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L'arte del journaling, ovvero, come imparare a scrivere il diario in 5 semplici mosse

by The Blokehead

Ecco le linee guida e i promemoria che ti permetteranno di scrivere il tuo diario al meglio: 1. Lo scopo. Innanzitutto, devi chiederti cosa ti spingere a scrivere un diario e a trattare di un determinato argomento. Cosa riguarda? A cosa serve? A chi è indirizzato? Queste domande ti aiuteranno a impostare lo stile giusto. Per ogni nuova annotazione, dovremmo avere un nuovo argomento, in maniera tale da non risultare ripetitivi. Così facendo, tutte le nostre annotazioni avranno uno scopo ben preciso. Acquista il libro per saperne di più !

L'Arte della Fellatio

by Nicole Nichols Julie Fg

Vuoi imparare a praticare quest'arte in modo piacevole tanto per lui quanto per te? Nicole Nichols presenta un libro chiaro e preciso su come fare una fellatio. Per te fare sesso orale è più un dovere che un piacere? Non più grazie ai consigli e alle tecniche di Nicole. Dare piacere al tuo partner dev'essere un'esperienza gradevole per entrambi, ed è unica la sensazione di poter far godere il tuo uomo! Impara come uscire dalla tua comfort zone. Ogni capitolo regala preziosi consigli su come vincere le tue paure nel trovarti faccia a faccia con "lui", e il fulcro è l'idea che dare piacere porta piacere. In questo gioco sei tu al comando e questo libro ti spiega come sentirti a tuo agio nel farlo. Realizza i desideri segreti del tuo uomo e aumenta la fiducia nel rapporto! Spesso il sesso orale è proprio una delle fantasie più eccitanti per un uomo. Ammetiamolo: il tuo uomo può chiederlo o meno, ma sappiamo benissimo che è quello che vuole. Forse te l'ha chiesto una, due o tre volte, ma se la risposta è sempre negativa avrà smesso di chiedere. O forse è uno dei fortunati la cui partner cede ogni tanto. Ma se vuoi farlo sentire veramente importante, sicuro di sè e desiderato, soddisfa questo suo desiderio. E vedrai la sua sorpresa quando farai esattamente ciò che lo eccita e gli regalerai un piacere intenso. Dopo aver letto questo libro avrai tutti gli strumenti per eccellere nell'arte della fellatio - per la gioia di "lui"! Diventa più sicura di te. Oltre a tecniche su come dare piacere al tuo uomo, fra le pagine di questo libro troverai anche consigli utili per divertirti nel farlo. Imparerai come prendere l'iniziativa, passare all'azione e... fare centro! Alcuni esempi di ciò che troverai nel libro: come rendere la vostra relazione più piccante, come comunicare in modo efficace col tuo partner, come ciò che il tuo uomo beve o mangia può rendere la tua esperienza più piacevole,

L'arte della ricchezza. Gli ostacoli per raggiungerla.

by Baron Alexander Deschauer

Questo libro espone, attraverso brevi racconti e riflessioni, i segreti per sviluppare l'approccio mentale giusto per raggiungere la ricchezza. Segna l'incontro tra l' "Arte della guerra" di Sun Tzu e "Padre ricco, padre povero" di Kiyosaki. Diventare ricchi è alla portata di tutti. Teoricamente. In pratica ci sono ostacoli che la maggior parte di noi neppure vede. Sono le barriere di ingresso che permettono a molti di affermare che l'opportunità esiste per tutti ma che in realtà è preclusa alla maggior parte di noi. La prima cosa per superare queste barriere è essere in grado di imparare a vederle. Una volta che imparerete a vederle, sarete in grado di superarle. Questo libro con brevi racconti e narrazioni vi permetterà di sviluppare il gisuto approccio mentale per ottenere l'agiatezza. Vi fornirà le verità provate e testate che stanno dietro alla'ccumulazione delle ricchezze e del benessere.

L’arte di essere: Come attirare abbondanza, felicità e pace interiore nella tua vita

by Xavier Gragera

L'arte di essere è un percorso di liberazione della mente, che ci offre la possibilità di trasformare la nostra vita e di intraprendere senza problemi il viaggio verso la nostra scoperta interiore. Tutto questo, per raggiungere un luogo dove smettere di cercare e cominciare ad essere. In tutto il libro, passiamo attraverso i diversi livelli di coscienza, fino ad arrivare allo stato di coscienza essenziale, in cui ci connetteremo con la nostra vera essenza, e in cui risiede il potere dell'ispirazione. In questo stato di coscienza essenziale, i miracoli accadono in un modo del tutto inaspettato, e il potere creativo si scatena permettendoci di iniziare a creare la nostra realtà. Impareremo ad attirare l'abbondanza nella nostra vita, a diluire i problemi invece di cercare di risolverli, e tutto questo liberando la paura e donandoci all'amore. Questo processo di scoperta ci aiuterà a dare un senso alla nostra vita, a scoprire il nostro proposito di vita e ad agire; un'azione consapevole e proficua che ci permetterà di rinascere e di evolverci come esseri umani.

L'arte dimenticata della felicità: 52 idee che ti cambieranno la vita

by Ali Zakaria

Ti svegli ogni mattina insoddisfatto della tua vita? Pensavi che raggiungere il successo monetario fosse la via per la felicità, ma non sta succedendo. Ali Zakaria è un giudice del Cairo, Egitto, che ha assistito quotidianamente a contenziosi in aula e ha assistito a come il successo e la vittoria non portino sempre felicità. Divorzi, furti, omicidi, ha visto di tutto. Ha trascorso 5 anni vivendo centinaia di cause giudiziarie e cercando di rispondere a queste domande sulla felicità per sé stesso e per gli altri. 1. Più soldi ci rendono sempre più felici? Se no perché? 2. Vincere migliora sempre la vita? Se no perché? 3. La vendetta cura le ferite? In questa lettura, Ali Zakaria offre un approccio unico alla felicità grazie alla sua esperienza di ascolto e di risoluzione delle controversie. - La vera mentalità della felicità: la mentalità con cui svegliarsi ogni mattina - Le azioni che ci fanno sorridere: quali sono le attività che possono renderti felice su base giornaliera, settimanale, mensile e annuale - La dieta felice: cibo e bevanda magica per potenziare il tuo umore - Relazioni felici: come sviluppare relazioni per rendere la tua giornata migliore, non amara - Liberare i tuoi ormoni della felicità Non lasciarti cadere di nuovo in una truffa della felicità: più soldi, più successo, più potere. Impara a costruire uno stile di vita che porti felicità reale e sostenibile. Se non vuoi che la tua vita diventi un caso giudiziario, fai clic su Acquista ora e impara dall'esperienza di Ali.

The Las Señales de Dios

by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

The Signs of God explores the importance of mystical consciousness at this time of global transition. In the depths of the heart is hidden the secret purpose of creation, which is the key to our present time of transformation. The work of the mystic is to make this key accessible to humanity, and so open the doors of revelation. The possibilities of the future are present but veiled, the joy of life is waiting to return. The mystic can help us to awaken to the oneness that is essential to life, and to recognize the signs of God that will guide us and reveal our true purpose.

The Last Addiction: Own Your Desire, Live Beyond Recovery, Find Lasting Freedom

by Sharon Hersh

In an age of tell-all addiction memoirs and reality television programs, we gulp down the stories of others in the hope that we, too, can be overcomers-even as we continue to love a person, substance, activity, or ideology too much. As Sharon Hersh writes, "We all suffer from the same condition." In The Last Addiction, she explores why we are prone to addiction-to make one thing in our lives more central than it should be-and how we can break free of our compulsions.This is not a book of "self-help" answers or "how-to" steps. It is a book about falling down and getting up again, about realizing that we need more than ourselves to be saved. The truth is, we're not as bad as we think we are-and we are worse than we ever dreamed. When we live between those two realities, we are ready to let go of the last idol: the belief that we can save ourselves.The Last Addiction invites you to see your own story more clearly as you better understand your longing for intimacy. It invites you to love boldly and receive love in return. It invites you to the freedom of redemption.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Last Arrow: Save Nothing for the Next Life

by Erwin Raphael Mcmanus

Before You Die, Live the Life You Were Born To Live.When you come to the end of your days, you will not measure your life based on success and failures. All of those will eventually blur together into a single memory called “life.” What will give you solace is a life with nothing left undone. One that’s been lived with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, and with no regrets. On the other hand, what will haunt you until your final breath is who you could have been but never became and what you could have done but never did. The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a life that defies odds and alters destinies. Discover the attributes of those who break the gravitational pull of mediocrity as cultural pioneer and thought leader Erwin McManus examines the characteristics of individuals who risked everything for a life they could only imagine. Imagine living the life you were convinced was only a dream. We all begin this life with a quiver full of arrows. Now the choice is yours. Will you cling to your arrows or risk them all, opting to live until you have nothing left to give? Time is short. Pick up The Last Arrow and begin the greatest quest of your life.

The Last Best Cure

by Donna Jackson Nakazawa

One day Donna Jackson Nakazawa found herself lying on the floor to recover from climbing the stairs. That's when it hit her. She was managing the symptoms of the autoimmune disorders that had plagued her for a decade, but she had lost her joy. As a science journalist, she was curious to know what mind-body strategies might help her. As a wife and mother she was determined to get her life back. Over the course of one year, Nakazawa researches and tests a variety of therapies including meditation, yoga, and acupuncture to find out what works. But the discovery of a little-known branch of research into Adverse Childhood Experiences causes her to have an epiphany about her illness that not only stuns her-it turns her life around. Perfect for readers of Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, Nakazawa shares her unexpected discoveries, amazing improvements, and shows listeners how they too can find their own last best cure.

Last Call: Alcoholism and Recovery

by Jack H. Hedblom

"I knew about drunk, but did not know anything about living sober. I hadn’t really been sober for fifteen years. It wasn’t enough that I stopped drinking. I had to learn how to live."The journey from alcoholic insanity to sobriety—and the pivotal role of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in navigating that transition—is the focus of Last Call. Using powerful first-person narratives like the one above (composites of many anonymous speakers), psychotherapist Jack H. Hedblom provides compelling insights into the minds and hearts of addicted drinkers, from bizarre behavior and denial to the moment of "hitting bottom" and seeking change. Hedblom covers the process of getting sober, from diagnosis to detox to sobriety. He focuses on the challenge of learning to live without drinking—a long-term goal, Hedblom asserts, that is best achieved by regular participation in AA.Hedblom’s vivid descriptions reveal AA meetings as gatherings of fellowship, compassion, tears, and laughter. In relating the history of the organization, he describes the role of sponsors, elaborates on the Twelve Steps and the Promises, emphasizes the importance of spiritual development in recovery, and refutes the common misconceptions that equate spirituality with organized religion. Through the stories of people who have escaped the tyranny of alcoholism with the help of AA, Hedblom shows that the road to recovery is a journey of self-discovery, change, and hope.

Last Chance to Live

by Younan Nowzaradan

Dr. Nowzaradan has dedicated much of his career to advocating quality medical management for the obese. While others were limiting weight loss surgery to those who weighed under 300-lbs., he was already performing safe laparoscopic weight loss surgery on super morbid obese individuals who weighed in excess of 600-lbs. Dr. Nowzaradan firmly believes in the care of the obese without discrimination or prejudice. In 2003, he performed laparoscopic weight loss surgery on the world's heaviest dad, heaviest mom, and heaviest teen. He has been featured in the hit TLC shows "Half Ton Killer," as well as "My 600-lb. Life," with the hope of influencing the public and the medical community to change their bias and negative opinion regarding severely obese individuals. Dr. Nowzaradan has become a beacon of hope for those who have struggled with their weight. He has changed the lives of many when others weren't willing to help them. As a doctor, he always helps to heal those that need it most.

The Last Day of My Life

by Jim Moret

Inspirational memoir about embracing life and asking the reader what they would do if they had only twenty-four hours to live.

Last Drink to LA: Confessions Of An Aa Survivor

by John Sutherland

Thirty-one years ago John Sutherland nearly lost everything to drink. It was time to sober up. Or die. Last Drink To LA is part reportage, part confession - not a temperance tale (told to terrify, inform and instruct), not what AA calls a "drunkalog", but a moving and thought-provoking meditation - some thinking about drinking.

Last Drink to LA: Confessions Of An Aa Survivor

by John Sutherland

Thirty-one years ago John Sutherland nearly lost everything to drink. It was time to sober up. Or die. Last Drink To LA is part reportage, part confession - not a temperance tale (told to terrify, inform and instruct), not what AA calls a "drunkalog", but a moving and thought-provoking meditation - some thinking about drinking.

Last Drinks: How to Drink Less and Be Your Best

by Maz Compton

Change your relationship with alcohol in just 30 days Informative, relatable and thought-provoking, Last Drinks is a deep dive for the sober curious that invites you to enjoy a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Maz Compton, celebrated TV personality, radio host, and podcaster — and sober since 2015— delivers honest, science-backed information about how cutting back your alcohol intake can improve your everyday life. Maz and her interviewees reveal candid, deeply personal stories about how and why they decided to stop drinking. Working with a range of health experts, Maz also shares practical strategies for reframing your relationship with alcohol. Her unique Sober 30 Plan will help you kick-start your sobriety in just 30 days. Last Drinks unpacks how alcohol affects the mind and body, questions the cultures and norms around drinking and identifies the common signs that habitual drinking might be negatively impacting you. Find motivation and encouragement through inspirational stories shared by those who have been there and gotten sober, including from well-known Australians like Osher Günsberg, Yumi Stynes, Alexa Towersey (aka Action Alexa), David Campbell, and Matt Agnew. Identify and articulate your relationship with alcohol using practical activities and a straightforward self-assessment. Curate a personal Sobriety Toolkit of strategies and tips that will set you up for sober success. Get a comprehensive Sober 30 Plan (approved by addiction experts!) that will guide and help you through your first thirty days of sobriety. If you are seeking a way to be more present, less dependent, and more proactive in managing your wellbeing, Last Drinks is the guide that will help you unleash your sober superpowers.

The Last Ecstasy of Life: Celtic Mysteries of Death and Dying

by Phyllida Anam-Áire

• Emphasizes how shadow work, integrating past wounds, and healing our ancestry allows us to facilitate the ecstatic transition into the next life • Offers exercises and visualizations to help us integrate emotions like anger and grief, which impact the soul&’s readiness to leave the body when the time comes • Discusses what happens to our cells when we die with regard to the human energy field and explores the soul&’s journey through the aítes or bardos In the Celtic tradition dying is considered an act of birthing, of our consciousness passing from this life to the next. Informed by an early near-death experience, spiritual midwife and former nun Phyllida Anam-Áire offers an intimate overview of the sacred stages of the dying process seen through the lens of her Celtic heritage. Compassionately describing the final dissolution of the elements, she emphasizes how important it is to resolve and integrate our psycho-spiritual shadows and wounds in this lifetime. What truly heals is our capacity for authentic compassionate love--in life, in death, and after. Healing our ancestry before leaving the body eases not only our transition but sets future generations free from old stories held in our family systems.Sharing her insights into God consciousness, our earth/ego mind, and the soul&’s journey through the Aíte or bardos, Phyllida&’s poetic words guide us toward the final ecstasy as the soul leaves its material form and enters the vast Universal Heart of cosmic energy. Providing a deep spiritual understanding of the mysteries of death and the afterlife, this courageous book combines Celtic and Christian wisdom to dispel the fear of dying and invites us to live consciously and with love to our very last breath.

The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight: Waking up to personal and global transformation

by Thom Hartmann

The world is reaching crisis point, as population growth escalates out of control, and species and cultures are being destroyed. With humans across the globe encroaching further and further upon Earth's resources, the realisation that the supply is finite has dawned and we now face the urgent dilemma of knowing how to create a sustainable future for ourselves. In this important book, award-winning author and international lecturer Thom Hartmann puts forward his lasting solution to our survival. Teaching us a new way of seeing, Hartmann introduces us to the lessons of our ancient ancestors - those which allowed sustainable living for many thousands of years but which we've forgotten. It is a call for consciousness combining spirituality and ecology that offers real hope for the future.

Last in the Evening

by Osho International Foundation Osho

Falling asleep in front of a TV or computer screen, as many people do these days, is not the most relaxing way to end a busy day. What we do in the evening can affect our night's sleep, disturbing our sleep patterns and dreams. Last in the Evening is Osho talking on a variety of subjects specially selected for the evening. It gives you a different option for ending your day, a taste of meditation that can carry you through the night.Simply find time in the evening to sit quietly, be with yourself, and read the suggested passage. The extracts here, and in the companion volume First in the Morning, are taken from intimate one-on-one talks with Osho, and he suggested this compilation of his insights on a variety of subjects that include the nature of bliss, joy, and meditation.Whether you are familiar with meditation or a newcomer to the inner world, these two invaluable books, separately or together, can make a real difference to how you approach each day, and your life.

The Last Lecture

by Randy Pausch

When they retire, many professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture" where they speak about what they view as their legacy. When Pausch was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the lecture he gave, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," wasn't about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment because "time is all you have ...and you may find one day that you have less than you think."

The Last Lecture

by Randy Pausch

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."---Randy Pausch <P><P>A lot of professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture." Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can't help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy? <P>When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a lecture, he didn't have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. <P> But the lecture he gave--"Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"--wasn't about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because "time is all you have...and you may find one day that you have less than you think"). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living. <P>In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humor, inspiration and intelligence that made his lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form. It is a book that will be shared for generations to come.

The Last Living Slut: Born in Iran, Bred Backstage

by Roxana Shirazi

The Last Living Slut is the salaciously literary and sexually liberated account of one young woman’s transition from traditionally-raised Iranian to rock and roll groupie for Guns N Roses, Motley Crew, and many others. Paired with a powerful introduction by New York Times bestselling authors Neil Strauss and Anthony Bozza, Roxana Shirazi’s The Last Living Slut is a passionate tale of jilted love, brutal revenge, and backstage encounters that make Pamela Des Barres’s I’m With The Band read like the diary of a nun.

The Last Message Received

by Emily Trunko

Named one of the Top 10 Most Viral Blogs by Mashable, the Tumblr The Last Message Received—created by 16-year-old Emily Trunko—is now available as a gift book! What if a message someone sends you today is the last you&’ll ever receive from them? Would you respond differently, or even at all, if you knew that the end of a friendship, a brutal breakup, or worse might be coming, and that this might be your only chance? The collection The Last Message Received includes over a hundred final text messages, social media posts, emails, and more. Adapted from the popular Tumblr The Last Message Received—followed by more than 85,000 people and selected as a finalist for the Shorty Award—the Last Message Received book features sudden endings and the type of loss that will inspire readers to reflect on what&’s essential in their own lives and the importance of celebrating the people they love every day. Includes exclusive content not available on Tumblr!"The emotional gravitas on display is not to be denied." —Kirkus"Readers will return to this volume again and again, especially those in need of a bit of reassurance about the world." —SLJ Praise for the Tumblr The Last Message Received &“The Last Message Received Tumblr will break your heart.&” —Refinery 29 &“Get some tissues. Scratch that. Get all the tissues.&” —Cosmopolitan &“It&’s moving to see that other people have been through similar situations, and let&’s face it, we&’ve all received messages that we can&’t stop thinking about.&” —Teen Vogue

Last Minute Retirement Planning

by Stephen M. Rosenberg

It's time to get serious about all that's been going over your head for the past 20 years about things like Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, and mutual funds. You're lucky; you have options, and you're planning ahead. What you need is an objective source that can explain those options in terms you can understand. What you need is Last Minute Retirement Planning. More than 10 years till you retire? You've still got plenty of time to make good decisions, but it's time to get going because you have lots to decide. You have to put away as much as you can, and you have to make it grow. You need a practical and effective way to minimize your expenses and maximize your investments. You need Last Minute Retirement Planning. Less than 5 years till you retire? Your day is getting close. Now is the time to make some important decisions about what you want for your retirement, where you will live, and what you will do. Will you really retire, or continue to work? Hopefully, you've already built up a fund for retirement. But you need to know how to make it last for the length of your retirement. You need Last Minute Retirement Planning. Steve Rosenberg, CFP, is an investment advisor and president of Rosenberg Financial Group. He is the author of Last Minute Estate Planning and co-author of Every Woman's Guide to Financial Security. In the introduction to this book, he says, "You can make your retirement as wonderful as you want It only requires that you make smart decisions with your money. As investment advisor to hundreds of retirees, I know exactly what it takes to secure the retirement of your dreams."

Last Night's Reading: Illustrated Encounters with Extraordinary Authors

by Kate Gavino

An irresistible illustrated collection of charming, wise, and hilarious quotations from your favorite authorsWhy do we go to book readings? For a chance to see the authors we love come to life off the page, answering our questions and proving to be the brilliant, witty people we catch glimpses of through their work. Illustrator Kate Gavino (author of Sanpaku) captures the wonder of this experience firsthand. At every reading she attends, Kate hand-letters the event&’s most memorable quote alongside a charming portrait of the author. In Last Night&’s Reading, Kate takes us on her journey through the literary world, sharing illustrated insight from more than one hundred of today&’s greatest writers—including Zadie Smith, Junot Diaz, Lev Grossman, Elizabeth Gilbert, and many more—on topics ranging from friendship and humor to creativity and identity. A celebration of authors, reading, and bookstores, this delightful collection is an advice book like no other and a love letter to the joy of seeing your favorite author up close and personal.&“Instead of putting together a lengthy play-by-play of the event she witnessed, Gavino records the best quote, and accompanies it with a colorful sketch of the author. It sounds simple, but the results are striking and unforgettable.&” –Flavorwire"A witty love letter to the literary world." –The Boston Globe

The Last Safe Investment

by Michael Ellsberg Bryan Franklin

The case for investing in your own career before anything elseMichael Ellsberg and Bryan Franklin think you've been fed a lie: that if you save for decades and invest in 401(k)s, IRAs, and a home, these investments will grow steadily over decades, allowing twenty to thirty years of secure, peaceful retirement.This might have been true at some point in the last century, but it is not true any longer. If you want to get ahead and enjoy a life of prosperity, the authors argue that you must invest in the most powerful source of wealth you'll ever know: your own earning power.Ellsberg and Franklin reveal how investing in yourself in various ways can guarantee a return much higher than the stock market or real estate. Boosting your skills, leadership, persuasion ability, and your network enriches the quality and meaning of your life at the same time that it enriches your wallet. Why wouldn't you bet on yourself?

The Last Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need: Repress Your Anger, Think Negatively, Be a Good Blamer, and Throttle Your Inner Child

by Paul Pearsall

Although the tenets of self-help have been attacked before, Pearsall is the first psychologist to expose these deeply entrenched ideas to scientific scrutiny. And unlike other debunking books, The Last Self-Help Book You’ll Ever Need goes beyond skepticism to propose a set of life-affirming (and refreshingly contrarian) axioms that can help anyone lead the Good Life.

The Last Supper on the Moon: NASA's 1969 Lunar Voyage, Jesus Christ’s Bloody Death, and the Fantastic Quest to Conquer Inner Space

by Levi Lusko

If there are places in your heart and corners of your mind that feel just as deep and dark and inaccessible as outer space, this book is for you. Fight as you may, unearthing the happiness and fulfillment you long for can feel nearly impossible. In Psalm 8 David urges us to consider the heavens, to look up at the night sky. Doing so will help you discover fundamental truths about God. Namely, that—even though his love for you is as beyond comprehension as the farthest corners of the universe—through his Son, you can grab hold of it, and it has the power to transform your inner space.Bestselling author Levi Lusko shares how you can:learn that life is not about &“finding yourself&” but discovering who Jesus isbelieve that God&’s love and forgiveness is grander than even your greatest failure buck the mundane of everyday life and start dreaming againEmbark on an adventure tracing the words and wonders of Jesus on his trek to the cross. Let The Last Supper on the Moon compel you to live with a more profound sense of purpose and a grander view of Jesus, and set you on a trajectory to life, and life more abundantly.

The Last Supper on the Moon Study Guide plus Streaming Video: The Ocean of Space, the Mystery of Grace, and the Life Jesus Died for You to Have

by Levi Lusko

This Study Guide includes:Individual access to five streaming video sessionsDiscussion and reflection questions with video notesPersonal study between sessionsLeader&’s GuideIn the summer of 1969, Buzz Aldrin had a mission. His goal was to fly 240 million miles from earth and, along with fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong, be the first to walk on the moon. But moments before that historic step, Aldrin poured a specially prepared drink into a cup and partook of a sacred celebration that had first occurred two thousand years before. The lunar Last Supper was full of meaning, just as it had been when Jesus himself took of the elements and acknowledged his calling and purpose. But the significance didn't end there. Today, as we remember the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, followed by his resurrection, we are reminded that what seemed to be an end became the genesis of everything—including the rescue and restoration of anyone who calls on Jesus' name. In this five-session study, bestselling author and pastor Levi Lusko journeys back in time and forward in hope, using the 1969 lunar mission as an analogy of the metamorphosis that was unleashed by the man from Galilee. Along the way, he uncovers the remarkable "seven statements" that Jesus made from the cross—words that provide us everything we need in the chaos of our world to conquer judgment, persecution, anxiety, and pain.Designed for use with The Last Supper on the Moon Video Study (sold separately).

The Last Word on Power: Re-Invention for Leaders Who Must Make the Impossible Happen

by Tracy Goss

Written for people who have already achieved a high level of personal and/or business success, this book is an invitation to anyone who desires to accomplish something so extraordinary that it currently seems impossible, either in the business world or in life. The author encourages readers to move beyond their comfort zone, even if they have found it to be a place of success, prestige, and power.

The Last Word on Power: Executive Re-Invention for Leaders Who Must Make the Impossible Happen

by Tracy Goss

How leaders can achieve something meaningful—transform a brand, a workplace, a technology, themselves—beyond holding an influential position. Do you want to do work that is worthy of your time and talent? Do you want to make your mark on your industry, company, or within your community? Are you satisfied with the fact that reengineering, quality improvements, and other changes never really make a lasting impact? Then you need to go beyond the techniques of improvement and learn the skills that it takes to be extraordinary. The power to be extraordinary is not one we are born with. Rather, it is a power that one can learn, and Tracy Goss helps executives realize this power. Here in this book for the first time, Goss makes her coursework available to the general reader. Goss&’s unique methodology shows how you how you can &“put at risk the success you&’ve become for the power of making the impossible happen.&” She positions executives to take on the future that they dream about. She teaches how to behave differently so that you are free of past constraints. She shows how you can be at home in the environment in which you are constantly surrounded by threats, and how to transcend the ordinary to make the impossible happen. Her work has resulted in many important life changes and organizational reinventions worldwide. &“Goss offers powerful information, far above the glib self-help mush that already lines the shelves. She answers the fundamental question of why management fads do not work: the personal work has not yet been done.&” —Library Journal

Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement

by Rich Karlgaard

A groundbreaking exploration of what it means to be a late bloomer in a culture obsessed with SAT scores and early success, and how finding one's way later in life can be an advantage to long-term achievement and happiness.We live in a society where kids and parents are obsessed with early achievement, from getting perfect scores on SATs to getting into Ivy League colleges to landing an amazing job at Google or Facebook - or even better, creating a startup with the potential to be the next Google or Facebook or Uber. We see software coders becoming millionaires or billionaires before age 30 and feel we are failing if we are not one of them.Late bloomers, on the other hand, are undervalued - in popular culture, by educators and employers, and even unwittingly by parents. Yet the fact is a lot of us - most of us - do not explode out of the gates in life. We have to find our way. We have to discover our passions, and talents and gifts. That was true for author Rich Karlgaard, who had a mediocre academic career at Stanford (which he got into by a fluke), and after graduating, worked as a dishwasher and night watchman before finally finding the inner motivation and drive that ultimately led him to start up a high-tech magazine in Silicon Valley, and eventually to become the publisher of Forbes magazine.There is a scientific explanation for why so many of us bloom later in life. The executive function of our brains doesn't mature until age 25 - and later for some. In fact our brain's capabilities peak at different ages. We actually enjoy multiple periods of blooming in our lives. Based on several years of research, personal experience, and interviews with neuroscientists and psychologists, and countless people at different stages of their careers, Late Bloomers reveals how and when we achieve our full potential - and why today's focus on early success is so misguided, and even harmful.

Late-Life Love: A Memoir

by Susan Gubar

“Winning [and] intelligent. . . . [An] impressive, often heartening addition to the literature of aging.” — Heller McAlpin, Wall Street Journal In this “unique blend of memoir and literary commentary” (Bookpage), acclaimed author and literary scholar Susan Gubar contemplates the beauty and strength of enduring love—both for her husband and for the literature that has shaped her life. Throughout the complications of devoted caregiving, her own ongoing cancer treatments, and a stressful move to a more manageable apartment, Gubar proves that love and desire have no expiration date—on the page or in life. Late-Life Love offers a resounding retort to ageist stereotypes, appraises the obstacles unique to senior couples, and celebrates second chances.

Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony

by Lewis Thomas

This magnificent collection of essays by scientist and National Book Award-winning writer Lewis Thomas remains startlingly relevant for today’s world. Luminous, witty, and provocative, the essays address such topics as “The Attic of the Brain,” “Falsity and Failure,” “Altruism,” and the effects the federal government’s virtual abandonment of support for basic scientific research will have on medicine and science.Profoundly and powerfully, Thomas questions the folly of nuclear weaponry, showing that the brainpower and money spent on this endeavor are needed much more urgently for the basic science we have abandoned—and that even medicine’s most advanced procedures would be useless or insufficient in the face of the smallest nuclear detonation. And in the title essay, he addresses himself with terrifying poignancy to the question of what it is like to be young in the nuclear age. “If Wordsworth had gone to medical school, he might have produced something very like the essays of Lewis Thomas.”—TIME “No one better exemplifies what modern medicine can be than Lewis Thomas.”—The New York Times Book Review

Late to the Ball: A Journey Into Tennis And Aging

by Gerald Marzorati

An award-winning author attempts to become a nationally competitive tennis player—at the age of sixty—in this “soulful meditation on aging, companionship, and the power of self-improvement” (The Wall Street Journal).Being a man or a woman in your early sixties is different than it was a generation or two ago, at least for the more fortunate of us. We aren’t old…yet. But we sense it coming: Careers are winding down, kids are gone, parents are dying (friends, too), and our bodies are no longer youthful or even middle-aged. Learning to play tennis in your fifties is no small feat, but becoming a serious, competitive tennis player at the age of sixty is a whole other matter. It requires training the body to defy age, and to methodically build one’s game—the strokework, footwork, strategy, and mental toughness.Gerry Mazorati had the strong desire to lead an examined physical life, to push his body into the “encore” of middle age. In Late to the Ball Mazorati writes vividly about his difficulties, frustrations, and triumphs of becoming a seriously good tennis player. He takes on his quest with complete vigor and absolute determination to see it through, providing a rich, vicarious experience, involving the science of aging, his existential battle with time, and the beautiful, mysterious game of tennis. “Enjoyable…crisp and clean” (Publishers Weekly), Late to the Ball is also captivating evidence that the rest of the Baby Boomer generation, now between middle age and old age, can find their own quest and do the same.

Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step

by Edward De Bono

The first practical explanation of how creativity works, this results-oriented bestseller trains listeners to move beyond a "vertical" mode of thought to tap the potential of lateral thinking.

Lateral Thinking: An Introduction

by Edward de Bono

Why do some people always seem to have new ideas while others of equal intelligence never do? Lateral Thinking is Edward de Bono’s original portrayal of what lateral thinking is, how it works and how to use it to develop your own potential for thinking and problem solving.First published in 1967 as The Use of Lateral Thinking, this classic international bestseller remains as relevant to learning, problem solving and creative thinking today as when it was first published. De Bono argues that conventional vertical thinking often inhibits our ability to solve problems and come up with new ideas. He then shows that lateral thinking is a far easier and more natural way to generate simple, sound and effective ideas and offers guidance on how to develop your own ability to think laterally. Lateral thinking is a technique that anyone can learn and benefit from.

Lateral Thinking for Every Day: Extraordinary Solutions to Ordinary Problems

by Paul Sloane

Not every problem has an obvious solution. Utilize the power of lateral thinking to think imaginatively and creatively to tackle everyday problems in a new, fresh way.Lateral thinking is about re-thinking your approach to problem solving and using an indirect method to come up with innovative results. But how easy is it to do it?In Lateral Thinking for Every Day, acclaimed writer Paul Sloane clearly explains how you can benefit from using a lateral thinking approach. Using inspiring examples from great lateral thinkers including Lady Gaga, Elon Musk and Tim Berners-Lee, this collection of practical tips, techniques, examples and challenges is guaranteed to help you deploy powerful reasoning techniques, become more persuasive and convincing and to come up with fresh solutions to creative challenges.

Latina Beauty: A Get Gorgeous Guide for Every Mujer

by Belen Aranda-Alvarado Christy Haubegger

"Latina" magazine presents the first total beauty guide exclusively for the rapidly expanding market of Hispanic women. Packed with information, inspiration, and celebrity insight, "Latina Beauty" celebrates what makes Hispanic women so distinct, so powerful, and so beautiful.

Latina es poder! (Latina Power)

by Laura Golden Bellotti Ana Nogales

En esta guÍa inspiradora sobre el poder, la doctora Ana Nogales ánima a las latinas para que trasciendan lo que se espera de ellas y se conviertan en las mujeres que desean ser, algo que lograrán al adoptar siete atributos que ellas han heredado instintivamente de la cultura latina: El espÍritu creativo La apasionada resolución de la aguantadora La habilidad para relacionarse de la comadre La discreción de la diplomática El valor de la atrevida El equilibrio de la malabarista La confianza de la reina Cada capÍtulo presenta un elemento interactivo, un cuestionario para determinar cuán fuerte es cada atributo en la personalidad de la lectora y ejercicios para fortalecer cada atributo. Repleto de narraciones personales de latinas que han triunfado -- como la novelista Isabel Allende, la presentadora de la televisión Cristina Saralegui, las congresistas Loretta y Linda Sánchez, la fundadora de la revista Latina, Christy Haubegger, y la cantante Jaci Velásquez -- ¡Latina es poder! motiva a las lectoras a perseguir con ahÍnco sus propios sueños.

Latina Power!

by Ana Nogales Laura Golden Bellotti

In this empowering guide, Dr. Ana Nogales encourages Latinas to move beyond their expected roles and become the women they wish to be by embracing the seven traits they inherit naturally from their Latino culture: Espíritu Creativo (Creative Spirit) The Aguantadora's (Survivor's) Passionate Determination The Comadre's (Girlfriend's) Networking Ability The Diplomática's (Diplomat's) Discretion The Atrevida's (Risktaker's) Courage The Malabarista's (Multitasker's) Balance La Reina's (A Diva's) Confidence Each chapter features an interactive element, including a quiz to determine how strong each attribute is in the reader's own personality, plus exercises to reinforce each trait. Filled with the personal stories of successful Latinas, including novelist Isabelle Allende, TV journalist Cristina Saralegui, Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sánchez, Latina magazine founder Christy Haubegger, and entertainer Jaci Velásquez, Latina Power inspires readers to vigorously pursue their own dreams.

Latinx Business Success: How Latinx Ingenuity, Innovation, and Tenacity are Driving Some of the World's Biggest Companies

by Frank Carbajal Jose Morey

An inspiring new message of resilient leadership Latinx Business Success delivers a powerful and inspiring message of Latinx leadership. Via interviews with many of the most accomplished Latin business leaders in the United States, authors Frank Carbajal and José Morey offer readers a full picture of what it takes to succeed in modern leadership and how to close the digital divide that keeps Latinx people underrepresented in positions of authority. The book explores the authors’ DIGITAL framework—which includes the principles of Decision, Intelligence, Game Plan, Insight, Technology, Abundance, and Leverage—and explains how each element of the system contributes to leadership success for current and aspiring Latinx leaders. Readers will also find: Interviews with renowned and accomplished leaders from the Latinx community, including Ramiro Cavazos, President and CEO of the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Esther Aguilera, President & CEO at Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), and Silvina Moschini, Executive Producer at The Unicorn Hunters Show, and Cofounder, President, & Chairwoman of the Board of Transparent Business. Discussions of what it means to achieve a truly diverse and inclusive society and how we’ll know when we’ve realized that goal Coverage of a wide variety of industry sectors, including healthcare, media, education, finance, tech, and athletics Perfect for managers, executives, and business leaders of all kinds who seek a new and refreshing perspective on leadership, Latinx Business Success is also required reading for any member of the Latinx community who hopes to make innovative contributions to the business world.

The Latte Factor: Why You Don't Have to Be Rich to Live Rich

by David Bach John David Mann

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, WALL STREET JOURNAL,AND INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Discover #1 New York Times bestselling author David Bach&’s three secrets to financial freedom in an engaging story that will show you that you are richer than you think. Drawing on the author&’s experiences teaching millions of people around the world to live a rich life, this fast, easy listen reveals how anyone—from millennials to baby boomers—can stillmake his or her dreams come true.In this compelling, heartwarming parable, Bach and his bestselling coauthor John David Mann (The Go-Giver) tell the story of Zoey, a twenty-something woman living and working in New York City. Like many young professionals, Zoey is struggling to make ends meet under a growing burden of credit card and student loan debt, working crazy hours at her dream job but still not earning enough to provide a comfortable financial cushion. At her boss&’s suggestion, she makes friends with Henry, the elderly barista at her favorite Brooklyn coffee shop.Henry soon reveals his &“Three Secrets to Financial Freedom,&” ideas Zoey dismisses at first but whose true power she ultimately comes to appreciate. Over the course of a single week, Zoey discovers that she already earns enough to secure her financial future and realize her truest dreams—all she has to do is make a few easy shifts in her everyday routine.The Latte Factor demystifies the secrets to achieving financial freedom, inspiring you to realize that it&’s never too late to reach for your dreams. By following the simple, proven path that Henry shows Zoey, anyone can make small changes today that will have big impact for a lifetime, proving once again that &“David Bach is the financial expert to listen to when you&’re intimidated by your finances&” (Tony Robbins, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Money: Master the Game).

L'attico mentale

by Ghaffar Dews

Questo libro è una guida per raggiungere ciò che vogliamo veramente nella nostra vita. A volte sappiamo quello che vogliamo, ma non ci crediamo, il che fa sì che quella manifestazione si allontani da noi. La tua mente può far accadere le cose e può davvero far sì che si raggiunga veramente il successo, solo quando sappiamo come portarlo a nostro vantaggio. In questo libro troverai le idee migliori per aiutarti.

Laugh, Cry, Eat Some Pie

by Deanna Davis

Today's special: A slice of insight and a scoop of wisdom, with some laughter on the side Deanna Davis is no stranger to tough times. Like the rest of us, she's faced her share of heartache, self-doubt, and professional obstacles among other challenges. In this inspiring new guide, she mixes together all the best ingredients-good humor, a dollop of wisdom, and powerful insights from the worlds of Positive Psychology and neuroscience-to serve up practical strategies for transforming your life, no matter how warmed-over everything around you (and inside you) might seem. With humor, honesty, and a down-to-earth, relatable style, Davis shares stories and insights that address the issues real women face every day-from balancing family needs with personal and professional ones, and stealing a few moments of quiet every now and then, to getting through the rough patches that every relationship sometimes throws us. Celebrating the importance of mindful living, the power of friendships, and the undeniable benefits of a good laugh (and, every now and then, a good cry), this is just the satisfying read we need for these tough times. .

Laugh It Up!: Embrace Freedom and Experience Defiant Joy

by Candace Payne

This ebook includes the full text of the book PLUS exclusive photos, insider stories, and practical inspiration from Candace—only found in the ebook!The world knows Candace Payne as "Chewbacca Mom," whose Facebook video captured the hearts of millions with nothing but a toy Chewbacca mask and infectious laughter.But what the video doesn't show is Candace's storied journey of overcoming daunting obstacles on the way to a joy-filled life.Laugh It Up! tells the rest of the story behind the woman in the mask. Like many, Candace Payne has often felt overlooked, undervalued, and insignificant. But she has also discovered the secrets to unshakable joy that no circumstance--be it extreme poverty, past trauma, or struggles with self-worth--can take away, and Laugh It Up! will help you discover and experience the same.Join Candace to discover the gift God has given us all--to experience life to the fullest. All you need to do is answer "yes" when joy calls you to come and play.Do you feel tempted to give up on your dreams? Joy stays the course.Do your knees knock when thinking about the future? Joy hopes for what can be.Do you feel unseen and unnoticed? Joy is content whether backstage or center stage.Do you feel crushed under the weight of regret? Joy loves you enough to weep with you, but also help you move on.When life punches you in the gut, it can be difficult to muster a smile--much less a laugh. But with humor and power, wit and wisdom, Candace lights the way forward to a life that is free indeed.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage

by Mark Gungor

Based on Mark Gungor's wildly popular seminar, Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage® builds on Gungor's success with tens of thousands of couples who credit him with enriching, and even saving, their marriages. By using his unique blend of humor and tell-it-like-it-is honesty, he helps couples get along and have fun doing it. Through exploring a variety of subjects including the myth of a "soul mate," the different ways men and women think, the conflicting levels of libido, and the necessity to forgive, Gungor proves that the key to marital bliss is not romance or destiny -- it's work and skill. Couples need to work hard at maintaining their relationship and to have the skills to pull it off. The longer spouses wait to learn these skills, the greater their chance of wanting to bail, yet Gungor makes it easy for couples to bring their relationship to the next level.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

by Mark Gungor

Based on Mark Gungor's wildly popular seminar, Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage® builds on Gungor's success with tens of thousands of couples who credit him with enriching, and even saving, their marriages. By using his unique blend of humor and tell-it-like-it-is honesty, he helps couples get along and have fun doing it. Through exploring a variety of subjects including the myth of a "soul mate," the different ways men and women think, the conflicting levels of libido, and the necessity to forgive, Gungor proves that the key to marital bliss is not romance or destiny -- it's work and skill. Couples need to work hard at maintaining their relationship and to have the skills to pull it off. The longer spouses wait to learn these skills, the greater their chance of wanting to bail, yet Gungor makes it easy for couples to bring their relationship to the next level.

Laugh Your Way to Happiness

by Lesley Lyle Dr Madan Kataria

Lesley Lyle presents the surprising scientific evidence that reveals the importance of laughter for our mental and physical health, our prosperity, our relationships, our careers - in fact, every aspect of our lives. Drawing inspiration from Laughter Yoga, a movement founded in India by Dr Madan Kataria that uses laughter and breathing exercises to bring about amazing changes in the health and well-being of thousands of individuals, Lesley reveals: The scientific evidence of laughter's beneficial effects on our health, including lowering blood pressure and improving concentrationThe emotional aspects of laughter and how it can alleviate anxiety, stress and depressionThe spiritual aspects of laughter and how it can help provide a sense of connection and wholeness Throughout Lesley reveals how to bring more laughter into your daily life, including practising simple but fun exercises that will help you see opportunities for laughter in the most unexpected places. Laughter can be simulated as an exercise in a group; with eye contact and childlike playfulness, it soon turns into real and contagious laughter. This is a book that will delight, as well as inform - most importantly, it will positively change your life.

Laughing At Myself: My Education in Congress, on the Farm, and at the Movies

by Dan Glickman

In this book, the author tells his story of a classical family background, religious heritage, and 'Midwestern-nice' roots, and how it led to a long and successful career in public service. He combines a steady sense of humor with serious reflection on his rise from the middle of nowhere to becoming a successful US politician and the first Jewish secretary of agriculture since Joseph served pharaoh in biblical times. The author defines success as a willingness to listen, an ability to communicate ideas, and a yen for compromise. He has successfully navigated the worlds of congressional politics, cabinet-level administration, and the entertainment industry and offers readers the many tricks of the trade he has learned over the years, which will inform the understanding of citizens and help aspiring politicians seeking alternatives to the current crisis of partisanship. He is convinced that the toxicity seen in our current political culture and public discourse can be mitigated by the principles that have guided his life-a strong sense of humor (specifically an ability to laugh at himself), respect and civility for those who have different points of view, a belief system founded on values based on the Golden Rule, and a steadfast commitment to solve problems rather than create irreconcilable conflicts. While these values form the backbone of his personal life and professional career, the real key to his success has been resiliency-learning from adversity and creating opportunities where none may have originally existed. Even though you never know what's around the corner, in this book, the author offers a bold affirmation that America is still a nation built on opportunity and optimism. The book affirms readers in their desire to move beyond just surviving to living life with purpose, passion, and optimism.

Laughing in the Dark: A Comedian's Journey through Depression

by Chonda Pierce

A refreshingly honest and witty exploration of one woman&’s journey through depression. For many, depression is associated with shame and humiliation—even a lack of faith. But Laughing in the Dark is like getting genuine advice from a kind friend. And in her words you&’ll find hope and renewed confidence that will guide you through your own darkness and into the light.- If you are currently suffering from depression—this book will help you realize you&’re not alone. - If you have a loved one dealing with depression—this book will help you understand. - If you are a mental health professional—you now have a new tool to encourage your clients.Along with the humor, Chonda Pierce shares practical insight, biblical teaching, emotional support, and sympathetic concern. Whether you&’ve experienced depression in your own life or in the life of someone you love, this friend has something to offer you: help, hope and, believe it or not, plenty of laughter.

Laughing Through the Ugly Cry: …and Finding Unstoppable Joy

by Dawn Barton

Do you believe that joy is a choice? Dawn Barton does. She's an upbeat Southerner with good hair and a successful business background, but she's had more heartache than most of us can imagine. Laughing Through the Ugly Cry is a collection of honest and sometimes raw stories. Dawn throws an arm around readers as she brings them along on her journey through the loss of a child, divorce, cancer, rape, the death of her only sibling, her husband's substance abuse, and finding her way back to Jesus in the middle of it all. Dawn shares her personal story to show readers how to find happiness and purpose even in the darkest of days. By laughing through the ugly cry, you will discover how to:Shut down negative feelings causing you to feel inadequateIdentify the pros despite how challenging the cons may seemEmbrace joy wherever you can find itLearn how to be honest with yourself and process grief in a healthy wayDawn writes, "If more women were open about just how difficult our lives feel and how hard we are on ourselves, I think we'd learn to relax a little and give ourselves the grace God gives us every day." Laughing Through the Ugly Cry is great for:Women of any age seeking comfort, encouragement, and inspirationBook clubs and girls' nights--Dawn poses thoughtful group questions to support meaningful conversations about growth and joy

The Laughter Effect: How to Build Joy, Resilience, and Positivity in Your Life

by Ros Ben-Moshe

Laughter really can be the best medicine, and in this transformative body-mind guide, acclaimed wellness expert Ros Ben-Moshe shares the prescription.In The Laughter Effect, Ros Ben-Moshe provides a roadmap to tap into the lighter side of life with laughter therapy. Ben-Moshe shares tips and tools to achieve an intentional state of being she calls the Laughter Effect–a way to elevate mindfulness, gratitude, and self-compassion. When used regularly, it enhances resilience to stress, enabling you to respond to adversity and bounce forward with humor, levity, and grace. Drawing on research from around the world, practice and wisdom from humor and laughter therapy, and positive psychology and neuroscience, Ben-Moshe shows you how to use the energy of laughter and joy to counter stress hormones and stimulate a daily dose of positive wellbeing with &“happy hormones.&”The techniques, strategies and practices you&’ll learn can transform your physical, mental, social and emotional landscape. Viewing life through a laughter lens will awaken a positive change in yourself, how you respond to the world and, in turn, how the world responds to you.

Laughter, Tears, Silence

by Pragito Dove

Using the principles she teaches, Pragito Dove transformed her fear and grief into joy and inner peace. Her accessible, innovative methods allow you to reap the benefits of meditation in thirty seconds, four minutes, or twenty-four hours, wherever you are and whenever you need a moment of calm. Emphasizing expression, rather than repression, of emotion, these dynamic practices can begin with a variety of movements and sounds, or with silence. Meeting practitioners where they are -- in sadness, fear, stress, anger, or joy -- the techniques can be done in the midst of work, play, and home life, and either alone or with others. Drawing on such traditions as Sufism and Buddhism and such teachers as the twentieth-century mystics Osho and Gurdjieff, Dove's synthesis meets the needs of contemporary life with attention to the full range of human experience and reverence for the peace and joy possible in every moment.

Laughter Yoga: Daily Laughter Practices for Health and Happiness

by Dr Madan Kataria

'Laughter yoga is a perfect way to laugh and get exercise at the same time...I've tried it, and it works.' - Oprah WinfreyWith Laughter Yoga, join the worldwide movement and discover how laughter really is the best medicine!This book will show you how to bring laughter into your life at any time of the day - no special equipment needed, no new wardrobe, no expensive classes, not even a sense of humour!Laughter Yoga is all about voluntary laughter - how you can learn to laugh even in the absence of humorous stimuli, and reap the extraordinary, scientifically proven benefits, which include stress reduction, pain relief, weight loss and enhanced mood. If you act happy, you'll become happy - your body can't tell the difference.The exercises in Laughter Yoga combine voluntary laughter with yogic breathing to give you a full mind-body workout. And it turns out that laughter is the fastest way to reduce stress and the best kind of cardio: 30 minutes of hearty laughter is equal to thirty minutes on the rowing machine.'Laughter connects you with people. It's almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you're just howling with laughter. Laughter is a force for democracy.' - John Cleese, after visiting a laughter club in Mumbai during the filming of BBC's TV series The Human Face'Laughter yoga exemplifies a form of 'right-brain thinking' that managers should promote.' - Daniel H. Pink

Laughter Yoga: Daily Laughter Practices for Health and Happiness

by Dr Madan Kataria

With Laughter Yoga, join the worldwide movement and discover how laughter really is the best medicine!This book will show you how to bring laughter into your life at any time of the day - no special equipment needed, no new wardrobe, no expensive classes, not even a sense of humour! Laughter Yoga is all about voluntary laughter - how you can learn to laugh even in the absence of humorous stimuli, and reap the extraordinary, scientifically proven benefits, which include stress reduction, pain relief, weight loss and enhanced mood. If you act happy, you'll become happy - your body can't tell the difference. The exercises in Laughter Yoga combine voluntary laughter with yogic breathing to give you a full mind-body workout. And it turns out that laughter is the fastest way to reduce stress and the best kind of cardio: 30 minutes of hearty laughter is equal to thirty minutes on the rowing machine.(c) 2020 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Laughter Yoga: Daily Practices for Health and Happiness

by Madan Kataria

Could you use a good laugh? This definitive guide by the founder of the worldwide laughter yoga movement will show you how to giggle your way to good health!Bring laughter into your life at any time of day--no special equipment needed, no new wardrobe, no expensive classes, not even a sense of humor!Laughter yoga is all about voluntary laughter--how you can learn to laugh even in the absence of humorous stimuli, and reap the extraordinary, scientifically proven benefits, which include stress reduction, pain relief, weight loss, heightened immunity, and, especially, enhanced mood: If you act happy, you'll become happy--your body can't tell the difference!Children laugh more than 300 times a day, adults fewer than fifteen. But it's easy to start laughing again. The exercises in this book combine voluntary laughter with yogic breathing to give you a full body-mind workout. And it turns out that laughter is the fastest way to reduce stress and the best kind of cardio: Ten minutes of hearty laughter is equal to thirty minutes on the rowing machine.With Laughter Yoga, join the growing worldwide movement and discover how laughter really is the best medicine.A PENGUIN LIFE TITLE

Launch!: The critical 90 days from idea to market

by Scott Duffy

About ninety-seven percent of a rocket's fuel is used in the first three feet of its launch. The same is true in launching a new business, product, or service. Those first few steps are absolutely critical.Scott Duffy has developed a practical approach for turning your big idea into a thriving venture by focusing on the crucial period immediately before, during, and after opening your doors (literally or online).His approach is based on his experiences working with top entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins and Richard Branson, who taught him how to balance the two key sides of entrepreneurship: The personal side, including personal finances, relationships, and health.The business side, including raising capital, building teams, establishing partnerships, and closing sales. Duffy also draws on the true stories of other big names, such as Howard Schultz, Lou Holtz, and MC Hammer, to offer guidance on turning your vision into a full-fledged enterprise.

Launch in 5: Taking Your Idea from Lightbulb Moment to Profitable Business in Record Time

by Will Russell

How do you do justice to your business idea? It's a question that entrepreneurs are always asking, aware that 70% of new businesses fail. Starting a business is scary, especially for first-timers, but there is a safe, LAUNCH IN 5 way to do it.If you are launching a new business, this book will improve your chance for success in the most economic, efficient, and painless way possible, before you put large amounts of time and money on the line. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to rapidly turn an idea into a money-making machine - whether it is a side gig or a headfirst dive into the world of entrepreneurship.Because most new businesses are conducted online, it will place an emphasis on how to launch and build a business on the internet, and because most new entrepreneurs are operating within a small budget and timeframe, these concepts are inexpensive, fast, low-risk, and proven.Based on the author's insider strategies, LAUNCH IN 5 will guide the reader through each step of getting their idea out into the world, from inception to launch to ensuring long-term growth. It will also offer tools to help the reader determine whether their idea is worth pursuing (most aren't) and, if not, return them safely to the concept-development stage before they waste massive amounts of money and time launching an idea that will never fly.You'll learn that· Most risk is unnecessary.· You can launch your new business in days (or sometimes even hours).· You can apply the same launch strategies you'll learn here for an online business, an offline start-up a global corporation, with a budget of $50 or $500,000. These method work in any industry, for any idea.· You can lower the start-up failure rate from 70%to 9% if you follow the guidance in this book.· Most business ideas can have their potential success (or failure) proved in just a week or so, for less than the cost of the latest iphone.

Launch in 5: Taking Your Idea from Lightbulb Moment to Profitable Business in Record Time

by Will Russell

Learn how to banish risk, launch with confidence and make your new business idea a success.How do you do justice to your business idea? It's a question that entrepreneurs are always asking, aware that 70% of new businesses fail. Starting a business is scary, especially for first-timers, but there is a safe, LAUNCH IN 5 way to do it.If you are launching a new business, this audiobook will improve your chance for success in the most economic, efficient, and painless way possible, before you put large amounts of time and money on the line. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to rapidly turn an idea into a money-making machine - whether it is a side gig or a headfirst dive into the world of entrepreneurship.Because most new businesses are conducted online, it will place an emphasis on how to launch and build a business on the internet, and because most new entrepreneurs are operating within a small budget and timeframe, these concepts are inexpensive, fast, low-risk, and proven.Based on the author's insider strategies, LAUNCH IN 5 will guide the listener through each step of getting their idea out into the world, from inception to launch to ensuring long-term growth. It will also offer tools to help the listener determine whether their idea is worth pursuing (most aren't) and, if not, return them safely to the concept-development stage before they waste massive amounts of money and time launching an idea that will never fly.You'll learn that:· Most risk is unnecessary.· You can launch your new business in days (or sometimes even hours).· You can apply the same launch strategies you'll learn here for an online business, an offline start-up a global corporation, with a budget of $50 or $500,000. These method work in any industry, for any idea.· You can lower the start-up failure rate from 70%to 9% if you follow the guidance in this book.· Most business ideas can have their potential success (or failure) proved in just a week or so, for less than the cost of the latest iphone.(P)2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Launching Leaders: An Empowering Journey for a New Generation

by Steven A. Hitz

An Empowering Journey for a New Generation is a book filled with know-how that will help you examine your life, determine where you are now, where you want to be, and how to get there. You will begin a journey of discovery that will empower you to lead out in your own life, creating your future. <p><p>Launching Leaders celebrates you as part of a new generation, and the wondrous contributions you bring to humanity. It embraces your gifts and helps you make the most of them by joining universal principles with faith to build a successful and fulfilling life. Also, it gives you the practical tools and exercises to do it.

Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore

by Patric Richardson Karin B. Miller

Patric Richardson, aka the "Laundry Evangelist,” reveals his revolutionary methods for cleaning clothes—and making laundry loads more fun.Doing laundry is rarely anyone’s favorite task. But to Patric Richardson, laundry isn't just fun—it's a way of life. After years of running Laundry Camp at the Mall of America for thousands of eager learners, he's ready to share his tips, tricks, and hacks—bringing surprise and delight to this commonly dreaded chore.Sorting your laundry? It's not all about whites and darks. Pondering the wash cycles? Every load, even your delicates, should be washed using express or quick-wash on warm. Facing expensive dry cleaning bills? You'll learn how to wash everything—yes everything—at home. And those basically clean but smelly clothes? Richardson has a secret for freshening those too (hint: it involves vodka, not soap).Changing your relationship with laundry can also change your life. Richardson’s handy advice shows us how to save time and money (and the planet!) with our laundry—and he intersperses it all with a healthy dose of humor, real-life laundry stories, and lessons from his Appalachian upbringing and career in fashion.Laundry Love will make you wonder why you ever stressed about ironing, dry cleaning, or (god forbid) red wine spills on your new couch. No matter the issue, Richardson is here to help you make laundry miracles happen—wrinkles and stains be damned.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's Prairie Wisdom

by Yvonne Pope

The name Laura Ingalls Wilder is nearly synonymous with her famous Little House book series. Nearly 60 years have passed since Laura finished her final Little House book, but time has not diminished the love for her and her stories.Before writing her Little House series, Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote articles and weekly columns for a newspaper in Mansfield, Mo. In Laura Ingalls Wilder's Prairie Wisdom, artist Yvonne Pope has collected quotes from these early writings. The quotes convey Laura's homespun wisdom and witty personality that made her beloved by all who have read her work.These heartwarming quotes are paired with Yvonne's own beautifully colorful pen and ink drawings that compliment Laura's whimsical and spirited personality. Laura Ingalls Wilder's Prairie Wisdom is a must for anyone who grew up reading the Little House series but is also for anyone searching for inspiration from a woman who knew a few things about the importance of family, friends, and values.Laura's spirit is revealed through her own words:* We who live in quiet places have the opportunity to become acquainted with ourselves, to think our own thoughts.* No one ever achieved anything from the smallest object to the greatest unless the dream was dreamed first.

L’autodisciplina: la massima guida quotidiana per creare le vostre potenti abitudini

by Jenny Castle

L’autodisciplina: la massima guida quotidiana per creare le vostre potenti abitudini In questo libro imparerete come l'autodisciplina può cambiare la vostra vita e come è facile sviluppare buone abitudini e godersi il processo. L'autodisciplina è uno degli strumenti che, una volta padroneggiato, può cambiare la vostra vita per sempre. Imparerete a porvi le giuste domande che vi faranno muovere verso i vostri obiettivi e raggiungere il vostro pieno potenziale. Questo libro vi aiuterà ad identificare i passi su come sviluppare buone abitudini, l’autocontrollo, e a battere la procrastinazione e vivere una vita eccezionale. Se pensate che anche voi soffrite di problemi di autostima, allora avete fatto il giusto passo avanti quando avete acquistato questo libro. Risolvere il problema della bassa autostima inizia quando un individuo ammette che questo problema esiste e poi cerca attivamente qualsiasi aiuto sia disponibile. D'altra parte, se non avete problemi di autostima, ma volete semplicemente aumentare le vostre possibilità di successo e di realizzazione senza diventare troppo orgogliosi o vanagloriosi, questo libro sarà di grande aiuto anche per voi. Scorrete in alto per comprare la vostra copia oggi stesso!

Lavender, Parsley, Peppermint, and Sage: Herbal Solutions for Every Household

by Shea Zukowski

Tap into the antibacterial and antiviral properties of herbs to keep your family healthy and your home clean—from stress relievers to room fresheners.Herbs offer powerful, natural, earth-friendly solutions for all sorts of home, garden, and personal needs. This invaluable guide gathers hundreds of simple recipes for herb-based formulas that are safe and effective for use in every home. Herbs have been used for practical purposes for thousands of years—natural and proven, they are a welcome alternative to man-made, often toxic chemicals.Plus, they are easy and enjoyable to work with: herbs can be crushed, boiled, layered, and/or mixed with oil or water or other handy household ingredients to make hundreds of useful home products, for everything from cleaning to personal care.Organized by use, this convenient volume presents a wealth of helpful herbal solutions. For each entry, readers will find an introduction describing the best uses for this product, a full ingredient list, step-by-step instructions for preparing the formula, information on storage, and advice on how to use it.A wonderful gift book and useful reference combined, Lavender, Parsley, Peppermint, and Sage is an indispensable guide for a greener, healthier lifestyle.

Law and Happiness

by Eric A. Posner Cass R. Sunstein

Since the earliest days of philosophy, thinkers have debated the meaning of the term happiness and the nature of the good life. But it is only in recent years that the study of happiness- or "hedonics"- has developed into a formal field of inquiry, cutting across a broad range of disciplines and offering insights into a variety of crucial questions of law and public policy. Law and Happiness brings together the best and most influential thinkers in the field to explore the question of what makes up happiness--and what factors can be demonstrated to increase or decrease it. Martha Nussbaum offers an account of the way that hedonics can productively be applied to psychology, Cass R. Sunstein considers the unexpected relationship between happiness and health problems, Matthew Adler and Eric A. Posner view hedonics through the lens of cost-benefit analysis, David A. Weisbach considers the relationship between happiness and taxation, and Mark A. Cohen examines the role crime--and fear of crime--can play in people's assessment of their happiness, and much more. The result is a kaleidoscopic overview of this increasingly prominent field, offering surprising new perspectives and incisive analyses that will have profound implications on public policy.

The Law and Other Essays

by Neville Goddard

Can man decree a thing and have it come to pass? Most decidedly he can! Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world and is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world and shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of being man. Not one thing has ever appeared in man's world but what man decreed that it should. This you may deny, but try as you will you cannot disprove it, for this decreeing is based upon a changeless principle. You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be. Collected her are six essays on the Law of Attraction: The Law, Be What You Wish; Be What You Believe, By Imagination We Become, The Law of Assumption, Truth, and At Your Command.

The Law of Addition: Lesson 5 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

What kind of a Fortune 500 CEO works on a folding table, answers his own phone, visits hourly employees as often as possible, and is criticized by Wall Street for being too good to his employees? The kind of leader who understands the Law of Addition.

The Law of Agreement: Discover the True Power of Intention

by Tony Burroughs

No matter who you are or what you believe, you have the power to manifest what you want in life--a dream job, wealth, love, and health. In this concise and fascinating book, Tony Burroughs shows readers how to work with the Law of Agreement to change old beliefs about money, relationships, and health issues that are holding them back. He shares stories from his years of working with people from all over the world who are practicing living intentionally--bringing into their lives that which serves the higher good and discarding the rest. The Law of Agreementsays that as we lend our agreement to any belief, we reinforce it and make it stronger. Alternatively, as we refrain from lending our agreement to an idea that isn't likely to give us the results we're looking for; we dilute it and weaken its power over us and over everyone else simultaneously. Burroughs offers examples and stories which show how the Law of Agreement, and its partner, the Law of Adversity work simultaneously. What happens when we don't get what we want? What is the opportunity in adversity?The Law of Agreementshows how adversity can lift us up and out of our routines and help us to reach deep inside ourselves for answers to life's hardest questions. Full of real life stories, examples, and solutions,The Law of Agreementis a practical and world-changing book.

The Law of Attention: Nada Yoga and the Way of Inner Vigilance

by Edward Salim Michael

How to achieve a direct inner experience of your higher nature and the after-death state from which you originate and will return • Provides techniques for listening to the primordial sound within • Offers yoga and meditation techniques that are still little known in the West This book--at once simple and powerful--stands as a monument to the lifelong spiritual struggles of Edward Salim Michael, struggles that he heroically surmounted on his path to enlightenment. Due to the circumstances of his birth, Michael had no education, no mother tongue, and no book learning when he was drafted at the age of 19 into the British Royal Air Force during World War II. After learning to read and write he became an accomplished classical composer in France. In 1949, after seeing a statue of a Buddha for the first time, he experienced a powerful awakening of his innate Buddha Nature, which inspired him to begin a sustained and extremely disciplined meditation practice. Michael abandoned his career as a composer and went to India, the home of his maternal grandmother, where he lived for seven years fully focused on his spiritual awakening. Michael’s spiritual teachings reveal techniques of yoga and meditation that can open the door to one’s higher nature and to directly experience the after-death state. Nada yoga (meditation on the inner sound) is one of the core techniques for this realization. There is a vast luminous consciousness already within us, but it is obscured by the clouds of our incessant thoughts. With sincerity, moral integrity, and inner vigilance, which, when embodied, implies that we have internalized the basic tenets of the law of attention, we can move beyond the promptings of our lower nature and break through the clouds of our ordinary mind to realize our own divine nature. Emphasizing inner attention and an awareness of attitude, Michael’s practices can help aspirants make direct contact with the divine source each of us unknowingly carries deep within.

Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't

by Michael J. Losier

Have you noticed that sometimes what you need just falls into place or comes to you from an out-of-the-blue telephone call? Or you ve bumped into someone on the street you ve been thinking about? Perhaps you ve met the perfect client or life partner, just by fate or being at the right place at the right time. All of these experiences are evidence of the Law of Attraction in your life.Have you heard about people who find themselves in bad relationships over and over again, and who are always complaining that they keep attracting the same kind of relationship? The Law of Attraction is at work for them too.The Law of Attraction may be defined as: I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative. By reading this book you ll come to understand why and how this happens.

The Law of Attraction: Create the Extraordinary Life That You Deserve (Plain & Simple)

by Sonia Ricotti

Learn how to live the life of your dreams by applying eleven simple steps to enjoying inner peace and happiness with this concise and accessible guide.The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives what we project into the universe. Written in plain English and filled with inspiring stories, practical tips, and helpful exercises, Sonia Ricotti’s The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple helps you shift your thoughts, language, and emotions toward manifesting your ideal life. It’s time to stop the negative energy flow and learn to project positive energy—all the time.Sonia takes the discussion of how we create to another level. She demonstrates that success in not determined by what our ego wants but by what our soul wants. Sonia shows us how to go deeper, get clear, and break through to our highest purpose—a discovery that will unleash the power of our lives.

The Law of Attraction in Action

by Deanna Davis

An engaging, accessible guide to personal empowerment.The phenomenal success of The Secret points to the great hunger for answers, hope, and change. But what if books like that seem a little too ?out there? for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manner?an uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work.

The Law of Attraction in Action

by Deanna Davis

An engaging, accessible guide to personal empowerment. The phenomenal success of The Secret points to the great hunger for answers, hope, and change. But what if books like that seem a little too ?out there? for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manner?an uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work. .

The Law of Attraction Made Easy

by Meera Lester

Easy exercises for bringing the Law of Attraction into your life!Everything you desire is within your reach. You just need to know how to work with the universe to get what you want. With The Law of Attraction Made Easy, you will learn how to make your intentions crystal clear to draw happiness, success, and love into your life. More than fifty simple exercises will teach you how you can shift your thoughts to bring more positive and happy experiences, and through transformational thinking, radically change your life.As you incorporate the Law of Attraction into your daily life, you'll easily connect with the universe to produce the experiences, relationships, and things you desire--the perfect partner, a satisfying career, robust health, or peace of mind.

The Law of Attraction Made Easy: More Than 50 Exercises to Manifest the Life You Want

by Meera Lester

Easy exercises for bringing the Law of Attraction into your life!Everything you desire is within your reach. You just need to know how to work with the universe to get what you want. With The Law of Attraction Made Easy, you will learn how to make your intentions crystal clear to draw happiness, success, and love into your life. More than fifty simple exercises will teach you how you can shift your thoughts to bring more positive and happy experiences, and through transformational thinking, radically change your life.As you incorporate the Law of Attraction into your daily life, you'll easily connect with the universe to produce the experiences, relationships, and things you desire--the perfect partner, a satisfying career, robust health, or peace of mind.

The Law of Attraction or Thought Vibration in the Thought World

by William Walker Atkinson

In this New Thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law of attraction in the thought world. He points out the similarities between the law of gravitation and the mental law of attraction. He explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses

The Law of Buy-In: Lesson 14 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

The first time Judy Estrim started up a company, it took her six months to find the money. The second time it took her about six minutes. What made the difference? The Law of Buy-In.

Law of Connection: The Science of Using NLP to Create Ideal Personal and Professional Relationships

by Michael J. Losier

Married couples. . . dating couples. . . parents and children. . . teachers and students. . . office workers. . . management and staff. . . business to business. . . There is a simple solution to improving your communication and building better, healthier relationships. It's called Law of Connection. Make it work for you! Are there certain people you cannot seem to communicate with-- at home, at work, or in your community? You say one thing, they hear something different. You simply do not understand one another, and you cannot explain why. The only thing you are certain of is that the lack of connection leads to disappointment, frustration, and conflict. Now in LAW OF CONNECTION, Michael J. Losier gives you the key to successful communication. Using the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), you will soon master the few simple skills needed to create better understanding with people in every aspect of your life. With tips, tools, exercises, and scripts to guide you, you will discover: --the three conditions for connecting --techniques for calibrating your conversations --four easy methods for effective communication --tips for creating positive rapport in all kinds of situations --a special section for teachers, trainers, and anyone who makes group presentations. Bring LAW OF CONNECTION home to your family and introduce it into your workplace. Watch and listen as communication improves wherever you are, and your relationships become fuller, richer, and free of conflict.

The Law of Connection: Lesson 10 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

Elizabeth Dole has mastered it. If husband Bob had done the same, he might have become the forty-third president of the United States. It's called the Law of Connection.

The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles

by Marianne Williamson

New Age thinker Marianne Williamson reveals the spiritual principles that help people overcome financial stress and unleash the divine power of abundance.

The Law of Empowerment: Lesson 12 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

Henry Ford is considered an icon of American business for revolutionizing the automobile industry. So what caused him to stumble so badly that his son feared Ford Motor Company would go out of business? He was held captive by the Law of Empowerment.

The Law of Explosive Growth

by John Maxwell

How did a man in a developing country take his organization from 700 people to more than 14,000 in only seven years? He did it using leader's math. That's the secret of the Law of Explosive Growth.

The Law of Financial Success

by Edward E. Beals

There is no idea that seems so much misunderstood as this idea of "Money." On the one hand we find many people engaged in a mad chase after "money for moneys sake," and on the other hand, many others are decrying money as the root of all evil, and severely criticizing the tendency of the age to seek money actively. Both of these classes of people are wrong-they are occupying the opposite sides of the road of reason, whereas truth is found here, as always, "in the middle of the road."-Edward E Beals

The Law of Forgiveness

by Connie Domino

A revolutionary way for readers to change their lives, their worlds, and make all their dreams come true?through the power of forgiveness. Author of the life-changing book The Law of Attraction: Develop Irresistible Attraction, Connie Domino knows the secret to reaching goals, attracting what one really wants, and receiving myriad blessings: forgiveness. Forgiving others and oneself is key to greater health and prosperity. A ground-breaking book, The Law of Forgiveness will demonstrate how to: ? Unleash the power of personal forgiveness?with simple steps ? Use it to make manifest goals and dreams ? Use the technique to positively affect a difficult relationship ? Understand the science behind the forgiveness technique ? Learn to forgive while working through the cycle of healing Forgiveness just might be the most transformational strategy for personal and spiritual well-being. It?s the perfect guide for looking for a job or building a business, seeking a new relationship or improving a current one, or hoping to get healthy or stay healthy.

The Law of Happiness: How Spiritual Wisdom and Modern Science Can Change Your Life (Secret Things of God)

by Henry Cloud

Drawing from the latest scientific and psychological research on the quest for happiness, The Law of Happiness reveals that the spiritual truths of the Bible hold the secrets to the happiness we desire. As Dr. Cloud unpacks these universal, eternal principles, he reveals that true happiness is not about circumstances, physical health, financial success, or even about the people in our lives. In other words, it’s not about the factors that are frequently beyond our control. Rather, happiness is found in choosing to become the kind of people God created us to be.With chapter titles like “Happy People Connect,” “Happy People Don't Compare Themselves,” “Happy People Have a Calling,” and “Happy People Forgive,” Cloud shows just how happiness is achieved as he sets readers on a pathway of spiritual transformation that connects them with the God of the universe. With these new tools, readers will discover that their relationships, their careers, and their inner selves are infused with the joy they’ve been seeking.

The Law of Influence: Lesson 2 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

Her husband had everything: wealth, privilege, position, and a royal title. Yet instead of him, Princess Diana won over the whole world. Why? She understood the Law of Influence.

The Law of Intuition: Lesson 8 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

How is it that time after time, Norman Schwarzkopf was able to sense problems while others around him got blindsided? The answer lies in the factor that separates the great leaders from the merely good ones: the Law of Intuition.

The Law of Legacy

by John Maxwell

When many companies lose their CEO, they go into a tailspin. But when Roberto Goizueta died, Coca-Cola didn't even hiccup. Why? Before his death, Goizueta lived by the Law of Legacy.

The Law of Magnetism

by John Maxwell

Why are the Dallas Cowboys, once revered as "America's Team," now so often reviled and the subject of controversy? The Law of Magnetism makes it clear.

The Law of Navigation

by John Maxwell

Using a fail-safe compass, Scott led his team of adventurers to the end of the earth and to inglorious deaths. They would have lived if only he, their leader, had known the Law of Navigation.

The Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments

by Michael Horton

The Ten Commandments are not Moses' bright ideas or simply God's suggestions; they are God's categorical requirements. In The Law of Perfect Freedom, Michael Horton weaves theological truth with practical application to help believers live out the Ten Commandments. Understanding how to live out these commandments brings vitality and victory to our walk with God.

The Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments

by Michael Horton

The Ten Commandments are not Moses' bright ideas or simply God's suggestions; they are God's categorical requirements. In The Law of Perfect Freedom, Michael Horton weaves theological truth with practical application to help believers live out the Ten Commandments. Understanding how to live out these commandments brings vitality and victory to our walk with God.

The Law of Positivism: Live a Life of Higher Vibrations, Love and Gratitude

by Shereen Öberg

Discover how to heal, thrive and spread love by cultivating positive thoughts, self-love and acceptance. It's time to reshape your life and the world around you.In this empowering book, Shereen Öberg dives deep into how we can create more positivity in our lives, releasing fears, worries, and negative emotions in order to raise our vibration and reach a state of inner gratitude and abundance. Shereen's aim is to raise the collective vibration of the world through her teachings. She shows us how to raise our own vibration, feeding the world with positivity - something that is needed more than ever during an unstable time of worldwide healing and recovery.Through Shereen's well-established Law of Positivism philosophy, she will demonstrate that deep healing and transformation come from giving attention to past wounds and traumas to truly come to terms with who we are and find the ultimate self-love and acceptance. In the pages of this powerful guide, you will learn: • How to cultivate healthy, meaningful relationships • The ways that you can heal your wounds from the past • How to stop having negative thoughts about yourself and your life • The art of creating healthy boundaries • How to reverse any negative programming that has hurt your mental, emotional, physical or spiritual healthThe Law of Positivism will teach you how to fully blossom into the positive, free, blissful soul you were born to be!

The Law of Priorities: Lesson 17 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

Jack Welch took a company that was already flying high and rocketed it into the stratosphere. What did he use as the launching pad? The Law of Priorities, of course.

The Law of Process: Lesson 3 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

Theodore Roosevelt helped create a world power, won a Nobel Peace Prize, and became president of the United States. But today you wouldn't even know his name if he hadn't known the Law of Process.

The Law of Respect: Lesson 7 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

The odds were stacked against her in just about every possible way, but thousands and thousands of people called her their leader. Why? Because they could not escape the power of the Law of Respect.

The Law of Sacrifice: Lesson 18 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

He was one of the nation's most vocal critics on government interference in business. So why did Lee Iacocca go before Congress with his hat in his hand for loan guarantees? He did it because he understood the Law of Sacrifice.

The Law of Solid Ground: Lesson 6 from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

by John Maxwell

If only Robert McNamara had known the Law of Solid Ground, the War in Vietnam, and everything that happened at home because of it, might have turned out differently.

The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder's Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams

by Napoleon Hill

Here is the Holy Grail of success philosophy: Napoleon Hill's complete and original formula to achievement presented in fifteen remarkable principles--now newly designed in a handsome single-volume edition. This is the master volume of the extraordinary work that began the career of Napoleon Hill. Originally produced by Hill in 1928 as an eight-book series, The Law of Success is now available to contemporary readers in a single edition, redesigned and reset for ease of reading. The Law of Success is the golden key to Hill's thought--his complete and unabridged mind-power method for achieving your goals. After interviewing dozens of industrialists, diplomats, thought leaders, and successful people from all walks of life, the young Hill distilled what he learned into these fifteen core lessons, organized with an introductory chapter, 'The Master Mind,' that serves as a primer to Hill's overall philosophy. As Hill saw it, these lessons work as a "mind stimulant" that "will cause the student to organize and direct to a DEFINITE end the forces of his or her mind, thus harnessing the stupendous power which most people waste." While future classics of Napoleon Hill would inspire millions of readers, there is no substitute for The Law of Success for everyone who wants to grasp the full range of Hill's ideas and tap their transformative power.

The Law of Success: The Original Classic From the Author of THINK AND GROW RICH (Abridged)

by Napoleon Hill Mitch Horowitz

Discover How to Attain Your Most Cherished Desires in this Compact Edition of the Immortal Laws of Achievement!In The Law of Success, the legendary motivational master Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) makes his fullest, most in-depth exploration of the fifteen principles that lead you to prosperity, purpose, and mastery. This brief yet immensely powerful condensation of Napoleon Hill's lesson plan allows you to put his ideas to work right now. Here is all the insight and subtlety of Napoleon Hill's treasured keys, offered to you in about forty minutes. In the space of a lunch hour or commute you can begin to revolutionize your life. Discover: The incredible power of a Definite Chief Aim.How to transform your subconscious into a receiving station for insights, intuitions, and breakthrough ideas.Why the Golden Rule is your secret path to power and prosperity.How to profit from failure.How your sincere enthusiasm influences clients, customers, and backers.Abridged and introduced by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz, this compact edition of The Law of Success is more than just a blueprint to success. It is your guide to a new life of effectiveness, purpose, and progress.

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