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Където всички мечти свършват: Scenes From Life In The Country (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie Ser. #115)

by Пиерлуджи Ди Козимо - Методи Миланов

Къде свършват всичките мечти и започва животът? Или къде свършва живота и започват мечтите? Това са въпросите, с които ще се сблъскаме следвайки приключението на Пиетро и Памела. Чрез страниците на разказът ще ги последваме в едно фантастично пътуване в пространството и времето, с обратен билет от онова място, за което всеки си е създал собствена представа в мислите си, във вярата си или в надеждата си, че нищо не свършва завинаги. Нашите страхове ще ни отведат там, където ще срещнем мечтите си и ще разберем, че за тях трябва да се грижим, да ги отглеждаме като малки деца. А двамата главни герои ще ни покажат как трябва трябва да ги съхраняваме, да ги пазим от превратностите на живота и съдбата, да ги отглеждаме и да се борим за реализирането им с цялата енергия, която черпим от тях. Това е нашето естество и мисия в живота: да реализираме мечтите си. Да престанем да вярваме в мечтите си и да не ги преследваме би ни предизвикало болка и оставило с шепа прах в ръцете. Само тогава, в този момент, всичко свършва и ние преставаме да живеем, свършва живота ни или поне загубва смисъл. Пиетро и

Всё на своём месте

by Вероника Иванова Giulia Dell'Uomo

Саре чуть больше двадцати лет, когда у неё обнаружен рак. Болезнь, перевернув всю её жизнь, все же даёт возможность вступить в игру, продолжать строить планы, бороться и любить. Желание Сары прожить свою жизнь настолько велико, что даже отношения с врачом, Роберто, вырываются из больничных стен в «настоящую» жизнь, где любовь и страх переплетаются в вихре эмоций. А прошедшее время выражается госпитализациями, бесконечными анализами, слезами, улыбками, осознанием того, что болезнь не хочет уходить, физическим и душевным перерождение девушки, который пришлось слишком быстро стать женщиной.

Proyecto Princesa

by Bianki -

Si eres Biankicorn, ¡este es el libro que estabas esperando! El reino de Tergim se ha quedado sin sucesora de la reina en un trágico evento que afectó a una gran parte de la población. Natasha Place siempre ha soñado con ser parte de la realeza y el Proyecto Princesa es su gran oportunidad de brillar, pero necesitará de todo el apoyo de su gemela Emily para conseguirlo. Acompaña a las gemelas Place en esta aventura hipercuki que será mucho más intensa y emocionante de lo que alcanzas a imaginar.

Χριστουγεννιάτικος πειρασμός: Regency Holiday Collection (Marsden Descendants Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Nτόουν Μπρόουερ

Ο Χριστουγεννιάτικος πειρασμός είναι μια ματιά σε κάθε ένα απο τα ζευγάρια του Νόβακ Σπρίνγκς βλέπουμε πως τα πάνε, όταν ο κάθε ένας βρίσκει το ταίρι του. Κάντε ένα ταξίδι μνήμης μαζί τους και δείτε τα πράγματα που τους αρέσουν - ιδιαίτερα τα Χριστούγεννα.

Coração Desafiado

by Tetsuya 古謝哲也

Introdução Este é um manga que retrata a autoconfiança e o amor de pessoas com deficiência mental. Desenhei com base em minhas próprias experiências. (Sinopse) O personagem principal • Nashiro Kazunori depois da graduação, e de encontrar um emprego, acabou sendo hospitalizado devido ao estresse no trabalho e por não se acostumar com as relação com os colegas de trabalho. Após sair do hospital, com a cooperação do pessoal que trabalhava ali, começou a fazer visitas ao “Jardim Gajyumaru”, uma escola de formação de pessoas com deficiência. No Jardim Gajyumaru há pessoas com deficiência física, intelectual e mental. Que se esforçam nos treinamentos visando trabalhar. Nashiro desde o primeiro dia de visita ao Jardim Gajyumaru, se apaixonou por uma menina de cadeira de rodas chamada Kawano. Nashiro dava apoio a seus amigos que se encontravam la, Enquanto incentivava-os, a buscarem a independência.

Un coeur mis au défi

by Tetsuya 古謝哲也

Ceci est un manga que j’ai dessiné sur le thème de l’autonomie et des passions d’une personne handicapée mentale. Il se base sur ma propre expérience. Kazunori Nashiro, le personnage principal, après avoir terminé le lycée, trouve un emploi mais doit être hospitalisé car le stress sur son lieu de travail et les relations avec les autres l’ont rendu malade. Une fois sorti, avec la collaboration du personnel du centre de soins de jour par lequel il est passé, Il commence à faire des visites régulières à l’institut de formation pour handicapés moteurs, le « Jardin des ficus ». Le « jardin des ficus » accueille des personnes souffrant de handicaps moteurs, intellectuels et mentaux qui font tout leur possible pour se former à un emploi. Dès le premier jour de ses visites, Nashiro tombe amoureux d’une jeune femme en fauteuil roulant. Nashiro et les collègues qu’il a rencontrés, tout en se soutenant et s’encourageant les uns les autres, veulent être autonomes.

The Beauty in the Peasant Family: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Miss、Z 19

When he accidentally reincarnated into a village, he could only gnaw on the bark of the tree to see how Qin Wuya would get rich and live a good life.

The Beauty in the Peasant Family: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Miss、Z 19

When he accidentally reincarnated into a village, he could only gnaw on the bark of the tree to see how Qin Wuya would get rich and live a good life.

The Beauty in the Peasant Family: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Miss、Z 19

When he accidentally reincarnated into a village, he could only gnaw on the bark of the tree to see how Qin Wuya would get rich and live a good life.

I Saw Her Standing There (Green Mountain Romance #3)

by 9780698163003

There's a budding romance on Butler Mountain, but in the hornets' nest known as the Abbott family, keeping a secret is no easy feat...Colton Abbott and Lucy Mulvaney have a secret.<P><P> Colton's nosy siblings have begun to put the pieces together, but it's not like Lucy to keep things from those closest to her--especially her best friend, Cameron, who recently moved to Vermont to live with her true love, Will. But Lucy isn't about to tell Cam she's having a fling...with Will's brother.Flitting between New York and Vermont is exhausting, so Lucy is looking forward to a long weekend with Colton at the Abbott family lake house in Burlington. <P>Too bad Will and Cameron have the same idea, and once Colton and Lucy are caught red-handed (and red-faced), will their clandestine romance lose its appeal or will their secret beginnings be the start of something lasting?Includes a bonus Green Mountain short story!

A caccia di Red

by Benedetta A. Aj Tipton

Il Capitano Red farà qualsiasi cosa per una damigella in pericolo—anche quando è un lupo travestito da pecora. In un magico regno lontano, vivono principi maledetti, donne guerriere e potenti magie. A caccia di Red è una rivisitazione viziosa di Cappuccetto Rosso dove gli eroi sono diventati eroine, e niente è come sembra. L’eroico Capitano Red Hardison sta camminando in un pericoloso bosco per far visita all’eccentrico nonno quando incontra una damigella in pericolo: la seducente Anya Rolf. Dopo essersi ritrovato nudo e derubato dalla bellissima truffatrice, scopre il vero obiettivo di Anya: il suo nonno benestante. Con il tempo ed un viaggio pericoloso che gli remano contro, riuscirà Cap a salvare il suo adorato nonno? Olivia Hunter è in missione di vendetta contro la donna che ha avvelenato suo padre. Olivia crede di aver finalmente trovato la chiave per fermare Anya: Cap. Si dovrà vendicarsi prima che Anya colpisca di nuovo, ma Cap ... è oggetto di distrazione. Questa storia matura include coraggiosi combattimenti di spade, tempestosi rapporti sessuali, ed una cattiva in cui vorrete affondare i denti. Questo libro AUTONOMO fa parte della serie “Favole Sexy di Cambio Genere” che si può leggere in ogni ordine. Non ci sono finali in sospeso, ed ognuno finisce come dovrebbe: per sempre felici e contenti.

Venganza Dorada (En los brazos de la Mafia. #1)

by E A

Después de perder al padre, el antiguo Pakhan, Dmitri Milanovic toma posesión de la Bratsva, la Hermandad Rusa, sin embargo existen personas que no están de acuerdo con esa decisión. Boris Kamanev considera que estar al frente de la mafia debería ser por méritos y no por herencia, pasando el poder de padre para hijo y hará todo lo posible para derrotar a Dmitri y ocupar su lugar. Kyara Smirnov perdió a sus padres cuando era niña y fue criada por la familia Kamanev. Su sueño es llegar a los veinte y un años e irse de la Bratsva, la cual no consideraba su mundo. Para uno, veía a la mafia como una extensión de sí mismo, para el otro, era un instrumento de opresión. Ella estaba en medio de una guerra que no deseaba. En medio de la lucha por el poder, surge el amor avasallador e inesperado que comienza a dictar las reglas.....para bien o para mal.

Tú, siempre, todavía

by Justin A. Reynolds

¿Cuál es el precio de vivir cada día como si fuera el último? Jack conoce a Kate en una fiesta y se enamora de ella al instante. Tiene la esperanza que esta vez las cosas le van a ir bien, pero antes siquiera de tener una oportunidad con Kate, ella muere de forma repentina. Y cuando Kate muere, la vida de Jack se reinicia. Vuelve una y otra vez a la fiesta en la que ambos se conocieron, seis meses atrás. Y, aunque Kate no se acuerda de nada, Jack sí.

All I Want for Christmas… Is No Christmas (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Colton Aalton

Alec Ryder's arrest in Aspen, early on the morning of December twenty-fifth, is the latest disaster in his series of unhappy Christmases. He's dreaded the holiday since being subjected to endless church services as a child. Being kicked out on Christmas Day after he came out to his parents, followed by an improbable series of yearly yuletide trips to the emergency room, haven't made his Christmases any merrier. But getting busted for prostitution is the worst catastrophe; it means Alec's dream of a college degree is gone, replaced by the specter of jail time. Just when Alec thinks things can't get worse, Hayden Adler shows up to interrogate him. Hayden is a glamorous attorney who also happens to be Alec's college roommate's cousin. Alec's had a crush on Hayden for years, but whatever miniscule chance Alec might've had is now history--just like the life he's been trying to build for himself. But things aren't quite what they seem. In a long line of miserable Christmases, Alec will never forget this one, although not for the reasons he suspects.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

I’m Coming

by Selma Lønning Aarø

In a society where we discuss sex openly, the most embarrassing secret is to admit that you can’t make “it” happen. I’m Coming is a hilarious and provocative novel about why women fake it.Ever since her sexual debut, Julie has faked orgasms. One day she decides she’s had enough and locks herself in the bedroom with food, baby oil, and Mr. Rabbit — a vibrator with a thirty-day orgasm guarantee. Lying in bed she reviews her sexual history: boyfriends, casual lovers, and, not least, the man she married. Meanwhile, her husband and their three children stomp around outside her bedroom, along with the sexually well-functioning Ukrainian au pair, all of them wondering why Julie isn’t coming. I’m Coming is a delectable comedy about society’s expectations of women and women’s expectations of themselves. Aarø writes deftly about sexuality, identity, and the media’s portrayal of what constitutes “normal.”

Real Life Erotic Encounters: Sexy Stories told by Lovers

by Adele Aaron

The purchase of this eBook includes an offer for a FREE INTIMACY GUIDE DVD from our series. Romantic, addictive, and freeing, these tales of sexual encounters will add sparks to your love life that will last forever. The sexually adventurous couples in these erotic stories are open-minded and non-judgmental about trying new things and finding new ways to please each other. Told by both men and women, these lovers discover what they want and how to get it. They will stimulate your imagination and create new dimensions in your relationship.

Bad Behavior

by Celia Aaron

They’re hot. They’re ruthless. They’re a**holes.These lawyers are winners in court and cocky in bed. They know what they want and how to get it. But even the most high-powered suit can be brought to his knees. From the author of Kicked and Blackwood comes the the BAD BITCH trilogy by Celia Aaron.Bad BitchThey call me the Bad Bitch. A lesser woman might get her panties in a twist over it, but me? I'm the one who does the twisting. Whether it's in the courtroom or in the bedroom, I've never let anyone - much less a man - get the upper hand.Except for that jerk attorney Lincoln Granade. He's dark, mysterious, smoking hot and sexy as hell. He's nothing but a bad, bad boy playing the part of an up and coming premiere attorney. I'm not worried about losing in a head to head battle with this guy. But he gets me all hot and bothered in a way no man has ever done before. I don't like a person being under my skin this much. It makes me want to let go of all control, makes me want to give in. This dangerous man makes me want to submit to him completely, again, and again, and again...HardassI cave in to no one. My hardass exterior is what makes me one of the hottest defense lawyers around. It's why I'm the perfect guy to defend the notorious Bayou Butcher serial killer - and why I'll come out on top.Except this new associate I've hired is unnaturally skilled at putting chinks in my well-constructed armor. Her brazen talk and fiery attitude make me want to take control of her and silence her - in ways that will keep both of us busy till dawn. She drives me absolutely 100% crazy, but I need her for this case. I need her in my bed. I need her to let loose the man within me who fights with rage and loves with scorching desire...Total D*ckI’m your classic skirt chaser. A womanizer. A total d*ck. My reputation is dirtier than a New Orleans street after a Mardi Gras parade. I take unwinnable cases and win them. Where people see defeat, I see a big fat paycheck. And when most men see rejection, it’s because the sexiest woman at the bar has already promised to go home with me.But Scarlett Carmichael is the one person I can’t seem to conquer. This too-cool former debutante has it all—class, attitude, and a body that begs to be worshiped. I’ve never worked with a person like her before—hell, I’ve never played nice with anyone before in my life, and I’m not about to start with her. This woman wasn’t meant to be played nicely with. It’s going to be dirty. It’s going to be hot. She’s about to spend a lot of time with the biggest d*ck in town. And she’s going to love every minute of it…


by Natalie Aaron Marla Schwartz

As a producer on a reality dating show, Abby Edwards knows that true love is a myth. Her career and her friends are all she needs. Right? When her screenwriter ex makes a hit movie based on their relationship, Abby's faults are projected on screens across the country. Suddenly the fact that her job depends on orchestrating hot tub hook-ups doesn't seem so impressive. Her friends rally to help. Zoë thinks she needs to meet a guy. Stephanie suggests an attitude adjustment. Nancy wants her to get in touch with her inner Goddess. Abby knows they mean well, but she prefers to focus on her work. Unfortunately, she's already embarrassed herself in front of her new boss, Will Harper, who she would find totally crush-worthy if he weren't so irritating. Abby's about to be reminded that life doesn't follow a script-and good things happen when you least expect it...97,000 words

Nerdy Little Secret

by Carrie Aarons

I’m sleeping with the nerd. The nice guy. The science geek who wears periodic table t-shirts around campus. <p><p> That’s my dirty little secret, but it began long before he unknowingly transferred to the same college I attend. We met at the summer camp I was mandated to work at, and our hush-hush affair started behind the kayak cabin and in the darkened canteen long after our respective campers went to sleep. <p><p> When Mick Barrett, rockstar name a complete red herring, enrolls at Salem Walsh University, we’re both shocked the first time we bump into each other. And he’s … surprisingly cold. With goals and secrets of his own, Mick is closed off and uninterested, something I’ve never encountered from the opposite sex. <p><p> My bruised ego has no time to recover, however, when he discovers the real secret I’m keeping, one that’s even more detrimental than our steamy summer fling. Agreeing to become my tutor, and help me save my future, the glasses-wearing swimmer, with the body of an Olympian under that punny math sweatshirt, begins to grow on me. Again. <p><p> Except we both have bigger things to focus on than sneaking around. Plus, we’re not made for each other. He’s aiming to be the next doctor of our generation, while I’m just hoping to survive my Saturday morning hangover. <p><p> Too bad our bodies, and hearts, start to believe otherwise. <p>Which has me questioning; can my dirty little secret become a happily ever after?

The Baby Promise (Home on the Ranch #1)

by Carolyne Aarsen

On leave from the army, Nick Colter heads to a quiet Alberta ranch to fulfill a promise. His buddy left behind a pregnant wife in need of protection and friendship that only Nick can provide. Despite years in combat, he isn't prepared for the battle to earn wary Beth Carruthers's trust. There is more than grief in her beautiful blue eyes, and caring for her becomes more than an act of duty. He wants to bring a smile to her face. . . ;and restore faith and love in her heart. Yet the secrets she harbors may destroy the one chance at family he thought he'd never find.

The Bachelor Baker (The Heart of Main Street #2)

by Carolyne Aarsen

An Unlikely Partnership Opening a business isn't a piece of cake-something Melissa Sweeney discovers when an anonymous benefactor brings her to Bygones, Kansas. She can't fulfill her longtime dream of starting up her own bakery without help. But with his traditional views of work and family, Brian Montclair is the unlikeliest candidate for the job. Even more surprising is the powerful attraction sprouting up between the rugged mechanic and his fiercely independent new boss. Brian's heart and soul belong to his hardworking community that is slowly coming back to life. Melissa wants to be part of that transformation...if she can make Brian believe they can be true partners in everything-including love. The Heart of Main Street: They're rebuilding the town one step-and heart-at a time.

Brought Together by Baby (Tiny Blessings #2)

by Carolyne Aarsen

To: Anne, Meg, PilarFrom: RachelRe: Updates on Mom, baby Gracie and the hunky doc!Well, Mom is making great strides in physical therapy, and taking care of Gracie is an unexpected joy. Because my adopted little sister was a preemie, she's had lots of checkups...and her green-eyed pediatrician is gorgeous! Each time we visit Eli Cavanaugh, he makes me want to embrace life, finally let my hair out of its almost-daily bun and dream a little. I have to tell you, being temporary mommy is making me long for a family of my own...with Eli!

Cattleman's Courtship & Cowboy Daddy

by Carolyne Aarsen

Carolyne Aarsen brings us two reader-favorite ranchers' stories about healing wounds and starting overCATTLEMAN'S COURTSHIPVeterinarian Cara Morrison is planning another walk down the aisle with her ex-fiancé--except she isn't the bride and rancher Nicholas Chapman isn't the groom. With their best friends' wedding looming, the last thing maid of honor Cara wants is to rekindle a romance with best man Nicholas. But when he needs her help with an illness that's descending on his herd, she discovers the sparks between her and Nicholas still burn bright.COWBOY DADDYRancher Kip Cosgrove promised his dying brother he'd take care of his motherless young twins. So when the boys' estranged aunt shows up on his doorstep with a will and the law on her side, Kip digs in his boot heels. Nicole Williams is wonderful with the boys, but Kip's their kin, too. And until legal issues are settled, she'll have to visit the twins at the ranch. And maybe...stay forever.

Close to Home

by Carolyne Aarsen

Jace Scholte used to be the town bad boy, a rebel who thought he had a cause. But when Jace fell for Dodie Westerveld, he changed and became a Christian. Instead of marrying him, though, Dodie ran away without a word, taking his heart with her. Now they're both back in town. But Dodie still won't talk about the past. When they're paired together on a fundraiser for a new crisis center, Jace is reminded of how much she meant to him. Helping Dodie trust him--and herself--will take all the faith she once helped him find.

Courting the Cowboy (Cowboys of Cedar Ridge)

by Carolyne Aarsen

Meeting the Cowboy's Family Looking for inspiration, artist Ella Langton rents a cabin in the isolated Porcupine Hills of Alberta. She didn't count on having neighbors, but rancher Cord Walsh and his three children are just a stone's throw away. Still healing from a tragic accident, Ella has no plans of reaching out, but she's having a hard time keeping them out of her yard...and her thoughts. And when little Suzy ropes Ella into helping her with an art project, she can't help her growing feelings for the girl's rugged daddy. With three persistent children, Cord and Ella may find their fenced-off hearts opening up sooner than they thought!

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