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El mejor medicamento eres tú

by Frédéric Saldmann

Una obra práctica de gran utilidad que te ayuda a superar las enfermedades con los recursos naturales que tienes a tu disposición. Fenómeno editorial en Francia. Más de 400.000 ejemplares vendidos en un mes. El cuerpo y la mente tienen recursos muy poderosos que casi nunca utilizamos. Sólo hay que activarlos para curar muchos síntomas y enfermedades. En tu interior están los medicamentos que te protegen y que hacen que tu cuerpo se mantenga sano. ** Recuerda que tu organismo es una máquina precisa que necesita equilibro. ** Interioriza la importancia de la nutrición en tu camino a la buena salud. ** Descubre que algunas enfermedades se pueden tratar sin la ayuda de los medicamentos. ** Sé un emprendedor activo en salud. ** Duerme, respira, disfruta de tu sexualidad y piensa en positivo. ** Sal a la calle, camina, muévete. Elejercicio diario es fundamental para disfrutar de una vida larga y saludable. Nuestro organismo está en constante proceso de restauración. Cada segundo se renuevan veinte millones de células que reemplazan a las que ya no sirven. El objetivo es fabricar nuevas células idénticas y evitar las copias, origen de los cánceres. Necesitamos construir el entorno propicio para nuestro cuerpo. En El mejor medicamento eres tú, el doctor Frédéric Saldmann, cardiólogo, nutricionista y especialista en higiene, te explica punto por punto cómo conseguirlo prestando atención a los ámbitos clave de la salud: nutrición, peso, alergias, digestión, sueño, sexualidad, envejecimiento... Reseñas: «¿Cómo poder evitar el tener que acudir continuamente a la consulta médica? Muy sencillo, conociendo una serie de trucos de los que la mayoría de las veces, jamás oímos hablar. Pero cuidado, porque igual de malo es ignorar la opinión y tratamiento de un profesional de la medicina o psiquiatría, como caer en la automedicación descontrolada. Es por ello que el doctor Saldmann repasa aquí, capítulo a capítulo, diferentes "trucos" que nos pueden hacer la vida mucho más sencilla». Culturamas «El médico francés Frédéric Saldmann explica en El mejor medicamento eres tú, un manual de salud cotidiana del que se han vendido más de 400.000 ejemplares en el país vecino, qué consejos de higiene básica no deberíamos olvidar bajo ningún concepto».El Confidencial «El mejor medicamento eres tú, un éxito de ventas en Francia, es un libro práctico que repasa una serie de consejos naturales con el objetivo de demostrar que, en muchos casos, podemos evitar pasar por la consulta del médico».20minutos

Una mejor versión suya, una mejor versión mía: desarrollo personal para una vida feliz

by Jason Matthews María Candelaria Turri

Existe una mejor versión suya y está lista para que la ponga en marcha. Las ideas que contiene este libro son sencillas de incorporar en su vida y lograrán maravillas. Usted será más feliz. Su cuerpo estará más sano. Su mente se activará, creando la vida de sus sueños. El éxito y la prosperidad están bajo su poder. Las relaciones más profundas y significativas también lo están. Renacerá con gratitud por la abundancia que le brinda la vida. Es el momento de adoptar "su nueva versión".

Mejorando en dominadas – ¡De DÉBIL a MAZADO en cuestión de SEMANAS!

by Rahul Mookerjee

Si estás leyendo esto, existen buenas posibilidades de que sepas lo que es no ser capaz de hacer ni UNA dominada en este momento. De hecho, hay posibilidades de que colgar de una barra de dominadas durante un tiempo razonable sea un ejercicio inútil para ti. Puedo entenderlo. La persona promedio hoy día casi no puede sostenerse de una barra más allá de unos segundos antes de soltarla, ni mucho menos hacer varias repeticiones perfectas de la muy temida y admirada DOMINADA (ya sea prona o supina). Y sin hablar de las personas promedio, la mayoría de la gente que va al gimnasio en el día de hoy es incapaz de bombear dominadas con la forma y ritmo correctos. El tipo con los abultados dorsales puede ser capaz de mover grandes kilajes en la máquina de jalones, pero si lo pones en una estación de dominadas, probablemente no pueda hacer ni una sola repetición. ¿Ves a aquel tipo con biceps enormes que hace montones de repeticiones de curls con mancuernas? Si lo llevas a la estación de dominadas, es probable que no sea capaz de ni siquiera colgar de la barra durante un tiempo considerable. Mucho menos hacer dominadas a altas repes. Y te puedes olvidar de que pueda hacer variantes SUPER DURAS como las que hago abajo. Las dominadas son el ejercicio que todos quieren hacer, pero la mayoría NO PUEDEN, y aquellos que las hacen, con frecuencia utilizan una forma terrible. Las dominadas son el ejercicio, junto con las flexiones haciendo el pino, que inspiran ASOMBRO a los que miran, especialmente cuando haces repeticiones con tanta suavidad y apenas sin que la respiración se altere. Pero ¿quién puede hacerlas así? Las dominadas son un ejercicio que te hará sentir como un HOMBRE - ¡Un verdadero HOMBRE! Y las dominadas, amigo mío, es el PRIMER paso en la escalera de un torso y tronco sobrehumanos, rivalizado por pocos. Las dominadas también te hacen sentir FUERTE (alias “MAZADO”) de una forma que pocos ot

Los mejores jugos para bajar de peso

by Dale L. Roberts Dahlia D. Romero Castillo

¡Aprende como el consumir frutas y vegetales a través de los jugos es el secreto mejor guardado para perder peso! “Los mejores jugos para bajar de peso” es una colección de recetas de jugos frescos para cualquiera que desea bajar de peso de manera segura y efectiva. Es el acompañante perfecto para aquellos que quieren perder algunas pulgadas y libras mientas mantienen su cuerpo nutrido, vibrante y saludable. “Los mejores jugos para bajar de peso” contiene: Como preparar los vegetales y frutas Que alimentos son ideales para hacer la mejor bebida Como contrarrestar los sabores amargos con tan solo pequeños cambios Entender el por qué los jugos son tan efectivos para bajar de peso Como obtener los mejores resultados de cada vaso Cuando es mejor beber los jugos para mejores resultados Más de 30 diferentes recetas de mezclas de fruta y vegetales Consejos para alterar sabores que se adecuen más a tus gustos Consejos en cómo ahorrar dinero cuando compras tu producto Recetas que se adecuarán a cualquier estilo de dieta: veganas, vegetarianas y aquellas para los amantes de las carnes. ¡Y, muchas cosas más! Este libro incluye un glosario de los ingredientes donde se explica los beneficios y como utilizar cada receta para obtener mejores resultados. Este glosario de ingredientes te da una visión más amplia del porque cada fruta y vegetal son ideales para perder peso y, así como, para mantener un estilo de vida saludable. El libro “Batidos verdes para perder de peso” es un compañero excelente para “Los mejores jugos para bajar de peso” de Dale L. Roberts. Ambos libros trabajan bien juntos y sacarán lo mejor de cualquier programa para bajar de peso.

Melancholy, Medicine and Religion in Early Modern England

by Mary Ann Lund

The Anatomy of Melancholy, first published in 1621, is one of the greatest works of early modern English prose writing, yet it has received little substantial literary criticism in recent years. This study situates Robert Burton's complex work within three related contexts: religious, medical and literary/rhetorical. Analysing Burton's claim that his text should have curative effects on his melancholic readership, it examines the authorial construction of the reading process in the context of other early modern writing, both canonical and non-canonical, providing a new approach towards the emerging field of the history of reading. Lund responds to Burton's assertion that melancholy is an affliction of body and soul which requires both a spiritual and a corporal cure, exploring the theological complexion of Burton's writing in relation to English religious discourse of the early seventeenth century, and the status of his work as a medical text.


by Hasnain Walji

Information about the hormone melatonin.

The MELT Method

by Sue Hitzmann

In The MELT Method, therapist Sue Hitzmann offers a breakthrough self-treatment system to combat chronic pain and erase the effects of aging and active living—in as little as ten minutes a day. With a focus on the body's connective tissues and the role they play in pain, stress, weight gain, and overall health, Hitzmann's life-changing program features techniques that can be done in your own home. A nationally known manual therapist and educator, Hitzmann helps her clients find relief from pain and suffering by taking advantage of the body's natural restorative properties. The MELT Method shows you how to eliminate pain, no matter what the cause, and embrace a happier, healthier lifestyle.

MELT Performance: A Step by-Step Program to Accelerate Your Fitness Goals, Improve Balance and Control, and Prevent Chronic Pain and Injuries for Life

by Sue Hitzmann

This long-awaited follow-up to the New York Times bestselling The MELT Method introduces a unique, scientific-based proactive training program for improving overall balance, performance, and control while preventing pain and injury.Are you an athlete facing constant injuries that hold you back from achieving peak performance? Are you someone who wants to stay fit, but are dealing with aches and pains that make it more difficult to work out? Do you want to exercise or train without being sidelined by stress fractures, strained ligaments, and painful joints? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need MELT Performance.The conditioning you do to stay in shape and perfect and improve performance—running on a treadmill, doing squats or bicep curls, practicing our backhand, even doing downward dog—requires repetitive movements. Yet 80% of orthopedic injuries are the result of repetitive motion, not trauma or accidents. In MELT Performance, nationally recognized educator, manual therapist, and exercise physiologist Sue Hitzmann introduces a revolutionary program centered on neurological joint stability or Neurostrength, that will revolutionize your health and performance.The foundation of MELT Performance is stability. To stay injury free, our joints must stable before we do repetitive motions. Acquiring stability allows the body to respond to the demands of motion. It’s the way we were designed to function—and allows us to move more efficiently, improve coordination, and save our joints. Knowing how to check in, restore, and reintegrate joint stability before it’s compromised gives an unparalleled advantage to anyone who trains hard to perform at their best. Hitzmann’s techniques are proven to work—they’re already used by world renowned professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts. If you’re ready to improve your performance and prevent injury, MELT Performance is essential no matter what sport or activity you pursue.MELT Performance includes black-and-white instructional images throughout.

The Melting of Maggie Bean

by Tricia Rayburn

Maggie looked down and barely saw her toenails peeking out from the shadow of her stomach. She closed her eyes and slowly stepped onto the scale. Once she finally opened her eyes, Maggie almost fell off the scale. Maggie Bean's having a tough year. Since her dad lost his job he spends more time watching TV than talking to his family, and her mom's totally stressed about money. So Maggie focuses on what she does best: keeping up her straight-A average and eating chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. But everything changes when Maggie gets a chance to try out for the synchronized swim team. Becoming a Water Wing has always been Maggie's dream -- who wouldn't want to have an instant circle of friends and wear that cute silver bathing suit? As a Water Wing, maybe she'll start believing she's more than just a socially awkward bookworm. Maybe people will see past the extra weight she's recently gained to the funny, cool girl hiding underneath. And maybe, just maybe, Peter Applewood will finally notice her. It all depends on Maggie Bean, who thinks she knows who she is, but is about to find out for sure.

Memento (Philosophers on Film)

by Andrew Kania

Within a short space of time, the film Memento has already been hailed as a modern classic. Memorably narrated in reverse, from the perspective of Leonard Shelby, the film’s central character, it follows Leonard’s chaotic and visceral quest to discover the identity of his wife’s killer and avenge her murder, despite his inability to form new long-term memories. This is the first book to explore and address the myriad philosophical questions raised by the film, concerning personal identity, free will, memory, knowledge, and action. It also explores problems in aesthetics raised by the film through its narrative structure, ontology, and genre. Beginning with a helpful introduction that places the film in context and maps out its complex structure, specially commissioned chapters examine the following topics: memory, emotion, and self-consciousness agency, free will, and responsibility personal identity narrative and popular cinema the film genre of neo-noir Memento and multimedia Including annotated further reading at the end of each chapter, Memento is essential reading for students interested in philosophy and film studies.

Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease (11th Edition)

by Jason James Taylor Barbara Janson Cohen

This widely read classic is an excellent primer on normal and abnormal anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, basic microbiology, chemistry, and the human disease process. With a new design and a robust new multimedia electronic ancillary package, this Eleventh Edition will be even more engaging and understandable for students with diverse learning styles. This edition's new artwork includes real dissection photographs from Rohen's Color Atlas of Anatomy, Sixth Edition. New Disease in Context case scenarios integrated throughout each chapter show how content is applied to real-life situations. Icons direct students to relevant electronic materials.

Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease (12th Edition)

by Barbara Janson Cohen Jason James Taylor Kerry L. Hull

Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease is a textbook for introductory-level health professions and nursing students who need a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology, the interrelationships between structure and function, and the effects of disease on body systems.

Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: A Five-Year Journey in Search of the Unknown

by Nick Redfern

The British paranormal investigator recounts his five-year journey through America in pursuit of the monstrous unknown in this memoir.For centuries, people across the world have had a fascination with monsters and strange creatures. They marvel at the tales and legends of the Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest; of the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas; of the infamous and diabolical Moth-Man of West Virginia; of fire-breathing dragons; and of those dark denizens of the deep: lake monsters and sea serpents. But do such creatures really exist? Can it be true that our planet is home to fantastic beasts that lurk deep within its forests and waters? Memoirs of a Monster Hunter proves the answer is a resounding yes!In this follow-up to his wildly successful Three Men Chasing Monsters, paranormal investigator and author Nick Redfern chronicles his surreal road-trip through the United States and beyond in search of all-things monstrous. His strange adventures lasted five years and saw him doggedly pursuing a menagerie of creatures, including gargoyles, giant birds, and what some believe are living dinosaurs. Follow Redfern as he:Explores the El Yunque rainforest of Puerto Rico in search of the terrifying Chupacabras: a razor-clawed, glowing-eyed beast that is part giant bat and part vampireSeeks out the Goat Man: a menacing creature that evokes imagery of both demons and the fabled cloven-hoofed Centaurs of ancient mythology, and is said to inhabit the forests of East TexasChases after what many people believe are real-life, flesh-and-blood werewolves that surface from hidden lairs and prowl the countryside when the Moon is fullPart X-Files, part Crocodile Hunter with a mix of Jurassic Park and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Memoirs of a Monster Hunter takes you on a roller-coaster ride into the unknown. Read personal accounts of the monsters that inhabit your wildest imagination and your worst nightmares. The creatures you were told couldn’t possibly exist, really do.Praise for Memoirs of a Monster Hunter“This is one of the best books I’ve read in years. Redfern sweeps you away on his personal adventure. Around the world, from romance, to ghastly beasts, to the cosmos, Redfern has candidly shared the wonders of his young life.” —Joshua P. Warren, author of Pet Ghosts and How to Hunt Ghosts

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

by Gabrielle Zevin

After a nasty fall, Naomi realizes that she has no memory of the last four years and finds herself reassessing every aspect of her life.

La memoria de la sangre

by Gabriela Rodríguez

A través del relato de su propio recorrido espiritual y del estudio del tarot y la psicomagia, Gabriela Rodríguez -discípula de Alejandro Jodorowsky- nos muestra el camino a la sanación. La sanación de las personas está relacionada no solo con el cuerpo, sino también con el espíritu. Para acceder a él, Gabriela Rodríguez se ha preparado durante décadas con chamanes en distintas partes del mundo, que la han llevado a manejas conocimientos que no están al alcance de todos. A través del relato del encuentro con sus maestros, la autora nos muestra el camino que la llevó a trabajar en lo inconsciente usando el tarot, la psicomagia y la metagenealogía. Aquí explica como el arte y la creatividad se convierten en instrumentos para que las personas puedan sanar a través de actos simbólicos, y nos enseña que es posible cambiar la información que heredamos de vuestro árbol familiar para superar traumas y acercarnos a la plenitud. Gabriela Rodríguez -la única discípula chilena de Alejandro Jodorowsky- nos invita a entrar en el "mundo oculto, ese que está detrás de lo visible" y que significó para ella una mutación profunda que le reveló su oficio: "ser una curandera urbana y realizar actor para sanar".

Memories and Monsters: Psychology, Trauma, and Narrative (Relational Perspectives Book Series)

by Eric R. Severson David M. Goodman

Memories and Monsters explores the nature of the monstrous or uncanny, and the way psychological trauma relates to memory and narration. This interdisciplinary book works on the borderland between psychology and philosophy, drawing from scholars in both fields who have helped mould the bourgeoning field of relational psychoanalysis and phenomenological and existential psychology. The editors have sought out contributions to this field that speak to the pressing question: how are we to attend to and contend with our monsters? The authors in this volume examine the ways in which we might best relate to our monsters, and how the legacies of ancient traumas and anxieties continue to affect our current stories, memories and everyday practices. Covering such manifestations of the monstrous as racism, crimes against humanity, trauma as portrayed in music and art, and the Holocaust, this book explores the impact the uncanny has on our individual and collective psyches. By focusing on a very specific theme, and one that excites the imagination, Memories and Monsters stokes the flames of an important current movement in relational psychoanalysis. It will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists, as well as professionals in psychology and graduate school students and tutors in the fields of both psychology and philosophy.

Memories of an Essex Ghosthunter (The Paranormal)

by Wesley Downes

In this book local pyschic investigator Wesley Downes recounts some of the stories he has been involved with during the 60 years he has lived in Essex. Wesley Downes saw his first ghost in 1946 when he spotted an old school friend walking towards him in a village near Colchester. He later discovered that the friend had died the year before in the D-Day landings. Other stories tell of a missing architect from Chelmsford, a haunted inn in Brentwood, strange events taking place in a house at Harwich and an imbecilic ghost in an art studio in Westcliff-on-Sea.

Memories of Heaven: Children's Astounding Recollections Of The Time Before They Came To Earth

by Wayne W. Dyer Dee Garnes

Poet William Wordsworth expressed the idea that we gradually lose our intimate knowledge of heaven as we grow up, observing that "our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting" of our previous existence in Spirit.Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and co-author Dee Garnes had often talked about how the ones who know the most about God are those who have just recently been wrapped in the arms of the Divine: our infants and toddlers. In fact, Dee had an interaction with her own young son that convinced her of his acquaintance with our Source of being. Curious about this phenomenon, Wayne and Dee decided to issue an invitation to parents all over the globe to share their experiences. The overwhelming response they received prompted them to put together this book, which includes the most interesting and illuminating of these stories in which boys and girls speak about their remembrances from the time before they were born.Children share their dialogues with God, talk about long-deceased family members they knew while in the dimension of Spirit, verify past-life recollections, give evidence that they themselves had a hand in picking their own parents and the timing of their sojourn to Earth, and speak eloquently and accurately of a kind of Divine love that exists beyond this physical realm.This fascinating book encourages all of us, not just parents, to take a much more active role in communicating with our planet’s new arrivals . . . and to realize that there is far more to this earthly experience than what we perceive with our five senses.

Memory: A Very Short Introduction

by Jonathan K. Foster

"Why can we sometimes remember events from our childhood as if they happened yesterday, but not what we did last week? How are memories stored in the brain, and how does our memory change as we age? What happens when our memory goes wrong, and how easy is it for others to manipulate our memories?" "This fascinating Very Short Introduction brings together the latest research in psychology and neuroscience to address these and many other important questions about the science of memory - revealing how our memory works, why we couldn't live without it, and even how we may learn to remember more."--BOOK JACKET.

The Memory Activity Book: Engaging Ways to Stimulate the Brain for People Living with Memory Loss or (DK Medical Care Guides)

by DK Helen Lambert

Slow and delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, from memory loss to disorientation, with this practical activity book.Using step-by-step ideas designed to stimulate and entertain, dementia care specialist Helen Lambert explains how engaging in a variety of simple activities can benefit different parts of the brain and help to keep your mind fitter for longer.What's more, everyone can join in: each activity contains hints and tips that not only show you how to do it, but also include ways to adapt the various physical exercises, games, and craft projects for different abilities, or to include family and friends. Whether your interests are in music, art, gaming, or gardening, The Memory Activity Book has activities to suit, as well as ideas to inspire anyone looking for guidance on how best to interact with people affected by memory issues, Alzheimer's, or other forms of dementia.Whatever your involvement - friend, relative, partner, or patient - The Memory Activity Book offers a valuable resource for everyone living with dementia.

Memory and Technology: How We Use Information in the Brain and the World

by Jason R. Finley Farah Naaz Francine W. Goh

How is technology changing the way people remember? This book explores the interplay of memory stored in the brain (internal memory) and outside of the brain (external memory), providing a thorough interdisciplinary review of the current literature, including relevant theoretical frameworks from across a variety of disciplines in the sciences, arts, and humanities. It also presents the findings of a rich and novel empirical data set, based on a comprehensive survey on the shifting interplay of internal and external memory in the 21st century. Results reveal a growing symbiosis between the two forms of memory in our everyday lives.The book presents a new theoretical framework for understanding the interplay of internal and external memory, and their complementary strengths. It concludes with a guide to important dimensions, questions, and methods for future research.Memory and Technology will be of interest to researchers, professors, and students across the disciplines of psychology, philosophy, library and information science, human factors, media and cultural studies, anthropology and archaeology, photography, and cognitive rehabilitation, as well as anyone interested in how technology is affecting human memory._____ "This is a novel book, with interesting and valuable data on an important, meaningful topic, as well as a gathering of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary ideas...The research is accurately represented and inclusive. As a teaching tool, I can envision graduate seminars in different disciplines drawing on the material as the basis for teaching and discussions." Dr. Linda A. Henkel, Fairfield University "This book documents the achievements of a vibrant scientific project – you feel the enthusiasm of the authors for their research. The organization of the manuscript introduces the reader into a comparatively new field the same way as pioneering authors have approached it." Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schönpflug, Freie Universität Berlin

The Memory Bible

by Gary Small

Gary Small, M.D., is hhead of the Dept. on Aging at UCLA, and he and his colleagues have done research on age-related memory and cognitive disorders, dementia, and Alzheimer's Disease. For caregivers, their families, and patients who must cope with these disorders.

The Memory Bible: An Innovative Strategy for Keeping Your Brain Young

by Gary Small Gigi Vorgan

Clear, concise, prescriptive steps for improving memory loss and keeping the brain young—from one of the world's top memory experts.Everybody forgets things sometimes—from your keys to your lunch date to the name of an acquaintance. According to Dr. Gary Small, the director of the UCLA Center on Aging, much of this forgetfulness can be eliminated easily through his innovative memory exercises and brain fitness program—now available for the first time in a book. Using Small's recent scientific discoveries, The Memory Bible can immediately improve your mental performance. One of the ten commandments that Dr. Small has pioneered to improve your memory immediately is LOOK, SNAP, CONNECT:1: LOOK: actively observe what you want to learn2: SNAP: create a vivid snapshot and memorable image3: CONNECT: visualize a link to associate imagesIn addition, Dr. Small's comprehensive program includes a "brain diet" of memory-enhancing foods and a list of the most effective drugs, as well as a workbook with a weekly and daily calendar. Remember, as Dr. Small says, "Great memories are not born, they are made."

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