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Showing 18,751 through 18,775 of 33,055 results

Hermann Cohen and the Crisis of Liberalism: The Enchantment of the Public Sphere (New Jewish Philosophy and Thought)

by Paul E. Nahme

A fresh look at a nineteenth-century Jewish philosopher whose theology offers a beacon in an illiberal twenty-first century world: “Recommended.” —ChoiceHermann Cohen is often held to be one of the most important Jewish philosophers of the nineteenth century. Paul E. Nahme, in this new consideration of Cohen, liberalism, and religion, emphasizes the idea of enchantment, or the faith in and commitment to ideas, reason, and critique—the animating spirits that move society forward.Nahme views Cohen through the lenses of the crises of Imperial Germany—the rise of antisemitism, nationalism, and secularization—to come to a greater understanding of liberalism, its Protestant and Jewish roots, and the spirits of modernity and tradition that form its foundation. Nahme’s philosophical and historical retelling of the story of Cohen and his spiritual investment in liberal theology present a strong argument for religious pluralism and public reason in a world rife with populism, identity politics, and conspiracy theories.

La hermandad de los astronautas: El Juicio a las Juntas por dentro

by Ricardo Gil Lavedra

Un grupo de magistrados jóvenes ante el mayor desafío de sus vidas y de la incipiente democracia: juzgar a los comandantes de la dictadura. A meses de recuperada la democracia, la sociedad asiste atónita al develamiento de un masivo y atroz plan criminal. A pesar de las amenazas de los cuarteles y las presiones de sectores del poder, seis jueces y dos fiscales ponen en marcha un juicio que sería un hito para la Historia del país y un ejemplo para el mundo. «Sabíamos que dependíamos de nosotros mismos, que nada ni nadie nos iba a ayudar. Éramos seis tipos muy distintos. Sin embargo, aun en esa diversidad teníamos las mismas convicciones sobre la justicia, sobre la necesidad de restaurar el estado de derecho, sobre la necesidad de asegurar la vigencia plena de la ley. Lo que siguió, el juicio, la sentencia, la amistad entrañable que se consolidó entre nosotros, fue la consecuencia de lo que pudimos hacer con lo que traíamos de nuestras propias historias, más la relación que construimos en aquellos días y para siempre. Detrás de los hechos históricos siempre hay explicaciones racionales: procesos, contextos, factores predecibles, las fuerzas de la Historia. Pero también está lo fortuito, lo humano. Las cosas que se producen misteriosamente en un momento dado, con las personas y sus circunstancias. Cuando, de algún modo, todos los planetas se alinean».Ricardo Gil Lavedra

Heritage in War and Peace: Legal and Political Perspectives for Future Protection (Law and Visual Jurisprudence #12)

by Gianluigi Mastandrea Bonaviri Mirosław Michał Sadowski

This edited collection, which brings together nearly fifty authors from across the globe and various disciplines, makes a valuable contribution to the field of conservation, covering a wide range of topics regarding the protection of heritage in times of war and peace. Uniquely linking the two typically separate perspectives, the book builds on the wealth of discussions that took place during the 2021 and 2022 installments of the international “Heritage in War and Peace” Seminars held in Rome and Montréal, respectively.Issues explored in the volume include but are not limited to questions surrounding the protection of contentious heritages, unsustainability of the current dichotomic cultural/natural heritage protection frameworks, digitalization of heritage, place of heritage in military conflicts, use of heritage by armed non-state actors, indigenous peoples’ relationships with heritage, the intersection of intellectual property (IP) law and heritage, human rights matters linked to heritage protection, and the latest case studies surrounding restitution.Given its scope, the book will be of particular interest not only to practitioners and conservation specialists but also to academics and students in the broader social sciences and humanities, and to all those who hope to preserve our heritage for future generations.

The Heritage Guide to the Constitution: Fully Revised Second Edition

by Edwin Meese III Matthew Spalding David F. Forte

A landmark work of more than one hundred scholars, The Heritage Guide to the Constitution is a unique line-by-line analysis explaining every clause of America's founding charter and its contemporary meaning.In this fully revised second edition, leading scholars in law, history, and public policy offer more than two hundred updated and incisive essays on every clause of the Constitution.From the stirring words of the Preamble to the Twenty-seventh Amendment, you will gain new insights into the ideas that made America, important debates that continue from our Founding, and the Constitution's true meaning for our nation.

Heritability of Intelligence: A Clarification From a Biological Point of View (essentials)

by Karl-Friedrich Fischbach Martin Niggeschmidt

Is intelligence heritable? Karl-Friedrich Fischbach and Martin Niggeschmidt show that "heritability" means something different in biological terminology than in everyday language - which almost inevitably leads to misinterpretations. They explain why twin studies are controversial - and why genetic predictions of IQ and "educational attainment" must be treated with skepticism. This book is a translation of the original German 2nd edition Erblichkeit der Intelligenz by Karl-Friedrich Fischbach & Martin Niggeschmidt, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.The Authors:Prof. Dr. Karl-Friedrich Fischbach is a developmental biologist and neurogeneticist. He was professor of biophysics and molecular biology at the University of Freiburg from 1985 to 2013, including two years as executive director of the Institute of Biology III. Martin Niggeschmidt is an editor in Hamburg.

The Herero Genocide: War, Emotion, and Extreme Violence in Colonial Namibia (War and Genocide #31)

by Matthias Häussler

Drawing on previously inaccessible and overlooked archival sources, The Herero Genocide undertakes a groundbreaking investigation into the war between colonizer and colonized in what was formerly German South-West Africa and is today the nation of Namibia. In addition to its eye-opening depictions of the starvation, disease, mass captivity, and other atrocities suffered by the Herero, it reaches surprising conclusions about the nature of imperial dominion, showing how the colonial state’s genocidal posture arose from its own inherent weakness and military failures. The result is an indispensable account of a genocide that has been neglected for too long.

The Herero Genocide: War, Emotion, and Extreme Violence in Colonial Namibia (War and Genocide #31)

by Matthias Häussler

Drawing on previously inaccessible and overlooked archival sources, The Herero Genocide undertakes a groundbreaking investigation into the war between colonizer and colonized in what was formerly German South-West Africa and is today the nation of Namibia. In addition to its eye-opening depictions of the starvation, disease, mass captivity, and other atrocities suffered by the Herero, it reaches surprising conclusions about the nature of imperial dominion, showing how the colonial state’s genocidal posture arose from its own inherent weakness and military failures. The result is an indispensable account of a genocide that has been neglected for too long.

Hereditary: The Persistence of Biological Theories of Crime

by Julien Larregue

Since the 1990s, a growing number of criminal courts around the world have been using expert assessments based on behavioral genetics and neuroscience to evaluate the responsibility and dangerousness of offenders. Despite this rapid circulation, however, we still know very little about the scientific knowledge underlying these expert evaluations. Hereditary traces the historical development of biosocial criminology in the United States from the 1960s to the present, showing how the fate of this movement is intimately linked to that of the field of criminology as a whole. In claiming to identify the biological and environmental causes of so-called "antisocial" behaviors, biosocial criminologists are redefining the boundary between the normal and the pathological. Julien Larregue examines what is at stake in the development of biosocial criminology. Beyond the origins of delinquency, Larregue addresses the reconfiguration of expertise in contemporary societies, and in particular the territorial struggles between the medical and legal professions. For if the causes of crime are both biological and social, its treatment may call for medical as well as legal solutions.

Los herederos de Fujimori: El legado de El último dictador

by José Alejandro Godoy

El periodista José Alejandro Godoy regresa con un nuevo libro despúes de El último dictador. En Los herederos de Fujimori, nos presenta una exhaustiva investigación bibliográfica y periodística sobre la vida política de sus dos descendientes y otros personajes de la política peruana. En el contundente El último dictador, José Alejandro Godoy elaboró un relato pormenorizado de la larga década de autoritarismo, violencia y corrupción que tuvo como protagonista a Alberto Fujimori. En esta ocasión, la tarea emprendida en Los herederos de Fujimori es todavía más ambiciosa: abarcar más de veinte años de historia política que, inevitablemente, han estado marcados a sangre y fuego por el linaje de nuestro último dictador. Mediante un exhaustivo trabajo de investigación bibliográfica y periodística, Godoy recorre un vertiginoso período de la historia peruana en el que la herencia fujimorista no solo se ha manifestado en la omnipresencia de dos de sus descendientes en la vida política del país, sino también en los modales (poco) democráticos, las fórmulas populistas y la propensión a los escándalos —de toda índole— que caracterizaron los mandatos de prácticamente todos sus sucesores en Palacio de Gobierno. Alejandro Toledo, Alan García, Ollanta Humala, Martín Vizcarra, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y Keiko Fujimori son algunos de los personajes recurrentes en esta historia, pero no los únicos. Entre desastres naturales (y de los otros), presidencias truncas, sobornos millonarios, asilos, indultos y carcelerías de alto vuelo, queda claro que el Perú es un territorio signado por la incombustible flama de un tambaleante quehacer político. Este libro recupera la memoria de los últimos años, y revela un país que aún lucha por encontrar un mejor destino.

Here to Stay (Tesoro Bks.)

by John Hersey

In Here to StayJohn Hersey tells of episodes in the past twenty years in which Man has courageously risen above desperate situations and shown his determination to survive despite the threats of the nuclear age. Mr. Hersey first tells the story of an old lady marooned on a rooftop amidst floods caused by a hurricane. He ends with his famous Hiroshima, the story of the survivors of the first atomic bombing, written from personal investigation, with horrifying detail and compassionate indignation. Between these two pieces we read of John Kennedy’s heroism in rescuing the crew of his PT boat, sunk by the Japanese, seventeen years before he became President; a Jew’s suffering in Auschwitz; a crippled G.I.’s difficulties in adjusting himself to civilian life; the rehabilitation of a soldier paralyzed with fright; the adventures of two Poles who survived persecution; and a most moving account of an escape from Hungary in 1956. All John Hersey’s books have had a serious purpose. A Bell for Adanodrew attention to Italy’s plight; The Wall studied the Polish Jews’ struggle against tyranny; The War Lover exposed the war mentality;The Child Buyershowed up the exploitation of talent. Here to Stayis a stirring reminder of our inherent ability to meet the challenge of extinction which now faces the world.

Here, Right Matters: An American Story

by Alexander Vindman

Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, who found himself at the center of a firestorm for his decision to report the infamous phone call that led to presidential impeachment, tells his own story for the first time. Here, Right Matters is a stirring account of Vindman's childhood as an immigrant growing up in New York City, his career in service of his new home on the battlefield and at the White House, and the decisions leading up to, and fallout surrounding, his exposure of President Trump's abuse of power. 0900, Thursday, July 25, 2019: President Trump called Ukraine’s President Zelensky, supposedly to congratulate him on his recent victory. In the months that followed, the American public would only learn what happened on that call because Alexander Vindman felt duty-bound to report it up the chain of command: that the President of the United States had extorted a foreign ally to damage a political challenger at home. Vindman’s actions and subsequent testimony before congress would lead to Trump’s impeachment and affirm Vindman's belief that he had done the right thing in the face of intense pressure to stay silent. But it would come at an enormous cost, straining relationships with colleagues, superiors, and even his own father, and eventually end his decorated career in the US Army, by a Trump administration intent on retribution. Here, Right Matters is Vindman’s proud, passionate, and candid account of his family, his career, and the moment of truth he faced for his nation. As an immigrant, raised by a father who fled the Soviet Union in pursuit of a better life for his children, Vindman learned about respect for truth throughout his education and military service. As this memoir makes clear, his decision to speak up about the July 25th call was never a choice: it was Vindman’s duty, as a naturalized citizen and member of the armed forces. In the wake of his testimony, he would endure furious partisan attacks on his record and his loyalty. But far louder was the extraordinary chorus of support from citizens who were collectively intent on reaffirming an abiding American commitment to integrity. In the face of a sure-fire career derailment and public excoriation, Vindman heeded the lessons from the people and institutions who instilled in him the moral compass and the courage to act decisively. Like so many other American immigrant families, the Vindmans had to learn to build a life from scratch and take big risks to achieve important goals. Here, Right Matters is about the quiet heroes who keep us safe; but, above all, it is a call to arms for those who refuse to let America betray its true self.

Here and There: Sites of Philosophy

by Stanley Cavell

The first posthumous collection from the writings of Stanley Cavell, shedding new light on the distinctive vision and intellectual trajectory of an influential American philosopher. For Stanley Cavell, philosophy was a matter of responding to the voices of others. Throughout his career, he articulated the belief that words spring to life in concrete circumstances of speech: the significance and power of language depend on the occasions that elicit it. When Cavell died in 2018, he left behind some of his own most powerful language—a plan for a book collecting numerous unpublished essays and lectures, as well as papers printed in niche journals. Here and There presents this manuscript, with thematically relevant additions, for the first time. These writings, composed between the 1980s and the 2000s, reflect Cavell’s expansive interests and distinctive philosophical method. The collection traverses all the major themes of his immense body of work: modernity, psychoanalysis, the human voice, moral perfectionism, tragedy, skepticism. Cavell’s rich and cohesive philosophical vision unites his wide-ranging engagement with poets, critics, psychoanalysts, social scientists, and fellow philosophers. In Here and There, readers will find dialogues with Shakespeare, Thoreau, Wittgenstein, Freud, Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, Wallace Stevens, Veena Das, and Peter Kivy, among others. One of the collection’s most striking features is an ensemble of five pieces on music, constituting Cavell’s first discussion of the subject since the mid-1960s. Edited by philosophers who have been invested in Cavell’s work for decades, Here and There not only gathers the strands of a writing life but also maps its author’s intellectual journeys. In these works, Cavell models what it looks like to examine seriously one’s own passions and to forge new communities through unexpected conversations.

Herder on Humanity and Cultural Difference

by Sonia Sikka

Herder is often criticized for having embraced cultural relativism, but there has been little philosophical discussion of what he actually wrote about the nature of the human species and its differentiation through culture. This book focuses on Herder's idea of culture, seeking to situate his social and political theses within the context of his anthropology, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, theory of language and philosophy of history. It argues for a view of Herder as a qualified relativist, who combined the conception of a common human nature with a belief in the importance of culture in developing and shaping that nature. Especially highlighted are Herder's understanding of the relativity of virtue and happiness, and his belief in the impossibility of constructing a single best society. The book will appeal to a wide range of readers interested both in Herder and in Enlightenment culture more generally.

Herbert Spencer: Collected Writings

by Herbert Spencer

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was regarded by the Victorians as the foremost philosopher of the age, the prophet of evolution at a time when the idea had gripped the popular imagination. Until recently Spencer's posthumous reputation rested almost excusively on his social and political thought, which has itself frequently been subject to serious misrepresentation. But historians of ideas now recognise that an acquaintance with Spencer's thought is essential for the proper understanding of many aspects of Victorian intellectual life, and the present selection is designed to answer this need. It provides a cross-section of Spencer's works from his more popular and approachable essays to a number of the volumes of the Synthetic Philosophy itself. Volume V: First Principles.

Her Honor: My Life on the Bench...What Works, What's Broken, and How to Change It

by LaDoris Hazzard Cordell

In Her Honor, Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell provides a rare and thought-provoking insider account of our legal system, sharing vivid stories of the cases that came through her courtroom and revealing the strengths, flaws, and much-needed changes within our courts.Judge Cordell, the first African American woman to sit on the Superior Court of Northern California, knows firsthand how prejudice has permeated our legal system. And yet, she believes in the system. From ending school segregation to legalizing same-sex marriage, its progress relies on legal professionals and jurors who strive to make the imperfect system as fair as possible.Her Honor is an entertaining and provocative look into the hearts and minds of judges. Cordell takes you into her chambers where she haggles with prosecutors and defense attorneys and into the courtroom during jury selection and sentencing hearings. She uses real cases to highlight how judges make difficult decisions, all the while facing outside pressures from the media, law enforcement, lobbyists, and the friends and families of the people involved. Cordell’s candid account of her years on the bench shines light on all areas of the legal system, from juvenile delinquency and the shift from rehabilitation to punishment, along with the racial biases therein, to the thousands of plea bargains that allow our overburdened courts to stay afloat—as long as innocent people are willing to plead guilty. There are tales of marriages and divorces, adoptions, and contested wills—some humorous, others heartwarming, still others deeply troubling.Her Honor is for anyone who’s had the good or bad fortune to stand before a judge or sit on a jury. It is for true-crime junkies and people who vote in judicial elections. Most importantly, this is a book for anyone who wants to know what our legal system, for better or worse, means to the everyday lives of all Americans.

Her Deadly Secrets: A nailbitingly suspenseful thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat!

by Laura Griffin

With her signature breathless pacing and suspenseful twists and turns, 'Laura Griffin never fails to put me on the edge of my seat' (USA TODAY).Laura Griffin's pulse-pounding new thriller, Hidden, is now available to preorder! Just search 9781472276001!A young private investigator finds out the price of keeping deadly secrets when a vicious killer sets his sights on her in this pulse-pounding thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of the Tracers series.She alone may hold the key to finding a vicious murderer... Private investigator Kira Vance spends her days navigating the intricate labyrinth of Houston's legal world. But, however shadowy its players and dark its secrets, the last thing she expects is for a meeting with her top client to end in a bloodbath. The police have no suspects but one thing is clear: a killer has Kira in his sights. Fiercely independent, Kira doesn't expect - or want - help from anyone, least of all an unscrupulous lawyer and his elite security team. Instead, she launches her own investigation, hoping to uncover the answers that have eluded the police. But as Kira's hunt for clues becomes more and more perilous, she realizes that she must take help wherever she can find it if she wants to stay alive...Raves for Laura Griffin:'Desperate Girls is a nail-biting read from the very first page to the final, shocking twist. I could not put this book down' Melinda Leigh'Griffin pulls out all the stops in a phenomenal twist ending that will leave readers stunned' Publishers WeeklyDon't miss Laura's other gripping romantic thrillers, including Desperate Girls and Stone Cold Heart, available now!

Her Body, Our Laws: On the Front Lines of the Abortion War, from El Salvador to Oklahoma

by Michelle Oberman

With stories from the front lines, a legal scholar journeys through distinct legal climates to understand precisely why and how the war over abortion is being fought.Drawing on her years of research in El Salvador—one of the few countries to ban abortion without exception—legal scholar Michelle Oberman explores what happens when abortion is a crime. Oberman reveals the practical challenges raised by a thriving black market in abortion drugs, as well as the legal challenges to law enforcement. She describes a system in which doctors and lawyers collaborate in order to identify and prosecute those suspected of abortion-related crimes, and the troubling results of such collaboration: mistaken diagnoses, selective enforcement, and wrongful convictions.Equipped with this understanding, Oberman turns her attention to the United States, where the battle over abortion is fought almost exclusively in legislatures and courtrooms. Beginning in Oklahoma, one of the most pro-life states, and through interviews with current and former legislators and activists, she shows how Americans voice their moral opposition to abortion by supporting laws that would restrict it. In this America, the law is more a symbol than a plan.Oberman challenges this vision of the law by considering the practical impact of legislation and policies governing both motherhood and abortion. Using stories gathered from crisis pregnancy centers and abortion clinics, she unmasks the ways in which the law already shapes women’s responses to unplanned pregnancy, generating incentives or penalties, nudging pregnant women in one direction or another.In an era in which every election cycle features a pitched battle over abortion’s legality, Oberman uses her research to expose the limited ways in which making abortion a crime matters. Her insight into the practical consequences that will ensue if states are permitted to criminalize abortion calls attention to the naïve and misguided nature of contemporary struggles over abortion’s legality.A fresh look at the battle over abortion law, Her Body, Our Laws is an invitation to those on all sides of the issue to move beyond the incomplete discourse about legality by understanding how the law actually matters.

Henry Friendly, Greatest Judge of His Era

by David M. Dorsen

Friendly served on the Second Circuit from 1959 to 1986. In the foreword, Judge Richard A. Posner refers to his own skeptical statements about the utility of biographies of judges; pointedly, he reverses that opinion completely with regard to this biography. Washington, D. C. -based attorney Dorsen draws on extensive research and interviews to provide a thoroughly engaging portrait of a brilliant and esteemed man. Belknap Press is an imprint of Harvard U. Press. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living

by John Kaag Jonathan van Belle

What Thoreau can teach us about working—why we do it, what it does to us, and how we can make it more meaningfulHenry at Work invites readers to rethink how we work today by exploring an aspect of Henry David Thoreau that has often been overlooked: Thoreau the worker. John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle overturn the popular misconception of Thoreau as a navel-gazing recluse who was scornful of work and other mundanities. In fact, Thoreau worked hard—surveying land, running his family’s pencil-making business, writing, lecturing, and building his cabin at Walden Pond—and thought intensely about work in its many dimensions. And his ideas about work have much to teach us in an age of remote work and automation, when many people are reconsidering what kind of working lives they want to have.Through Thoreau, readers will discover a philosophy of work in the office, factory, lumber mill, and grocery store, and reflect on the rhythms of the workday, the joys and risks of resigning oneself to work, the dubious promises of labor-saving technology, and that most vital and eternal of philosophical questions, “How much do I get paid?” In ten chapters, including “Manual Work,” “Machine Work,” and “Meaningless Work,” this personal, urgent, practical, and compassionate book introduces readers to their new favorite coworker: Henry David Thoreau.

Henri Lefebvre: Spatial Politics, Everyday Life and the Right to the City (Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers)

by Chris Butler

While certain aspects of Henri Lefebvre’s writings have been examined extensively within the disciplines of geography, social theory, urban planning and cultural studies, there has been no comprehensive consideration of his work within legal studies. Henri Lefebvre: Spatial Politics, Everyday Life and the Right to the City provides the first serious analysis of the relevance and importance of this significant thinker for the study of law and state power. Introducing Lefebvre to a legal audience, this book identifies the central themes that run through his work, including his unorthodox, humanist approach to Marxist theory, his sociological and methodological contributions to the study of everyday life and his theory of the production of space. These elements of Lefebvre’s thought are explored through detailed investigations of the relationships between law, legal form and processes of abstraction; the spatial dimensions of neoliberal configurations of state power; the political and aesthetic aspects of the administrative ordering of everyday life; and the ‘right to the city’ as the basis for asserting new forms of spatial citizenship. Chris Butler argues that Lefebvre’s theoretical categories suggest a way for critical legal scholars to conceptualise law and state power as continually shaped by political struggles over the inhabitance of space. This book is a vital resource for students and researchers in law, sociology, geography and politics, and all readers interested in the application of Lefebvre’s social theory to specific legal and political contexts.

Helter-Shelter: Security, Legality, and an Ethic of Care in an Emergency Shelter

by Prashan Ranasinghe

Helter-Shelter is an ethnographic account of the manner in which an emergency shelter is governed on a daily basis, from the perspective of the personnel who are employed and tasked with providing care. Prashan Ranasinghe focuses on how the founding ethos of the shelter, an ethic of care, is conceptualized and practiced by examining its successes and failures. Ranasinghe reveals how this logic is diluted and adulterated because of two other important logics, security and legality, which, working alongside, take precedence and trump the import of care. The care that is deployed is heavily legalized and securitized and it is also administered inconsistently and idiosyncratically. As a result, disorder and confusion pervade the shelter. Helter-Shelter offers a unique perspective on the delivery of care, and how this laudable intention faces such daunting challenges.

Helping Soldiers Leverage Army Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities in Civilian Jobs

by Cate Yoon Ellen M. Pint Eric J. Duckworth Jeffrey B. Wenger Jonathan Welch Laura Werber Melissa A. Bradley Michael G. Shanley Nicole H. Curtis Tepring Piquado Trinidad Beleche

This report discusses the results of occupation surveys administered to soldiers in selected Army military occupational specialties (MOSs) to assess the level and importance of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in these MOSs and to develop better crosswalks between military and civilian occupations. The report identifies both a broader range of military-civilian occupation matches and higher-quality matches than existing crosswalks.

The Helping Professionals Guide to Ethics: A New Perspective

by Valerie Bryan; Scott Sanders; Laura Kaplan

This book develops a comprehensive framework for ethics in the helping professions based on bioethicist Bernard Gert's theory of common morality. The prevailing model of ethics education is built upon adherence to codes of ethics applied largely through the use of decision-making trees. While a firm understanding of a professions code of ethics and all relevant laws is essential to responsible practice, this approach to teaching ethics excludes the opportunity for students to acquire a holistic, and grounded understanding of moral action. The framework proposed in this text moves beyond codes of ethics, and allows students to develop a cohesive sense of ethical reasoning that both validates their moral intuition and challenges moral assumptions. The theory of a common morality uses a systematic, step-by-step approach that readers and practitioners can apply to all questions of moral action and behavior. While there is no such thing as a single right answer to any ethical question, by following this approach practitioners can confidently eliminate the bad decisions, allowing them to feel more secure in their decision and practice.

Helpen! Ik heb mijn baan verloren

by Richard G Lowe Jr

De meesten van ons zijn trots op ons werk en onze baan. We moeten een baan hebben om onze gezinnen te voeden, de huur te betalen, de auto gerepareerd te houden en af en toe een paar luxe te kopen. We raken verbonden met mensen op het werk en hebben vaak het gevoel dat de plek onze tweede thuis is. Dit zou niet moeten verbazen, omdat velen van ons een derde of meer van ons leven op kantoor doorbrengen. Zo kan het plotselinge verlies van werkgelegenheid darmslachtig zijn, deprimerend en, afhankelijk van de financiële situatie van een persoon, een nijpende noodsituatie. Voor degenen die van salaris naar salaris leven, kan het plotselinge verlies van werk betekenen dat ze hun huis verliezen of niet eten. Het doel van dit boek is om u te helpen, een werknemer die onlangs is beëindigd of voelt dat het komt, de antwoorden krijgt die u nodig hebt om uw overgang van de ene naar de andere functie zo soepel mogelijk te laten verlopen.

Hellhound On His Trail: The Electrifying Account of the Largest Manhunt In American History

by Hampton Sides

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • On April 4, 1968, James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lorraine Motel. The nation was shocked, enraged, and saddened. As chaos erupted across the country and mourners gathered at King's funeral, investigators launched a sixty-five day search for King&’s assassin that would lead them across two continents—from the author of Blood and Thunder and Ghost Soldiers.With a blistering, cross-cutting narrative that draws on a wealth of dramatic unpublished documents, Hampton Sides, bestselling author of Ghost Soldiers, delivers a non-fiction thriller in the tradition of William Manchester's The Death of a President and Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. With Hellhound On His Trail, Sides shines a light on the largest manhunt in American history and brings it to life for all to see.With a New Afterword

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