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Law without Force: The Function of Politics in International Law

by Gerhart Niemeyer Michael Henry

Law Without Force is a landmark in political and social philosophy. It proposes nothing less than a completely new basis for international law. As relevant today as when it was first published nearly sixty years ago, it commands the attention of all concerned with what the future may bring to the law of nations. The great scope of Niemeyer's undertaking draws respect even from those who disagree with his challenging analysis of the historical past and his suggestions for the future of international law. In his new introduction, Michael Henry observes that Law Without Force provides us with a foundation of Niemeyer's thinking. Published in 1941, when Hitler was swallowing up Europe, this volume shows how a first-rate mind grappled with a legal, historical, social, and ultimately metaphysical problem. It provides in detail the reasoning behind Niemeyer's rejection of a foreign policy based on morality and his distinction between authoritarian and totalitarian governments; and it provides us with the first stage of his lengthy and prodigious effort to understand "this terrible century." It is a book that no serious student of Niemeyer can afford to ignore. At the very heart of the author's vigorous discussion may be found his rejection of a moral basis for international law and his suggestion that a functional basis should be substituted for it. The book incisively reviews the relation between traditional international law and the changing structure of international politics concluding that the traditional system of law has operated as an agency of disharmony and conflict. After an investigation of the traditional legal system, the author then asks, "What type of law fits the social structure of this modern world?" The answers are presented in the last part of the book, as Neimeyer offers his case for a functional system of law, divorced from moral exhortations or appeals to shattered authority. Philosophy, sociology, and legal theory are brilliantly interwoven in this volume, which will engage serious readers interested in political and social theory.

Nuclear Non-proliferation and Arms Control Verification: Innovative Systems Concepts

by Irmgard Niemeyer Mona Dreicer Gotthard Stein

This book strives to take stock of current achievements and existing challenges in nuclear verification, identify the available information and gaps that can act as drivers for exploring new approaches to verification strategies and technologies. With the practical application of the systems concept to nuclear disarmament scenarios and other, non-nuclear verification fields, it investigates, where greater transparency and confidence could be achieved in pursuit of new national or international nonproliferation and arms reduction efforts. A final discussion looks at how, in the absence of formal government-to-government negotiations, experts can take practical steps to advance the technical development of these concepts.

International Law and Violence Against Women: Europe and the Istanbul Convention (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)

by Johanna Niemi Lourdes Peroni Vladislava Stoyanova

This book offers an in-depth and critical analysis of the Istanbul Convention, along with discussions on its impact and implications. The work highlights the place of the Convention in the landscape of international law and policies on violence against women and equality. The authors argue that the Convention with its emphasis on integrated and comprehensive policies has an important role in promoting equality, but they also note the debates on “genderism” that the Convention has triggered in some member states. The book analyses central concepts of the Convention, including violence, gender and due diligence. It takes up major commitments of the parties to the Convention, including support and services to victims, criminal law provisions and protection of migrant women against violence. The book thus makes a major contribution to the development of national laws, policies and practice. It provides a valuable guide for policy-makers, students and academics in international human rights law, criminal and social law, social policy, social work and gender studies.

Wege durch die Unternehmenskrise: Sanieren statt Liquidieren - Ein Praxisleitfaden für Unternehmer und Berater

by Christoph Niering Christoph Hillebrand

Mit der fünften, aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage wenden sich Dr. Christoph Niering und Diplm.-Kfm. Christoph Hillebrand an alle Berater und Entscheidungsträger, die nicht täglich und ausnahmslos mit den Fragen der Unternehmenskrise beschäftigt sind. Bereits in den vorherigen vier Auflagen wie auch jetzt verzichten die Autoren ganz bewusst auf juristische und/oder betriebswirtschaftliche Details, um eine möglichst hohe Praxisrelevanz gerade für Nichtfachleute zu erreichen. Ergänzt wird der Text durch viele Praxishilfen (Checklisten und Muster), die jedem Leser über das Online-Angebot des Verlages auch zum Download zur Verfügung stehen.

The Cancel Culture Curse: From Rage to Redemption in a World Gone Mad

by Evan Nierman Mark Sachs

In a groundbreaking first, cancel culture and its core elements are clearly defined, and a convincing case is made against this fundamentally un-American practice. Cancel culture is an insidious force in society today. In the seconds it takes to make one regrettable social media post—or wind up on the wrong side of a false accusation or misunderstanding—reputations, relationships, and careers are destroyed. Have we entered an era when people cannot make mistakes; where no apology or change of heart can ever deliver forgiveness? Making a comeback used to be a celebrated American ideal. But have the roads to redemption been permanently blocked by internet mobs seeking vengeance? In The Cancel Culture Curse, global crisis manager Evan Nierman and his colleague Mark Sachs examine the impact of cancel culture in today&’s media-driven world. The authors also explore the history of cancel culture and the trends that have fostered it, defining the telltale elements that are hallmarks of such campaigns. Nierman and Sachs provide fascinating case studies and interviews with well-known victims of cancel culture, including philosopher Peter Boghossian, Mumford & Sons cofounder Winston Marshall, and &“San Francisco Karen,&” among others. Also featured, is a playbook for rebounding from public shame, helping readers avoid becoming the latest targets of &“cancel vultures&” who enjoy picking apart the remains of those left to die on the side of the Internet highway.

Speaking Honestly with Sick and Dying Children and Adolescents: Unlocking the Silence

by Dietrich Niethammer

Talking openly with sick and dying children about their illness is always difficult and often agonizing. It is honesty, however, that these children deserve and need. Dietrich Niethammer, a prominent pediatric oncologist, explains why it is so important to speak frankly and respectfully to young patients about their disease.The question at the heart of this book is how children and adolescents feel and think about death and dying. Dr. Niethammer thoroughly examines the literature on the topic, arguing that children and adolescents not only are capable of discussing their illness but benefit from doing so. Puzzled why it took medical practitioners so long to accept truth-telling in their care of dying children, Niethammer traces the development of this notion from the early twentieth-century work of Sigmund Freud to the discomfort surrounding it still today.Severely sick children and adolescents think about the consequences of their disease, whether adults discuss it with them or not. When adults remain silent, they do a disservice to the children. Dr. Niethammer urges doctors to practice not in silence and denial but in open communication with ill children, giving the children an opportunity to express their fears and anxieties and to cope with their disease on their own terms.Dr. Niethammer's compelling personal experiences combined with the latest research make this a compassionate and invaluable resource for physicians, nurses, social workers, teachers, parents—for all who care for sick and dying children and adolescents.

Conexión Caracas-Moncloa: Plus Ultra y Delcygate: las oscuras relaciones del Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez con el chavismo de Venezuela

by Álvaro Nieto

Conexión Caracas-Moncloa es un libro trepidante que nos abre las puertas a las intrigas de las más altas esferas del poder, exponiendo una política de componendas, traiciones y mentiras. ¿Qué relaciones existen entre el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez y el chavismo de Venezuela? ¿Por qué el entonces ministro José Luis Ábalos se reunió en Barajas con la vicepresidenta de Venezuela pese a la prohibición de entrada en la Unión Europea? ¿Y por qué el Gobierno de coalición quiso salvar una aerolínea como Plus Ultra cuyos vínculos con el chavismo eran incuestionables? Los dos principales escándalos del Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez, el Delcygate -el día en que Delcy Rodríguez, la número dos de Maduro, aterrizó en España- y el Plus Ultra -el rescate millonario a esta aerolínea-, tienen en común mucho más que los aviones que los protagonizan. En ambos juega un papel determinante Venezuela, dejando al descubierto las históricas y controvertidas relaciones entre el régimen chavista y los dos partidos que integran el Ejecutivo español, PSOE y Podemos. Álvaro Nieto, el periodista que lideró el equipo que destapó ambos escándalos, cuenta en este libro todos los detalles sobre cómo se gestaron, sus extraños vínculos y las consecuencias que podrían tener para algunos miembros del Gobierno.

A Student's Guide to Mass Communication and Law

by Amber Nieto John F. Schmitt

A unique learning tool for students in journalism and mass communication, A Student's Guide to Mass Communication Law is written for students by a top student. Amber Nieto and her professor John F. Schmitt who also brings his experience as a lawyer and a journalist have created an easy-to-read study guide to be used alongside any main textbook on media law or communication law. An outline format allows for quick reference and for instructors to choose material useful to their courses. Including a glossary and the text of the U. S. Constitution, this concise guide covers key areas such as free speech, freedom of the press, censorship, the student press, defamation and libel, privacy, intellectual property, fair trial issues, shield laws, freedom of information, obscenity, electronic media regulation, media ownership, and advertising. A Student's Guide helps students understand textbook material and serves as an ongoing refresher course on the basics of mass communication law and media law.

El cártel chilango: Origen, poder y saña de la Unión Tepito

by Antonio Nieto

En el corazón de la capital de México -la ciudad que alguna vez estuvo "prohibida" para los capos del narco- nació La Unión Tepito, el primer y único cártel chilango. No es una pandilla, no es una célula de un grupo mayor ni tampoco una banda doméstica, sino un auténtico cártel que logró apoderarse del centro del país, justo en las narices de las más altas autoridades. ¿Cómo lo hizo? Ejerciendo una violencia como nunca se había visto, con el liderazgo de un hombre del que poco o nada se sabía, con una red de lavado poderosísima y la apatía de dos administraciones capitalinas. Ningún trabajo periodístico había escarbado tan profundo en las entrañas de La Unión Tepito, en la personalidad de sus líderes, en las matanzas que ha perpetrado, en sus alianzas y sus impunidades. Con documentos altamente confidenciales, testimonios de víctimas, de ex miembros del cártel y acceso al contenido de teléfonos celulares de sus integrantes, este libro revela el verdadero rostro de La Unión, y el reguero de sangre y dinero sucio que ha dejado a su paso.

Global Criminal Law: Postnational Criminal Justice in the Twenty-First Century

by Adán Nieto Martín

This book explores the emergence of an ius puniendi outside state criminal law and beyond international criminal law. The study connects with the reflections that have been made for some years in global law studies, showing how this trend also has a clear manifestation in the field of criminal law. The analysis begins by mapping out the different manifestations of this new global criminal regulation. This includes very diverse areas, ranging from judicial cooperation to the problems involved in the application of criminal sanctions in failed states, or investigations carried out on the internet. New sanctioning systems are also studied, such as the debarment regime of the World Bank or the sanctions in the hands of international sports federations. It is a question of discovering all criminal law – understood in a broad sense – that lies outside the confines of the state.

Sin filias ni fobias: Memorias de un fiscal incómodo

by Santiago Nieto

La historia más indignante que pueda imaginarse: un fiscal vapuleado por hacer su trabajo. En 2015, Santiago Nieto recibió un encargo claro: investigar los delitos electorales. Pero cuando lo hizo a profundidad, la maquinaria gubernamental lo embistió brutalmente. En este documento histórico, el extitular de la Fiscalía Especializada para la Atención de Delitos Electorales explica, con todo detalle, quiénes se incomodaron con su labor, por qué lo acosaron y los casos que desataron la persecución: Odebrecht, Estado de México, Veracruz, Chiapas... En Sin filias ni fobias, Santiago Nieto evidencia la lógica y la podredumbre que, hasta ahora, ha campeado en buena parte de las instituciones mexicanas... y que ahora a él le toca combatir.

Beyond Good and Evil

by Friedrich Nietzsche

In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche attacks past philosophers for their alleged lack of critical sense and their blind acceptance of the Christian premises in their consideration of morality. The work attempts to move "beyond good and evil," in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favor of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual.

Beyond Good and Evil: The Philosophy Classic (Capstone Classics)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

A deluxe, high-quality edition of Friedrich Nietzsche’s seminal work Beyond Good and Evil is one of the final books by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. This landmark work continues to be one of the most well-known and influential explorations of moral and ethical philosophy ever conceived. Expanding on the concepts from his previous work Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche adopts a polemic approach to past philosophers who, in his view, lacked critical sense in accepting flawed premises in their consideration of morality. The metaphysics of morality, Nietzsche argues, should not assume that a good man is simply the opposite of an evil man, rather merely different expression of humanity’s common basic impulses. Controversial in its time, as well as hotly debated in the present, Nietzsche’s work moves beyond conventional ethics to suggest that a universal morality for all human beings in non-existent – perception, reason and experience are not static, but change according to an individual’s perspective and interpretation. The work further argues that philosophic traditions such as “truth,” “self-consciousness” and “free will” are merely inventions of Western morality and that the “will to power” is the real driving force of all human behaviour. This volume: Critiques the belief that actions, including domination or injury to the weak, can be universally objectionable Explores themes of religion and “master and slave” morality Includes a collection of stunning aphorisms and observations of the human condition Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics Series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon,this collectible, hard-back edition of Beyond Good and Evil provides an accessible and insightful Introduction by leading Nietzsche authority Dr Christopher Janaway. This deluxe volume is perfect for anyone with interest in philosophy, psychology, science, history and literature.

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

After kicking open the doors to twentieth-century philosophy in Thus Spake Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche refined his ideal of the superman with the 1886 publication of Beyond Good and Evil. Conventional morality is a sign of slavery, Nietzsche maintains, and the superman goes beyond good and evil in action, thought, and creation. Nietzsche especially targets what he calls a "slave morality" that fosters herdlike quiescence and stigmatizes the "highest human types."In this pathbreaking work, Nietzsche's philosophical and literary powers are at their height: with devastating irony and flashing wit he gleefully dynamites centuries of accumulated conventional wisdom in metaphysics, morals, and psychology, clearing a path for such twentieth-century innovators as Thomas Mann, André Gide, Sigmund Freud, George Bernard Shaw, André Malraux, and Jean-Paul Sartre, all of whom openly acknowledged their debt to him.Students of philosophy and literature as well as general readers will prize this rich sampling of Nietzsche's thought in an unabridged and inexpensive edition of one of the philosopher's most important works.

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude To A Philosophy Of The Future (Barnes And Noble Library Of Essential Reading Ser.)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche's trailblazing, incendiary book sets dogmatic philosophy and traditional morality alight One of the most important works in philosophical history, Beyond Good and Evil consists of 296 sections and a final "aftersong." Therein, Nietzsche articulates his views on philosophy, philosophers, morality, religion, society, people, and culture. As challenging as it is rewarding, Beyond Good and Evil will command you, confront you, and provoke you into reconsidering your perception of the modern world. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Beyond Good and Evil

by Friedrich Nietzsche

'One of the greatest books of a very great thinker' Michael TannerBeyond Good and Evil confirmed Nietzsche's position as the towering European philosopher of his age. The work dramatically rejects traditional Western thought with its notions of truth and God, good and evil. Nietzsche seeks to demonstrate that the Christian world is steeped in a false piety and infected with a 'slave morality'. With wit and energy, he turns from this critique to a philosophy that celebrates the present and demands that the individual impose their own 'will to power' upon the world.Translated by R. J. HOLLINGDALE With an Introduction by MICHAEL TANNER

The Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner

by Friedrich Nietzsche

The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was Nietzsche's first book. Its youthful faults were exposed by Nietzsche in the brilliant "Attempt at a Self-Criticism" which he added to the new edition of 1886. But the book, whatever its excesses, remains one of the most relevant statements on tragedy ever penned. It exploded the conception of Greek culture that was prevalent down through the Victorian era, and it sounded themes developed in the twentieth century by classicists, existentialists, psychoanalysts, and others. The Case of Wagner (1888) was one Nietzsche's last books, and his wittiest. In attitude and style it is diametrically opposed to The Birth of Tragedy. Both works transcend their ostensible subjects and deal with art and culture, as well as the problems of the modern age generally. Each book in itself gives us an inadequate idea of its author; together, they furnish a striking image of Nietzsche's thought. The distinguished new translations by Walter Kaufmann superbly reflect in English Nietzsche's idiom and the vitality of his style. Professor Kaufmann has also furnished running footnote commentaries, relevant passages from Nietzsche's correspondence, a bibliography, and, for the first time in any edition, an extensive index to each book.

The Gay Science: With A Prelude In Rhymes And An Appendix Of Songs (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Although dour in appearance and formidable in reputation, Friedrich Nietzsche was an ardent practitioner of the art of poetry—known in twelfth-century Provençal as "the gay science." This extensive collection of prose and verse offers a sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views central to his thinking, as well as the ideas that proved most influential to later philosophers. Dating from the era when Nietzsche was at the peak of his intellectual powers, most of this book was written just before Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and the rest of it five years later, after Beyond Good and Evil. Zarathustra makes his first appearance in these pages, along with the author's well-known proclamation of the death of God. Readers will find this volume a wellspring for some of Nietzsche's most sustained and thought-provoking discussions of art and morality, knowledge and truth, the intellectual conscience, and the origin of logic, as well as the largest collection of Nietzsche's published poetry.

The Genealogy of Morals (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Written in response to a book on the origins of morality by his erstwhile friend Paul Rée, the three essays comprising The Genealogy of Morals -- all three advancing the critique of Christian morality set forth in Beyond Good and Evil -- are among Nietzsche's most sustained and cohesive work.In the first essay -- starting from a linguistic analysis of words such as "good," "bad," and "evil" -- Nietzsche sets up a contrast between what he calls "master" morality and "slave" morality and shows how strength and action have often been replaced by passivity and nihilism. The next essay, looking into the origins of guilt and punishment, shows how the concept of justice was born -- and how internalization of this concept led to the development of what people called "the soul." In the third essay, Nietzsche dissects the meaning of ascetic ideals.It is not Nietzsche's intention to reject ascetic ideals, "slave" morality, or internalized values out of hand; his main concern is to show that culture and morality, rather than being eternal verities, are human-made. Whether or not you agree with all of his conclusions, his writing is of such clarity and brilliance that you will find reading The Genealogy of Morals nothing short of exhilarating.

Geneaology of Morals

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Major work on ethics, by one of the most influential thinkers of the last two centuries, deals with master/slave morality and modern man's current moral practices; the evolution of man's feelings of guilt and bad conscience; and how ascetic ideals help maintain human life under certain conditions.

God is Dead. God Remains Dead. And We Have Killed Him. (Penguin Great Ideas)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

'We have left dry land and put out to sea! We have burned the bridge behind us - what is more, we have burned the land behind us!'Nietzsche's devastating demolition of religion would have seismic consequences for future generations. With God dead, he envisages a brilliant future for humanity: one in which individuals would at last be responsible for their destinies.One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series. This new selection showcases a diverse list of thinkers who have helped shape our world today, from anarchists to stoics, feminists to prophets, satirists to Zen Buddhists.

The Joyous Science

by Friedrich Nietzsche

'God is dead ... but given the ways of men, perhaps for millennia to come there will be caves in which his shadow will be shown'Friedrich Nietzsche described The Joyous Science as a book of 'exuberance, restlessness, contrariety and April showers'. A deeply personal and affirmative work, it straddles his middle and late periods and contains some of the most important ideas he would ever express in writing. Moving from a critique of conventional morality, the arts and modernity to an exhilarating doctrine of self-emancipation, this playful combination of aphorisms, poetry and prose is a treasure trove of philosophical insights, brought to new life in R. Kevin Hill's clear, graceful translation. Translated and edited with an introduction and notes by R. Kevin Hill

On the Genealogy of Morals

by Friedrich Nietzsche

The companion book to Beyond Good and Evil, the three essays included here offer vital insights into Nietzsche's theories of morality and human psychology.Nietzsche claimed that the purpose of The Genealogy of Morals was to call attention to his previous writings. But in fact the book does much more than that, elucidating and expanding on the cryptic aphorisms of Beyond Good and Evil and signalling a return to the essay form. In these three essays, Nietzsche considers the development of ideas of 'good' and 'evil'; explores notions of guilt and bad consience; and discusses ascetic ideals and the purpose of the philosopher. Together, they form a coherent and complex discussion of morality in a work that is more accessible than some of Nietzsche's previous writings.Friedrich Nietzsche was born near Leipzig in 1844. When he was only twenty-four he was appointed to the chair of classical philology at Basel University. From 1880, however, he divorced himself from everyday life and lived mainly abroad. Works published in the 1880s include The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist. In January 1889, Nietzsche collapsed on a street in Turin and was subsequently institutionalized, spending the rest of his life in a condition of mental and physical paralysis. Works published after his death in 1900 include Will to Power, based on his notebooks, and Ecce Homo, his autobiography.Michael A. Scarpitti is an independent scholar of philosophy whose principal interests include English and German thought of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as exegesis and translation theory.Robert C. Holub is currently Ohio Eminent Scholar and Professor of German at the Ohio State University. Among his published works are monographs on Heinrich Heine, German realism, Friedrich Nietzsche, literary and aesthetic theory, and Jürgen Habermas.

On Truth and Untruth: Selected Writings (Harper Perennial Modern Thought Ser.)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Newly translated and edited by Taylor Carman, On Truth and Untruth charts Nietzsche’s evolving thinking on truth, which has exerted a powerful influence over modern and contemporary thought. This original collection features the complete text of the celebrated early essay “On Truth and Lie in a Nonmoral Sense” (“a keystone in Nietzsche’s thought” —Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy), as well as selections from the great philosopher’s entire career, including key passages from The Gay Science, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Will to Power, Twilight of the Idols, and The Antichrist.

Twilight of the Idols: Or How To Philosophize With A Hammer (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

"Twilight of the Idols means that the old truth is on its last legs," declared Friedrich Nietzsche in this 1889 polemic. Forceful in his language and profound in his message, the philosopher delivered the nineteenth century's most devastating attack on Christianity. Intended by Nietzsche as a general introduction to his philosophy, it assails the "idols" of Western philosophy and culture, including the concepts of Socratic rationality and Christian morality. Written while Nietzsche was at the peak of his powers, less than a year before the onset of the insanity that gripped him until his death in 1900, this work's proximity to the end of the author's career renders it a distinctive portrait from his later period. The source of the famous dictum, "Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger," it blazes with provocative, inflammatory rhetoric that challenges readers to reexamine what they worship and why.

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