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Kosher Sex: A Recipe for Passion and Intimacy

by Shmuley Boteach

In Kosher Sex, Rabbi Boteach pioneers a revolutionary approach to sex, marriage, and personal relationships, drawing on traditional Jewish wisdom. Using his experiences counseling individuals and couples, the author breaks down sexual taboos and openly, yet respectfully, discusses the meanings, emotions, and the hidden power of sex. With his unique anecdotal style, Rabbi Boteach illustrates each and every point, using real couples who have discovered the joys of "kosher sex"--sex based on love, trust, and real intimacy. He profiles the two most common types of couples--best friends and passionate lovers--and suggests ways of synthesizing the best that each type has to offer. Rabbi Boteach also has advice for singles on finding the right partner; for individuals either willing to take their long-term relationship to the next level or unsure about doing so; and for married couples who may be experiencing problems in their sex life. At a time when three out of every five marriages fail, Kosher Sex will have an astonishing and positive impact. With a no-holds-barred conversational style and keen insight, Rabbi Boteach breaks all the taboos and pioneers a new approach to sex, marriage, and personal relationships. He not only brings traditional Jewish wisdom into the twentieth century but makes it relevant to everyone searching for a deeper, more meaningful, and more satisfying love life.

Krodh: ક્રોધ

by Dada Bhagwan

જયારે પોતાના ધાર્યા પ્રમાણે નથી થતું, અથવા જયારે સામી વ્યક્તિ પોતાને સમજતી નથી, અથવા જયારે દ્રષ્ટિકોણમાં ફરક હોય ત્યારે મોટાભાગે પોતાને ક્રોધ આવે છે. ઘણીવાર આપણને ખોટા માનવામાં આવે છે, જયારે આપણે પોતે સાચા છીએ એમ માનતા હોઈએ ત્યારે આપણને ક્રોધ આવે છે. આપણી પોતાની સમજણના આધારે આપણે પોતાને સાચા માનતા હોઈએ છીએ જયારે સામી વ્યક્તિ માને છે કે તે સાચી છે. મોટાભાગે જયારે આપણને સમજ નથી પડતી કે આગળ શું કરવું, આપણી પાસે દૂરદ્રષ્ટિ કે સૂઝ નથી હોતી ત્યારે આપણે ક્રોધિત થઈએ છીએ. જે લોકો આપણને સૌથી વધારે પ્રેમ કરે છે તેમની સાથેના સંબંધો ને જ આપણે નુકશાન પહોંચાડીએ છીએ. આપણે આપણા સંતાનોને બધા જ સુખચેન, સાથ, સલામતી આપવા માંગીએ છીએ પરંતુ આપણા ક્રોધથી સંતાનો પોતાના જ ઘરમાં ભયભીત રહે છે. ક્રોધિત લોકો સાથે કેમ વર્તવું? જયારે કોઈ યંત્ર બહુ ગરમ થઇ જાય, ત્યારે આપણે તેને થોડા સમય માટે એમજ છોડી દેવું જોઈએ તો તે ટુંક સમયમાં ઠંડું થઇ જશે. પરંતુ જો તમે તેને છેડતા રહેશો તો તમે દાઝશો. તમારા સંબધો અને ક્રોધની સમસ્યાના ઉકેલ માટે આગળ વાંચો.

Krodh: क्रोध

by Dada Bhagwan

हमें क्रोध क्यों आता है? क्रोध आने के कुछ कारण यह है - जब कोई भी कार्य हमारी इच्छानुसार नहीं होता या हमें यह लगे कि सामनेवाला व्यक्ति हमारी बात नहीं समझ रहा या फिर किसी बात पर किसी के साथ मनमुटाव हो तब| लेकिन क्रोध आने का कोई भी निश्चित कारण नहीं होता| कई बार हमारी समझ से हमें यह लगता है कि, हम जो भी सोच रहे है या जो कुछ भी कर रहे है वह सब सही ही है| पर, उस वक्त यदि कोई दूसरा व्यक्ति आकार हमें गलत साबित करे तो हम अपना आपा खो बैठते है और उसपर अत्यंत क्रोधित हो जाते है| क्रोध करने से ना सिर्फ सामनेवाला व्यक्ति दुखी होता है पर हमें भी उतना ही दुःख होता है| कई किस्सों में यह देखा गया है कि जिससे हम सबसे अधिक प्यार करते है, उसपर ही सबसे ज्यादा गुस्सा भी करते हैं| इस तरह बिना सोचा समझे गुस्सा करने से कई बार हमारे संबंधो में भी काफी तनाव पैदा हो जाता है जिसका फल अच्छा नहीं होता| किस प्रकार हम अपने क्रोध पर काबू पा सकते है या किसी और क्रोधित व्यक्ति के साथ कैसा बर्ताव करे ताकि हमारे औरों से प्रेमपूर्वक सम्बन्ध बने रहे, इन प्रश्नों का हल पाने के लिए आगे पढ़े|

Krodh: क्रोध

by Dada Bhagwan

हमें क्रोध क्यों आता है? क्रोध आने के कुछ कारण यह है - जब कोई भी कार्य हमारी इच्छानुसार नहीं होता या हमें यह लगे कि सामनेवाला व्यक्ति हमारी बात नहीं समझ रहा या फिर किसी बात पर किसी के साथ मनमुटाव हो तब| लेकिन क्रोध आने का कोई भी निश्चित कारण नहीं होता| कई बार हमारी समझ से हमें यह लगता है कि, हम जो भी सोच रहे है या जो कुछ भी कर रहे है वह सब सही ही है| पर, उस वक्त यदि कोई दूसरा व्यक्ति आकार हमें गलत साबित करे तो हम अपना आपा खो बैठते है और उसपर अत्यंत क्रोधित हो जाते है| क्रोध करने से ना सिर्फ सामनेवाला व्यक्ति दुखी होता है पर हमें भी उतना ही दुःख होता है| कई किस्सों में यह देखा गया है कि जिससे हम सबसे अधिक प्यार करते है, उसपर ही सबसे ज्यादा गुस्सा भी करते हैं| इस तरह बिना सोचा समझे गुस्सा करने से कई बार हमारे संबंधो में भी काफी तनाव पैदा हो जाता है जिसका फल अच्छा नहीं होता| किस प्रकार हम अपने क्रोध पर काबू पा सकते है या किसी और क्रोधित व्यक्ति के साथ कैसा बर्ताव करे ताकि हमारे औरों से प्रेमपूर्वक सम्बन्ध बने रहे, इन प्रश्नों का हल पाने के लिए आगे पढ़े|

Kuasa Pengurbanan

by Gabriel Agbo

Pengurbanan itu hebat. Sangat hebat! Orang paling kaya, orang paling kuat, pria dan wanita yang paling diberkati, orang paling bijaksana, raja paling besar, dan nabi yang paling hebat semuanya adalah pria serta wanita yang berkurban. Mereka merelakan segalanya, mempertaruhkan segalanya demi bangsa mereka, kemanusiaan, dan demi Tuhan untuk mencapai tujuan serta prestasi mereka yang akan dibanggakan bahkan dalam keabadian. Anda ingin tahu rahasia mereka? Bagus. Jika ingin menjadi hebat, Anda harus menjadi pria/wanita yang berkurban terlebih dulu. Tidak ada yang mustahil bagi mereka yang mampu membayar harga. Anda akan mendapati bab-bab yang sangat mencerahkan – Kuasa Pengurbanan, Kurbankan Satu-satunya Milikmu, Aku Akan Melewati Mesir, Aku Akan Membayar Harga, Ikuti Aku! Kami Datang Mencarimu, Aku Akan Memeliharamu, Siapkan Makanan Terakhir Itu, Kuasa Untuk Menyelamatkan, Pujian, Doa, dan Puasa. Di sini, kita akan mempelajari tentang pengurbanan iman, kebaikan, patriotisme, doa, puasa, dan pujian. Ketika Anda melakukan hal-hal di atas dengan luar biasa, Anda segera membangkitkan kekuatan ilahi, yang tidak terlihat, dan supernatural yang akan merespons serta memenuhi Anda. Buku ini harus dibaca.

Kuinka ajatella

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Tämä kirja "Kuinka ajatella" antaa selkeän, tiiviin ja merkityksellisen selityksen niihin Murleihin, jotka ovat Jumalan (Korkeimman Sielun) antamia viestejä Brahma Kumarisissa. Tämä kirjaa antaa neuvoja siihen, kuinka sinun (sielun) tulisi kirnuta ja omaksua Korkeimman Sielun tietoa. Tämä tuo elämääsi myönteisen muutoksen, sillä paljastaa elämän syviä mysteerejä ja antaa sinulle tavan omaksua pyhän luonteen; pystyt käyttämään pyhiä hyveitä ja arvoja kaikenlaisiin tilanteisiin elämässäsi. Tämän kirjan sisältö auttaa sinua laittamaan siemenen mieleesi, joka tuo sinut puhtaalle ja enkeliselle tasolle. Käyttämällä tässä kirjassa ehdotettua ajattelutapaa sinusta (sielusta) tulee kuin hohtava timantti kultakorussa, joka näyttää kaiken loistonsa ja arvonsa. Tätä kirjaa ”Kuinka ajatella” ovat editoineet ja parannelleet “Shiv Baba Service Initiative” -tiimin jäsenet, jotka ovat omistautuneet tekemään jumalallista työtä. Se BK, joka johtaa “Shiv Baba Service Initiative” -tiimiä, BK:n Google-hakuja ja Brahma Kumarisin virallisia verkkosivuja, pyysi Brahma Kumari Paria kirjoittamaan tämän kirjan, sillä Jumala (Shiv Baba) on sanonut, että tämä kirja tulisi kirjoittaa. Niinpä Brahma Kumari Pari kirjoitti tämän kirjan. Nykyhetki on kaikkein tärkein aika koko maailmankierron näytelmässä. Ohjatkoon tämä kirja sinua kohti ihmiselämän korkeinta ja tärkeintä tarkoitusta.

Kundalini Awakening

by John Selby

Kundalini Awakeningdelivers a universe of easy benefits for readers seeking to find relaxation, harmony, and inner peace. Kundalini Awakeningdemystifies the complex science of Kundalini in a compelling content of: · A full understanding of the seven Chakras, from the first Root Chakra located at the base of the spine to the brain's Crown Chakra · The power of mantras and complete instructions for their use · Breathing techniques for relaxation and stress reduction · Meditation exercises using the guided imagery and the magnificent full color Chakra paintings of Zachary Selig that clarify the color coding of the Chakras Kundalini Awakeningpresents a dynamic humanization solution through Chakra models framed in meditations to address the challenges in our world and the way we interact with ourselves.

Kundalini - Guia do Despertar de Kundalini para Curar e Desbloquear o Seu Poder Espiritual

by John Wald Renata Gomes

Este livro é um guia para despertar a energia de Kundalini e desbloquear o seu poder espiritual e de cura. Pretende apresentar o que é a energia de Kundalini, a sua história e inclui sugestões para iniciar a sua prática. A sua leitura irá ajudá-lo a compreender a conexão do corpo ao espírito e a aprofundar os conceitos de despertar espiritual. É abordada a cura do corpo e como a prática de Kundalini torna efectiva esta habilidade natural. Ficará ainda consciente dos potenciais perigos associados à prática de Kundalini, mas também ficará conhecedor de outras práticas mais positivas compatíveis com a Kundalini. No final da sua leitura terá não só uma visão geral desta prática, mas estará também munido de todos os detalhes importantes para começar a sua aventura. Aproveite a viagem!

Kundalini: La Guida Kundalini del Risveglio per Guarire e Sbloccare il Tuo Potere Spirituale

by John Wald

Sblocca Oggi il Tuo Potere Spirituale Stai cercando una pratica che renda più efficace la capacità naturale del corpo di guarirsi da solo? Vuoi imparare le possibilità del potere spirituale? Vuoi potenziare il tuo corpo, la tua mente ed il tuo spirito? Questo libro vuole fornire la capacità di capire cosa è la pratica Kundalini, con una breve storia ed altre informazioni del posso che ti aiuteranno ad avere un contesto più completo. In questo libro ci sono anche suggerimenti su come iniziare la tua pratica Kundalini per curare e potenziare il tuo corpo, la tua mente ed il tuo spirito. Tra le pagine di questo libro, troverai le risposte a queste e ad altre domande. Solo alcune delle domande e degli argomenti trattati comprendono: La Connessione dello Spirito al Corpo Il Tesoro Nascosto Le Scure Nebbie della Preistoria Il Bhagavad Gita Yoga Kundalini Risveglio Guarigione Potere Spirituale Il Significato dell'Egoismo Pericoli Potenziali dei Poteri Spirituali Benefici Spirituali Chakra, Nadi e Corpo Sottile Ed altro! Anche se le centinaia di dettagli della pratica Kundalini vanno oltre questo libro, questo capitolo ti forniranno un'ampia conoscenza di ciò che viene coinvolto nel risveglio dell'energia Kundalini. Quando avrai finito di leggere, avrai una chiara idea delle sfide e dei benefici del risveglio Kundalini. Prendi oggi la tua copia del Kundalini!

The Kundalini Yoga Experience: Bringing Body, Mind, and Spirit Together

by Khalsa Dharma Singh Darryl O'Keeffe

UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED. Kundalini yoga engages your unique sources of energy -- those that empower your spirit as well as your body. Drawing from the riches of ancient yogic tradition, The Kundalini Yoga Experience offers a system of physical poses, breathing techniques, and focused meditations that, when practiced together, will bring you: Increased physical health and strength; Emotional balance; Heightened sensory awareness; Enhanced intuition and creativity; Greater peace and fulfillment in relationships; A deeper sense of your own spirituality. Unlike any other yoga guide, The Kundalini Yoga Experience encourages you to develop a practice that suits your needs. At the start, a simple numerological profile based on your birth date reveals your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you'll learn which exercises and meditations will be most effective in helping you balance each energy center (or chakra) in your body. Clear instructions and photographs guide you through each step, and as you move from one to another, you'll see how physical movement and spiritual reflection go hand in hand to heal and strengthen every part of you. With regular practice, you'll be surprised at how strong, healthy, and fulfilled you feel. Experiencing the power of Kundalini is your birthright -- embrace it!

Kurukshetra April 2022

by Publications Division

The April 2022 edition of Kurukshetra magazine is based on Empowering rural women.

Kurukshetra June 2022: कुरुक्षेत्र जून 2022

by Publications Division

कुरुक्षेत्र जून 2022 पत्रिका का संस्करण ग्रामीण विकास पर केंद्रित है। पत्रिका में प्रमुख बिंदु ग्रामीण पर्यटन, भारत में सांस्कृतिक पर्यटन का विकास हैं। पत्रिका भारत के विभिन्न हिस्सों में पर्यटकों के आकर्षण पर प्रकाश डालती है।

Kurukshetra May 2022

by Publications Division

Kurukshetra English May 2022 special monthly magazine is dedicated to rural development.


by Sibi K Solomon

This books offers, with supporting anecdotes, 100 ideas for everyone who wants to lead a happy life.

The Kybalion

by Atkinson William Walker writing as Three Initiates Philip Deslippe

Here is the flagship edition of the most popular occult work of the past century, now published with a groundbreaking historical introduction that establishes its authentic authorship and a "lost" bonus work by the original author. It is one of the most mysterious and hotly debated occult works ever written-and without question the most popular and widely influential book of arcane philosophy of the twentieth century: The Kybalion has been credited only to the cryptic "Three Initiates" since its first appearance in 1908. Debate rages over the identity of the Three Initiates, the origin of the book's mysterious title and insights, and the nature of the Hermetic teachings on which it is thought to be based. Now the veil is parted. The Kybalion: The Definitive Edition presents the first full- scale analysis of this work of practical occult wisdom. It features the complete text of The Kybalion and the first-ever publication of Atkinson's previously unknown post-Kybalion work: The Seven Cosmic Laws. In an engaging introduction to this unique volume, religious scholar Philip Deslippe surveys the work's context, history, and impact (including as a source of spiritual insight to communities ranging from New Thought to Black Nationalism), and provides a biographical sketch of its elusive author, the New Thought pioneer William Walker Atkinson. As valuable to new fans as it is to longtime readers who crave more knowledge about Atkinson and his work, The Kybalion: The Definitive Edition illuminates the remarkable history of this long-cherished text. .

La Bella Vita: Live and Love the Italian Way

by Aminda Leigh

Carla Bruni. Giorgio Armani. Luciano Pavarotti.Giada De Laurentiis. Sophia Loren. The Leonardos (Da Vinci e DiCaprio).From fettucine to fashion and back again, nobody does La Bella Vita like the Italians. Whether preparing a meal or sculpting the David, singing an aria or seducing a lover, Italians take their time, and do it right--adagio! In this bellissimo primer, Romans Aminda Leigh and Pietro Pesce show you how to achieve that sensual perfection in everything you do, leading you on a smolderingly hot journey through each of the five senses:Sight (vista): Toss the shabby, shapeless clothes and dress up! Italians take meticulous care of their appearance and are always fashionable. Sound (udito): Act like an Italian and emphasize the positive whenever possible.Touch (tatto): Touch like all Italians do--double-kiss, hold hands, touch other people's arms, and gesticulate!Smell (olfatto): Take a ride on an Italian motorbike and pay attention to the scents of your environment--the sea air, a coffee shop, a flower garden . . .Taste (gusto): Forget inhaling a heavy dinner--eat like Italians and savor a long, leisurely home-cooked meal!From fashion and film to food and language, this book is the crash course in Italian living every Italophile should indulge in, pronto!

La Bella Vita

by Aminda Leigh Pietro Pesce

Carla Bruni. Giorgio Armani. Luciano Pavarotti.Giada De Laurentiis. Sophia Loren. The Leonardos (Da Vinci e DiCaprio).From fettucine to fashion and back again, nobody does La Bella Vita like the Italians. Whether preparing a meal or sculpting the David, singing an aria or seducing a lover, Italians take their time, and do it right--adagio! In this bellissimo primer, Romans Aminda Leigh and Pietro Pesce show you how to achieve that sensual perfection in everything you do, leading you on a smolderingly hot journey through each of the five senses:Sight (vista): Toss the shabby, shapeless clothes and dress up! Italians take meticulous care of their appearance and are always fashionable. Sound (udito): Act like an Italian and emphasize the positive whenever possible.Touch (tatto): Touch like all Italians do--double-kiss, hold hands, touch other people's arms, and gesticulate!Smell (olfatto): Take a ride on an Italian motorbike and pay attention to the scents of your environment--the sea air, a coffee shop, a flower garden . . .Taste (gusto): Forget inhaling a heavy dinner--eat like Italians and savor a long, leisurely home-cooked meal!From fashion and film to food and language, this book is the crash course in Italian living every Italophile should indulge in, pronto!

La Bella Vita

by Aminda Leigh Pietro Pesce

Carla Bruni. Giorgio Armani. Luciano Pavarotti. Giada De Laurentiis. Sophia Loren. The Leonardos (Da Vinci e DiCaprio). From fettucine to fashion and back again, nobody does La Bella Vita like the Italians. Whether preparing a meal or sculpting the David, singing an aria or seducing a lover, Italians take their time, and do it right--adagio! In this bellissimo primer, Romans Aminda Leigh and Pietro Pesce show you how to achieve that sensual perfection in everything you do, leading you on a smolderingly hot journey through each of the five senses: Sight(vista):Toss the shabby, shapeless clothes and dress up! Italians take meticulous care of their appearance and are always fashionable. Sound(udito):Act like an Italian and emphasize the positive whenever possible. Touch(tatto): Touch like all Italians do--double-kiss, hold hands, touch other people's arms, and gesticulate! Smell(olfatto):Take a ride on an Italian motorbike and pay attention to the scents of your environment--the sea air, a coffee shop, a flower garden . . . Taste(gusto):Forget inhaling a heavy dinner--eat like Italians and savor a long, leisurely home-cooked meal! From fashion and film to food and language, this book is the crash course in Italian living every Italophile should indulge in,pronto!

La Bibbia della Meditazione Quotidiana: Come Ridurre Stress e Ansia e Diventare Più Sani e Felici

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Ti piacerebbe eliminare disagi, smettere di provare ansia, dormire meglio e con mente lucida e sconfiggere la depressione? Da tempi immemori, le tecniche di meditazione basate sulla consapevolezza vengono utilizzate per curare ogni tipo di disturbo, consentendo ai praticanti e alle praticanti di vivere una vita più gioiosa e sana! Usare le tecniche di meditazione guaritive permette anche di migliorare condizioni di malattia cronica e infiammazioni, rinforzare il sistema immunitario, aumentare i livelli di energia e felicità, e molto altro! Che aspetti! Inizia anche tu a vivere una vita più positiva e priva di depressione. Scoprirai i segreti usati da professionisti e professioniste della guarigione per massimizzare l’efficacia. Con alle spalle decenni di strategie testate, questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più rapido ed efficace per abbandonare le abitudini negative e costruirne di positive, contribuendo immensamente al tuo benessere. Questa guida insegna tecniche comprovate che non necessitano l’uso di supplementi, prescrizioni o corsi costosi. Leggendo la guida scoprirai come: - Sconfiggere la Depressione - Sentirti Meglio - Sconfiggere lo Stress. - Ridurre ed Eliminare l’Ansia - Avere Più Energia - Dormire Meglio - Essere Consapevole - Curare Disturbi - Nutrirti Meglio - Tutto Ciò che Hai Bisogno di Sapere. + MOLTO ALTRO Se desideri migliorare il tuo stato di salute, curare malattie, incrementare concentrazione e benessere, questa guida fa al caso tuo. --> Scorri verso la parte alta della pagina e clicca su “aggiungi al carrello” per effettuare immediatamente l’acquisto Disclaimer: L’autore e/o i titolari dei diritti non avanzano pretese, promesse o garanzie relativamente all’accuratezza, alla completezza o all’adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, e declinano espressamente qualsiasi responsabilità legata a eventuali errori od omissioni

La chiave per iniziare a guadagnare in borsa

by Álvaro Cid

Sono a conoscenza del fatto che molte persone vorrebbero iniziare a guadagnare nel mercato della borsa. Purtroppo, però, non hanno ancora le competenze sufficienti per conseguirlo, ed è proprio per questo che ho scritto questo libro. La sua missione è quella di aprire gli occhi a molti su quella che è l’analisi tecnica, e spiegare come può farci ottenere un grande guadagno. In queste pagine ti insegnerò la teoria che è alla base di questa analisi, così come la sua storia e altri strumenti elementari per iniziare ad investire con il piede giusto. Sono molte le persone che non hanno queste nozioni e che, nonostante questo, riescono comunque a trarre benefici dal mercato. In ogni caso, è interessante averne una conoscenza previa e non esserne sorpresi una volta che c'è in gioco il denaro reale. Nel mercato, tutta l'ignoranza in materia si traduce in perdita, prima o poi.

La chispa: Cómo activar los 10 impulsores humanos que te hacen sentir vivo

by Brendon Burchard

From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Millionaire Messenger, an electrifying and inspiring book that provides the keys to motivating yourself to satisfy your highest, most essential creative and intellectual needs.

La chispa

by Brendon Burchard

From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Millionaire Messenger, an electrifying and inspiring book that provides the keys to motivating yourself to satisfy your highest, most essential creative and intellectual needs.In the hyper-connected, hyper-digitized world in which we are living, the time has come to revise Abraham Maslow's classic "hierarchy of needs"--a pyramid of human drives that places the basic needs of safety and sustenance at the bottom. Burchard, a world-renowned motivational speaker and bestselling author, makes a compelling case that it's time for an entirely new approach to understanding what drives human ambition and achievement today; it's time to change the conversation about what it takes to succeed and feel alive and fulfilled in a stressful, chaotic, distracted world.In The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives that Make You Feel Alive, Burchard, using pioneering studies from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience, as well as great stories from his own experience, identifies the ten simple drives of human emotion and happiness: Control, Competence, Congruence, Caring, Connection, Change, Challenge, Creative expression, Contribution, and Consciousness. The Charge provides the keys to understanding and activating these drives in clear and concrete ways that will inspire and help everyone find the one thing we all are searching for: more life in our lives.

La conexión de la mente: Cómo los pensamientos que usted elige afectan su estado de ánimo, su comportamiento y sus decisiones

by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, explores the power of positive thinking and the undeniable connection between the mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes. Thoughts can seem random and meaningless, but they impact your life every day. It's all connected. What you think affects your words, attitude, decisions, and emotions and influences how you relate to yourself, to other people, and to God. In THE MIND CONNECTION, Joyce Meyer expands on the wisdom of her bestselling books Battlefield of the Mind and Power Thoughts to explain how to improve the quality of your thoughts and your life. She explores the undeniable connection between the mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes, so that you can develop and maintain the right mental position--no matter what challenges you face. Through practical advice and Scriptural insights, Joyce will help you learn to think with purpose, gain greater confidence, and claim the fulfilling life you were meant to lead.a las luchas que esté enfrentando.Joyce reconoce que los pensamientos son una de las zonas más difíciles de la vida para dominar. Pero con la ayuda de Dios, usted puede aprender a guiar su propio pensamiento, recordando que cada uno de sus pensamientos tiene propósito, con la confianza necesaria para reclamar la vida que deseas llevar.

La confiance créative :Comment libérer votre confiance, être super innovant & redéfinir votre vie en 30 jours

by The Blokehead

La confiance créative peut sembler une notion sophistiquée mais en réalité, elle fait référence au niveau de confiance d'une personne en sa propre créativité. Ainsi, si vous avez une grande confiance en vos capacités créatives, alors vous avez une grande confiance créative. Au contraire, si vous croyez n'avoir aucune compétence artistique, aucune compétence musicale et aucune aptitude à faire preuve d'imagination, alors votre confiance créative est probablement assez basse. De la même façon que pour toute autre chose, votre niveau de confiance créative est directement lié à votre aptitude à réussir les choses que vous souhaitez réussir. La plupart du temps, vous êtes capable de faire exactement ce que vous pensez pouvoir faire. Ainsi, si vous vous pensez capable de faire quoi que ce soit de créatif, vous le pouvez certainement. Suivant le même raisonnement, si vous pensez n'avoir aucune espèce de compétence créative, vous percevez certainement un manque de créativité puisque vous vous mettez des barrières avant même de tenter de faire quoi que ce soit de créatif. Ceci conduit souvent à une prophétie auto réalisatrice. Pour insister sur ce point, si vous pensez pouvoir faire quelque chose, vous êtes capable de le faire. Si vous vous croyez incapable de le faire, vous abandonnerez probablement avant de réussir.

La Dieta Quantica

by Valeria D'Ellena Antonio Carlos Mongiardim Gomes Saraiva

Questo libro è dedicato a chi ha già compiuto una dieta, ma non ha raggiunto i risultati desiderati. Questo libro vuole esplorare un nuovo modello, diverso da una dieta convenzionale, programmato su un metodo semplice basato sulla meccanica quantistica e sulla mente consapevole.

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