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Hip-Hop and Spoken Word Therapy in School Counseling: Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches (Explorations in Mental Health)

by Ian Levy

This volume recognizes the need for culturally responsive forms of school counseling and draws on the author’s first-hand experiences of working with students in urban schools in the United States to illustrate how hip-hop culture can be effectively integrated into school counseling to benefit and support students. Detailing the theoretical development, practical implementation and empirical evaluation of a holistic approach to school counseling dubbed "Hip-Hop and Spoken Word Therapy" (HHSWT), this volume documents the experiences of the school counsellor and students throughout a HHSWT pilot program in an urban high school. Chapters detail the socio-cultural roots of hip-hop and explain how hip-hop inspired practices such as writing lyrics, producing mix tapes and using traditional hip-hop cyphers can offer an effective means of transcending White, western approaches to counseling. The volume foregrounds the needs of racially diverse, marginalized youth, whilst also addressing the role and positioning of the school counselor in using HHSWT. Offering deep insights into the practical and conceptual challenges and benefits of this inspiring approach, this book will be a useful resource for practitioners and scholars working at the intersections of culturally responsive and relevant forms of school counseling, spoken word therapy and hip-hop studies.

Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraído ¿Me conoces?, Segunda edición

by José J. Bauermeister

Escrita específicamente para los padres y los maestros de habla hispana, esta guía práctica y realista ofrece consejos esenciales para ayudar a los niños con el TDA o el TDAH. El destacado experto, Dr. José J. Bauermeister, extrae los conocimientos científicos más recientes sobre estos problemas y describe medidas claras que se pueden tomar para reforzar las habilidades de su niño, encontrar los tratamientos apropiados, promover el éxito escolar y mejorar su comportamiento tanto en la casa como en la escuela. A lo largo de su carrera, el Dr. Bauermeister se ha dedicado a trabajar con niños y familias hispanas, cuyas experiencias y cultura únicas están reflejadas en cada página. El contenido especial de esta edición incluye la información más actualizada sobre los medicamentos y cuándo (y cuándo no) se deben usar; el problema del TDAH en las niñas, frecuentemente pasado por alto; cómo explicar el trastorno a los niños; consejos para aumentar la autoestima, y mucho más. Written specifically for Spanish-speaking parents and teachers, this practical, down-to-earth resource offers essential guidance for helping children with ADD or ADHD. Leading expert Dr. José J. Bauermeister distills the latest scientific knowledge about these problems and describes clear steps you can take to build on your child's strengths, find the right treatments, promote school success, and improve behavior both at home and in school. Dr. Bauermeister has devoted his career to working with Hispanic children and families, whose unique experiences and culture are reflected on every page. Special features of this edition include the latest information on medications and when (and when not) to use them, the often-overlooked problem of ADHD in girls, how to explain the disorder to kids, tips to increase self-esteem, and much more.

Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraído ¿Me conoces?, Tercera edición

by Russell A. Barkley José J. Bauermeister

Si su hijo ha recibido un diagnóstico del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH), usted necesita orientación y apoyo en los que pueda confiar. Ha llegado al lugar correcto. Uno de los principales expertos, el Dr. José J. Bauermeister, explica, con claridad, la naturaleza de los problemas de atención y las razones por las que los niños con estos trastornos actúan como lo hacen. Usted aprenderá estrategias cuya eficacia ha sido comprobada para superar los frustrantes problemas de la conducta, para ayudar a su hijo a tener éxito en la escuela y, de ser necesario, para encontrar la ayuda profesional adecuada. El Dr. Bauermeister ha dedicado su carrera a trabajar con niños hispanos y con familias hispanas cuyas experiencias y culturas distintivas se reflejan en cada página. Escrito en español (no traducido), este libro es un recurso único para ayudarlo(a) a usted a satisfacer las necesidades de su hijo. Además, proporciona información esencial para maestros y otros profesionales. Esta tercera edición, revisada y actualizada, incluye la investigación científica y las estrategias de tratamiento más recientes. If your child has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you need guidance and support that you can trust. You've come to the right place. Leading expert Dr. José J. Bauermeister clearly explains the nature of attention problems and why children with these disorders act the way they do. You'll learn proven strategies for overcoming frustrating behavior problems, helping your son or daughter succeed in school, and, if needed, finding the right professional help. Dr. Bauermeister has devoted his career to working with Hispanic children and families, whose unique experiences and culture are reflected on every page. Written in Spanish (not a translation), this is a unique resource to help you meet the needs of your child. It also provides essential information for teachers and other professionals. Revised and updated, the third edition includes the latest scientific research and treatment strategies.


by William Lockhart

Su arma es la lucha contra el estrés. ¿Está usted buscando maneras para mitigar el estrés? ¿Ha buscado y no ha encontrado nada que parezca funcionar? Puede que usted no esté familiarizado con esto, pero, ¿sabe usted que la hipnosis puede eliminar todo el estrés que está sintiendo justo ahora? En general, el poder de nuestra mente nos puede hacer sentir cosas que, en primer lugar, ni siquiera deberían estar ahí. Cuando sembramos buenas semillas en nuestra mente, se refleja en el exterior y lo mismo ocurre también cuando sembramos las malas. ¿Alguna vez escuchó decir: “Lo que piensas, se manifiesta”? Estoy seguro de que sí. Aquí es donde aparece el hipnotismo. Es una herramienta terapéutica que produce un equilibrio tanto mental como emocional. También se ha demostrado que proporciona relajación física, alivio del dolor, un mejor sueño y reduce la ansiedad. Aunque la palabra ‘hipnosis’ resulta bastante fuerte para muchas personas, se considera segura cuando se realiza con las precauciones adecuadas. En este libro se comentan 4 temas: ¿Qué es el hipnotismo? Autohipnosis – Preparación El juego real: Fase II y Fase III Cómo hipnotizar a una persona Esta es su guía didáctica para practicar el hipnotismo. Cuenta con detalles completos que satisfarán su entendimiento y ¡harán que tenga una experiencia exitosa! La hipnosis no está limitada únicamente para uno mismo; ciertamente puede hacerlo a otras personas que estén dispuestas a someterse a esta terapia. Todo lo que usted necesita es práctica.

La hipoteca del amor: De las trampas del deseo a la conquista del amor real

by Susana Méndez Norma Ferro

Un libro sobre la eterna búsqueda del amor y las trampas en las que caemos cuando lo encontramos. Una reflexión lúcida, amena y sincera en torno al fenómeno del amor y el enamoramiento, algo que para muchos de nosotros constituye el eje de nuestra existencia, pero que apenas sabemos describir. ¿De dónde viene nuestra idea del amor, el peligro de los estereotipos, las causas de la ruptura o el amor realista? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que resuelve esta esclarecedora obra sobre el amor, el desamor y la convivencia.

The Hippocampus from Cells to Systems

by Deborah E. Hannula Melissa C. Duff

The hippocampus has long been considered a critical substrate in the neurobiology, neuropsychology, and cognitive neuroscience of memory. Over the past few decades, a number of ground-breaking theoretical and methodological advances have radically enhanced our understanding of the structure and function of the hippocampus and revolutionized the neuroscientific study of memory. Cutting across disciplines and approaches, these advances offer novel insights into the molecular and cellular structure and physiology of the hippocampus, the role of hippocampus in the formation, (re)consolidation, enhancement, and retrieval of memory across time and development, and permit investigators to address questions about how the hippocampus interacts, functionally and anatomically, with other neural systems in service of memory. In addition, recent investigations also suggest that the mechanistic properties and functional processing features of the hippocampus permit broader contributions to cognition, beyond memory, to the domains of attention, decision-making, language, social cognition, and a variety of other capacities that are critical for flexible cognition and behavior. These advances have profound implications for the neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience of hippocampus dependent cognition and for the numerous psychiatric and neurological diseases and disorders for which hippocampal pathology is a hallmark such as Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. The goal of this book is to bring together in a single source an integrated review of these advances providing state of the art treatment on the structure and function of the hippocampus. Contributors will examine the hippocampus from a variety of levels (from cells to systems) using a wide range of methods (from neurobiological approaches in non-human animals to neuroimaging and neuropsychological work in humans).

Hiring Legally: A Guide for Employees and Employers

by Kurt H. Decker

The principles, procedures, and policies applicable to hiring are reviewed by this book to assist in minimizing litigation risks for employers and acquainting employees with these employer procedures to protect their disclosures of non-job-related information. Areas covered include the hiring process, pre-employment screening fundamentals, data verification, and federal and state statutes affecting the hiring process.

Hirndoping & Co.: Die optimierte Gesellschaft

by Andreas G. Franke

Leistungssteigerung per Pille oder kurz „Hirndoping“ ist zu einem regelrechten Trend geworden, der innerhalb weniger Jahre besorgniserregende Ausmaße angenommen hat. Doch wie kommt das?Das Buch beleuchtet das brisante Thema „Hirndoping" erstmals aus zahlreichen Blickwinkeln wie Soziologie, Medizin, Sport- und Rechtswissenschaften und vielen weiteren Disziplinen.Es zeichnet den Weg von der Agrargesellschaft, in der die Geschwindigkeit des Lebens von den natürlichen Gegebenheiten abhing, bis in die heutige Zeit nach. Eine Zeit, in der es durch Globalisierung und Digitalisierung vermeintlich keine Grenzen mehr gibt. Die letzte Grenze, die es zu überwinden gilt, scheint unser Geist. „Hirndoping“ bietet sich hier als Antwort aus den Regalen der Arzneimittelindustrie an. Eine Antwort, die aber nur begrenzt funktioniert und die gesundheitlich, juristisch und ethisch nicht frei von Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ist. Alternativlos ist „Hirndoping“ jedenfalls nicht.

Hirnpotentiale: Die neuronalen Grundlagen von Bewusstsein und freiem Willen

by Heiko J. Luhmann

Der Neurophysiologe Heiko Luhmann erforscht seit mehr als 35 Jahren die Funktionsweise von Nervenzellen und neuronalen Netzen. In diesem spannenden und provozierenden Buch informiert er Sie über die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung und wie diese unsere Vorstellungen über das Bewusstsein und den freien Willen verändern. Sie erfahren, dass die Trennung von Körper und Geist aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht aufrechterhalten werden kann und wie unterschiedliche Wissenschaftsdisziplinen ein neues Konzept zur Funktionsweise unseres Gehirns entwickeln. Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit spannenden grundlegenden Fragen, wie:Warum gibt es überhaupt Gehirne? Wie kommt die Welt in den Kopf? Wie sind interne neuronale Karten aufgebaut? Wo ist das Bewusstsein lokalisiert und wie entsteht es? Hat der Oktopus ein Bewusstsein? Ist das Gehirn eine Prädiktionsmaschine? Erlaubt das Konzept der prädiktiven Kodierung einen freien Willen? Entwickeln wir mit Hilfe eines Hirn-Computer-Interfaces ein höheres Bewusstein? Sind wir technologisch in der Lage Gedanken zu lesen und zu erzeugen? Verfügen Roboter eines Tages über ein künstliches Bewusstsein?


by Ran Zwigenberg

In 1962, a Hiroshima peace delegation and an Auschwitz survivor's organization exchanged relics and testimonies, including the bones and ashes of Auschwitz victims. This symbolic encounter, in which the dead were literally conscripted in the service of the politics of the living, serves as a cornerstone of this volume, capturing how memory was utilized to rebuild and redefine a shattered world. This is a powerful study of the contentious history of remembrance and the commemoration of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima in the context of the global development of Holocaust and World War II memory. Emphasizing the importance of nuclear issues in the 1950s and 1960s, Zwigenberg traces the rise of global commemoration culture through the reconstruction of Hiroshima as a 'City of Bright Peace', memorials and museums, global tourism, developments in psychiatry, and the emergence of the figure of the survivor-witness and its consequences for global memory practices.

His/Hers: Simple And Sexy Things to Do for the One You Love

by Justin Cord Hayes Nicole Murn Hayes

This flip-book gives you two books for the price of one—including suggestions for men in one direction, and when you flip the book over, suggestions for women on the other. This romantic book provides creative gestures to keep romance alive in your relationship.

Historia de un duelo

by Carolina Soto Víctor El Khoury Jacky Cepeda

"ESTE LIBRO ENCENDERÁ EN TU VIVIR LUCECITAS DE ESPERANZA". GONZALO GALLO En el año 2015 un accidente fatal cambió para siempre las vidas de la familia de Sofía El Khoury, hija de Víctor El Khoury y Jacky Cepeda, y hermana de la reconocida presentadora de televisión Carolina Soto. Pasado un tiempo, los tres narran, en este conmovedor y desgarrador testimonio, la historia de un duelo: el antes, el ahora y el después. Este relato es un devenir de emociones y dejará en los lectores una sensación de ilusión, de alivio y de fe, a pesar de la desolación y la tristeza que producen la partida de un ser querido. Es también un homenaje póstumo a Soffy, a la huella imborrable que dejó tras su alegre paso por este mundo terrenal, y un testimonio necesario para todos aquellos que luego de enfrentar un duelo, han encontrado una oportunidad y se han llenado de razones para vivir y honrar así a quienes ya no están.


by Malele Penchansky

La histeria femenina fue diagnosticada por la medicina occidental antigua como una enfermedad que provenía de perturbaciones del útero y cuyo tratamiento era conocido como "masaje pélvico", que consistía en la estimulación de la zona de los genitales hasta llegar al orgasmo. El mismo Freud se interesó especialmente por la histeria y más cerca de nuestro tiempo la psicoanalista francesa Diane Chauvelot la caracterizó como un síntoma social. El origen de la histeria fue cambiando y lo sigue haciendo. Historia universal de la histeria recrea algunas historias atravesadas por este síntoma: la mirada de la Medusa, la palabra que enamora en Sócrates y Alcibíades, el travestismo y la ambig edad en Juana de Arco, o la seducción masculina del Don Juan. Desde la histérica paradigmática Anna O. hasta la observación de rasgos histéricos en personajes de nuestros días, Malele Penchansky logra un fresco audaz y provocativo sobre un síntoma que, sostiene, no es privativo de las mujeres ni tan malo como nos hicieron creer. Después de todo, de la histeria se nutre el juego amoroso.

Historians on Leadership and Strategy: Case Studies From Antiquity to Modernity

by Martin Gutmann

This book examines the well-covered subject of leadership from a unique perspective: history's vast catalogue of leadership successes and failures. Through a collection of highly compelling case studies spanning two millennia, it looks beyond the classic leadership parable of men in military or political crises and shows that successful leadership cannot be reduced to simplistic formulae.Written by experts in the field and based on rigorous research, each case provides a rich and compelling account that is accessible to a wide audience, from students to managers. Rather than serving as a vehicle for advancing a particular theory of leadership, each case invites readers to reflect, debate and extract their own insights.

Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Measurement in the Human Sciences: Credos and Controversies

by Derek C. Briggs

Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Measurement in the Human Sciences explores the assessment and measurement of nonphysical attributes that define human beings: abilities, personalities, attitudes, dispositions, and values. The proposition that human attributes are measurable remains controversial, as do the ideas and innovations of the six historical figures—Gustav Fechner, Francis Galton, Alfred Binet, Charles Spearman, Louis Thurstone, and S. S. Stevens—at the heart of this book. Across 10 rich, elaborative chapters, readers are introduced to the origins of educational and psychological scaling, mental testing, classical test theory, factor analysis, and diagnostic classification and to controversies spanning the quantity objection, the role of measurement in promoting eugenics, theories of intelligence, the measurement of attitudes, and beyond. Graduate students, researchers, and professionals in educational measurement and psychometrics will emerge with a deeper appreciation for both the challenges and the affordances of measurement in quantitative research.

Historical and Geographical Influences on Psychopathology

by Patricia Cohen Cheryl Slomkowski Lee N. Robins

This book begins with the assumption that a deep understanding of the origins of psychopathology, human dysfunction, and their course is fundamental to the quest for the good society, and perhaps, even to our survival as a species. The studies presented compare prevalences and risk factors across time and place, and make use of concepts and methods from history, geography, sociology, anthropology, economics, psychology, social and medical services research, social policy, psychiatry, and epidemiology. Collectively, they illustrate the methods and methodological difficulties involved in the effort to achieve a deep understanding and provide important insights into the disorders and dysfunctions that are investigated.

Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope

by Steven C. van den Heuvel

This open access volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing research on hope theory by combining insights from both its long history and its increasing multi-disciplinarity. In the first part, it recognizes the importance of the centuries-old reflection on hope by offering historical perspectives and tracing it back to ancient Greek philosophy. At the same time, it provides novel perspectives on often-overlooked historical theories and developments and challenges established views. The second part of the volume documents the state of the art of current research in hope across eight disciplines, which are philosophy, theology, psychology, economy, sociology, health studies, ecology, and development studies. Taken together, this volume provides an integrated view on hope as a multi-faced phenomenon. It contributes to the further understanding of hope as an essential human capacity, with the possibility of transforming our human societies.

The Historical and Philosophical Context of Rational Psychotherapy: The Legacy of Epictetus

by Windy Dryden Arthur Still

This book brings together the papers written by the authors over the last fifteen years on the historical and philosophical foundations of Albert Ellis' Rational Psychotherapy (later Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, REBT) and its relationship to Stoicism, especially the later practical form represented by Epictetus. It goes beneath the well known similarities between Stoic "spiritual exercises" and modern psychotherapy, to look at the cause of these similarities. These lie in the conceptual continuities that connect the Stoics and other ancient philosophies with the modern cultural framework underlying psychotherapy.

Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology

by Martin Farrell

This textbook connects the big ideas and key thinkers of psychology and philosophy in a clear and cohesive theoretical narrative. Students are led to understand the relations between different schools of thought, and to connect the various thinkers, theories and facts in psychology's history. Focusing on the major ideas that have reoccurred throughout history, such as the mind-body problem and the role of the mind in our experience, Martin Farrell shows how specific thinkers have explored the same ideas, but in different ways, leading to distinct schools of thought. The coherent narrative enables students to see the bigger picture, through which the historical and conceptual roots of psychology can be easily understood.

Historical Archaeology: A Guide to Substantive and Theoretical Contributions

by Robert L Schuyler

A sourcebook devoted to historical archaeology, a significant field of study which blends together the theories and methods of anthropology, history, and archaeology.

An Historical Assessment of Leadership in Turbulent Times: Lessons Learned from Clovis I, King of the Franks (Leadership: Research And Practice Ser.)

by Nathan W. Harter

This unique book provides lessons on how to affect good leadership in turbulent times by taking a historical lens and examining the life and impact of Clovis I, King of the Franks. Through the exploration of how this individual managed the unstable times where so many others had failed, the book provides an original take on leadership, focusing on the ways we can learn from and be inspired by his history. This book offers an insightful and detailed case study of Clovis I, as it explores his struggles and triumphs in the face of turbulent times. The book presents implications for students of leadership today and examines why the story of Clovis I reveals the salience of leadership during times of uncertainty and change. Ultimately, the author foresees the rise of myriad leaders trying to manage the upheaval in the twenty-first century, with the likelihood that somebody like Clovis I will emerge, pursuing ambition and re-ordering civilization on a colossal scale, leaving a legacy that will endure for a further thousand years. This book will be of interest to leadership and history scholars and advanced students in Leadership studies.

Historical Development of English Learning Motivation Research: Cases of Korea and Its Neighboring Countries in East Asia (English Language Education #21)

by Tae-Young Kim

This book clarifies the fundamental difference between North America-based instrumental motivation and Korea (and East Asia)-specific competitive motivation by which the EFL learners’ excessive competition to be admitted to famous universities and to be hired at a large-scale conglomerate is the main source of L2 motivation. It enables readers to understand that EFL-learning motivation reflects unique sociohistorical contexts grounded in a specific region or country. This book in turn necessitates the need to develop EFL motivation theory and research tradition which are firmly based on East Asian values and culture. ​

An Historical Introduction To Modern Psychology (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Murphy, Gardner

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Historical Justice and Memory

by Klaus Neumann Janna Thompson

Historical Justice and Memory highlights the global movement for historical justice--acknowledging and redressing historic wrongs--as one of the most significant moral and social developments of our times. Such historic wrongs include acts of genocide, slavery, systems of apartheid, the systematic persecution of presumed enemies of the state, colonialism, and the oppression of or discrimination against ethnic or religious minorities. The historical justice movement has inspired the spread of truth and reconciliation processes around the world and has pushed governments to make reparations and apologies for past wrongs. It has changed the public understanding of justice and the role of memory. In this book, leading scholars in philosophy, history, political science, and semiotics offer new essays that discuss and assess these momentous global developments. They evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the movement, its accomplishments and failings, its philosophical assumptions and social preconditions, and its prospects for the future.

Historical Perspectives and the International Status of Comparative Psychology

by Ethel Tobach

Published in 1987, Historical Perspectives and the International Status of Comparative Psychology is a valubale contribution to the field of Psychology PP.

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