um guia indispensável e de confiança contendo ideias, conceitos e debates cruciais em torno do estudo e exercício da liderança. Trazendo textos escritos por uma enorme variedade de especialistas internacionais, este é um recurso essencial para administradores e líderes em todos os tipos de instituições e organizações, assim como para estudantes de negócios, sociologia e política. A série de livros What’s in it for Schools é escrita por especialistas em suas áreas para uma audiência de profissionais ocupados. Os livros apresentam pesquisas e ideias sobre questões educacionais atuais e fazem isso de maneira acessível e relevante. O que é necessário para ser um bom líder? Uma boa liderança ajuda escolas a serem mais bem-sucedidas? Este livro conciso e acessível examina a liderança de maneira prática, ajudando diretores, chefes, professores e pais a estabelecer seus papéis e responsabilidades e compreender os requerimentos únicos para liderança em escolas. Compre este livro hoje.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

by Kamal Ravikant

THE SELF-PUBLISHED PHENOMENON —NOW FULLY REVISED AND EXPANDEDI almost didn’t publish Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It. Here I was, a CEO who’d fallen apart after his company failed, writing a book about how loving himself saved him. I thought I’d be a laughingstock and my career would be finished. But I stepped through the fears and shared my truth with the world. The book went viral. Amazing people all over bought copies for friends and family. For some, this book saved their lives. For others, it was the first time they ever loved themselves.Many readers reached out and asked questions. This taught me that, to create lasting impact, I had to go deeper. So, seven years later, here it is. All the questions I received, resolved. My intention is that by the time you finish this new edition, not only will you be committed to loving yourself, you’ll know exactly how to do it. And, most importantly, how to make it last.

Fuel Your Fire: 200 Ways to Instantly Beat Burnout and Reignite Your Passion

by Samantha Acton

Prevent burnout with more than 200 stress-relieving activities so you can feel more energized, engaged, and efficient. Life is full of demands—at home and at work—which can lead to a rise in stress and burnout. And with burnout being recognized as a diagnosable condition by the World Health Organization, it&’s more important than ever to restore your purpose, energy, and enthusiasm! Fuel Your Fire can help you go from frazzled and fed up to relaxed, refreshed, and restored no matter the level of day-to-day demands and social pressures. With more than 200 different ways to truly and deeply relax and relieve tension, including breathing exercises, yoga poses, soothing activities, meditations, fun ways to connect with others, and more, you&’ll be able to unplug and disconnect from all the areas of your life that bring you anxiety. These quick, practical activities are easy and enjoyable and can quickly help restore balance and prevent burnout. Feel more in control and empowered by taking a break from the stressors that are making you anxious. Fuel Your Fire has just what you need to reclaim your joy, confidence, and vitality so you never feel burnt out again.

Be Amazing: Discover Your Purpose, Conquer Your Fears, and Fulfill Your Potential

by Paul S. Boynton

A Roadmap to Living an Extraordinary Life from the Bestselling Author of Begin with YesBe Amazing is a motivational and inspiring call to action for people who want more out of life, guiding them and helping them discover how to be amazing in their everyday work and personal lives. Using the signature gentle, conversational style that made Paul Boynton's Begin with Yes so popular, Paul captivates readers with stories of extraordinary people in everyday circumstances, and then zeroes in on the qualities and habits that make them so amazing. By distilling the universal qualities that yield such amazing results, Paul helps readers understand the simple commitments and actions that they can employ in their own lives that will help them be amazing, too—at home, at work, and the pursuit of their passions.Be Amazing shows readers how they can accelerate into lives that are rich and fulfilling, thanks to simple principles that are both universal and easy to understand and apply day-to-day. Learn how generosity and kindness will propel you toward success. Discover the power of setting intentions. Be inspired to serve your community and reap the surprising rewards of doing so. And perhaps most importantly, be empowered to be you. Simple, direct, and full of hope and practical wisdom, Be Amazing will help lead you to the life you've always wanted, while helping others along the way.

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