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Judith Letting Go: Six Months in the World's Smallest Death Cafe

by Mark Dowie

An old man learns how to die from a poet facing deathFor the entire six months that Mark Dowie became friends with Judith Tannenbaum, they both knew she was going to die. In fact, for most of that time they knew the exact hour she would go: sometime between 11:00 AM and noon, December 5, 2019, which she did.Judith was a poet, writer, activist, and artist who worked for decades teaching and collaborating with imprisoned lifers. Beloved by her community, Judith told almost no one when she was diagnosed with an incurable disease that would cause her immeasurable pain. Instead she chose to end life on her own terms. When they met, Mark Dowie had already been working for years to advocate for physician assistance in dying for terminally ill people in his home state of California. He helped many friends along this path, but it wasn't until he was introduced to Judith through a mutual friend that he came to a profound new understanding of death. Mark and Judith created a two-person "death café," a group devoted to discussions of death. They talked about many things during Judith's final months, but the rapidly approaching moment of her death came to inform and shape their entire conversation. Death was, as she said, “the undercurrent and the overstory of our relationship.” Judith Letting Go supports the right to plan one’s death, but it is ultimately about the lost human art of releasing everything that matters to the living in preparation for the inevitable.

¡Juega bien tus cartas!: En la vida y en los negocios

by Leo Margets

No podemos esperar a jugar solo las buenas manos porque tal vez no lleguen a tiempo. Leo Margets, mejor jugadora de póker profesional, nos enseña cómo este juego nos ayuda a mejorar la toma de decisiones y nos ofrece una ventaja real en un mundo cada vez más competitivo. Tanto en la vida como en el póker, jugar bien nuestras cartas dependerá de nuestra habilidad, de nuestra capacidad de buscar situaciones favorables y de nuestra sed de lograr objetivos. A partir de su experiencia profesional como jugadora en los más importantes torneos del mundo, Leo Margets aborda el equilibrio entre habilidad y suerte, la toma de decisiones bajo estrés, la evaluación del riesgo, la gestión de la incertidumbre y el autoconocimiento o la resiliencia y aplica las lecciones del póker a las más variadas circunstancias de nuestra vida, desde la relación de pareja a la compra de una vivienda o una inversión. Con ingenio y amenidad, Leo Margets desmitifica tópicos como el «farol» o la «cara de póker» dentro y fuera de las mesas de juego y desarrolla el concepto de «valor esperado» que cambiará por completo nuestra perspectiva en la vida y en los negocios. Si aprendemos a pensar en términos de valor esperado y lo aplicamos a nuestras decisiones financieras y cotidianas, situaciones que nos hubieran parecido arriesgadas se nos presentarán como grandes oportunidades y, tarde o temprano, los resultados llegarán.

Jugendkultureller Alkoholkonsum

by John Litau Barbara Stauber Gabriele Stumpp Sibylle Walter Christian Wißmann

Der Alkoholkonsum Jugendlicher ist seit Jahren allgegenwärtiges Thema in Medien und Fachöffentlichkeit. Zuschreibungen und Dramatisierung bestimmen bisher überwiegend den Diskurs. Kaum werden jedoch die subjektiven und kollektiven Sinnstrukturen dieser riskanten jugendkulturellen Praxis und ihrer biografischen Bedeutung genauer untersucht. Diese Publikation stellt Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Längschnittstudie vor, mit umfassendem Hintergrundwissen zum Phänomen des Umgangs mit Alkohol im Jugendalter. Sie soll bewusst zu einer reflexiven Entdramatisierung der Debatte beitragen.

Jugendliche im Übergang zwischen Schule und Beruf: Psychische Belastungen und Ressourcen

by Agnes Von Wyl Filomena Sabatella

Im Zentrum dieses Buchs steht die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen im Übergang von der Schule zum Beruf. Diese Übergangsphase ist für viele Jugendliche eine eher schwierige Phase. Das Buch zeigt die Hintergründe der Schwierigkeiten auf und verdeutlicht, warum gering qualifizierte Jugendliche oder diejenigen mit psychischen Belastungen besondere Mühe haben, Anschluss zu finden. Tatsächlich steigt in Übergangsphasen, so auch in der Adoleszenz, das Risiko, eine psychische Erkrankung zu entwickeln. Zudem bringt der im Jugendalter erfolgende Wechsel zwischen Ausbildung und Arbeitswelt einen Anstieg von beruflichen und persönlichen Anforderungen mit sich, den nicht alle bewältigen können. Für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene ist es jedoch essenziell, im Arbeitsprozess Fuß fassen zu können und integriert zu bleiben, um sich gesund entwickeln zu können. Dieses Buch präsentiert unterschiedliche empirische Arbeiten, die sich mit vielfältigen Aspekten der Übergangsphase zwischen Schule und Arbeit befassen. Die empirischen Befunde werden von relevanten Akteuren aus der Praxis kommentiert. Das Thema dieses Buchs ist von besonderer Bedeutung für die verschiedenen Berufsgruppen aber auch Familienangehörigen, welche Jugendliche in diesem Übergang begleiten, z.B. Eltern, Lehrer oder Coachs. Herausgeberinnen Filomena Sabatella, lic. phil. studierte Psychologie an der Universität Zürich. Zurzeit arbeitet sie am Psychologischen Institut der ZHAW. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen vor allem in der Förderung der gesunden psychischen Entwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen und im Bereich der Arbeitsintegration.Prof. Dr. Agnes von Wyl. Leiterin der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie des Psychologischen Institut der ZHAW. Langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der Psychotherapieforschung, Entwicklungspsychopathologie und psychische Gesundheit. Sie ist auch tätig als psychoanalytische Psychotherapeutin.

Jugendliche Lebenswelten

by Peter Martin Thomas Marc Calmbach

Ein ermutigendes Buch, das endlich einmal nicht den Defizitblick in der Vordergrund stellt, sondern zeigt, wie viele Ressourcen die junge Generation in Deutschland in Wirklichkeit hat. Klaus HurrelmannWie sehen die aktuellen Lebenswelten 14- bis 17-Jähriger in Deutschland aus? Wie denken, fühlen und lernen sie, wie gestalten sie ihren Alltag, wo finden sie Sinn, Chancen und Anerkennung? Eine große Vielfalt an grundlegenden Wertorientierungen, an Alltagseinstellungen etwa zu Schule, Familie, Freizeit, Konsum und Medien sowie Unterschiede in der sozialen Lage kennzeichnen Jugendliche heute. Ähnliche Lebensweisen und Lebensauffassungen gruppiert die Sinus-Jugendforschung in verschiedenen Lebenswelten, die die Vielfalt der Jugend abbilden. Diese Studien des SINUS-Instituts zählen mittlerweile zu den Standardwerken der Jugendforschung und bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für die Arbeit mit jungen Menschen. Jugendliche Lebenswelten befasst sich mit den Fragen, Handlungsanforderungen und Perspektiven, die sich aus der Kenntnis jugendlicher Lebenswelten ergeben. Angesprochen werden Themen wie das Interesse Jugendlicher an Selbstinszenierung und Jugendszenen oder deren Begeisterung für Mode- und Elektronik-Marken. Diese werden oft problemorientiert diskutiert, während die Autorinnen und Autoren in diesem Buch sie als zentrale Facette von Identität auffassen. Bei der Frage nach dem Verständnis von politischer Bildung diskutieren sie , wie man verhindert, "benachteiligte Jugendliche" auszugrenzen. Den zeitlosen Begriffen wie Sinn, Glück und Erfolg und deren unterschiedlichen Bedeutungshorizonten in den verschiedenen Lebenswelten widmet sich ein weiteres Kapitel. Mit den wünschenswerten und notwendigen Implikationen für Politik, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft schließen die Herausgeber von Jugendliche Lebenswelten. Klaus Hurrelmann Wie sehen die aktuellen Lebenswelten 14- bis 17-Jähriger in Deutschland aus? Wie denken, fühlen und lernen sie, wie gestalten sie ihren Alltag, wo finden sie Sinn, Chancen und Anerkennung? Eine große Vielfalt an grundlegenden Wertorientierungen, an Alltagseinstellungen etwa zu Schule, Familie, Freizeit, Konsum und Medien sowie Unterschiede in der sozialen Lage kennzeichnen Jugendliche heute. Ähnliche Lebensweisen und Lebensauffassungen gruppiert die Sinus-Jugendforschung in verschiedenen Lebenswelten, die die Vielfalt der Jugend abbilden. Diese Studien des SINUS-Instituts zählen mittlerweile zu den Standardwerken der Jugendforschung und bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für die Arbeit mit jungen Menschen. Jugendliche Lebenswelten befasst sich mit den Fragen, Handlungsanforderungen und Perspektiven, die sich aus der Kenntnis jugendlicher Lebenswelten ergeben. Angesprochen werden Themen wie das Interesse Jugendlicher an Selbstinszenierung und Jugendszenen oder deren Begeisterung für Mode- und Elektronik-Marken. Diese werden oft problemorientiert diskutiert, während die Autorinnen und Autoren in diesem Buch sie als zentrale Facette von Identität auffassen. Bei der Frage nach dem Verständnis von politischer Bildung diskutieren sie , wie man verhindert, "benachteiligte Jugendliche" auszugrenzen. Den zeitlosen Begriffen wie Sinn, Glück und Erfolg und deren unterschiedlichen Bedeutungshorizonten in den verschiedenen Lebenswelten widmet sich ein weiteres Kapitel. Mit den wünschenswerten und notwendigen Implikationen für Politik, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft schließen die Herausgeber von Jugendliche Lebenswelten.

Jugendliche mit erhöhtem Psychoserisiko: App-unterstützte Behandlung mit dem Therapieprogramm Robin

by Nina Traber-Walker Maurizia Franscini

Jugendliche, die an einer psychotischen Störung erkranken, können in ihrer Entwicklung stark beeinträchtigt werden und haben insgesamt einen schlechteren Krankheitsverlauf als erwachsene Ersterkrankte. Für eine bessere Prognose ist es wichtig, Patienten mit einem erhöhten Psychose-Risiko frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu behandeln.Während es einige Therapiekonzepte für Frühinterventionen mit Erwachsenen gibt, fehlte es bisher an therapeutischen Konzepten für Jugendliche mit At Risk-Symptomen. Robin ist ein innovatives Therapieprogramm und speziell für Jugendliche entwickelt, mit dem Ziel, den jungen Patienten eine Behandlung anzubieten, die altersgerecht, symptom- und ressourcenorientiert ist. Das Therapiemanual ist aufgrund der Heterogenität dieser Patientengruppe modular aufgebaut. Die Module können den Bedürfnissen der Patienten entsprechend individuell zusammengestellt und angewendet werden. Unterstützt wird die therapeutische Behandlung durch die frei verfügbare Smartphone-App «Robin Z».Dieses Buch richtet sich an Psychiater und Psychotherapeuten, die mit Jugendlichen mit erhöhtem Risiko für die Entwicklung einer Psychose arbeiten und das Therapieprogramm Robin oder Teile davon einsetzen und sich so das moderne Smartphone-Nutzungsverhalten ihrer Patienten zu Nutze machen möchten. Die enthaltenen Therapieunterlagen stehen zusätzlich zum Download bereit, und per „Springer Nature MoreMedia“ App erhalten die Nutzer Videotutorials für die Anwendung in der Therapie.

Julia and the Shark

by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

A captivating, powerful and luminous story from a bestselling, award-winning author about a mother, a daughter, and the great Greenland shark. With mesmerising black and yellow illustrations and presented as a deluxe hardback with tracing paper inserts, this is a perfect gift for 9+ fans of David Almond and Frances Hardinge.'Tom de Freston's stunning illustrations perfectly complement the poetry of Kiran Millwood Hargrave's story' Cressida Cowell'A truly beautiful book, with text and illustrations in perfect harmony. A book to treasure!' Jacqueline Wilson'Julia and the Shark is deep, beautiful and true. The art shines and the writing soars - a classic from cover to cover' Eoin Colfer'A rich, immersive and wondrous journey, through deep darkness to hope and light' Sophie Anderson, author of The House with Chicken LegsThe shark was beneath my bed, growing large as the room, large as the lighthouse, rising from unfathomable depths until it ripped the whole island from its roots. The bed was a boat, the shark a tide, and it pulled me so far out to sea I was only a speck, a spot, a mote, a dying star in an unending sky...Julia has followed her mum and dad to live on a remote island for the summer - her dad, for work; her mother, on a determined mission to find the elusive Greenland shark. But when her mother's obsession threatens to submerge them all, Julia finds herself on an adventure with dark depths and a lighthouse full of hope...A beautiful, lyrical, uplifting story about a mother, a daughter, and love - with timely themes of the importance of science and the environment.

Julia and the Shark

by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

A captivating, powerful and luminous story from a bestselling, award-winning author about a mother, a daughter, and the great Greenland shark. Narrated beautifully with atmospheric sound effects, this is a perfect audiobook for 9+ fans of David Almond and Frances Hardinge.'A truly beautiful book, with text and illustrations in perfect harmony. A book to treasure!' Jacqueline Wilson'Julia and the Shark is deep, beautiful and true. The art shines and the writing soars - a classic from cover to cover' Eoin Colfer'A rich, immersive and wondrous journey, through deep darkness to hope and light' Sophie Anderson, author of The House with Chicken LegsThe shark was beneath my bed, growing large as the room, large as the lighthouse, rising from unfathomable depths until it ripped the whole island from its roots. The bed was a boat, the shark a tide, and it pulled me so far out to sea I was only a speck, a spot, a mote, a dying star in an unending sky...Julia has followed her mum and dad to live on a remote island for the summer - her dad, for work; her mother, on a determined mission to find the elusive Greenland shark. But when her mother's obsession threatens to submerge them all, Julia finds herself on an adventure with dark depths and a lighthouse full of hope...A beautiful, lyrical, uplifting story about a mother, a daughter, and love - with timely themes of the importance of science and the environment.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Julien's Primer of Drug Action

by Claire D. Advokat Robert M. Julien Joseph E. Comaty

In its 40th anniversary edition, A Primer of Drug Action continues to evolve side by side with the field it covers, drawing on the expertise of its authors in medicine, basic science, and clinical science to offer the most current and comprehensive guide to psychopharmacology available.

Juliet Mitchell and the Lateral Axis: Twenty-first Century Psychoanalysis And Feminism (Critical Studies In Gender, Sexuality, And Culture Ser.)

by Robbie Duschinsky Susan Walker

This volume fills the gap in books dedicated to the ideas of ground-breaking theorist Juliet Mitchell. Essays from internationally renowned scholars address themes that cross-cut her oeuvre: equality, violence, collective movements, subjectivity, sexuality and power. Mitchell herself contributes a chapter and an afterward.

Jump-Starting Boys

by Cynthia Gill Pam Withers Dr John Duffy

Everyone knows that boys are falling behind in education. Largely left out of the discussion are parents of boys, who are most aware that their bright, eager sons hit an invisible wall somewhere near fourth grade, after which they become disengaged, discouraged, and disaffected. There are dozens of books on underachieving boys, but most parents brave enough to lift one off the shelf are instantly intimidated by the footnotes, graphs, case studies, and academic-speak addressed almost entirely to educators. What about the average guilt-ridden, frustrated mother or father of an underachieving boy? Jump-Starting Boys is the first book on the market that empowers parents, helping them reclaim the duties and rewards of raising their children and navigate the influences of school and media. Filled with reassurance and support, the authors turn fear and guilt into can-do confidence. Through easy tips and action list sidebars, this is the most practical, readable book on the topic.

Jump-Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Learner Find Success in School and Life

by Pam Withers

Everyone knows that boys are falling behind in education. Largely left out of the discussion are parents of boys, who are most aware that their bright, eager sons hit an invisible wall somewhere near fourth grade, after which they become disengaged, discouraged, and disaffected. There are dozens of books on underachieving boys, but most parents brave enough to lift one off the shelf are instantly intimidated by the footnotes, graphs, case studies, and academic-speak addressed almost entirely to educators. What about the average guilt-ridden, frustrated mother or father of an underachieving boy? Jump-Starting Boys is the first book on the market that empowers parents, helping them reclaim the duties and rewards of raising their children and navigate the influences of school and media. Filled with reassurance and support, the authors turn fear and guilt into can-do confidence. Through easy tips and action list sidebars, this is the most practical, readable book on the topic.

Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear and the End of the American Dream

by Sasha Abramsky

Why is an unarmed young black woman who knocks on a stranger's front door to ask for help after her car breaks down perceived to be so threatening that he shoots her dead? Why do we fear infrequent acts of terrorism more far more common acts of violence? Why does a disease like Ebola, which killed only a handful of Americans, provoke panic, whereas the flu--which kills tens of thousands each year--is dismissed with a yawn?Jumping at Shadows is Sasha Abramsky's searing account of America's most dangerous epidemic: irrational fear. Taking readers on a dramatic journey through a divided nation, where everything from immigration to disease, gun control to health care has become fodder for fearmongers and conspiracists, he delivers an eye-popping analysis of our misconceptions about risk and threats. What emerges is a shocking portrait of a political and cultural landscape that is, increasingly, defined by our worst fears and rampant anxieties.Ultimately, Abramsky shows that how we calculate risk and deal with fear can teach us a great deal about ourselves, exposing deeply ingrained strains of racism, classism, and xenophobia within our culture, as well as our growing susceptibility to the toxic messages of demagogues.

Junctures in Women's Leadership: Business

by Amanda Roberti Professor Lisa Hetfield Rosemary Ndubuizu Katie Mccollough Dana M. Britton Laura Lovin Crystal Bedley Stina Soderling Carolina Alonso Bejarano Grace Howard

How have women managed to break through the glass ceiling of the business world, and what management techniques do they employ once they ascend to the upper echelons of power? What difficult situations have these female business leaders faced, and what strategies have they used to resolve those challenges? Junctures in Women's Leadership: Business answers these questions by highlighting the professional accomplishments of twelve remarkable women and examining how they responded to critical leadership challenges. Some of the figures profiled in the book are household names, including lifestyle maven Martha Stewart, influential chef Alice Waters, and trailblazing African-American entrepreneur Madame C.J. Walker. Others have spent less time in the public eye, such as Johnson & Johnson executive JoAnn Heffernan Heisen, Verizon Senior Vice President Diane McCarthy, Wells Fargo technology leader Avid Modjtabai, Xerox CEO Ursula Burns, Spanx founder Sara Blakely, inventor Jane ni Dhulchaointigh, engineering firm President Roseline Marston, Calvert Investments President and CEO Barbara Krumsiek, and Merrill Lynch executive Subha Barry. These women, from diverse backgrounds, have played important roles in their respective corporations and many have worked to improve the climate for women in male-dominated industries. This is a book about women who are leading change in business. Their stories illuminate the ways women are using their power and positions--whether from the middle ranks or the top, whether from within companies or by creating their own companies. Each case study in Junctures in Women's Leadership: Business includes a compelling and instructive story of how a woman business leader handled a critical juncture or crisis in her career. Not only does the book offer an inspiring composite portrait of women succeeding in the business world, it also provides leadership lessons that will benefit readers regardless of gender.

June & Justin, Entre las Grietas #2

by P. D. Workman

Justin había cometido un error. Un gran error que cambia la vida. Ya le falló a junio una vez. Él no estuvo allí cuando ella lo necesitó y, gracias a él, sus vidas nunca volverán a ser las mismas. June lo es todo para Justin, y él debe serlo todo para ella. Debe proteger a June a toda costa. Justin está preparado para pasar el resto de su vida evitando que ella vuelva a lastimarse. Pero parece que siempre se están quedando atrás, apenas un paso por delante de las pesadillas. Siempre hay un peligro más, a la vuelta de la esquina.

Jung: Bullet Guides

by Robert Anderson

Open this book and you will Understand analytical psychology Explore Jungian thought Grasp essential concepts Explore the psyche

Jung: Teach Yourself

by Phil Goss

Jung: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear, jargon-free English and providing added-value features like summaries of key books, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam. The book uses a structure that mirrors the way Jung is taught on many university and counselling courses. Chapters include individuation and the archetypal power of the unconscious, Jung's early life, Jung's early career and key influences, Freud and Jung, the self and ego, the dark side, anima and animus, archetypes, typology, Jungian analysis, working with dreams, active imagination, developmental approaches, application of Jungian analysis to mental health needs, and Jung's legacy in culture, spirituality and therapy. 'A lucid and refreshingly innovative introduction to the complex thought of C.G. Jung' Paul Bishop, William Jacks Chair of Modern Languages, University of Glasgow 'A gold mine of knowledge in this eminently readable book that transcends the constraints of a set formula' Ann Casement, Licensed Psychoanalyst and Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute 'Of the many introductions to Jung's work, I find this one not only the most comprehensive but, importantly, very readable for the non-Jungian... It succinctly maps the remarkable contribution of Jung's distinctive approach to a wide number of subjects, principally psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy and the human condition' Steve Mitchell, Dramatherapist / Director Pathfinder Studio; former Course Director of Dramatherapy, Roehampton Institute, London Jung employs the 'Breakthrough Method' to help you advance quickly at any subject, whether you're studing for an exam or just for your own interst. The Breakthrough Method is designed to overcome typical problems you'll face as learn new concepts and skills. - Problem: "I find it difficult to remember what I've read."; Solution: this book includes end-of-chapter summaries and questions to test your understanding. - Problem: "Lots of introductory books turn out to cover totally different topics than my course."; Solution: this book is written by a university lecturer who understands what students are expected to know.

Jung: A Feminist Revision

by Susan Rowland

This book is designed for the new reader of Jung, for all those engaged with feminism and for researchers. Two chapters sketch the man, his life with women, and then carefully introduce all his important ideas. C. G. Jung loved the feminine all his life. The feminine is the pivotal fulcrum of both his work and his psyche. Yet Jung was certainly not a feminist in the sense of promoting women's participation in the world. This book not only introduces Jung to those who have never before encountered his ideas; it applies the full range of feminist research to remedy the neglect.

Jung: From analytical psychology and dreams to the collective unconscious and more (Teach Yourself Philosophy Ser.)

by Ruth Snowden

CARL JUNG MADE EASYJung - the Key Ideas is designed to quickly familiarize you with the revolutionary thinking of Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. Explaining Jung's complex ideas in simple terms, and backing it up with references to his own texts, you will learn all the essential concepts, from the collective unconscious to archetypes in dreams. You will learn about Jung's upbringing and the development of his thinking. Discover his early work and influences and how they came to shape his ideological and spiritual development. The intricacies of Jung's complex systems of thought are discussed in a straightforward and jargon-free way with particular focus on his lifelong fascination with the spiritual, the numinous, the inner world and the self-realization of the unconscious. Jung's exploration of mythology, dreams, visions and fantasies, as well as his studies into the journey of the psyche, are all explained, making often complex theories easy to get to grips with and the book also looks at his legacy and how his work and ideas have shaped psychology with many therapists still trained in the Jungian method.

Jung: From analytical psychology and dreams to the collective unconscious and more (TY Philosophy)

by Ruth Snowden

Jung - the Key Ideas will quickly familiarize you with the revolutionary thinking of this great man. It will teach you all the essential concepts, from the collective unconscious to archetypes in dreams. Expressing Jung's sometimes complex ideas in simple terms, and backed up with references to his own texts, this book gives you everything you need to know.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of Jung.FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

Jung: A Very Short Introduction

by Anthony Stevens

This is the most lucid and timely introduction to the thought of Carl Gustav Jung available to date. Though he was a prolific writer and an original thinker of vast erudition, Jung lacked a gift for clear exposition, and his ideas are less widely appreciated than they deserve to be. Now, in this extremely accessible introduction, Anthony Stevens--one of Britain's foremost Jungian analysts--clearly explains the basic concepts of Jungian psychology: the collective unconscious, complex, archetype, shadow, persona, anima, animus, and the individualization of the Self. A small masterpiece of insight and concision, this volume offers a clear portrait of one of the twentieth century's most important and controversial thinkers.

Jung: Selected And Introduced By Anthony Storr (Fontana Modern Masters Ser.)

by Anthony Storr

Carl Gustav Jung first wanted to be an archaeologist. When family finances made this impossible, he pursued a medical degree from Basel University. Considering a specialization in surgery, he stumbled upon a psychiatry book--an event that changed the course of his life and ultimately the whole field of depth psychology.Anthony Storr looks at these and other telling facts about Jung's life in the opening chapter of this highly acclaimed book. Though fundamentally concerned with Jung's ideas, Storr's approach shows his conviction that in the realm of dynamic psychology it is impossible to separate ideas from the personality of the man in whom they occurred. His clear and concise review of the whole corpus of Jung's writings always keeps in sight the man behind the work, as each subsequent chapter concentrates on a particular Jungian concept, guiding the reader through the life and ideas of this great thinker.Storr investigates the major principles of analytical psychology, presenting such central concepts as the collective unconscious, the archetypes, the shadow, and the persona. He looks at Jung's religious turmoil and his inner need to reconcile the opposition between objectivity and subjectivity. He shows how his ideas follow a progression from the intellectual agitation that characterized the young psychologist to the advanced theories of balance and integration found in the mature man. Storr concludes his book with a look at psychotherapy, describing advances as well as problems involved in a practical consideration of Jungian techniques.Perhaps the most remarkable element of Jung is its illumination of complex concepts--concepts that had they been easily accessible in the original would have caused a wider appreciation of Jung's work. The clarity and order that Storr brings to light in Jung's psychology will come as a welcome surprise to those who have found him an obscure if provocative thinker. Storr's sensitive analysis makes the book compelling reading for everyone interested in Jung, and his clear exposition provides a superior introduction for newcomers, allowing the genius of Jung to appear for the widest possible audience.First published in 1973, this classic study is now available again. The Routledge edition includes a brief preface in which the author describes his previous work on Jung as well as his meeting with the great Swiss thinker.

Jung and Christianity: The Challenge of Reconciliation

by Wallace B. Clift

A parish minister attempts to answer the challenge presented to Christianity in the last decade of Jung's life--to make the teachings real in this day and age, and offer true enlightenment of the soul.

Jung and Feminism: Liberating Archetypes (Psychology Revivals)

by Demaris S. Wehr

Jung, in contrast to Freud, has typically been considered more sympathetic to women largely because of his emphasis on the feminine as a way of being in the world and on the ‘anima’, the unconscious feminine aspect of male personality. Feminists, however, have viewed Jung’s whole notion of the ‘feminine’ with suspicion, seeing it as a projection of male psyche and not an authentic understanding of female humanity. For Demaris Wehr both feminism and Jungian psychology have been guiding forces, and in this book, originally published in 1988, she mediates between feminists and classical Jungians – two groups historically at odds. She faces squarely the male-centred assumptions of some Jungian concepts and challenges Jung’s claims for the universality and purely empirical basis of his work, but nevertheless maintains an appreciation for the value of Jung’s understanding of human nature and the process of individuation. By bringing the insights of feminist theology to bear on the seemingly unbridgeable gap between analytical psychology and feminism, she succeeds in reclaiming Jungian psychology as a freeing therapy for women and reveals it as the ultimately liberating vision its founder intended it to be.

Jung and Film: Post-Jungian Takes on the Moving Image

by Christopher Hauke; Ian Alister

Jung and Film brings together some of the best new writing from both sides of the Atlantic, introducing the use of Jungian ideas in film analyis. Illustrated with examinations of seminal films including Pulp Fiction, Blade Runner, and 2001 - A Space Odyssey, Chris Hauke and Ian Alister, along with an excellent array of contributors, look at how Jungian ideas can help us understand films and the genres to which they belong. The book also includes a glossary to help readers with Jungian terminology. Taking a fresh look at an ever-changing medium, Jung and Film is essential reading for academics and students of analytical psychology, as well as film, media and cultural studies.

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