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Xcode 5 Developer Reference

by Richard Wentk

Design, code, and build amazing apps with Xcode 5Thanks to Apple's awesome Xcode development environment, you can create the next big app for Macs, iPhones, iPads, or iPod touches. Xcode 5 contains gigabytes of great stuff to help you develop for both OS X and iOS devices - things like sample code, utilities, companion applications, documentation, and more. And with Xcode 5 Developer Reference, you now have the ultimate step-by-step guide to it all. Immerse yourself in the heady and lucrative world of Apple app development, see how to tame the latest features and functions, and find loads of smart tips and guidance with this practical book. Shows developers how to use Xcode 5 to create apps for OS X and the whole family of iOS devices, including the latest iPhones, iPads, and iPod touchesCovers the Xcode rapid development environment in detail, including utilities, companion applications, and moreIncludes a companion website with sample code and other helpful filesWritten by an experienced developer and Apple-focused journalist with solid experience in teaching Apple developmentIf you want to create killer Apple apps with Xcode 5, start with Xcode 5 Developer Reference!

Yelp for Business: The Quick-Start Guide to Managing Your Reviews

by Gradiva Couzin Jennifer Grappone

While most businesses know the importance of online reviews on sites such as, they have no clue how to grab the reins and help shape the conversation around their service or product. This guide will help users begin crafting and managing a winning presence on the Yelp reviews platform. It opens with a chapter outlining the opportunity for businesses of all types so that everyone understands how reviews affect the bottom line. The book then explores Yelp's demographics and then shows how to best use Yelp's features, including how to claim your business listing and craft a compelling presence. The compelling e-book also includes information about how to communicate with reviewers, how to receive and respond to alerts when new reviews—good or bad—are posted, and when paid membership and promotional options should be considered. It’s a great introduction to the crucial Yelp reviews platform and will also include promotion and a coupon for the upcoming Five Stars: Putting Online Reviews to Work for Your Business book (January 2014).

Yii Project Blueprints

by Charles R. Portwood II

This book is for intermediate-to-advanced level Yii developers who want to master the Yii framework and develop real-world applications. You should have experience of working with Yii, PHP 5, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Yosemite: A Take Control Crash Course

by Scholle Mcfarland

Learn OS X 10.10 Yosemite's new features quickly!Read this ebook to get more out of your Mac as you go about your everyday activities. Written by former Macworld editor Scholle McFarland, this book introduces Yosemite's new interface and discusses new features like iCloud Drive, Handoff, iPhone voice/SMS relay, and Notification Center's Today view. You'll learn about key changes in core Apple apps with chapters about Safari, Mail, Messages, and Calendar. You'll also find answers to questions brought on by recent additions to OS X, such as how to control notifications, tips for using Finder tags, and working with tabbed Finder windows. The book closes with two under-the-hood topics, setting up a new user account (for a child, guest, or troubleshooting) and troubleshooting (with techniques including Safe Boot and OS X Recovery).The book kicks off with an overview of the major changes in Yosemite, so you can come to grips with what's new before you dip into any of the longer topics:The look: Find out what's important about Yosemite's new look, plus discover how to toggle Translucency and Dark Mode. You'll also learn tips for working with the new close, minimize, and full-screen buttons on the windows.Spotlight: Spotlight can now do more than ever before, so make sure you aren't missing out, and make sure you've customized Spotlight to match your needs.iCloud Drive: Find out what it's for, where it works, how to turn it on, and more.Handoff: Discover how to use Handoff to move from one device to another (say, from your iPad to your laptop) and pick up where you left off in. Use your Mac as a speakerphone: Learn how to make and answer telephone calls from your iPhone on your Mac (even if your iPhone is in a bag on the other side of your house).AirDrop: Get the latest on Apple's odd AirDrop feature, which now lets you transfer files between an iOS devices and a Mac, instead of just between iOS devices or just between Macs.Notifications: Get more practical (or fun) use from Notification Center by making use of the new Today view, which you can customize with third-party widgets. Also find directions for getting rid of annoying or distracting notifications.Scholle also tells you about key changes in core Apple apps:Safari: You'll notice that Safari is new right away because the toolbar and URL/address field are so different, but it's really worth reading this chapter because quite a lot has changed and you can surf more efficiently if you know about the new capabilities.Mail: If you use Apple Mail, you should know about Mail's two major new features: Mail Drop and Markup.Chat and SMS: Messages in Yosemite is far more useful now, due to its beefed up group chats and capability to send and receive SMS messages relayed through your iPhone.Calendar: Learn about Calendar's new intelligent autocomplete, calendar overlays, and updated Today view.Finally, the book offers help with aspects of using Yosemite that haven't changed much since 10.9 Mavericks, but which many people either haven't yet started using or need help with:Finder tabs: De-clutter your Desktop by using Finder tabs to bring multiple windows into one.Finder tags: Flexibly organize and find your files with tags rather than relying solely on old-fashioned standard folders.Accounts: Avoid problems by setting up user accounts for kids and guests, and for troubleshooting unexpected problems.Problem solving: Make sure you have a copy of this book on an iOS device or secondary Mac so you can pull it out if you need to troubleshoot a serious problem, like an app that won't launch, a login item that's gone bad, or a Mac that won't boot.

You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures

by Kyle Simpson

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer. You'll learn how and why they work, and how an understanding of closures can be a powerful part of your development skillset.Like other books in the "You Don't Know JS" series, Scope and Closures dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you can achieve true JavaScript mastery.Learn about scope, a set of rules to help JavaScript engines locate variables in your codeGo deeper into nested scope, a series of containers for variables and functionsExplore function- and block-based scope, "hoisting", and the patterns and benefits of scope-based hidingDiscover how to use closures for synchronous and asynchronous tasks, including the creation of JavaScript libraries

You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes

by Kyle Simpson

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript's this structure and object prototypes. You'll learn how they work and why they're integral to behavior delegation--a design pattern in which objects are linked, rather than cloned.Like other books in the "You Don't Know JS" series, this and Object Prototypes dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you can become a true JavaScript master.With this book you will:Explore how the this binding points to objects based on how the function is calledLook into the nature of JS objects and why you'd need to point to themLearn how developers use the mixin pattern to fake classes in JSExamine how JS's prototype mechanism forms links between objectsLearn how to move from class/inheritance design to behavior delegationUnderstand how the OLOO (objects-linked-to-other-objects) coding style naturally implements behavior delegation

You Only Have to Be Right Once

by Randall Lane

The ultimate insider look at the newest titans of tech--and what you can learn from their successIn 2007, twenty-one-year old David Karp launched Tumblr, a simple micro-blogging platform, on a whim. By 2012, it had become one of the top ten online destinations, drawing 170 million visitors. By 2013, Yahoo had acquired Tumblr for over $1 billion. Just like that, a kid who hadn't even earned his high school diploma was worth over a quarter billion dollars. And he's not the only one . . .Silicon Valley's newest billionaires represent a unique and unconventional breed of entrepreneur: young, bold, and taking the world by storm with their extreme speed, insatiable hunger, and progressive leadership. These whiz kids (and, to be fair, a few adults) have the hottest companies in the world. They are all turning just one brilliant insight or hook into money at a rate never before seen in human history--creating companies that, even with no revenue, garner insane valuations.With unique insider access to the world's most influential and wealthy entrepreneurs, Forbes has dug in to find what these super-entrepreneurs say about their own success. This book, introduced, edited, and updated by Forbes editor Randall Lane, is the first comprehensive look at who these instant tech billionaires are and how they achieved their quick wins. With sixteen illuminating pieces, including two never-before published features, we get behind-the-scenes examinations of the founders of Spotify, Airbnb, Tumblr, Twitter, and more, including: Elon Musk: The billionaire founder of Paypal, electric carmaker Tesla, and private space company SpaceX. His extreme ambition is matched by his preternatural engineering mind; no wonder he was the model for Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of Iron Man. Evan Spiegel: The twenty-three-year old declined a $3 billion cash offer from Mark Zuckerberg, after making the mountain come to Mohammed (Snapchat's HQ is in Los Angeles) --an unheard of request from a young gun to one of the biggest players in Silicon Valley. The story of Snapchat's origin is even wilder than Facebook's, but Spiegel's ability to parlay infamy and popularity into revenue is still up in the air, even as Snapchat's valuation continues to grow. Alex Karp: An eccentric philosopher with almost no tech background turned a Peter Thiel backed venture, Palantir, into a data-mining champion, with clients like the NSA, the FBI, and the CIA. Amid heated privacy concerns, Karp continues to grow Palantir like crazy, to $196 million in funding and an estimated $1 billion in contracts in 2014.You Only Have to Be Right Once is the definitive collection of everything we can learn from these incredible game changers and what their next moves spell for the future of business.

Your Digital Afterlives

by Eric Charles Steinhart

Digitalism is a philosophical strategy that uses new computational ways of thinking to develop naturalistic but meaningful ways of thinking about bodies, souls, universes, gods, and life after death. Your Digital Afterlives examines four recently developed and digitally inspired theories of life after death.

Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media

by David Buckingham Sara Bragg Mary Jane Kehily

This book explores the impact of globalisation and new technologies on youth cultures around the world, from the Birmingham School to the youthscapes of South Korea. In a timely reappraisal of youth cultures in contemporary times, this collection profiles the best of new research in youth studies written by leading scholars in the field.

Zum Frühstück gibt's Apps: Der tägliche Kampf mit der Digitalen Ambivalenz

by Gerald Lembke Ingo Leipner

Wie wir in der neuen digitalen Welt die Orientierung verlieren – und wiedergewinnen Smartphone, Smart Home, Social Media: Das Internet ist allgegenwärtig und voller Verheißungen – intelligente Kommunikation, höchste Bequemlichkeit, unendlicher Spaß. Doch gleichzeitig wächst das Gefühl: Wir werden immer mehr zu Sklaven unserer Handys, Tablets und PCs, die gierig unsere Zeit verschlingen. Beginnen wir die reale Welt aus den Augen zu verlieren? Wir pendeln zwischen Oberflächlichkeit und Tiefe, zwischen Freiheit und Versklavung, zwischen Lust und Frust. Wohin der Blick am Bildschirm schweift – wir begegnen täglich der Digitalen Ambivalenz: Informationen überall und jederzeit, Freundschaften rund um den Globus, laufend spannende Ideen, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auf den Kopf stellen – welch ein Segen!E-Mail-Terror, Smartphones im Dauereinsatz, Geheimdienste und Konzerne, die alle Daten absaugen – welch ein Fluch! Gewinnen Sie Ihre Orientierung im digitalen Dschungel zurück! Dieses Buch liefert praktische Tipps, wie Sie die neuen Medien bewusster einsetzen. So nutzen Sie die Digitalität, um Ziele und Ideen in der realen Welt zu verwirklichen. Geschichten aus dem Alltag illustrieren, wo Fallen im Netz lauern – und wie Sie ihnen ausweichen. So schaffen Sie sogar mehr Freiraum für „echte“ Kommunikation. Handfeste Informationen in unterhaltsamer Form: Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps ist der Kompass für die neue digitale Welt. -----E-Mail-Fluten, Handy-Wahn, Shopping-Glück und Basisdemokratie im Netz – so vielfältig die digitale Welt ist, so facettenreich sind auch die Themen in Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps. Die 18 Kapitel sind ein spannender Streifzug durch unseren Alltag, den Smartphone und Co. immer mehr beherrschen. Der rote Faden ist die Frage nach der Digitalen Ambivalenz. Was bringt die „schöne neue Welt“? Segen oder Fluch? Gewinn oder Verlust? Aufbruch oder Absturz? Mit diesen Fragen im Gepäck reisen die Autoren durch digitale Landschaften: Sie überlegen, wie viel Multitasking eine Hausarbeit an der Uni verträgt, ob die digitale Transformation in Unternehmen zu mehr Demokratie führt oder warum 3-Jährige auch gut ohne Tablets spielen können. Verlernen wir durch IT im Unterricht das Lernen? Schmeichelt Facebook nur der eigenen Eitelkeit? Wie schützen wir uns vor Shitstorms und Cybermobbing? Wer in der Digitalen Ambivalenz Orientierung finden will, dem bietet dieses Buch: Geschichten aus dem digitalen Alltag, die uns über die eigene Naivität schmunzeln lassen.Quergedachtes zu den Verführungen der IT-Industrie, die allzu oft das Blaue vom Himmel verspricht.Sofort umsetzbare Tipps, die für Beruf und Familie Wege im digitalen Dschungel aufzeigen. Zum Frühstück gibt´s Apps ist ein Appell zum bewussten Handeln in der digitalen Welt. Ein Buch, das die Widersprüche des Daten-Zeitalters aufzeigt! Humorvoll und mit analytischer Tiefe!

EVE: Source (Eve)

by CCP Games

EVE: Source is your comprehensive source book and visual guide to the gargantuan universe experienced in EVE Online and DUST 514! Developed in close collaboration with the EVE and DUST 514 creative teams, this beautiful 184-page, full-color hardcover will immerse readers in the history and lore of EVE through stunning artwork and never-before-released material detailing the settings, stories, races, and factions of the EVE universe. * A beautifully designed resource chronicling one of gaming's most massive, dynamic universes! *'s Game of the Year 2009–2011! * 2014 marks the entry of EVE Online into its second decade!

EVE: True Stories (Eve)

by Daniel Way

From EVE Online, one of the most-popular multiplayer online role-playing games of all time, comes an astounding epic of interstellar espionage! In the early hours of February 5, 2009, one spy single-handedly destroyed the aggressive Band of Brothers alliance and brought an end to the Great War, the largest war in the history of EVE Online. Inspired by actual player-driven events within the universe of EVE Online, superstar writer Daniel Way tells the stranger-than-fiction tale of the most popular True Story of the last decade!

The 1: Setting the Course for Innovation in Education

by Andrew P. Marcinek

Technology is more than just “Computer Class;” it is a literacy that must be threaded throughout the fabric of a school. In a 1:1 environment, you’re preparing students to be responsible citizens of the physical and digital worlds. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed with devices; you have to have a plan for technology that keeps learning at center stage. Here you’ll find a solid plan for designing a technology initiative that fuels student learning. Real-life examples, lessons, and interviews with stakeholders show you Why a 1:1 program is not only achievable but also beneficial and necessary How to choose the right devices The best ways to prepare teachers through professional development Best practices for instruction and personalization in a 1:1 environment It’s more essential than ever to integrate digital and information literacy into the fabric of our schools. This practical resource will get you started on the journey.

The 1: Setting the Course for Innovation in Education

by Andrew P. Marcinek

Technology is more than just “Computer Class;” it is a literacy that must be threaded throughout the fabric of a school. In a 1:1 environment, you’re preparing students to be responsible citizens of the physical and digital worlds. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed with devices; you have to have a plan for technology that keeps learning at center stage. Here you’ll find a solid plan for designing a technology initiative that fuels student learning. Real-life examples, lessons, and interviews with stakeholders show you Why a 1:1 program is not only achievable but also beneficial and necessary How to choose the right devices The best ways to prepare teachers through professional development Best practices for instruction and personalization in a 1:1 environment It’s more essential than ever to integrate digital and information literacy into the fabric of our schools. This practical resource will get you started on the journey.

10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #368)

by Bruno Baruque Álvaro Herrero Javier Sedano Héctor Quintián Emilio Corchado

This volume of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing contains accepted papers presented at the 10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2015), held in the beautiful and historic city of Burgos (Spain), in June 2015. Soft computing represents a collection or set of computational techniques in machine learning, computer science and some engineering disciplines, which investigate, simulate and analyze very complex issues and phenomena. This Conference is mainly focused on its industrial and environmental applications. After a through peer-review process, the SOCO 2015 International Program Committee selected 41 papers, written by authors from 15 different countries. These papers are published in present conference proceedings, achieving an acceptance rate of 40%. The selection of papers was extremely rigorous in order to maintain the high quality of the conference and we would like to thank the members of the International Program Committees for their hard work during the review process. This is a crucial issue for creation of a high standard conference and the SOCO conference would not exist without their help.

The 2-tuple Linguistic Model

by Francisco Herrera Rosa M. Rodriguez Luis Martínez

This book examines one of the more common and wide-spread methodologies to deal with uncertainty in real-world decision making problems, the computing with words paradigm, and the fuzzy linguistic approach. The 2-tuple linguistic model is the most popular methodology for computing with words (CWW), because it improves the accuracy of the linguistic computations and keeps the interpretability of the results. The authors provide a thorough review of the specialized literature in CWW and highlight the rapid growth and applicability of the 2-tuple linguistic model. They explore the foundations and methodologies for CWW in complex frameworks and extensions. The book introduces the software FLINTSTONES that provides tools for solving linguistic decision problems based on the 2-tuple linguistic model. Professionals and researchers working in the field of classification or fuzzy sets and systems will find The 2-tuple Linguistic Model: Computing with Words in Decision Making a valuable resource. Undergraduate and postdoctoral students studying computer science and statistics will also find this book a useful study guide.

, 2nd Edition: Introduction, Methods, and Information Systems (International Handbooks on Information Systems)

by Jan Vom Brocke Michael Rosemann

Business Process Management (BPM) has become one of the most widely used approaches for the design of modern organizational and information systems. The conscious treatment of business processes as significant corporate assets has facilitated substantial improvements in organizational performance but is also used to ensure the conformance of corporate activities. This Handbook presents in two volumes the contemporary body of knowledge as articulated by the world' s leading BPM thought leaders. This first volume focuses on arriving at a sound definition of BPM approaches and examines BPM methods and process-aware information systems. As such, it provides guidance for the integration of BPM into corporate methodologies and information systems. Each chapter has been contributed by leading international experts. Selected case studies complement their views and lead to a summary of BPM expertise that is unique in its coverage of the most critical success factors of BPM.<P><P> The second edition of this handbook has been significantly revised and extended. Each chapter has been updated to reflect the most current developments. This includes in particular new technologies such as in-memory data and process management, social media and networks. A further focus of this revised and extended edition is on the actual deployment of the proposed theoretical concepts. This volume includes a number of entire new chapters from some of the world's leading experts in the domain of BPM.

3D Cinema

by Miriam Ross

3D Cinema: Optical Illusions and Tactile Experiences questions the common frameworks used for discussing 3D cinema, realism and spectacle, in order to fully understand the embodied and sensory dimensions of 3D cinema's unique visuality.

3D Printing (Idiot's Guides)

by Cameron Coward

3D printing is the hottest new technology. It allows just about any at-home inventor, artist, or engineer to design, create, and "print" their own parts, artwork, or whatever else can be imagined — all at very reasonable costs. Idiot's Guides: 3D Printing explores this new revolution by explaining all of the basics of materials, parts, software, modeling, design, and finishing. The book then takes it to the next level by teaching readers how to take their new skills and print some simple, fun projects. Helpful advice on setting up a home-built 3D printer, buying a manufactured printer, selecting raw materials, and finding plans and projects online, are also covered.

5 Skills for the Global Learner: What Everyone Needs to Navigate the Digital World (Corwin Connected Educators Series)

by Mark D. Barnes

Tap the power of digital learning! In today’s digital world, distance and cultural differences are inconsequential. Technology empowers students and provides them with unlimited resources and opportunities. With this easy guide, you’ll learn the five essential skills to transform students into global learners: Creating and sharing digital information Using social media Digital publishing Building a personal learning network Using aggregators to create, maintain, and share content Loaded with tips and examples for using PLNs, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, Jing, and other essential tools, this breakthrough guide to incredible learning opportunities will keep you and your students a step ahead!

5 Skills for the Global Learner: What Everyone Needs to Navigate the Digital World (Corwin Connected Educators Series)

by Mark D. Barnes

Tap the power of digital learning! In today’s digital world, distance and cultural differences are inconsequential. Technology empowers students and provides them with unlimited resources and opportunities. With this easy guide, you’ll learn the five essential skills to transform students into global learners: Creating and sharing digital information Using social media Digital publishing Building a personal learning network Using aggregators to create, maintain, and share content Loaded with tips and examples for using PLNs, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, Jing, and other essential tools, this breakthrough guide to incredible learning opportunities will keep you and your students a step ahead!

9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #375)

by Ross Overbeek Miguel P. Rocha Florentino Fdez-Riverola Juan F. Paz

This proceedings presents recent practical applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. It contains the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics held at University of Salamanca, Spain, at June 3rd-5th, 2015. The International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB) is an annual international meeting dedicated to emerging and challenging applied research in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Biological and biomedical research are increasingly driven by experimental techniques that challenge our ability to analyse, process and extract meaningful knowledge from the underlying data. The impressive capabilities of next generation sequencing technologies, together with novel and ever evolving distinct types of omics data technologies, have put an increasingly complex set of challenges for the growing fields of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The analysis of the datasets produced and their integration call for new algorithms and approaches from fields such as Databases, Statistics, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Optimization, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Clearly, Biology is more and more a science of information requiring tools from the computational sciences.

Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America

by Deana A. Rohlinger

"Weaving together analyses of archival material, news coverage, and interviews conducted with journalists from mainstream and partisan outlets as well as with activists across the political spectrum, Deana A. Rohlinger reimagines how activists use a variety of mediums, sometimes simultaneously, to agitate for - and against - legal abortion"--

Abuse: An Encyclopedia Of Causes, Consequences, And Treatments

by Rosemarie Skaine

Abuse, a key theme of health education curricula, is also a major issue faced by many segments of society. Intended for high school students as well as undergraduates and the general reader, this comprehensive encyclopedia explores abuse in all its forms--physical, sexual, emotional, and verbal--among a variety of age and demographic groups from children to the elderly to the disabled. It sheds light on causes and symptoms of abuse, examines lasting impacts, and suggests avenues for prevention and treatment. <P><P> Specific topics of concern to a secondary school audience include bullying and cyberbullying; abuse of those in same-sex relationships; and sexual abuse through rape, date rape, incest, and sexting. Elder abuse, which has become of greater concern as our society ages, is covered, as are domestic abuse, child abuse, and abduction. Through up-to-date entries by expert contributors, readers will learn about the causes and results of specific types of abuse, as well as their legal and sociological dimensions. The title will also serve as a gateway to further study--and as a resource for readers seeking help.

Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts

by Nitesh Dhanjani

The upcoming IoT age will blur the line between our physical and online lives. Attacks targeting our online spaces will put our physical security at risk. Traditionally, the attack vectors to our fundamental luxuries have required physical tampering, mostly because access to the infrastructure has been limited from the Internet. This is about to change with the upcoming disruption caused by a future with billions of "things" connected to the Internet.This book takes a fascinating look into abusing the most popular IoT-based devices already available in the market. You'll learn how a simple attack can cause a perpetual blackout targeting LED lightbulbs, how bad security decisions have grossly violated the physical safety and privacy of families, and how the insecurity of powerful electric vehicles can put your life at risk.The goal of this book is to demonstrate tangible risk in IoT devices that we're going to depend on more and more as time progresses. Once we begin to understand the cause of actual security vulnerabilities in devices today, we will begin to set the path for a future that will help us enable these devices to securely enhance and augment our lives.The stakes are high. Malicious attackers are already hard at work uncovering and exploiting these security defects and they will continue to find crafty avenues to abuse their knowledge every way they can. These attackers span the spectrum of curious college students to sophisticated private and state sponsored criminal gangs that are interested in terrorizing individuals and populations. The impact of security vulnerabilities in IoT devices can lead to mass compromise of privacy and cause physical harm.

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