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Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

'Gems like this are too rare. I was hooked in ten pages.' Conn IgguldenGEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

GEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .(P)2009 ISIS Publishing Ltd

Zulu Frontiersman

by Major C. G. Dennison

It was said of George Dennison that he had seen more active service in southern Africa than any other living man. An eminent soldier cast from a colonial mould of bitter experience, rather than of a formal military education, he was also a frontiersman equal in standing to any legendary figure of the American West. His military career saw him rise from an uncouth trooper with the Bloemfontein Rangers to, fifty years later, a distinguished officer whose advice was sought by the likes of Lord Kitchener, Sir Garnet Wolseley and other British military names of fame. During this time Dennison encountered many foes, some he would have known as neighbours, or men who had lately been his comrades-in-arms. He fought against Afrikaners, Dutchmen, Voortrekkers and the Boers. His black foes were also diverse; the stealthy Xhosa of the eastern Cape; the battle-axe wielding Basutos from their lofty kingdom in the clouds; the Transvaal baPedi, the masters of fortification, and most impressive of all, the amaZulu warriors of King Cetshwayo. In Zulu Frontiersman, Dennison recounts his remarkable exploits in rich and lively prose. Originally published in 1904 in abridged form (under the title A Fight to the Finish) his memoirs have now been expertly reworked by Ron Lock and Peter Quantrill in order to reinstate some of the fascinating details missing from the earlier published account, including for example Dennison's involvement in and dramatic escape from the battle of Hlobane.

ZULU FOXTROT RELOADED: More Life And Death With Koevoet

by Jim

The terrorist was caught between our two Casspirs Mandume, kolomesho. kolomesho, fok links, verby hulle,' (left, left, fuck left drive past) I shouted down to Mandume and Mandume swung our Casspir to the left As Boats’ Casspir was about to pass ours he opened fire with his .50 Browning. A long burst erupted and the insurgent was blown to hell and gone by the rounds while their driver Abraham drove their Casspir straight over the insurgent. My only concern was who would be paid the kopgeld?' (bounty)" The third explosive account written in the same novelistic style as Zulu Zulu Golf and Zulu Zulu Foxtrot. More experiences with the deadly counter insurgency unit Koevoet during the Angolan Border War Zulu Foxtrot Reloaded covers Durand's last two of six years with the unit. Once again patrols. ambushes and contacts. situations of certain death. dealings with the enemy and relationships with Ovambo colleagues. Except now. what it was also like to be a killing machine in the heat of battle while becoming a loving husband and father and having to alternate life and mindset between surviving the murder and mayhem as well as family life. Told just how it was experienced without pulling any stops. Zulu Foxtrot Reloaded is just the way it was.

Zulu Battle Piece: Islandhlwana

by Sir Reginald Coupland

First published in 1948, renowned British Empire historian Coupland describes, with swift and vivid strokes, the situation between whites and blacks, the great military qualities and terrifying military tactics of the Zulu warriors and the characters of the Englishmen, soldiers and politicians, involved in the disaster. Having prepared the reader with consummate art and scholarship, he then sets the great action in that strange, eerie land, until the reader can truly feel that he has lived through it himself. The aftermath brings him to Rorke’s Drift and the gallant British stand that averted irretrievable disaster.A first-rate account of the battle.

Zuleikha: A Novel

by Guzel Yakhina

WINNER OF THE BIG BOOK AWARD, THE LEO TOLSTOY YASNAYA POLYANA AWARD AND THE BEST PROSE WORK OF THE YEAR AWARD A sweeping, multi-award winning novel set in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, as gangs of marauding soldiers terrorise and plunder the countryside. Zuleikha, the 'pitiful hen', is living in the home of her brutal husband and despotic mother-in-law in a small Tatar village. When her husband is executed by communist soldiers for hiding grain, she is arrested and sent into exile in Siberia. In the first gruelling winter, hundreds die of hunger, cold and exhaustion. Yet forced to survive in that harsh, desolate wilderness, she begins to build a new life for herself and discovers an inner strength she never knew she had. Exile is the making of Zuleikha.

Zukunft und Wissenschaft

by Reinhold Popp

Wissenschaftlich fundierte Zukunftsforschung findet insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum nur vereinzelt statt. In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gibt es insgesamt nur drei Hochschulen mit Professuren für Zukunftsforschung - dem steht jedoch eine wachsende Zahl von Unternehmensberatern und Trend-Gurus gegenüber, die sich selbst als Zukunftsforscher bezeichnen. Die Autoren des Sammelbands beschäftigen sich in ihren Beiträgen systematisch mit den bislang vernachlässigten wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Zukunftsforschung.


by Ronan Bennett

Zugwang: [del alemán Zug («movimiento») y Zwang («exigencia, obligación»)]. En ajedrez se emplea para describir una posición en que uno de los jugadores queda reducido a un estado de total impotencia: está obligado a mover, pero cualquier movimiento solo empeora su situación.San Petersburgo, 1914. El periodista O.V. Gulko es brutalmente asesinado al pie del puente Politseiski. Entonces, el psiquiatra Otto Spethmann recibe la visita de la policía. Un revolucionario relacionado con la muerte del periodista ha aparecido muerto, y entre sus ropas se ha hallado la tarjeta del doctor. De pronto, Otto Spethmann se ve implicado en un complot para asesinar al zar en el que están implicados miembros de su círculo más cercano. Desde ese momento, Spethmann estará en posición de Zugzwang.Una hermosa estudiante envuelta en actividades políticas radicales, una gran dama con un pasado doloroso y un presente sensual, un complejo detective de policía, un portentoso ajedrecista del shtetl, el líder de los bolcheviques, un siniestro plutócrata de derechas, agentes secretos y mafiosos bolcheviques compartirán el tablero.«Zugzwang es un thriller de primera, con reminiscencias de la potencia narrativa de Joseph Conrad y la inteligencia de género de Graham Greene.»San Francisco Chronicle

Zoya (Bestseller Oro Ser. #Vol. 245)

by Danielle Steel

La historia de una mujer singular que fue testigo y actor de los acontecimientos que sacudieron al mundo durante el siglo XX Tras la devastación de la Revolución rusa y la Primera Guerra Mundial, Zoya, la joven prima del zar, se ve obligada a huir de San Petersburgo y buscar refugio en París. Las adversidades que allí le sobrevienen terminan de convencerla de que su mundo ha cambiado para siempre. Logra unirse al ballet ruso de París, con cuyo salario mantiene a su indómita abuela y a sí misma. El amor le ofrece una tregua de felicidad cuando el apuesto capitán Clayton Andrews, cautivado por la joven aristócrata, se la lleva a Manhattan como su prometida. Sin embargo, ninguno de los dos imaginaba las penurias que deberán soportar durante los años de la Gran Depresión que asolan Norteamérica. A través de la historia de un siglo convulsionado y cambiante, Zoya representa una de esas mujeres luchadoras cuyo legado quedarápor siempre entre nosotros. La crítica ha dicho...«Genuinamente conmovedora.»People

Zoya: An epic, unputdownable read from the worldwide bestseller

by Danielle Steel

THE WORLD'S FAVOURITE STORYTELLERNEARLY ONE BILLION COPIES SOLD One woman's odyssey through a century of turmoil . . . St Petersburg: one famous night of violence in the October Revolution ends the lavish life of the Romanov court forever - shattering the dreams of young Countess Zoya Ossupov.Paris: under the shadow of the Great War, émigrés struggle for survival as taxi drivers, seamstresses and ballet dancers. Zoya flees there in poverty - and leaves in glory.America: a glittering world of flappers, fast cars and furs in the Roaring Twenties; a world of comfort and café society that would come crashing down without warning. An epic and romantic tale from one of the best-loved writers of all time. Perfect for fans of Penny Vincenzi, Lucinda Riley and Maeve BinchyPRAISE FOR DANIELLE STEEL:'Emotional and gripping . . . I was left in no doubt as to the reasons behind Steel's multi-million sales around the world' DAILY MAIL'Danielle Steel is undeniably an expert' NEW YORK TIMES


by Danielle Steel

Su mundo ha cambiado para siempre, y tras pasar por terribles momentos, logra unirse al ballet ruso en París, con cuyo salario mantiene a su indómita abuela y a sí misma. El amor aparece de nuevo cuando conoce al capitán Clayton Andrews, quien, cautivado por la joven aristócrata, se la lleva a Manhattan como su prometida. Sin embargo, ninguno de los dos imagina las penurias que deberán soportar durante los años de depresión que asolan Norteamérica. A través de la historia de un siglo convulsionado y cambiante, Zoya representa una de esas mujeres singulares cuyo legado quedará por siempre entre nosotros.

Zoutleeuw: Guida turistica della città e percorsi pedonali

by Kathleen Reinders

La città di Zoutleeuw ha un numero considerevole di edifici protetti e di paesaggi da sogno. Il centro città conserva ancora la sua strada medievale intorno al Kleine Gete, ma verso la fine del XIXesimo secolo si è esteso verso sud, il cosiddetto Stationswijk, con alcune belle ville. La maggior parte dei monumenti si trova nel centro città.

Zouave Theaters: Transnational Military Fashion and Performance

by Carol E. Harrison Thomas J. Brown

In this compelling new study, Carol E. Harrison and Thomas J. Brown chart the rise and fall of the Zouave uniform, the nineteenth century’s most important military fashion fad for men and women on both sides of the Atlantic. Originating in French colonial Algeria, the uniform was characterized by an open, collarless jacket, baggy trousers, and a fez. As Harrison and Brown demonstrate, the Zouaves embraced ethnic, racial, and gender crossing, liberating themselves from the strictures of bourgeois society. Some served as soldiers in Papal Rome, the United States, the British West Indies, and Brazil, while others acted in theatrical performances that combined drag and drill. Zouave Theaters analyzes the interaction of the stage and the military, and reveals that the Zouave persona influenced visual artists from painters and photographers to illustrators and filmmakers.

El zorro rojo: La vida de Santiago Carrillo

by Paul Preston

La biografía del líder comunista español Santiago Carrillo, figura fundamental del siglo XX El fallecimiento de Santiago Carrillo el 28 de octubre de 2012 puso fin a noventa y siete años vividos intensamente y en primera fila de la política. Hijo de Wenceslao Carrillo, dirigente socialista, su primer recuerdo era visitar a su padre en prisión. Aún adolescente participó en la huelga de 1934 y pasó por la cárcel, donde se radicalizó. Tras un viaje a Moscú logró unificar las juventudes del PSOE y del PCE en vísperas de la Guerra Civil, para a continuación unirse a los comunistas. Durante la guerra ocurrió uno de los episodios más oscuros de su vida, la matanza de presos rebeldes en Paracuellos, cuando era responsable de seguridad en Madrid. Tras la guerra permaneció treinta y ocho años exiliado, siempre en la dirección comunista, que ejerció con mano de hierro. Su giro hacia el eurocomunismo y su papel fundamental en la Transición aliviaron su figura. Paul Preston, el historiador más importante del siglo XX español, autor de las biografías definitivas de Franco y de Juan Carlos I, dedica su nuevo libro a uno de los personajes más fascinantes e inasibles de la historia reciente de nuestro país. La crítica ha dicho... « demoledor y controvertido retrato del principal líder de la oposición antifranquista arrancará sarpullidos.» El País


by Isabel Allende

A swashbuckling adventure story that reveals for the first time how Diego de la Vega became the masked man we all know so well "Until that moment Diego had not been conscious of his dual personality, one part Diego de la Vega, elegant, affected, hypochondriac, and the other part ElZorro, audacious, daring,playful." Born in southern California late in the eighteenth century, he is a child of two worlds. Diego de la Vega's father is an aristocratic Spanish military man turned landowner; his mother, a Shoshone -warrior. Diego learns from his maternal grandmother, White Owl, the ways of her tribe while receiving from his father lessons in the art of fencing and in cattle branding. It is here, during Diego's childhood, filled with mischief and adventure, that he witnesses the brutal injustices dealt Native Americans by European settlers and first feels the inner conflict of his heritage. At the age of sixteen, Diego is sent to Barcelona for a European education. In a country chafing under the corruption of Napoleonic rule, Diego follows the example of his celebrated fencing master and joins La Justicia, a secret underground resistance movement devoted to helping the powerless and the poor. With this tumultuous period as a backdrop, Diego falls in love, saves the persecuted, and confronts for the first time a great rival who emerges from the world of privilege. Between California and Barcelona, the New World and the Old, the persona of Zorro is formed, a great hero is born, and the legend begins. After many adventures-duels at dawn, fierce battles with pirates at sea, and impossible rescues-Diego de la Vega, a.k.a. Zorro, returns to America to reclaim the hacienda on which he was raised and to seek justice for all who cannot fight for it themselves.

Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means And How It Is Made

by William Zorach

As noted American sculptor William Zorach explains in this practical and inspirational guide, sculpture is a language, as are music and the spoken word. It is one of the great natural means of human expression. In teaching students to explore this valuable medium, he offers lucid, insightful coverage of such topics as form in art, proportions, anatomy, rhythm, design, and other essentials.Students will also find a wealth of practical guidance for building a figure in clay, casting in plaster and stone, wood carving and wood sculpture, stone carving and sculpture, handling stone, and more. Hundreds of drawings and photographs enhance the text, ranging from ancient Greek terra-cottas to 20th-century masterpieces by Lachaise, Maillol, Brancusi, Epstein, and other masters. There are also many helpful drawings and diagrams illuminating various steps and stages in the sculpting process.Brimming with the distilled artistic wisdom of a lifetime, this enormously informative work belongs not only at the fingertips of every sculptor or sculpture student but in the library of anyone interested in the artistic process and how an artist's vision becomes reality.-Print ed.

Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies & Simple Pleasures (American Palate)

by Frederick Douglass Opie

Explore the African American foodways of early 20th century Florida through the life, work, and recipes of a celebrated author and Sunshine State native. Author and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston did for Florida what William Faulkner did for Mississippi, providing insight into a state&’s history and culture through various styles of writing. In this book, historian Fred Opie explores food as a recurring theme in Hurston&’s life and work. Beginning with her childhood in Eatonville, Florida, and the foodways of her family, Opie goes on to explore Hurston&’s ethnographic recording of dishes and recipes as well as natural food remedies. In other chapters, Opie examines African American foodways across Florida, including the importance of poultry and the social and political aspects of barbecue. Through simple dishes and recipes, foods prepared for everyday meals as well as special occasions, Opie offers a unique view of both Hurston and the food traditions in early twentieth-century Florida.

Zoot-Suit Murders

by Thomas Sanchez

Like his lavishly praised novels Rabbit Boss and Mile Zero, Thomas Sanchez's Zoot-Suit Murders combines a tautly arched narrative with fiercely visual prose and a starkly revisionist view of the American melting pot.

Zoot Suit

by Kathy Peiss

ZOOT SUIT (n.): the ultimate in clothes. The only totally and truly American civilian suit.--Cab Calloway, The Hepster's Dictionary, 1944Before the fashion statements of hippies, punks, or hip-hop, there was the zoot suit, a striking urban look of the World War II era that captivated the imagination. Created by poor African American men and obscure tailors, the "drape shape" was embraced by Mexican American pachucos, working-class youth, entertainers, and swing dancers, yet condemned by the U.S. government as wasteful and unpatriotic in a time of war. The fashion became notorious when it appeared to trigger violence and disorder in Los Angeles in 1943--events forever known as the "zoot suit riot." In its wake, social scientists, psychiatrists, journalists, and politicians all tried to explain the riddle of the zoot suit, transforming it into a multifaceted symbol: to some, a sign of social deviance and psychological disturbance, to others, a gesture of resistance against racial prejudice and discrimination. As controversy swirled at home, young men in other places--French zazous, South African tsotsi, Trinidadian saga boys, and Russian stiliagi--made the American zoot suit their own.In Zoot Suit, historian Kathy Peiss explores this extreme fashion and its mysterious career during World War II and after, as it spread from Harlem across the United States and around the world. She traces the unfolding history of this style and its importance to the youth who adopted it as their uniform, and at the same time considers the way public figures, experts, political activists, and historians have interpreted it. This outré style was a turning point in the way we understand the meaning of clothing as an expression of social conditions and power relations. Zoot Suit offers a new perspective on youth culture and the politics of style, tracing the seam between fashion and social action.

Zoomies, Subs And Zeros

by Admiral Charles Lockwood Col. Hans Christian Adamson

The exploits of the Submarine Rescue League, which had the job of picking up American flyers shot down while attacking objectives in the Pacific.'In writing this book, the authors had a triple purpose.First, to write the superbly human history of the Submarine Lifeguard League while those who participated in its creation and in its splendid work are still among us to tell that story. It is a chapter of Naval and Air Force operations in the Pacific that richly deserves preservation.Second, to convey to submariners whose vessels took part in the saving of the lives of hundreds of Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps men an essential picture of the overall scope of their activities; as well as to give aviators whose lives were saved by submarines--and their families--a view of the far-flung operations established for snatching airmen from Japs as well as from death at sea.There remains one more reason for the writing of this book and, perhaps, it is, after all, the most important: namely, to impress upon those who have a voice in such matters at defense and Congressional levels that with new long-range planes and nuclear powered submarines, the lifesaving know-how acquired by submarine and air commanders through bitter and time-consuming experiences should be preserved for future generations of submariners and airmen.'-Author's Preface.

The Zoom: Drama at the Touch of a Lever (Techniques of the Moving Image)

by Nick Hall

From the queasy zooms in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo to the avant-garde mystery of Michael Snow’s Wavelength, from the excitement of televised baseball to the drama of the political convention, the zoom shot is instantly recognizable and highly controversial. In The Zoom, Nick Hall traces the century-spanning history of the zoom lens in American film and television. From late 1920s silent features to the psychedelic experiments of the 1960s and beyond, the book describes how inventors battled to provide film and television studios with practical zoom lenses, and how cinematographers clashed over the right ways to use the new zooms. Hall demonstrates how the zoom brought life and energy to cinema decades before the zoom boom of the 1970s and reveals how the zoom continues to play a vital and often overlooked role in the production of contemporary film and television.

Zoological Surrealism: The Nonhuman Cinema of Jean Painlevé

by James Leo Cahill

An archive-based, in-depth analysis of the surreal nature and science movies of the pioneering French filmmaker Jean PainlevéBefore Jacques-Yves Cousteau, there was Jean Painlevé, a pioneering French scientific and nature filmmaker with a Surrealist’s eye. Creator of more than two hundred films, his studies of strange animal worlds doubled as critical reimaginations of humanity. With an unerring eye for the uncanny and unexpected, Painlevé and his assistant Geneviève Hamon captured oneiric octopuses, metamorphic crustaceans, erotic seahorses, mythic vampire bats, and insatiable predatory insects. Zoological Surrealism draws from Painlevé’s early oeuvre to rethink the entangled histories of cinema, Surrealism, and scientific research in interwar France. Delving deeply into Painlevé’s archive, James Leo Cahill develops an account of “cinema’s Copernican vocation”—how it was used to forge new scientific discoveries while also displacing and critiquing anthropocentric viewpoints. From Painlevé’s engagements with Sergei Eisenstein, Georges Franju, and competing Surrealists to the historiographical dimensions of Jean Vigo’s concept of social cinema, Zoological Surrealism taps never-before-examined sources to offer a completely original perspective on a cutting-edge filmmaker. The first extensive English-language study of Painlevé’s early films and their contexts, it adds important new insight to our understanding of film while also contributing to contemporary investigations of the increasingly surreal landscapes of climate change and ecological emergency.

The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story (Thorndike Biography Ser. #0)

by Diane Ackerman

<P>The New York Times bestseller: a true story in which the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo saved hundreds of people from Nazi hands. After their zoo was bombed, Polish zookeepers Jan and Antonina Zabinski managed to save over three hundred people from the Nazis by hiding refugees in the empty animal cages. With animal names for these "guests," and human names for the animals, it's no wonder that the zoo's code name became "The House Under a Crazy Star." <P>Best-selling naturalist and acclaimed storyteller Diane Ackerman combines extensive research and an exuberant writing style to re-create this fascinating, true-life story--sharing Antonina's life as "the zookeeper's wife," while examining the disturbing obsessions at the core of Nazism. <P><b>Winner of the 2008 Orion Award.</b> <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story (Movie Tie-in Editions #0)

by Diane Ackerman

<P>The movie The Zookeeper’s Wife, based on the New York Times bestselling book, opens March 2017. <P>1939: the Germans have invaded Poland. The keepers of the Warsaw zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, survive the bombardment of the city, only to see the occupiers ruthlessly kill many of their animals. The Nazis then carry off the prized specimens to Berlin for their program to create the “purest” breeds, much as they saw themselves as the purest human race. Opposed to all the Nazis represented, the Zabinskis risked their lives by hiding Jews in the now-empty animal cages, saving as many as three hundred people from extermination. <P>Acclaimed, best-selling author Diane Ackerman, fascinated both by the Zabinskis’ courage and by Antonina’s incredible sensitivity to all living beings, tells a moving and dramatic story of the power of empathy and the strength of love. <P>A Focus Features release, it is directed by Niki Caro, written by Angela Workman.

The Zookeeper's Wife: An unforgettable true story, now a major film (Movie Tie-in Editions Ser. #0)

by Diane Ackerman

In war-torn Warsaw, a zookeeper and his wife refuse to surrender... Now a major motion picture starring Jessica Chastain and Daniel Brühl, Diane Ackerman's The Zookeeper's Wife is based on a remarkable true story of bravery and sanctuary during World War II. Perfect for fans of Lion and Hidden Figures. 'I can't imagine a better story or storyteller. The Zookeeper's Wife will touch every nerve you have' -Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Everything is Illuminated When Germany invades Poland, Luftwaffe bombers devastate Warsaw and the city's zoo along with it. With most of their animals killed, or stolen away to Berlin, zookeepers Jan and Antonina Zabinski begin smuggling Jews into the empty cages.As the war escalates Jan becomes increasingly involved in the anti-Nazi resistance. Ammunition is buried in the elephant enclosure and explosives stored in the animal hospital. Plans are prepared for what will become the Warsaw uprising. Through the ever-present fear of discovery, Antonina must keep her unusual household afloat, caring for both its human and animal inhabitants - otters, a badger, hyena pups, lynxes - as Europe crumbles around them.Written with the narrative drive and emotional punch of a novel, The Zookeeper's Wife is a remarkable true story. It shows us the human and personal impact of war - of life in the Warsaw Ghetto, of fighting in the anti-Nazi resistance. But more than anything it is a story of decency and sacrifice triumphing over terror and oppression. What readers are saying about The Zookeeper's Wife: 'Beautifully and sensitively written - a must read''An adventure that inspires''Both horrifying and endearing on a scale I've not experienced in years''A story that will haunt you forever''Haunting, life affirming, sad, and inspiring'

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