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Showing 17,026 through 17,050 of 36,437 results

Unplug Every Day: A Journal

by Chronicle Books

This inspiring journal offers 365 achievable ways to take small breaks from technology with simple suggestions that encourage journalers to unplug from electronics and appreciate their surroundings. With a year's worth of digital-detox prompts, it also offers readers time to reflect on the power of unplugging.

Unstoppable: Step into Your Purpose, Run Your Race, Embrace the Future

by Christine Caine

"Unstoppable will encourage you to run the race God has placed before you with new confidence." – Joyce Meyer, Bible teacher and bestselling author Now includes discussion questions for small-group study. Have you been a spiritual spectator for too long, waiting on the sidelines, thinking God could never use you for something big? Maybe you have been searching for greater purpose. Well get prepared, because God has a baton ready to put in your hand. Christine Caine didn't think she had what it took to make a difference in the world. Then, inspired by her love of Olympic relays, Caine decided that she should start a relay herself--a global team of individuals and organizations passing a baton to one another in a race to end human trafficking. Now Caine's organization, A21, is on a mission to end slavery, one woman, one man, one child, at a time which sometimes means operating in some of the most dangerous situations on earth--all because Caine realized that with God leading the relay, she was unstoppable. With fascinating stories and inspiring Scripture, Unstoppable takes us on Caine's journey from feelings of inadequacy to trust in God's provision to joy in seeing victory over suffering. Her remarkable story inspires us to embrace the power of being on God's team--whether we are fighting human trafficking, leading a church, or starting a movement for good in our own community. No longer stuck on the sidelines, we will see how God has uniquely prepared us for the big dreams He calls us to carry out in His name. If you think your faith isn't strong enough to conquer something big like human trafficking, think again. In Unstoppable, you will learn to recognize what you can do, knowing that when God calls your name, you will be ready, hand outstretched to receive the baton.

The Untrue Story of You: How to Let Go of the Past that Creates You, and Become Fully Alive in the Presen t

by Bryan Hubbard

In The Untrue Story of You, Bryan Hubbard presents a powerful, groundbreaking theory explaining who we really are, how our relationship to our past affects us and how we can finally find true healing.In the pages of this book, you will discover that 'you' are actually made up of Three Selves, or time-bodies – past, present and potential - and that these three distinct entities send out energetic pulses, or waves, that interact to create your experience of life. As you move through life, experiences you never fully understood from your past begin to weigh you down, causing you to respond in the present with anxiety and fear without knowing why. As this pattern repeats itself, it can drag you into depression or addictive behaviours that are seemingly out of your control.Sharing his own moving story of overcoming the painful experiences of his childhood, Bryan teaches you how to heal the negative patterns you have created in your life, and, through a 21-day programme, become the real 'you' – the child you once were who could see the world as it really is, an unfolding miracle in the present moment.

Unworthy: How to Stop Hating Yourself

by Anneli Rufus

"Self-loathing is a dark land studded with booby-traps. Fumbling through its dark underbrush, we cannot see what our trouble actually is: that we are mistaken about ourselves. That we were told lies long ago which we, in love and loyalty and fear, believed. Will we believe ourselves to death?" --from Unworthy As someone who has struggled with low self-esteem her entire life, Anneli Rufus knows only too well how the world looks through the eyes of those who are not comfortable in their own skin. In Unworthy, Rufus boldly explores how a lack of faith in ourselves can turn us into our own worst enemies. Drawing on extensive research, enlightening interviews, and her own poignant experiences, Rufus considers the question: What personal, societal, biological, and historical factors coalesced to spark this secret epidemic, and what can be done to put a stop to it? She reveals the underlying sources of low self-esteem and leads us through strategies for positive change.

The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well Is the Key to Success

by Megan Mcardle

“Clever, surprisingly fast-paced, and enlightening.” —ForbesMost new products fail. So do most businesses. And most of us, if we are honest, have experienced a major setback in our personal or professional lives. So what determines who will bounce back and follow up with a home run? What separates those who keep treading water from those who harness the lessons from their mistakes?One of our most popular business bloggers, Megan McArdle takes insights from emergency room doctors, kindergarten teachers, bankruptcy judges, and venture capitalists to teach us how to reinvent ourselves in the face of failure. The Up Side of Down is a book that just might change the way you lead your life.

The Upside of Your Dark Side: Why Being Your Whole Self--Not Just Your "Good" Self--Drives Success and Fulfillment

by Todd Kashdan Robert Biswas-Diener

Two mavericks in the field of positive psychology deliver a timely message Happiness experts have long told us to tune out our negative emotions and focus instead on mindfulness, positivity, and optimism. Researchers Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., and Robert Biswas-Diener, Dr. Philos., disagree. Positive emotions alone are not enough. <P><P> Anger makes us creative, selfishness makes us brave, and guilt is a powerful motivator. The real key to success lies in emotional agility. Drawing upon extensive scientific research and a wide array of real-life examples, The Upside of Your Dark Side will be embraced by business leaders, parents, and everyone else who's ready to put their entire psychological tool kit to work. and a wide array of real-life examples including sports, the military, parenting, education, romance, business, and more, The Upside of Your Dark Side is a refreshing reality check that shows us how we can truly maximize our potential. <P>With an appreciation of our entire psychological toolkit, we become whole--which allows us to climb the highest peaks and handle the deepest valleys.

Usted Puede Comenzar de Nuevo: No Importa lo que Sea, Nunca es Demasiado Tarde

by Joyce Meyer

Nunca es demasiado tarde para un nuevo comienzo. Observe detenidamente y verá ese tema expuesto a lo largo de toda la Biblia. Página tras página, Dios se deleita en convertir finales trágicos en nuevos comienzos. Una mujer estéril concibe en su vejez, un temeroso y tímido pastor de ovejas se convierte en un líder de millones, y una prostituta se convierte en esposa y madre en el linaje de Cristo. Cada nuevo comienzo en la Biblia revela la maravillosa e inspiradora esperanza que tenemos en nuestros propios nuevos comienzos en el plan de Dios para nuestras vidas. En USTED PUEDE COMENZAR DE NUEVO, la autora de éxitos de librería Joyce Meyer explora la belleza y el carácter inagotable del amor y la gracia de Dios. A través de historias inspiradoras, principios bíblicos y su típico enfoque práctico, Joyce demuestra fuertemente que Dios no ha terminado aún con usted. Si usted está atascado en un bache, decepcionado por los resultados, dolido por una herida, fracasando en el intento, luchando en una relación, o no está seguro sobre el futuro. . . no se rinda. No renuncie a usted mismo ni renuncie del Dios que le ama y le ofrece un nuevo comienzo hoy. "Dios siempre ofrece una nueva oportunidad. Una nueva posibilidad. Una nueva vida. Esa vida puede ser suya hoy. ¡Usted puede comenzar de nuevo!"

Usted puede, y lo hará: 8 atributos indiscutibles de un ganador

by Joel Osteen

In YOU CAN, YOU WILL, Joel Osteen shares eight undeniable qualities of winners that can help you to reach your potential and achieve new levels of success in your life. You are created to be a winner. Get these eight principles deep down on the inside and boldly go in the direction of your destiny. Keep Your Vision in Front of You - Dare to dream big dreams. Run Your Race - Focus on your unique course and goals. Expect Good Things - Anticipate great opportunities. Have a Positive Mind-set - Take control of your thoughts and attitudes. Commit to Excellence - Do your best and maintain high standards. Keep Growing - Be proactive, be intentional, build on your gifts, and continually improve. Serve Others - Invest yourself in others. Stay Passionate - Light the fire within and approach life with enthusiasm. is the control center for your life.

Vegetable Gardening (Idiot's Guides)

by John Tullock

Thanks to a "growing" interest in the local food movement, self-sustainability, as well as health and money-saving concerns, vegetable gardening is more popular than ever. Using full-color, step-by-step examples, Idiot's Guides: Vegetable Gardening covers all of the techniques and tools needed for every type of garden, including small plot, raised bed, container, and vertical. Ideal for all types of gardeners — whether they live in a rural, suburban, or urban setting — content includes planning, soil preparation, pest control, maintenance, harvesting, and much more!

Vergiftete Beziehungen Erkennen & Lernen, Wie Man Sie Ordnet Oder Abhakt

by Margit Unser Sarah Goldberg

Vergiftete Beziehungen können Sie mental zerstören. Lesen Sie dieses Buch, um zu erfahren, ob Sie in einer solchen leben und was Sie tun können, um eine vergiftete Beziehung entweder zu kitten oder sie komplett hinter sich zu lassenEine traurige Tatsache ist, dass überall Männer und Frauen in vergiftete Beziehungen verstrickt sind und einige dieser Beziehungen sogar zu häuslicher Gewalt führen. Noch trauriger ist die Tatsache, dass Menschen, die in einer solchen Beziehung misshandelt werden, diese Beziehungen aufrechterhalten und sich weiterhin verletzen lassen. Oft erkennt die missbrauchte Person nicht einmal, dass sie in einer vergifteten Beziehung lebt! Dieses Buch soll Ihnen vermitteln, wie Sie eine vergiftete Beziehung erkennen. Falls Sie in einer vergifteten Beziehung leben, zeigt es Ihnen, wie man sie kittet oder hinter sich lässt! In diesem Buch lernen Sie: 1. Faktoren, die zur Entwicklung einer vergifteten Beziehung führen 2. Die negativen Auswirkungen, wenn Sie in einer vergifteten Beziehung verharren 3. Wie man eine vergiftete Beziehung „regelt oder vergisst“ 4. Wie man sich von einer vergifteten Beziehung erholt, nachdem man sie hinter sich gelassen hat 5. Und vieles mehr Niemand muss in einer vergifteten Beziehung ausharren. Wenn Sie meinen, in einer vergifteten Beziehung zu leben, kaufen Sie dieses Buch noch heute und fangen Sie an, sich von den Schmerzen dieser vergifteten Beziehung zu befreien.

Via Il Disordine! - Rendi La Tua Vita Più Semplice In Un Solo Fine Settimana

by Eugenia Franzoni Sarah Goldberg

"Via il disordine" è stato revisionato e migliorato; grazie all'ottimo feedback che ho ricevuto, ora puoi scaricare una versione aggiornata e rivista, che ti dia un aiuto anche migliore per semplificarti la vita!La tua casa o il tuo appartamento ti fanno impazzire? Vuoi disfarti dell'immondizia e semplificare la tua vita ORA? Ti senti in imbarazzo se i tuoi amici (o tua madre!) vedono il caos che hai in casa? Allora questo libro è per te! Unisciti alle migliaia di persone che hanno scaricato questo bestseller #1 che aiuta a renderti la vita più semplice in un solo fine settimana!Guarda, io una volta avevo una casa che era un vero caos. Era un disastro, con tutta la roba dei bambini, di mio marito dappertutto, insieme a cose di qualsiasi tipo. Mi faceva diventar matta! Onestamente, ero anche un po' in imbarazzo quando i vicini venivano da me, perché mi pareva di avere immondizia sparsa per tutta casa.Non è più così! Ho deciso di dedicare UN FINE SETTIMANA della mia vita a far sparire il disordine per sempre, e ha funzionato! Ora voglio aiutare anche te a fare la stessa cosa, e ci si sente BENISSIMO ad aver eliminato la confusione e pulito una volta per tutte. Ho preso tutta la roba inutile che avevo in casa e l'ho venduta su eBay, e ora ho anche dei soldi in più!Questo libro ti porterà per mano in un intero fine settimana, da venerdì sera a domeica sera, e ti guiderà passo passo a mettere a posto la tua casa. Può sembrare un compito difficile, ma dagli una possibilità, non hai niente da perdere e molto da guadagnare in vivibilità!Inoltre, in fondo al libro ho anche dei consigli di posti in cui comprare le soluzioni per il ripostiglio, come scaffali e mensole solidissime, scatole etc, che ti aiuteranno a metterti sulla buona strada di una vita senza disordine!Ti serve un'altra ragione per comprare questo libro? Eccone una ottima: per me la Biblioteca dei Bambini è molto importante, quindi dono il 5% di tutti i

Viaggi Di Una Psicologa In Crisi

by Graziela Bergamini Linda Merlini

Una studentessa di Psicologia, annoiata e piena di dubbi sulla scelta della sua professione, decide di passare tre mesi in India, da sola, per avere uno shock culturale e scuotere la sua comprensione grigia della vita. L´India è appena uno sfondo che rappresenta un viaggio maggiore: il viaggio negli spazi interni di se stessa. Il libro non ha un ordine cronologico, ma passeggia liberamente nel tempo.

La vida es bella si la quieres ver bella: Cómo disfrutar tus años 50+

by Lilia Reyes Spindola

Los temas que se tocan en este libro son aquellos que llegan como un vendaval de pensamientos,llenos de suposiciones e inseguridades cuando se llega a los temidos cincuenta y tantos... en adelante y muchos más. <P><P> El miedo de acercarse al tiempo de la vejez, al espacio de las limitaciones físicas y emocionales, trae depresión. La intensión del libro es contagiar la esperanza de que en esta etapa de la vida poseemos ya la riqueza de las experiencias, es la etapa de practicar del bello arte de madurar, pues la prisa y el apuro nos han dejado de latigar. <P> Tenemos más capacidad de observar y escuchar, cualidades que nos permiten comprender más y juzgar menos. La edad bien aceptada llega con gran dignidad y respeto sí aprendemos pensar felicidad y a sentir agradecimiento por el tiempo que nos sigue regalando la vida. <P> Este libro está lleno de consejos que nos ayudan a cambiar la actitud mental, viendo de frente a todos los miedos que nos acosan y que poco a poco nos convierten en victimas y esclavos de la edad, no se vale que la sociedad nos etiquete en un rango sin evaluar antes la capacidad personal de cada ser humano. <P> Está dirigido a hombres y mujeres viendo así los diferentes aspectos de como afecta a unos y a otros las inseguridades. Incluye entrevistas cortas para conocer como piensan, como sienten y como actúan, se realizarán. <P> El libro habla del aspecto de los cambios hormonales, así también de la forma en que se aceptan los pensamientos negativos. Es importante entender que se debe ver el futuro con esperanza. Incluye prácticas sencillas para saber como realizar el cambio de actitud mental y emocional, tiene afirmaciones y una meditación final. Los capítulos están divididos para hombres y mujeres.

The Virgin Way

by Richard Branson

While building the Virgin Group over forty years, Richard Branson has never shied away from seemingly outlandish challenges that others (including his own colleagues on several occasions) considered sheer lunacy. He has taken on giants like British Airways and won, and monsters like Coca-Cola and lost. Now Branson gives an inside look at his strikingly different swashbuckling style of leadership. Learn how fun, family, passion, and the dying art of listening are key components to what his extended family of employees around the world have always dubbed (with a wink) the "Virgin Way." This unique perspective comes from a man who dropped out of school at sixteen, suffers from dyslexia, and has never worked for anyone but himself. He may be famous for thinking outside the box--an expression he despises--but Branson asserts that "you'll never have to think outside the box if you refuse to let anyone build one around you." This is a unique book on leadership from someone who readily admits he has never read a book on leadership in his life. So expect the unexpected.

Vision Map: Charting a Step-by-Step Course for Your Biggest Hopes and Dreams

by Joel Malm

Is there a gap between you and your dream?A few years back, Joël Malm had the idea to lead people on outdoor expeditions with a spiritual, God-centered focus. Following God&’s lead, he created a vision map, started his organization, and made it happen.This book is a response to the question he often gets: How do you do something like that?Whether you want to start a business, raise a family, run a marathon, plant a church, restore a relationship, or climb a mountain, you can take practical steps to see your vision come to be.Vision Map is not a formula for overnight success, but it is a template to start anyone on the path to envisioning a God-given dream. God often gives us a difficult problem to solve, and we just need a push in the right direction to find the answer.

Vision Map: Charting a Step-by-Step Course for Your Biggest Hopes and Dreams

by Joel Malm

Is there a gap between you and your dream?A few years back, Joël Malm had the idea to lead people on outdoor expeditions with a spiritual, God-centered focus. Following God&’s lead, he created a vision map, started his organization, and made it happen.This book is a response to the question he often gets: How do you do something like that?Whether you want to start a business, raise a family, run a marathon, plant a church, restore a relationship, or climb a mountain, you can take practical steps to see your vision come to be.Vision Map is not a formula for overnight success, but it is a template to start anyone on the path to envisioning a God-given dream. God often gives us a difficult problem to solve, and we just need a push in the right direction to find the answer.

Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good

by Steven Garber

Foreword Review's 17th Annual INDIEFAB Book of the Year Finalist (Religion)12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year (Culture)2015 Christianity Today Award of Merit (Christian Living)2014 Leadership Journal Best Books for Church Leaders (The Leader's Outer Life)2014 Book of the Year from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds BookstoreJonathan who learned he would rather build houses than study historyTodd and Maria who adopted creative schedules so they could parent better and practice medicine D.J. who helped Congress move into the Internet Age Robin who spends her life on behalf of urban justiceHans who makes hamburgers the way they are meant to be madeSusan who built a home business of hand-printing stationary using a letterpress Santiago who works with majority-world nations in need of capital George who has given years to teaching students to learn things that matter mostClaudius and Deirdre whose openhearted home has always been a place for peopleDan who loves Wyoming, the place, its people and its cows

The Visual Made Verbal: A Comprehensive Training Manual and Guide to the History and Applications of Audio Description

by Joel Snyder

Verbal descriptions of life have been around for centuries, but the digital age has made access to those descriptions even more important. Dr. Joel Snyder, an audio description pioneer, has created a book and website offering the first overview of the field, including its history, application to a range of genres, description of training techniques and list of resources. Audio description brings the visual world to life, making theater productions, television shows, films, visual art and events accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Describers employ succinct, vivid, imaginative words to convey visual images those with sight take for granted. Although countries worldwide have taken up the cause, the United States has fallen short on research and institutions to study the field. Dr. Snyder's book helps fill in some of those gaps. "For decades, Joel Snyder has combined his astonishing command of language with his keen attention to detail to create word pictures that stir the mind's eye, especially for patrons of the arts whose physical eyes cannot see. ... His book has been long-awaited and no doubt will become the standard for prospective audio describers around the world." -- Kelsey Marshall, founding director of accessibility, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Dr. Joel Snyder is known internationally as one of the world's first "audio describers," a pioneer in the field of audio description: making theater events, museum exhibitions, and media accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Since 1981, he has introduced audio description techniques in 36 states and D.C. and in 35 countries; he holds a Ph.D. in accessibility-audio description from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Dr. Snyder's company, Audio Description Associates, LLC ( uses audio description to enhance a wide range of arts projects including video and film, museum exhibitions and live events, As Director of Described Media for the National Captioning Institute, he supervised the production of description for Sesame Street and dozens of feature films and nationally broadcast television; his descriptions can be heard at Smithsonian Institution exhibits, the Getty Museum, the Albright-Knox Gallery and throughout the country at National Park Service visitor centers. As Director of the American Council of the Blind's Audio Description Project (, Dr. Snyder voiced description for network coverage of President Obama's inauguration in 2009 and 2013 and recently produced the first-ever audio described tour of The White House; the ADP website is the nation's principal provider of information and resources on audio description.

Vital Signs

by Gregg Levoy

Discover--or rediscover--your passion for life. What inspires passion in your life? And what defeats it? How do you lose it and how do you get it back? In this exuberant and compelling book, Gregg Levoy, best-selling author of Callings, explores how you can cultivate not just a specific passion, but passion as a mindset---a stance---that helps bring vitality to all your engagements, from work and relationships to creativity and spiritual life. Vital Signs examines the endless, yet endlessly fruitful, tug-of-war between passion and security in our lives, the wild in us and the tame, our natural selves and our conditioned selves, and shows us how to stay engaged with the world and resist the downward-pulling forces that can drain our aliveness. Vital Signs also encourages courageous inquiry into our dis-passion---where we're numb, depressed, stuck and bored in our lives---so that we can rework these tendencies in ourselves and claim our rightful inheritance of vitality. What you'll learn: * Passion can be cultivated. Turned on as well as turned off. And this happens most readily at the level of the gesture and the moment, not the five-year plan. * Passion is in the risk. In the willingness to step from the sidelines onto the playing field. * Passion breeds passion and disinterest breeds disinterest. If you lack passion in your life, your other relationships---your partnerships, friendships, communities, classrooms, corporations and congregations---will be denied that energy. * Passion is more than exuberance; it's endurance. It's sometimes shoulder-to-the-wheel stamina and patience on the order of years. * Passion is intimately related to health. To the degree that passion is vitality, honoring your passions enhances your vitality. Drawing from centuries of history, art, science, psychology and philosophy, as well as in-depth interviews with people who rediscovered and reignited passion in their own lives, Vital Signs offers an expansive menu of possibilities for how to claim and reclaim your passion, and will help you maintain a keen awareness of where the pulse is and a determination to plug into that place.

Viva Valientemente: Enfrente lo que Sea, Aunque Sea con Miedo

by Joyce Meyer

Usted tiene miedo. Si no enfrenta el miedo que siente, éste puede paralizarlo y detenerlo de disfrutar la vida al máximo. Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas No. 1 del New York Times, desea mostrarle que para deshacerse del miedo tiene que hacerle frente. La buena noticia es que Dios quiere darle la fortaleza que necesita para vencer el temor y vivir valientemente. Por eso le dice repetidamente a través de la Biblia, "no temas," porque Él está con usted. En Viva valientemente, Joyce explica cómo puede vencer el debilitante poder del temor al aprender a confrontarlo y conquistarlo. A través de prácticas enseñanzas, sus propias experiencias e inspiradoras escrituras, este libro le enseñará a superar cualquier temor, para que alcance su máximo potencial y comience a vivir a plenitud. Ya sea que tema ser incompetente, rechazado, perder el control, usted puede aprender a triunfar ante los obstáculos, aun si siente miedo. ¡Enfrente lo que sea, y hágalo, aunque sea con miedo!

Vive libre, vive feliz: Una guía de 21 días para la sanidad interior

by Lis Milland

No dejes para mañana lo que puedes solucionar en 21 días. Decídete hoy: Sé libre, Sé feliz. Vive libre, vive feliz es una guía interactiva de 21 días que combina técnicas de sicología con la Palabra de Dios para llevarte por un proceso de restauración efectivo. Algunos de los asuntos con los que lidiarás en Vive libre, vive feliz son: * Sanar el niño interior * No mirar más el pasado * Vencer los temores, la culpa y el rechazo * Restaurar la visión y guiarte por la fe

Vivir de corazón: Mindfulness para una generación atónita

by Álvaro Gómez Contreras

<P><P>Descubre el MindfulnessCoordina tu mente y tu corazón y alcanza la felicidad Llega una nueva revolución social y cultural. Lo que antes era utópico ahora es necesario. <P>Este libro no contiene la receta para ser feliz ni las brillantes anécdotas de un gurú al uso. Al recorrer sus páginas encontraremos a un amigo honesto y sosegado que, inadvertidamente y sin trazas de dramatismo, nos enfrenta a través de sus vivencias y reflexiones a los recovecos oscuros de los sutiles temores que, como una suerte de artrosis espiritual, van minando nuestra libertad de acción, de la única acción que nos hace felices, aquella que está en armonía con nuestros sentimientos. <P>Lo extraordinario de Vivir de corazón no es solo su argumento central -nuestra felicidad refulge ahí dentro, tras la cortina de humo de nuestros miedos-, sino la facilidad que tiene de conectar íntimamente con todo aquel que no haya abandonado la búsqueda, su capacidad para hacernos recordar que todas las respuestas están al alcance de cualquiera de nosotros y que lo único que necesitamos para gozar de ellas es la espontaneidad de extender la mano hacia nuestro corazón y llevárnoslas a la boca como fruta madura en cada elección de nuestras vidas. <P>Álvaro Gómez, experto en Mindfulness con más de veinte años de experiencia, nos regala este tratado vital que pone de manifiesto la importancia de vivir cada día como un proyecto inédito y lleno de posibilidades, sin dejarnos llevar por los lastres de nuestros temores.


by Scott Damian

For thirty-three years, Scott Damian fought an arduous battle for freedom from stuttering. He was imprisoned by the terror of being unable to utter a single word, until he transformed into a highly successful actor and writer. Scott speaks to the heart and soul of a stutterer, and addresses healing, help, and hope for the millions who are similarly afflicted.

Wake Up Grateful: The Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted

by Kristi Nelson

This practical and inspiring program is filled with guiding principles, reflections, exercises, and meditations for making gratitude a daily practice, especially during uncertain and challenging times. In times of uncertainty and suffering, finding joy and gratefulness in daily life is challenging. Wake Up Grateful provides a practical and inspiring roadmap to making grateful living a daily practice, with guiding principles, reflective questions, affirmations, and exercises. Drawing from her own cancer experience along with her life work with The Network for Grateful Living, Kristi Nelson explores how to develop gratefulness as a way of being. She examines ten core areas where many people need support and guides readers in finding presence and perspective in these aspects of life, opening to greater possibilities, and uncovering the abundance and love that's possible in every moment. Winner: Gold Nautilus Book Award, Personal Growth

Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion

by Sam Harris

For the millions of Americans who want spirituality without religion, Sam Harris's new book is a guide to meditation as a rational spiritual practice informed by neuroscience and psychology.<P> From multiple New York Times bestselling author, neuroscientist, and "new atheist" Sam Harris, Waking Up is for the 30 percent of Americans who follow no religion, but who suspect that Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and the other saints and sages of history could not have all been epileptics, schizophrenics, or frauds. Throughout the book, Harris argues that there are important truths to be found in the experiences of such contemplatives--and, therefore, that there is more to understanding reality than science and secular culture generally allow. <P> Waking Up is part seeker's memoir and part exploration of the scientific underpinnings of spirituality. No other book marries contemplative wisdom and modern science in this way, and no author other than Sam Harris--a scientist, philosopher, and famous skeptic--could write it.

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