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Increase Your Influence In A Day For Dummies (In A Day For Dummies)

by Elizabeth Kuhnke

Many people want to gain trust or support in business and throughout life, but the true skill is doing so in a charming fashion! Whether you're convincing the boss about your much-deserved promotion or a busy restaurateur to offer a better table, the ability to influence those around you can help improve and increase your successes. Increase Your Influence In a Day For Dummies is a cut-down version of Persuasion & Influence For Dummies. It covers: Laying the groundwork for persuasion and influence Getting things done with the help of others Quietly creating big change Online content: 10 Sure fire ways to influence anyone

Mit Überzeugungskraft zum Erfolg für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Elizabeth Kuhnke

Viele Menschen wollen selbstsicher auftreten, überzeugen und sich durchsetzen - doch das allein reicht nicht. Die wahre Kunst ist es, dies glaubwürdig zu erreichen. Ob Sie Ihren Chef davon überzeugen wollen, dass Ihnen eine Beförderung zusteht, oder Sie als Führungskraft Vorgaben durchsetzen wollen, Überzeugungskraft verhilft Ihnen zum Erfolg. Neben dem Einsatz von Körpersprache und Schlüsselwörtern zeigt Elizabeth Kuhnke, wie Sie eine Verbindung zu Ihrem Gegenüber herstellen und dessen Interesse wecken und wie Sie die Persönlichkeit des anderen analysieren und entsprechend reagieren.

Persuasion and Influence For Dummies

by Elizabeth Kuhnke

Many people want to gain trust or support in business and throughout life, but the true skill is doing so in a charming fashion! Whether you're convincing the boss about your much-deserved promotion or a busy restaurateur to offer a better table, the power of persuasion can help improve and increase your successes.Elizabeth Kuhnke, author of the bestselling Body Language For Dummies, guides the reader through easy-to-implement techniques that can turn a timid person into someone bursting with self confidence and the ability to influence.Topics covered will include:The key elements in becoming more persuasive - body language, listening skills, using persuasive words and actions Finding a common ground and establishing a connection with your audience Capturing their attention and keeping them interested Putting yourself across convincingly Getting things done through others Identifying the type of person you're dealing with - and responding in an appropriate manner

Business Skills For Dummies Three e-book Bundle: Body Language For Dummies, Persuasion and Influence For Dummies and Confidence For Dummies

by Elizabeth Kuhnke Kate Burton Brinley Platts

Business Skills For Dummies eBook bundle is a collection of three full length books rolled into one convenient bundle giving you the skills to be a confident and assured player in the business world and beyond! Actions really do speak louder than words. If you are puzzled by other people or want to improve the impression you give, having an insight into body language is key. Body Language For Dummies body reveals what people really mean, and how you can use your body and your expressions to make a positive impact. Many people want to gain trust or support in business and throughout life, but the true skill is doing so in a charming fashion! Whether you're convincing the boss about your much-deserved promotion or a busy restaurateur to offer a better table, Persuasion and Influence For Dummies can help improve and increase your successes. Confidence For Dummies shows you how to understand confidence, and offers practical tips and techniques to build on your skills and improve your confidence in all areas of life.

Battlefield Emotions 1500-1800: Practices, Experience, Imagination (Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions)

by Erika Kuijpers Cornelis van der Haven

This book explores changes in emotional cultures of the early modern battlefield. Military action involves extraordinary modes of emotional experience and affective control of the soldier, and it evokes strong emotional reactions in society at large. While emotional experiences of actors and observers may differ radically, they can also be tightly connected through social interaction, cultural representations and mediatisation. The book integrates psychological, social and cultural perspectives on the battlefield, looking at emotional behaviour, expression and representation in a great variety of primary source material. In three steps it discusses the emotional practices in the army, the emotional experiences of the individual combatant and the emotions of the mediated battlefield in the visual arts.

Slaaptraining voor jongeren op basis van CGT en motiverende gespreksvoering: Mijn Slaap Plan (Kind en adolescent praktijkreeks)

by Marije Kuin Bianca Boyer

In dit boek wordt het protocol Slaaptraining voor jongeren uitgelegd. Het protocol is gebaseerd op cognitieve gedragstherapie (CGT) en motiverende gespreksvoering. Het boek is bedoeld voor hulpverleners die jongeren (12-19 jaar) behandelen met slaapproblemen, ook als er daarnaast sprake is van andere psychische problematiek. Slaapproblemen hebben invloed op het dagelijkse functioneren en kunnen psychische problemen veroorzaken of verergeren. Daarnaast kunnen slaapproblemen een belemmering zijn voor de behandeling en het herstel van andere psychische problemen. In Slaaptraining voor jongeren op basis van CGT en motiverende gespreksvoering geven de auteurs aan dat veel jongeren graag beter zouden willen slapen, maar het toch moeilijk vinden om hun slaapgedrag aan te passen. Daarom is motiverende gespreksvoering een belangrijk onderdeel van het protocol; om hun motivatie voor verandering te onderzoeken en - waar mogelijk - te vergroten. Jongeren kunnen tijdens de behandeling samen met hun hulpverlener aan de slag met het bijbehorende werkboek Mijn Slaap Plan.Slaaptraining voor jongeren op basis van CGT en motiverende gespreksvoering is geschreven door Marije Kuin en Bianca Boyer. Marije is GZ-psycholoog en cognitief gedragstherapeut bij Psychologenpraktijk Kuin, Bianca is GZ-psycholoog en cognitief gedragstherapeut bij Psychologenpraktijk Kuin en docent/onderzoeker bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Zelfbeeldtraining voor kinderen en adolescenten: COMET (Competitive Memory Training) (Kind en adolescent praktijkreeks)

by Marije Kuin Paulien Peters

In deze herziene versie van de therapeutenhandleiding wordt de interventie Zelfbeeldtraining voor kinderen en adolescenten -  Competitive Memory Training (COMET)  theoretisch en praktisch uitgelegd. Zelfbeeldtraining voor kinderen en adolescenten is gebaseerd op de cognitief-gedragstherapeutische methode Competitive Memory Training (COMET) van Kees Korrelboom. Deze methode is bij het NJI (Nederlands Jeugd Instituut) als theoretisch goed onderbouwd bestempeld. Deelnemers werken aan positief denken, voelen en doen door positieve gevoelens op te roepen. Via contraconditonering wordt dit positieve zelfgevoel geactiveerd op moeilijke momenten. In deze herziene versie wordt geen verschil meer gemaakt tussen een individuele variant en een groepsvariant. Er is één variant, welke zowel individueel als groepsgewijs te gebruiken is. Daarnaast kunnen behandelaar en cliënt elke sessie zelf kiezen welke oefeningen nuttig zijn om positief denken, voelen en doen te stimuleren. Na het lezen van deze handleiding kan de behandelaar aan de slag met de interventie. Deze is toepasbaar bij zelfbeeldproblematiek, welke aanwezig en/of ten grondslag kan liggen aan bijvoorbeeld stemmingsproblemen, gedragsstoornissen en angststoornissen. Hiermee kunnen psychologen, orthopedagogen of andere hulpverleners kinderen en adolescenten meer zelfvertrouwen geven. Het bijbehorende werkboek is geschreven voor kinderen en jongeren vanaf 8 jaar tot in de jong volwassenheid.

The Keys to the Jail (American Poets Continuum)

by Keetje Kuipers

The Keys to the Jail asks the question of who is to blame for all we’ve lost, calling us to reexamine the harsh words of failed love, the aging of a once-beautiful body, even our own voracious desires. Keetje Kuipers is a poet of daring leaps and unflinching observations, whose richly textured lyrics travel from Montana’s great wildernesses to the ocean-fogged streets of San Francisco as they search out the heart that’s lost its way.Dolores ParkIn the flattening California dusk,women gather under palms with their bagsof bottles and cans. The grass is featheredwith the trash of the day, paper napkinsblowing across the legs of those who stilldrown on a patchwork of blankets. Shirtlessin the phosphorescent gloom of streetlamps,they lie suspended. This is my one goodlife-watching the exchange of embraces,counting the faces assembled outsidethe ice-cream shop, sweet tinge of urine bythe bridge above the tracks, broken bike lockof the gay couple’s hands, desperate clappingof dark pigeons-who will take it from me?A former Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry, Keetje Kuipers's debut collection, Beautiful in the Mouth, won the A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize. She has been the Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Resident, and is currently an assistant professor at Auburn University.

7 Secrets of Highly Successful Kids

by Peter Kuitenbrouwer

7 Secrets of Highly Successful Kids contains the interviews which appeared in the bestselling 2001 edition, along with updates on where some of those kids are now. Find out if their secrets have helped them in the long run, or if their blueprints for success have changed over the past five years.

Reciprocity in Human Societies: From Ancient Times to the Modern Welfare State

by Antti Kujala Mirkka Danielsbacka

Presenting new insights into reciprocity, this book combines Marcel Mauss’s well-known gift theory with Barrington Moore’s idea of mutual obligations linking rulers and the ruled. Teasing out the interrelatedness of these approaches, Reciprocity in Human Societies suggests that evolutionary psychology reveals a human tendency for reciprocity and collaboration, not only in a mutually cooperative way but also through increasing retributive moral emotions. The book discusses various historical societies and the different models of the current welfare state—Nordic (social democratic), conservative, and liberal— and the repercussions of the neoliberal policies of tax havens, tax cuts, and austerity with a cross-disciplinary approach that bridges evolutionary psychology, sociology, and social anthropology with history.

Methods of Theoretical Psychology

by André Kukla

Theoretical psychology stands in the same relation to psychology as theoretical physics does to physics. The traditional way to study theoretical psychology is to take up one approach after another--behavioral, psychoanalytic, cognitive, and so on.

Social Biases During Covid 19: Managing the Anxiety of Uncertainty (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Wojciech Kulesza Dariusz Doliński

This open acess book focuses on a critical aspect of pandemic behavior, which is how important information is communicated. It examines how the press and other entities may bias the dissemination of this information, and what may be done to counteract this tendency. Covering theory and research in this area, the book applies these to practical considerations that may be utilized in times of health crisis. It lays the groundwork for understanding how irrationality becomes a factor. It explores the positive and negative aspects of illusion creating and provides tools for moving more quickly to resolution.

Festivals and Values: Music, Community Engagement and Organisational Symbolism (Culture in Policy Making: The Symbolic Universes of Social Action)

by Waldemar Kuligowski Marcin Poprawski

This is an original book, covering all the past areas of research anyone would need to know about festivals and ‘event-based culture’. It is based on academic research but written in a way relevant for cultural professionals – uniquely explaining the cultural power of festivals, and with original empirical research, the realities of organisation and management, and social and economic value. Dr Jonathan Vickery, Reader in Cultural Policy Studies and Director: Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies, Univeristy of Warwick.This book discusses music festivals in the context of the specific values they convey. Today, music festivals are a permanent feature of national, regional and local cultural policies, a valuable asset in the tourism industry and a significant source of income for an industry that has been adversely affected by the steady decline in physical sales of music. For the audience, on the other hand, it is an opportunity to escape from everyday life, multi-sensory contact with art, an activity that stands for “full-body participation”– a cultural phenomenon that drags people out of their homes like no other. There is one common denominator linking the above-mentioned features of contemporary music festivals – namely the world of values. This is evident from the non-accidental locations, festivals spaces’ design, planning and the line-ups created consciously, with great care. The organisers’ “missions”, logos, and other symbolic organisational artefacts communicate specific values. These values are explicitly mentioned by artists and audiences: they can be easily identified in online forums and media reports; participant behaviour, festival “rituals” and additional festival programs are shaped on the basis of values, and cooperation is built between the festival and the local community. As the reader will quickly realize, numbers and statistics sit alongside descriptions and quotations in this book, and the organisers’ statements are accompanied by the opinions of academics, but above all the festival audience is given a voice – both through quotations and their drawings. This voice is by no means uniform, as it turned out that research into values was often transformed into a pretext for spinning tales about one’s life situation, one’s political preferences, and one’s understanding of freedom and responsibility. Memories were mixed with declarations, joy with regret, curses with dreams, prose with poetry. Thomas Pettitt was not wrong in noting that “Social history has learnt to appreciate festival as a valuable window on society and its structures”. The authors have tried to open all the windows available. Students and researchers in the fields of cultural anthropology, social psychology, folklore studies, comparative religion, sociology of culture, cultural policy, cultural history, and cultural management will find this book highly interesting.

Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager

by Carol T. Kulik Elissa L. Perry

Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager gives every manager, regardless of their functional role, access to cutting-edge research and evidence-based recommendations so they can approach their people management responsibilities with confidence. Day-to-day people management is increasingly the responsibility of front-line managers, not HR professionals. But managers are often poorly prepared for these responsibilities; they receive little training (and sometimes have little interest!) in HR. People management is never easy, and it is particularly challenging in COVID-19’s "next normal" workplace, where managers must engage diverse employees across a wide range of working arrangements. This book focuses on the special relationship that line managers have with their employees and describes managers’ responsibilities across the entire employee lifecycle – from front-end recruiting and hiring through to long-term retention. The content is grounded in rigorous academic research, but the book’s conversational tone conveys basic principles without technical jargon. Each chapter includes Manager’s Checkpoints to help readers apply the material to their own workplace, and Manager’s Knots that address gray areas inherent in people management. The book is designed for any reader currently working as a line manager, or aspiring to a managerial role, who wants to improve their people management skills.

Trauma And The Vietnam War Generation: Report Of Findings From The National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study

by Richard A. Kulka

Surveys psychiatric disorders among Vietnam veterans.

Lesbians and Lesbianisms: A Post-Jungian Perspective

by Claudette Kulkarni

Claudette Kulkarni explores lesbian experience from a Jungian and feminist perspective, through interviews with women who see themselves as lesbians or who are in a lesbian relationship. Although a feminist treatment of the subject challenges the heterosexism of Jungian theory, the author presents a link between theory and experience that is consistent with both approaches. She concludes that when a woman finds herself loving another woman she is often responding to a profound psychological instinct to act, in spite of internal conflict or external opposition, and that this is a significant move in the service of personal and collective individuation and a movement toward achieving self-understanding

Biological Basis of Sex Differences in Psychopharmacology (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences #8)

by Jayashri Kulkarni Jo C. Neill

Sex matters! Are there differences between the sexes when it comes to brain function and the behaviours that result? This volume attempts to answer this fundamental question. If the answer is 'yes' then this should impact upon our approach to treating mental illness in humans, and to modelling it in animals, as we look for aetiological and pharmacological solutions.

On Becoming a Psychologist: Emerging identity in education (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation)

by Katrin Kullasepp

On Becoming a Psychologist explores the professional identity construction of psychology students, examining their entry into the psychology profession from a socio-cultural perspective. The book brings together socio-cultural approaches and Dialogical Self Theory to gain comprehensive insight into the developmental processes behind the formation of professional identity. It conceptualises the process of becoming a psychologist as an intrapersonally and interpersonally unique semiotic process of self-regulation that unfolds through dialogical relations with the individual’s socio-cultural surroundings. Building on empirical research, the book outlines the results of a longitudinal study of a cohort of psychology students throughout their studies and following their graduation. The study sheds light on how professional role expectations are negotiated between the different aspects of the self, with a particular focus on how the self is positioned throughout the course of professional education. Offering a unique perspective on the socio-cultural construction of professional identity, this book will be of great interest to scholars, researchers and graduate students in the fields of cultural psychology, applied psychology and social psychology.

Identity at the Borders and Between the Borders (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Katrin Kullasepp Giuseppina Marsico

Within the general framework of Cultural Psychology, this book provides different perspectives on the relationship between border and identity by experts from several disciplines (i.e. history, psychology, geography etc.). The book offers an “in- depth” comprehension of the intricacy of the border making process and how this affect the identity formation from a psychological, social and cultural point of views. The book takes a close look to some European countries as specimens to investigate the complex link between creation of national/ethnic identity and bordering process that evoke the more general question of the I-OTHER relation.This book provides an integrated insight into the complex phenomenon of borders and identity. The process of making and negotiating border and the identity formation on the border is analyzed as psychological, social, historical, and cultural phenomena.This Brief will be of interest to researchers and students as well as diplomats and administrative policy makers within the fields of political science, psychology, cultural psychology, and sociology.

Aunt Pearl

by Monica Kulling

Acclaimed author Monica Kulling brings sensitivity to this bittersweet portrayal of a loving family affected by homelessness, beautifully illustrated in Irene Luxbacher’s rich collage style. Aunt Pearl arrives one day pushing a shopping cart full of her worldly goods. Her sister Rose has invited her to come live with her family. Six-year-old Marta is happy to meet her aunt, who takes her out to look for treasure on garbage day, and who shows her camp group how to decorate a coffee table with bottle caps. But almost immediately, Pearl and Rose start to clash — over Pearl’s belongings crammed into the house, and over Rose’s household rules. As the weeks pass, Pearl grows quieter and more withdrawn, until, one morning, she is gone. Acclaimed author Monica Kulling brings sensitivity to this story about homelessness, family and love, beautifully illustrated in Irene Luxbacher’s rich collage style. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.6 Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.7 Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting)

Hunger for Connection: Finding Meaning in Eating Disorders

by Alitta Kullman

Who develops which eating disorder and why? When do eating disorders begin and what fuels them? In Hunger for Connection, psychoanalyst and eating-disorder specialist Alitta Kullman expands on the "body/mind" personality organization she calls the "perseverant personality," illustrating how food and thought are linked from infancy, and for some, can become the primary source of nurturance and thought-processing for a lifetime—leading to what we call an eating disorder. Writing in a highly accessible style, Kullman brings humor and gentleness to her interactions with patients, offering health professionals and mainstream readers alike an essential guide to understanding and/or working with cyclical eating disorders of all types. From psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and counsellors, to eating disorder specialists, researchers, and students, Hunger for Connection not only provides guidelines for therapists of varying theoretical orientations and levels of expertise, but help and hope to people suffering with eating disorders and those who care for and about them.


by Philip Kumanov Ashok Agarwal

Bringing together the latest knowledge on the growth and development of children and the most important abnormalities of puberty, this comprehensive text presents the current views on the pathogenesis, diagnostic possibilities and therapeutic options of the main deviations from the normal course of puberty (e. g. , precocious and delayed puberty). The chain of physical and hormonal changes in the transitional years is carefully followed, including the regulation of the hypothalamic pulse generator as well as the timing of puberty. Further topics include growth disturbances, adolescent varicocele, adolescent gynecomastia, polycystic ovary syndrome, pubertal acne, and the psychosocial development of adolescents with pubertal abnormalities. Written and edited by internationally noted experts, Puberty will be an excellent resource for pediatricians, endocrinologists, gynecologists, andrologists, urologists, family practitioners, child psychologists and public health specialists - all those who will be challenged in their everyday practice with the problems of puberty.

Articulating Childhood Trauma: In the Context of War, Sexual Abuse and Disability

by Kamayani Kumar

The volume addresses the pertinent need to examine childhood trauma revolving around themes of war, sexual abuse, and disability. Drawing narratives from spatial, temporal, and cultural contexts, the book analyses how conflict, abuse, domestic violence, contours of gender construction, and narratives of ableism affect a child’s transactions with society. While exploring complex manifestations of children’s experience of trauma, the volume seeks to understand the issues related to translatability/representation, of trauma bearing in mind the fact that children often lack the language to express their sense of loss. The book in its study of childhood trauma does a close exegesis of select literary pieces, drawings done by children, memoirs, and graphic narratives.Academicians and research scholars from the disciplines of childhood studies, trauma studies, resilience studies, visual studies, gender studies, cultural studies, disability studies, and film studies stand to benefit from this volume. The ideas that have been expressed in this volume will richly contribute towards further research and scholarship in this domain.

Fad Diets and Adolescents: A Guide for Clinicians, Educators, Coaches and Trainers

by Maya Michelle Kumar Alicia Dixon Docter

Fad diets have influenced our society for hundreds of years. While they are heterogeneous in nature, they make many of the same promises: weight loss, fat burning, muscle building, flatter stomachs, improved gut health, clearer skin, and protection of animal rights and the environment. Not only are fad diets usually ineffective, they are often highly restrictive and associated with significant health risks. Furthermore, the practice of fad dieting dramatically increases one’s risk of developing malnutrition and/or an eating disorder. Adolescence is a period of rapid physical and socioemotional growth during which young people become more vulnerable to poor body image and low self-esteem, which may make adolescents particularly likely to adopt fad diets. However, the nutritional risk incurred could result in serious and potentially permanent impairment of physical and psychosocial development. This book provides an overview of fad diets through the ages, highlighting what all fad diets have in common and how to recognize a fad diet. Readers will learn what science tells us about nutritional needs during adolescence for normal physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development, and the risks that may be incurred if a fad diet prevents an adolescent from meeting these needs. This book examines why adolescents may be particularly prone to fad dieting and why they may also have more to lose if they adopt them. Readers will explore factors that shape adolescent diet culture. This book makes specific recommendations for caring adults in the lives of adolescents, including interdisciplinary health care providers, teachers, coaches, trainers, parents and other caregivers, to steer adolescents away from fad diets and towards healthier alternatives for achieving their goals. The initial chapters are didactic chapters that outline core material. Subsequent chapters use illustrative case examples to teach the reader how to screen adolescents for fad dieting, listen to the concerns that attracted them to the diet, engage them in a discussion about their goals, and collaborate with them to find a healthier path. All chapters conclude with discussion questions for further reflection.

Cognitive Science: New Developments and Future Directions

by Ramesh Kumar Mishra

This volume provides an overview of cognitive science and critically assesses areas within the topic that are evolving rapidly. Using multidisciplinary studies and rich empirical literature, discussions, and demonstrations, this book: • Discusses the evolution of cognition with reference to material records and the use of brain imaging • Highlights emerging domains and novel themes within cognitive science such as transgender cognition, space cognition, cross-cultural cognition, futuristic artificial intelligence, social cognition and moral cognition • Reflects on the status of cognition research in these emerging areas and critically evaluates their current progress • Explores data both from behavioural and neuroimaging research literature, and sheds light on the potential effects of technological growth and changing habits on attention and cognitive abilities of humans • Examines the effects of religious and meditative practices on its core cognitive science components • Speculates research domains that would gain importance in the next few decades in cognitive science research Finding commonalities in theoretical frameworks and models in upcoming areas in cognition research, this comprehensive study will be of interest to students, researchers and teachers of cognitive psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical science and computer science. It will also be helpful for academicians, psychologists, neuroscientists, mental health professionals, medical professionals, counsellors and those looking for an alternate perspective on the topic.

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