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Formulating a Differential Diagnosis: For the Advanced Practice Provider

by Jacqueline Rhoads Julie C. Penick

This easy-access clinical guide to over 70 commonly seen symptoms, written for advanced practice provider (APP) students and new practitioners, describes a step-by-step process for obtaining a reliable patient history, choosing the appropriate physical exam, and using the patient history and physical exam findings to form a differential diagnosis. <p><p>The second edition continues to include the case study approach, and is updated to incorporate 22 new symptoms along with contributions by a new editor, who is a leader in holistic health. <p><p> The guide is distinguished by several unique features including focused patient history questions and responses, physical exam findings, a differential diagnosis table (clearly comparing potential diagnostic choices based on symptoms), a diagnostic examination table (including estimated costs and codes), and a case study summary highlighting the critical thinking process. Symptoms are presented alphabetically in a systematic, unfolding case study approach and include chief complaint, presenting history, past history, and explicit methodology for determining correct diagnosis.

Formulating Poorly Water Soluble Drugs (AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series #50)

by Robert O. Williams III Daniel A. Davis Jr. Dave A. Miller

The objective of this third edition is to consolidate within a single text the most current knowledge, practical methods, and regulatory considerations pertaining to formulations development with poorly water-soluble molecules. A pharmaceutical scientist’s approach toward solubility enhancement of a poorly water-soluble molecule typically includes detailed characterization of the compound’s physiochemical properties, solid-state modifications, advanced formulation design, non-conventional process technologies, advanced analytical characterization, and specialized product performance analysis techniques. The scientist must also be aware of the unique regulatory considerations pertaining to the non-conventional approaches often utilized for poorly water-soluble drugs. One faced with the challenge of developing a drug product from a poorly soluble compound must possess at a minimum a working knowledge of each of the above mentioned facets and detailed knowledge of most. In light of the magnitude of the growing solubility problem to drug development, this is a significant burden especially when considering that knowledge in most of these areas is relatively new and continues to develop.

Formulating Poorly Water Soluble Drugs

by Robert O. Williams III Alan B. Watts Dave A. Miller

This volume is intended to provide the reader with a breadth of understanding regarding the many challenges faced with the formulation of poorly water-soluble drugs as well as in-depth knowledge in the critical areas of development with these compounds. Further, this book is designed to provide practical guidance for overcoming formulation challenges toward the end goal of improving drug therapies with poorly water-soluble drugs. Enhancing solubility via formulation intervention is a unique opportunity in which formulation scientists can enable drug therapies by creating viable medicines from seemingly undeliverable molecules. With the ever increasing number of poorly water-soluble compounds entering development, the role of the formulation scientist is growing in importance. Also, knowledge of the advanced analytical, formulation, and process technologies as well as specific regulatory considerations related to the formulation of these compounds is increasing in value. Ideally, this book will serve as a useful tool in the education of current and future generations of scientists, and in this context contribute toward providing patients with new and better medicines.

Formulating Poorly Water Soluble Drugs

by Robert O. Williams Alan B. Watts Dave A. Miller

The objective of this volume is to consolidate within a single text the most current knowledge, practical methods, and regulatory considerations pertaining to formulations development with poorly water-soluble molecules. A pharmaceutical scientist's approach toward solubility enhancement of a poorly water-soluble molecule typically includes detailed characterization of the compound's physiochemical properties, solid-state modifications, advanced formulation design, non-conventional process technologies, advanced analytical characterization, and specialized product performance analysis techniques. The scientist must also be aware of the unique regulatory considerations pertaining to the non-conventional approaches often utilized for poorly water-soluble drugs. One faced with the challenge of developing a drug product from a poorly soluble compound must possess at minimum a working knowledge of each of the abovementioned facets and detailed knowledge of most. In light of the magnitude of the growing solubility problem to drug development, this is a significant burden especially when considering that knowledge in most of these areas is relatively new and continues to develop

Formulation As A Basis For Planning Psychotherapy Treatment

by Mardi J. Horowitz

To help their patients, clinicians must make accurate diagnoses and devise effective treatment plans. These plans often involve psychotherapy with goals that include symptom reduction, the prevention of relapse, and helping patients recognize and remove impediments to more effective functioning. Formulation as a Basis for Planning Psychotherapy Treatment presents a formulation system that combines concepts derived from psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive-behavioral, and family system approaches. In a step-by-step manner, illustrated by plentiful case examples, this useful guide shows psychiatrists, residents in psychiatry and psychology, social workers, and marriage and family counselors how to plan treatment after the initial diagnosis. After an overview of psychological change processes, each of the five steps in the formulation process are covered systematically. Case formulation is begun by the careful selection and description of a patient's symptoms and problems. This information is then grouped into states of mind, an approach that allows for multiple presentations of a patient, avoids static descriptions of observations, and places many observable features into meaningful clusters of co-occurrence. Subsequent chapters explain how all of this information can be used to focus the treatment and identify defensive controls that may interfere with treatment. The author describes how to infer deep beliefs about the self in terms of views of relationships with others. The book teaches how to formulate plans for interventions during psychotherapy.

Forschen – Patentieren – Lizenzieren: Aus der Wissenschaft über Patentschutz bis zur Spin-off-Gründung

by Kirstin Schilling

Dieser Ratgeber erklärt, wie Forschungsergebnisse aus Universitäten und Hochschulen patentiert und lizenziert oder verkauft werden können. Wichtige Aspekte des Erfindungs-, Patent- und Lizenzrechts werden anhand von Beispielen erläutert.Im ersten Teil werden Fragen beantwortet, was eine patentierbare Erfindung ist und welche Erfindervergütung Forschenden an Hochschulen zusteht. Ausführlich behandelt wird u.a. das Thema, wie Forschungsergebnisse publiziert und trotzdem patentiert werden können.Im zweiten Teil, speziell zum Patentieren, wird gezeigt, wie eine Patentanmeldung aufgebaut ist, wie Patentprüfverfahren ablaufen und was sie kosten. Mit vielen Praxistipps wird erklärt, wie man eine Patentrecherche durchführt und ermittelt, ob ein Patent noch aktiv ist. Zudem wird erläutert, welche Besonderheiten beim Schutz von Erfindungen für medizinische Anwendungen zu beachten sind.Im dritten Teil werden verschiedene vertragliche Lösungen zur Anbahnung sowie zum Abschluss von Lizenz- und anderen Verwertungsvereinbarungen vorgestellt. Häufige Probleme bei der Finanzierung der Weiterentwicklung von Projekten werden adressiert und Lösungen aufgezeigt. Der Schlussteil ist speziell dem Thema der Gründung von akademischen Spin-off-Unternehmen gewidmet. Die aktualisierte und erweiterte 2. Auflage enthält neue Beiträge zu den Themen Software-Schutz und -Lizenzierung und zu den Möglichkeiten, patentgeschützte Technologien weiterzuentwickeln. Neue Beispiele sowie verlinkte Interviews mit Experten illustrieren Best-practice-Fälle.Das Buch eignet sich sowohl als Übersicht für Einsteiger als auch zum gelegentlichen Nachschlagen für gestandene Erfinder. Es richtet sich grundsätzlich an alle Forschenden in den Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin sowie Mitarbeitende des Technologietransfers an Universitäten, Universitätskliniken und Hochschulen. Videos per App: einfach die SN More Media App kostenfrei herunterladen, ein Bild oder einen Link mit dem Play-Button scannen und sofort das Video auf Smartphone oder Tablet ausspielen.

Forschungsgeschichte der Kammerwasserphysiologie: Der Beitrag Erich Seidels zum Verständnis der Glaukomentwicklung

by Dieter Schmidt

Ende des 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts gab es sehr unterschiedliche experimentelle Befunde zur Physiologie der Kammerwasserwege. Mit seinen Untersuchungen zeigte Erich Seidel, dass der Ziliarkörper das Sekretionsorgan des Auges ist. Seine bedeutenden zahlreichen und umfangreichen Publikationen, die sich mit Fragen der intraokularen Flüssigkeitsströmung und mit dem Glaukom befassten, erschienen in der Zeit von 1916 bis 1932. Mit seinen neuen Erkenntnissen setzte er sich trotz Widerspruchs mehrerer Augenärzte durch und trug damit entscheidend zum besseren Verständnis der Glaukomentwicklung bei.

Forschungsmethoden in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention

by Marlen Niederberger Emily Finne

Um als Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis geeignete Interventionen zu identifizieren, zu entwickeln, umzusetzen und zu evaluieren, benötigen Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention unter anderem Theorien, eine zuverlässige Evidenzlage, aktuelle empirische Daten, subjektorientierte Ansätze und partizipative Instrumente. In diesem Kontext spielen qualitative und quantitative Forschungsmethoden sowie inter- und transdisziplinäre Sichtweisen eine wichtige Rolle. Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über wichtige Forschungsmethoden in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention.

Forskolin: Natural Sources, Pharmacology and Biotechnology

by T. Pullaiah

This monograph compiles updated information about forskolin, a labdane diterpene that is produced by the Coleus plant. Forskolin has a large number of practical uses and the book delves into the various aspects of this chemical. It includes topics such as the botanical source of forskolin and the cultivation of Coleus forskohlii, source. It also covers the biosynthetic pathways in natural sources and also through different biotechnological applications. Chapters include the potential and products in the Forskolin market. The book also covers the methods for enhanced production of forskolin from natural sources and through tissue culture methods for improvement of the plant for higher content of forskolin. It discusses the role of endophytes in the production of forskolin.The book is useful for students and researchers in the field of botany, pharmacology and biochemistry. It also serves scientists in various pharmaceutical industries.

Fortbildung Osteologie 4 (Fortbildung Osteologie Ser. #4)

by Andreas Roth Dietmar Pierre König Klaus M. Peters

Die Bände aus der Buchreihe „Fortbildung Osteologie“ beruhen auf den Inhalten der regelmäßig durchgeführten osteologischen Seminare der Sektion Osteologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie (DGOOC) zu ausgewählten Schwerpunkthemen. Konzipiert ist die Reihe für alle zukünftigen Osteologen und für Fachärzte, die sich schon zum Osteologen DVO zertifiziert haben.Für die „Fortbildung Osteologie IV“ wurden Themen ausgewählt, bei denen es in den letzten Jahren relevante Innovationen in Bezug auf Klinik, Diagnostik oder Therapie gab.

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol. 92

by A. Douglas Kinghorn Herbert Budzikiewicz Heinz Falk Rogelio Pereda-Miranda Daniel Rosas-Ramírez Junichi Kobayashi Jhon Castañeda-Gómez

The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as "Zechmeister" after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series' inauguration in 1938. The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to biologists, technologists, and chemists alike, the series can be used by the expert as a source of information and literature citations and by the non-expert as a means of orientation in a rapidly developing discipline.

Fortschritte in der speziellen Hüftchirurgie

by Wolf R. Drescher Kyung-Hoi Koo Russell E. Windsor

Dieses Buch beschreibt aktuelle und neue Techniken in der Hüftchirurgie und vermittelt das wesentliche, aktuelle Wissen, das der orthopädische Chirurg benötigt, der sich auf die Hüfte spezialisieren will. Das Eröffnungskapitel bietet einen prägnanten Überblick über die chirurgische Anatomie, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Details, die für die im Buch beschriebenen Operationstechniken relevant sind. Anschließend werden der zunehmend beliebte anteriore minimalinvasive Zugang zur Hüfte und eine mikroinvasive Variante dieses Zugangs beschrieben. In den folgenden Kapiteln werden chirurgische Ansätze für Entwicklungsstörungen der Hüfte, einschließlich Dysplasie und femoroacetabulärem Impingement, sowie vielversprechende Techniken zur Erhaltung der Hüfte bei avaskulärer Nekrose der Hüfte vorgestellt - eine oft vernachlässigte, aber international relevante Krankheit, die die Hüfte bei jungen Patienten verstümmeln kann. Schließlich werden die neuesten Techniken und Implantate für die Primär- und Revisionshüftprothetik eingehend erörtert. Das internationale Autorenteam besteht aus anerkannten Fachleuten auf diesem Gebiet, von denen viele die beschriebenen Klassifizierungen und neuen Operationstechniken entwickelt haben

The Fortunate Adversities of William Bligh

by Roy Schreiber

William Bligh is best known as the cause of the mutiny on the Bounty. He was also the victim of two other mutinies. Yet when he died he was a vice-admiral of the British navy. How was that possible? If ever a person learned to profit from adversity, it was William Bligh.

A Fortunate Man

by John Berger

In this quietly revolutionary work of social observation and medical philosophy, Booker Prize-winning writer John Berger and the photographer Jean Mohr train their gaze on an English country doctor and find a universal man--one who has taken it upon himself to recognize his patient's humanity when illness and the fear of death have made them unrecognizable to themselves. In the impoverished rural community in which he works, John Sassall tend the maimed, the dying, and the lonely. He is not only the dispenser of cures but the repository of memories. And as Berger and Mohr follow Sassall about his rounds, they produce a book whose careful detail broadens into a meditation on the value we assign a human life. First published thirty years ago, A Fortunate Man remains moving and deeply relevant--no other book has offered such a close and passionate investigation of the roles doctors play in their society."In contemporary letters John Berger seems to me peerless; not since Lawrence has there been a writer who offers such attentiveness to the sensual world with responsiveness to the imperatives of conscience."--Susan SontagFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Fortune And The Cursed

by Katherine Swancutt

Innovation-making is a classic theme in anthropology that reveals how people fine-tune their ontologies, live in the world and conceive of it as they do. This ethnographic study is an entrance into the world of Buryat Mongol divination, where a group of cursed shamans undertake the 'race against time' to produce innovative remedies that will improve their fallen fortunes at an unconventional pace. Drawing on parallels between social anthropology and chaos theory, the author gives an in-depth account of how Buryat shamans and their notion of fortune operate as 'strange attractors' who propagate the ongoing process of innovation-making. With its view into this long-term 'cursing war' between two shamanic factions in a rural Mongolian district, and the comparative findings on cursing in rural China, this book is a needed resource for anyone with an interest in the anthropology of religion, shamanism, witchcraft and genealogical change.

The FOS and JUN Families of Transcription Factors (CRC Press Revivals)

by Peter E. Angel Peter Herrlich

This book introduces and analyzes the crucial role of AP-1 in cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. AP-1 is the endpoint of several pathways of signal transduction, including one that triggers cancerous growth. The control of its activity is an issue of basic science, cancer therapy, and other diseases. The chapters provide multiple viewpoints of the emerging data on AP-1, including its role as a factor regulating genes involved in the metastatic properties of cancer, as a factor that interacts with viral gene products, and as a part of the mechanism by which steroid and retinoic acid receptors function as anti-inflammatory proteins.

Foster Care and Best Interests of the Child: Integrating Research, Policy, and Practice (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Elizabeth T. Gershoff Sarah A. Font

This brief examines the U.S. foster care system and seeks to explain why the foster care system functions as it does and how it can be improved to serve the best interest of children. It defines and evaluates key challenges that undermine child safety and well-being in the current foster care system. Chapters highlight the competing values and priorities of the system as well as the pros and cons for the use of foster care. In addition, chapters assess whether the performance objectives in which states are evaluated by the federal government are sufficient to achieve positive health and well-being outcomes for children who experience foster care. Finally, it offers recommendations for improving the system and maximizing positive outcomes. Topics featured in this brief include: Legal aspects of removal and placement of children in foster care.The effectiveness of prior efforts to reform foster care.The regulation and quality of foster homes.Support for youth aging out of the foster care system.Racial and ethnic disparities in the foster care system. Foster Care and the Best Interests of the Child is a must-have resource for policy makers and related professionals, graduate students, and researchers in child and school psychology, family studies, public health, social work, law/criminal justice, and sociology.

Fostering Development in Midlife and Older Age: A Positive Psychology Perspective

by Irina Catrinel Crăciun

This handbook integrates and discusses a growing evidence base concerning individual development across middle and late adulthood. The book includes a comprehensive analysis of what growth implies within midlife and older age and considers how different developmental areas are intertwined (i.e., physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as personality growth). As the gap between theory and practice still constitutes an issue in developmental research, the handbook also aims to provide illustrative examples of prevention and intervention from a positive psychology perspective. These were selected to represent a variety of topics, relevant for individual development where research informs practice, ranging from happiness, grandparenthood, love and sexuality to loneliness, depression, anxiety, suicide prevention and coping with death. This handbook is a must-have resource for students and researchers working in developmental psychology, health psychology, gerontology and, public health. It will also be of interest to practitioners such as counsellors, life coaches, psychotherapists, organizational psychologists, health professionals, social workers or public health planners.

Fostering Independence, Participation, and Healthy Aging Through Technology

by Institute of Medicine National Research Council Steve Olson Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Board on Health Sciences Policy Tracy A. Lustig Forum on Aging, Disability, and Independence

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Research Council (NRC) have had prominent roles in discussions of aging, disability, and technology for decades. In 1978, Aging and Medical Education (IOM, 1978) raised national awareness of the challenges to physicians posed by the aging of the U.S. population. Thirty years later, Retooling for an Aging America highlighted concerns for the entire health care workforce in view of the aging of the population, including the role of technology in caring for older populations. The 1988 report The Aging Population in the 21st Century examined social, economic, and demographic changes among older adults, as well as many health-related topics: health promotion and disease prevention; quality of life; health care system financing and use; and the quality of care-- especially long-term care. In 1991, the landmark report Disability in America laid out a national agenda to prevent disability and improve the lives of people with disabling conditions. The 1997 report Enabling America: Assessing the Role of Rehabilitation Science and Engineering examined the knowledge base of rehabilitation science and engineering and proposed ways to translate scientific findings into interventions that produce better health. And the 2007 report The Future of Disability in America examined progress made since the earlier reports and looked at continuing barriers that limit the independence, productivity, and participation in community life of people with disabilities. All these reports were produced by committees appointed in accordance with guidelines of the National Academies and met multiples times to compile and review evidence, reach consensus on conclusions and recommendations, draft a report of the committee, and then modify that draft report in response to comments from outside reviewers. The IOM and NRC have also held several workshops related to aging, disability, and technology and published summary reports, such as Technology for Adaptive Aging and Grand Challenges of Our Aging Society. The IOM and NRC also convene groups that take a different approach to issues of pressing national and international importance. Often known as forums or roundtables, these groups meet regularly to foster dialogue and confront issues of mutual interest and concern among a broad range of stakeholders. They can convene workshops, initiate cooperative projects among members, commission independently authored articles, and generate ideas for independent consensus studies. In 2012 the IOM and NRC joined together to establish the Forum on Aging, Disability, and Independence to provide a neutral venue for broad-ranging discussions among the many stakeholders involved with aging and disability. The goals of the forum are to highlight areas in which the coordination of the aging and disability networks is strong, examine the challenges involved in aligning the aging and disability networks, explore new approaches for resolving problem areas, elevate the visibility and broaden the perspectives of stakeholders, and set the stage for future policy actions. Forum sponsors and members include federal agencies, health professional associations, private sector businesses, academics, and consumers. Fostering Independence, Participation, and Healthy Aging Through Technology summarizes this workshop.

Fostering Rapid Advances in Health Care: Learning from System Demonstrations

by National Research Council

In response to a request from the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Institute of Medicine convened a committee to identify possible demonstration projects that might be implemented in 2003, with the hope of yielding models for broader health system reform within a few years. The committee is recommending a substantial portfolio of demonstration projects, including chronic care and primary care demonstrations, information and communications technology infrastructure demonstrations, health insurance coverage demonstrations, and liability demonstrations. As a set, the demonstrations address key aspects of the health care delivery system and the financing and legal environment in which health care is provided.

Fostering Social Work Gerontology Competence: A Collection of Papers from the First National Gerontological Social Work Conference

by Catherine J. Tompkins Anita L. Rosen

Inspire the next generation of gerontological social workersThe growing number of people over the age of 65 in the United States has increased the demand for social workers who are trained to work with the elderly—a demand that’s in danger of not being met. Fostering Social Work Gerontology Competence presents innovative techniques and strategies to help educators infuse aging content into their graduate and undergraduate curriculums in an effort to produce a new generation of social work practitioners who are up to the task of working with an older population. Recent surveys show that there has been a decline in the number of aging specialties and courses offered by schools of social work. Fostering Social Work Gerontology Competence offers a renewed focus on the promotion of gerontological social work education, presenting papers that grew out of the first National Gerontological Social Work Conference (NGSWC), held in 2003. This unique book is invaluable to anyone who educates future social workers, leads staff training sessions, and/or teaches continuing education courses on aging. Leading gerontologists examine teaching research, community collaboration, and social work competencies, while focusing on special populations and issues including end-of-life care, elder abuse, grief counseling, cultural diversity, cultural competence, and the effects of spirituality and social support on the well being of the elderly.Fostering Social Work Gerontology Competence examines: curricular and organizational change developing intergenerational projects involving older persons in the educational process uniting field practice with theory strategies to promote student interest identifying geriatric competencies intergenerational service learning developing an aging prepared community emerging trends in aging and health care end-of-life care and death education environmental issues affecting elder abuse victims mental health services for older persons in rural communities kinship care and much moreFostering Social Work Gerontology Competence is a vital resource for social work educators and practitioners, gerontology educators and practitioners, and students.

Foucault, Health and Medicine

by Alan Petersen Robin Bunton

The reception of Michel Foucault's work in the social sciences and humanities has been phenomenal. Foucault's concepts and methodology have encouraged new approaches to old problems and opened up new lines of enquiry. This book assesses the contribution of Foucault's work to research and thinking in the area of health and medicine, and shows how key researchers in the sociology of health and illness are currently engaging with his ideas. Foucault, Health and Medicine explores such important issues as: Foucault's concept of 'discourse', the critique of the 'medicalization' thesis, the analysis of the body and the self, Foucault's concept of 'bio-power' in the analysis of health education, the implications of Foucault's ideas for feminist research on embodiment and gendered subjectivities, the application of Foucault's notion of governmentality to the analysis of health policy, health promotion, and the consumption of health. Foucault, Health and Medicine offers a `state of the art' overview of Foucaldian scholarship in the area of health and medicine. It will provide a key reference for both students and researchers working in the areas of medical sociology, health policy, health promotion and feminist studies.

Found: A Father For Her Child

by Amy Andrews

Charmed by a mother and her little gir Carries Douglas can't take risks--she has her four-year-old daughter to take care of and her heart to protect. Her resolve is tested when her latest assignment puts her in the path of the gorgeously sexy and unconventional Dr. Charlie Wentworth, who spends every making hour caring for Brisbane's neediest citizens at his drop-in clinic. Carrie is torn. Here is a man who would be a perfect husband and father, but she's been sent to assess the viability of his clinic. How can she tell Charlie her mission without destroying the trust and love growing between them--and her dream that they might one day become the family she has always longed for?

Found: One Husband

by Meredith Webber

The amnesiac doctor? He fell at her feet, literally, out in the Australian rain forest. Nurse Sam Abbot knew the man was injured, and it wasn't just his ankle. The only thing he could remember was some medical knowledge. Was he a doctor? Either way, they had to get to a hospital pronto. They agreed to call him Jack. As they snuggled together under one sleeping bag, Sam sensed complication. Her attraction for this intriguing stranger with a wedding ring was about to lead her into very unknown territory!

Found Her: The most gripping and emotional thriller you’ll read in 2021

by NJ Mackay

The most gripping, emotional and redemptive psychological thriller of 2021 - for fans of Erin Kinsley, Lisa Jewell, Louise Jensen, Phoebe Morgan, CL Taylor, Cara Hunter and KL Slater...'Dark, gripping, unexpected. Insanely good - like, Dark Places good' ELLE CROFT, author of The Guilty Wife'Brilliantly plotted, tense and atmospheric. You will doubt and suspect everyone. Loved it' RACHAEL BLOK, author of Under The Ice'Grips you from the first line through to the nail-biting conclusion. Psychological suspense at its best' VICTORIA SELMAN, author of Blood for Blood'I binge read this clever, unexpected, brilliantly plotted thriller because I literally could not put it down. Incredible' CLARE EMPSON, author of HIM**************Belle Moriarty was there one moment and gone the next. Ten years ago, she disappeared walking home from school, under the supervision of her older sister Eve. Eve has never recovered from the guilt of turning her back. But then she receives a phone call that changes everything. Belle has been found - alive. But who took her? Why did they keep her alive all these years? And now that Belle has escaped, will they try to silence her for good? With Belle in a coma and Eve receiving increasingly terrifying threats, she must discover the kidnapper's identity before they return to finish what they started...**************Praise for NIKI MACKAY:'A punchy, pacy thriller - I devoured it in a single day' HELEN CALLAGHAN'Absolutely gripping' DAME JENNI MURRAY'Totally engaging, fast paced and edgy...completely captivating' ELLE CROFT'I couldn't put it down...a must read...Niki is brilliant and talented' PHOEBE MORGAN'As addictive as Killing Eve' THE LADY'Had me hooked within two pages - every bit as much appeal as The Girl On The Train' ROBERT SCRAGG'A humdinger of a thriller...a maze of lies, deceit and danger' EVENING TELEGRAPH

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