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Showing 18,701 through 18,725 of 36,253 results

The Art of Story-Telling (Classics To Go)

by Marie L. Shedlock

Excerpt: "Some day we shall have a science of education comparable to the science of medicine; but even when that day arrives the art of education will still remain the inspiration and the guide of all wise teachers. The laws that regulate our physical and mental development will be reduced to order; but the impulses which lead each new generation to play its way into possession of all that is best in life will still have to be interpreted for us by the artists who, with the wisdom of years, have not lost the direct vision of children. Some years ago I heard Miss Shedlock tell stories in England. Her fine sense of literary and dramatic values, her power in sympathetic interpretation, always restrained within the limits of the art she was using, and her understanding of educational values, based on a wide experience of teaching, all marked her as an artist in story-telling. She was equally at home in interpreting the subtle blending of wit and wisdom in Daudet, the folk lore philosophy of Grimm, or the deeper world philosophy and poignant human appeal of Hans Christian Andersen."

Coaching - What Really Works

by Jenny Rogers

This is your essential companion to being a coach. Author Jenny Rogers distills her decades of experience to guide you through the challenges and pitfalls, joys and rewards, and dos and don’ts of coaching. Whether you are a qualified coach many years into practice, or a trainee moving into your first placement, the book provides a treasure trove of practical strategies and skills, theories and concepts that will enhance your practice. It captures what it takes to be a successful coach, and will support and inspire you to become a more confident, self-reflective practitioner.

Coaching - What Really Works

by Jenny Rogers

This is your essential companion to being a coach. Author Jenny Rogers distills her decades of experience to guide you through the challenges and pitfalls, joys and rewards, and dos and don’ts of coaching. Whether you are a qualified coach many years into practice, or a trainee moving into your first placement, the book provides a treasure trove of practical strategies and skills, theories and concepts that will enhance your practice. It captures what it takes to be a successful coach, and will support and inspire you to become a more confident, self-reflective practitioner.

The Pleasures of Pessimism (Re: CONSIDERING)

by Natasha Moore

Re:CONSIDERING invites you to look at what’s familiar from an unfamiliar angle. To consider how we consider things – and how to do it better.Pandemic, supervolcano, late capitalism, transhumanism, populism, cancel culture, the post-antibiotic age, the gig economy, the surveillance state, the cascading effects of climate change …Whatever the specifics, do you ever feel like things are going off the rails - or are just about to?If you’ve read the news, watched a zombie movie, or gotten into an argument on Twitter lately, the answer is probably yes.And you’re not alone.What makes us such apocaholics?What’s so appealing about Armageddon? What are the pleasures - and also the perils of our pessimism?

Scrivi per essere felice: La scrittura, uno strumento geniale di auto-aiuto

by Mar Cantero Sánchez

Usa le parole per realizzare i tuoi sogni. Raggiungi il successo e il benessere scrivendo per te stesso. Immagina ciò che potresti ottenere se potessi parlare col cuore. Quando scrivi rendi conscio l'inconscio e recuperi la connessione con la tua saggezza interiore. Quando leggi ciò che hai scritto capisci le tue reazioni, i tuoi timori, i tuoi dubbi e i tuoi desideri più intimi. Inizia a conoscerti davvero! Terapie quali quella comportamentale e il coaching utilizzano la scrittura. Le tue parole scritte racchiudono la chiave per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi, affrontare le tue paure e gestire le tue emozioni. Mettiti all’opera con questo libro e i suoi esercizi di scrittura! Ti aprirà porte che sembravano chiuse! Usa l'immaginazione per il tuo bene! Dicono i lettori: "Bello e arricchente. Con gli esercizi sono cresciuto e ho guadagnato saggezza dalla parte positiva della vita. Queste conoscenze mi accompagneranno per sempre!" "Quando scriviamo siamo divinità creatrici. Scrivere mi è sempre servito per drenare e sgomberare le incognite, per guarire e per sorprendermi di me stessa. È una terapia eccellente!" "È stato uno strumento meraviglioso che mi ha aiutato a sfogarmi, scrivendo in modo guidato, e a scartare il pessimismo e la frustrazione attraverso una scrittura positiva. Lo consiglio!"

Je suis tout puissant: Je suis seul maître de mon destin

by Hector Salama et Adrian Salama

Vous ne pouvez imaginer le plaisir que cela me procure de savoir que, pour votre vie, vous avez choisi le chemin de la richesse. Bien qu’au début, cela puisse ressembler à une route épineuse, raide et tortueuse, vous emportez avec vous tout l'attirail nécessaire et adéquat, qui vous permettra de rencontrer la réussite, au sommet de votre propre montagne. J'ai choisi d'écrire ce livre avec mon père, non seulement à cause de mon admiration pour lui, mais aussi pour sa grande expérience. En 2017, j’ai payé les frais de mes propres décisions. J’ai commis la pire des erreurs, dont la conséquence naturelle a été une banqueroute. Non seulement j'ai été brisé, mais j’ai aussi frôlé la dépression. Je comprends que nous commettons tous des erreurs, mais je me sentais supérieur, j'étais arrogant et narcissique. Je pensais que j’étais incapable de commettre des erreurs, surtout que je venais de terminer un doctorat en psychothérapie (heureusement, que ce n'était pas en économie). J'ai dû m’endetter et cesser de répondre à des centaines d'appels, me réclamant les découverts de mes cartes et les services que j'avais utilisés, afin de réparer les horreurs de mes décisions. Pour être honnête, à plusieurs reprises, j'ai pensé à mettre fin à ma vie. Cependant, partagé entre la lâcheté et la peur, j’ai décidé de changer de cap et de me concentrer sur ce que je pouvais effectivement réaliser. C'est ainsi que plusieurs idées et opportunités ont surgi, mais elles étaient dorénavant issues d’une grande humilité. J’avais touché le fond et n'avais plus rien à perdre. Cela me donna le courage d'utiliser mon esprit pour mon propre bien et non pour des raisons pécuniaires. Ce libre répond à ce besoin. Si vous vivez la même expérience que j’ai vécue moi-même ou si simplement vous ne voulez jamais vivre une chose pareille, je veux que ce livre puisse illuminer votre vie, comme il l�

Plastikfrei leben für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Karolin Kuntzel

Sind bei Ihnen die gelben Säcke und Wertstofftonnen auch immer prall gefüllt? Möchten Sie diesen Plastikmüllberg reduzieren und nachhaltiger leben? Das ist gar nicht so schwer, wie die Autorin Karolin Küntzel in diesem Buch zeigt. Lebensmittel und Shampoo gibt es auch ohne lästige Plastikverpackung und selbst für Funktionskleidung und Bodenbeläge gibt es Alternativen ohne Kunststoff. Dabei ist ein plastikfreies Leben nicht unbedingt teurer oder besonders aufwendig, wenn man weiß, welche "Ersatzprodukte" es gibt und wo man sie bekommt. Beginnen Sie bei den kleinen Dingen und kaufen Sie beispielsweise loses Obst und Gemüse ein. Gehen Sie in Ihrem eigenen Tempo Schritt für Schritt voran und verbannen Sie nach und nach immer mehr Plastik aus Ihrem Haushalt. Ihr ökologischer Fußabdruck wird es Ihnen danken.

Christian No More: On Leaving Christianity, Debunking Christianity, And Embracing Atheism And Freethinking

by Jeffrey Mark

This book is for everyone: Atheists will find excellent arguments to help them defend their positions; Agnostics will appreciate the clarification it brings; Christians who are struggling will find this book a great help in breaking free from their shackles as they learn exactly why there's no possible way Christianity is true and why they don't have to worry ever again. The Bible says that the world's languages began with the Tower of Babel. Today we know better. But how could the Bible contain stories that aren't true? Author Jeffrey Mark was a devout Christian throughout his life until, during his early 30s, he began studying the Bible more seriously than he ever had. And that's when he made the disturbing realization that so many stories were simply untrue. For him, this realization started with the Tower of Babel. That in turn launched a series of events that eventually led him to abandon his long-held beliefs. Go into the mind of a former Christian. Understand why he believed what he did, why it was so hard to let go, and why, after understanding the truth about the Bible, he ultimately had no choice but to stop believing. Travel with him as you see how Christianity and Judaism rehash older beliefs that have long been written off as mythical. Find out how the Bible in its original form spoke of multiple gods creating the Earth, and how the dearly-held beliefs of today's Christians bear no resemblance to the Bible's stories in their original form. As you take a journey into reason and the scientific method, find out why there is simply no possible way Christianity's teachings can be true, and why we live in a universe that is guided by science--not by a god and his mythical son who rose from the dead.

Slay Your Dragons With Compassion: Ten Ways to Thrive Even When It Feels Impossible

by Malcolm Stern Ben Craib

Ten key teachings from renowned therapist Malcolm Stern, all distilled from his thirty years of intense group work. The book is filled with practical exercises, which are combined with real and compelling stories from the therapy room.When renowned psychotherapist Malcom Stern&’s daughter Melissa took her own life in 2014 he experienced most parents&’ worst nightmare and his grief made him challenge every aspect of his work and life. It thrust his growth and development forwards in ways he never thought possible, forcing him to confront his fears and work through his biggest blocks. The culmination of that process is: Slay Your Dragons With Compassion: 10 Ways To Thrive In An Unstable World. The book, which includes many exercises, is the distillation of over thirty years&’ experience in the therapy room and shows us that meaning can exist even in the worst tragedy. By creating a set of practices and making them central to our lives we can find passion, purpose, and meaningful happiness while navigating life&’s darkest moments in such a way that we discover the gold hidden within. There is revelation, insight, struggle, decimation, devastation and winning through against all odds in these stories of ordinary people with extraordinary challenges facing them. Key teachings include Find Your Radar, Create a Sangha, The Ricochet Effect, Allow Your Relationships to Educate You, and Befriend Death. The reader will be transported into the powerful atmosphere of the therapy room and be left inspired and motivated to make courageous changes in their own lives

Heart Talk: 52 Weeks of Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Discovery

by Cleo Wade

Inspired by her conversations with the thousands of readers she has met on her nationwide sold-out tours, Heart Talk: The Journal is a space to share your own trusts alongside hers. As Cleo writes, &“The best thing about your life is that it is constantly in a state of design. This means you have, at all times, the power to redesign it. Make moves, allow shifts, smile more, do more, do less, say no, say yes - just remember, when it comes to your life, you are not only the artist but the masterpiece as well.&” Inside, you will find the opportunity to let go, feel what you need to feel, discover your own poetic wisdom, and become the person you want to be.

Las Variaciones del Efecto Cenicienta

by Angela Ellington

Estas son las acciones y comportamientos que las personas enfrentarán una vez sean victimizadas por los delincuentes de este abuso recurrente, conocido como el Efecto Cenicienta. La autora comparte algunas experiencias de primera mano que verdaderamente impactarán a los lectores.

Meditieren lernen: Ein 8-Wochen-Plan

by Aimar Rollán

Mit diesem kurzen Buch lernst du zu meditieren, Schritt für Schritt, bei dir zu Hause, auf die westliche Art, also auf einem Stuhl sitzend. Wir werden die grundlegende Theorie beleuchten und einige einfache, jedoch tiefgehende Meditationstechniken kennenlernen, die auf Mindfulness, Yoga und Zen basieren. Wir festigen unsere Meditationsroutine mit einem 8-wöchigen Programm, das speziell dafür konzipiert wurde, die Gewohnheit des täglichen Meditierens bei sich zu Hause zu etablieren. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse nötig. Man muss weder im Lotussitz sitzen können noch religiös sein oder eine besondere Liebe zu fernöstlichen Traditionen hegen. Meditation ist eine universelle Technik, die uns dabei hilft, unseren Geist zu kontrollieren, Stress zu reduzieren und uns selbst besser kennenzulernen. Zu Beginn meditieren wir eine Minute am Tag, und nach 8 Wochen werden wir in der Lage sein, 20 Minuten lang zu meditieren. Es geht darum, Meditation in den Alltag zu integrieren, damit sie uns dabei hilft, ein erfüllteres und glücklicheres Leben zu führen. Was lernst du mit diesem Buch? Was ist Meditieren? Geschichte der Meditation Unterschiede zwischen Meditation und Mindfulness Die Bedeutung von Gewohnheit und Routine Wie der Verstand funktioniert Meditieren auf einem Stuhl: die richtige Haltung Die Technik der Bauchatmung Grundlegende Meditationstechniken Welche Gefühle während der Meditation auftreten können Wie du dich weiterentwickeln kannst Dieser Kurs schließt an den Meditationskurs für Anfänger an, den der Autor über seinen YouTube-Kanal anbietet. „Das ganze Unglück der Menschen rührt allein daher, dass sie nicht ruhig in einem Zimmer zu bleiben vermögen.“ Blaise Pascal

Accumulation d’habitudes: (les habitude puissantes d’un gagnant)

by The Blokehead

Êtes-vous un procrastinateur ? Comment le savez-vous ? Vous allez peut-être être surpris de constater qu’il est possible d’avoir un problème de procrastination sans vous rendre compte pleinement que le problème existe. Ceci peut vous causer un certain nombre de problèmes si par malheur vous faites partie de ces personnes parce qu’il est très probable que votre habitude de procrastination vous a fait rater des opportunités importantes dans votre vie. Il se peut que ces habitudes affectent pratiquement tous les aspects de votre vie à ce jour. Heureusement, la chose la plus importante dont vous devez prendre conscience est que vous avez un problème de procrastination. Vous serez alors capable de trouver des méthodes anti-procrastination qui vous permettront de combattre le problème efficacement. Continuez à lire pour découvrir si vous avez un problème de procrastination.

Ätherische Öle für Katzen: Rezepte, Anwendung und Unbedenklichkeit von Ätherischen Ölen für Ihre Katze

by The Blokehead

In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, mit welchen Ölen Sie Ihre Katze beruhigen oder ihr beim Entspannen helfen, wie Sie Flöhe oder Zecken bekämpfen, die Haut Ihrer Katzen gesund erhalten und ihre empfindlichen Ohren und Nasen generell pflegen können. Es gibt viele gezielte Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von ätherischen Ölen bei Katzen. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, mit welchen Ölen Sie Ihre Katze beruhigen oder ihr beim Entspannen helfen, wie Sie Flöhe oder Zecken bekämpfen, die Haut Ihrer Katzen gesund erhalten und ihre empfindlichen Ohren und Nasen generell pflegen können. Sie finden auch einige Ölrezepte, mit denen Sie die Umgebung Ihrer Katze desodorieren und Insekten bekämpfen können. Schnappen Sie sich das Buch, um mehr zu erfahren!

Mayo Clinic Guide to Preventing & Treating Osteoporosis: Keeping Your Bones Healthy and Strong to Reduce Your Risk of Fracture

by Mayo Clinic

Expert information on preventing brittle bones and staying active and independent. Thanks to advances at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic and elsewhere, osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease that contributes to premature aging, can be effectively managed or even avoided. We no longer have to tolerate the pain and disability osteoporosis once caused. That's just the start of the good news you'll find in this newly updated edition of Mayo Clinic Guide to Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis. This book brings you a take-charge approach to preventing, diagnosing, and managing osteoporosis. You'll find detailed guidance to promote better bone health through diet, supplements, exercise, medications and more: · Learn how to reduce your risk of fracture due to falling · Read about the role of good posture, fitness, balance and coordination · Discover the good news on the latest advances in medications for osteoporosis · Learn how to choose the treatment options that are best for you These strategies, together with support from others and the guidance of your personal physician, can offer you the best opportunity to prevent bone loss and continue to live an active, full, and independent life.

Risk Forward: Embrace the Unknown and Unlock Your Hidden Genius

by Victoria Labalme

"Some people in life know exactly what they want to achieve. This is a book for the rest of us." - Victoria LabalmeIf you sense there's something more but you're not yet sure what it is...If you wish you had the courage to try something new...If you're struggling to figure out your next steps on a project, plan or path...Risk Forward will help you find your way.In this brief, easy-to-read, full color book "experience," acclaimed keynote speaker and performance coach Victoria Labalme shares a series of strategies that are practical, reassuring, and radically freeing.Through these uniquely designed, whimsical, and thought-provoking pages, you'll learn:· How to navigate through uncertainty· The #1 question to identify what matters· Four insights to help you find your way· Why your disparate talents are essential to your path· How to handle moments of indecision· 3 key questions to ask when you get advice· How to stay on course and know that what you do makes a difference

Listen Like You Mean It: Reclaiming the Lost Art of True Connection

by Ximena Vengoechea

&“Full of revealing, instantly applicable ideas for leveraging your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses.&” —Adam Grant, author of Think Again and Originals, and host of the TED podcast WorkLife For many of us, listening is simply something we do on autopilot. We hear just enough of what others say to get our work done, maintain friendships, and be polite with our neighbors. But we miss crucial opportunities to go deeper—to give and receive honest feedback, to make connections that will endure for the long haul, and to discover who people truly are at their core. Fortunately, listening can be improved—and Ximena Vengoechea can show you how. In Listen Like You Mean It, she offers an essential listening guide for our times, revealing tried-and-true strategies honed in her own research sessions and drawn from interviews with marriage counselors, podcast hosts, life coaches, journalists, filmmakers, and other listening experts. Through Vengoechea&’s set of scripts, key questions, exercises, and illustrations, you&’ll learn to: • Quickly build rapport with strangers • Ask the right questions to deepen a conversation • Pause at the right time to encourage vulnerability • Navigate a conversation that&’s gone off the rails Now more than ever, we need to feel heard, connected, and understood in a world that keeps turning up the volume. Warm, funny, and immensely practical, this book shows you how.

How to Tell a Joke: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Humor (Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers)

by Marcus Tullius Cicero

Timeless advice about how to use humor to win over any audienceCan jokes win a hostile room, a hopeless argument, or even an election? You bet they can, according to Cicero, and he knew what he was talking about. One of Rome’s greatest politicians, speakers, and lawyers, Cicero was also reputedly one of antiquity’s funniest people. After he was elected commander-in-chief and head of state, his enemies even started calling him “the stand-up Consul.” How to Tell a Joke provides a lively new translation of Cicero’s essential writing on humor alongside that of the later Roman orator and educator Quintilian. The result is a timeless practical guide to how a well-timed joke can win over any audience.As powerful as jokes can be, they are also hugely risky. The line between a witty joke and an offensive one isn’t always clear. Cross it and you’ll look like a clown, or worse. Here, Cicero and Quintilian explore every aspect of telling jokes—while avoiding costly mistakes. Presenting the sections on humor in Cicero’s On the Ideal Orator and Quintilian’s The Education of the Orator, complete with an enlightening introduction and the original Latin on facing pages, How to Tell a Joke examines the risks and rewards of humor and analyzes basic types that readers can use to write their own jokes.Filled with insight, wit, and examples, including more than a few lawyer jokes, How to Tell a Joke will appeal to anyone interested in humor or the art of public speaking.

Go Big Now: 8 Essential Mindset Practices to Overcome Any Obstacle and Reach Your Goals

by Julia Pimsleur

Transform Aspirational Thoughts into Life-Changing Results What&’s the biggest challenge you face if you want to accomplish great things? It&’s getting and keeping the right mindset, according to the hundreds of high achievers Julia Pimsleur has interviewed and worked with as a business coach. In Go Big Now, Pimsleur distills two decades of studying complex mindset practices into eight essential &“mindset keys&” that can be used by anyone to get the Go Big Mindset and achieve ambitious professional and life goals. Pimsleur shares personal stories of how she used these keys to raise venture capital and build multimillion-dollar companies, and illustrates each key with an example from a leader, CEO, or celebrity whose mindset catapulted them to success. You&’ll learn to reframe perceived setbacks, replace unhelpful thoughts and limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and stay motivated to pursue your big goal, even in the face of massive hurdles. With the Go Big Mindset, you&’ll boost your mental resilience and discover how to think your way to bigger, better results.

Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition

by Wendy De Rosa

Thrive as the Divinely Connected Intuitive You Were Born to Be &“Wendy is precisely the spiritual mentor I would pray for you to find. By opening this book, you will receive the energetic nurturing that she has infused into every page.&” — Gabrielle Bernstein, from the foreword As an empathic person, you likely feel the energy of the unseen world and unknowingly take on other people&’s energy and emotions. This can lead to anxiety, overwhelm, and chronic health issues. Personal growth work alone is not enough to shift this lifelong pattern. In Becoming an Empowered Empath, intuitive healer and teacher Wendy De Rosa will guide you step-by-step to help you:understand your empathic naturestop taking on other people’s energydetoxify your subtle body, including your chakras and grounding cordrecognize and heal ancestral, familial, and personal traumasturn your oversensitivity into powerful intuitionThrough guided meditations, journaling exercises, and practices for energetic self-care, Wendy empowers you to embrace your gifts, embody light, and become a vital agent for positive change.

You Were Born for This \ Has nacido para esto (Spanish edition): Astrología para la autoaceptación radical

by Chani Nicholas

La guía perfecta para entender tu carta natal y aceptarte por quién eres.En este manual revolucionario, Chani Nicholas te enseña a utilizar la astrología como herramienta de autodescubrimiento, éxito y cuidado personal. Con ella, aprenderás que los astros no son una excusa para aceptar pasivamente tu destino, sino una oportunidad para entrar en acción y autoaceptarte radicalmente, es decir: descubrir que eres exactamente como debes ser.Aquí, el horóscopo no dictará tu futuro: tu carta natal es una instantánea del cielo en el momento exacto en que naciste y encierra las claves para vivir una vida llena de sentido. Cada signo, planeta y punto del cielo guarda para ti un poder infinito que define quién eres, cómo te mueves en el mundo y cuál es tu propósito de vida.Has nacido para esto es una guía feminista y comprometida con la justicia social que, a través de preguntas de reflexión, gráficas y afirmaciones basadas en tu carta natal, te hará mirar hacia adentro para encontrar tu valía. Levántate contra lo que la sociedad te ha enseñado a ser y desbloquea todo tu potencial. Tu signo solar no es más que el principio.CHANI NICHOLAS es una reconocidísima astróloga y activista basada en Los Ángeles. Lleva más de veinte años compartiendo su talento a través de sus cursos, artículos, página web y, ahora, de Has nacido para esto. Más de un millón de lectoras han aprendido de su carta natal y descubierto su propósito de vida gracias a ella. Chani mezcla su conocimiento del lenguaje de los astros con una perspectiva progresista que alude a las comunidades marginadas y oprimidas para convertir la astrología en una fuerza de cambio. Entre otros, ha colaborado con The New York Times, Rolling Stone, y Netflix. Visítala en:

Diary of the Cat Named Carrot

by Erin Merryn

Celebrate a year in the life of The Cat Named Carrot, as she goes from humble beginnings in a shelter to a loving home with a family of three adorable little girls and internet stardom.Bailey was certainly no ordinary cat—an orange tabby who gained fans around the world when his humanlike antics went viral. Sadly, when 14-year-old Bailey died, his family grieved their loss. They&’d never find a cat quite like him—or would they? Then along came Carrot, an orange tabby kitten born as a stray, who appeared just as Erin Merryn and her young girls Abby, Hannah, and baby Claire were mending their broken hearts. Written in the voice of Carrot, follow her remarkable journey from shelter cat to top Instagram celebrity feline. Much like Bailey did, she loves spending time with her human family: making mischief with her girl gang; going joyriding in a pint-sized pink Barbie Jeep; doing arts-and-crafts projects; modeling a pink tutu and flowery headband; enjoying a spa day complete with fluffy robe and cucumber eye treatments; celebrating Christmas, Easter, and every holiday in between. It&’s no wonder that Carrot&’s videos have gone viral—garnering millions of views on Ellen, the Dodo, Good Morning America, Access Hollywood, People, and many more. Complete with four-color photos that will leave readers purring with delight, the journal of this sweet, adorable kitty with personality to spare shows us that the human-animal bond runs more than fur deep. It is love that will last a lifetime!

What to Say Next: Successful Communication in Work, Life, and Love—with Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Sarah Nannery Larry Nannery

Using her personal experience living as a professional woman with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sarah Nannery, together with her husband, Larry, offers this timely communication guide for anyone on the Autism spectrum looking to successfully navigate work, life, and love. When Sarah Nannery got her first job at a small nonprofit, she thought she knew exactly what it would take to advance. But soon she realized that even with hard work and conscientiousness, she was missing key meanings and messages embedded in her colleagues&’ everyday requests, feedback, and praise. She had long realized her brain operated differently than others, but now she knew for sure: she had Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). With help from her neurotypical partner—now husband—Larry, mostly in frantic IM chats, Sarah rose to Director of Development at one of the world&’s largest nonprofits. Together they have tackled challenges in how Sarah navigates personal and professional relationships, how they navigate marriage and parenthood, all of which are differently challenging for someone with ASD. But she wonders, at times, how life would be different if she&’d had to figure it all out herself. So, in What to Say Next, she offers advice, empathy, and straightforward strategies from her own tool-kit—not only for others who see the world differently, but for their families, partners and colleagues. In What to Say Next, Sarah breaks down everyday situations—the chat in the break room, the last-minute meeting, the unexpected run-in—in granular detail, explaining not only how to understand the goals of others, but also how to frame your own. Larry adds his thoughts from a neurotypical perspective, sharing what was going on in his brain and how he learned to listen and enlighten, while supporting and maintaining Sarah&’s voice. At a time when more and more people are being diagnosed with ASD—especially women and girls—this book tells important truths about what it takes to make it in a neurotypical world, and still be true to yourself.

Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It?

by Kim Holderness Penn Holderness

My wife drives me crazy sometimes. My husband should already know what I need. Is our marriage in trouble if we fight all the time? Is it possible to learn how to fight?For the last several years, Penn and Kim Holderness have done the hard maintenance and the research. With the help of their marriage coach Dr. Christopher Edmonston, they break down their biggest (and in some cases, funniest) fights. How did a question about chicken wings turn into a bra fight (no, not a bar fight; a bra fight)? How did a roll of toilet paper lead to tears, resentment, and a stint in the guest bedroom?With their trademark sense of humor and complete vulnerability, Penn and Kim share their ten most common Fight Fails and how to combat them. Throughout the book, they offer scripts for how to start, continue, and wrap up hard conversations. Couples will emerge equipped to engage and understand, not do battle—and maybe laugh a little more along the way.In Everybody Fights, couples will learn how toconjure the magic of metacommunicationbreak free of secret contractsbanish the three Ds—distraction, denial, and delaycarry their own individual baggage while helping each other deal with theirsPenn and Kim metacommunication want people to know they&’re not alone. Marriage is messy. Marriage is work. But marriage is worth it. Fight for it.

Notes From the Bathroom Line: Humor, Art, and Low-grade Panic from 150 of the Funniest Women in Comedy

by Amy Solomon

A collection of never-before-seen humor pieces—essays, satire, short stories, poetry, cartoons, artwork, and more—from more than 150 of the biggest female comedians today, curated by Amy Solomon, a producer of the hit HBO shows Silicon Valley and Barry. With contributions from:Lolly Adefope • Maria Bamford • Aisling Bea • Lake Bell • Rachel Bloom • Rhea Butcher • Nicole Byer • D’Arcy Carden • Aya Cash • Karen Chee • Margaret Cho • Mary H.K. Choi • Amanda Crew • Rachel Dratch • Beanie Feldstein • Jo Firestone • Briga Heelan • Samantha Irby • Emily V. Gordon • Patti Harrison • Mary Holland • Jen Kirkman • Lauren Lapkus • Riki Lindhome • Kate Micucci • Natalie Morales • Aparna Nancherla • Yvonne Orji • Lennon Parham • Chelsea Peretti • Alexandra Petri • Natasha Rothwell • Amber Ruffin • Andrea Savage • Kristen Schaal • Megan Stalter • Beth Stelling • Cecily Strong • Sunita Mani • Geraldine Viswanathan • Michaela Watkins • Mo Welch • Sasheer Zamata • and many more.More than four decades ago, the groundbreaking book Titters: The First Collection of Humor by Women showcased the work of some of the leading female comedians of the 1970s like Gilda Radner, Candice Bergen, and Phyllis Diller. The book became an essential time capsule of an era, the first of its kind, that opened doors for many more funny women to smash the comedy glass-ceiling.Today, brilliant women continue to push the boundaries of just how funny—and edgy—they can be in a field that has long been dominated by men. In Notes from the Bathroom Line, Amy Solomon brings together all-new material from some of the funniest women in show business today—award-winning writers, stand-up comedians, actresses, cartoonists, and more.Notes from the Bathroom Line proves there are no limits to how funny, bad-ass, and revolutionary women can—and continue—to be.

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