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Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie für Bachelor

by Winfried Rief Matthias Berking

Dieser Band des zweibändigen Werks behandelt alle prüfungsrelevanten Themen zu Therapieverfahren - von klassischen Verfahren bis hin zu modernen Ansätzen wie CBASP sowie die Wirkfaktoren von Psychotherapie. Eine Randspalte enthält die wichtigsten Informationen. Fallbeispiele, Praxistipps, Definitionen, interessante Studien, Lernziele und Kontrollfragen ermöglichen abwechslungsreiches Lernen. Die begleitende Website bietet Lernmaterialien und Videos für Studierende, Foliensätze für Dozenten - und alle Kapitel als Hörbeiträge zum kostenlosen Download.

Klinische und psychologische Perspektiven des Foulspiels

by Stephen J. Morewitz

Dieses Buch untersucht ein breites Spektrum von Faktoren, die Einfluss darauf haben können, wie die Polizei das Fremdverschulden in möglichen Mordfällen und bei anderen möglichen Verbrechen feststellt. Es wird eine neue Theorie der Unsicherheit auf der Mikro-, Meso- und Makroebene entwickelt, um zu erklären, wie Juristen zu dieser Entscheidung gelangen. Insbesondere wird untersucht, inwieweit die Unsicherheit in diesen Situationen durch die Medienberichterstattung, den Druck der Familie und der Gemeinschaft, sozioökonomische Faktoren, demografische Elemente der Opfer sowie das Wissen und die Ressourcen der Polizei beeinflusst werden kann. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie forensische Fachleute die Strafverfolgungsbehörden in Fragen wie der Inszenierung von Tatorten zur Verschleierung des Vorsatzes, der Einleitung von Gemeinschaftsstrategien zur Suche nach vermissten Personen und der Zuverlässigkeit von Verhaltensprofilen beraten können. Die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Foul Play Project und dem Missing Persons Project werden herangezogen, um die Empfehlungen in diesem Buch zu untermauern und den Weg für weitere Forschungen in diesem Bereich zu weisen.

Klüger irren - Denkfallen vermeiden mit System

by Timm Grams

Kurz entschlossen — danebengehauen.... Vorher nachdenken, nachmessen oder kalkulieren wäre wohl besser gewesen! Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, Ihre Denkmechanismen zu erkunden und zu verbessern. Fehler und Zufall treiben den Fortschritt an. So entsteht das Neue. Wer es sehen will, braucht Wissen und die Fähigkeit, überraschende Beobachtungen richtig einzuordnen.Es ist jedoch kein Erfolgsrezept, die alten Fehler wieder und wieder zu machen. Lernen Sie aus Ihren Reinfällen und denjenigen der anderen.Weniges wird uns bewusst. Denkmechanismen wirken meist im Verborgenen, ungefragt und blitzschnell. Sie sind bewährt, manchmal aber auch verkehrt. Optische und kognitive Täuschungen, irreführende Statistiken, Paradoxien, Manipulationsversuche lauern überall. Viele Irrwege lassen sich durch den Einsatz von etwas Logik und Mathematik vermeiden.Lernen Sie, wie Sie Warnzeichen erkennen und richtig deuten können, wie weit das von Ihnen oft und meist unbewusst genutzte Indifferenzprinzip trägt, welche Rolle Analogien bei der Entstehung des Neuen spielen und wann Sie gefahrlos verallgemeinern dürfen.2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage.

Knack Dein Gehirn für Deinen Erfolg!

by Nevriye A. Yesil

Dieser Ratgeber erläutert verständlich und unterhaltsam, wie man sein Lebensziel erfolgreich erreichen kann. Er bietet Unterstützung dabei, das eigene Leben von psychischen Barrieren zu befreien. So entlarvt er Lebenslügen wie: „Ich bin nicht gut genug“ und motiviert dazu, die eigenen Ziele mit Entschlossenheit anzupacken sowie Gewohnheiten so anzupassen, dass sie den Zielen gerecht werden. Basierend auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen zeigt die Autorin auf, dass unser Gehirn in jedem Alter formbar ist. Sie ermutigt dazu, Ziele und Träume nicht länger zu vergraben, um mehr Selbstvertrauen und eine positivere Lebenshaltung zu gewinnen. Mit fundierten Beispielen und anhand von persönlichen Erfahrungen bietet sie Hilfestellung, damit das eigene Potenzial voll entfaltet werden kann.Zielgruppen: Alle, die ihre eigene geistige und körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit steigern möchten und ein erfolgreiches, gesundes und glückliches Leben anstreben. Junge Erwachsene, Studierende und Schüler werden von diesem Buch ganz besonders profitieren. Die Autorin: Nevriye Yesil ist 1976 in Hamburg geboren und studierte Psychologie in Tennessee und North Dakota. Sie arbeitet als Dozentin an der Lurleen B. Wallace Community College und unterrichtet Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie. Nevriye Yesil lebt mit ihrem Mann und zwei Kindern in Alabama.

Knigge für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dirk Gillmann

Sie haben eine gute Kinderstube genossen und empfinden dennoch in der ein oder anderen Situation Unsicherheit darüber, wie Sie sich korrekt verhalten sollen? "Knigge für Dummies" gibt eine Übersicht über die Welt der Höflichkeit und des guten Benehmens. Angefangen von den ursprünglichen Gedanken des Freiherrn von Knigge bis zu zeitgemäßen Umgangsformen bei Tisch liefert das Buch Bestätigungen und Ergänzungen Ihres Wissens.

Knight of the Holy Spirit: A study of William Lyon Mackenzie King

by Joy Esberey

This study of the personality of William Lyon Mackenzie King challenges the view that he led 'a double life. ' Through a blending of psycho-biography and political analysis, Joy Esberey shows how King 's personality traits influenced his political behaviour, and how his personal and public life were an integrated whole, neither contradictory nor unrelated. She explores the various traumas of his early family life, resulting in difficulties with autonomy and adequate occupational and sexual roles. She also discusses the dimensions of neurotic trends, including problems associated with his mother 's death, the significance of his religious beliefs and need for spiritualism, the cult of money, and obsessive-compulsive defence mechanisms. King was greatly concerned with the Tennysonian ideal of knightly conduct -- pure and heroic social leadership. This trait is defined in terms of relationships with women and with such men as Lord Tweedsmuir, Loring Christie, and Vincent Massey. His role as policy maker is considered in light of the assertion that consensus rather than compromise characterized his behaviour. This hypothesis is explored through a study of tariff policy and relations with Britain, and through the model of King as peacemaker and his visit to Hitler.Throughout the book, the author makes extensive use of King 's letters and diary, illuminating his personality and showing how, despite his quirks and oddities, he managed to keep himself in balance. This fresh view of King concludes with a brief description of consistencies and repetitions in his personal and political conduct in his declining years. Short Description - This study of the personality of William Lyon Mackenzie King challenges the view that he led 'a double life. ' Through a blending of psycho-biography and political analysis, Joy Esberey shows how King 's personality traits influenced his political behaviour, and how his personal and public life were an integrated whole, neither contradictory nor unrelated.

Knocking on Heaven’s Door: Six Minor Leaguers in Search of the Baseball Dream

by Marty Dobrow

The rich slice of Americana found in minor league baseball presents a contradictory culture. On the one hand, the minors are filled with wholesome, family-friendly entertainment-fluffy mascots, kitschy promotions, and earnest young men signing autographs for wide-eyed Little Leaguers. On the other, they comprise a world of cutthroat competition in which a teammate's failure or injury can be the cause of quiet celebration and 90 percent of all players never play a single inning in the major leagues. In Knocking on Heaven's Door, award-winning sportswriter Marty Dobrow examines this double-edged culture by chronicling the lives of six minor leaguers-Brad Baker, Doug Clark, Manny Delcarmen, Randy Ruiz, Matt Torra, and Charlie Zink-all struggling to make their way to "The Show." What links them together, aside from their common goal, is that they are all represented by the same team of agents-Jim and Lisa Masteralexis and their partner Steve McKelvey-whose own aspirations parallel those of the players they represent. The story begins during spring training in 2005 and ends in the fall of 2008, followed by a brief epilogue that updates each player's fortunes through the 2009 season. Along the way Dobrow offers a revealing, intimate look at life in minor league baseball: the relentless tedium of its itinerant routines and daily rituals; the lure of performance-enhancing drugs as a means of gaining a competitive edge; the role of agents in negotiating each player's failures as well as his successes; and the influence of wives, girlfriends, and family members who have invested in the dream.

Knot of the Soul: Madness, Psychoanalysis, Islam

by Stefania Pandolfo

Through a dual engagement with the unconscious in psychoanalysis and Islamic theological-medical reasoning, Stefania Pandolfo’s unsettling and innovative book reflects on the maladies of the soul at a time of tremendous global upheaval. Drawing on in-depth historical research and testimonies of contemporary patients and therapists in Morocco, Knot of the Soul offers both an ethnographic journey through madness and contemporary formations of despair and a philosophical and theological exploration of the vicissitudes of the soul. Knot of the Soul moves from the experience of psychosis in psychiatric hospitals, to the visionary torments of the soul in poor urban neighborhoods, to the melancholy and religious imaginary of undocumented migration, culminating in the liturgical stage of the Qur’anic cure. Demonstrating how contemporary Islamic cures for madness address some of the core preoccupations of the psychoanalytic approach, she reveals how a religious and ethical relation to the “ordeal” of madness might actually allow for spiritual transformation. This sophisticated and evocative work illuminates new dimensions of psychoanalysis and the ethical imagination while also sensitively examining the collective psychic strife that so many communities endure today.

Know Can Do!: Put Your Know-How into Action

by Dr. Ken Blanchard Paul J Meyer Dick Ruhe

Attempting to better themselves—learn new skills, break bad habits, realize their potential—people read books, attend seminars, take training courses. And companies pitch in too, spending billions of dollars every year on professional development programs aimed at helping their employees become more effective. But in spite of what people sincerely believe are their best efforts, all too often their behavior doesn’t change. The fact that it seems to be so hard to make new learning stick is an endless source of frustration for both individuals and organizations. For years Ken Blanchard has been troubled by the gap between what people know—all the good advice they’ve digested intellectually—and what they actually do. In this new book he and his coauthors, Paul J. Meyer and Dick Ruhe, use the fable format Blanchard made famous to lay out a straightforward method for learning more, learning better, and making sure you actually use what you learn. This engaging story identifies three key reasons people don’t make the leap from knowing to doing and then moves on to the solution. It teaches you how to avoid information overload by learning “less more, not more less.” You’ll find out how to adjust your brain’s filtering system to learn many, many times more than ever before, ignite your creativity and resourcefulness with Green Light Thinking, master what you’ve learned using spaced repetition, and more. At last, an answer to the question, “Why don’t I do what I know I should do?” Read this book and you will!

Know Justice Know Peace: A Transformative Journey of Social Justice, Anti-Racism, and Healing through the Power of the Enneagram

by Deborah Threadgill Egerton

A first-of-its-kind guide to social justice through the lens of the Enneagram--a popular personality typing system--that shows how people can use their particular type to work on issues such as antiracism and homophobia.Know Justice Know Peace is a unique guide told through the lens of the Enneagram that provides readers with a pathway to activating their authentic self so that they may participate in the healing all of humanity. Dr. Egerton will help the reader discover the indisputable fact of how deeply and intricately we are all connected.The reader is invited to explore their own personality archetype and to activate themselves as allies within a beloved community; a community that acknowledges that, while we come in many shades and colors, we are part of one human race. This book will serve all Enneagram practitioners regardless of race, religion, gender, or any "othering" category.Readers will explore: the cultural challenges of the social construct of race and the intersection of inner work through the nine different lenses of the Enneagram.their own meaning of "other" and allow it to surface in their consciousness, perhaps for the first timethe full concept of "other" and their early experience with differencestheir individual journey and the possibility of healing their own wounds and finding positive outcomes to help heal the worldKnow Justice Know Peace brilliantly illuminates how the inner work of each of the 9 Enneagram archetypes creates healing, elevates the consciousness, and aligns us as individuals with the heart of humanity in order to eliminate systemic racism. It provides the reader with a guide to activating their authentic self so that they may participate in the healing all of humanity.

Know Thyself: The Science of Self-Awareness

by Stephen M Fleming

Unlock the secrets to understanding yourself and others with the surprising science of the human mind's greatest power: introspection. &“Are you sure?&” Whether in a court room, a doctor&’s office, a gameshow&’s hot seat, or a student&’s desk, we are always trying to answer that question. Should we accept eyewitness testimony or a physician&’s diagnosis? Do we really want to risk it all on a final question? And what should we be studying in order to do as well as possible on a test? In short, how do we know what we and others know—or as importantly, don&’t know? As cognitive neuroscientist Stephen Fleming shows in Know Thyself, we do this with metacognition. Metacognition, or thinking about thinking, is the most important tool we have for understanding our own mind. Metacognition is an awesome power: It is what enables self-awareness as well as what lets us think about the minds of others. It is the ultimate human trait, and in its most rarefied forms is a power that neither other animals, nor our current artificial intelligences, have. Metacognition teaches us the limits of our own knowledge. Once we understand what it is and how it works, we can improve our performance and make better decisions. For example, on the SAT, it helps us gauge when we should skip a question rather than lose points getting an answer wrong. Know Thyself, like the metacognition itself, is equal parts scientific, philosophical, and practical. And that means, like Thinking, Fast and Slow and Predictably Irrational, it&’s that rarest of books: one that can both expand our minds and change our lives.

Know Thyself: The New Science of Self-Awareness

by Stephen M Fleming

From the ancient Greeks to Buddhism, our ability to check reality and recalibrate has fascinated philosophers for thousands of years. Yet it is only recently that we've developed the technology to create a rigorous science of self-awareness, what we call metacognition.Head of the Metacognition Lab at University College London, Stephen Fleming is the world's leading expert in this new field of neuroscience. In Know Thyself he explains both the vast potential of metacognition and why it is that we still so often get it wrong. Based on his own pioneering studies, full of cutting-edge research from computer science, psychology and evolutionary biology, made tangible with powerful real-life examples, Dr Fleming shows how developing metacognition can help us become smarter, make better decisions and lead more effectively.While AI has been posted as the remedy to human error, its flaw is its lack of self-awareness. In the way a coach can dramatically improve an athlete's performance or a conductor can guide an orchestra through a complicated piece of music, Know Thyself reveals how metacognition offers humanity a crucial edge in our modern world. It is one that might yet turn out to be our saving grace.

Know Your Mind: The Complete Family Reference Guide to Emotional Health

by Daniel Freeman Jason Freeman

This authoritative mental health guide includes an A-to-Z reference for common issues as well as tools for self-diagnosis and resources for seeking help.Know Your Mind is a comprehensive guide to common emotional and psychological issues. It is an essential resource for anyone seeking advice for themselves, a family member or friend. Co-written by one of the UK’s leading clinical psychologists, it draws on the best evidence-based clinical practice and the most up-to-date psychological research.This volume begins with a concise summary of proactive steps you can take to maintain your own mental health. It then covers a wide range of issues, from addiction, anxiety, and depression to eating disorders, hallucinations, memory problems, and mood swings.

Know Your Own Power: Inspiration, Motivation and Practical Tools For Life

by Dr Radha Modgil

You get to decide how your lessons are learned and how your story goes. That's the power you have.Life can be relentless, challenging and full of curveballs thrown at us at the worst times, but through these times life will open its hands and offer us the gift of finding out just how powerful we are. Dr Radha, a practising GP and media doctor, provides an inspiring toolbox of reflections and advice to help us reframe the bad stuff and difficulties we face, prevent overwhelm, and learn how to step into our power and trust ourselves, so we can overcome - and become more of who we truly are.Divided into 3 sections - Getting Through, Stepping Up and Moving Forward - Dr Radha takes us through the tough roadmap of life and along all the highs and lows to prove to us that the tools we need to make decisions and implement changes lie within our own hands. We deserve to be happy and we have something beautiful, strong and determined inside of us. We hold the power to get through a crisis, to step up to the challenge and to move forward and change things for the better. Let Dr Radha guide you on your journey to find balance, create healthy habits and build solid foundations to create the life that you were born to live.

Know Your Own Power: Inspiration, Motivation and Practical Tools For Life

by Dr Radha Modgil

You get to decide how your lessons are learned and how your story goes. That's the power you have.Life can be relentless, challenging and full of curveballs thrown at us at the worst times, but through these times life will open its hands and offer us the gift of finding out just how powerful we are. Dr Radha, a practising GP and media doctor, provides an inspiring toolbox of reflections and advice to help us reframe the bad stuff and difficulties we face, prevent overwhelm, and learn how to step into our power and trust ourselves, so we can overcome - and become more of who we truly are.Divided into 3 sections - Getting Through, Stepping Up and Moving Forward - Dr Radha takes us through the tough roadmap of life and along all the highs and lows to prove to us that the tools we need to make decisions and implement changes lie within our own hands. We deserve to be happy and we have something beautiful, strong and determined inside of us. We hold the power to get through a crisis, to step up to the challenge and to move forward and change things for the better. Let Dr Radha guide you on your journey to find balance, create healthy habits and build solid foundations to create the life that you were born to live.

Know Your Own Power: Inspiration, Motivation and Practical Tools For Life

by Dr Radha Modgil

You get to decide how your lessons are learned and how your story goes. That's the power you have.Life can be relentless, challenging and full of curveballs thrown at us at the worst times, but through these times life will open its hands and offer us the gift of finding out just how powerful we are. Dr Radha, a practising GP and media doctor, provides an inspiring toolbox of reflections and advice to help us reframe the bad stuff and difficulties we face, prevent overwhelm, and learn how to step into our power and trust ourselves, so we can overcome - and become more of who we truly are.Divided into 3 sections - Getting Through, Stepping Up and Moving Forward - Dr Radha takes us through the tough roadmap of life and along all the highs and lows to prove to us that the tools we need to make decisions and implement changes lie within our own hands. We deserve to be happy and we have something beautiful, strong and determined inside of us. We hold the power to get through a crisis, to step up to the challenge and to move forward and change things for the better. Let Dr Radha guide you on your journey to find balance, create healthy habits and build solid foundations to create the life that you were born to live.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Know Your Truth, Speak Your Truth, Live Your Truth

by Eileen R. Hannegan

Buffeted about by the demands and priorities of others, directed by the shoulds and shouldn'ts of society and religion, the true self and inner voice can be lost and silenced. In this inspirational self-help resource, counselor and consultant Eileen Hannagan provides a practical road map that leads readers back to the core of their true selves. Exercises & worsheets.

Know Your Worth: How to build your self-esteem, grow in confidence and worry less about what people think

by Anna Mathur

THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Anna's wise, uplifting and refreshingly honest words are what every woman needs to read right now' Fearne CottonYour worth never changed. Your awareness of it did.A strong understanding of self-worth is crucial to living an authentic and fulfilling life, yet so many of us have lost that sense of who we truly are and what we are worthy of. On the surface, this may look like low confidence, imposter syndrome, chronic busy-ness, exhaustion, overwhelm, fear or anxiety, but at the core, it's low self-worth.In her second book, Sunday Times bestselling author and psychotherapist Anna Mathur will set you on a journey towards greater self-worth. Anna will use her personal and professional insight to guide you to a place of balance that will allow you to recognise and appreciate your self-worth, build your self-esteem, grow in confidence and worry less about what other people think. Using Anna's own experience of embarking on this journey herself, and spending ten years facilitating her therapy clients to do the same, Know Your Worth will help you to understand why you feel the way you do, what perpetuates it and what the cost of low self-esteem has been for you. It will provide the coping mechanisms, habits and tips that will redirect your self-esteem on a healthy and fulfilling upward spiral and help you to escape the relentless desire to 'be better' and 'do more' with the realisation that perhaps you were actually far more acceptable than you first thought.

Know Your Worth: How to build your self-esteem, grow in confidence and worry less about what people think

by Anna Mathur

THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Anna's wise, uplifting and refreshingly honest words are what every woman needs to read right now' Fearne CottonYour worth never changed. Your awareness of it did.A strong understanding of self-worth is crucial to living an authentic and fulfilling life, yet so many of us have lost that sense of who we truly are and what we are worthy of. On the surface, this may look like low confidence, imposter syndrome, chronic busy-ness, exhaustion, overwhelm, fear or anxiety, but at the core, it's low self-worth.In her second book, Sunday Times bestselling author and psychotherapist Anna Mathur will set you on a journey towards greater self-worth. Anna will use her personal and professional insight to guide you to a place of balance that will allow you to recognise and appreciate your self-worth, build your self-esteem, grow in confidence and worry less about what other people think. Using Anna's own experience of embarking on this journey herself, and spending ten years facilitating her therapy clients to do the same, Know Your Worth will help you to understand why you feel the way you do, what perpetuates it and what the cost of low self-esteem has been for you. It will provide the coping mechanisms, habits and tips that will redirect your self-esteem on a healthy and fulfilling upward spiral and help you to escape the relentless desire to 'be better' and 'do more' with the realisation that perhaps you were actually far more acceptable than you first thought.

Knowing and Managing the Emotions of the Patient, the Family Caregiver and the Operator

by Laura Pedrinelli Carrara Mihaiela Corsatea

The book is a real handbook that helps the operator, the family caregiver and the sick person to understand their own emotional dynamics and the others’ and know how to manage them. The book includes five chapters: The first one deals with the knowledge of the emotional aspects in order to learn to understand the emotions of the others and recognize your own, starting from deepening your knowledge about the physiological and psychological aspects (inner experiences, conscious and unconscious, cognitive processing and changes of behavior) of your emotions. The second chapter focuses on understanding the emotional moods, in order to understand when you are getting angry, when you are happy or why you are feeling embarrassed, and which is the purpose of that emotion, even when it creates discomfort. In the third chapter there are specifically analyzed the emotions linked to the experiences of the patient, the family caregiver and the operator, while focusing on the physiological and psychological reactions. The fourth chapter assesses the unpleasant emotions, including the stages of grief, while being offered practical tips to manage them at the psycho-relational and psychological level. The fifth and final chapter contains a number of psychosomatic and Art-Therapy exercises for the release of emotions and for the emotional balancing. Through these exercises, the person will be helped to deal with stress and uncomfortable emotions.

Knowing and Not Knowing in Intimate Relationships

by Paul C. Rosenblatt Elizabeth Wieling

In the extensive literature on couples and intimacy, little has been written about knowing and not knowing as people experience and understand them. Based on intensive interviews with thirty-seven adults, this book shows that knowing and not knowing are central to couple relationships. They are entangled in love, sexual attraction, trust, commitment, caring, empathy, decision making, conflict, and many other aspects of couple life. Often the entanglement is paradoxical. For example, many interviewees revealed that they hungered to be known and yet kept secrets from their partner. Many described working hard at knowing their partner well, and yet there were also things about their partner and their partner's past that they wanted not to know. This book's qualitative, phenomenological approach builds on and adds to the largely quantitative social psychological, communications and family field literature to offer a new and accessible insight into the experience of intimacy.

Knowing Children: Experiments in Conversation and Cognition (Essays in Developmental Psychology)

by Michael Siegal

It has often been maintained that young children's knowledge is limited to perceptual appearances. In this "preoperational" stage of development, there are profound conceptual limitations in that they have little understanding of numerical and causal relations and are incapable of insight into the minds of others. Their apparent inability to perform well on traditional developmental measures has led researchers to accept a model of the young child as plagued by conceptual deficits. These ideas have had a major impact on educational programs. Many have accepted the view that the young are not ready for instruction and that their memory and understanding is vulnerable to distortion, especially in subjects such as mathematics and science. However, the second edition of this book provides further evidence that children's stage-like performance can frequently be reinterpreted in terms of a clash between the conversational worlds of adults and children. In many settings, children may not share an adult's well-meaning purpose or use of words in questioning. Under these conditions, they do not disclose the depth of their memory and understanding and may respond incorrectly even when they are certain of the right answer.In this light, a different model of development emerges with significant implications for instruction in educational, health, and legal settings. It attributes more competence to young children than is frequently recognized and reflects the position that development in evolutionarily important domains is guided by implicit constraints on learning. It proposes that attention to young children's conversational experience is a powerful means to illustrate what they know.

Knowing Feeling: Affect, Script, and Psychotherapy

by Donald L. Nathanson

Nathanson and his colleagues explore contemporary affect studies, focusing on the work of Silvan Tomkins, and examine their impact on the theory and practice of psychotherapy.

Knowing, Learning, and instruction: Essays in Honor of Robert Glaser (Psychology of Education and Instruction Series)

by Lauren B. Resnick

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC) at the University of Pittsburgh, these papers present the most current and innovative research on cognition and instruction. Knowing, Learning, and Instruction pays homage to Robert Glaser, founder of the LRDC, and includes debates and discussions about issues of fundamental importance to the cognitive science of instruction.

Knowing Mothers

by Wendy Hollway

How do women experience the identity changes involved in becoming mothers for the first time? Throughout in depth case examples, Wendy Hollway demonstrates how a different research methodology, underpinned by a psychoanalytically informed epistemology, can transform our understanding of the early foundations of maternal identity.

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