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Showing 24,751 through 24,775 of 53,588 results

Hygiene in der Arzneimittelproduktion: Sterile und nicht-sterile Arzneiformen

by Michael Rieth Norbert Krämer

Sichere und kontaminationsfreie Arzneimittel dank intelligenter Hygienekonzepte und Produktionsabläufe: Dieser neue Praxisleitfaden zu Grundlagen und Verfahren der hygienischen Pharmaproduktion deckt alle gängigen Arzneiformen ab. Von der Personalhygiene über die Herstellungsverfahren der verschiedenen Arzneiformen (fest und flüssig, steril und nicht-steril), von den verwendeten Medien und Hilfsstoffen bis hin zur Verpackung und zur Reinigung der Anlagen werden alle potenziellen Quellen von Kontaminationen unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Standards und Prüfverfahren beschrieben und erklärt. Fertigungsleiter und Qualitätsprüfer in der betrieblichen Praxis sowie Sachverständige in Prüf- und Regulierungsbehörden finden hier zahlreiche in der Praxis bewährte Annleitungen zur Optimierung und Gewährleistung einer hygienisch einwandfreien Produktion der unterschiedlichsten Arzneiformen.

Hygiene in Kindertagesstätten: Fragen und Antworten

by Sebastian Schulz-Stübner Ronald Giemulla

Das Werk beschreibt verständlich und auf dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Stand das aktuelle Wissen zur Vermeidung von Infektionskrankheiten in Kindertagesstätten. Es wendet sich v.a. an pädagogische Fachkräfte, wie Erzieherinnen und Erzieher, Auszubildende, Fachberater, Leitungen von Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder, aber auch an interessierte Eltern.Von den klassischen hygienischen Maßnahmen wie Händehygiene, Reinigung und Desinfektion, bis zu den Symptomen der wichtigsten Kinderkrankheiten, notwendige Maßnahmen in der Einrichtung, Therapie und Impfprävention werden übersichtlich dargestellt. Ausgewählte – für die Praxis relevante – Checklisten sowie die wichtigsten Regeln für die Erste Hilfe unter hygienischen Gesichtspunkten runden das Werk ab. Durch den Frage-Antwort-Aufbau der einzelnen Kapitel ist das Werk sowohl für die erste Auseinandersetzung mit hygienischen Themen als auch als Repetitorium für erfahrene Fachkräfte geeignet. Die 2. Auflage erscheint komplett aktualisiert und erweitert.

Hygiene-Reiniger im Haushalt: Sinnvoll oder schädlich? Der richtige Umgang und Einsatz

by Günter Kampf

Zahlreiche Hersteller bieten Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsmittel zum häuslichen Gebrauch an, oft mit der Angabe „entfernt 99,9% der Bakterien“.Doch welche desinfizierenden Wirkstoffe werden hier verwendet, um Bakterien, Viren und Pilze abzutöten? Wie wird diese Wirksamkeit bestimmt? Welchen Nutzen kann der Anwender erwarten? Und was sind die Folgen, wenn diese Wirkstoffe so niedrig konzentriert sind, dass weder Bakterien abgetötet noch in ihrer Vermehrung gehemmt werden?Dieser Ratgeber gibt die wissenschaftlich belegten und begründeten Antworten:Warum ist eine routinemäßige Anwendung von desinfizierenden Produkten in Privathaushalten nicht sinnvoll bzw. sogar schädlich.In welchen besonderen Situationen ist die Anwendung welcher desinfizierenden Produkte empfehlenswert bzw. dringend erforderlich.Welche Hygieneregeln sollten im Haushalt - Küche, Bad, Wäschewaschen - grundsätzlich beachtet werden.

Hygiene und Infektionsprävention in der Frauenarztpraxis

by Nico Tom Mutters Gerd Neumann

Niedergelassene Frauenärztinnen und Frauenärzte haben die Aufgabe ein Hygienemanagement für ihre Praxis zu etablieren, welches den gesetzlichen und normativen Regelungen entspricht, und so ihre Patienten und Mitarbeiter vor gesundheitlichen Schäden zu bewahren. Dieses Buch unterstützt dabei, im klinischen Alltag die Anforderungen umzusetzen und stellt insbesondere die hygienischen Grundlagen der Desinfektion, Reinigung, Sterilisation, Personalschutz, Abfallbeseitigung und Hygienemaßnahmen zur Infektionsprävention vor. Die Autoren gehen dabei gezielt auf die praktischen Erfordernisse in der Frauenarztpraxis ein. Aus dem Inhalt Infektionen in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe - Hygienische Relevanz für die FrauenarztpraxisAufbau eines Hygieneplans mit konkreten Festlegungen zu notwendigen HygienestrukturenMeldepflichtiger Nachweis von Krankheitserregern und KrankheitenUmgang mit infektiösen Patientinnen, gefährdeten Personenkreisen und deren Materialien

Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China

by Ruth Rogaski

Ruth Rogaski reveals how hygiene became a crucial element in the formulation of Chinese modernity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Rogaski focuses on multiple manifestations across time of a single Chinese concept, weisheng--which has been rendered into English as "hygiene," "sanitary," "health," or "public health"--as it emerged in the complex treaty-port environment of Tianjin.

Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice - How to Tell What's Real and What's Not

by Kristin Loberg Nina Shapiro

A straightforward appraisal of why health myths exist, dispelling many of them, and teaching readers how to navigate the labyrinth of health advice and the science and misinformation behind it.Hype is Dr. Nina Shapiro's engaging and informative look at the real science behind our most common beliefs and assumptions in the health sphere. There is a lot of misinformation thrown around these days, especially online. Headlines tell us to do this, not that—all in the name of living longer, better, thinner, younger. Dr. Shapiro wants to distinguish between the falsehoods and the evidence-backed truth. In her work at Harvard and UCLA, with more than twenty years of experience in both clinical and academic medicine, she helps patients make important health decisions every day. She's bringing those lessons to life here with a blend of personal storytelling and science to discuss her dramatic new definition of “a healthy life.”Hype covers everything from exercise to supplements, alternative medicine to vaccines, and medical testing to media coverage. Shapiro tackles popular misconceptions such as toxic sugar and the importance of drinking eight glasses of water a day. She provides simple solutions anyone can implement, such as drinking 2% milk instead of fat free and using SPF 30 sunscreen instead of SPF 100. This book is as much for single individuals in the prime of their lives as it is for parents with young children and the elderly.Never has there been a greater need for this reassuring, and scientifically backed reality check.

Hyper Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular Systems

by Tatsuo Arai Fumihito Arai Masayuki Yamato

Hyper Bio Assembler for Cellular Systems is the first book to present a new methodology for measuring and separating target cells at high speed and constructing 3D cellular systems in vitro. This book represents a valuable resource for biologists, biophysicists and robotic engineers, as well as researchers interested in this new frontier area, offering a better understanding of the measurement, separation, assembly, analysis and synthesis of complex biological tissue, and of the medical applications of these technologies. This book is the outcome of the new academic fields of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Japan.

Hyper-chondriac: One Man's Quest to Hurry Up and Calm Down

by Brian Frazer

Does your blood pressure surge if the car in front of you turns without signaling? Do your neck veins pulsate when a cashier takes too long to ring you up? Does relaxing seem like it'll have to wait until you're dead? Then your name could very well be Brian Frazer. On paper, Frazer is the world's healthiest guy. He eats right, exercises regularly, gets plenty of sleep, has never smoked and has missed only one day of flossing in the last five years. But inside he's a swirling vortex of angst, capable of contracting a new malady every month. Once Frazer realized that all his ills were tied to stress, he went on a quixotic quest for calm, venturing into everything from Tai Chi, serotonin blockers and Kabbalah to an unfortunate incident involving pineapple-chicken curry at a Craniosacral therapy session. Never has the road to wellville taken so many unforeseen turns. Achingly funny, uncomfortably true and always entertaining, Hyperchondriac is just the medicine for anyone who wants to take it down a notch.

The Hyper(in)visible Fat Woman

by Jeannine A. Gailey

In The Hyper(in)visible Fat Woman Gailey investigates the interface between fat women's perceptions of their bodies and of the social expectations and judgments placed on them. The book explores the phenomenon of 'hyper(in)visibility', the seemingly paradoxical social position of being paid exceptional attention while simultaneously being erased.

Hyperbare Oxygenation bei Wundheilungsstörungen: Therapeutisch nutzbare Effekte bei chronischen Wunden und klinische Datenlage (essentials)

by Dominik Maurer

In diesem essential erhält der Leser grundlegende Einblicke in die Wirkungsweise der hyperbaren Oxygenation (HBO) auf die verschiedenen Prozesse der Wundheilung. Der Einsatz der HBO bei chronischen Wunden wie dem diabetischen Fußsyndrom sowie strahleninduzierten Gewebsschäden ergibt sich vor allem aus der positiven Beeinflussung der Wundheilungsprozesse über Induktion von Gefäßneubildung und Kollagenisierung. Im Rahmen eines multimodalen Therapiekonzeptes kann die HBO so gezielt bei Wundheilungsstörungen eingesetzt werden, von denen immungeschwächte Personen mit Diabetes mellitus sowie Tumorpatienten unter Strahlentherapie häufig betroffen sind. Die hier vorliegende Auswertung der klinischen Datenlage der letzten beiden Jahrzehnte bestätigt die positiven HBO-Effekte beim diabetischen Fußsyndrom sowie den verschiedenen Formen der Strahlennekrose.

Hyperbare Oxygenation in der Infektiologie: Wirkmechanismen bei Infektionen und klinische Datenlage (essentials)

by Dominik Maurer

Dieses essential informiert über die aktuellen Erkenntnisse der Wirkmechanismen der hyperbaren Oxygenation (HBO) bei Weichteilinfektionen. Der Autor gibt eine Übersicht über die gegenwärtige klinische Datenlage zur HBO in der Infektiologie. Zentrale Wirkmechanismen der HBO sind dabei die direkten antibakteriellen Effekte hyperbaren Sauerstoffs, die Verbesserung der leukozytären Phagozytose sowie synergistische Effekte zwischen HBO und Antibiotika. Experimentelle und klinische Anwendungen der HBO in der Infektiologie umfassen neben nekrotisierenden Weichteilinfekten auch chronische Osteomyelitiden, opportunistische Pilzinfektionen sowie zerebrale Weichteilinfektionen. Klinisch resultieren aus dem HBO-Einsatz deutliche Verbesserungen der Mortalität und Morbidität der Patienten, obgleich noch nicht alle klinischen Resultate mit experimentellen Erkenntnissen zur HBO-Wirkung belegt werden können.

Hyperbare Oxygenation in Neurologie und Neurotraumatologie: Klinische und experimentelle Anwendung bei Schlaganfall und Schädelhirntrauma (essentials)

by Dominik Maurer

In diesem essential erhalt der Leser einen grundlegenden Einblick in die Anwendungsmoglichkeiten der hyperbaren Oxygenation bei der Behandlung des akuten ischamischen Insults sowie des Schadelhirntraumas aus experimenteller wie auch aus klinischer Sicht. In der Neurotraumatologie wird die hyperbare Oxygenation sowohl in der Akutphase nach Schadelhirntrauma als auch zur Behandlung chronischer Folgeschaden herangezogen. Der Hauptangriffspunkt der HBO liegt dabei in der Begrenzung des sekundaren Hirnschadens durch Inhibierung der neuronalen Apoptose. Es konnten experimentell jedoch auch neuroregenerative HBO-Effekte nachgewiesen werden. In der Behandlung neuro-psychiatrischer Folgeschaden nach Schadelhirntraumata zeigt sich eine deutliche Uberlegenheit einer HBO unter reduziertem Behandlungsdruck (low-pressure-HBO). "

Hyperbare Oxygenation und Tauchmedizin: Einführung in Geschichte, Physik, Wirkungsweise und Anwendung (essentials)

by Dominik Maurer

In diesem essential geht es um die physikalischen und physiologischen Grundlagen der Hyperbaren Oxygenation (HBO), einer sicheren und komplikationsarmen Therapieform zur Behandlung von Gasembolie und Dekompressionserkrankung. Primär bekannt in der Tauchmedizin haben sich aber im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte eine Reihe neuer Indikationen in der klinischen Medizin zur HBO etabliert, die hier beschrieben werden. Physikalisch geht bei der HBO auf der Basis der Gasgesetze ein Vielfaches der bei atmosphärischem Druck physikalisch im Blutplasma gelösten Sauerstoffmenge in Lösung über. Die HBO führt so zu funktionellen Veränderungen an Gefäßen, Blutzellen, Enzymen und Bakterien, sowie morphologischem Gewebsumbau durch Wachstumsförderung von Gefäßen, Bindegewebe und Nerven. Das heutige Verständnis der HBO, die technische Umsetzung und Durchführung sind Ergebnisse einer über Jahrhunderte laufenden Entwicklung und der Verdienst von Pionieren der Wissenschaft, vor allem auf den Gebieten der Physik und Medizin.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Principles and Applications

by Manoj Gupta Indumathi Somasundaram

This book covers the hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in current recommended indications, emphasizing the mechanisms involved in the benefits of supplemental oxygen under high pressure. The physiological changes associated with high pressure and hyperoxic conditions are discussed in initial chapters, along with their physical basis governed by the laws of gas followed by the functioning of hyperbaric chambers and the safety precautions needed in operating them. Utilization of HBOT in indications such as wound healing, severe anemia, and burn injuries is thoroughly explained, along with the recommended protocol for HBOT administration. The final chapters present the contraindications of HBOT and its promising effects on aging and regeneration.This book is helpful to HBOT practitioners in understanding its underlying mechanism and major applications.

Hyperbaric Oxygenation: Mitochondrial Activity and Brain Physiological Functions

by Avraham Mayevsky

Exposure of patients to a high oxygen environment is a standard treatment in a select group of patients. The development of oxygen toxicity must be avoided in those patients. This book describes the effects of normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen treatment of animal models on brain biochemical and physiological responses. This book provides a summary of our knowledge on the effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on mitochondrial activity in vivo, and other functions of the brain. A chapter covering the use of hyperbaric hyperoxia in patients’ brain pathology and care is also included. This is an ideal book for students, research groups, and clinicians studying hyperbaric oxygen and its connection to mitochondrial activity and brain physiological functions.

Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications

by Nariyoshi Shinomiya Yasufumi Asai

This book focuses on hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) therapy from the molecular biology perspective and its clinical applications, including molecular mechanisms of HBO’s positive effect on cellular function in hypoxic tissues.HBO is a therapeutic tool that enhances oxygen supply to hypoxic tissues and improves wound healing/tissue remodeling. Currently HBO therapy is applied to a wide range of clinical cases, which include not only acute hypoxic diseases but also many chronic and refractory diseases involving tissue hypoxia or intractable infection. HBO therapy is a well-recognized regimen for many researchers and clinicians. The first half of the book outlines basic molecular mechanisms of HBO and their potential applications for clinical activities, while the second half describes the rationale behind introducing HBO therapy into suitable clinical cases and presents successful clinical reports. It is primarily written for HBO clinicians, physiologists and basic research scientists, but is also of interest to clinicians who have an interest in this field considering introducing HBO therapy.

Hypercalcemia: Clinical Diagnosis and Management (Contemporary Endocrinology)

by Marcella Donovan Walker

While there are some books that include discussions of individual causes of hypercalcemia, there are none that provide basic guidance on the approach, diagnosis and treatment of hypercalcemia, while also offering an in-depth, detailed, state-of-the-art review of the individual causes by world-renowned experts in the field. Topics discussed include pathophysiology, differing diagnostic strategies for both the pediatric and adult patient, the various forms and causes of hypercalcemia as well as current treatment regimens and algorithms. Selected chapters are enhanced with illustrative cases, thereby complementing theoretical matter with real-world applications to the practice of medicine, and tables and figures allow the reader to solidify concepts in an easily digestible format. By integrating an evidence- and guideline-based framework along with an up-to-date, research-based summary of each cause, Hypercalcemia is relevant for expert clinicians and up-and-coming medical students alike.

Hyperhidrosis: A Complete Guide to Diagnosis and Management

by Paulo Kauffman Nelson Wolosker José Ribas Campos Marcelo De Loureiro

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis may sweat even when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest.Despite prevalence of at least 1% of the global population, Hyperhidrosis is still an unknown entity, for the most part -- an undertreated and even neglected medical condition. Moreover, there are few sources summarizing the knowledge on hyperhidrosis to a wider audience. The purpose of this book is to provide information regarding hyperhidrosis, ranging from basic information on pathophysiology to the most advanced therapeutic alternatives. From a therapeutic perspective, hyperhidrosis requires clinical treatment using topical and subdermal agents as well as surgical approaches. The book will not only cover these topics but will discuss all aspects of care -- from patient selection through post-surgical complications. Special attention will be given to sympathectomies. Medical and paramedical professionals, as well as students and researchers, interested in the topic will find the book comprehensive in scope and targeted in offering practical, clinical guidance. Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperhidrosis - A Complete Guide counts with the collaboration of most renowned specialists of this field, and is intended as an easy to read and very practical reference book.


by Giuseppe Sito

This book is designed to serve as a rapid reference onthe diagnosis and treatment of hyperhidrosis that will meet the needs ofplastic surgeons, dermatologists, and other practitioners. It offersup-to-date, step-by-step guidance on all the therapeutic options, with aspecial focus on the role of botulinum toxins and concise coverage of oralmedications, surgical procedures, and iontophoresis. In addition, helpfulinformation is provided on epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features,classification, management of complications of hyperhidrosis, and psychologicalcare. Important management strategies and maneuvers are also illustrated bymeans of color photos. The book will be an invaluable source of verifiedknowledge and clear advice for all clinicians responsible for the care ofpatients with hyperhidrosis.

Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders

by Joseph Jankovic Alberto Albanese

Hyperkinetic movement disorders comprise a range of diseases characterized by unwanted and uncontrollable, or poorly controllable, involuntary movements. The phenomenology of these disorders is quite variable encompassing chorea, tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, tics, other dyskinesias, jerks and shakes. Discerning the underlying condition can be very difficult given the range and variability of symptoms. But recognizing the phenomenology and understanding the pathophysiology are essential to ensure appropriate treatment.Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders provides a clinical pathway for effective diagnosis and management of these disorders. The stellar international cast of authors distils the evidence so you can apply it into your practice. The judicious use ofdiagnostic criteriaalgorithmsrating scalesmanagement guidelinesProvides a robust framework for clear patient management. Throughout the text, QR codes* provide smartphone access to case-study videos of hyperkinetic symptoms.Purchase includes an enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition.* This is an interactive digital version featuring:all text and images in fully searchable formintegrated videos of presentationsView a sample video: and note taking facilitiesbook markinglinking to additional referencesHyperkinetic Movement Disorders provides you with the essential visual and practical tools you need to effectively diagnose and treat your patients.*Full instructions for using QR codes and for downloading your digital Wiley DeskTop Edition are inside the book.

Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders

by Oksana Suchowersky Cynthia Comella

Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders is a state-of-the-art resource devoted to disorders characterized by excessive movement. Organized according to specific disorders or syndromes, each chapter is written by a group of internationally recognized experts. Chapters have been organized by the individual authors to best highlight the salient features of the disorders. Each chapter features a video accompaniment that provides highly instructive examples of each disorder, offering clinicians an important video-based tool to aid in making correct diagnoses. The video is on an accompanying DVD and can also be found at Without a visual evaluation of the phenomenology, diagnosis of the hyperkinetic disorder is fraught with error. Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders is a unique and essential new text written for neurologists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, internists, residents and all others interested in movement disorders. An invaluable resource, it will lead to a better understanding and recognition of the hyperkinetic movement disorders, and that, in turn, will lead to better care for patients.

Hyperlipidemia in Primary Care

by Matthew J. Sorrentino

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for men and women in this country, surpassing deaths due to all cancers combined. Better awareness of heart disease risk factors and improved treatment modalities has produced great progress in reducing deaths due to myocardial infarction and stroke over the past few decades. Still, more progress is needed, as about half of all first coronary events occur in individuals who have no cardiac symptoms and no previously diagnosed heart disease. The primary care physician, therefore, has an important role in identifying at risk individuals and beginning preventive modalities. In Hyperlipidemia in Primary Care: A Practical Guide to Risk Reduction, a group of leading authorities in the field offers a comprehensive overview of the problem along with practical strategies for treating it. This unique title reviews methods for assessing risk in patients, including an important and thorough discussion of the Framingham algorithm and its limitations and advantages in assessing CVD risk. The book also reviews the evolving world of lipidology and how to apply many of the newer lipid tests to patients in daily practice, putting these tests into proper perspective and offering a rational approach to using them in practice. Finally, treatment issues are covered. As treatment has expanded to more risk groups, a number of different guidelines have been published with recommended lipid goals. This is an evolving area of research with rapidly changing guidelines that are expanding the pool of high risk patients. An invaluable reference that offers a reasonable approach to risk assessment and treatment of individuals at increased cardiovascular risk, Hyperlipidemia in Primary Care: A Practical Guide to Risk Reduction provides the background needed to make scientifically based decisions that can ultimately help greatly reduce the number of patients impacted by cardiovascular disease.

Hyperlipidemia Management for Primary Care

by Brian V. Reamy

This book provides multifaceted strategies necessary to treat hyperlipidemia, as well as tips for incorporating techniques into clinical practice. In addition to discussing pharmacologic treatment, the book includes a review of popular diets and therapeutic foods, herbs, and vitamins. A section on evidence-based recommendations for treating special populations discusses approaches for elderly patients, women, elite athletes, and other populations with unique medical needs. Case studies illustrate the principles introduced in the book. The text is complete with screening tools for real world risk assessment.

Hypermobility in Medical Practice (In Clinical Practice)

by Neuseli Lamari Peter Beighton

This book provides a clear and concise guide to hypermobility in medicine and physiotherapy. Each chapter is written with a uniform style, including illustrations highlighting the clinical characteristics of manifestations related to hypermobility. Key topics are comprehensively covered throughout the book in the context of both medicine and physiotherapy. This book offers supportive information for practitioners who are seeking as single resource on the topic. Medical professionals, physiotherapists, physical educators, psychologists, nutritionists, occupational therapists, psychomotor therapists, and postgraduate students will find this book to be an essential guide in their daily clinical practice and research in the field.

Hypermobility of Joints

by Peter H. Beighton Rodney Grahame Howard Bird

Hypermobility of Joints 4th Edition follows the same format as its successful predecessors. The aim of which was to provide an overview of hyperlaxity of joints and this edition follows that aim by describing the most recent research and new developments in biochemistry, as well as providing practical advice on clinical features and management. Hypermobility of Joints 4th Edition provides illustrative case histories, a review of hypermobility in the performing arts and sports and an outline of heritable hypermobility syndromes. This book is a valuable reference tool for a wide number of specialties, although it will particularly be of interest to rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons and medical geneticists.

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