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La Guía de la Nueva Bruja: Una guía para principiantes acerca de Tradiciones de la Wicca, su Historia, Rituales y Creencias

by Lucille T. Fryar

Una guía para descubrir tus poderes sobrenaturales. Tu compañero durante tu viaje a través de la esoteria y el mundo de la Wicca. "La Guía de la Nueva Bruja" se realizó con el obejtivo de ser un portal para aquellos quienes están interesados en las religiones basadas en la naturaleza. Es una guía básica que cubre todas las áreas fundamentales de la religón Wicca que todo principiante debe conocer. Ha habido un incremento en el número de personas interesadas en la brujería, las religiones de nueva era y la magia y este número sigue creciendo cada día. ¿Por qué repentinamente han aumentado las personas en la busqueda de conocimiento oculto? Existen varias razones y con los numerosos estilos de vida que podemos encontrar en la actualidad, es de esperarse que las personas busquen refugio en las religiones de la antiguedad. La era de la tecnología ha creado un abismo entre nosotros y la época en la que el hombre y la naturaleza eran uno mismo. Nos hemos dejado llevar por las pantallas y todos los "avances" que nos rodean, ignorando las maravillas de la magia de la naturaleza y lo sobrenatural que nos hicieron sobresalir como especie en el pasado. La Brujería Wicca nos ilumina y hace conscientes del simbolismo y los poderes de las estaciones. la naturaleza, la tierra, las hierbas y la magia. Esta magia se remonta a tiempos antiguos, antes de que cualquiera de las religiones abrahamicas se consolidara. Los Wiccanos tienen un estilo de vida, rituales y creencias que han trascendido a lo largo de los años. Su manera de vivir se ha extendido y mezclado con los tiempos modernos al mismo tiempo que sus doctrinas y creencias sagradas acerca de la naturaleza se han preservado. Esta religión representa el despertar y la iluminación en los cuales a hallarás tranquilidad y apoyo durante tu vida diaria. Algunos de los temas que cubre esta guía son: - La historia de la Wicca - Las festivi

Guía de gestión emocional: Cómo sentir todo lo que no nos han enseñado a sentir

by Raquel López

Descubre cómo estar bien con uno mismo para estar bien con los demás. Hasta hace pocos años, se decía que nuestras emociones nos nublaban la razón y nos alejaban de nuestros propósitos. Sin embargo, los estudios recientes muestran que en realidad necesitamos sentir para gozar de una buena salud mental. Bien comprendidas, nuestras emociones son una brújula que nos ayuda a entender quiénes somos, qué nos beneficia y nos perjudica, cuáles son nuestras necesidades y cómo podemos relacionarnos con los demás.En este libro, Raquel López nos cuenta cómo funcionan, nos enseña a permitirnos sentirlas y utilizarlas a nuestro favor. La gestión emocional es el primer paso para construir una versión integrada de nosotros mismos, donde todas las partes sean validadas y den como resultado una persona fuerte, flexible y conectada consigo misma.

Guerrilla Time: More Time In Your Life, More Life In Your Time (Guerilla Marketing Press)

by Jay Conrad Levinson Andrea Frausin

Learn how to have “more time in your life, more life in your time” with easy and profound methods and tools which will enhance not only your time management but also the quality of your life. This book is strongly based on the most recent evolutions of personal and professional development so that what you will find inside is really applicable for effective change in your life. Save more time, discover what you really want and get the best out of your time.

Guerrilla Selling: Unconventional Weapons and Tactics for Increasing Your Sales

by Bill Gallagher Orvel Ray Wilson Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Selling presents a psychological model to better understand prospects, yourself as a salesperson, and approaches to the sale which can bridge the differences in personality types. It also gives suggestions and examples for turning a cold call warm and eventually closing the deal by building trust and confidence.

The Guerrilla Guide to Robert's Rules

by Nancy Sylvester

The bible on parliamentary procedure. For anyone who has ever had something important to say at their local school board or condo association meeting, only to be drowned out by others who knew how to take control of the meeting—or were just louder—this guide shows how anyone can get their thoughts and ideas heard and their agendas and proposals passed.Written by professional parliamentarian Nancy Sylvester, this book provides secrets, tips, and tricks to making the rules of parliamentary procedure a personal secret weapon. With The Guerrilla Guide to Robert&’s Rules, readers will learn all the ways to make their voice heard—fairly and ethically! • Written by the consummate Professional Registered Parliamentarian. • Tips on how to play fair—and play to win. • The perfect complement to Sylvester&’s book on the basics of parliamentary procedure, The Complete Idiot&’s Guide® to Robert&’s Rules.

Guerreros de la mente: Claves para superar las amenazas de nuestro mundo interior

by Isabel Pinillos Antonio Fuster

Qué son, cómo se originan y cómo combatir las resistencias y defensas psíquicas, desde la ansiedad y el pánico a las fobias. ¿Quién no tiene o conoce a alguien que sufra ansiedad, algún tipo de fobia, ataques de pánico, temores infundados o miedo extremo? En nuestra sociedad, este tipo de trastornos están cada vez más generalizados. Los «guerreros de la mente» nos enseñan cómo funcionan sus mecanismos y cómo luchar contra ellos. Isabel Pinillos y Antonio Fuster nos explican el significado de las defensas que creamos en nuestra psique desde nuestra infancia. Muchos de los problemas psicológicos que sufrimos tienen que ver con episodios del pasado en los que nos sentimos en peligro y tuvimos que elaborar un tipo de defensa. Con el paso del tiempo, esta sigue respondiendo reiteradamente como si estuviéramos viviendo ese riesgo una y otra vez aunque ya no exista. Estos «guerreros» nos impiden vivir satisfactoriamente, pero a través de estas páginas lograremos identificar el origen de esos mecanismos, cómo funcionan, sus disfraces y también cómo reeducarlos y ubicarlos en el lugar que les corresponde. Un libro serio y riguroso, fruto de más de veinte años de experiencia clínica de la psicóloga Isabel Pinillos y con la colaboración del periodista y estudioso de temas psicológicos Antonio Fuster. Contiene ejercicios prácticos que bien realizados son de gran para: * Eliminar fobias y miedos * Controlar las conductas compulsivas * Superar los ataques de pánico * Transformar las emociones negativas * Suprimir la ansiedad conquistando tranquilidad y calma * Afrontar el sufrimiento con éxito * Aprender de las experiencias negativas * Vencer las obsesiones

Guerrera del amor: Una memoria

by Glennon Doyle

Justo cuando Glennon Doyle comenzaba a sentir que lo tenía todo, tres niños felices, un esposo cariñoso y una carrera como escritora tan exitosa que su primer libro alcanzó la cima de la lista best seller del New York Times, su esposo le reveló su infidelidad y se vio forzada a darse cuenta de que nada es lo que parece ser. Una alcohólica y bulímica en recuperación, Glennon reconoció que el fracaso es un lugar familiar. En medio de la crisis, supo aferrarse a lo que descubrió en recuperación: que su más profundo dolor siempre ha guardado dentro una invitación hacia una vida más abundante.Guerrera del amor es la historia de un matrimonio, pero es también la historia de la sanidad que es posible cuando nos negamos a conformarnos con algo bueno y nos enfrentamos al dolor y al amor. Esta memoria sorprendente revela cómo nuestros ideales de masculinidad y feminidad, pueden hacer que sea imposible para un hombre y una mujer conocerse realmente el uno al otro, y capta la belleza que se despliega cuando una pareja se compromete a liberarse de todo lo que ha aprendido, de manera que puedan finalmente, después de trece años de matrimonio, enamorarse.Guerrera del amor es un relato hermoso e inspirador de cómo hemos nacido para ser guerreros: fuertes, poderosos y valientes, capaces de enfrentar el dolor y reclamar el amor que está disponible para nosotros. Es crónica de un viaje hermoso y brutal que se dirige a aquellos que anhelan relaciones más profundas y verdaderas, y una vida más abundante y auténtica

Guerra de dos Mundos

by Deepak Chopra

Este libro es una serie de ensayos sobre la ciencia contra la espiritualidad. De Deepak Chopra, autor bestseller de Sincrodestino, El libro de los secretos, Jamás moriremos e Iluminación. Y del reconocido físico Leonard Mlodinow, autor de Brevísima historia del tiempo. Este libro fascinará a millones de lectores de la ciencia y de la espiritualidad por igual, pero también, a toda aquella persona que alguna vez se ha preguntado, ¿qué significa estar vivo? Dos autores mundialmente exitosos se conocen durante un debate televisivo en la Universidad de Caltech; el tema: el futuro de Dios. Uno de ellos, Deepak Chopra, defiende la espiritualidad, el otro, Leonard Mlodinow, es un físico prominente. Este extraordinario libro es producto de ese polémico y fortuito -pero respetuoso- que significó el choque de dos visiones opuestas acerca de nuestro mundo. El debate y los diferentes puntos de vista crecieron al mismo tiempo que la amistad entre ambos autores. En Guerra de dos mundos, estos dos pensadores discuten el cosmos, la evolución y la vida, el cerebro humano y la existencia de Dios, levantando las preguntas más existenciales de la experiencia humana: ¿Cómo surgió el universo? ¿Cuál es la naturaleza del tiempo? ¿Qué es la vida? ¿Estaba equivocado Darwin? ¿Qué nos hace humanos? ¿Cuál es la conexión entre nuestro cuerpo, nuestra mente y nuestro cerebro? ¿Es Dios una ilusión? No importa si crees en la espiritualidad o en la ciencia, esta serie de ensayos serán el motor que hará que tu mente gire en torno a un debate único de dos visiones del mundo opuestas. Las manos que han escrito esta obra son dos de las figuras más importantes, respectadas y acreditadas de cada uno de sus ámbitos y a partir de su experiencia, su investigación y sus propias creencias describen su teoría, su visión y sus respuestas a las preguntas acerca de nuestro mundo.

Guérir encore le pain des enfants

by Dr Gilbert Adimora

L'un des sujets sur lesquels les gens débattent encore, qui dure depuis des siècles, est de savoir si la guérison divine a toujours lieu. Beaucoup de gens rient et se réfèrent cyniquement à toute revendication de guérison divine comme rien d'autre que de la manipulation par des gens intelligents qui prétendent être des hommes de Dieu. La guérison divine a toujours lieu et je suis un témoin vivant que Dieu guérit encore beaucoup de gens de maladies qui ont même été qualifiées d'incurables. En raison de problèmes logistiques, vous ne pourrez peut-être pas assister à une croisade de guérison organisée par un homme de Dieu oint. Même lorsque vous y arrivez plusieurs fois, tout ce qui est venu pour la guérison ne le reçoit pas pour des raisons mieux connues du guérisseur. Mais sa parole est toujours disponible (Romains 10: 8). Dieu a fait de sa parole l'un des instruments de guérison les plus, sinon les plus portables, dont dispose l'homme pour qu'elle puisse être appliquée à tout moment et en tout lieu. Cependant, l'ignorance et le manque de connaissances ont fait que beaucoup périssent alors qu'ils ne devraient pas. Le diable peut se déplacer comme un lion rugissant à la recherche de qui dévorer, mais il sait toujours que la Parole de Dieu est plus que suffisante pour toute situation. En parcourant cette petite compilation, ce que Dieu exige de vous, c'est d'avoir foi en la puissance de sa parole et vous recevrez votre guérison.

The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness

by Gucci Mane Soren Baker

From the platinum selling recording artist and New York Times bestselling author of The Autobiography of Gucci Mane comes THE GUCCI MANE GUIDE TO GREATNESS—an unprecedented look at Gucci Mane&’s secrets to success, health, wealth, and self-improvement.From Gucci: &“I live by the principles in this book. I wanted to write this book to give you a tool set. This book should touch people who are going through something. It&’s not going to be easy. But study these words, and put them into action. I want this book to keep you motivated. I want you to keep coming back to it for guidance and inspiration. You can put it on your shelf and keep going to TheGucci Mane Guide to Greatness. This book is a challenge. Don&’t underestimate yourself. Don&’t think that what you&’re saying is not important. Don&’t think you can&’t achieve the impossible. Everyone needs some game, so here it is. TheGucci Mane Guide to Greatness is for the world. Enjoy.&”In this inspiring follow up to his iconic memoir, Gucci Mane gifts us with his playbook for living your best life. Packed with stunning photographs, The Gucci Mane Guide to Greatness distills the legend&’s timeless wisdom into a one-of-a-kind motivational guidebook. Gucci Mane emerged transformed after a turbulent life of violence, crime, and addiction to become a dazzling embodiment of the power of positivity, focus, and hard-work. Using examples from his life of unparalleled success, Gucci Mane looks inward and upward to offer his blueprint for greatness. A must read for anyone with big ambitions and bigger dreams.

Guardians of Being

by Patrick Mcdonnell Eckhart Tolle

This wonderfully unique collaboration brings together two masters of their fields, joining original words by spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle with delightful illustrations by Patrick McDonnell, the creator of the acclaimed comic strip MUTTS. Every heartwarming page provokes thought, insight, and smiling reverence for all beings and each moment. More than a collection of witty and charming drawings, the marriage of Patrick McDonnell's art and Eckhart Tolle's words conveys a profound love of nature, of animals, of humans, of all life-forms. Guardians of Being celebrates and reminds us of not only the oneness of all life but also the wonder and joy to be found in the present moment, amid the beauty we sometimes forget to notice all around us.

Guardians of Being

by Patrick Mcdonnell Eckhart Tolle

This wonderfully unique collaboration brings together two masters of their fields, joining original words by spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle with delightful illustrations by Patrick McDonnell, the creator of the acclaimed comic strip MUTTS. Every heartwarming page provokes thought, insight, and smiling reverence for all beings and each moment. More than a collection of witty and charming drawings, the marriage of Patrick McDonnell's art and Eckhart Tolle's words conveys a profound love of nature, of animals, of humans, of all life-forms. Guardians of Being celebrates and reminds us of not only the oneness of all life but also the wonder and joy to be found in the present moment, amid the beauty we sometimes forget to notice all around us.

Guardianes del alma: Animales que nos rescatan

by María Victoria Gaiardelli

Conmovedoras historias que revelan por qué son nuestras mascotas las que nos eligen a nosotros para sanar nuestra alma, y no nosotros a ellas, como muchas veces creemos. Todos alguna vez escuchamos historias de personas que dedican su vida a rescatar animales de la calle y del abandono. Pero ¿somos nosotros los que los salvamos, o en realidad son ellos los que vienen a rescatarnos de mil modos? En este libro, María Victoria Gaiardelli recopila una serie de relatos protagonizados por animales que eligieron a seres humanos para sanarlos y cambiarles la vida y se convirtieron en sus guardianes del alma para siempre. El gato adoptado que salvó de la muerte por asfixia a toda una familia, el perro que alertó a una joven sobre la inminente detonación de una bomba, la perra que revirtió los signos vitales de una niña minutos antes de que fuera sometida a una intervención quirúrgica y el caballo que liberó a su dueña del abismo de los ataques de pánico son algunas de esas historias de esperanza y oportunidad. Advertencia: si al leerlas se emocionan, es porque un alma animal se está apoderando de su alma humana. Y es lo mejor que podría pasarles.

Guapa por dentro, feliz por fuera: La ciencia tras el bienestar y la belleza

by Miriam Llantada

Todas queremos vivir la vida desde un lugar más auténtico, consciente y pleno y, aunque probablemente hayamos oído consejos y frases que nos inspiran, siempre nos queda la duda: ¿cómo lo aplico a mi vida? El bienestar tiene un enfoque global e implica construir e integrar la mente, el cuerpo, las emociones y las relaciones de manera sana. Querer mejorar el bienestar de una persona requiere un análisis y un plan de acción concretos. Y con este propósito, Miriam Llantada comparte en su libro los secretos que ha ido adquiriendo a través de su experiencia profesional, como psicóloga y terapeuta familiar, y de su vida personal: consejos de belleza, alimentación y estilo de vida que nos ayudarán a conocer nuestras necesidades, entender cómo nos influye el entorno, potenciar nuestra autoestima y construir una buena relación con nosotras mismas. Incluye, además, un apartado final completo sobre el cuidado facial y corporal por edades.

Guadagna Online: Guadagnare con un lavoro freelance e costruirsi un’intera carriera online

by Allen Green

Vuoi fare soldi online? Sei stanco di sentirti dire che è facile fare i milioni su internet? Hai voglia di conoscere una strategia realistica che funzioni per la gente normale? E se potessi costruirti davvero un business online in grado di offrire elevati margini di profitto senza alcun investimento iniziale? Ti interesserebbe? Questo libro ti insegna alcune lezioni fondamentali su come iniziare correttamente un’attività di trading di opzioni, su come evitare molti errori, sulla gestione dei rischi e su come massimizzare i profitti. Se leggerai questo libro, sarai in grado di iniziare il trading quasi subito e di guadagnarci. Il modo più facile di guadagnare un reddito extra online è svolgere questionari online nel tempo libero. Se vuoi metterti in tasca dei soldi extra alla fine del mese senza compromettere il tuo lavoro quotidiano e al tempo stesso non intendi impiegare troppo tempo su internet e non vuoi nemmeno investire denaro, allora questo è il miglior modo di guadagnare un reddito extra online.

Grundlagen des Stressmanagements für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Allen Elkin

Stress kann starke negative Auswirkungen auf den geistigen, körperlichen und emotionalen Zustand haben und somit das Leben beeinträchtigen. Allen Elkin gibt viele Tipps, wie Sie Stress im Privatleben und im Beruf wirksam managen und vermindern können und wie Sie mit einfachen Übungen Entspannung finden. Zunächst zeigt er auf, was Stress überhaupt ist, wie er sich auf das persönliche Wohlbefinden auswirkt und wie Sie Ihren persönlichen Stresslevel bestimmen. Sie lernen, wie Sie mit Stress umgehen und wesentlich entspannter werden. Außerdem erklärt Elkin, wie Sie Stress verringern und stressende Situationen vermeiden können.

The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks: Reclaiming the Gifts of a Lost Spiritual Discipline

by Dustin Crowe

Trade Grumbling for Gratitude—Experience God like Never BeforeThe apostle Paul instructed the Philippians to be anxious in nothing and thankful in everything. And when he said everything—he meant everything. We can all agree that this is easier said than done. Disappointments and discontent may cause you to slip into dissatisfaction, and grumbling becomes a state of mind—gratitude seems impossible to find. However, what if this is the precise reason you lack the joy of a God-filled life? Instead of a reaction to when things are going well, what if gratitude is actually necessary to knowing the hope of our gracious God?This is exactly what Pastor Dustin Crowe identifies in The Grumbler&’s Guide to Giving Thanks. Dustin examines the biblical foundations of thankfulness and traces how it can reshape every-day Christian living. When we express gratitude in all things, we not only praise our Creator, we also get to know Him better. With The Grumbler&’s Guide, you&’ll learn how to practice thanksgiving in both simple and extraordinary ways, even when you&’re tempted to dwell on the negative. You&’ll find your outlook on life realigned to see the hand of God in everything, strengthening your trust in Him. And in doing so, you&’ll find greater, more joy-filled reasons to continue expressing thanks to our good and generous God.

The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks: Reclaiming the Gifts of a Lost Spiritual Discipline

by Dustin Crowe

Trade Grumbling for Gratitude—Experience God like Never BeforeThe apostle Paul instructed the Philippians to be anxious in nothing and thankful in everything. And when he said everything—he meant everything. We can all agree that this is easier said than done. Disappointments and discontent may cause you to slip into dissatisfaction, and grumbling becomes a state of mind—gratitude seems impossible to find. However, what if this is the precise reason you lack the joy of a God-filled life? Instead of a reaction to when things are going well, what if gratitude is actually necessary to knowing the hope of our gracious God?This is exactly what Pastor Dustin Crowe identifies in The Grumbler&’s Guide to Giving Thanks. Dustin examines the biblical foundations of thankfulness and traces how it can reshape every-day Christian living. When we express gratitude in all things, we not only praise our Creator, we also get to know Him better. With The Grumbler&’s Guide, you&’ll learn how to practice thanksgiving in both simple and extraordinary ways, even when you&’re tempted to dwell on the negative. You&’ll find your outlook on life realigned to see the hand of God in everything, strengthening your trust in Him. And in doing so, you&’ll find greater, more joy-filled reasons to continue expressing thanks to our good and generous God.

The Grumble-Free Year: Twelve Months, Eleven Family Members, and One Impossible Goal

by Tricia Goyer

USA Today bestselling author Tricia Goyer and her family of eleven embark on a yearlong quest to eliminate grumbling from their home and discover a healthier, more thankful approach to life together.The Goyer home--with two parents, eight kids, and one eighty-eight-year-old grandmother with dementia--is never without noise, mess, activity, and, often, complaining. And it's not just the kids grumbling. After adding seven children in less than six years through adoption, the Goyer family decided to move out of survival-mode and into unity- and growth-mode. They decided to tackle the impossible: a grumble-free year.With grade-schoolers, teenagers, and a grandmother who believes children should be seen and not heard, plenty of room exists for flunking the challenge. Add to that seven children being homeschooled together in close quarters, and what could possibly go awry?In The Grumble-Free Year, the Goyers invite readers into their journey as they go complaint-free and discover what it looks like to develop hearts of gratitude. They share their plans, successes, failures, and all the lessons they learn along the way, offering real-life action steps based in scripture so that readers get not just a front-row seat to the action but also an opportunity to take the challenge themselves and uncover hearts that are truly thankful.

The Growth Mindset Edge: Your Guide to Developing Grit

by Jackie Beere

Achieve Your Goals!Conquer roadblocks, obstacles and self-doubt by learning how to practice resilience, develop grit and cultivate a growth mindset. When you implement a growth mindset, you steel yourself against the struggles preventing you from greater success.In this helpful guide, you&’ll learn why self-sabotage is so common, who you truly are, where your inner strength lies and how to control your thoughts through purposeful thinking. You will also find practical tips, actionable advice and helpful tools to continue developing grit long after you&’ve finished reading, including:Reframe thinking cards A timeline plan Mindfulness exercises Memory techniques

Growth and Intimacy for Gay Men: A Workbook

by Christopher J. Alexander

Growth and Intimacy for Gay Men: A Workbook is an educational workbook for gay men that covers a variety of topics, including family of origin, addiction, self-image, dating and relationships, AIDS and multiple loss, and spirituality. Each chapter provides an overview of the mental health concerns of gay men, as well as exercises the reader can do to facilitate his personal understanding of the issues covered. While the book is written in nontechnical language, making it useful to the general public, its wide selection of workbook exercises makes it useful for psychotherapists and counselors working with gay men.

Growth: Building a Successful Consultancy in the Digital Age

by Joe O'Mahoney

Nearly half of small consultancies fail within their first five years, but over 250 are sold every month. How do you ensure you are in the right group? How can you successfully grow a consulting firm? How do you maximise the value of your consultancy for an exit or investment? This is the first evidence-based book to tackle these questions. Based upon interviews with 72 founders who grew and sold their firms, two international surveys, and a long career researching and advising consultancies, Professor Joe O’Mahoney provides a detailed, evidence-based approach to successful growth and exit for consultancy leaders. Accessible, evidence-based and written by a leading expert in the field, this book is essential reading for anyone looking to set up, grow or sell their own consultancy business.

Grown-Up Leadership: The Benefits of Personal Growth for You and Your Team

by Leigh Bailey Maureen Bailey

<p>As leader, are you an Intimidator (seeking control) or Accommodator (seeking acceptance)? Identify and accept your type, then build complementary skills for leadership excellence.</p>

Grown-Up Faith: The Big Picture for a Bigger Life

by Kevin Myers Charlie Wetzel

Why isn't life everything we expected it to be? And why doesn't our faith resolve our frustrations and problems?Kevin Myers, the founding pastor of 12Stone Church, a congregation of more than 30,000 active attenders near Atlanta, believes the reason we don't experience a transformed life is that we fail to grow up spiritually. We focus on developing physically, intellectually, emotionally, and financially, yet our faith remains immature and anemic.In this powerful new book, Myers offers a deep yet simple roadmap to a grown-up faith through understanding the whole context of the Bible, developing spiritual intimacy with God, and gratefully embracing holy obedience.As you understand the Bible and the big picture of God's story with humanity, you begin to find answers to life's most compelling questions. As you begin to understand God more, your longing and ability to experience spiritual intimacy with him increases, as does your desire to obey what God asks of you and your ability to follow through. This is the way to the bigger life, a life even better than you expected--or even dreamed possible.

Growing Yourself Back Up: Understanding Emotional Regression

by John Lee

Someone pushes your buttons . . . you feel rage . . . fear . . . sweaty palms . . . unbidden tears . . . you feel like a kid . . . We've all experienced moments when we lose control of a situation and ourselves. Now, inGrowing Yourself Back Up, the first book to explain the idea of emotional regression to the general reader, bestselling author John Lee identifies the circumstances that cause these seemingly uncontrollable feelings and shows how they are directly tied to our experience as children. No adult, explains Lee, need ever experience the helpless feelings of childhood again. Here are his proven methods and visualization exercises, developed in his popular workshops, for recognizing, preventing, and diffusing regression in ourselves and others. He teaches, for example, that adults cannot be abandoned, they can only be left; if we're feeling abandoned we're regressing. He also reminds us that no matter how overwhelmed we are, adults always have options; if we believe we don't, we're in a regression. Growing Yourself Back Up will show you how to: * develop strong emotional boundaries and convey them to others * learn the Detour Method that reverses regression * confront without regressing * communicate with the authority figures who push your buttons * minimize regression at family functions Lee offers hope--as well as practical strategies that work--for conquering those childlike feelings of powerlessness that are almost always rooted in regression.

Growing Your Inner Light: A Guide to Independent Spiritual Practice

by Lara Owen

Truly a beginners guide to creating a daily spiritual practice, Growing Your Inner Light is a handbook that gives practical advice on following a spiritual path that's right for you. Lara Owen gives readers the freedom to integrate from different traditions-and develop new ones-to enrich their own lives. As Owen writes, spiritual development is a natural part of being human, and a way to grow the intensity of their inner light throughout life. Intended to be read over the course of a year, each chapter gives an action plan for integrating a new spiritual element into the everyday. As more and more seekers make the jump from religion to spirituality, this book appeals to everyone who wants a personal spiritual path that nourishes them in a deep and lasting way.

Growing Your Inner Light: A guide to independent spiritual practice

by Lara Owen

A comprehensive guide for creating a daily spiritual practice, GROWING YOUR INNER LIGHT offers tangible advice on developing a unique spiritual path that fits exactly who you are, what you need as a spiritual being, and how you want to live. Author Lara Owen shows how a personalised practice can open the doors to living full with integrity and to feeling connected with the surrounding world.GROWING YOUR INNER LIGHT gives readers the freedom to integrate from different traditions - and develop new ones - in order to create their own spiritual tradition. Owen explains how practices from global religions can be combined with contemporary wisdom to create an authentic experience for readers yearning for a sense of inner peace. With a direct experience of spiritual meaning and connection, GROWING YOUR INNER LIGHT is a groundbreaking, transformative journey through thirteen phases of your growth, including: developing intuition; creating sacred spaces and altars; understanding your dreams; exploring the importance of retreats, meditation, and rituals.

Growing with Grace: A journey into self-discovery, wellbeing and the art of living consciously

by Simone Callahan

Simone Callahan&’s wellness journey was instrumental to her healing process when her marriage ended. Now, she&’s determined to guide and support others in their search for inner peace during difficult times. In Growing with Grace, Simone explores the power of self-care, resilience, bravery and positivity. She also shares the skills she has learned as a qualified yoga instructor – skills that have transformed her physically and emotionally.Growing with Grace uncovers the holistic relationship between yogic wisdom, inner peace, nature, and spiritual wellbeing. This book offers meditation and breathing techniques, hour-long yoga sequences and tips for healthy, conscious living.

Growing Up Psychic: My Story of Not Just Surviving but Thriving--and How Others Like Me Can, Too

by Chip Coffey

Internationally recognized psychic and star of A&E's hit show Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, Chip Coffey shares his personal story of discovering his gift at a young age and offers valuable advice for nurturing and embracing psychic ability.NO one knows more about psychic kids than Chip Coffey, and no expert on psychic kids is better known throughout the world. These kids are widely misunderstood, misjudged, and misdiagnosed. In Growing Up Psychic, Chip Coffey offers indispensable information for anyone who interacts with these extraordinary youngsters--parents, educators, medical professionals, mental health clinicians, members of the clergy, paranormal investigators--and adults who faced the challenges of growing up psychic.In Growing Up Psychic, drawing on his firsthand experience and the true stories of kids he has worked with and helped, Chip Coffey shows you how to:* Determine if a child is really psychic--as opposed to simply imaginative orseeking attention* Identify the different kinds of psychic abilities kids (and adults) might have* Gain control over when and how psychic information is received* Safely connect with others in the psychic community* Deal with skeptics and disbelievers"Read Chip Coffey's book to learn about an astonishing, inspiring, unexplained propensity of the human mind." --from the foreword written by Dr. Raymond Moody, author of Life After LifeFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Growing Up in Heaven: The Eternal Connection Between Parent and Child

by James Van Praagh

“[JamesVan Praagh] has changed people’s lives, banished thefear of death, and brought grieving parents the solace of their dead children’spresence . . . It is impossible not to be moved.” —Newsweek “Hereally is a healer. . . . He is the real thing.” —Shirley MacLaineWorld-renownedpsychic James Van Praagh reveals the truth aboutchildren in the afterlife, verifying that their spirits remain enduringlyconnected to the world of the living even from the great hereafter. In GrowingUp in Heaven, the New York Times bestselling author of GhostsAmong Us and Unfinished Business offers a heartwarming, visionaryconfirmation of our deepest hopes and wishes for the children who have goneahead of us to their great reward.

Growing Up Duggar

by Jessa Duggar Jill Duggar Jana Duggar Jinger Duggar

It's All About Relationships! In this delightful and very personal book, the four oldest Duggar girls share their hearts and their core beliefs, explaining that it's all about relationships! * Relationship with self: The girls share their own personal journeys to self-acceptance and navi­gating the difficult stage of adolescence. * Relationship with parents: You'll find revelations about how Jim Bob and Michelle keep the lines of communication open with their children. * Relationships with siblings: Here, you'll get a peek into the Buddy system, how the siblings handle conflict, and how the loss of little Jubilee (their sister) affected their relationships with each other. * Relationships with friends: You'll find principles on how the Duggar kids deal with peer pressure and how they interact with friends outside their family. * Relationships with boys: You'll learn the Duggar view of dating and courtship, and these four sisters will address the often-asked question of when one of them will get married. * Relationship with God: And woven throughout the book, the girls talk about their most impor­tant relationship of all--their relationship with God and their own personal faith and beliefs. This candid look into what Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger believe and why they believe it will give you practical insights into your own life and will inspire you to evaluate principles that will work for you.

Growing Up Again: Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children

by Jean Illsley Clarke Connie Dawson

Growing Up Again offers guidance on providing children with the structure and nurturing that are so critical to their healthy development -- and to our own.As time-tested as it is timely, the expert advice in Growing Up Again Second Edition has helped thousands of readers improve on their parenting practices. Now, substantially revised and expanded, Growing Up Again offers further guidance on providing children with the structure and nurturing that are so critical to their healthy development -- and to our own. Jean Illsley Clarke and Connie Dawson provide the information every adult caring for children should know -- about ages and stages of development, ways to nurture our children and ourselves, and tools for personal and family growth. This new edition also addresses the special demands of parenting adopted children and the problem of overindulgence; a recognition and exploration of prenatal life and our final days as unique life stages; new examples of nurturing, structuring, and discounting, as well as concise ways to identify them; help for handling parenting conflicts in blended families, and guidelines on supporting children's spiritual growth.About the Authors:Jean Illsley Clarke is a parent educator, teacher trainer, the author of Self-Esteem: A Family Affair, and co-author of the Help! for Parents series. She is a popular international lecturer and workshop presenter on the topics of self-esteem, parenting, family dynamics, and adult children of alcoholics. Clarke resides in Plymouth, Minnesota.Connie Dawson is a consultant and lecturer who works with adults who work with kids. A former teacher, she trains youth workers to identify and help young people who are at risk. Dawson lives in Evergreen, Colorado.

Growing Up

by Abraham J. Twerski

“When I was a kid, I wanted to be the center of attention. I’m still that way.” <p><p> In Growing Up, renowned author, talmid chacham, and psychiatrist Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski presents an insightful perspective on how many of us, at the core, are still young children at heart. Through inspiring stories, meaningful Torah insights, and practical advice, he shares how we can rise above our nature and take simple steps to true happiness and spiritual growth. Whether at age nine or ninety, each of us can grow into the person we really want to be. <p><p> Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski served for twenty years as the director of the department of psychiatry at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The author of more than sixty books, he has also been featured in hundreds of magazines and newspapers. Two of his books, When Do the Good Things Start? and Waking Up Just in Time, were written in collaboration with the late Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip. Rabbi Twerski is the scion of great Chassidic dynasties and traces his ancestry back to the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement. He has lectured extensively on topics such as stress, self-esteem, and spirituality, and has traveled the world as a spokesperson for recovery on behalf of the millions who have achieved it, inspiring and encouraging those still finding their way

Growing Trees & Shrubs Indoors: Breathe New Life into Your Home with Large Plants

by D. J. Herda

&“Distills a lifetime of plant experience into easy-to-follow instruction, giving an amateur like me the confidence to green my home for health.&” —Paula Baker-LaPorte, coauthor of Prescriptions for a Healthy House Some of the most polluted places on earth are where we spend 90% of our time: inside our homes. Science is continually uncovering more effective ways of improving the quality of our environment, and plants—specifically indoor trees and shrubs—are at the top of this list. Growing trees and shrubs indoors might seem like a monumental challenge, but it&’s no different than growing any plants indoors. Written by master gardener DJ Herda, Growing Trees and Shrubs Indoors is a definitive guide on what makes these plants special and all the tips and tricks you need to help them survive and flourish in an indoor environment. It covers how they: · Rid your environment of airborne pollutants · Beautify your home · Help you to live a longer, healthier, happier life. An explosive introduction into the wellness scene, Growing Trees and Shrubs Indoors is for those with a keen interest in gardening, health, and science, offering an entirely new way of promoting human wellness—by creating beautiful, enjoyable surroundings. &“A fascinating, encyclopedic compendium dealing with the nature and care of trees and shrubs.&” —Arnold M. Ludwig, author of King of the Mountain &“Covers everything from watering needs and light requirements to propagation to keeping costs down, all in an effort to help you create a verdant home that has the health benefits of being outside.&” —Deanna Duke, author of The Non-Toxic Avenger &“Clearly written and beautifully illustrated. It&’s a real eye-opener!&” —Phillip Adcock, author of Master Your Brain

Growing Sustainable Together: Practical Resources for Raising Kind, Engaged, Resilient Children

by Shannon Brescher Shea

Tips, tools, advice, and activities for raising eco-friendly kids while nurturing compassion, resilience, and community engagement.Drawing from cutting-edge social-science research, parent interviews, and experiential wisdom, science writer and parenting blogger Shannon Brescher Shea shows how green living and great parenting go hand in hand to teach kids kindness, compassion, resilience, and grit--all while giving them the lifelong tools they need to be successful, engaged, and independent.Growing Sustainable Together is packed with easy tips, expert parenting advice, and practical hands-on activities for the toddler years up through the early teens. The enriching activities, resource guides, and recommended book lists in each chapter distill core sustainablility knowledge, like: • Understanding energy efficiency and renewables • Instilling anti-waste and anti-consumerist values • Learning where our food comes from • Developing a lifelong love for environmental activism, volunteering, and community engagementThe book concludes with a practical appendix that gives talking points for engaging teachers, school systems, and fellow parents in eco-friendly activities.

Growing Stronger: 12 Guidelines Designed to Turn Your Darkest Hour into Your Greatest Victory

by Mary Beth Woll Paul Meier

Growing Stronger flows from the hearts of a Christian Therapist and a Christian Psychiatrist to pour out compassionate perspectives and healing guidelines for women going through a crisis of any type. Mary Beth Woll is a therapist at the Meier Clinic Seattle, and Paul Meier MD is the founder of the internationally renowned chain of non-profit Christian Counseling Clinics that have ministered to millions since 1976. Dr. Meier is the author of over 90 books that have sold over seven million copies in over thirty languages and he has travelled throughout the world teaching the guidelines described in Growing Stronger.

Growing Seasons: Heartfelt Recipes, DIY Style and Décor, and Inspiration to Help You Find Beauty and Wonder in Each Day

by Kristin Johns

Pull up a chair and gather in close with entrepreneur and content creator Kristin Johns as she shares her best-kept secrets: mouthwatering recipes, design inspiration, and ways we all can grow, celebrate, and find nourishment in every season of life. Kristin Johns long dreamed of putting together a book of favorite recipes, ideas for interiors, and reflections on faith, family, and love. Growing Seasons is a gorgeously photographed collection of stories, recipes, and inspiration that encourages us to step into each day with courage and authenticity, and to embrace every season of life.Just as each month has its own specific character, each season of life has its own unique challenges and opportunities, all with valuable life lessons to teach us. Walking through the calendar year from January to December, the book’s twelve chapters feature:Kristin’s favorite recipes like Christmas Morning Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls, CeCe’s Famous Cajun Gumbo, a Sunny Citrus Kale Salad and, of course, Kristin’s famous Chocolate Chunk Cookie recipeCreative projects such as Rustic Hand Dyed Linens, DIY Lavender Blue Tansy Skin Serum, and five easy tricks to minimize clutter and maximize coziness at homeFun ideas to entertain and connect with others through Summer Getaway Essentials and a guide to movie night at home complete with homemade pizza and caramel cornWhether you’re looking for adventure or a chill night at home, Growing Seasons will meet you where you are and inspire where you are going.

The Growing Season: How I Built a New Life--and Saved an American Farm

by Sarah Frey

&“A gutsy success story&” (The New York Times Book Review) about one tenacious woman&’s journey to escape rural poverty and create a billion-dollar farming business—without ever leaving the land she loves The youngest of her parents&’ combined twenty-one children, Sarah Frey grew up on a struggling farm in southern Illinois, often having to grow, catch, or hunt her own dinner alongside her brothers. She spent much of her early childhood dreaming of running away to the big city—or really anywhere with central heating. At fifteen, she moved out of her family home and started her own fresh produce delivery business with nothing more than an old pickup truck.Two years later, when the family farm faced inevitable foreclosure, Frey gave up on her dreams of escape, took over the farm, and created her own produce company. Refusing to play by traditional rules, at seventeen she began talking her way into suit-filled boardrooms, making deals with the nation&’s largest retailers. Her early negotiations became so legendary that Harvard Business School published some of her deals as case studies, which have turned out to be favorites among its students. Today, her family-operated company, Frey Farms, has become one of America&’s largest fresh produce growers and shippers, with farmland spread across seven states. Thanks to the millions of melons and pumpkins she sells annually, Frey has been dubbed &“America&’s Pumpkin Queen&” by the national press. The Growing Season tells the inspiring story of how a scrappy rural childhood gave Frey the grit and resiliency to take risks that paid off in unexpected ways. Rather than leaving her community, she found adventure and opportunity in one of the most forgotten parts of our country. With fearlessness and creativity, she literally dug her destiny out of the dirt.

The Growing Pains of Jennifer Ebert, Aged 19 Going on 91: The feel good, uplifting comedy

by David M. Barnett

'The characters jump right off the page and into your heart.' Reader reviewFrom the bestselling author of CALLING MAJOR TOM comes a heartwarming comedy about unlikely friendships and community. Fans of The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes by Ruth Hogan, The Man I Think I Know by Mike Gayle, The Map of Us by Jules Preston, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, and Checking Out by Nick Spalding will love this. Nineteen-year-old Jennifer is regretting her hasty move into Sunset Promenade, an unusual retirement home taking in students to save money. Despite their differences in age, Jennifer and the older residents thrive and embark on a series of new adventures. But when Sunset Promenade is threatened with closure, cracks begin to show, and this quirky group of friends must work together to save their home. The Growing Pains of Jennifer Ebert, aged 19 going on 91 is a funny, warm and uplifting novel about the importance of friendship, the value of community, and how it's never too late to have the time of your life... 'I loved every word of this book and would advise people take an afternoon off, find a comfy spot and lose yourself for a few hours in the world of Sunset Promenade.' Reader review Readers are loving The Growing Pains of Jennifer Ebert 'Brilliant page turner' 'this is a lovely book' 'a really good read' 'a wonderful story' ******************* Previously published as The Lonely Hearts Cinema Club

The Growing Pains of Jennifer Ebert, Aged 19 Going on 91: The feel good, uplifting comedy

by David M. Barnett

'The characters jump right off the page and into your heart.' Reader reviewFrom the bestselling author of CALLING MAJOR TOM comes a heartwarming comedy about unlikely friendships and community. Fans of The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes by Ruth Hogan, The Man I Think I Know by Mike Gayle, The Map of Us by Jules Preston, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, and Checking Out by Nick Spalding will love this. Nineteen-year-old Jennifer is regretting her hasty move into Sunset Promenade, an unusual retirement home taking in students to save money. Despite their differences in age, Jennifer and the older residents thrive and embark on a series of new adventures. But when Sunset Promenade is threatened with closure, cracks begin to show, and this quirky group of friends must work together to save their home.The Growing Pains of Jennifer Ebert, aged 19 going on 91 is a funny, warm and uplifting novel about the importance of friendship, the value of community, and how it's never too late to have the time of your life...'I loved every word of this book and would advise people take an afternoon off, find a comfy spot and lose yourself for a few hours in the world of Sunset Promenade.' Reader reviewReaders are loving The Growing Pains of Jennifer Ebert'Brilliant page turner' 'this is a lovely book' 'a really good read' 'a wonderful story' ******************* Previously published as The Lonely Hearts Cinema Club

Growing Pains: How to Overcome Life's Earliest Experiences to Become All God Wants You to Be

by John Loren Sandford

Focusing on unresolved issues of childhood insecurity, rejection, anger, frustration, disappointment, and emptiness, this resource gives steps for identifying the root problems and outlines principles for eradicating them.

Growing Older as a Trans and/or Non-Binary Person: A Support Guide

by Jennie Kermode

Drawing on the experiences of older trans people and those transitioning later in life, this is a definitive guide to ageing as a trans and/or non-binary person. It covers the key health concerns and social issues affecting older trans people, including care homes, pensions, inheritance and funeral planning, as well as hormone use and physical changes, isolation and dementia. Kermode also provides guidance for professionals looking to better meet the needs of these individuals and highlights the important factors that need to be considered at an institutional level to provide the best care for people across the gender spectrum.

Growing Older: Tourism and Leisure Behaviour of Older Adults

by Ian Patterson

This book provides the latest research about the characteristics of tourism market, tourist behaviors and leisure needs of baby boomers, seniors and older people generally and how to effectively market to this expanding group in the future.

Growing Old Doesn't Mean Growing Up: Hilarious Life Advice for the Young at Heart

by Ian Baker Clive Whichelow Mike Haskins

See the funny side of ageing with this collection of amusing observations, silly suggestions and humorous illustrations – the perfect gift for any birthday girl or boy with more than a few candles on their cakeSo you’re a little bit older. So what? Just because you’re getting on a bit doesn’t mean you have to start acting ancient. The universe is over 13 billion years old, and you’re probably nowhere near that yet – well, not quite anyway.Frankly, it’s never too early to start enjoying your second childhood, to stop taking life so seriously and to start acting a bit silly again. This book will be your go-to guide for inspiration and merriment while clocking up birthdays like they’re going out of fashion.Across these pages, you’ll find all kinds of wild recommendations and questionable advice, including:Things it’s never too late to doGrown-up and less grown-up ways to behave at workHow to keep up with modern technologyWays you can blend in with younger peopleThings you can have tantrums about as you get olderSo forget the creaking joints or fleeing follicles and embrace the opportunities for mischief and mirth – after all, growing old doesn’t mean growing up!

Growing Old Disgracefully: How to upset and perplex your children with increasingly erratic and unreasonable behaviour

by Rohan Candappa

Does your mother think it's really charming to talk to every rose bush on the street? Has your father taken up obsessive fundraising for a donkey sanctuary on retirement? Does he collect elastic bands because 'you never know when you'll need one'? Do your parents make jokes about sheltered housing? Have they guessed that you've already sent off for the brochures? Do they seem to be having too much fun for a couple with two fake hips, a pacemaker and three steel pins between them? Then you need Rohan Candappa. The man who bought you The Little Book of Stress, The Little Book of Wrong Shui and The Autobiography of a One Year Old has hit the nail on the head once more. Full of wit and wisdom, Rohan will give you a much needed laugh in the face of your parents' increasingly barmy behaviour. Just one thing, you'll probably find your parents have bought it too. And they'll probably think its really funny.

Growing Old: Notes on ageing with something like grace

by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas has spent a lifetime observing the natural world, chronicling the customs of pre-contact hunter-gatherers and the secret lives of deer and dogs. In this book, the capstone of her long career, Thomas, now 88, turns her keen eye to her own life. The result is an account of growing old that is at once funny and charming, intimate and profound - both a memoir and a life-affirming map all of us may follow to embrace our later years with grace and dignity.Growing Old explores a wide range of issues connected with ageing, from stereotypes of the elderly as burdensome to the methods of burial that humans have used throughout history to how to deal with a concerned neighbour who assumes you're buying cat food to eat for dinner. Written with wit and compassion, this book is an expansive and deeply personal paean to the beauty and the brevity of life that offers understanding for everyone, regardless of age.

Growing Joy: The Plant Lover's Guide to Cultivating Happiness (and Plants)

by Maria Failla

Planty practices to grow your way to happier, more peaceful lifeDiscover the power of plants to help you disconnect from the stress and anxiety of modern life and grow more joy in your world. Filled with practices to help plant lovers step away from their screens and cultivate delight and peace of mind with plants, Growing Joy is your guide to transforming plant care into self-care. In easy to read, light-hearted chapters, author Maria Failla, host of the beloved podcast Bloom and Grow Radio, explores the science behind our love of plants and shares how that humble aloe plant on your windowsill can unlock a world of wellness and delight. With ideas and tips both big and small—from simply making a habit of looking at a plant before looking at a screen in the morning to creating a plant-infused restorative retreat in your home—Growing Joy will help you create a meaningful wellness practice rooted in nature and connection. And of course, there’s some plant care tips in there too to make sure both you and your green friends thrive! Whether you’re a plant parent pro or the anxious owner of a single, not-dead-yet succulent, Growing Joy will help you reconnect with yourself, bring more smiles to your face and peace in your heart, and inspire a lifelong relationship with plants that will keep you blooming and growing.

Growing in Patience

by Lisa O Engelhardt

Many of us are impatient; the responsibilities and hardships of life seem to try our patience at every turn. And sometimes, it’s the little things that make us snap. However, scripture tells us that “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). With those wise and hopeful words in mind, Growing in Patience presents positive, productive, and spiritual ways to deal with impatience. After all, patience must be nurtured. It is a virtue we must prayerfully ask for from God and then—by God’s grace—seek to put into practice each day.

Growing in Christ While Helping Others Participant's Guide 4: A Recovery Program Based on Eight Principles from the Beatitudes (Celebrate Recovery)

by John Baker

The Celebrate Recovery Participant's Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the seven lessons in Guide 4: Growing in Christ While Helping Others, you will work through the final two principles on the road to recovery. More than just maintenance, these principles will help you prevent relapse and give you the necessary tools to help others in their recovery process.7 Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination. Bible reading and prayer in order to know God and his will for my life and to gain the power to follow his will.8 Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words. "Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires" (Matthew 5:10).By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant's Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

Growing Happy, Healthy Young Minds: Expert Advice on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People (Generation Next)

by Ramesh Manocha

The world is getting harder for young people, and for the people who care about them: parents, teachers, school counsellors and concerned relatives. Generation Next is an organisation that gathers experts in several fields to provide information for professionals - now that expertise is gathered in this volume for everyone else. Each chapter contains easily accessible information, along with more detail and resources for those who wish to find out more. In this comprehensive volume there will be the latest information on many topics, including: Helping young people get help for mental health problems Bullying Anxiety Depression Understanding self-harm Child sexual abuse Alcohol and Drugs and how to communicate with young people about them Teens, Parties and Alcohol: A practical guide to keeping them safe Eating Disorders Body Image Resilience and Positive Psychology Understanding the Teenage Brain Online Time Management

Growing Happy, Healthy Young Minds: Expert Advice on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People (Generation Next)

by Ramesh Manocha

The world is getting harder for young people, and for the people who care about them: parents, teachers, school counsellors and concerned relatives. Generation Next is an organisation that gathers experts in several fields to provide information for professionals - now that expertise is gathered in this volume for everyone else. Each chapter contains easily accessible information, along with more detail and resources for those who wish to find out more. In this comprehensive volume there will be the latest information on many topics, including: Helping young people get help for mental health problems Bullying Anxiety Depression Understanding self-harm Child sexual abuse Alcohol and Drugs and how to communicate with young people about them Teens, Parties and Alcohol: A practical guide to keeping them safe Eating Disorders Body Image Resilience and Positive Psychology Understanding the Teenage Brain Online Time Management

Growing Great Kids: Partner With God to Cultivate His Purpose in Your Child's Life

by Kate Battistelli

Help your child become everything God made them to be Successful adults don’t happen by accident. It takes wisdom to raise your children with a strong sense of their destiny in God and a deep knowledge of their gifts and callings. In Growing Great Kids, Kate Battistelli shares what she and her husband, Mike, learned about parenting during the journey of raising their daughter, Dove Award–winning recording artist Francesca Battistelli. Using anecdotes to illustrate the insights she and her husband gained, she provides practical advice including: How to dream God’s big dream for your child The value of humility and integrity How to interpret God’s seasons in a child’s life The power of a parent’s words, and more

Growing Grateful: Live Happy, Peaceful, and Contented

by Mary A. Kassian

In Growing Grateful, you'll find 101 entries on the joy of being grateful even in the hardest times. Each entry in this beautiful book contains a meaningful Bible verse, a short entry that helps you reflect on your own attitude of gratitude, and a meditation with questions to consider or to write about in your journal. Learn how to be:grateful for God's friendshipgrateful despite your circumstancesgrateful that God delights in youThe secret to peace and contentment can be found in developing a habit of gratitude. Thankfulness changes our perspective and reprograms our mood, fostering a rich happiness whatever the day holds--the kind of happy that blooms in every season of life's ups and downs. This beautiful full-color book, complete with a ribbon marker, is for anyone who wants to:get back to the basics of being gratefulcultivate a closer relationship with Godpursue a joyful lifeGrowing Grateful makes a lovely gift for Mother's Day, birthdays, or any time you want to gift a friend with something special. Or perhaps you're giving yourself the gift of gratitude!Discover that, in good times and bad, being a grateful person can lead you to a lasting contentment.

Growing Good: A Beginner's Guide to Cultivating Caring Communities

by John A. Elliott Shelley Dewig Kyle Kramer Wendy Bredhold Cris G. Hochwender Anna Jean Stratman William Hemminger Jes Pope Amy Rich R. Calvin Kimbrough Jr. Trisha Brown Yvonne Mans Sally Carr Kamela Jordan Jim Poyser

Anger and hopelessness can overwhelm communities. So what can everyday people do to actually grow some good in their own hometown? Growing Good: A Beginner's Guide to Cultivating Caring Communities shows how ordinary people have transformed themselves into volunteers and activists. Centered mostly in the Midwest, this collection of essays brings together the stories of normal people who have rolled up their sleeves to make their community a better place by serving nonprofits such as Gleaner Food Bank in Indianapolis, Indiana; Migration and Refugee Services in Louisville, Kentucky; and Patchwork Central in Evansville, Indiana, along with national organizations like CASA. For instance, a teacher and his student started a native plant garden to help local insects thrive in a disused corner of their school property. A woman saw a billboard and was moved to become a voice for children in need. A professional photographer offered his services to people experiencing homelessness in order to help others witness their humanity. Editor Bill Hemminger also writes of his own extensive experience with community gardening to feed hungry neighbors. Filled with simple actions, clear steps, and useful lists, including how to care for and nurture your own inner peace and creativity, Growing Good will help readers of all ages plant seeds of hope and cultivate communities where everyone thrives.

Growing Boldly: Dare to Build a Life You Love

by Emily Ley

From bestselling author and founder of the Simplified® brand of organizational tools for busy women comes Growing Boldly, a how-to book that inspires us to imagine big, plan well, and then gather the equipment and the courage to go out and do.In Growing Boldly, Emily will help you:Believe in who you are and Whose you are . . . and move past the lies and fears holding you backFigure out what makes you tick and own it confidentlyGather all your grit, learned lessons, and tools because it's all valuableImagine the life you dream of and decide how to make it happenLove your people well so that you create a lasting legacyClear the clutter and cultivate clarity so you can do what matters mostDo the hard work without forgetting to feed your soulBeautiful photography and a presentation page make Growing Boldly:A thoughtful gift for a friend or family memberPerfect for Mother's Day, birthdays, or holidaysA let's-get-rolling encouragement incentive for yourselfEmily Ley has shown us how to give ourselves grace in Grace, Not Perfection, how to simplify our lives in A Simplified Life, and how to replace busyness with true connection in When Less Becomes More. Now for the first time, Emily draws on her own story of creating a highly successful business--and loving the process--as she teaches us how to move forward in our own vocations and serve others at the same time. This is the start of something good. Get ready to build a life you love.

Growing Big Dreams: Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires through Twelve Secrets of the Imagination

by Robert Moss

LEARN TO MANIFEST YOUR HEART&’S DESIRES Growing Big Dreams is a passionate yet practical call to step through the gates of dreams and imagination to weather tough times, embark on travel adventures without leaving home, and grow a vision of a life so rich and strong it wants to take root in the world. Vitally relevant today more than ever, dreams are a tool available to all. Robert Moss is a cartographer of inner space, equally at home in Jung&’s psychology and shamanic journeying. The compelling stories, playful activities, and wild games he provides are designed to lead you to manifest a life of creative joy and abundance. You&’ll learn to connect with your inner imagineer and become scriptwriter, director, and star of your own life movies, choosing your preferred genre and stepping into a bigger and braver story. Great artists, mystics, and shamans know that there are places of the imagination that are entirely real. Moss shows you how to get there.

Growing All the Wiser: Wisdom Tips from the Book of Proverbs

by Kyna Williams

If experience is the best teacher, why are we often left wounded and discouraged by experiences? If you have been a victim of your experiences then it is time to part ways with this inadequate teacher and join forces with a Life Coach that guarantees positive results, Wisdom!The Wisdom found in the book of Proverbs are time tested life truths with a winning track record of consistently transforming fools into gurus. Wisdom exists to help you master your money, your relationships, your mouth, your temperament, and even your career path. Regardless the subject matter, Wisdom is available to guide your daily decisions toward wise life choices.Growing All the Wiser has digested the book of Proverbs into current, relevant, and relatable Wisdom Tips designed for practical application to everyday life situations. You will walk away each day with a new wisdom tool to apply to your decision-making repertoire until you find yourself moving out of the gray area of foolishness to the green pastures of safety that exist when Wisdom is the stabilizing force behind the decisions you make.Whosoever lacks wisdom and seeks to gain the wisdom necessary to guarantee the result of your life experiences, this book is for you. From teen to mature adults the Wisdom Tips found within this book will serve as an essential guide toward living your best and wisest life today.

Grow Your Value: Living and Working to Your Full Potential

by Mika Brzezinski

A woman who wants to be successful must make sacrifices, but how can she determine which ones she’ll be happy with five, ten, twenty years from now? Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe co-host and New York Times best-selling author of Knowing Your Value, has built a career on inspiring women to assess and then obtain their true value in the workplace. In her books and in her conferences, Mika gives women the tools necessary to advocate for themselves and their financial futures. But that is only the first step; once you know your value, you need to grow it--both professionally and personally. Drawing on deeply revealing conversations with powerful and dynamic women, input from researchers and relationship experts, and her own wealth of experience, Mika helps women pinpoint their individual definition of success. She advises her readers to define the "professional value” that encompasses their worth in the workplace, and the "inner value” made up of their core beliefs and goals. Women can stop feeling overwhelmed, overscheduled, frantic, and forever guilty--but only if they choose their objectives confidently and unapologetically, and focus their efforts accordingly. Mika encourages women to stop seeking the unobtainable "work-life balance,” and instead pursue a life of honesty and authenticity, where career and home life combine rather than collide.

Grow Your Own Happiness: How to Harness the Science of Wellbeing for Life

by Deborah Smith

Science tells us that happiness is 50% genetic, 10% circumstantial and 40% how we think and act. Which means that it is possible to increase our happiness by up to 40%.For anyone wanting to increase their wellbeing. Grow Your Own Happiness shows how positive psychology - the science of happiness- can be used every day. With key principles explained to provide the foundation for change, tests for measuring wellbeing and simple techniques that can easily be applied to a busy lifestyle, as well as case studies, anecdotes and tips, this book provides everything you need to shine.

Grow Your Own Happiness: How to Harness the Science of Wellbeing for Life

by Deborah Smith

Science tells us that happiness is 50% genetic, 10% circumstantial and 40% how we think and act. Which means that it is possible to increase our happiness by up to 40%.For anyone wanting to increase their wellbeing. Grow Your Own Happiness shows how positive psychology - the science of happiness- can be used every day. With key principles explained to provide the foundation for change, tests for measuring wellbeing and simple techniques that can easily be applied to a busy lifestyle, as well as case studies, anecdotes and tips, this book provides everything you need to shine.

Grow Your Own Happiness: How to Harness the Science of Wellbeing for Life

by Deborah Smith

A toolbox of positive principles, tips and techniques for happiness.Science tells us that happiness is 50% genetic, 10% circumstantial and 40% how we think and act. Which means that it is possible to increase our happiness by up to 40%.For anyone wanting to increase their wellbeing. Grow Your Own Happiness shows how positive psychology - the science of happiness- can be used every day. With key principles explained to provide the foundation for change, tests for measuring wellbeing and simple techniques that can easily be applied to a busy lifestyle, as well as case studies, anecdotes and tips, this book provides everything you need to shine.

Grow Your Confidence: A Child's Guide to Finding Courage

by Poppy O'Neill

A confidence-building companion to help 7+-year-oldsEncourage your child to explore their emotions, overcome their fears and boost their self-confidence with this positive and playful book. Bursting with activities, handy tips and simple exercises, Grow Your Confidence is the go-to guide for empowering children.

Grow Younger, Live Longer: Ten Steps to Reverse Aging

by Deepak Chopra David Simon

In a new book that extends the consciousness-based approach of megabestseller Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra, M.D., and his colleague David Simon, M.D., present ten practical steps that will enable readers to reset their biological age (which determines how we look and feel) as much as fifteen years lower than their chronological age. The idea for this book was born in early spring 2000, when Dr. Chopra was being interviewed on Larry King Live! As the conversation turned to aging, Dr. Chopra listed 10 steps we can take to reverse its effects. The phones at the television studio and the Chopra Center for Well Being lit up with calls from people wanting to know more. This phenomenal response clearly called for a book on the topic, and here it is. At the heart of Grow Younger, Live Longer is a complete, simple-to-follow program for personal renewal, complete with specific supplements, exercises, and mediation techniques. Among the steps are: --Change your perception of time --Access restful awareness and restful sleep --Nourish your body with anti-aging foods --Eliminate toxins --Make love the most important thing in your life.

GROW UP: Becoming the Parent Your Kids Deserve

by Gary John Bishop

A survival manual for parents and those seeking to re-parent themselves.Do you want to be the best parent you can be? We all want to be good parents, but our pasts hold us back. We all feel like we're failing at parenting. In Grow Up, personal development guru Gary John Bishop shows us how to let go of what came before and start taking action. Gary argues we're never going to measure up to the perfect parent model - this book will equip you to think about how you show up in the world to nurture your children in the present.No more tips and tricks, Grow Up will help you take charge of the direction of your life and show your kids how to follow theirs.(P) 2023 HarperCollins Publishers

GROW UP: Becoming the Parent Your Kids Deserve

by Gary John Bishop

Do you want to be the best parent you can be? We all want to be good parents, but our pasts hold us back. We all feel like we're failing at parenting. In Grow Up, personal development guru Gary John Bishop shows us how to let go of what came before and start taking action. Gary argues we're never going to measure up to the perfect parent model - this book will equip you to think about how you show up in the world to nurture your children in the present.No more tips and tricks, Grow Up will help you take charge of the direction of your life and show your kids how to follow theirs.

Grow Up: Becoming the Parent Your Kids Deserve

by Gary John Bishop

The New York Times bestselling author of Unfu*k Yourself helps cut through our anxieties about being a “good parent” so we can take charge of our lives and show our kids how to take charge of their own.Gary John Bishop has helped millions of people break free of self-sabotaging behaviors. Yet we all seem to feel like we’re failing at this thing called parenting. Common wisdom isn’t working—our kids are struggling. Gary argues we don’t need more tips, tricks, and techniques, we need an overhaul of who we are. We’re never going to measure up to the “perfect parent” model we’ve built up in our heads—a Frankenstein version of mom and dad cobbled together from our childhoods, our parents, cultural ideals, social media, and everything in between.We want to be good parents, but our pasts hold us back. If you’re thinking: “I can’t be a good parent because I had a shitty childhood, bad parents, or a traumatic experience”—stop! Let go of what came before and start taking action in the present to be the person that nurtures their child from a place of love, forgiveness, and integrity. By doing so, you are modeling and equipping your kids to confidently face the world and thrive.Whether you are a parent, want to be a parent, or simply have parents, this book will cut to the heart of who you are and how you show up in the world—to fully take charge of the direction of your life and show your kids how to follow theirs.

Grow Up!: Life Isn't Safe, but It's Good

by Everett Piper

The &“snowflake&” generation has graduated, and they are taking root across our nation. The &“snowflake&” rebellion and its juvenile temper tantrums are far from over. As the pampered and bubble-wrapped adolescents of Berkeley and Brown graduate, petulant progressivism is taking root in our nation&’s corporations, courts, and even our Congress. A simple glance at the daily news reveals we now stand on the cliff of a cultural crisis where vitriol has replaced virtue, identity politics trump principle, character no longer matters, and elected leaders act more like spoiled children than mature adults. In Grow Up, the nearly two-decades-long president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University and the national bestselling author of Not a Day Care, Dr. Everett Piper, presents common-sense solutions to the lunacy Americans face on the news, in the classroom, and from the mouths of elected officials in a powerful reminder that in the end, civilization relies on adults.

Grow Through It: Inspiration for Weathering Life's Seasons

by Dani DiPirro

A colorful, illustrated guide to learning how to adopt a more positive mindset, even when your life may seem gray and stormy, from a wildly popular Instagram artistBeautifully illustrated and heartfelt, this little book shares big insights about how to stay positive in an increasingly negative world. Artist Dani DiPirro started her Instagram, PositivelyPresent, after she realized that positivity, like all self-care, is an essential skill that needs to be practiced daily. She began posting her bright and bubbly illustrations, sharing the ups and downs of her journey to positive thinking.In Grow Through It, Dani shares never-before-seen content to take us through the seasons, and she shows us how to pick out the positives on both sunny days and snowy ones. She also reminds you to take breaks for self-care, to stop comparing yourself to others, and to grow at your own pace. No matter what the circumstance, this book shows you how optimism is always an option!

Grow the Tree You Got

by Tom Sturges

A wise and inspiring guide to parenting through the extraordinary- and at times tumultuous-journey that is the adolescent and teenage years. When Tom Sturges became a father, he decided that he wanted to be one of the greatest father that ever walked the earth. But things became a bit more complicated when his older son turned ten, and the chatty kid he'd known suddenly started locking his bedroom door. Tom realized he needed to find a way to stay on track-he needed crib notes. So, if a parenting idea of technique worked well, he wrote it down. And if he stumbled across something another parent did that was particularly ingenious or exemplary, he wrote that down, too. In Grow the Tree You Got, Tom presents "golden rules" for raising happy, healthy, and compassionate adults. His mantra? It's impossible to show our children too much respect, but it's worth the effort to try. .

Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one (A No F*cks Given Guide #1)

by Sarah Knight

'It's a breeze to read and you won't feel so alone at the end of it' Marie Claire It's never too late to grow the f*ck up. And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is here to help! With her no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult, you'll become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful - and turn grown-up responsibilities into exciting opportunities for making your life easier and more fun. You'll learn:- How to anticipate consequences and orchestrate outcomes- Four keys to effective communication- Strategies for slaying self-care- The perks of being independent and dependableAnd much more!Packed with practical advice and pro-dult tips for everything from balancing your budget to impressing your in-laws, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect guide for anyone - at any age - who wants to be an adult and get treated like one.SARAH KNIGHT's No F*cks Given Guides have sold over 3 million copies and her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times.

Grow the F*ck Up: How to Be an Adult and Get Treated Like One (A No F*cks Given Guide)

by Sarah Knight

A no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult—the newest &“No F*cks Given Guide&” in the New York Times bestselling self-help series Whether you&’re freshly of-age or you&’ve been at this adulting gig for a while and haven&’t quite gotten the hang of it, this collection of practical, no-nonsense advice from New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight will help you achieve your ideal grown-up form—and reap the rewards. Putting her sweary, hilarious twist on classic parental decrees like &“Stop whining&” and &“Go clean up that mess!,&” Sarah teaches you essential life skills—like effectively communicating your needs and taking accountability for your actions—and then how to use those skills to turn grown-up responsibilities into daily opportunities for increased happiness, satisfaction, and success. Packed with tips, strategies, and hundreds of real-life examples of adulting wisely and well, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect read for anyone—at any age—looking to become more independent, resourceful, and self-sufficient, and have lots of fun along the way.

Grow Rich with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

by Joseph Murphy

From the renowned bestselling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an authorized collection of writings that unlock the secret to extraordinary success that lies within each of usMillions of readers have embraced Joseph Murphy's writings, including the phenomenal bestseller The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, a beloved classic that sits alongside the works of Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Norman Vincent Peale. This new collection, authorized by the Joseph Murphy Trust, focuses on prosperity - and the simple yet powerful ways we can focus our attention and beliefs to achieve life goals, obtain riches, and live the life of our dreams. Whether you are a longtime reader of Murphy's insights or are discovering his work for the first time, this powerful and deceptively simple volume will illuminate the path to success. Comprised of original writings including some that have never been published in book form, along with modern-day updates, examples, and insights for the contemporary reader, the book goes beyond what we've already heard about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking to reveal the ability that each of us has to manifest remarkable change in our lives.

Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind: With Peace Of Mind

by Napoleon Hill

In this exciting book, the renowned author of THINK AND GROW RICH, Napoleon Hill, reveals his latest discoveries about getting what you want--and making the most of it. Here, in simple, readable language, are the foolproof techniques for achieving the power to earn money and to enjoy genuine inner peace. You wil learn: how to succeed in life, succeed in being yourself; how to develop your own healthy ego; how to win the job you want--and keep going upward; how to turn every challenge into a new success, and more. .

Grow in Grace

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

A study of how Christians mature in their faith.

Grow, Create, Inspire: Crafting a Joyful Life of Beauty and Abundance

by Crystal Stevens

How can we embrace the absolute necessity of preserving and protecting the earth for our descendants, creating a future in which there is still clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe, and fresh, healthy food vital to human existence? Grow, Create, Inspire is a rallying cry, itself an inspiration urging all of us to help fill the vital need for growth -- not only of food, but also in the hearts and the minds of individuals around the globe. Focusing on step-by-step approaches to accumulating skills toward self-sufficiency, Grow, Create, Inspire is a comprehensive guide to creating a beautiful, regenerative, and deeply satisfying life, covering everything from basic and more advanced growing tips, preparing and preserving harvest, and generally greening those aspects of life which bring about happiness, including, food, art, music, beauty, and time in nature. Increasing individual happiness ultimately leads to creating positive changes in our families and communities, and empowering others to do the same. Together, we can grow, create, and inspire a new world of beauty and abundance, while helping ensure our descendants can do the same in a healthy, vibrant world. Crystal Stevens is an herbalist, writer, artist, and vegetable farmer, employing multiple platforms to share her passion for inspiring others to care for the environment, to grow gardens, and to live healthy lifestyles. Together with her husband Eric, Crystal co-manages La Vista Farm, a CSA serving 150 families. They live along the bluffs of the Mississippi River in Godfrey, Illinois, with their two children.

Grow a Pair

by Larry Winget

The straight-talking, New York Times bestselling author and Pitbull of Personal Development® is back with a pithy and prescriptive guide to success. A five-time bestselling author and one of the country’s leading business speakers, Larry has made a reputation for being the first to challenge the positive-attraction gurus and the law-of-attraction bozos with his commonsense approach to success. Larry doesn’t sugar-coat, and he isn’t afraid to make people uncomfortable, because he wants us to stop making excuses, and start getting results. In Grow a Pair, Larry takes on entitlement culture, the self-help movement, political correctness, and more. We’ve all heard the phrase "grow a pair,” but Larry’s advice isn’t about anatomy- it’s about attitude. To get the success we want, we need to reject victimhood in favor of being assertive and finally taking some responsibility. With prescriptive advice on goal achieving, career, personal finance, and more, Grow a Pair will give the readers the kick in the pants they need. .

GROW: Motherhood, mental health & me

by Frankie Bridge

In GROW, Sunday Times bestselling author Frankie Bridge opens up about her journey with her maternal mental health. Part narrative exploration, part first aid manual for mothers this book will discuss the hidden growing pains which take place when you become a parent.Its chapters cover the HOW TOs, WHAT IFs?, WILL Is? and WHY DOs? anxious questions all mothers ask themselves when they believe they are doing it wrong whilst also offering a brutally honest account of how hard it can be to grow a baby and raise a child whilst you are still growing into yourself.The book will combine Frankie's mental health journey into motherhood with the notes of psychologist, Maleha Khan, who will unpack the problems she experienced as she became a mother. It will also include additional guidance and parental advice from the UK's leading paediatrician Dr Ed Abrahamson.Fans of OPEN:'Brave and beautiful... a first aid manual for your mind.'- Adam Kay, bestselling author of This is Going To Hurt'Very readable. Very relatable. Intensely moving but also full of practical advice.'- Alastair Campbell

Grow: How to Take Your DIY Project and Passion to the Next Level and Quit Your Job!

by Eleanor Whitney

Grow is a practical field guide for creative people with great ideas for independent projects who want to achieve success and sustainability. <P><P>Drawing on her years of experience helping people succeed with do-it-yourself projects based in independent publishing, music, food, art, craft, activism, and community work, Eleanor Whitney empowers you to clarify your vision, get organized, set goals, create a plan, raise funds, market, and manage your do-it-yourself project. The book is full of real-life inspiration and creative business advice from successful, independent businesses owners and creative people with projects that began in the do-it-yourself spirit.

Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration

by Keith Sawyer

Creativity has long been thought to be an individual gift, best pursued alone; schools, organizations, and whole industries are built on this idea. But what if the most common beliefs about how creativity works are wrong? Group Genius tears down some of the most popular myths about creativity, revealing that creativity is always collaborative-even when you're alone. Sharing the results of his own acclaimed research on jazz groups, theater ensembles, and conversation analysis, Keith Sawyer shows us how to be more creative in collaborative group settings, how to change organizational dynamics for the better, and how to tap into our own reserves of creativity.

Gross National Happiness: Why Happiness Matters for America--And How We Can Get More of It

by Arthur C. Brooks

In Gross National Happiness, Arthur Brooks reveals the main sources of bliss -- and misery -- in America.

Groom's Survival Manual

by Michael R. Perry

The ultimate survival guide for bewildered husbands-to-be covers everything grooms need to know about legal issues, selecting a best man and ushers, donning a tuxedo, planning a honeymoon, choosing a first home, and adjusting to marital life.

Groomed: Overcoming the Messages That Shaped Our Past and Limit Our Future

by Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good

Someone in your past sold you a false story about who you are and what you&’re worth. It has been holding you back for too long. Take control of your future. A staggering one out of three women in America was a victim of sexual abuse at some point in her childhood. No matter how many years it&’s been, if that&’s your story, those scars are probably still with you. But even if that&’s not part of your story, this book is for you. Women today have been groomed for a lot more than just sex.Using her own story of abuse, family tragedy, and rebellion, Elizabeth Melendez Fisher guides readers toward an understanding that grooming is oftentimes subtle, but it&’s always life-altering. In Groomed Fisher incorporates the language and lessons gained over the past decade working with sex trafficking victims and her work in ministry and counseling before that. She draws out five specific ways that women have been groomed, from physical appearance to spirituality to finances, and shows how those manipulative messages have affected the way we see our worth and how they&’ve oftentimes stifled and limited us. From there Fisher offers readers a way to overcome their past, starting with the all-important but rarely explored idea of a selah, or a time of rest and reflection, and exploring active ways to forgive and move forward to a new level of freedom.No one has to be defined by her past. No one has to live for her groomers. It&’s time to take a look back at where we came from to escape the messages of our past and take control of our future.

Grit to Great: How Perseverance, Passion, and Pluck Take You from Ordinary to Extraordinary

by Linda Kaplan Thaler Robin Koval

In Grit to Great, Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval tackle a topic that is close to their hearts, one that they feel is the real secret to their own success in their careers--and in the careers of so many people they know and have met. And that is the incredible power of grit, perseverance, perspiration, determination, and sheer stick-to-it-tiveness. We are all dazzled by the notion that there are some people who get ahead, who reach the corner office because they are simply gifted, or well-connected, or both. But research shows that we far overvalue talent and intellectual ability in our culture. The fact is, so many people get ahead--even the gifted ones--because they worked incredibly hard, put in the thousands of hours of practice and extra sweat equity, and made their own luck. And Linda and Robin should know--they are two girls from the Bronx who had no special advantages or privileges and rose up through their own hard work and relentless drive to succeed to the top of their highly competitive profession. In a book illustrated with a cornucopia of stories and the latest research on success, the authors reveal the strategies that helped them, and countless others, succeed at the highest levels in their careers and professions, and in their personal lives. They talk about the guts--the courage--necessary to take on tough challenges and not give up at the first sign of difficulty. They discuss the essential quality of resiliency. Everyone suffers setbacks in their careers and in life. The key, however, is to pick yourself up and bounce back. Drawing on the latest research in positive psychology, they discuss why optimists do better in school, work, and on the playing field--and how to reset that optimistic set point. They talk about industriousness, the notion that Malcolm Gladwell popularized with the 10,000-hour rule in his book Outliers. Creativity theorist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi believes it takes a minimum of 10 years for one's true creative potential to be realized. And the authors explore the concept of tenacity--the quality that allows us to remain focused and avoid distraction in order to get the job done--an increasingly difficult task in today's fragmented, cluttered, high-tech, connected world.Written in the same short, concise format as The Power of Nice and leavened with the natural humor that characterizes Linda's and Robin's lives--and books--Grit to Great is destined to be the book everyone in business needs.

Grit Don't Quit Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Get Back Up and Keep Going - Learning from Paul’s Example

by Bianca Juarez Olthoff

Are you tired of being knocked down but not getting back up?The Bible talks a lot about grit, but it doesn&’t exactly use the word. Scripture uses terms like perseverance and endurance to describe doing difficult things and having the determination to keep moving despite challenges and weariness. But grit is just a little bit something extra, right? The grittiest of all characters in the Bible was the Apostle Paul and he is known for his ability to get back up and keep going no.matter.what because Paul was not Paul&’s sole focus.In this five-week video Bible study, Bible teacher and preacher Bianca Olthoff dives into the stories of Paul and others who have come before us to show how they overcame the same life circumstances we struggle with today. You will learn how to keep going—that it&’s never by your own strength and it&’s always for God&’s glory that you get.back.up.Let&’s get honest, vulnerable, and brave all at once. Let&’s stop letting life take us out and let&’s start living for something greater!This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:Group discussion questions and activitiesChapter reading through the Grit Don't Quit bookIndividual access to five streaming video talks from BiancaPersonal, transformative Bible study exercises between sessionsA small group leader helps section with tips on leading a groupStreaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2028. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

Grit Don't Quit: Developing Resilience and Faith When Giving Up Isn't an Option

by Bianca Juarez Olthoff

Whether by choice or circumstances out of our control, we will have moments where we feel like we've been punched out, dragged down, or knocked out. What do we do in those situations? You must learn to persevere.Perseverance requires a deep sense of hope, and thought leader, pastor, and podcaster, Bianca Juárez Olthoff, knows that personally. But it's not just any hope. It's a hope firmly rooted in something other than mere wishes and finger-crossing. This is a hope we have in our future that is rooted in the One who can go beyond our wildest dream to accomplish more than we could ever imagine. However, we must be willing to do the work of cultivating grit throughout every circumstance.Using the life of Paul the Apostle as a case study, Bianca shows how grit was the genesis of his transformation from a judgmental Pharisee to a world-changing follower of Jesus. In Grit Don't Quit, Bianca will help you:Identify how to cultivate perseveranceDiscover the cost and benefit of resilienceDevelop a theological framework for rebounding from lossUnderstand how grit can change your lifeApply practical principles to increase emotional, mental, and spiritual strength If we can prove to ourselves that the true power is getting back up, we can prove to others that success isn't only for the smart, talented, or well-connected. No matter how many times we fall, our real power comes from when we get back up. Get up, live full, and die empty.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

by Angela Duckworth

<P>In this instant New York Times bestseller, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed--be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people--that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls "grit." <P>Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequently noted her lack of "genius," Duckworth, now a celebrated researcher and professor, describes her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not "genius" but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance. In Grit, she takes readers into the field to visit cadets struggling through their first days at West Point, teachers working in some of the toughest schools, and young finalists in the National Spelling Bee. <P>She also mines fascinating insights from history and shows what can be gleaned from modern experiments in peak performance. Finally, she shares what she's learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers--from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon to New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff to Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll. Among Grit's most valuable insights: *Why any effort you make ultimately counts twice toward your goal *How grit can be learned, regardless of I.Q. or circumstances *How lifelong interest is triggered *How much of optimal practice is suffering and how much ecstasy *Which is better for your child--a warm embrace or high standards *The magic of the Hard Thing Rule <P>Winningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that--not talent or luck--makes all the difference. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Grist for the Mill: Awakening to Oneness

by Ram Dass Stephen Levine

From Ram Dass, one of America’s most beloved spiritual figures and bestselling author of Be Here Now and Be Love Now, comes this timeless classic about the experience of being and the risks and rewards of our spiritual path. Originally published in 1976, Grist for the Mill offers a deep spiritual journey of self-discovery, and a universal understanding of what it means to "be" and to grow as human beings. The book is fully revised with a new introduction.As Ram Dass puts it, "When the faith is strong enough it is sufficient just to be. It’s a journey towards simplicity, towards quietness, towards a kind of joy that is not in time. It’s a journey that has taken us from primary identification with our body and our psyche, on to an identification with God, and ultimately beyond identification."

Grip: The Art of Working Smart (And Getting to What Matters Most)

by Rick Pastoor

&“If you feel like a hostage of your to-do list and struggle to find time for what matters most, this book will be a huge help.&” —Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of When and DriveWe&’re all familiar with the signs that things are getting out of hand. The week has barely started and already you&’re playing catch-up. At the end of another busy day, your to-do list is longer than it was that morning, your inbox overflowing with other people&’s asks.At times like those, no matter how hard we work, it can feel like we&’re spinning our wheels.Enter GRIP: The Art of Working Smart, by Dutch entrepreneur and bestselling author Rick Pastoor. GRIP is a fresh and forgiving guide that helps you get things done and free up time for what&’s important to you.In the space of one year, Rick went from being a 25-year-old engineering hire to leading a team of 30 at Blendle, the New York Times-backed journalism startup. It was clear he needed a new way of working. And fast.So, Rick started experimenting. He&’d keep what worked, ditch what didn&’t, and share with coworkers what he learned along the way. The result is GRIP: a flexible collection of tools and insights that helped the team do their best work. Now it can do the same for you.An overnight sensation in Holland, this bestseller has helped thousands find clarity amid the chaos of our demanding times. Now available in English, for everyone who&’s looking to reclaim their sanity and add direction to even the most hectic days and weeks.Rick's friendly, no-nonsense approach makes it easy to dive in. The book&’s pick-and-choose structure, complete with cheat sheets for each section, means you can start applying what you need straightaway.GRIP walks you through:Unlocking the power of everyday tools you&’re already using like a calendar, to-do list, and emailLowering the volume on distractions to find your focusAnd freeing up room to think big and growSo you can get started on making your dreams a reality.

Grimoire Girl: A Memoir of Magic and Mischief

by Hilarie Morgan

New York Times Bestseller The long-awaited next book from actress and New York Times bestselling author of The Rural Diaries, Hilarie Burton Morgan. Through memoir essays and magical practices, Grimoire Girl connects us to the enchantment that exists inside us all.Since childhood, Hilarie Burton Morgan has felt the call to record, keep, and catalogue life in all its strange wonder. It was a whimsical habit, with no clear goal. And then, when she became a mother, the importance of all that collecting snapped into focus. In an effort to patchwork together an anthology of traditions, curiosity, and magical thinking that she could pass down, Burton Morgan realized she was crafting a grimoire. In her most intimate book yet, Burton Morgan shares how she’s creating an inheritance of mischief and magic that will outlive her. What’s more, she shows readers how they too can look at the elements of their lives and collect the pieces into a tangible collection of a lifetime of learning. Because in its purest form, a grimoire was a guide to keep you alive.Like the grimoires of old, full of life-saving wisdom, these pages record the people, places, ideas and habits that have kept Burton Morgan alive, in her signature voice that is at once honest, witty, and charming. Accompanied by whimsical two-color illustrations by Olivia Faust, the book also includes Simple Spells, which are ways to bring magic into your daily life: create an altar that delights and inspires, practice candle magic and poetry spells, make an oracle deck, or channel your inner kitchen witch with recipes and potions.So begin creating your own inheritance, take a long look inward and decide...What wisdom will be written on the pages of your Grimoire?

Grieving With a Grateful Heart

by R. W. Alley Lisa Irish

Although each person's needs and style of grieving is unique, there are universal themes that can help all of us. The invitation offered in this new Elf-help book reaches across individual ways of grieving to help you move toward healing. The wisdom of author Lisa Irish will help you cultivate a spirit of gratitude for your lost loved one, as you renew the bonds of love and discover that the love you shared will always endure.

The Grieving Therapist: Caring for Yourself and Your Clients When It Feels Like the End of the World

by Larisa A. Garski Justine Mastin

For readers of No Cure for Being Human and Simple Self-Care for Therapists, a witty and compassionate field guide to the 10 realms of grief--and how to navigate them yourself and with clients. How do you practice good therapy when it&’s the end of the world as we know it…and no one feels fine?The planet is burning, friends and family are falling to cults and QAnon, and we&’re all living through the collective trauma of a global pandemic. Among therapists and healers, burnout is rampant; hopelessness and despair are, too. In The Grieving Therapist, psychotherapists Larisa Garski, LMFT, and Justine Mastin, LMFT, give voice to the difficulties of therapising in today&’s world--and offer a grief-informed framework for taking care of yourself as you take care of others. Informed by narrative, internal family systems, fanfic, and trauma-sensitive therapy, Garski and Mastin examine what it means to be a therapist at the end of the world (or what feels like it). They break down 10 realms of grief that are critical to understand and work with today, but likely weren&’t taught to you in therapy school. Each chapter includes:Grieving tools that can be adapted for both client and therapistTips for supervisors and superviseesSkills for maintaining healthy outside-the-office relationshipsSupport for current therapy students (and therapists new to the field)Advice on how to hold space and work with clients who have the same questions—and are navigating the same issues—as youMeditations on love, life, death, and connectionGarski and Mastin also share helpful guidance around working with clients whose social or political beliefs differ from yours; when therapeutic self-disclosure makes sense; honoring the information that countertransference is trying to give you; and how to sit with (or step away from) triggers in your work.With humor, compassion, irreverence, and more than a little whimsy, The Grieving Therapist shows you how to show up for yourself, and your clients--in your own full humanity, amidst it all.

Grieving the Loss of a Parent

by Silas Henderson

The five authors in this concise handbook serve as wonderful "grief-guides." While they all acknowledge that the world is now a different place without our parents, the important thing now is to pay close attention to the healing of our hearts.

The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and Their Friends

by Helen Fitzgerald

This book helps teenagers to understand and overcome the feelings of regret, anger, shock, and disbelief at the death of a loved one, and in doing so sets them on their way to rebuild life from the ashes of sorrow and loss.

Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to Coping with Loss

by Sameet M. Kumar

In this compassionate and practical book, a Buddhist psychotherapist, Sameet Kumar, Ph. D. , who specializes in applying meditation techniques to clinical problems, uses a unique combination of Buddhist spiritual practice and proven psychological strategies to help readers develop, understand, and transform their grief.

Grieving is Loving: Compassionate Words For Bearing The Unbearable

by Joanne Cacciatore

In the style of a quote-a-day collection, this book from Wisdom&’s bestselling author Joanne Cacciatore distills down the award-winning book Bearing the Unbearable into easy-to-access small chunks, and includes much brand-new material, including new prose and poems from Dr. Jo and other sources as well.From INDIES Gold Medal Award-Winner and Wisdom Bestseller Joanne Cacciatore If you love, you will grieve—and nothing is more mysteriously central to becoming fully human. This book is a companion to carry with you throughout your day, to touch in with and be supported by when bearing the unbearable pain of a loved one&’s death—whether weeks or years since their passing. Our culture often makes the bereaved feel alone, isolated, broken, and like they should just &“get over it&”—this book offers a loving antidote. Open to any page and you&’ll find something that will instantly help you feel not alone, while honoring the full weight of loss. This book is comprised of quotations from Bearing the Unbearable, and other sources as well, plus an enormous amount of new material from Dr. Jo. Especially well-suited for the grieving mind that may struggle with concentration, just 30 seconds on any page will empower, hearten, and validate any bereaved person—helping give strength and courage to bear life&’s most painful losses. Praise for Bearing the Unbearable &“This masterpiece is the greatest gift I could give to someone entrenched in grief, or to the loved ones of the bereaved.&”—The Tattooed Buddha &“Simply the best book I have ever read on the process of grief.&”—Huffington Post &“Anyone who's trying to deal with a loss, or anyone who knows someone dealing with a loss, (and in truth, isn't that everyone?) will benefit from reading this amazing book.&”—Foreword Reviews &“It offers hope for those who feel like their loss has disconnected themselves forever from humanity and the circle of life.&”—Doug Bremner, MD, professor of psychiatry, Emory University and author of You Can&’t Just Snap Out of It &“This is a holy book, riddled with insight and compassion.&”—Francis Weller, author of The Wild Edge of Sorrow

The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss

by Mary-Frances O'Connor

A renowned grief expert and neuroscientist shares groundbreaking discoveries about what happens in our brain when we grieve, providing a new paradigm for understanding love, loss, and learning.For as long as humans have existed, we have struggled when a loved one dies. Poets and playwrights have written about the dark cloak of grief, the deep yearning, how devastating heartache feels. But until now, we have had little scientific perspective on this universal experience. In The Grieving Brain, neuroscientist and psychologist Mary-Frances O’Connor, PhD, gives us a fascinating new window into one of the hallmark experiences of being human. O’Connor has devoted decades to researching the effects of grief on the brain, and in this book, she makes cutting-edge neuroscience accessible through her contagious enthusiasm, and guides us through how we encode love and grief. With love, our neurons help us form attachments to others; but, with loss, our brain must come to terms with where our loved ones went, or how to imagine a future that encompasses their absence. Based on O’Connor’s own trailblazing neuroimaging work, research in the field, and her real-life stories, The Grieving Brain does what the best popular science books do, combining storytelling, accessible science, and practical knowledge that will help us better understand what happens when we grieve and how to navigate loss with more ease and grace.

Grieving at Christmastime

by R. W. Alley Dwight Daniels

Christmas is a time for rejoicing, but it can also be a stressful time, even under the best of circumstances. When you are grieving the death of a loved one, Christmas can be particularly challenging. In this book, you'll find gentle, practical, hope-filled guidance that suggests ways to recognize the season while also acknowledging and responding in a healthy way to the sadness and grief in your heart.

Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One's Search for Comfort, Answers, and Hope

by Albert Y. Hsu

A 2003 Finalist in the United Kingdom Christian Book Awards

Grieve, Breathe, Receive: Finding a Faith Strong Enough to Hold Us

by Steve Carter

What do you do when your world seems to be falling down all around you? When loss is too much to bear? When disappointment becomes your new reality? Pastor Steve Carter is certain you&’ll find hope and life through these three simple yet profound steps: Grieve. Breathe. Receive.In 2018, in light of further misconduct allegations against Willow Creek Community Church founder and senior pastor Bill Hybels, Steve Carter announced publicly that he was resigning from his dream job as a lead pastor at that church. After posting his resignation online, he turned off all of his devices and began to weep on his wife's shoulder. The next morning as he was taking a walk to process all the thoughts and feelings tumbling around in his mind, he cried out to Jesus in desperation, begging for an answer. "What am I supposed to do now?" He expected nothing but the silence that had overwhelmed him since hitting send on his message to the world, but before he could take two steps, a gentle whisper impressed three words upon his heart: grieve, breathe, receive.Those three words would become a profound mantra for Steve in the season he would soon begin—a season focused on healing. Deep healing. The kind that comes after painful trauma. In this book, Steve is more personal and vulnerable than he's ever been, and by doing so he encourages all of us to:Allow ourselves the necessary time and space to properly GRIEVE what is, what you thought it was going to be and how key people let you down rather than fill our days with activities and commitments that distract us.Slow down to BREATHE in God's grace, His peace, and His love . . . and to learn how to exhale all the negativity, pain, resentment, and bitterness we carry within us.Be open to RECEIVE all the lessons, surprises, and healing God knows we need for every part of us to be made whole. This process of grieving, breathing, and receiving was a life-restoring gift from God for Steve and his family, and he is certain that it will bless anyone who prayerfully follows it.

Grief Works: Stories of Life, Death and Surviving

by Julia Samuel

A warm, moving and practical guide to grief from a leading bereavement counsellor, Grief Works features deeply affecting case studies of the author's clients, which will appeal to readers of Atul Gawande's Being Mortal, Stephen Grosz's The Unexamined Life and Paul Kalanithi's When Breath Becomes Air. <P><P>Death is the last taboo in our society, and grief is still profoundly misunderstood. So many of us feel awkward and uncertain around death, and shy away from talking honestly with family and friends. <P><P>Grief Works is a compassionate guide that will inform and engage anyone who is grieving, from the "expected" death of a parent to the sudden unexpected death of a small child, and provide clear advice for those seeking to comfort the bereaved. <P><P>With deeply moving case studies of real people's stories of loss, and brilliantly accessible and practical advice, Grief Works will be passed down through generations as the definitive guide for anyone who has lost a loved one, and revolutionize the way we talk about life, loss and death.

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