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Ventures in Criminology: Selected recent papers
by Sheldon Eleanor GlueckTavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1964 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.
Ventures Level 3 Student's Book
by Gretchen Bitterlin Dennis Johnson Donna Price Sylvia RamirezVentures 3rd Edition Level 3 Student's Book has 10 units with six lessons each, based on relevant adult-learner themes. Two-page lessons are designed for an hour of classroom instruction and are aligned to teach students the skills needed for success in college and careers. Culture notes, speaking, reading, and writing tips enrich and support exercises. Review Units include sections focusing on pronunciation. A College and Careers section in the back of the book addresses needs for more reading practice. Students can access audio and grammar presentation videos using the QR codes found throughout the book.
Venturing into the Bioeconomy
by Alexander Styhre Mats SundgrenThis bookreports empirical material from three case studies in the pharmaceutical industry, the biotechnology industry and the domain of academic research. New technoscientific frameworks that have not yet translated into new therapies, in the future, may play a more central role in the late-modern society. "
Verb Forms at A Glance - Fourth Edition
by V. C. Khatri Nikunj Khatri"Verb Forms at a Glance" by V.C. Khatri is a comprehensive reference guide designed for learners, educators, and language enthusiasts to master English verb forms. This book systematically categorizes and explains regular and irregular verbs, providing clear rules and examples for constructing verb forms across all tenses. It includes an alphabetical listing of verbs with their base forms, past tense, and past participles, making it a quick and reliable reference. Additional sections detail the usage of participles, nuanced rules for forming verb endings, and distinctions between active and passive voice. With its practical examples, pronunciation guides, and focus on commonly used verbs, this book is an indispensable tool for improving grammatical accuracy and fluency in English.
by Rodrigo CortésRodrigo Cortés regresa a las librerías con Verbolario: diccionario satírico, humorístico y poético, que, con sus más de dos mil definiciones y siete años de trabajo a la espalda, se atreve a enmendarle la plana al diccionario. «Verbolario es un milagro sostenido».Manuel Jabois Toda palabra tiene su significado oculto —su significado verdadero— acechante entre sus pliegues con la astucia del salteador de caminos; se desvela sólo con el uso y sólo ante la perspicacia y el oído, que son el mismo sentido. Rodrigo Cortés reinventa el lenguaje y hace confesar a cada voz su auténtico propósito. Verbolario no define las palabras: las desnuda. La crítica ha dicho:«Selvático y misterioso antidiccionario en que las palabras vuelven a ser territorios a la espera de ser explorados».Laura Fernández «Verbolario es el saloncillo antes de la obra, los camerinos llenos de secretos del diccionario».José Luis Garci «Cortés desvela una realidad que nadie había visto en el lenguaje: las palabras también juegan con nosotros».Jesús García Calero, ABC Cultural «¿Puede un libro ser a la vez diccionario, manual de humor, tratado filosófico y poemario? En manos de Rodrigo Cortés puede».Juan Gómez-Jurado «Con talento y picardía, Rodrigo Cortés logra ponerle a cada palabra de este Verbolario la espina precisa para que el pinchazo nos resulte puñeteramente gozoso».Fernando Aramburu «Enciclopedia ilustrada que mira el mundo con la sabiduría del viejo y la inocencia del niño».Ana Iris Simón «Carcajadas, sonrisas y la leve incomodidad que produce la verdad cuando anda desnuda».Sergio del Molino
Verborge geheime van die Joodse wêreld nou aan die lig gebring
by Bernard Levine Zelna NaudéVerborge geheime van die Joodse wêreld nou aan die lig gebring Deur Bernard Levine Julle het vir meer gevra! So, hier is die nuwe uitgawe met opwindende geheime en onthullings oor die Joodse manier van leef. In hierdie boek word die verborge geheimenisse van die Joodse geloof (dit waarvan jy nog nie tevore gehoor het nie), ontdek en dit gaan jou ‘n beter idee gee van wat elke dag in die Joodse wêreld gebeur. Hierdie boek is vir almal wat die Jode bewonder en liefhet. Uit die diepte van my hart Bernard Levine
Verhaltenssteuerung, Recht und Privatautonomie
by Clemens LatzelDieses Buch überträgt psychologische und verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse über die menschliche Entscheidungsfindung und ihre Steuerbarkeit (vor allem durch Anreize, Überzeugung und äußere Umstände, also Nudging) in die Rechtswissenschaft und zeigt, wie das Recht mit diesem Wissen optimiert werden kann. Während der Homo oeconomicus als Standardmodell der Wirtschaftswissenschaften bereits durch einen empirisch fundierten Modellpluralismus abgelöst wurde, harrt das zivilrechtliche Selbstbestimmungsdogma noch einer empirischen Erdung. Außerdem erklärt dieses Buch – insoweit auch für die Sozialwissenschaften interessant – die Funktionsweisen des Rechts und seiner spezifischen Steuerungsinstrumente und zeigt deren Rahmenbedingungen auf. Aus traditioneller zivilrechtlicher Sicht ist hierbei zu rechtfertigen, warum Recht überhaupt das Verhalten von Menschen steuern darf und ausgerechnet die Privatautonomie als Hort des Liberalismus ihre Indienstnahme für politische Zwecke (Materialisierung) ertragen muss.
Verified: How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions about What to Believe Online
by Mike Caulfield Sam WineburgAn indispensable guide for telling fact from fiction on the internet—often in less than 30 seconds. The internet brings information to our fingertips almost instantly. The result is that we often jump to thinking too fast, without taking a few moments to verify the source before engaging with a claim or viral piece of media. Information literacy expert Mike Caulfield and educational researcher Sam Wineburg are here to enable us to take a moment for due diligence with this informative, approachable guide to the internet. With this illustrated tool kit, you will learn to identify red flags, get quick context, and make better use of common websites like Google and Wikipedia that can help and hinder in equal measure. This how-to guide will teach you how to use the web to verify the web, quickly and efficiently, including how to • Verify news stories and other events in as little as thirty seconds (seriously) • Determine if the article you’re citing is by a reputable scholar or a quack • Detect the slippery tactics scammers use to make their sites look credible • Decide in a minute if that shocking video is truly shocking • Deduce who’s behind a site—even when its ownership is cleverly disguised • Uncover if that feature story is actually a piece planted by a foreign government • Use Wikipedia wisely to gain a foothold on new topics and leads for digging deeper And so much more. Building on techniques like SIFT and lateral reading, Verified will help students and anyone else looking to get a handle on the internet’s endless flood of information through quick, practical, and accessible steps.
Vern Yip's Vacation at Home: Design Ideas for Creating Your Everyday Getaway
by Vern YipVern Yip, veteran interior designer from Trading Spaces and HGTV--and author of the NYT bestseller Vern Yip's Design Wise-- is back to reveal the design tricks and practices that will give any home a serene, luxury retreat-like feel. We've all heard that our home should be our sanctuary, but most of us fall short of that ideal. Too often, the reality is that our homes are just another place for stress and work. Now trusted HGTV and TLC interior designer Vern Yip is here to guide us on confidently creating a home where we can instantly feel relaxed and rejuvenated, while also reflecting our individual style and needs. In this lush, beautifully illustrated book, Vern shares the tips, tricks, and design principles that 5-star resorts and hotels use to help guests get into vacation mode, and shows how we can duplicate that sense of ease and relaxation (while fitting into our personal design flair). He also opens the doors to some of his clients' homes to show you how these key design principles can vary with different styles, tastes, and locations. With Vern's reassuring tone and clear, easy steps, readers can create spaces that can make everyday feel like vacation!
The Verso Book of Dissent: Revolutionary Words from Three Millennia of Rebellion and Resistance
by Tariq Ali Audrea Lim Andrew HsiaoThroughout the ages and across every continent, people have struggled against those in power and raised their voices in protest--rallying others around them and inspiring uprisings in eras yet to come. Their echoes reverberate from Ancient Greece, China and Egypt, via the dissident poets and philosophers of Islam and Judaism, through to the Arab slave revolts and anti-Ottoman rebellions of the Middle Ages. These sources were tapped during the Dutch and English revolutions at the outset of the Modern world, and in turn flowed into the French, Haitian, American, Russian and Chinese revolutions. More recently, resistance to war and economic oppression has flared up on battlefields and in public spaces from Beijing and Baghdad to Caracas and Los Angeles.This anthology, global in scope, presents voices of dissent from every era of human history: speeches and pamphlets, poems and songs, plays and manifestos. Every age has its iconoclasts, and yet the greatest among them build on the words and actions of their forerunners. The Verso Book of Dissent will become an invaluable resource, reminding today's citizens that these traditions will never die.
Vertebrate Life, Eleventh Edition
by F. Harvey Pough William E. Bemis Betty McGuire Christine M JanisWidely praised for its comprehensive coverage and exceptionally clear writing style, this best-selling text explores how animals' anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behavior interact to produce organisms that function effectively in their environments and how lineages of organisms change through evolutionary time.
The Very Best Baby Name Book
by Bruce LanskyThe very best baby name book just got better! Now with more than 60,000 popular and unusual names for boys and girls, this book provides expectant parents with abundant information on names, including origins, meanings, variations, fascinating facts, and famous namesakes. The following helpful features make finding the perfect name for your baby fun and easy: -- "Baby Name Guru" Bruce Lansky provides advice on how to choose a name for your baby and how to customize a popular name -- Popular names from around the world, including thousands of French, English, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, German, Scottish, Welsh, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Scandanavian, Polish, Native American, Hawaiian, African, and Hindi names -- Icons to identify names used for both boys and girls -- Over 5,000 names African-American families often choose for their children -- Over 5,000 names that Hispanic families commonly use -- More than 300 fun lists to help you brainstorm names, including a list of names celebrities are choosing for their children -- Stereotypes of commonly used names -- Plans for a name-the-baby shower by Becky Long, author of Themed Baby Showers The most useful, helpful, and fun collection of names on the market!
The Very British Problems Quiz Book
by Rob TempleWhat does 'custard and jelly' mean in cockney rhyming slang?Which biscuit has half of its name on top of the cooker and the other half on the door?And 25 million of what drink are served by British Airways each year?We Brits can't get enough of a quiz. Stumped for office party chit-chat? Quiz. Midweek visit to the pub? Quiz. Stuck inside in pyjamas on a rainy night and in the mood to cause a big family argument? You got it - quiz.This book is correspondingly filled with questions on all things wonderfully and unequivocally British - you'll find all sorts of tickly teasers, complex conundrums, worrisome word searches and much more on topics ranging from our iconic weather to types of cake. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and your favourite biscuit(s).***ANSWERS: Telly, Hobnob, buy the book and find out!***Praise for Very British Problems'Had us guffawing into our Earl Grey tea' Bella'My favourite twitter account at the moment is Very British Problems (@soverybritish) . . . it makes me laugh out loud' Tom Hiddleston'Hilarious' Daily Express'Temple pays affectionate and comic homage to the sheer quirkiness of being British' Good Book Guide
The Very British Problems Quiz Book
by Rob TempleWhat does 'custard and jelly' mean in cockney rhyming slang?Which biscuit has half of its name on top of the cooker and the other half on the door?And 25 million of what drink are served by British Airways each year?We Brits can't get enough of a quiz. Stumped for office party chit-chat? Quiz. Midweek visit to the pub? Quiz. Stuck inside in pyjamas on a rainy night and in the mood to cause a big family argument? You got it - quiz.This book is correspondingly filled with questions on all things wonderfully and unequivocally British - you'll find all sorts of tickly teasers, complex conundrums, worrisome word searches and much more on topics ranging from our iconic weather to types of cake. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and your favourite biscuit(s).***ANSWERS: Telly, Hobnob, buy the book and find out!***Praise for Very British Problems'Had us guffawing into our Earl Grey tea' Bella'My favourite twitter account at the moment is Very British Problems (@soverybritish) . . . it makes me laugh out loud' Tom Hiddleston'Hilarious' Daily Express'Temple pays affectionate and comic homage to the sheer quirkiness of being British' Good Book Guide
Very British Wit: Quips and Quotes to Suit All Manner of Occasions
by Richard BensonWith quips, quotes and insults from classic favourites William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to modern humorists Stephen Fry and Billy Connolly, this delightful book will ensure you’re never at a loss for the perfect witticism.
Very British Wit: Quips and Quotes to Suit All Manner of Occasions
by Richard BensonWith quips, quotes and insults from classic favourites William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to modern humorists Stephen Fry and Billy Connolly, this delightful book will ensure you’re never at a loss for the perfect witticism.
A Very Fine Class of Immigrants: Prince Edward Island's Scottish Pioneers, 1770-1850
by Lucille H. CampeyScots who opted for pioneer life in Prince Edward Island are the subject of this book. Being the first of the "northern" colonies to be sold off in its entirety to proprietors in the late eighteenth century, P.E.I. acquired its Scots earliest, doing so even before the start of the American War of Independence in 1775. The colonization of Prince Edward Island by Scots takes us back to a period when the process of emigration and settlement were in their infancy. The Pioneer Scots of Prince Edward Island should command our respect. They showed tremendous courage and determination and most were successful. Previous studies of early Scottish emigration to the New World have tended to concentrate on the miseries of evictions and the destruction of old communities. In this groundbreaking study of the influx of Scots to Prince Edward Island, the widely held assumption that emigration was solely a flight from poverty is challenged. By uncovering previously unreported ship crossings, as well as a wide range of manuscripts and underused sources such as customs records and newspaper shipping reports, the book provides the most comprehensive account to date of the influx of Scots to the Island. "A Very Fine Class of Immigrants" is essential reading for individuals wishing to trace family links or deepen their understanding of how and why the Island came to acquire its distinctive Scottish communities. And by accessing, for the first time, shipping sources like Lloyd’s List and the Lloyd’s Shipping Register, the author brings a new dimension to our understanding of emigrant travel. Lucille H. Campey demonstrates that far from sailing on disease-ridden leaky tubs, as popularly imagined, the Island’s Pioneer Scots usually crossed the Atlantic on the best available ships of the time.
The Very Hungry Parasite: It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You
by Josh MillerDiscover the incredible, disturbing world of diseases and parasites in this faux children’s book for adults—a bathroom reader to die for.Your time on the toilet will never be the same when the colorful facts and stomach-churning trivia in this illustrated bathroom reader begin to scare the crap right out of you, including:• The uniquely powerful diarrhea of Minnesota• How a common STD can turn you into a disfigured walking tree• The brain-eating amoeba that could be swimming in your pool• How much mucus your body produces• An untreatable disease that creates real-life zombies (with sex addictions)• How a sexy fad nearly eradicated an entire species of lice
Very Naughty Boys [EBK]
by Robert SellersThe incredible, hilarious insider's story of Britain's favourite film company! It all started when Beatle George Harrison stepped in to fund Life of Brian when Monty Python's original backers pulled out. His company, HandMade films, went on to make some of the best British films of the 80s (Withnail and I, Time Bandits and Mona Lisa among them), but then things started to go wrong... This is the incredible and often hilarious insiders' story of what happened...
A Very Short Tour of the Mind: 21 Short Walks Around the Human Brain
by Michael C. Corballis&“Thoroughly enjoyable&” essays from a cognitive neuroscientist, filled with surprising facts (Kirkus Reviews, starred review). Modern computers might be faster, and whales might have larger brains, but neither can match the sheer intellect or capacity for creativity that the human mind enjoys. It is arguably the most complex organ in the universe. If you&’ve ever wondered why your dog can remember where it buried its bone but you can&’t find your keys, or whether it&’s true that we use only ten percent of our brainpower, this concise book offers some answers—and introduces us to what science has learned about the intricacies of the human brain over the last fifty years. Leading us through behavioral experiments and neuroscience, cognitive theory and Darwinian evolution, Michael Corballis punctures a few hot-air balloons, and explains just what we know—and don&’t know—about our own minds. &“Poses questions we wouldn&’t have thought to ask and then answers them with clarity and wit.&” —American Scientist
#VERYFAT #VERYBRAVE: The Fat Girl's Guide to Being #Brave and Not a Dejected, Melancholy, Down-in-the-Dumps Weeping Fat Girl in a Bikini
by Nicole ByerA hilarious and inspiring guide to being a #brave, bikini-wearing badass, from the actress, comedian, and podcaster extraordinaire.If you’ve ever seen a fat person post a bikini shot on social media, you already know that they are #verybrave, because apparently existing in a fat body in public is #brave. I, Nicole Byer, wrote this book to 1. share my impressive bikini collection and my hot body with the world and 2. help other people feel #brave by embracing their body as it is. In this book, I share my journey to becoming #brave, give you my hot tips and tricks—on how to find the perfect bikini, how to find your own #bravery, and how to handle haters—and serve you over 100 bikini looks.Praise for #VERYFAT #VERYBRAVEOne of Cosmopolitan’s “12 Books You’ll Be Desperate to Read This Summer”One of Good House Keeping’s “Best Beach Reads to Add to Your Summer Reading List”Book Riot’s #1 Body Positivity Book to Read“Basically a bikini look book showing off [Byer’s] beautiful figure in a hundred different colorful swimmies. She also shares her body-acceptance journey and gives tips on how others can find their own bravery, handle haters, and embrace their bodies.” —Cosmopolitan“This book is a hilariously empowering take on self-love.” —Parade“And while Byer, the comedian who hosts Netflix’s Nailed It!, has filled the book with captions that are funny enough to prompt a reader to actually chuckle aloud, inspiring others is at the book’s core.” —USA Today
Vessel Security Officer
by Joseph AhlstromKeeping a ship safe and secure occurs through the investment of time and effort by both the Vessel Security Officer and the crew. Some of the topics covered in this volume include training, drills, exercises, and recordkeeping; threat assessment and analysis; creating a vessel security plan; and maritime terrorism. The appendices contain a Declaration of Security and 33 CFR Part 104 among other documents. This text complements any security course and can serve as a training handbook for a Vessel/Ship Security Officer or Company Security Officer.
The Vest-Pocket MBA: Fourth Edition (Vest-pocket Ser.)
by Jae K. Shim Allison I. Shim Joel G. SiegelAmong the many topics it covers: accounting, finance, break-even analysis, investment evaluation, capital budgeting, business law, risk minimization, marketing, and international trade.The Vest-Pocket MBA offers a wealth of guidelines, illustrations, and how-to's for the modern decision-maker, from the B-school student to the senior executive.
Vet Confidential: An Insider's Guide to Protecting Your Pet's Health
by Louise MurrayA comprehensive, must-have guide for ensuring high-quality care for pets, "Vet Confidential" offers pet owners everything they need to know about keeping their pets healthy, and tells who they can safely trust with their pets' health.