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Showing 19,226 through 19,250 of 36,216 results

Procrastinator's Guide to Getting Things Done

by Robert Leahy Monica Basco

Everyone waits till the last minute sometimes. But many procrastinators pay a significant price, from poor job performance to stress, financial problems, and relationship conflicts. Fortunately, just as anyone can endlessly delay, anyone can learn how to stop! Cognitive-behavioral therapy expert Monica Ramirez Basco shows exactly how in this motivating guide. Dr. Basco peppers the book with easy-to-relate-to examples from "recovering procrastinators"--including herself. Inviting quizzes, exercises, and practical suggestions help you Understand why you procrastinate. Start with small changes that lead to big improvements. Outsmart your own delaying tactics. Counteract self-doubt and perfectionism. Build crucial skills for getting things done today.

If Only…: Finding Freedom from Regret

by Robert L. Leahy

It&’s hard to envision a life without some regrets. You imagine what might have been if you had taken a different path at some key juncture, whether about a past relationship, a missed job opportunity, or choosing where to live. Regret can be immobilizing, filling us with disappointment and shame--but it also can be a powerful tool for self-knowledge and change. In this uplifting guide, renowned psychologist Robert Leahy demonstrates how to make regret work to your advantage. Using cutting-edge skills based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, Dr. Leahy shows how to get unstuck from regret and make decisions with more clarity and confidence. Downloadable practical tools help you implement the strategies in the book. You are the author of your life, so go out and write the next chapter--and then live it.

Keeping Your Head After Losing Your Job

by Robert L. Leahy

Dr. Leahy's successful techniques draw upon Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and practices to help you boost your self-esteem and confidence, decrease anxiety and feelings of helplessness, and develop resilience and strength during your unemployment. By keeping your head and learning how to deal with this time, you can learn how to live your life more effectively once you get a job.

The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You

by Robert L. Leahy

You wish you didn't spend as much time worrying as you do, but you just can't seem to help it. Worrying feels like second nature. It's what helps you solve your problems and prevents you from making mistakes. It's what motivates you to be prepared--if you didn't worry, things might get out of hand. Worry protects you, prepares you, and keeps you safe.Is it working? Or is it making you tense, tired, anxious, uncertain--and more worried?For more than twenty-five years, Dr. Robert L. Leahy has successfully helped thousands of people defeat the worry that is holding them back. The Worry Cure is his new, comprehensive approach to help you identify, challenge, and overcome all types of worry, using the most recent research and his more than two decades of experience in treating patients.This empowering seven-step program, including practical, easy-to-follow advice and techniques, will help you: * Determine your "worry profile" and change your patterns of worry * Identify productive and unproductive worry* Take control of time and eliminate the sense of urgency that keeps you anxious* Focus on new opportunities--not on your fear of failure* Embrace uncertainty instead of searching for perfect solutions* Stop the most common safety behaviors that you think make things better--but actually make things worseDesigned to address general worries as well as the unique issues surrounding some of the most common areas of worry--relationships, health, money, work, and the need for approval--The Worry Cure is for everyone, from the chronic worrier to the occasional ruminator. It's time to stop thinking you're "just a worrier" who can't change and start using the groundbreaking methods in The Worry Cure to achieve the healthier, more successful life you deserve.From the Hardcover edition.

Chasing Failure: How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success

by Ryan Leak

By blending personal stories, inspirational anecdotes, riveting psychology, get-up-and-go encouragement, and just plain practical step-by-step advice, Ryan Leak shows how chasing failure just may be the quickest way to success.We all have something we&’d love to do, but often our fear of failure outweighs the potential of our destiny. But what if we found out that failure could actually help us succeed? Through Ryan Leak&’s journey of chasing the girl of his dreams to his NBA fantasy and his encounter with five-time NBA champion Kobe Bryant, Chasing Failure helps us remove every excuse for not pursuing the life we want to live.In this book Ryan also talks about the science behind why people are afraid to fail, mixing in real-life stories and adding practical steps to help us intentionally chase failure. As he says, &“God promises to be with you always, even through the failure.&” This book is for the dreamers who have been afraid to move—and even those who have been afraid to dream. Ultimately, Chasing Failure will help us build confidence in what God has called us to do. As a motivational speaker, whether addressing people in corporations, churches, or youth events, Ryan has a message of hope: failure is right around the corner, so be brave enough to chase it! The good life is on the other side.

Leveling Up: 12 Questions to Elevate Your Personal and Professional Development

by Ryan Leak

Experience explosive growth and success in your career and personal life by taking ownership of your personal development and understanding you don't need to know all the answers—but you do need to ask the right questions.Whether you're a leader of ten, a hundred, or many more, there's no one more important to lead than yourself. If you're not leading yourself, why would anyone else want to follow you? Ryan Leak speaks to thousands of leaders every year, and he has learned that the most successful people have taken ownership of their own development—and in order to realize your potential, you need to fully understand yourself.Being a great leader is not about having all the answers but asking the right questions—and that starts with careful introspection and inviting others to tell you what they see in you. Leveling Up helps you focus on the person you're becoming and think about the goals you want to accomplish. Some of the twelve strategic questions in this book include:What is it like to be around me? (The Self-Awareness Question)What credit can I give away? (The Team Player Question)Who knows who I really am? (The Transparency Question)What's my definition of success? (The Vision Question)Do I have to do it all? (The Rest Question)Am I enjoying it? (The Fun Question) Leadership theory and business practices are important to study, but nothing is better than discovering the answers that will reveal who you are at your core, where you want to go in your career and life in general, and how you can influence and impact those around you.

Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard Way

by Nene Leakes Denene Millner

Outrageous, captivating, and unafraid to tell it like it is, Nene Leakes shares her wild journey from a scandalous past to the pinnacle of reality television stardom. Lauded by her fans for her refreshing honesty, infectiously genuine style, and clever sense of humor, Nene is an empowered, self-made woman who has not forgotten where she came from and knows exactly where she wants to go. In this straight-talking and provocative memoir Nene charts her journey from family black sheep to single mother to making good and realizing her dreams. With her charm and bold, self-possessed voice, Nene tackles her painful childhood; the abuse she suffered at the hands of a violent boyfriend; her struggle to support her firstborn son; and her path to true love, self-acceptance, and pride. In Never Make the Same Mistake Twice, Nene dishes on her cast mates; takes on the rumors about her past; and shares hard-earned and inspiring life lessons in her fierce, no-nonsense, and irreverent style.

A Arte De Bater Papo: Construindo Relacionamentos De Sucesso

by Mayara Leal Jacob Andrews

Você tem medo de iniciar uma conversa? Já quis falar com alguém, mas não sabia o que dizer? Já se sentiu estranho na hora de conhecer alguém? Acha que bater papo é uma perda de tempo?Então este livro é para você!Em A arte de bater papo, você vai aprender o seguinte: *Como tornar-se um conversador eficaz *Como causar uma boa primeira impressão *Como criar rapport usando habilidades conversacionais *A importância da comunicação não verbal e como tirar proveito dela *Como lidar com a ansiedade social *Táticas para superar o medo de falar com pessoas e grupos *Como criar uma conexão com outra pessoa *Como usar quebra-gelos para iniciar uma conversa *Como manter a conversa e fazer a outra pessoa falar *Como terminar uma conversa *Como conversar com confiança *Como nunca ficar sem saber o que dizer novamenteSer bom de papo é uma habilidade poderosa. Ela será valiosa quando você estiver em uma entrevista de emprego, numa festa, ou quando quiser se aproximar de um possível parceiro romântico.

Cadeia De Hábitos: Descubra 97 Hábitos Simples Que Podem Mudar Sua Vida

by Mayara Leal S. J. Scott

DESCUBRA: como incluir DEZENAS de mudanças positivas em sua rotina diáriaVocê quer melhorar a sua vida, mas não tem tempo suficiente? Neste exato instante, você pode facilmente pensar em dezenas de maneiras de melhorar instantaneamente sua vida. E é grande a probabilidade de que essas ideias só demorem alguns minutos cada uma para ser concluídas. O problema? Você pode sentir que não há tempo suficiente para realizar todas elas. Você pode encontrar a solução utilizando o poder da "cadeia de hábitos".Uma rotina + Múltiplos hábitos = Cadeia de hábitosTodos nós sabemos que não é fácil adicionar dezenas de novos hábitos ao seu dia. Mas o que você pode não ter percebido é que é bem fácil construir uma única nova rotina. A essência da cadeia de hábitos consiste em fazer uma série de pequenas mudanças (como comer uma fruta ou enviar uma mensagem de texto para alguém especial) e construir um ritual a ser acompanhado diariamente.A cadeia de hábitos funciona porque você elimina o estresse de tentar mudar muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Seu objetivo é simplesmente se concentrar em uma única rotina, que leva apenas cerca de 15 a 30 minutos para ser concluída. Dentro dessa rotina, há uma série de ações (ou pequenas mudanças). Tudo o que você precisa fazer é criar uma lista de verificação e segui-la todos os dias. Essa é a essência da cadeia de hábitos. APRENDA: 97 hábitos simples que podem mudar sua vidaNeste livro, você vai descobrir 97 hábitos rápidos que podem melhorar a sua vida instantaneamente. Além disso, você descobrirá como criar uma rotina simples (gerenciada por uma lista de verificação) que você repetirá diariamente. E, para melhorar, você vai descobrir algumas ferramentas para manter a motivação e o afinco. Portanto, mesmo que você esteja completamente estressado, você ainda encontrará tempo e energia para completar esses hábitos rápidos regula

Desmistificando As Listas De Tarefas

by Mayara Leal S. J. Scott

APRENDA: Por que a maioria das pessoas não conseguem realizar coisas Você cria listas de tarefas que nunca saem do papel? É fácil começar cada dia de trabalho com uma longa lista de tarefas. Mas então, algo inesperado surge. Sem você perceber, o dia já está quase no fim. Você trabalha arduamente em um ritmo frenético, mas acaba se sentindo frustrado, porque não há tempo suficiente para fazer tudo. Todos nós escrevemos listas com a esperança de que elas nos transformem em máquinas de produtividade. Infelizmente, listas de tarefas muitas vezes produzem o efeito oposto. O tipo errado de lista pode ser desmotivador, causando o seu relaxamento e a procrastinação. DESCUBRA: Como criar listas de tarefas eficazes e factíveis A verdade é que qualquer um pode escrever uma lista. A parte mais difícil é a criação de uma lista que seja factível e que também se encaixe em sua vida agitada. Na maioria das vezes, as pessoas enchem suas listas com uma mistura desorganizada de tarefas, desejos, necessidades e ideias aleatórias. Então, elas se perguntam por que não estão obtendo resultados significativos em suas vidas. Qual é a solução? Reconsidere a maneira como você gerencia a sua vida diária. Especificamente, você deve usar várias listas que cubram diferentes tipos de tarefa. Esse é o conceito básico que você vai aprender neste livro. BAIXE: Desmistificando as Listas de Tarefas O livro fornece um plano em etapas para escrever listas eficazes e executáveis. Você vai aprender: 7 erros comuns nas listas de tarefas (e como corrigi-los) A ferramenta #1 para capturar ideias Como usar uma lista de projeto para identificar tarefas críticas Quando trabalhar em atividades de rotina Por que a revisão semanal o ajuda a realizar coisas O aplicativo para gerenciar listas de tarefas Como concluir as suas

Levante Para O Sucesso: Aumente Sua Energia E Alcance Objetivos Com Uma Rotina Matinal

by Mayara Leal S. J. Scott

DESCUBRA:: Por que pessoas bem-sucedidas realizam mais coisas antes das 9h.Você está com dificuldade para alcançar seus objetivos? A razão pela qual a maioria das pessoas não são bem-sucedidas é que elas não conseguem seguir uma estratégia dia após dia. Em vez disso, elas começam cada dia "esperando" ter tempo suficiente para agir com relação aos seus objetivos.Se você examinar de perto, as pessoas mais bem-sucedidas do mundo começam cada dia em um estado energizado, prontas para realizar qualquer objetivo. Qual é o segredo delas? Aquela *coisa* que elas fazem diferente é priorizar cada dia de uma forma que a tarefa mais importante seja completada primeiro. Simplificando: as pessoas bem-sucedidas têm rotinas matinais que as ajudam a se sentir energizadas e prontas para se concentrar em seu objetivo mais importante.COMECE HOJE:: Viva cada dia como se fosse o últimoEm "Levante para o Sucesso", você vai aprender a viver cada dia como se fosse o último. Você não vai mais se arrastar para fora da cama e desperdiçar as primeiras horas. Em vez disso, você vai aprender como começar o dia criando uma energia que será aproveitada ao se concentrar em UM objetivo inovador que vá fazer a diferença em sua vida.Uma rotina matinal é simples e eficaz. Ela é fácil de ser adaptada às suas circunstâncias e metas específicas. E o melhor de tudo: ela foi testada. Dentro deste livro, você vai descobrir estratégias comprovadas para ajudá-lo a tirar o máximo proveito dessas preciosas primeiras horas.BAIXE:: Levante para o Sucesso - Aumente sua energia e alcance objetivos com uma rotina matinal Levante para o Sucesso contém um plano passo a passo para a criação de um ritual matinal poderoso.Dentro deste guia, você vai aprender a:** Criar uma rotina noturna que o prepare para uma manhã energizada** Utilizar 25 dicas para ter uma n

The House that Cheese Built: The Unusual Life of the Mexican Immigrant who Defined a Multibillion-Dollar Global Industry

by Miguel A. Leal

A quintessential American dream story from a Mexican entrepreneur who shares the tale of building a multi-million-dollar business from scratch, complete with both success and failure, and always a vision of hope. Leal came to the U.S. penniless as a teenager, speaking almost no English; he literally slept in the boiler room of a Wisconsin cheese factory for months before he was caught. Through hard work, grit, and ingenuity Leal would go on to launch his own business. He is widely credited with introducing Mexican cheeses to the U.S. market and grew his company to a multimillion-dollar success story that defined an industry. Yet, like many successful entrepreneurs, Leal’s great successes were matched by personal failures: the end of a marriage; trouble with law enforcement; and the deeply felt sense that there must be something more to life than great wealth. Read the astounding memoir of a Mexican immigrant who worked his way to success in the American cheese industry Find inspiration in Miguel Leal’s determination and refusal to give up on his dream See how Leal persevered in the face of obstacles and setbacks in his personal life Follow Miguel’s story as he finds peace, purpose, and grace—and realizes that money isn’t everything Leal’s memoir, THE HOUSE THAT CHEESE BUILT, is both a quintessential immigrant success story, one that beautifully illustrates the immigrant experiences: isolation, fear, and ambition for a better life and assimilation, as well as a thoughtful personal account of entrepreneurship and all its benefits and costs.

A Field Guide to Happiness: What I Learned In Bhutan About Living, Loving And Waking Up

by Linda Leaming

In the West, we have everything we could possibly need or want—except for peace of mind. So writes Linda Leaming, a harried American who traveled from Nashville, Tennessee, to the rugged Himalayan nation of Bhutan—sometimes called the happiest place on Earth—to teach English and unlearn her politicized and polarized, energetic and impatient way of life. In Bhutan, if I have three things to do in a week, it’s considered busy. In the U.S., I have at least three things to do between breakfast and lunch. After losing her luggage immediately upon arrival, Leaming realized that she also had emotional baggage—a tendency toward inaction, a touch of self-absorption, and a hundred other trite, stupid, embarrassing, and inconsequential things—that needed to get lost as well. Pack up ideas and feelings that tie you down and send you lead-footed down the wrong path. Put them in a metaphorical suitcase and sling it over a metaphorical bridge in your mind. Let the river take them away. Forced by circumstance and her rustic surroundings to embrace a simplified life, Leaming made room for more useful beliefs. The thin air and hard climbs of her mountainous commute put her deeply in touch with her breath, helping her find focus and appreciation. The archaic, glacially paced bureaucracy of a Bhutanese bank taught her to go with the flow—and take up knitting. The ancient ritual of drinking tea brought tranquility, friendship, and, eventually, a husband. Each day, and each adventure, in her adopted home brought new insights and understandings to take back to frantic America, where she now practices the art of "simulating Bhutan." This collection of stories, impressions, and suggestions is a little nudge, a push, a leg up into the rarefied air of paradise—of bright sunlight and beautiful views.

Achieving the Dream

by Carol A. Leary

As a 21st-century woman, you know that a college degree is critical for career advancement, increased income, and a better future for you and your family. If you are considering a college education after years in the workforce or raising a family, you may be thinking: "I don't know where to start! Can I do it?" Achieving the Dream answers with a resounding "Yes, you can!" To demystify the college journey, 18 experts address your questions about choosing a college; getting fi nancial aid; balancing work, family, and school obligations; and more. You will be inspired and gain confi dence by reading success stories from women just like you.

What's wrong with My Kid? and Recovering My Kid Bundle: A Recovery Collection for Parents

by George E. Leary Jr. Joseph Lee

A down-to-earth, judgment-free guide on recognizing the warning signs of alcohol and drug use in their kids, recognizing if there’s a problem, and creating a safe, supportive environment during treatment and throughout recovery.A down-to-earth, judgment-free guide on recognizing the warning signs of alcohol and drug use in their kids, recognizing if there’s a problem, and creating a safe, supportive environment during treatment and throughout recovery. Raising a child is tough as it is, but when your kid becomes addicted to alcohol or other drugs, it can feel as if you’re living a nightmare. You’re not alone. In the What’s Wrong with My Kid? and Recovering My Kid bundle, authors George E. Leary, Jr., and Dr. Joseph Lee, take worried, confused, and angry parents by the hand and addresses their most pressing questions and fears: What are the warning signs of addiction? Is my child addicted? What is addiction? What happens when my child returns home from treatment? How can my family support his or her recovery? What if my child relapses? How can my family get well again?This book will help family members begin to identify whether or not their child has a problem, and if so, they will be able to understand what their loved one is going through and how they can help the addict adjust to a clean-and-sober life while still taking care of themselves.

No One Has to Die Alone

by Lani Leary Jean Watson

Caring for a terminally ill loved one can be the single biggest challenge of your life. Drawing from her experience sitting with over 500 people as they died and caring for her own terminally ill father, Dr. Lani Leary gently guides caregivers, family, and friends through the difficult transitions of illness, death, and bereavement. No One Has to Die Alone offers the practical skills, vocabulary, and insights needed to truly address the needs of a dying loved one while caring for yourself through the process. Dr. Leary shows both patient and caregiver how to rise above feelings of fear and isolation to find peace and meaning in each person's unique end-of-life experience. Whether used as a reference book to address a particular challenge or read from start to finish, this is a must-read for anyone facing death or the loss of a loved one. You'll learn: * how to listen to and support a loved one's needs; * what to expect as a loved one declines and the different grieving processes and tasks; * the key to supporting a grieving child; * what resources are available for patients and caregivers; * the lessons of near-death experiences and the value of after-death communications.

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

by Timothy Leary

Written in the psychedelic era, Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out is Timothy Leary at his best, beckoning with humor and irreverence, a vision of individual empowerment, personal responsibility, and spiritual awakening. Includes:o Start Your Own Religion o Education as an Addictive Process o Soul Session o Buddha as Drop-Out Mad Virgin of Psychedelia God's Secret Agent o Homage to Huxley o The Awe-Ful See-Er o The Molecular Revolution o MIT is TIM Backwards o Neurological Politics"Trickster is a major figure in American Indian folk Wisdom. Also in Sufi Tales ... a certain type of "rascal"-with a grin and a wink (and wisdom beyond wisdom) ... in the Zen tradition this is known as the School of Crazy Wisdom ... Timothy Leary-in his own inimitable way-has become the twentieth century's grand master of crazy wisdom ..." - Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove

Your Brain Is God

by Timothy Leary

This collection of essays, written by the poster boy of 1960s counterculture, describes the psychological journey Timothy Leary made in the years following his dismissal from Harvard, as his psychedelic research moved from the scientific to the religious arena. He discusses the nature of religious experience and eight crafts of God, including God as hedonic artist. Leary also examines the Tibetan, Buddhist, and Taoist experiences. In the final chapters, he explores man as god and LSD as sacrament.

The Art of Thank You

by Connie Leas

Part inspirational, part how-to, The Art of Thank You shows how to write well-crafted notes of gratitude for all occasions. Readers learn when, and when not, to send a card, whether an e-mail is ever appropriate, and how to get children to write thank-you notes. Learn the secrets of the whys whens, and how-tos of thank-you-note writing. The Art of Thank You will motivate you or perhaps someone you know who could use a little encouragement to pick up a pen and take the time to express gratitude. Interspersing straightforward guidelines with funny, inspiring anecdotes and examples by such luminaries as Abraham Lincoln and Ernest Hemingway, the author's practical tips make this handy little book an indispensable resource.

Discover Your Conflict Management Style

by Speed B. Leas

Leas, an Alban senior consultant and a nationally recognized authority on conflict in congregations, helps you to self-assess your conflict response and discover options appropriate to different levels of conflict. Leas draws on his years of experience helping conflicted congregations, providing valuable insights on the nature of conflict and its resolution. This new edition contains an improved Conflict Strategy Instrument, revised to reflect new learnings.

Superpower: An Inspiring Story to Overcome Self-Doubt and Unleash Your Authentic Greatness

by Kate Leavell

Learn to find your own superpowers with this inspiring journey of self-acceptance In Superpower, bestselling author Kate Leavell delivers a compelling story of self-love, appreciation, and the power of sharing and connecting with those around us through vulnerability and understanding. In the book, a soccer coach tells his players about the adventures of &“the new kid&” at school who&’s afraid of being teased and bullied. Through the help of a special teacher, he and his classmates learn to overcome challenges and harness the power of seeking to understand new perspectives and viewpoints. The class experiences the power of connection inside the activities during puzzle week, and along with their new student, finds the confidence to embrace their unique traits and appreciate and celebrate the uniqueness in each other. In Superpower, you&’ll find: Games to help you discover common interests and get to know those around you on a deeper level Exercises to learn about what it means to have different perspectives and learn from the stories of others Discussion questions for deeper reflection and for group book studies An eye-opening and thought-provoking journey through difference, self-acceptance, and understanding, Superpower shows us how to impact the world for good using our very own, built-in superpowers.

Among the Giants

by Jesse Lebeau

The sound of the basketball slapping the floor echoed hollowly in the gym, as I began working it playfully with my hands. Planning my next move, I locked eyes with my opponent. I noticed small beads of sweat beginning to form in the furrow between his eyebrows. My heart was pounding, and my nerves tightened in response . . . but slowly a smile formed on my lips. Here I was, 5'8" Jesse LeBeau, going one on one with basketball superstar Kevin Durant . . . and I was making him sweat! As I started to make my move on him, I briefly wondered, "How did a skinny kid from a small town in Alaska ever get the chance to do this?" Here I was, involved in the filming of the 2012 Warner Brother's basketball movie Thunderstruck, playing against the NBA scoring champion! It shouldn't have happened. I didn't fit the profile and anyone would have told you that. But I did make it, despite the odds. And here is my story . . . Growing up as an undersized white basketball player on a remote island in Alaska, Jesse had nearly every chip stacked against him. Yet despite his size and circumstances, he managed to rise above it all and make it to the big screen in Hollywood. With only the love of the game of basketball and the tenacity to follow a dream driving him, Jesse's persistence has led him to star in national commercials and movies with some of the most recognizable celebrities and professional athletes in the world. More importantly, he found a way to tweak the system and alter his dream and get paid to do what he loves to . . . every day! Be inspired by his story and learn the keys to successfully creating a life that is uniquely yours.

Como Reconquistar O Seu Ex: Passo A Passo Plano Fácil Que Funciona

by Paul Leblanc

Ninguém gosta quando um relacionamento termina, especialmente quando não foi você quem terminou. Você pode se sentir enganado ou até traído, mas quando você ainda está apaixonado pela pessoa, é difícil. Você quer descobrir porquê elas te deixaram e o que você fez de errado, então você acaba incomodando seu ex em busca de uma resposta e depois se pergunta o porquê ele não te dá uma segunda chance. Está faltando alguém especial em sua vida? Sem problemas. Porque nós ajudamos pessoas como você a recuperarem seus relacionamentos todos os dias. Não se preocupe... você PODE consertar as coisas. Ao implementar nossa estratégia comprovadamente eficiente, você reconquista seu ex e constrói um relacionamento que será ainda mais forte e amoroso do que antes.

Cómo Recuperar A Tu Ex: Paso A Paso Un Plan Fácil Que Funciona (Autoayuda)

by Paul Leblanc

A nadie le gusta cuando una relación termina, especialmente si no fuiste tú quien la terminó. Puedes sentirte sorprendido e incluso traicionado, pero cuando todavía estás enamorado de la otra persona, es difícil. Quieres saber por qué te dejaron y qué hiciste mal, así que terminas acosándolos en busca de respuestas y luego te preguntas por qué no te darán una segunda oportunidad. ¿Alguien especial ha desaparecido de tu vida? No hay problema. Porque ayudamos a gente como tú a rescatar sus relaciones todos los días. No te preocupes…puedes cambiar las cosas. Al implementar nuestra probada estrategia, tendrás a tu ex de regreso y construirás una relación que es más fuerte y amorosa que nunca.

365 Ways to be More Stoic: A day-by-day guide to practical stoicism

by Tim Lebon

HAPPINESS, SERENITY AND FULFIMENT ARE ALL WITHIN YOUR CONTROL365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, stories, actions, and rituals that will guide you to a meaningful life, filled with happiness. It is a simple, list-driven, practical guide that will allow you to immediately begin putting Stoic wisdom into practice in your daily life. Each short chapter makes Stoicism fun to read about and easily digestible, presenting ideas in engaging, bite-size chunks.Immerse yourself in stoicism right from the first chapter, through prompts, concepts, challenges, inspiration, quotes, examples, quizzes and case-studies. You'll learn to navigate through the controllable and inevitable. You'll develop constructive ways to handle frustration, adversity and even your own mortality. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful concepts, and uncover tips for lasting change. This fun and engaging manual will help you live like a Stoic in the modern world. 365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to live a happier and wiser life. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.

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