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Showing 19,826 through 19,850 of 53,687 results

Cloud-Service-Zertifizierung: Ein Rahmenwerk und Kriterienkatalog zur Zertifizierung von Cloud-Services

by Stephan Schneider Ali Sunyaev

Die Auslagerung von Services in die Cloud ist mit Risiken verbunden. Dieses Buch liefert ein Rahmenwerk zur Zertifizierung von Services in der Cloud. Herzstück dabei ist ein umfangreicher Kriterienkatalog zum Assessment von Cloud-Services. Dabei wendet sich das Buch an Cloud-Service-Anwender und unterstützt bei der Bewertung, dem Vergleich und der Auswahl von Angeboten. Gerade in kritischen Bereichen wie Sicherheit, Verfügbarkeit und Vertragsfragen unterstützt der Katalog bei der Definition von eigenen Anforderungen. Das Buch eignet sich jedoch auch für Cloud-Service-Anbieter, die es zum Self-Assessment und zur Verbesserung der eigenen Services nutzen können. Das Buch fasst eines der Ergebnisse des dreijährigen Forschungsprojekts ,,Value4Cloud" zusammen, das im Rahmen des Technologieprogramms ,,Trusted Cloud" vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie gefördert wurde. Es liefert mit 219 Zertifizierungskriterien und einem Zertifizierungsrahmenwerk einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Assessment von Cloud-Services und der Verbesserung von Cloud-Service-Zertifizierungen.

Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. The Next City - New Technologies and the Future of the Built Environment: 16th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2015, São Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015. Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #527)

by Gabriela Celani David Moreno Sperling Juarez Moara Santos Franco

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures, CAAD Futures 2015, held in São Paulo, Brazil, in July 2015. The 33 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 200 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on modeling, analyzing and simulating the city; sustainability and performance of the built space; automated and parametric design; building information modelling (BIM); fabrication and materiality; shape studies.

Analytische Informationssysteme: Business Intelligence-Technologien und -Anwendungen

by Peter Gluchowski Peter Chamoni

Informationssysteme für die analytischen Aufgaben von Fach- und Führungskräften treten verstärkt in den Vordergrund. Dieses etablierte Buch diskutiert und evaluiert Begriffe und Konzepte wie Business Intelligence und Big Data. Die aktualisierte und erweiterte fünfte Auflage liefert einen aktuellen Überblick zu Technologien, Produkten und Trends im Bereich analytischer Informationssysteme. Beiträge aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft geben einen umfassenden Überblick und eignen sich als fundierte Entscheidungsgrundlage beim Aufbau und Einsatz derartiger Technologien.

Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering: Future Information Technology Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #354)

by James J. Jong Hyuk Park Han-Chieh Chao Hamid Arabnia Neil Y. Yen

This volume brings together contributions representing the state-of-the-art in new multimedia and future technology information research, currently a major topic in computer science and electronic engineering. Researchers aim to interoperate multimedia frameworks, transforming the way people work and interact with multimedia data. This book covers future information technology topics including digital and multimedia convergence, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, intelligent computing and applications, embedded systems, mobile and wireless communications, bio-inspired computing, grid and cloud computing, semantic web, human-centric computing and social networks, adaptive and context-aware computing, security and trust computing and related areas. Representing the combined proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE-15) and the 10th International Conference on Future Information Technology (Future Tech 2015), this book aims to provide a complete coverage of the areas outlined and to bring together researchers from academic and industry and other practitioners to share their research ideas, challenges and solutions.

Anaphora Resolution: Algorithms, Resources, and Applications (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing)

by Massimo Poesio Roland Stuckardt Yannick Versley

This book lays out a path leading from the linguistic and cognitive basics, to classical rule-based and machine learning algorithms, to today's state-of-the-art approaches, which use advanced empirically grounded techniques, automatic knowledge acquisition, and refined linguistic modeling to make a real difference in real-world applications. Anaphora and coreference resolution both refer to the process of linking textual phrases (and, consequently, the information attached to them) within as well as across sentence boundaries, and to the same discourse referent. The book offers an overview of recent research advances, focusing on practical, operational approaches and their applications. In part I (Background), it provides a general introduction, which succinctly summarizes the linguistic, cognitive, and computational foundations of anaphora processing and the key classical rule- and machine-learning-based anaphora resolution algorithms. Acknowledging the central importance of shared resources, part II (Resources) covers annotated corpora, formal evaluation, preprocessing technology, and off-the-shelf anaphora resolution systems. Part III (Algorithms) provides a thorough description of state-of-the-art anaphora resolution algorithms, covering enhanced machine learning methods as well as techniques for accomplishing important subtasks such as mention detection and acquisition of relevant knowledge. Part IV (Applications) deals with a selection of important anaphora and coreference resolution applications, discussing particular scenarios in diverse domains and distilling a best-practice model for systematically approaching new application cases. In the concluding part V (Outlook), based on a survey conducted among the contributing authors, the prospects of the research field of anaphora processing are discussed, and promising new areas of interdisciplinary cooperation and emerging application scenarios are identified. Given the book's design, it can be used both as an accompanying text for advanced lectures in computational linguistics, natural language engineering, and computer science, and as a reference work for research and independent study. It addresses an audience that includes academic researchers, university lecturers, postgraduate students, advanced undergraduate students, industrial researchers, and software engineers.

Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO 2015: 35th Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 16-20, 2015, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9215)

by Rosario Gennaro Matthew Robshaw

The two volume-set, LNCS 9215 and LNCS 9216, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 35th Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2015, held in Santa Barbara, CA, USA, in August 2015. The 74 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 266 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: lattice-based cryptography; cryptanalytic insights; modes and constructions; multilinear maps and IO; pseudorandomness; block cipher cryptanalysis; integrity; assumptions; hash functions and stream cipher cryptanalysis; implementations; multiparty computation; zero-knowledge; theory; signatures; non-signaling and information-theoretic crypto; attribute-based encryption; new primitives; and fully homomorphic/functional encryption.

Comparative Design of Structures: Concepts and Methodologies

by Zhen Huang Shaopei Lin

This book presents comparative design as an approach to the conceptual design of structures. Primarily focusing on reasonable structural performance, sustainable development and architectural aesthetics, it features detailed studies of structural performance through the composition and de-composition of these elements for a variety of structures, such as high-rise buildings, long-span crossings and spatial structures. The latter part of the book addresses the theoretical basis and practical implementation of knowledge engineering in structural design, and a case-based fuzzy reasoning method is introduced to illustrate the concept and method of intelligent design. The book is intended for civil engineers, structural designers and architects, as well as senior undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering and architecture. Lin Shaopei and Huang Zhen are both Professors at the Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Carl Adam Petri: Life and Science

by Einar Smith

The book presents the life and works of one of Germany's most famous computer scientists, Carl Adam Petri. It is written in a vivid and entertaining manner, providing an in-depth discussion of the background behind Petri's best-known contribution to computer science, the Petri net. In this way the book can be read as a first introduction to nets, but it also covers the theoretical, physical and philosophical foundations behind nets, thus facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the wider range of Petri's works. The book is intended for readers with a previous knowledge in computer science, as well as for "interested non-professionals", who want to get to know a remarkable personality of contemporary science.

Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 15th International Workshop, WABI 2015, Atlanta, GA, USA, September 10-12, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9289)

by Mihai Pop Hélène Touzet

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, WABI 2015, held in Atlanta, GA, USA, in September 2015. The 23 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. The selected papers cover a wide range of topics from networks to phylogenetic studies, sequence and genome analysis, comparative genomics, and RNA structure.

Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems -- CHES 2015: 17th International Workshop, Saint-Malo, France, September 13-16, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9293)

by Tim Güneysu Helena Handschuh

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES 2015, held in Saint Malo, France, in September 2015. The 34 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 128 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: processing techniques in side-channel analysis; cryptographic hardware implementations; homomorphic encryption in hardware; side-channel attacks on public key cryptography; cipher design and cryptanalysis; true random number generators and entropy estimations; side-channel analysis and fault injection attacks; higher-order side-channel attacks; physically unclonable functions and hardware trojans; side-channel attacks in practice; and lattice-based implementations.

C++-Metaprogrammierung: Eine Einführung in die Präprozessor- und Template-Metaprogrammierung (

by Jürgen Lemke

Dieses Buch ist das erste deutschsprachige Fachbuch zur C++-Metaprogrammierung. Es hilft dem C++ Programmierer, die Metaprogrammierung zu verstehen und die Vorteile f#65533;r den t#65533;glichen Gebrauch zu erkennen. Durch die umfangreiche Darstellung der Grundlagen der Pr#65533;prozessor- und Template-Metaprogrammierung bietet das Buch einen strukturierten Einstieg, f#65533;r den Grundkenntnisse in C++ ausreichend sind. Die Anwendung der Metaprogrammierung und ihr Zusammenspiel mit Softwaresystemen werden an vielen Beispielen ausf#65533;hrlich erl#65533;utert. Die Generierung der Modulschnittstellen wird hierbeierstmalig beschrieben. Es wird in den Beispielen der Metaprogrammierung sowohl auf den Standard C++11 als auch auf die . NET-Erweiterung C++/CLI eingegangen.

Clustering High--Dimensional Data: First International Workshop, CHDD 2012, Naples, Italy, May 15, 2012, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #7627)

by Francesco Masulli Alfredo Petrosino Stefano Rovetta

This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Workshop on Clustering High-Dimensional Data, CHDD 2012, held in Naples, Italy, in May 2012. The 9 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 15 submissions. They deal with the general subject and issues of high-dimensional data clustering; present examples of techniques used to find and investigate clusters in high dimensionality; and the most common approach to tackle dimensionality problems, namely, dimensionality reduction and its application in clustering.

Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 6th International Conference, ATIS 2015, Beijing, China, November 4-6, 2015, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #557)

by Gang Li Wenjia Niu Jiqiang Liu Jianlong Tan Li Guo Zhen Han Lynn Batten

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Information Security, ATIS 2015, held in Beijing, China, in November 2015. The 25 revised full papers and 10 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 103 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on invited speeches; cryptograph; evaluation, standards and protocols; trust computing and privacy protection; cloud security and applications; tools and methodologies; system design and implementations.

Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2015: 21st International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security,Auckland, New Zealand, November 29 -- December 3, 2015, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9452)

by Tetsu Iwata Jung Hee Cheon

The two-volume set LNCS 9452 and 9453 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security, ASIACRYPT 2015, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in November/December 2015. The 64 revised full papers and 3 invited talks presented were carefully selected from 251 submissions. They are organized in topical sections on indistinguishability obfuscation; PRFs and hashes; discrete logarithms and number theory; signatures; multiparty computation; public key encryption; ABE and IBE; zero-knowledge; attacks on ASASA; number field sieve; hashes and MACs; symmetric encryption; foundations; side-channel attacks; design of block ciphers; authenticated encryption; symmetric analysis; cryptanalysis; privacy and lattices.

Boolean Functions and Their Applications in Cryptography (Advances in Computer Science and Technology #0)

by Chuan-Kun Wu Dengguo Feng

This book focuses on the different representations and cryptographic properties of Booleans functions, presents constructions of Boolean functions with some good cryptographic properties. More specifically, Walsh spectrum description of the traditional cryptographic properties of Boolean functions, including linear structure, propagation criterion, nonlinearity, and correlation immunity are presented. Constructions of symmetric Boolean functions and of Boolean permutations with good cryptographic properties are specifically studied. This book is not meant to be comprehensive, but with its own focus on some original research of the authors in the past. To be self content, some basic concepts and properties are introduced. This book can serve as a reference for cryptographic algorithm designers, particularly the designers of stream ciphers and of block ciphers, and for academics with interest in the cryptographic properties of Boolean functions.

Algorithms and Computation: 26th International Symposium, ISAAC 2015, Nagoya, Japan, December 9-11, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9472)

by Khaled Elbassioni Kazuhisa Makino

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 26th InternationalSymposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2015, held in Nagoya, Japan, inDecember 2015. The 65 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited talks were carefullyreviewed and selected from 180 submissions for inclusion in the book. The focusof the volume is on the following topics: computational geometry; datastructures; combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithms; randomizedalgorithms; graph algorithms and FPT; computational complexity; graph drawingand planar graphs; online and streaming algorithms; and string and DNAalgorithms.

The GameMaker Standard (Focal Press Game Design Workshops)

by David Vinciguerra Andrew Howell

This book teaches students and entry-level novices how to create games using the GameMaker engine. Readers will quickly hone their design skills with tutorials that are written so that beginners can quickly start building games while also providing lessons on how designers can 'level up' and add advanced options to their games. Readers will also have access to a website containing all the assets and resources to create their games, including sprites and animations, walk-through video tutorials of each lesson and music composed by professional musicians. Also provided are rubrics for instructors to use when grading student work or for readers learning on their own to evaluate their own work.

Computer Engineering and Technology: 19th CCF Conference, NCCET 2015, Hefei, China, October 18-20, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #592)

by Weixia Xu Liquan Xiao Jinwen Li Chengyi Zhang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th CCF Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, NCCET 2015, held in Hefei, China, in October 2015. The 18 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 158 submissions. They are organized in topical sections on processor architecture; application specific processors; computer application and software optimization; technology on the horizon.

Angewandte Virtuelle Techniken im Produktentstehungsprozess: AVILUSplus

by Michael Schenk Marco Schumann

Dieses Buch beschreibt die Forschungsergebnisse des Projektes AVILUSplus. Die Wissenschaftler befassen sich mit den Technologieentwicklungen zur Erh#65533;hung der Realit#65533;tsn#65533;he virtueller Modelle. Dazu werden f#65533;nf Themenschwerpunkte betrachtet: Informationsmanagement im Produktlebenszyklus, Simulation und Rendering, Tracking, Interaktion und Geometrieerfassung. Das Buch richtet sich an Wissenschaftler und Technologieentwickler, die sich #65533;ber den aktuellen Stand, Entwicklungstrends und Einsatzm#65533;glichkeiten virtueller Techniken informieren m#65533;chten. Umfangreiche Referenzen liefern einen Ausblick auf weiterf#65533;hrende Arbeiten.

Computerphysik: Einführung, Beispiele und Anwendungen

by Stefan Gerlach

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet dem Leser eine aktuelle Einführung in das Lösen von physikalischen Problemen mit dem Computer. Es werden die Grundlagen der Computernutzung, der Programmierung sowie der wichtigsten numerischen Methoden besprochen und anhand vieler Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben mit zunehmendem Bezug zur Physik verdeutlicht. Die Nutzung des Betriebssystems Linux und die Programmierung in C und Python bilden dabei den Schwerpunkt. Der wichtigste Teil des Buches sind die Projekte, in denen die zuvor besprochenen Grundlagen auf unterschiedliche Probleme der Physik angewendet werden. Die Projekte umfassen viele wichtige Beispiele aus der Computerphysik (u. a. den Oszillator und Anfangswertprobleme) und diskutieren deren Anwendungen im Detail. Der Leser erhält damit das nötige Rüstzeug, um selbstständig physikalische Probleme mit Hilfe des Computers zu lösen. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben helfen dabei.

Applied Research of Quantum Information Based on Linear Optics (Springer Theses)

by Xiao-Ye Xu

This thesis reports on outstanding work in two main subfields of quantum information science: one involves the quantum measurement problem, and the other concerns quantum simulation. The thesis proposes using a polarization-based displaced Sagnac-type interferometer to achieve partial collapse measurement and its reversal, and presents the first experimental verification of the nonlocality of the partial collapse measurement and its reversal. All of the experiments are carried out in the linear optical system, one of the earliest experimental systems to employ quantum communication and quantum information processing. The thesis argues that quantum measurement can yield quantum entanglement recovery, which is demonstrated by using the frequency freedom to simulate the environment. Based on the weak measurement theory, the author proposes that white light can be used to precisely estimate phase, and effectively demonstrates that the imaginary part of the weak value can be introduced by means of weak measurement evolution. Lastly, a nine-order polarization-based displaced Sagnac-type interferometer employing bulk optics is constructed to perform quantum simulation of the Landau-Zener evolution, and by tuning the system Hamiltonian, the first experiment to research the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in non-equilibrium kinetics processes is carried out in the linear optical system.

Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2016: 35th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Vienna, Austria, May 8-12, 2016, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9666)

by Marc Fischlin Jean-Sébastien Coron

The two-volume proceedings LNCS 9665 + LNCS 9666 constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, EUROCRYPT 2016, held in Vienna, Austria, in May 2016. The 62 full papers included in these volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 274 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: (pseudo)randomness; LPN/LWE; cryptanalysis; masking; fully homomorphic encryption; number theory; hash functions; multilinear maps; message authentification codes; attacks on SSL/TLS; real-world protocols; robust designs; lattice reduction; latticed-based schemes; zero-knowled≥ pseudorandom functions; multi-party computation; separations; protocols; round complexity; commitments; lattices; leaka≥ in differentiability; obfuscation; and automated analysis, functional encryption, and non-malleable codes.

Basiswissen Statistik: Kompaktkurs für Anwender aus Wirtschaft, Informatik und Technik (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Ansgar Steland

In diesem Buch werden in kompakter Form mithilfe zahlreicher Beispiele die #65533;blichen Modelle und Methoden der angewandten Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik dargestellt. Es ist daher insbesondere f#65533;r angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Informatiker geeignet, welchen auch das didaktische Konzept des Buchs entgegenkommt: Verst#65533;ndnisfragen und Aufgaben in Form von ,,Meilensteinen" erleichtern das eigenst#65533;ndige #65533;berpr#65533;fen des Lernfortschritts. Ein ausf#65533;hrlicher mathematischer Anhang ,,Mathematik kompakt" stellt die wichtigsten Ergebnisse aus Analysis und linearer Algebra zum effizienten Nachschlagen zur Verf#65533;gung. Ein Glossar mit den wichtigsten englischen Begriffen sowie Tabellen der statistischen Testverteilungen runden die Darstellung ab.

Take Control of Your Digital Storage

by Jeff Carlson

The Mac user's guide to mass storageAs the amount of data we store continues to grow, figuring out where to put it and how to access it becomes more complicated. It's not just that we need to find space for our increasingly large collections of photos, videos, music, and apps--we want it to be available whenever we need it, and be sure that it's safe from hackers and thieves.Every Mac includes internal storage in the form of a hard drive, SSD, or Fusion drive. But you may also have one or more external devices (such as hard drives, flash drives, SD cards, or RAID devices), not to mention network-attached storage (NAS) devices or cloud storage (like Dropbox or iCloud Drive). Making sense of all your options, managing your stored data, choosing new devices or services when you're running out of space, or even just figuring out what's where can drive anyone to distraction.Fortunately, Jeff Carlson has a book with all the answers! After decades of working with Macs and accumulating massive collections of photos and videos, Jeff has pulled together a wide-ranging book about Mac storage that contains just the help you're looking for. Among many other topics, this book covers:How to choose a new (internal or external) hard drive, SSD, or hybrid driveDetermining how much storage space you needWhat you need to know about APFS, Apple's new filesystemFormatting and partitioning disks using Disk UtilityHow to repair a misbehaving diskRAIDs: what they are and how different types compareWhat to do with a hard drive when it has outlived its usefulnessWhen to use a flash drive or SD cardHow to create and use disk imagesDeciding among local, network, and cloud storage for various types of filesWhat a personal cloud is and why you might consider using oneStrategies for freeing up extra disk spaceNAS devices get special coverage, including:How to choose a NAS--and when it's a better idea than an external hard driveUsing a NAS with your Mac for a wide variety of purposesSpecial considerations when using a NAS for digital photosJeff also digs into details about numerous storage-related technologies:How to tell if your third-party SSD needs to have TRIM enabled (and what to do if the answer is yes)How to create a software RAID using Disk Utility or SoftRAIDWhat you need to know about filesystems--and how to choose among APFS, Mac OS Extended, FAT, and ExFATWhy and how to encrypt a disk using FileVault or the FinderUsing iCloud Drive's Optimized Mac Storage featureIf you've ever been stumped at the difference between a volume and a partition, need help figuring out whether to buy a big external hard drive or a NAS for extra storage, or wonder whether Apple's new APFS filesystem is right for your needs, this book will tell you what you need to know.

Automatische Identifikation für Industrie 4.0

by Heinrich Hippenmeyer Thomas Moosmann

Die Autoren gehen in diesem Buch darauf ein, welche Herausforderungen mit "Industrie 4. 0" auf Industriepraktiker zukommen. Wie und mit welchen Zielsetzungen können Entwicklungen in mittelständischen Unternehmen aufgegriffen werden? Die Geräte zur automatischen Identifikation als Teil der Prozesssteuerung und Systemplanung der Intralogistik, zur Einbindung in das Netzwerk im Unternehmen und mit Partnern, sind Kumulationspunkte vieler Probleme in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen. Diesen wird dargelegt wo und wie in den automatisierten Unternehmensbereichen Schritte zur "digitalen" Fabrik bereits vollzogen wurden und wie die Einbindung der betrieblichen Intralogistik in das firmenweite Netzwerk und damit in das ERP-System erfolgen kann.

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