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Guía de Jardinería y Flores

by Mirna García Agatha Albright

Agatha Albright te enseña a diseñar un impresionante jardín de flores para todas las estaciones. ¡Prepara, cultiva, cosecha y arregla magníficos arreglos florales para que tu césped luzca espectacular! - Prepara tu espacio para un crecimiento óptimo. - Crecer en todo tipo de espacios. - Crecer entre todas las estaciones. - Aprende sobre los tipos de plantas más impresionantes. - Paso a paso.

LA Alquimia De Los Aceites Esenciales: Un Libro Completo De Aceites Esennciales Y Aromaterapia

by Adidas Wilson

Un excelente manual sobre el uso apropiado de los aceites esenciales y los beneficios de la aromaterapia en el hogar!

La alquimia de las hierbas: hierbas curativas para conocer, cultivar y usar

by Adidas Wilson

Las hierbas selectas pueden crecer excepcionalmente bien en interiores o exteriores, en contenedores o en el suelo, todo depende de lo que desea hacer. Si el espacio recibe menos de cinco horas de luz solar al día, es mejor optar por la casa para un acceso más fácil, especialmente para regar y cocinar. Además, esto ayuda a prevenir malezas, plagas o temperaturas fluctuantes. Las semillas son bastante económicas, pero toman más tiempo y requieren más recursos para crecer. Mientras que, por otro lado, las plantas de semillero son de cultivo más rápido, pero solo están disponibles en primavera y verano. Varias herramientas de jardinería son esenciales, puede ser una pala, guantes, ollas, recipientes, prácticamente todo lo que necesita para el trabajo. Y recuerde, algunos suelos fertilizados también son importantes, esto puede generarse naturalmente, o con una solución de compost de uso general de una tienda de jardinería. Para jardinería en contenedores, una mezcla de tierra para macetas empaquetada puede ser de gran ayuda, ya que casi no tendrá que preocuparse por las plagas. Tabla de contenidos Introducción 1. Cultive verduras caseras en su patio trasero 2. Imhotep y el origen de la medicina 3. St. John Wort y la depresión 4. Hierbas en espacios pequeños 5. Remedios para el virus VPH 6. Medicina avanzada de sociedades antiguas 7. Historia de la medicina Ayurveda 8. Medicina china tradicional 9. El cáncer y las hierbas 10. Medicina nativa estadoinidense 11. Hierbas para mejorar el sexo 12. Los aceites de eucalipto y sus beneficios 13. Remedios para las alergias 14. Hierbas para desatascar sus arterias 15. Hierbas naturales nativas estadounidenses 16. Hierbas desintoxicantes 17. Salvia en la medicina herbaria 18. Jardín de hierbas hidropónicas 19. Aumente su inmunidad y combata la infección con hierbas antivirales 20. Tratamientos a base de hierbas y suplementos para la

24-Hour Crochet Projects

by Rita Weiss

Quick and easy doesn't mean boring, as this vibrant crochet guide attests. Twenty-four simple patterns, each of which can be finished in 24 hours or less, include garments, bags, and home accessories. They're easy to pick up whenever you have a few moments to spare — but they're hard to put down! You'll be amazed at what you can create in such a short time.Patterns include stylish hats, scarves, sweaters, and purses as well as afghans, doilies, and baby clothes. Full-color photos illustrate the easy-to-follow instructions, and a helpful "Refresher Course" offers diagrams of stitches and describes gauge. From a cute little sweater to a trendy scarf and a little black bag for a night on the town, these 24 patterns offer a terrific variety of projects that make great gifts and treasured keepsakes.

24-Hour Sewing Projects

by Linda Causee

You can't tell by looking at them but each of these 32 projects takes 24 hours or less to sew! Ideal for people who love to sew but don't have as much free time as they'd like, the quick and easy patterns are also great for whipping up personalized gifts for the holidays. Full-color photos illustrate simple directions for making accessories for the kitchen, from pretty potholders to a reversible apron. For the bedroom, patterns include a duvet cover and a variety of pillows. Make terrific towels for the bathroom, and for the nursery you can create a quickie quilt, blanket, and bonnet. Projects also include Christmas ornaments that will help dress up your home for the holidays as well as an assortment of unique gifts — purses and totes, jackets, a vest, and more.

Guida al Giardinaggio e Floricoltura

by Agatha Albright

Agatha Albright vi insegnerà a realizzare un fantastico giardino fiorito per tutte le stagioni. Prepara, coltiva, raccogli e disponi bellissimi fiori per rendere unico il vostro cortile! - Prepara il terreno per risultati ottimali. - Coltiva in qualsiasi area. - Coltiva in tutte le stagioni. - Conosci nuove spledide specie. - Guidato passo per passo. >>> Clicca qui per acquistare immediatamente! Keywords: gardening, grow, guide, growing, gardener, care, perennial, herbal, flowers, build, beginners, simple, homesteading

Cómo Organizar Su Casa Y Su Mente: El Arte De Ordenar, De Limpiar Y De Eliminar El Caos De Su Vida

by Mary Albrich

Cómo organizar la casa y la mente: El arte de ordenar y de limpiar, por Mary Albrich Mary Albrich describe su método súperefectivo para limpiar y para organizar el hogar y la mente. ¿Siente como si, sin importar las veces que lo intente, no lograra limpiar y sacar el desorden de su hogar y de los espacios personales? Mary lleva la limpieza y la organización a un completo nuevo nivel con su libro. Esta guía detallada es un método fácil, rápido y eficaz para limpiar el hogar y los espacios personales. Los pasos que describe le permitirán eliminar ese desorden eterno de su vida, limpiar la mente y ser más eficiente mientras se siente ¡menos estresado y feliz!

Alquimia Dos Óleos Essenciais

by Adidas Wilson

Óleos essenciais têm qualidade variável. Se você é um aromaterapeuta ou um consumidor, avaliar a qualidade dos óleos essenciais (EOs) não é fácil. Eles são originários de todo o mundo e empresas, ou fornecedores obtê-los de atacadistas ou agricultores cuja integridade e práticas aprenderam a confiar. O consumidor final não tem ideia e não pode avaliar essas práticas e relacionamentos.

100 Japanese Stencil Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by Friedrich Deneken

The natural Japanese affinity for decorative art is apparent in this striking collection of exquisite stencil designs. A centuries-old tradition of capturing nature in striking floral and wildlife motifs is reflected in the graceful shapes and lovely lines of more than 100 illustrations. Lush blossoms, bamboo branches, butterflies, birds on the wing, and rustic country homes, among other subjects long associated with Japanese art, are boldly printed in black and white.Ready for use as patterns for wallpaper, textiles, graphics, and needlework, these delicate royalty-free images are ideal for a host of modern decorative and graphic needs.

100 Victorian Architectural Designs for Houses and Other Buildings (Dover Architecture)

by A. J. Bicknell Co.

Originally published in 1878, this now-rare collection of designs supplies views of a remarkable variety of modestly priced structures: houses, villas, cottages, many others. Handsome drawings of perspective views and elevations, some of which include floor plans, plus suggestions for interior design. 98 black-and-white illustrations.

150 Full-Color Art Nouveau Patterns and Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by Friedrich Wolfrum Co.

The novelty of Art Nouveau derived in part from its innovative approach to the very concept of art. More than just a style, it eliminated the barriers between fine and applied arts and embodied a new way of thinking about modern society and production methods. Art Nouveau attempted nothing less than the redefinition of the meaning and nature of art.This multipurpose treasury features luxuriant patterns and designs that date from the early twentieth century, the heyday of Art Nouveau. Featuring both allover patterns and stand-alone designs, it consists of 49 full-page illustrations, plus eleven pages with numerous individual images. Handsomely reproduced from a rare Viennese publication, this inexpensive volume offers a sumptuous assortment of authentic designs from a revolutionary art movement.

Alles wat je wilt weten als je een moestuin begint

by Nancy Ross Dick Stada

WIL JE LEREN HOE JE EEN GEWELDIGE MOESTUIN MOET OPZETTEN? Of je nou wilt leren wat de beste groentesoorten zijn of hoe je je groente het hele jaar door goed kunt bewaren, dit boek zal je daarbij helpen! Hier is alvast iets van wat je zult leren… HET JUISTE TUINGEREEDSCHAP EEN TUIN BIJ HUIS EEN VOLKSTUIN EEN STAPPENPLAN BIJ HET OPSTARTEN VAN EEN TUIN DE MEEST GESCHIKTE GROENTESOORTEN DE GROENTE HET HELE JAAR BEWAREN DE VOORDELEN VAN HET TUINIEREN EN NOG VEEL MEER! Hier is alvast een lijstje van de groentesoorten die je leert kennen: MAÏS SPERZIEBONEN TOMATEN DOPERWTEN PEPERS EN NOG VEEL MEER!

The Art of Wood Finishing (Correct Times)

by Nita Hubbert

Wood finishing today is a commercial art. With the greater appreciation of interior decoration by the great middle classes has come the realisation that interior wood trim constitutes the frame of the picture, so to speak. Consequently the selection of color and texture of the finish for wood trim is being done with the same care that is exercised by the artist who chooses a frame for his painting.?The tendency to consider the wood finishing in homes and public buildings simply as one element of a decorative scheme, along with the several others, such as walls, floor, furniture, drapes, rugs and accessories, is a wholesome development which is making interiors truly beautiful.?The wood finisher, whether he be house painter and decorator, furniture worker or arts and crafts artisan, is confronted with an array of finishes calculated to confuse even the most experienced unless his working methods are based upon a sound knowledge of the most modern stains, fillers, varnishes and other materials. Then there has been a steady change in the kinds and grades of woods used for buildings, cabinets and furniture, calling for complete knowledge of the characteristics of present day woods.?And to make the wood finisher's task even more difficult the specifications by architects and customers change constantly to keep pace with styles in furniture and decorations of standard, period and novel designs. The wish is always for something new and different.?So the wood finisher must keep up with the procession in pursuit of style and vogue. Enjoy your ebook "The Art Of Wood Finishing"!

The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox: The Essential DIY Guide to a Healthier, Cleaner, All-Natural Life

by Katie Wells

Katie Wells, author of The Wellness Mama Cookbook and founder of, finally shares the secret of how she manages six kids, a company, and a career without sacrificing a healthy lifestyle with this step-by-step, comprehensive guide to clean, natural living.By following her simple detox plan, you'll be able to implement a system for better living by reducing toxic exposure, transforming your diet, and regaining control over your health. Katie provides practical tips for slowly incorporating this rewarding lifestyle into an already busy schedule, giving you the option to choose what area of life you'd like to work on first. You can detox your body with whole foods and natural medicines; clean up your beauty regime with all-natural moisturizers, cleansers, hair products, and makeup; get rid of toxic household products that include bleach, ammonia, and acids; try a digital detox for you and your family; or learn how to de-stress by adopting healthier sleeping habits and finding time for yourself. The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox is the natural answer to matters of home, nutrition, and motherhood with over 150 homemade versions of essential household and personal products like: -Citrus Fresh All-Purpose Cleaner-Unscented Liquid Laundry Detergent-Lavender and Honey Face Wash- Mineral Foundation-Lemon Cinnamon Cough Syrup-Chamomile Calming Balm

Cómo criar gallinas: la guía completa para cuidar desde pollitos hasta gallinas ponedoras

by Isaac Miller Minerva González Quintana

La cría de gallinas es mucho más fácil de lo que crees y mucho más fácil que la de otros animales domésticos. Solo con dedicarles unos minutos al día, podrás recoger huevos frescos en muy poco tiempo. En este libro, veremos los pasos necesarios: desde conseguir pollitos y cuidarlos, hasta pasar a tus gallinas a un gallinero exterior y qué esperar mientras tanto. Coge una bebida y algo de picar y busca un lugar cómodo donde sentarte, juntos descubriremos lo divertido que puede ser criar gallinas. Trataremos lo siguiente: Espacio necesario y tamaño del gallinero La elección de una raza El cuidado de los pollitos Cuándo pasarlos al gallinero Mantenimiento del gallinero y del corral La alimentación La puesta de huevos Disfruta del libro y de tus nuevas amigas.

Wildlife Pest Control around Gardens and Homes

by Terrell P. Salmon Desley A. Whisson Rex E. Marsh Robert E. Lickliter

Wildlife Pest Control around Gardens and Homes by Terrell P. Salmon, Robert E. Lickliter

Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-reliance

by Storey Books Staff John Storey Martha Storey

Whether you live on a small suburban lot or have a many acres in the country, this inspiring collection will empower you to increase your self-sufficiently and embrace a more independent lifestyle. A variety of authors share their specialized knowledge and provide practical instructions for basic country skills like preserving vegetables, developing water systems, keeping farm animals, and renovating barns. From sharpening an axe to baking your own bread, you'll be amazed at the many ways learning traditional skills can enrich your life.

American Graffiti

by Margo Thompson

Depuis le début des années 1970, les graffeurs décorent l'extérieur des rames de métro avec des tags toujours plus grands et toujours plus élaborés. Dans le schéma primitiviste, les graffeurs, en tant qu'artistes en marge, offraient de nouvelles perspectives à la société américaine. Ils tendaient un miroir à la culture hégémonique. Les références aux médias ou à des elements culturels que les artistes intégraient dans leurs créations revêtent aujourd'hui une importance toute particulière, parce qu'elles représentent un point de contact entre les cultures et ont rendu cette « sousculture » plus accessible à son nouveau public. Cette forme d'expression résolument rebelle est ici analysée par Margo Thompson qui met en relation l'art du graffiti avec l'art contemporain. Tout comme les graffeurs apportaient une voix à une classe ethnique sous-représentée, l'auteur, grâce à une thèse originale, tend à servir d'ambassadrice à cette forme d'art souvent méconnue.

The Green City: Sustainable Homes, Sustainable Suburbs

by Darko Radovic Ray Green Brendon Gleeson Nicholas Low

A team of city-building professionals explain in straightforward terms how the idea of ecological sustainability can be embodied in the everyday life of homes, communities and cities to make a better future.The book considers - and answers - three questions: What does the global agenda of sustainable development mean for the urban spaces where most people live, work and move? Can we keep what we love about suburban life and still save the environment? And what new methods of planning and building will be needed in the 21st century? Rejecting both economic and environmental orthodoxy, the book’s essential message is that the sustainable city can be built by a thousand well-directed small changes. It draws on practical case material from around the world and weaves together four critical aspects of urban life: housing, open space, workplaces and transport. A 'photographic essay' of 32 colour plates illustrates the ideas discussed.

After Taste: Expanded Practice in Interior Design

by Lois Weinthal Joanna Merwood-Salisbury Kent Kleinman

What is taste? This well-curated collection documents new theories and emerging critical practices in the field of interior design. It investigates taste, a concept central to the formation of the discipline in the eighteenth century that was repudiated by architects in the early twentieth century, but which continues to play an important role in interior design today. Essays by historians and critics are complemented by interviews with practitioners on the margins of normative practice and portfolios of the work of contemporary designers.

Huertos: Guía completa para principiantes

by J. I. Fernandez Nancy Ross

¿Quieres aprender a cultivar un huerto de frutales espectacular? Si quieres saber cuáles son las mejores opciones en cuanto a verduras que puedes cultivar o aprender a mantenerlas en buenas condiciones durante todo el año, este libro es la ayuda que necesitas. Encontrarás todo esto en el libro: Herramientas adecuadas, huertos caseros, huertos en tu comunidad, pasos para comenzar, las mejores verduras que puedes cultivar, mantenerlas en perfectas condiciones durante todo el año, los beneficios de un huerto y mucho más. Aprenderás a cultivar maíz, judías, tomates, guisantes, pimientos y mas!

Cultivo de Maconha: O Guia para o Cultivo Indoor de Maconha para Uso Medicinal e Pessoal

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

O melhor livro de referência e guia passo a passo para o cultivo de maconha. Aprenda a culivar cannabis seguindo instruções passo a passo. Aprenda e comece a cultivar em apenas algumas horas. Você irá produzir como um profissional usando as estratégias de cultivo mais efetivas. Inclui: -Projetando o seu Espaço de Cultivo -Iluminação -Ventilação -Como Monitorá-la -Ambientes de Cultivo -Recipientes -Nutrientes -Regando suas Plantas Economize tempo e dinheiro usando este super guia. --> Suba ao topo da página e adicione ao carrinho para comprar instantaneamente Aviso: O autor e/ou proprietário dos direitos autorais não faz afirmações, promessas ou garantias quanto a eficácia, completude ou adequação dos conteúdos deste livo e isenta-se de responsabilidade quanto a qualquer erro ou omissão de seu conteúdo. Este produto deve ser usado apenas como referência.

Microcasas: Una guía para vivir en viviendas pequeñas

by Hugo Tordoni Nancy Ross

Microcasas: Una guía para vivir en viviendas pequeñas, de Nancy Ross ¿Quiere descubrir la forma fácil de diseñar su microcasa para vivir de una forma más simple? Ya sea que desee saber cómo construir o diseñar una microcasa, o decidir si esa es la decisión correcta para usted, este libro le será de ayuda. Esta es una vista previa de lo que usted aprenderá Los beneficios de las microcasas Maneras de financiar su microcasa Encontrar la ubicación perfecta Consejos simples para ahorrar espacio y vivir en una vivienda pequeña Ideas para la cocina Diseño de la estancia, baño, habitaciones Consejos para comprender la vida en las casas pequeñas ¡Y mucho, mucho más!

Marijuana: guida per principianti sulla coltivazione della marijuana

by Marilena Martucci Nancy Ross

"Marijuana: guida per principianti sulla coltivazione della marijuana"è una quida valida, snella e molto precisa che accompagnerà il coltivatore inesperto a compiere i suoi primi passi verso la coltivazione della cannabis. Ogni argomento viene spiegato con linearità e nulla viene lasciato al caso. Una lettura affascinante anche solo per entrare in contatto con la coltivazione di una pianta che viene da molti considerato un tabù, ma che porta grandi benefici.

Plantación Y Cultivo De Marihuana: Guía De Horticultura De Marihuana Medicinal Y De Consumo Personal

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Valiosa fuente de consulta para plantación y cultivo de marihuana. Aprenda y cultive cannabis con instrucciones simples y fáciles de seguir. Aplicando estrategias de cultivo efectivas, se volverá todo un profesional. El material incluye: - Preparar el espacio para cultivo. - Iluminación. - Aireación. - Monitoreo. - Entornos para cultivo. - Recipientes. - Nutrientes. - Riego.

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