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Data Driven: Truckers, Technology, and the New Workplace Surveillance

by Karen Levy

A behind-the-scenes look at how digital surveillance is affecting the trucking way of lifeLong-haul truckers are the backbone of the American economy, transporting goods under grueling conditions and immense economic pressure. Truckers have long valued the day-to-day independence of their work, sharing a strong occupational identity rooted in a tradition of autonomy. Yet these workers increasingly find themselves under many watchful eyes. Data Driven examines how digital surveillance is upending life and work on the open road, and raises crucial questions about the role of data collection in broader systems of social control.Karen Levy takes readers inside a world few ever see, painting a bracing portrait of one of the last great American frontiers. Federal regulations now require truckers to buy and install digital monitors that capture data about their locations and behaviors. Intended to address the pervasive problem of trucker fatigue by regulating the number of hours driven each day, these devices support additional surveillance by trucking firms and other companies. Traveling from industry trade shows to law offices and truck-stop bars, Levy reveals how these invasive technologies are reconfiguring industry relationships and providing new tools for managerial and legal control—and how truckers are challenging and resisting them.Data Driven contributes to an emerging conversation about how technology affects our work, institutions, and personal lives, and helps to guide our thinking about how to protect public interests and safeguard human dignity in the digital age.

A License to Steal

by Leonard W. Levy

Leonard Levy traces the development and implementation of forfeiture and contends that it is a questionable practice, which, because it is so often abused, serves only to undermine civil society. Arguing that civil forfeiture is unconstitutional, Levy provides examples of the victimization of innocent people and demonstrates that it has been used primarily against petty offienders rather than against its original targets, members of organized crime.

Moral Relativism: A Short Introduction

by Neil Levy

This enlightening new introduction examines the history and development of moral relativism, considering the arguments for and against, and also covering such key topics as terrorism, and the rights of women in oppressive cultures.

The Law of Deliberative Democracy

by Ron Levy Graeme Orr

Laws have colonised most of the corners of political practice, and now substantially determine the process and even the product of democracy. Yet analysis of these laws of politics has been hobbled by a limited set of theories about politics. Largely absent is the perspective of deliberative democracy – a rising theme in political studies that seeks a more rational, cooperative, informed, and truly democratic politics. Legal and political scholarship often view each other in reductive terms. This book breaks through such caricatures to provide the first full-length examination of whether and how the law of politics can match deliberative democratic ideals. Essential reading for those interested in either law or politics, the book presents a challenging critique of laws governing electoral politics in the English-speaking world. Judges often act as spoilers, vetoing or naively reshaping schemes meant to enhance deliberation. This pattern testifies to deliberation’s weak penetration into legal consciousness. It is also a fault of deliberative democracy scholarship itself, which says little about how deliberation connects with the actual practice of law. Superficially, the law of politics and deliberative democracy appear starkly incompatible. Yet, after laying out this critique, The Law of Deliberative Democracy considers prospects for reform. The book contends that the conflict between law and public deliberation is not inevitable: it results from judicial and legislative choices. An extended, original analysis demonstrates how lawyers and deliberativists can engage with each other to bridge their two solitudes.

No Other Gods: The Politics Of The Ten Commandments

by Ana Levy-Lyons

Ana Levy-Lyons, a minister who is equally at home in secular and religious worlds, offers a deeply perceptive reinterpretation of the Ten Commandments for our modern lives. The Ten Commandments are a spiritual resource for social justice. A politically and spiritually brazen prescription for living, the Ten Commandments would turn our world upside down if we actually followed them. Far from being only ethical norms on which everyone already agrees or a remnant of a bygone oppressive era, the Commandments are actually countercultural practices. Today the Ten Commandments are a divisive part of American culture. Religious conservatives champion them, even if they don't always practice them. Religious liberals and the nonreligious may bristle at what they perceive as antiquated moral restrictions. But, this ancient code still has vital contemporary relevance. Rev. Levy-Lyons explores ways the Commandments bring us meaning, illuminate our values, and help us navigate through the turbulent waters of social injustice, environmental crises, and societal inequity. NO OTHER GODS looks at each Commandment in new ways, moving beyond interpersonal morality to the global economy and our hyper-connected age. From the first, You Shall Have No Other Gods Besides Me (Dethrone the Modern Deities of Political, Social, and Corporate Power), to the tenth Do Not Covet (Practice Your Liberation-You Have Enough, You Are Enough)-and all those in between-she underscores how the Commandments can produce a bold spiritual consciousness. Whether you are deeply religious or spiritual-but-not-religious, learn how the Ten Commandments can guide you to resist injustice, heal our earth, and find personal dignity amid the free-for-alls of modern life. "We don't have to invent a bunch of new practices for a meaningful way to live out our spirituality and social justice politics," says Levy-Lyons. "There is a perfectly good set of ten of them, all ready to go, with as much progressive firepower as any of us can handle, that has existed for some three thousand years."

Circular Economy in the European Union: Organisational Practice and Future Directions in Germany, Poland and Spain (Routledge Research in Sustainability and Business)

by Dagmara Lewicka Joanna Zarębska Roman Batko Beata Tarczydło Maciej Wożniak Dariusz Cichoń Monika Pec

Circular Economy in the European Union: Organisational Practice and Future Directions in Germany, Poland and Spain presents the EU's journey towards a Circular Economy (CE), identifying significant organizational practices in this gradually adopted field among member countries. The book also aims to develop and propose innovative initiatives and practices for implementing CE across various economic sectors in selected EU countries, such as Poland, Spain and Germany. Covering topics which include the implementation of CE in the EU and worldwide, green employee behaviors, corporate social responsibility in creating pro-environmental attitudes and models of eco-digital factory transformation in SMEs, the book emphasizes the importance of innovative, environmentally friendly, low-waste, and low-emission technologies. Consisting of thirteen interconnected chapters, it discusses the challenges and opportunities of CE, the importance of business engagement in addressing social and environmental problems, and provides practical examples of innovative solutions in various sectors. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of circular economy, corporate governance, business ethics and sustainable business, as well as entrepreneurs, managers, government representatives, and non-governmental organizations active in CE.

Freedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendment

by Anthony Lewis

More than any other people on earth, we Americans are free to say and write what we think. The press can air the secrets of government, the corporate boardroom, or the bedroom with little fear of punishment or penalty. This extraordinary freedom results not from America’s culture of tolerance, but from fourteen words in the constitution: the free expression clauses of the First Amendment. In Freedom for the Thought That We Hate, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Anthony Lewis describes how our free-speech rights were created in five distinct areas--political speech, artistic expression, libel, commercial speech, and unusual forms of expression such as T-shirts and campaign spending. It is a story of hard choices, heroic judges, and the fascinating and eccentric defendants who forced the legal system to come face to face with one of America’s great founding ideas.

Gideon's Trumpet

by Anthony Lewis

A history of the landmark case of James Earl Gideon's fight for the right to legal counsel. Notes, table of cases, index. The classic backlist bestseller. More than 800,000 sold since its first pub date of 1964.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment

by Anthony Lewis

The First Amendment puts it this way: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Yet, in 1960, a city official in Montgomery, Alabama, sued The New York Times for libel -- and was awarded $500,000 by a local jury -- because the paper had published an ad critical of Montgomery's brutal response to civil rights protests. The centuries of legal precedent behind the Sullivan case and the U.S. Supreme Court's historic reversal of the original verdict are expertly chronicled in this gripping and wonderfully readable book by the Pulitzer Prize -- winning legal journalist Anthony Lewis. It is our best account yet of a case that redefined what newspapers -- and ordinary citizens -- can print or say.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Gideon's Trumpet

by Anthony R. Lewis

Recounts the true story of a prisoner who went to the supreme court in order to insure his right to legal representation.

Wolfenden's Witnesses: Homosexuality in Postwar Britain (Genders And Sexualities In History)

by Brian Lewis

The Wolfenden Report of 1957 has long been recognized as a landmark in moves towards gay law reform. What is less well known is that the testimonials and written statements of the witnesses before the Wolfenden Committee provide by far the most complete and extensive array of perspectives we have on how homosexuality was understood in mid-twentieth century Britain. Those giving evidence, individually or through their professional associations, included a broad cross-section of official, professional and bureaucratic Britain: police chiefs, policemen, magistrates, judges, lawyers and Home Office civil servants; doctors, biologists (including Alfred Kinsey), psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists; prison governors, medical officers and probation officers; representatives of the churches, morality councils and progressive and ethical societies; approved school headteachers and youth organization leaders; representatives of the army, navy and air force; and a small handful of self-described but largely anonymous homosexuals. This volume presents an annotated selection of their voices.

Environmental Human Rights and Climate Change: Current Status And Future Prospects

by Bridget Lewis

This book examines the current status of environmental human rights at the international, regional, and national levels and provides a critical analysis of possible future developments in this area, particularly in the context of a changing climate. It examines various conceptualisations of environmental human rights, including procedural rights relating to the environment, constitutional environmental rights, the environmental dimensions of existing human rights such as the rights to water, health, food, housing and life, and the notion of a stand-alone human right to a healthy environment.The book addresses the topic from a variety of perspectives, drawing on underlying theories of human rights as well as a range of legal, political, and pragmatic considerations. It examines the scope of current human rights, particularly those enshrined in international and regional human rights law, to explore their application and enforceability in relation to environmental problems, identifying potential barriers to more effective implementation. It also analyses the rationale for constitutional recognition of environmental rights and considers the impact that this area of law has had, both in terms of achieving stronger environmental protection and environmental justice, as well as in influencing the development of human rights law more generally. The book identifies climate change as the key environmental challenge facing the global community, as well as a major cause of negative human rights impacts. It examines the contribution that environmental human rights might make to rights-based approaches to climate change.

The Human Rights of Older Persons: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Elder Law

by Bridget Lewis Kelly Purser Kirsty Mackie

This book provides a comprehensive human rights analysis of key areas of law affecting older persons, including legal capacity; elder abuse; accommodation and aged care; healthcare; employment; financial security, retirement, and estate planning; and social and cultural participation. The research identifies individual autonomy and participation in decision-making as fundamental to a human rights-based approach to elder law. The book argues that a paradigm shift must occur away from traditional medical and charity-based understandings of ‘old age’ to instead acknowledge older persons as active holders of enforceable rights. The book argues that a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons is an essential tool in achieving this, but that even without a dedicated treaty there is much to be gained from a human rights-based approach. Significantly, because the issues arising in ‘old age’ are often the culmination of experiences occurring throughout the life course, a human rights-based approach to elder law must begin with a commitment to human rights for people of all ages.

The Ethical and Legal Consequences of Posthumous Reproduction: Arrogance, Avarice and Anguish (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)

by Browne Lewis

Posthumous reproduction refers to the procedure that enables a child to be conceived using the gametes of a dead person. Advances in reproductive technology mean it is now possible to assist in creating a life after you die, and in recent years the number of women who have attempted to get pregnant using posthumous reproduction has increased. However, the law in many jurisdictions has not put regulations in place to deal with the ethical and legal consequences that arise as a result of posthumous reproduction. This is the first book to exclusively focus on posthumous reproduction. The book comprehensively explores the legal and ethical issues surrounding posthumous reproduction in a number of jurisdictions including the US, Israel, the UK and France. The book looks at a number of issues including: ascertaining the wishes of the dead and protecting the reproductive rights of men who have deposited frozen sperm in clinics prior to their deaths; cases involving people who want to acquire fresh sperm from deceased or incompetent men and determining who should have the right to accept the sperm; identifying the parents of the posthumously conceived child; and discussing the need to promote the best interests of the child. The book critically examines the current laws that are in place and proposes additional regulations and policies in order to effectively regulate posthumous reproduction.

Papa's Baby: Paternity and Artificial Insemination

by Browne C. Lewis

When a child is conceived from sexual intercourse between a married, heterosexual couple, the child has a legal father and mother. Whatever may happen thereafter, the child's parents are legally bound to provide for their child, and if they don't, they're held accountable by law. But what about children created by artificial insemination? When it comes to paternity, the law is full of gray areas, resulting in many cases where children have no legal fathers. In Papa's Baby, Browne C. Lewis argues that the courts should take steps to insure that all children have at least two legal parents. Additionally, state legislatures should recognize that more than one class of fathers may exist and allocate paternal responsibility based, again, upon the best interest of the child. Lewis supplements her argument with concrete methods for dealing with different types of cases, including anonymous and non-anonymous sperm donors, married and unmarried women, and lesbian couples. In so doing, she first establishes different types of paternity, and then draws on these to create an expanded definition of paternity.

Lo primero y lo segundo: Ensayos sobre teología y ética

by C. S. Lewis

Esta brillante colección de las obras de C. S. Lewis sacudirá toda tu visión de la historia, el trabajo, la oración, el amor y la vida misma desde un nuevo patrón; siendo uno de los escritores cristianos más influyentes del siglo XX C. S Lewis conducirá tu mente en una suave pero irresistible travesía sobre de la verdad.Descubre esta vibrante recopilación de ensayos sobre la vida del ser humano y la apologética cristina en contra de las corrientes de teologías modernistas. Un resultado de diversas publicaciones a lo largo del tiempo y en distintas obras del autor, esta lectura llevará tu mundo a pensar en algunas de las cuestiones más desafiantes para el individuo y la sociedad de forma fresca y cautivadora.First and Second ThingsThis brilliant collection of the works of C. S. Lewis will shake your whole view of history, work, prayer, love, and life itself into a new pattern; as one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century, C. S Lewis will lead your mind on a gentle but compelling journey through the truth.Discover this vibrant collection of essays on the life of the human being and Christian apologetics against the currents of modernist theologies. A result of various publications over time and in different works by the author, this reading will lead your world to think about some of the most challenging questions for the individual and society in a fresh and captivating way.

935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America's Moral Integrity

by Charles Lewis

Facts are and must be the coin of the realm in a democracy, for government OC of the people, by the people and for the people, OCO requires and assumes to some extent an informed citizenry. Unfortunately, for citizens in the United States and throughout the world, distinguishing between fact and fiction has always been a formidable challenge, often with real life and death consequences. But now it is more difficult and confusing than ever. The Internet Age makes comment indistinguishable from fact, and erodes authority. It is liberating but annihilating at the same time. For those wielding power, whether in the private or the public sector, the increasingly sophisticated control of information is regarded as utterly essential to achieving success. Internal information is severely limited, including calendars, memoranda, phone logs and emails. History is sculpted by its absence. Often those in power strictly control the flow of information, corroding and corrupting its content, of course, using newspapers, radio, television and other mass means of communication to carefully consolidate their authority and cover their crimes in a thick veneer of fervent racialism or nationalism. And always with the specter of some kind of imminent public threat, what Hannah Arendt called OCyobjective enemies. OCOOCO An epiphanic, public comment about the Bush OC war on terrorOCO years was made by an unidentified White House official revealing how information is managed and how the news media and the public itself are regarded by those in power: OC You journalists live] OC in what we call the reality-based community. But] thatOCOs not the way the world really works anymore. WeOCOre an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality . . . weOCOre historyOCOs actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do. OCO And yet, as aggressive as the Republican Bush administration was in attempting to define reality, the subsequent, Democratic Obama administration may be more so. Into the battle for truth steps Charles Lewis, a pioneer of journalistic objectivity. His book looks at the various ways in which truth can be manipulated and distorted by governments, corporations, even lone individuals. He shows how truth is often distorted or diminished by delay: truth "in time" can save terrible erroneous choices. In part a history of communication in America, a cri de coeur for the principles and practice of objective reporting, and a journey into several notably labyrinths of deception, "935 Lies" is a valorous search for honesty in an age of casual, sometimes malevolent distortion of the facts.

UNHCR and International Refugee Law: From Treaties to Innovation (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Corinne Lewis

This book considers the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ contribution to international refugee law since the establishment of UNHCR by the United Nations General Assembly in 1951. The book explores the historical and statutory foundations that create an indelible link between UNHCR and international refugee law. This book charts the significant evolution that has occurred in the organisation’s role throughout the last sixty years, looking at both the formal means by which UNHCR’s mandate may be modified, and the techniques UNHCR has used to facilitate the changes in its role, thereby revealing a significant evolution in the organisation’s role since the onset of the crisis in refugee protection in the 1980’s. UNHCR, itself, has demonstrated its organizational autonomy as the primary agent for the adaptation of its responsibilities and work related to international refugee law. The author does suggest however that UNHCR needs to continue to extend and strengthen its role related to international refugee law if UNHCR is to ensure a stronger legal framework for the protection of refugees as well as a fuller respect for refugees’ rights in practice. UNHCR and International Refugee Law should be of particular interest to refugee lawyers as well as academics and students of refugee law and international law, and anyone concerned with the important role that UNHCR plays in the protection of refugees today.

Employment Law: The Essentials

by David Balaban Lewis Malcolm Sargeant Ben Schwab

Employment Law is the core textbook for the CIPD Level 7 module of the same name. Easy to read, jargon-free and full of case studies and useful examples this fully updated 16th edition provides a thorough grounding in UK employment law and how it applies in practice. This definitive guide covers everything students need know to excel at their studies and begin a successful career as an HR professional. It covers the formation of the Contract of Employment, recruitment and selection, parental rights, discrimination and health and safety in the workplace. There is also essential coverage of unfair dismissal and redundancy. This new edition is completely up to date with the latest cases and legislation including updates to discrimination law and working time. There is also guidance on the legal implications of Brexit such as freedom of movement, workers' rights and the change to procedural arrangements for the final court of appeal in UK cases. Reflective activities, case studies and explore further boxes encourage critical thinking, broader engagement with the topic and a clear understanding of how employment law applies in practice, Online resources include a lecturer guide, powerpoint slides and extra case studies to support learning and enable students to apply the theory in practice.

Guilty by Reason of Insanity

by Dorothy Otnow Lewis

A psychiatrist and an internationally recognized expert on violence, Dorothy Otnow Lewis has spent the last quarter century studying the minds of killers. Among the notorious murderers she has examined are Ted Bundy, Arthur Shawcross, and Mark David Chapman, the man who shot John Lennon. Now she shares her groundbreaking discoveries--and the chilling encounters that led to them.From a juvenile court in Connecticut to the psychiatric wards of New York City's Bellevue Hospital, from maximum security prisons to the corridors of death row, Lewis and her colleague, the eminent neurologist Jonathan Pincus, search to understand the origins of violence. GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY is an utterly absorbing odyssey that will forever change the way you think about crime, punishment, and the law itself.From the Paperback edition.

Organizational Crisis Management: The Human Factor

by Gerald Lewis

Organizational Crisis Management: The Human Factor offers theoretical background and practical strategies for responding to workplace crises. Responding to a paradigm that focuses on the operational aspects of continuity to the detriment of human factors, this volume provides a comprehensive understanding of the unavoidable yet often complex reacti

The Elusive Mind (Routledge Revivals)

by H. D. Lewis

First published in 1969, The Elusive Mind argues that the mental processes are of a quite different nature from physical ones and belong to an entity which is elusive in the sense that it can only be known, in the first instance, by each person in his own case in the course of having any kind of experience. This ‘elusive’ self is much involved with the body in any conditions we know, but it could also survive the dissolution of the body. The views of thinkers like Ryle, Hampshire, Malcolm, Feigl, and Ayer are subjected to an exceptionally close and critical scrutiny. In presenting these views, the author offers us the substance of the first series of Gifford Lectures he delivered in the University of Edinburgh; and, in what he says on such topics as dreaming; mysticism; and the ‘I-Thou’ relation and on Christian Theology. This book will be an essential read for scholars and researchers of philosophy, philosophy of mind, ethics, and religion.

Morals and Revelation

by H. D. Lewis

Originally published in 1951, this book discusses morality and religion , with special attention being paid to the theologian Emil Brunner. It critically examines the state of ethical thinking in the first half of the twentieth century and examines the question of freedom and guilt particularly in relation to psychological theories. The issue of collective guilt is also subjected to close analysis. The problem of our knowledge of God is also discussed with the focus on mysticism and revelation.

Product Stewardship in Action: The Business Case for Life-cycle Thinking

by Helen Lewis

Product Stewardship in Action describes how and why leading companies are taking responsibility for the environmental impact of their products and packaging. Product stewardship, often referred to as "extended producer responsibility" or EPR, is the idea that everyone that benefits commercially from a product, including manufacturers, distributors and retailers, has a shared responsibility to minimize its environmental impacts. Written primarily for a business audience, it draws on the knowledge and experience of industry practitioners and other experts to provide a structured approach to product responsibility within firms. This will help those new to the field, as well as more experienced practitioners, to develop an effective response to stakeholder concerns about the environmental impacts of their products and packaging. Unlike other resources on product stewardship and EPR, which tend to focus on the design or evaluation of public policy, this book highlights the business case for action. It argues that companies can achieve "shared value" — both public and commercial value — when they take a proactive and knowledge-based approach to the life-cycle management of their products. Product Stewardship in Action focuses on product stewardship as an effective business strategy rather than a philanthropic exercise. To be effective it needs to be based on a good understanding of product impacts and stakeholder concerns, and the risks and opportunities that these present to the business. The most effective responses will be those that address material issues in the product life-cycle while supporting the achievement of other corporate goals and priorities.

Design + Environment: A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods

by Helen Lewis John Gertsakis Tim Grant Nicola Morelli Andrew Sweatman

There is a huge scarcity of good, practical resources for designers and students interested in minimizing the environmental impacts of products. Design + Environment has been specifically written to address this paucity. The book first provides background information to help the reader understand how and why design for environment (DfE) has become so critical to design, with reference to some of the most influential writers, designers and companies in the field. Next, Design + Environment provides a step-by-step approach on how to approach DfE: to design a product that meets requirements for quality, cost, manufacturability and consumer appeal, while at the same time minimising environmental impacts. The first step in the process is to undertake an assessment of environmental impacts, using life-cycle assessment (LCA) or one of the many simpler tools available to help the designer. From then on, DfE becomes an integral part of the normal design process, including the development of concepts, design of prototypes, final design and development of marketing strategies. Environmental assessment tools and strategies to reduce environmental impacts, such as the selection of appropriate materials, are then discussed. Next, some of the links between environmental problems, such as global warming, ozone depletion, water and air pollution and the everyday products we consume are considered. In order to design products with minimal environmental impact, we need to have a basic understanding of these impacts and the interactions between them. The four subsequent chapters provide more detailed strategies and case studies for particular product groups: packaging, textiles, furniture, and electrical and electronic products. Guidelines are provided for each of the critical stages of a product's life, from the selection of raw materials through to strategies for recovery and recycling. Finally, Design + Environment takes a look at some of the emerging trends in DfE that are offering us the opportunity to make a more significant reduction in environmental impacts. Both the development of more sustainable materials and technologies and the growing interest in leasing rather than selling products are examined. Design + Environment is organized as a workbook rather than an academic text. It should be read once, and then used as a key reference source. This clear and informative book will prove to be invaluable to practising designers, to course directors and their students in need of a core teaching and reference text and to all those interested in learning about the tools and trends influencing green product design. The authors have all been involved in an innovative demonstration programme called "EcoReDesign", which was developed by the Centre for Design at RMIT University with funding from the Australian government. The Centre successfully collaborated with Australian companies to improve the environmental performance of their products by following DfE principles.

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