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Die zweite Quantenrevolution: Vom Spuk Im Mikrokosmos Zu Neuen Supertechnologien

by Lars Jaeger

„Quantenphysik ist bizarr und komisch, und sie widerspricht komplett unserem gesunden Menschenverstand“ oder ganz einfach „Die spinnen, die Physiker“ - so oder ähnlich ist die Wahrnehmung vieler Menschen, wenn es um die Grundtheorie der modernen Physik geht. Die These dieses Buches lautet: „Quantenphysik, so bizarr und abgehoben sie erscheinen mag, ist für unser heutiges Leben die bedeutendste wissenschaftliche Theorie. Und ihr Einfluss ist bei weitem nicht an irgendein Ende gelangt. Da kommt noch einiges auf uns zu!“ Der Autor steigt dabei mitten in unser Alltagsleben ein: Sie wollen mehr über heutige und zukünftige Technologien erfahren? Dann beschäftigen Sie sich mit dem Quantencomputer oder dem Quanteninternet; Technologien, deren erste Prototypen in den letzten Jahren möglich wurden und schon sehr bald unser tägliches Leben bestimmen werden. Das Buch wird Bewusstsein schaffen für die Bedeutung der Quantenphysik heute, dabei werden auch philosophische und weltanschauliche Fragen nicht außer Acht gelassen. Am Schluss wird der Leser den heutigen Stand der Quantenphysik kennen und dabei Antwort auf Fragen finden, die Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg und andere Physik-Genies des 20. Jahrhunderts noch nicht wussten. Mit diesem Buch erschließen sich ihm nicht nur eine Reihe ganz neuer Technologien, sondern auch die dramatischen Einflüsse der modernen Physik für das Gefüge unserer Weltanschauung.

Diel Vertical Migration of Zooplankton in Lakes and Oceans

by Joop Ringelberg

The book deals with Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) of zooplankton in oceans and lakes and is the first critical discussion of the literature in 100 years of research. The accent is on photo-response experiments that revealed the physiological fundament unifying migration behaviour in both biotopes. Accelerations in relative changes in light intensity of dawn and dusk are the stimuli that trigger a PhotoBehaviour Mechanisms (PBM) evolved to realise predator evasion and starvation prevention. Physiology and behaviour are tuned to these adaptive goals. A "set of ecological factors" is necessary and an algorithm shows the operation of the "set". However, not only the kinetic component of behaviour is based on light, also orientation but now the angular light distribution is responsible. Contrast orientation as in Daphnia may also hold for other animals, for example, Euphausia.The application of the PBM in lakes and oceans is demonstrated amongst other for the vertical movements of Sound Scattering Layers. These layers move faster, slower or as fast as an isolume which was a problem for the decennia long explanation that migrating animals followed an optimal light intensity. The enigma was solved. Using time series of changes in population size, egg ratios, development times and death rates due to predation by juvenile fish, the influence of DVM on population dynamics was analysed. Finally, covering the flow of matter in the traditional food web by a network of information transitions illustrates the controlling function of infochemicals, such as fish kairomones.

Dielectric Breakdown in Gigascale Electronics

by Juan Pablo Borja Toh-Ming Lu Joel Plawsky

This book focuses on the experimental and theoretical aspects of the time-dependent breakdown of advanced dielectric films used in gigascale electronics. Coverage includes the most important failure mechanisms for thin low-k films, new and established experimental techniques, recent advances in the area of dielectric failure, and advanced simulations/models to resolve and predict dielectric breakdown, all of which are of considerable importance for engineers and scientists working on developing and integrating present and future chip architectures. The book is specifically designed to aid scientists in assessing the reliability and robustness of electronic systems employing low-k dielectric materials such as nano-porous films. Similarly, the models presented here will help to improve current methodologies for estimating the failure of gigascale electronics at device operating conditions from accelerated lab test conditions. Numerous graphs, tables, and illustrations are included to facilitate understanding of the topics. Readers will be able to understand dielectric breakdown in thin films along with the main failure modes and characterization techniques. In addition, they will gain expertise on conventional as well as new field acceleration test models for predicting long term dielectric degradation.

Dielectric Materials for Energy Storage and Energy Harvesting Devices (River Publishers Series in Energy Sustainability and Efficiency)

by Shailendra Rajput Sabyasachi Parida Abhishek Sharma

As the demand for energy harvesting and storage devices grows, this book will be valuable for researchers to learn about the most current achievements in this sector. Sustainable development systems are centered on three pillars: economic development, environmental stewardship, and social. One of the ideas established to achieve balance between these pillars is to minimize the usage of nonrenewable energy sources. Harvesting energy from the surrounding environment and converting it into electrical power is one viable solution to this problem. In recent years, there has been a surge in the development of new energy generation technologies such as solar, wind, and thermal energy to replace fossil fuel energy supplies with cleaner renewable ones. Energy harvesting systems have emerged as a key study topic and are rapidly expanding.

Dielectric Properties of Ionic Liquids

by Marian Paluch

This book discusses the mechanisms of electric conductivity in various ionic liquid systems (protic, aprotic as well as polymerized ionic liquids). It hence covers the electric properties of ionic liquids and their macromolecular counterpanes, some of the most promising materials for the development of safe electrolytes in modern electrochemical energy devices such as batteries, super-capacitors, fuel cells and dye-sensitized solar cells. Chapter contributions by the experts in the field discuss important findings obtained using broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS) and other complementary techniques. The book is an excellent introduction for readers who are new to the field of dielectric properties of ionic conductors, and a helpful guide for every scientist who wants to investigate the interplay between molecular structure and dynamics in ionic conductors by means of dielectric spectroscopy.

Dielectric Properties of Isolated Clusters

by Sven Heiles Rolf Schäfer

A broad range of state-of-the-art methods to determine properties of clusters are presented. The experimental setup and underlying physical concepts of these experiments are described. Furthermore, existing theoretical models to explain the experimental observations are introduced and the possibility to deduce structural information from measurements of dielectric properties is discussed. Additional case studies are presented in the book to emphasize the possibilities but also drawbacks of the methods.

Dielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and Characterization

by Patricio Aníbal Sorichetti Silvia Daniela Romano

Dielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and Characterization presents the application of dielectric techniques in the production process of biodiesel, and in the characterization of biofuels, raw materials and effluents. In this comprehensive text, the reader will find information about biodiesel, production processes and biofuel characterization, including a description of dielectric techniques that are a useful alternative to - and have some important advantages over - international standards. Dielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and Characterization is written in a language that is easy for both specialists and non-specialists to understand. It provides the concepts and tools needed for the application and correlation of the results of dielectric measurement with those from other techniques that are included in international standards. Aimed at a broad audience, the book gives a unified presentation, in a clear and concise way, of up-to-date information that has been gathered from a wide range of sources. Based on the ample research and teaching experience of the authors, Dielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and Characterization will be of interest to professionals working in the liquid biofuels industry, researchers entering the field and also advanced university students on related courses.

Dielectrics in Electric Fields: Tables, Atoms, and Molecules

by Gorur Govinda Raju

Dielectrics in Electric Fields explores the influence of electric fields on dielectric—i.e., non-conducting or insulating—materials, examining the distinctive behaviors of these materials through well-established principles of physics and engineering. <p><P>Featuring five new chapters, nearly 200 new figures, and more than 800 new citations, this fully updated and significantly expanded Second Edition: <li>Analyzes inorganic substances with real-life applications in harsh working conditions such as outdoor, nuclear, and space environments <li>Introduces methods for measuring dielectric properties at microwave frequencies, presenting results obtained for specific materials <li>Discusses the application of dielectric theory in allied fields such as corrosion studies, civil engineering, and health sciences <li>Combines in one chapter coverage of electrical breakdown in gases with breakdown in micrometric gaps <li>Offers extensive coverage of electron energy distribution—essential knowledge required for the application of plasma sciences in medical science <li>Delivers a detailed review of breakdown in liquids, along with an overview of electron mobility, providing a clear understanding of breakdown phenomena <li>Explains breakdown in solid dielectrics such as single crystals, polycrystalline and amorphous states, thin films, and powders compressed to form pellets <li>Addresses the latest advances in dielectric theory and research, including cutting-edge nanodielectric materials and their practical applications <li>Blends early classical papers that laid the foundation for much of the dielectric theory with more recent work <P><P>The author has drawn from more than 55 years of research studies and experience in the areas of high-voltage engineering, power systems, and dielectric materials and systems to supply both aspiring and practicing engineers with a comprehensive, authoritative source for up-to-date information on dielectrics in electric fields.

Dielectrophoresis: Theory, Methodology and Biological Applications

by Ronald R. Pethig

Comprehensive coverage of the basic theoretical concepts and applications of dielectrophoresis from a world-renowned expert. Features hot application topics including: Diagnostics, Cell-based Drug Discovery, Sensors for Biomedical Applications, Characterisation and Sorting of Stem Cells, Separation of Cancer Cells from Blood and Environmental Monitoring Focuses on those aspects of the theory and practice of dielectrophoresis concerned with characterizing and manipulating cells and other bioparticles such as bacteria, viruses, proteins and nucleic acids. Features the relevant chemical and biological concepts for those working in physics and engineering

Dienstleistungen für die energieeffiziente Stadt

by Britta Oertel Michael Knoll

Förderung und Umsetzung von Energieeffizienz und Klimaschutz zählen zu den vorrangigen Aufgaben von Städten und Gemeinden. Innovative Dienstleistungen leisten hierzu einen bedeutenden Beitrag. Der Sammelband präsentiert aktuelle Umsetzungskonzepte aus 15 Städten und bietet einen Überblick über neue Erkenntnisse aus der Dienstleistungsforschung im Hinblick auf Energieeffizienz. Die Beiträge anerkannter Wissenschaftler richten sich an alle, die sich dieses interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Handlungsfeld erschließen möchten.

Diesseits und jenseits der Ökonomie: Kurzsichtige Krisenverwaltung oder weitsichtiger Neuanfang

by E. W. Küppers

Weltwirtschaftskrisen sind immer auch Gesellschaftskrisen! Treibende ökonomische Kräfte verfolgen als »homo oeconomicus« rücksichtslos isoliert exzessive Wachstumsziele mit einem skurrilen Tanz ums »goldene BIP-Kalb« – auf Kosten aller anderen Gesellschaftsinteressen und unter Inkaufnahme massiver Umweltzerstörungen. Das Paradoxe dabei ist, dass sich die Ökonomie amüsanterweise als naturwissenschaftlich geprägt sieht, obwohl sie zutiefst den Sozialwissenschaften zuzurechnen ist. Der scheinbar unaufhaltsame Trend einer diesseitigen Ökonomie erfordert angesichts sich häufender sozialer und ökologischer Probleme einen einschneidenden Richtungswechsel. Dieser kann nur darin bestehen, dass eine jenseitige Ökonomie die Interessen aller Gesellschaftsteinehmer, im engen Verbund mit dem Erhalt unserer natürlichen Lebensgrundlage stärkt und fördert. Während eine diesseitige (mono)kausale Ökonomie konfliktträchtige Ziele verfolgt, ist eine jenseitige Ökonomie geprägt durch eine vorausschauende systemische Perspektive nachhaltiger gesellschaftlicher Weiterentwicklung.

Diet and Health: Scientific Perspectives

by Walter J. Veith

Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa teviews the latest findings and describes the causes of degenerative human diseases. Supplies information on how to implement an alternative lifestyle. Concludes with a special recipe section. For the nutritionist and consumer.

Diet for a Large Planet: Industrial Britain, Food Systems, and World Ecology

by Chris Otter

We are facing a world food crisis of unparalleled proportions. Our reliance on unsustainable dietary choices and agricultural systems is causing problems both for human health and the health of our planet. Solutions from lab-grown food to vegan diets to strictly local food consumption are often discussed, but a central question remains: how did we get to this point? In Diet for a Large Planet, Chris Otter goes back to the late eighteenth century in Britain, where the diet heavy in meat, wheat, and sugar was developing. As Britain underwent steady growth, urbanization, industrialization, and economic expansion, the nation altered its food choices, shifting away from locally produced plant-based nutrition. This new diet, rich in animal proteins and refined carbohydrates, made people taller and stronger, but it led to new types of health problems. Its production also relied on far greater acreage than Britain itself, forcing the nation to become more dependent on global resources. Otter shows how this issue expands beyond Britain, looking at the global effects of large agro-food systems that require more resources than our planet can sustain. This comprehensive history helps us understand how the British played a significant role in making red meat, white bread, and sugar the diet of choice—linked to wealth, luxury, and power—and shows how dietary choices connect to the pressing issues of climate change and food supply.

Diet for a Sustainable Ecosystem: The Science for Recovering the Health of the Chesapeake Bay and its People (Estuaries of the World)

by Benjamin E. Cuker

This book explores a specific ecosystem in depth, in order to weave a story built on place and history. It incorporates the theme of a journey to help reveal the environment-human-health-food system-problem. While drawing on a historical approach stretching back to the American colonial era, it also incorporates more contemporary scientific findings. By crafting its story around a specific place, the book makes it easier for readers to relate to the content, and to subsequently use what they learn to better understand the role of food systems at the global scale.

Diet for Iron Deficiency: Metabolism - Bioavailability - Diagnostics

by Klaus Günther

Around a quarter of the world's population is affected by iron deficiency, and women of childbearing age as well as children and adolescents are considered a particular risk group. This reference book deals with the latest scientific findings concerning the iron supply of the human organism with natural foods. It dispels the misconception that plant iron is less valuable than animal iron by presenting the absorption of iron from plant foods via a newly discovered metabolic pathway. From this, new points of view can be derived for vegetarians and vegans, who until now have belonged to the risk group. Furthermore, it is dedicated to forward-looking possibilities of diagnosing iron deficiency and describes modern concepts for determining the bioavailability of iron in food. New findings on the biochemistry of iron in brain metabolism, the description of the different reference values of the international professional societies and practical advice for special diets, risk groups and age groups as well as cooking recipes with simple information on iron intake complete the work. The book is aimed at nutritionists and medical practitioners, nutrition and food scientists, dieticians, pharmacists and sports scientists.

The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat

by Professor Tim Spector

Fully updated throughout and with a new foreword for this edition.Why do most diets fail? Why does one person eat a certain meal and gain weight, while another eating the same meal loses pounds? Why, despite all the advice about what to eat, are we all still getting fatter?The answers are much more surprising - and fascinating - than we've been led to believe. The key to health and weight loss lies not in the latest fad diet, nor even in the simple mantra of 'eat less, exercise more', but in the microbes already inside us. Drawing on the latest science and his own pioneering research, Professor Tim Spector demystifies the common misconceptions about fat, calories, vitamins and nutrients. Only by understanding what makes our own personal microbes tick can we overcome the confusion of modern nutrition, and achieve a healthy gut and a healthy body.

The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat

by Professor Tim Spector

Fully updated throughout.Why do most diets fail? Why does one person eat a certain meal and gain weight, while another eating the same meal loses pounds? Why, despite all the advice about what to eat, are we all still getting fatter?The answers are much more surprising - and fascinating - than we've been led to believe. The key to health and weight loss lies not in the latest fad diet, nor even in the simple mantra of 'eat less, exercise more', but in the microbes already inside us.Drawing on the latest science and his own pioneering research, Professor Tim Spector demystifies the common misconceptions about fat, calories, vitamins and nutrients. Only by understanding what makes our own personal microbes tick can we overcome the confusion of modern nutrition, and achieve a healthy gut and a healthy body.

The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat

by Tim Spector

Fully updated throughout and with a new foreword for this edition.Why do most diets fail? Why does one person eat a certain meal and gain weight, while another eating the same meal loses pounds? Why, despite all the advice about what to eat, are we all still getting fatter?The answers are much more surprising - and fascinating - than we've been led to believe. The key to health and weight loss lies not in the latest fad diet, nor even in the simple mantra of 'eat less, exercise more', but in the microbes already inside us. Drawing on the latest science and his own pioneering research, Professor Tim Spector demystifies the common misconceptions about fat, calories, vitamins and nutrients. Only by understanding what makes our own personal microbes tick can we overcome the confusion of modern nutrition, and achieve a healthy gut and a healthy body.

Diet, Nutrition and Cancer: Volume II

by Bandaru S. Reddy

These two volumes bring together a wide variety of studies concerning the role nutrition plays in the etiology of various types of cancer, namely, cancer of the esophagus, upper alimentary tract, pancreas, liver, colon, breast, and prostate. The purpose of each chapter is to provide a critical interpretive review of the area, to identify gaps and inconsistencies in present knowledge, and to suggest new areas for future research.

Diet, Nutrition and Cancer: Volume I

by Bandaru S. Reddy

These two volumes bring together a wide variety of studies concerning the role nutrition plays in the etiology of various types of cancer, namely, cancer of the esophagus, upper alimentary tract, pancreas, liver, colon, breast, and prostate. The purpose of each chapter is to provide a critical interpretive review of the area, to identify gaps and inconsistencies in present knowledge, and to suggest new areas for future research.

Diet Quality: An Evidence-Based Approach, Volume 1

by Lan-Anh Hunter Vinood B. Patel Victor R. Preedy

Diet quality is a broad term that encapsulates both perceived and actual practices, personal preferences and cultural diversity. Measuring dietary quality can be problematic and includes investigating food types, the number or size of portions or their frequency. Diet quality may also be related to the type of food being ingested, snacking and other eating habits. Manufactured beverages and fast food may also be included as well as microbiological quality and attempts to improve single food items such as meats or vegetables. In this book, Diet Quality: An Evidence-Based Approach, Volume 1 all of the major facets of diet quality in relation to health outcomes are covered. This important new text includes methods for determining diet quality while adopting a holistic approach to impart information on the major areas of concern or knowledge. Chapters link in measurable indices of health such as obesity, pregnancy outcomes, cancer and cancer outcomes, and mortality. This book represents a diverse set of subject matters and seeks to fill a gap in the literature at a time when there is an increasing awareness that well being is associated with the qualitative nature of diets. Contributors are authors of international and national standing and emerging fields of science are incorporated. Diet Quality: An Evidence-Based Approach, Volume 1 is a useful new text designed for nutritionists, dietitians, clinicians, epidemiologist, policy makers and health care professionals of various disciplines.

Dietary Components and Immune Function

by Victor R. Preedy Sherma Zibadi Ronald Ross Watson

Dietary Components and Immune Function focuses on immune modulation, immune mediated disease resistance, immune changes due to AIDS, immune modulated cancer therapy, and autoimmune diseases as modified by dietary supplement, bioactive foods and supplements. The potential value of such approaches in maintaining wellness and preventing disease are addressed by examining their effects in vitro and in vivo on innate and adaptive immune responses. Emerging fields of science and important discoveries relating to early stages of new nutriceuticals in cancer prevention, prior to clinical trials are also covered. This volume represents a single source of material related to nutriceuticals and their constituents as they relate to cancer therapy and prevention. As such the book will be essential reading for nutritionists, pharmacologists, health care professionals, research scientists, cancer workers, pathologists, molecular or cellular biochemists, physicians, general practitioners as well as those interested in diet and nutrition in disease resistance via immune regulation.

Dietary Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer

by Simona Serini Gabriella Calviello

Dietary Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer provides all the latest information on the possible benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against a wide series of cancers. Several influential scientists in this field have contributed to make this book unique amongst the others published so far in this field. The chapters give detailed information about the results obtained in this field through experimental studies conducted on both animals and cultured cells, as well as through human intervention trials and epidemiological observational studies. This book represents an important tool for researchers working in nutrition and oncology, since it collects all the knowledge about omega-3 PUFAs and cancer, even the most recent, in a single publication. For the first time controversies among the different studies are also covered with great detail in this book. The book enables physicians to clearly understand on a scientific basis if their oncologic patients or patients at risk of cancer could actually benefit from a diet enriched in omega-3 PUFAs or from a dietary supplementation with these fatty acids. The book represents also a good resource for ordinary individuals as well as cancer patients to learn more about omega-3 PUFAs and understand how these dietary components may affect cancer growth.

Dietary Patterns, Food Chemistry and Human Health (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)

by Suresh D. Sharma Michele Barone

This brief discusses the influence of modern food production on dietary patterns and chronic diseases. In four concise chapters the authors explore different aspects of this topical issue. Chapter one highlights the importance of advanced glycation end products in food and describes how high levels of these complex molecules can lead to an increase in chronic diseases. Chapter two addresses the role of carbohydrates in inexpensive and tasty foods, while chapter three outlines how vegetable fats, notably palm oil, are used in selected industrial foods and explores their relation to hyper-palatability and other health issues. Lastly, the fourth chapter discusses the increasing demand for high-protein foods and the concomitant availability of vegan products. This brief is of interest to researchers in food production, food hygiene and public health, but is also relevant for certification bodies and specialists in the food industry.

Dietary Phytochemicals: A Source of Novel Bioactive Compounds for the Treatment of Obesity, Cancer and Diabetes

by Chukwuebuka Egbuna Sadia Hassan

This book presents comprehensive coverage on the importance of good nutrition in the treatment and management of obesity, cancer and diabetes. Naturally occurring bioactive compounds are ubiquitous in most dietary plants available to humans and provide opportunities for the management of diseases. The text provides information about the major causes of these diseases and their association with nutrition. The text also covers the role of dietary phytochemicals in drug development and their pathways. Later chapters emphasize novel bioactive compounds as anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and anti-obesity agents and describe their mechanisms to regulate cell metabolism. Written by global team of experts, Dietary Phytochemicals: A Source of Novel Bioactive Compounds for the Treatment of Obesity, Cancer and Diabetes describes the potentials of novel phytochemicals, their sources, and underlying mechanism of action. The chapters were drawn systematically and incorporated sequentially to facilitate proper understanding. This book is intended for nutritionists, physicians, medicinal chemists, drug developers in research and development, postgraduate students and scientists in area of nutrition and life sciences.

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