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Parada al estilo mariposa: ¿Quién salva a quién?

by Mignon Mykel

Ha sido un año horrible. Para ser sincero, ha sido una vida horrible. Durante años, mi valía ha estado ligada a una de estas dos cosas: ser el portero de los San Diego Enforcers y ser esposo (luego exesposo) de la hija mayor de los MacTavish. El arrepentimiento es algo pesado y ahora está pesando sobre mí. Ahora he decidido retirarme a la boscosa isla que mi familia llamaba un segundo hogar mientras crecía. Apartarme de los focos. Sentirme más cercano a mis raíces. Estoy totalmente preparado para vivir el resto de mi vida solo aquí en mi retiro. Y entonces la conozco. Tímida. Cautelosa. Y tan hermosa. No debería acercarme. Ella no necesita mis problemas. Pero maldita sea, no puedo evitarlo. “Salvando a la mariposa” es un romance contemporáneo independiente, cuyo protagonista es Jonny Prescott, un portero de hockey divorciado de los San Diego Enforcers. Si bien puede disfrutar y leer su historia de fondo en los otros libros de los hermanos Prescott, no es necesario leerlos antes de disfrutar de “Salvando a la mariposa”.

Solo un'altra volta (Flatiron 5 Fitness - Italiano #2)

by Deborah Cooke

Kyle vuole tutto... Kyle Stuyvesant non crede nell’amore e nelle storie romantiche. I suoi genitori gli hanno insegnato che niente è per sempre, e lui ha preso alla lettera la lezione. Dopo tutto, c’è solo una donna che lo abbia mai indotto a desiderare più di una sola notte rovente insieme. Date le sue convinzioni, per fortuna lei è sposata con un altro uomo. Problema risolto, fino a quando il marito di Lauren non la tradisce e Kyle non è solo chi le porta la cattiva notizia, ma l’uomo che lei chiama per avere conforto. Lauren esige tutto di lui... Dopo che il matrimonio di Lauren implode, lei vuole solo perdersi nel piacere. Chi conosce quel territorio meglio di Kyle, che già una volta in passato l’ha sedotta travolgendola? Lauren non ha mai dimenticato quella notte meravigliosa, e ora che è improvvisamente single la regola di Kyle di evitare l’amore e ogni coinvolgimento romantico assume una nuova attrattiva. Tutto ciò che lei desidera è la soddisfazione, ma ora che Kyle si rende conto di volere di più, riuscirà a convincerla a concedere un’altra possibilità all’amore per sempre, questa volta con lui?

Apenas um Herói Local (Flatiron 5 Fitness - Português #3)

by Deborah Cooke

Cassie tem tudo o que quer... A vida de Cassie Wilson é praticamente perfeita, com um emprego dos sonhos, ótimos sócios – e a liberdade de fazer o que quiser. A última coisa que ela quer é voltar para Montrose River, a cidade que ela mal podia esperar para sair, e revisitar o passado. Mas quando sua amiga mais antiga a pede para ser madrinha, Cassie vê uma oportunidade de fazer a diferença na vida de Emily. Talvez ensinar Emily a sonhar grande seja seu legado. Além disso, um fim de semana no Meio-Oeste não vai matá-la. Ela estará de volta a Manhattan tão rápido que eles não terão tempo de sentir sua falta na Flatiron Five Fitness. Reid sabe o que quer... Reid Jackson está convencido de que a sorte tem que ser feita. Manter os olhos abertos foi o segredo de seu triunfo sobre o passado, juntamente com muito trabalho duro. Ele pode ter vindo do lado errado dos trilhos e pode ter a reputação de ser ruim até os ossos, mas construiu sua própria marca de sucesso. Quando Cassie Wilson volta para a cidade, Reid está pronto para descobrir se ela realmente é diferente de todos os outros. Cassie vira suas expectativas do avesso, realizando seus sonhos e agitando sua rotina. Mas quando Cassie decide que quer mais do que uma aventura, Reid sabe que ele não é o homem que ela quer que ele seja – Cassie pode convencê-lo a esperar por mais?

Playmaker. Edizione italiana (Serie La Famiglia Prescott. Vol.2- Dilogia completa #2)

by Mignon Mykel

Sinossi Porter Prescott pensa che la sua più grande battaglia sia quella di uscire dall’ombra della sua famiglia, ma non ha ancora conosciuto Asher. È un giocatore di hockey, la cui fama è dovuta in parte al suo cognome e in parte alla bravura sul ghiaccio. Asher non ha mai trovato una famiglia che le abbia permesso di abbattere i suoi muri. Porter Prescott ha passato anni a lottare per farsi una reputazione in uno sport in cui domina la sua famiglia, ma proprio quando deve partire per andare a giocare in una squadra non legata al cognome Prescott, incontra Asher e comincia a chiedersi se nella vita ci siano altre priorità oltre a quella di uscire dall’ombra della sua famiglia. Nella sua vita Asher Spence ha imparato che si può contare solo su se stessi, e anche in questo caso, non è detto che non si fallisca. Poi incontra Porter che le dà speranza e un posto da poter considerare finalmente casa. Ma, dopo una vita di delusioni e rimpianti, Asher ha paura che ciò che sembra perfetto, possa sparire da un momento all’altro. Bisogna lottare, e se non basta, si deve continuare a resistere.

スポーツイベント: 日本語 (方法...シリーズ #70)

by Owen Jones

この本があなたにとって役に立ち、有益で価値のあるものになることを願っています。 この電子書籍は、スポーツとスポーツイベントに関する18章で構成されており、それぞれ約500-600語になります。 スポーツが好きな方、スポーツについての記事を書きたい方に興味を持ってい頂ければ幸いです。 追加特典で、このコンテンツをあなた自身のWebサイトまたはブログやニュースレターで使用することを許可しますが、初めに自分の言葉で書き直しするとよいでしょう。 また本を分割して記事を転売することもできます。あなたが持っていない権利は、購入した本を転売または譲渡することです。 この電子書籍をお買い上げいただき誠にありがとうございます。

Butterfly Save: Edizione Italiana

by Mignon Mykel

Sinossi Chi dei due salverà l’altro? L’ex portiere Jonny Prescott si rifugia su un’isola remota per stare da solo. Trovare l’amore è l’ultimo dei suoi pensieri… È stato un anno infernale. Se devo essere onesto, è stata una vita infernale. Per anni il mio valore è dipeso da due fattori: essere il portiere dei San Diego Enforcers e il marito, poi ex, della figlia maggiore dei MacTavish. Il rimpianto è un fardello che pesa sulle mie spalle. Ora mi sto ritirando su un’isola immersa tra i boschi su cui la mia famiglia possiede una seconda casa per allontanarmi dalle luci della ribalta e recuperare le mie radici. Sono pronto a vivere il resto della mia vita da solo in questo posto. Ma poi incontro lei. Timida, guardinga e stupenda. Dovrei starle lontano. Non ha bisogno che la carichi dei miei fardelli. Ma dannazione, non posso farne a meno.

Bulldogs University: Radio Heart (Bulldogs University #1)

by Noemie H. R

“Buonasera Università di Yale, come ogni sera, è Pixy che vi parla, quindi alzate il volume, faremo esplodere gli altoparlanti nelle vostre stanze. Ascoltate il buon vecchio sound dei Simple Plan e sentitevi liberi di commentare attraverso la nostra casella di posta elettronica o per telefono, vi aspetto.” Haley è la voce che ogni persona del campus di Yale sente ogni sera alla radio. Soprannominata Pixy, tiene segreta la sua identità e anima le feste degli studenti. Fredda, inavvicinabile, si rinchiude nel suo piccolo mondo per proteggersi e lascia entrare poche persone. Fino al giorno in cui, per una sfortunata combinazione di circostanze, Adam, quarterback dei Bulldogs, la squadra di football dell'università, si intromette nella sua vita ordinata. Haley odia i giocatori di football, soprattutto Adam, che la fa impazzire... Ma come dice il proverbio: l'amore inizia sempre con una lotta...

Gioco duro

by Rachelle Ayala

Fuori e dentro il campo, la barista Jeanine Jewell colleziona rapporti occasionali come le figurine del baseball. Non le serve un uomo, eccetto che per farla tremare e gridare di piacere. La vita le ha insegnato che l’amore è controllo e manipolazione e l’ultima cosa di cui ha bisogno è mostrarsi vulnerabile o che il suo ignobile segreto venga alla luce. Andare a segno con le donne è facile per il ricevitore Kirk Kennedy, non lo chiamano “Presa e resa” per niente. Non si concede mai una seconda volta. Essere acquistato da una squadra di un’altra città è l’occasione per nuove avventure, finché non incontra Jeanine che lo rifiuta. Intrigato, Kirk è deciso a conquistare la bionda inafferrabile. Quando le propone un’amicizia senza benefici, è sorpreso che lei accetti. La clausola viene presto elusa quando nessuno dei due resiste alla chimica esplosiva che c’è tra loro. Anche se fanno scintille sotto le lenzuola, rifiutano di ammettere di essere qualcosa di più che semplici amici. Tutto cambia quando Kirk scopre che una persona di sua conoscenza è la stessa da cui Jeanine si sta nascondendo.

Πολεμικές τέχνες: Ο θανατηφόρος συνδυασμός αρχαίων μαχητικών δεξιοτήτων... (Πώς να... #18)

by Όουεν Τζόουνς

Πολεμικές τέχνες Ο θανατηφόρος συνδυασμός αρχαίων μαχητικών δεξιοτήτων... Όταν οι περισσότεροι ακούνε για πολεμικές τέχνες, συνήθως σκέφτονται εκείνες της Άπω Ανατολής, και είναι αλήθεια ότι οι περισσότερες από τις αρχαίες πολεμικές τέχνες που έχουν ακουστά προέρχονται από εκεί. Η αντίληψη των περισσότερων ανθρώπων για τη φράση «πολεμικές τέχνες» είναι πολύ περιορισμένη. Αρκεί να σκεφτεί κανείς ότι η λέξη «πολεμικές» περιέχει τον πόλεμο και η λέξη «τέχνες» περιέχει τις δεξιότητες ή τις μεθόδους. Αυτό ανοίγει το πεδίο εφαρμογής των λέξεων. Οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο σχετικά με διάφορες πτυχές των πολεμικών τεχνών τόσο της Ανατολής όσο και της Δύσης είναι χωρισμένες σε 16 κεφάλαια των 500-600 λέξεων περίπου το καθένα.


by M. E. Carter

Túnel m. En fútbol, acción en la que se sortea a un contrario pasándole el balón entre las piernas. Ejemplos: Santos y Mariana DeLaGuajardo Han pasado dos años y tres meses desde la última vez que Santos ha tenido relaciones sexuales… aunque tampoco es que lleve la cuenta. Tras traicionar al amor de su vida, está dispuesto a renunciar al sexo por completo siempre que equivalga a tener a Mariana en su vida. Pero eso no significa que haya dejado de pensar en ello… A pesar de vivir en la misma casa desde hace varios meses, Mariana sigue vacilando a la hora de cruzar esa última línea física. Las cicatrices que le dejó Santos, combinadas con su inseguridad, le impiden dar el paso que ansía. Cuando por un malentendido se dan cuenta de que al fin están en la misma sintonía, Santos y Mari han de decidir qué es lo que más les importa. Sin embargo, esta vez se hará a la manera de Mari o no se hará.

Universidad de los Bulldogs: Radio Heart (Universidad de los Bulldogs #1)

by Noemie H. R

"Buenas noches Universidad de Yale, como cada noche, les habla Pixy, suban el volumen, vamos a reventar los altavoces de sus habitaciones. Escuchad ese sonido tan auténtico de Simple Plan y no dudéis en responder a nuestro correo electrónico o teléfono, os estoy esperando." Haley es la voz que todos los habitantes del campus de Yale escuchan cada noche en la radio. Apodada Pixy, mantiene su identidad en secreto y es la anfitriona de las fiestas de los estudiantes. Fría, inaccesible, se encierra en su pequeño mundo para protegerse y deja entrar a poca gente. Hasta el día en que, por una desafortunada combinación de circunstancias, Adam, quarterback de los Bulldogs, el equipo de fútbol americano de la universidad, interfiere en su ordenada vida. Haley odia a los jugadores de fútbol americano, especialmente a Adam, que la vuelve loca... Pero como dice el refrán: el amor siempre empieza con una discusión...

Bulldogs University: Radio Heart

by Noémie H. R

“Good evening Yale! Once again this is Pixy speaking, so turn up the volume, we’re gonna blow out your speakers. Listen to this good old classic sound from Simple Plan and don’t hesitate to react via our email or by phone – I’ll be waiting for your thoughts.” Haley is the voice that every person on the Yale college campus hears every night on the radio. Pseudonym Pixy, she keeps her identity a secret and livens up student parties. Cold, inaccessible, she protects herself by hiding in her own small world, which only a few may enter. Until the day when, through an unlucky set of circumstances, Adam, quarterback of the college’s Bulldogs football team, intrudes on her orderly life. Haley hates jocks, especially this Adam who messes with her head… But everyone knows the greatest love stories always start with an argument…

Arrêt papillon: Qui sauve qui ?

by Mignon Mykel

Quelle année infernale ! Pour être franc, je dirais plutôt une vie infernale. Pendant des années, ma valeur s’était évaluée grâce à deux choses : être le gardien de but des Enforcers de San Diego et l’époux — maintenant ex-époux — de la fille aînée des MacTavish. Les regrets pèsent lourd, ils m’écrasent. À présent, je me retire sur l’île boisée où ma famille aimait passer les vacances quand j’étais petit. Disparaître des feux des projecteurs. Me rapprocher de mes racines. Je suis prêt à passer le reste de ma vie seul là-bas, en reclus. Mais je l’ai rencontrée. Timide. Prudente. Et époustouflante. Je devrais rester loin. Elle n’a pas besoin de mon lourd passé. Mais, bon sang, impossible de résister. Arrêt papillon est une histoire contemporaine indépendante, sur Jonny Prescott, un gardien de but divorcé des Enforcers de San Diego. Vous avez peut-être déjà lu et aimé son histoire dans les autres livres des frères Prescott, mais ces lectures ne sont pas requises pour lire Arrêt papillon.

32 Winski: Sconfitta impossibile

by Mignon Mykel

Sinossi Sul ghiaccio è un combattente, ma sta cercando il suo lieto fine. Anche se sono un combattente sul ghiaccio, ho un cuore d’oro. Se solo potessi trovare una donna a cui donarlo. Tuttavia, sono il primo ad ammettere di non essere stato gentile nel rifiutare la proposta del mio amico Caleb che voleva incastrarmi con una donna di dieci anni più giovane di me. Ma ben presto ho capito che Callie MacTavish non è solo giovane, bionda e ricca. Probabilmente è la donna più concreta che io abbia mai conosciuto. Non mi ci vuole molto a innamorarmi di lei, peccato che abbia appena scoperto che sta per partire.

Solo l'eroe della città (Flatiron Five Fitness - Italiano #4)

by Deborah Cooke

Cassie ha tutto ciò che vuole… La vita di Cassie Wilson è praticamente perfetta, con un lavoro da sogno, soci fantastici e la libertà di fare ciò che desidera. L’ultima cosa che vuole è tornare a Montrose River, la cittadina che non vedeva l’ora di lasciare, e rivivere il passato. Ma quando la sua più vecchia amica Tori le chiede di fare da madrina alla figlia Emily, Cassie vede l’opportunità di fare la differenza nella vita della bimba. Forse insegnare a Emily a sognare in grande sarà la sua eredità. Inoltre, un fine settimana nel Midwest non può certo ucciderla. Tornerà a Manhattan così in fretta che al Flatiron Five Fitness non avranno il tempo di sentire la sua mancanza. Reid sa cosa vuole… Reid Jackson è convinto che la fortuna vada cercata. Tenere gli occhi aperti è stato il segreto del suo trionfo sul passato, insieme a un sacco di duro lavoro. Magari proviene dai bassifondi e ha la reputazione di essere un malfattore fino al midollo, ma ha costruito il suo marchio di successo. Quando Cassie Wilson torna a presentarsi in città, Reid è pronto a cercare di scoprire se è davvero diversa da tutte le altre. Lei stravolge le sue aspettative, realizzando i suoi sogni e scuotendo la sua routine. Ma quando Cassie decide di volere più di un’avventura, Reid sa di non essere l’uomo che lei vorrebbe: riuscirà a convincerlo a sperare in qualcosa di più?

What Winners Won't Tell You: Lessons from a Legendary Defender

by Malcolm Jenkins

As a two-time Super Bowl champion, three-time Pro-Bowler, first round draft pick, and former Jim Thorpe Award recipient, Malcolm Jenkins knows a thing or two about winning. Over the course of his thirteen-year NFL career, the now retired defensive back&’s triumphs extend beyond that on the football field. As a successful entrepreneur, he has seen the blossoming of his business ventures with an eponymous company named Malcolm Inc., and a media conglomerate named Listen Up Media. As a philanthropist, he strives to make a positive difference in the lives of young people in underserved communities through The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation. And as the father of two daughters, he understands the challenges of loving his children, and preparing them for an often unkind and hostile world. But for every triumph, there is a tragedy, for every loss, a lesson. In What Winners Won&’t Tell You, Jenkins share with readers the insight he&’s gained from winning and losing alike. One moment, Jenkins is riding high from being the only NFL player to have Super Bowl victories against Hall of Fame quarterbacks, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady and then he&’s navigating the harrowing low of a divorce from the mother of his children. In another moment he&’s advocating for the advances of Black people in America, and then feuding publicly about the direction of this advocacy. Providing fans and readers alike with an intimate portrayal of life on and off the field, detailed breakdowns of his greatest moments against the games premiere players, and poignant reflections about what it means to straddle the narrow line between victory and defeat, What Winners Won&’t Tell You is the best kept secret for those who want to know what it takes to be a champion.

The Believer: A Year in the Fly Fishing Life

by David Coggins

The author of the instant fishing classic The Optimist wades into deeper waters and shares new wisdom, humor, and experience in seven extraordinary fly-fishing expeditions that mark one year in his journey through the middle part of life when worldly demands increase even as fishing continues to beckon—and must be pursued.In David Coggins&’s previous book, The Optimist, he tackles the techniques of fly fishing and meditates on its virtues, recounting his triumphs and frustrations. Now, in The Believer, he deftly mixes travel, local cultures, further fishing challenges (some knee-buckling in their disappointment), and details his own experience as life and love crowd his time to fish. Self-consciously—and self-deprecatingly—Coggins embarks on seven far-flung fishing voyages, away from screens and social media, not answering his phone, reveling in humanity&’s undying yearning for a quest, for the rituals and rites of passage that mark transition. For David, these journeys not only showcase his skill as an angler—including to Norway, Scotland, Spain, Cuba, and Argentina, as well as road trips to Wyoming, Tennessee, and the Catskills—they also signal the end of his fly-fishing youth. But that doesn&’t mean that David will sell all his rods and hang up his hat; rather, that his relationship with his fly-fishing obsession will evolve. And he&’s okay with that—mostly, especially if he can catch an elusive salmon or a ferociously strong tarpon or the mysterious and almost invisible bonefish. The Believer is a humble, humorous call for the journey that is part of the destination, where the search for greater self-awareness leads to patience, observation, and endurance. And, since this is fly fishing, after all—there&’s always the possibility of abject failure and leaping, glorious reward. Wry, entertaining, thoughtful, and relatable, The Believer will hook both anglers and non-anglers alike.

Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs—A Memoir

by Jimmy Johnson Dave Hyde

From FOX NFL Sunday analyst and legendary Hall of Fame head football coach Jimmy Johnson—the first to win both a college football championship and a Super Bowl—the long-awaited, intimate, no-regrets memoir recounting his extraordinary life and insightful lessons on winning, at every level.Hall of Fame football coach Jimmy Johnson&’s house isn&’t on the way to anything. Yet, his private sanctuary on the Florida Keys&’ Islamorada islands is a popular destination to which college and professional coaches, general managers, and team owners regularly trek to seek advice—how to build a positive team culture, draft elite players, balance work and family life, and lead a team to win. Why? Because Jimmy Johnson has done it all—rising through the college coaching ranks to lead the University of Miami Hurricanes to a national championship, winning two consecutive Super Bowls with the Dallas Cowboys, and handling public triumphs while dealing with private adversity. Now, in Swagger, written with veteran sports journalist Dave Hyde, Johnson shares a candid account of his life experiences that have turned him into a legend in the coaching world. From his early days on the college football fields at Louisiana Tech to his arrival as the Cowboys&’ coach in 1989, Swagger traces the history of Johnson&’s career, and his lifelong mission to win. His larger-than-life personality and hard-driving, tough-talking coaching style led him to become one of only six coaches in NFL history to win back-to-back Super Bowls. Swagger shows the behind-the-scenes details of his professional conflict with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and his personal revelations following his mother&’s death and his son&’s struggle with addiction. It reveals Johnson&’s formula for winning, including his criteria for identifying talent, his core beliefs, how he replaced legendary coaches like Tom Landry and Don Shula, coached stars from a young Troy Aikman to an aging Dan Marino, and established the ever-elusive sense of &“culture&” that every team leader hopes to achieve. More than a highlight reel, Swagger reveals the hard-won lessons Jimmy Johnson has learned both as a man and as a coach through a lifetime dedicated to excellence.

The Ball in the Air: A Golfing Adventure

by Michael Bamberger

After a lifetime of writing about the professional sport, Michael Bamberger, &“the poet laureate of golf&” (GOLF magazine), delivers an exhilarating love letter to the amateur game as it&’s played—and lived—by the rest of us.Over Michael Bamberger&’s celebrated writing career, he has written a handful of books and hundreds of Sports Illustrated stories about professional golf and those who play it—that is, the .001 percent. Now, Bamberger trains his eye on the rest of us. In his most personal book yet, Bamberger takes the lid off a game that is both quasi-religious and a nonstop party, posing an age-old question that is answered over its pages: Why does the game cast such a spell on us? Here is the story of modern golf that is not on TV. This is our story, we who pay to play, who can&’t wait to get another crack at the game, even when golf doesn&’t love us back. And just as every round is an adventure, every life in golf is, too. The golfers Michael Bamberger introduces will leave you inspired and moved. You&’ll meet Sam Reeves, a golf-loving US Army soldier who becomes captivated by a fellow soldier, Cliff Harrington, a gifted Black golfer who&’s cruelly robbed of the chance to show the world all he can do. You&’ll meet Ryan French, who plays on a college golf team out of Animal House. You&’ll get to know Pratima Sherpa, who grew up in a maintenance shed at the Royal Nepal Golf Club in Kathmandu and took up the game with a stick whittled by her father. The Ball in the Air is reported with Bamberger&’s you-are-there intimacy and captures the sweep of time. Pratima finds her way from Nepal to a university golf team in Southern California. Ryan and his father caddie in minor-league events while sleeping in tents, a preamble to Ryan&’s becoming the godfather of the popular Monday Qualifier Twitter feed. Sam Reeves, born in rural Georgia during the Depression, becomes a cotton king, the oldest amateur to make the cut at the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, and the ultimate man for all seasons. And there are Bamberger sightings, too, as he finds his own path in the game. You&’ll make joyful side trips with the author, who&’s spent more than forty years exploring golfers and golf, a way of life that captivates him down to his bones. You&’ll visit the golf course at Balmoral Castle in Scotland and compete with Bamberger and other purists at the National Hickory Championship in rural Pennsylvania. At St. Andrews, you&’ll get up close and personal with Lee Trevino, one of the few professionals in these pages, because Trevino, when you really get to the core of the man, is one of us. He can&’t get enough of it. The Ball in the Air is Bamberger&’s valentine to golf. The modern world, obsessed with fame and fortune, has infiltrated professional golf—but it hasn&’t infiltrated golf. Bamberger is here to highlight the distinction and to celebrate the game and all who play it.

The Beartown Trilogy Ebook Collection: Beartown, Us Against You, The Winners (Beartown Series)

by Fredrik Backman

Rediscover this &“lyrical look at how a community heals, how families recover, and how individuals grow&” (The Washington Post) with the complete Beartown trilogy in one unputdownable ebook from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Fredrik Backman.In the &“beautifully told&” (The New York Times Book Review) Beartown—which inspired the HBO series of the same name—a small town obsessed with the local junior hockey team is rocked by a shocking act of violence. As accusations and rumors fly, the town must grapple with its identity as never before. Tensions rise when it&’s rumored that the Beartown hockey team will be disbanded in Us Against You. The entire future of the team and the town hinges on an upcoming game that could change everything forever. Finally, the series that &“deftly explores recovery and rebirth&” (Us Weekly) comes to an evocative conclusion with The Winners. In the two years since the events of Beartown, the residents must face difficult questions and determine just want they are willing to sacrifice for their home.

The Beartown Trilogy Ebook Collection: Beartown, Us Against You and The Winners

by Fredrik Backman

Rediscover this “lyrical look at how a community heals, how families recover, and how individuals grow” (The Washington Post) with the complete Beartown trilogy in one unputdownable ebook from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Fredrik Backman. In the “beautifully told” (The New York Times Book Review) Beartown—which inspired the HBO series of the same name—a small town obsessed with the local junior hockey team is rocked by a shocking act of violence. As accusations and rumors fly, the town must grapple with its identity as never before. Tensions rise when it’s rumored that the Beartown hockey team will be disbanded in Us Against You. The entire future of the team and the town hinges on an upcoming game that could change everything forever. Finally, the series that “deftly explores recovery and rebirth” (Us Weekly) comes to an evocative conclusion with The Winners. In the two years since the events of Beartown, the residents must face difficult questions and determine just want they are willing to sacrifice for their home.

Ken Reid's Hometown Hockey Heroes

by Ken Reid

From Sportsnet Central host and broadcaster Ken Reid comes an inspiring and entertaining new collection of hockey stories about local legends who define the game and its values. In many communities across Canada, hockey lives in the nearby arenas and leagues that forge both decades-long rivalries and unbreakable friendships. Fans show up to cheer not for distant NHL superstars, but for the homegrown heroes who define their town. These players don&’t always make it to the big leagues, but they inevitably become legends. In this entertaining collection, Canadian broadcaster and Sportsnet Central host Ken Reid tells their uplifting stories, from Pictou, Nova Scotia, to Kimberley, British Columbia—and everywhere in between. There&’s Robbie Forbes, who arrived in Newfoundland in the mid-eighties still dreaming of the pros and ended up giving the town a dream of its own when he led the Corner Brook Royals to a Canadian Senior Hockey title. He also happens to be Sidney Crosby&’s uncle. In a legendary Ontario community, the name Paul Polillo is spoken in the same reverential breath as Wayne Gretzky in their shared hometown of Brantford. There&’s also the tragic story of George Pelawa, who may have been the inspiration for Tom Cochrane & Red Rider&’s famous song &“Big League.&” And Tyson Wuttunee, an Indigenous player in Saskatchewan who, through hockey, found the family and home he&’d always longed for. Featuring heartwarming stories of grit, leadership, and lifelong bonds, Ken Reid&’s Hometown Hockey Heroes celebrates how hockey, and the values the game teaches, can shape our communities for the better.

LIV and Let Die: The Inside Story of the War Between the PGA Tour and LIV Golf

by Alan Shipnuck

Alan Shipnuck, the New York Times bestselling author of Phil, returns with a major new work of insider reporting on the battle for the soul of professional golf between the PGA Tour and the Saudi-funded LIV Golf League.Over the past two years, professional golf has been at war, and Alan Shipnuck has been our most trusted correspondent on the front lines. Following closely on the heels of his bestselling sensation Phil, Shipnuck turns to the conflict that made Mickelson, and many other top golfers, villainous in the eyes of the public: LIV Golf&’s controversial—and belligerent—storming of the professional golf world. (LIV&’s unofficial motto, immortalized on hats gifted at a staff party: &“Fuck &’Em All.&”) In LIV and Let Die, Shipnuck delivers the inside story in real time, with fly-on-the-wall reporting from the yachts where LIV was hatched and within the corridors of power as the PGA Tour flailed to fend off the threat. Shipnuck has traveled seamlessly between both tours—having countless conversations with players, caddies, CEOs, agents, financiers, lawyers, flaks, fans, and Instagramming wives—to deliver a no-holds-barred account of the most chaotic moment in golf history. Anyone who has a stake in professional golf lined up for an interview with Shipnuck—because they knew everyone else was talking to him, too. The disruption to an old, proud sport was largely conducted in the shadows, but LIV and Let Die delivers numerous revelations about what really happened, and why. Shipnuck&’s unparalleled access and award-winning reporting chops provide rich portraits of the brand names at the center of this sprawling tableau: Greg Norman, Rory McIlroy, Brooks Koepka, Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Jay Monahan, His Excellency Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Donald Trump, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Dustin (and Paulina!) Johnson, Pat (and Ashley!) Perez, Patrick (and Justine!) Reed, Bryson DeChambeau, Jimmy Dunne, and many more. Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia&’s Public Investment Fund, LIV Golf has upended the men&’s professional game with vast riches—blatant &“sportswashing,&” from the mouth of Mickelson himself. Says Brandel Chamblee, &“I think the LIV players are in a morally indefensible position, with a willful blindness to the consequences of their action, making them complicit to the ongoing atrocities.&” Rory McIlroy said of playing a tournament alongside LIV golfers, &“It&’s going to be hard for me to stomach.&” But the battle to thwart LIV revealed a deeper struggle within the game. &“The Seminole guys, the Augusta National guys, they&’re used to having all the power in the golf world,&” says LIV&’s Peter Uihlein. &“They don&’t like to be challenged. They&’re not used to it.&” The bitter feuding (and trolling) between the PGA loyalists and the LIV camp made the battle between the tours deeply personal—but for the top leaders of the two tours it was strictly business, and in a series of secret meetings they reshaped the future of the sport. LIV and Let Die provides the previously unknown background and crucial context to understand the armistice between the tours that shocked the world in June 2023. Long known as the most fearless writer on the golf beat, Shipnuck has delivered another hotly anticipated book packed with juicy nuggets and in-the-room-where-it-happened action...think Bob Woodward moonlighting on the sports desk. LIV and Let Die is the definitive account of the biggest (non-Tiger) golf story this century and a lively page-turner that in places reads like a spy thriller.

Kingdom on Fire: Kareem, Wooden, Walton, and the Turbulent Days of the UCLA Basketball Dynasty

by Scott Howard-Cooper

In the tradition of Blood in the Garden and Three-Ring Circus comes a bold narrative history of the iconic UCLA Bruins championship teams led by legendary coach John Wooden—an incredible true story about the messy, never-easy pursuit of perfection set against the turmoil of American culture in the 1960s and 70s. Few basketball dynasties have reigned supreme like the UCLA Bruins did over college basketball from 1965–1975 (seven consecutive titles, three perfect records, an eighty-eight-game winning streak that remains unmatched). At the center of this legendary franchise were the now-iconic players Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Bill Walton, naturally reserved personalities who became outspoken giants when it came to race and the Vietnam War. These generational talents were led by John Wooden, a conservative counterweight to his star players whose leadership skills would transcend the game after his retirement. But before the three of them became history, they would have to make it—together. Los Angeles native and longtime sportswriter for the Los Angeles Times, Scott Howard Cooper draws on more than a hundred interviews and extensive access to many of the principal figures, including Wooden&’s family to deliver a rich narrative that reveals the turmoil at the heart of this storied college basketball program. Making the eye-opening connections between UCLA and the Nixon administration, Ronald Reagan, Muhammad Ali, and others, Kingdom on Fire puts the UCLA basketball team&’s political involvement and influence in full relief for the first time. The story of UCLA basketball is an incredible slice of American history that reveals what it truly takes to achieve and sustain greatness while standing up for what you believe in.

To the Linksland (30th Anniversary Edition)

by Michael Bamberger

A 30th anniversary edition of Michael Bamberger&’s widely beloved golf classic recounting his honeymoon adventures as a caddie in Europe—including a new introduction by Golf in the Kingdom author Michael Murphy, a new afterword, and never-before-seen photographs.Thirty years (and counting!) after publication, To the Linksland still enthralls readers who pick it up for the first time or who return to this timeless book for the sheer pleasure of it. In 1991, Michael Bamberger, a newspaper sportswriter, gave up his apartment, took a leave-of-absence from his job and his life, and, joined by his newlywed wife, set off to explore the wide world of golf. Bamberger&’s first step in this madcap golfing adventure was to become a caddie on the European golf tour. On it, and up close and personal, the author encountered the game&’s most dynamic players, including golf&’s greatest artist, Seve Ballesteros. Crisscrossing the Continent with his bride, Bamberger caddied for a true original, Peter Teravainen, a Yale-educated golfer with a workingman&’s spirit, capable of making brilliant, on-the-spot observations about the game. (&“Good shots must come in groups of two.&”) Over the course of one unforgettable year, Bamberger caddied in the national championships of Portugal, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, and, finally, Scotland, golf&’s ancestral home. Once there, Bamberger fell under the spell of one of golf&’s great teachers and thinkers, Mr. John Stark. To the Linksland is the captivating memoir of Bamberger&’s golfing pilgrimage. From an all-night caddie bus on the back roads of southern Europe to Stark&’s secret six-hole course in the Scottish Highlands, Bamberger takes you on a journey into the heart of golf. To the Linksland is a lyrical tale of discovery. It is a classic. This thirtieth-anniversary edition is bookended with a new introduction by Michael Murphy and a new afterword by Bamberger. In between them are a trove of new photographs. Triumphantly back in print, To the Linksland is a &“great book for your golfing soul&” (Golf Monthly).

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